The Historical Lore of Yoru | Valorant

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hey everybody jeff here and welcome to the amazing lore of your room today i'm uncovering all of the great lore stories we currently know about europe on the surface he is a cocky guy who doesn't really like many people but there is just so much more to his story that i'm showing you all today so as of right now we don't actually know yoru's real name we do know that he is a radiant and was born in the city of tokyo in the country japan we'll see later on that he may have some ties to ancestors that were samurai warriors but i'll talk about that a little bit later in the video for now all we need to know is that yoru grew up as an independent person who doesn't really like to rely on family or teammates he prefers to do things himself you're all obsessed with teamwork so i'll try it the justice once of course he is arrogant and gets irritated by people pretty easily but he doesn't just rush into a situation without meticulously thinking about it and planning it out he may have grown up near the map split split is the location of the kingdom's headquarters in tokyo japan he says this voice line when spawning in this neighborhood used to be so much better without this kingdom [ __ ] so it's kind of like cypher's situation too where the influence of the kingdom is very negative with the locals wherever kingdom goes if you're wondering what i'm talking about watch my cypher lore video anyways let's talk about the introduction of yoru into the valerian protocol so the earliest we ever see yoru is when he got word of the mere earth agents cipher viper and jet trying to steal radionite by detonating the spike on the map icebox but before i talk about that cinematic i want to go over a quick voice line noru says in there that opens up a whole insane theory that many people in the valerian community don't know about ah did you guys hear that this wasn't yours first time infiltrating the kingdom excavation site that is icebox he has been here before but why was he there well it's all to enhance his powers to an almost godlike status it was all for a mask of an ancient samurai warrior a mask that helps traverse multiple planes of reality the mask that yoru now uses to help him tear the rifts of our reality was stored at the icebox facility but this mask has more meaning than previously thought this mask might actually be tied to yoru's family tree it is believed to have originated from an ancient samurai warrior that may have had the ability to rift walk as well yoru has a strong belief that this samurai is actually his ancestor who were you ancestor where the hell did you go now i think i found where his ancestor went his armor and more specifically his mask was in kingdom's hands yoru must have found out about it let me show you what i mean okay okay guys so i brought us over here to the map ice box for some fantastic lore pieces of information that not many people know about so on a site over here on the map ice box before your came out in the game this area right here was completely in case no signs of infiltration or theft was here but ever since your kings and game riot updated this to show us a story this ancient samurai armor was stored here for probably quite some time and look we have here the glass encasing this armor is broken and the mask is missing this mask is very likely the same mask that yoru wears especially since this face right here really resembles a mask i think as well so i think that this is your ancestors ancient samurai armor the mask is gone and we can see that it appears to be a radiant trail leading out of this chamber and up into the sky i think that the mask was stored here all this time your found out and of course went and stole it and that would explain to us why yori knows icebox so well and told phoenix he knows about this facility because he broke in here to steal back his ancestors mask so it appears that yoru would like to adopt this sort of samurai mentality and way of battle as well to be quiet sneak up on the enemy and don't stop until your last breath don't stop fighting you must keep going even if you're the only one the same symbol on the armor i showed you earlier is likely the same one on the back of yoru's jacket which also looks like the powerful mask he wears to traverse planes of existence also this player card shows a mirror image of yoru on the left and either a samurai version of himself or what's more likely is his samurai ancestor also with this player card which is titled unmasked lineage we see yoru at the top but very very faintly to the left of him we can see the rift mask once again this mask belongs to euro and i do believe that he will be able to somehow communicate to his ancestor again okay guys back to the retake cinematic now we know why yoru already has experience with infiltrating icebox well he uses the benefit of that knowledge to sneak up on the sniping cipher by tearing a rift into reality and promptly taking him out phoenix manages to take out viper when yoru has to make a tough decision [Music] i told you bro leave it to the bus whoa what the hell was that for i told you you'd get shot not by you well she shot first first so you did shoot me you really gonna [Music] they continue on bantering because phoenix has no idea what just happened see what i mean guys when i say how calm and calculated yoru can be when in battle he just had a feeling and knew that jet was recovering from her wounds behind phoenix he predicted the split second phoenix would activate his ultimate radiant ability just as jet shot him in the back that way yoru's bullet would barely miss phoenix travel through the remains of his fire and hit the mirror jet agent behind phoenix that's just so freaking badass guys also real quick guys does that mean that the mirror jet viper and cipher are actually dead in valorance lore because we know that these cinematics are true to valerian's story so does that mean they're dead i don't know they look pretty dead to me well what do you guys think well now that the valor protocol saved another kingdom location from mirror earth they decided to recruit your for his efforts in the mission again guys yoru is a cocky guy who doesn't like teamwork and frankly thinks most of the agents on the protocol are well annoying i mean just listen to these voice lines it's impressive what bridge can do when he shuts up for a second who lets that old man out of the nursing home that cipher thinks he sees everything i go invisible idiot come get me hey flower girl i found some leaves do you want them i've got enough thanks but call me flower girl again i'll break your nose i could go on and on but you guys get the point he isn't the best team player as what we heard already but that doesn't mean he isn't willing to work on a team if it is required for the mission ultimately he wants to protect our earth as i'm sure he wants to protect his ancient heritages that are here he often talks about the mirror agents from mirror earth as nothing more than minnows to him and that they suck they're stupid and definitely not capable of killing him how did every piece of trash end up on the same team should i shoot them in the face or stab them in the back i'll decide later anyone else think they can kill a god it's my earth now get out sorry this was taken but there are times where goru actually enjoys company even if he doesn't always show it some agents he actually gets along with and likes is phoenix well albeit they're like kind of like brothers like always arguing all the time he also likes omen sometimes killjoy and jet it seems that science [ __ ] has some use after all killjoy almond let's teleport and spook those guys that was good omen smile okay phoenix don't be upset when you get less kills than me rainer i'll take one side if you take the other they'll be dead in five seconds now there is an interesting voice line when yoru and jet are near each other he seems to take an interest in her knives and even asked what brand they are made of well brand are your knives chet they're not mammoth sagretto maybe i need one for my collection i don't know man i don't think jet is giving up any of her knives any time bro so before researching for this video i thought that yoru was going to be a kinda uninteresting person who was mainly just a jerk but i hope you guys are thinking the same way i am now that yoru is actually a super cool and badass character that i'm happy is on the valerian protocol i think the main reason why he portrays himself the way he does is because he doesn't really want to appear weak maybe it's the way he grew up or the samurai code he's trying to follow now but perhaps he associates emotion as weakness and that's why he honestly comes off as a dick sometimes never show weakness ever well guys i hope you enjoyed this awesome video i had a ton of fun learning about your i hope you guys did too well make sure to leave a like and subscribe notifications if you're new now with all that being said chippy out
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 238,998
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Keywords: valorant lore, valorant story, valorant agent lore, valorant highlights, valorant storyline, valorant lore story, valorant lore explained, lore valorant, valorant character lore, complete valorant lore, sir jeppy, valorant yoru, yoru story, yoru lore, complete valorant story, yoru storyline, valorant new agent, valorant best moments, valorant yoru lore, valorant yoru story, agent yoru, valorant agents, The Historical Lore of Yoru | Valorant, valorant agent, valorant
Id: 4vbbaQZVc4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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