Anno 1800 The High Life DLC - How It Works

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[Music] if you would like to find out why my haircut is like this go to my channel and watch my last upload in this video you can expect to learn how this dlc works what it includes and how it'll impact you as a player and lastly i'll share my thoughts on it once i've explained how this all works with that said let's get started [Music] so as you can see here we are in the high life dlc in anno 1800 i have got some high-rise towers being developed here so here on my island we have only investors this is investor land and this is a normal investor household right here but as you can see i've started to climb upward in height especially as i go this direction this dlc is really really late game this is not going to be something you can use as part of your season pass until you've reached investors and you've maxed out 50 out of 50. this is for those people who want to absolutely destroy this game that's what this dlc is all about at that point you can press upgrade so you don't upgrade your residence anymore you upgrade your skyscraper you can also do this for engineers as well but here on my island i only have investors so i wasn't able to do that but you'll see on this one right here i have upgraded to a level one skyscraper as you can see here and once you do a level one it requires you to build what's called a department store that is if you want to get to level two on skyscraper if you see i have now 75 population on that house rather than 50. so as you can see right here i've built myself a department store when you build this department store has to be within range of the skyscraper for that need to be fulfilled kind of like a marketplace now this department store it requires a couple different things so let's take a look at that so here are going to be your basic construction costs and it is going to require electricity in order to run and then you just place it down where you would like and there's mine right there and this aspect is very similar to how the tourist season dlc works so if you guys want to check out that video i'll link it in the description below i do a breakdown on how that one works as well essentially you choose a product that you want to sell in your department store in order for it to work so the toaster which is the first basic one you unlock needs zinc filaments and steel and once you fulfill this need it's gonna give you plus two happiness plus five percent income and reduce needs on jewelry and light bulbs by 10 and 15 and as you look at these other ones like the vacuum cleaner there are different needs that get reduced and different benefits you get from doing those things now one thing i almost forgot to mention is you're gonna need what's called elevators the elevators are a new resource that are required in order to build a skyscraper and so just to keep things really simple so that way it doesn't get too complicated you're going to see a lot of stuff right here really if you're at this point in the game all you really got to do is maybe get some wood veneers you should already have steam motors by that point and you should have these steel bars so really all i had to build was some of this with these wood veneers and then i was able to build the elevator manufacturing you're actually building a building called an assembly line this is important unlike normal buildings again i don't want to get too technical here so you choose this building right place it down and it's going to start building you elevators now if for some reason you built too many of these there's actually a benefit of keeping it because if you look parts catalog open this up and assuming you have these things unlocked you can actually start building these future needs you're going to need as your skyscraper gets higher so your assembly line can be shifted this building is multi-purpose you can essentially build elevators in it instead of shutting one down or deleting it i can just click right here and select this product and now we're making biscuits instead of course you need the ingredients to make the biscuits but essentially that's how it works it's really really cool for that so once you have five elevators you can go to level one skyscraper so on and so forth and just read the needs as each skyscraper level comes and i can't quite remember i think when you're first getting to level two i think you need to have 15 level one skyscrapers which are these buildings that are right about here on level and if it's not the case then it's going to be 15 going up to level 2. as you increase in level it's gonna say that i need 15 level four skyscrapers before i can proceed to level five and i believe that starts happening at level two or three but once you fill the need and you have 75 residents then you can build up to the next level now i've built my skyscrapers like this intentionally and it's not a design choice so as you can see i've got level one two three and level four here this is where the panorama aspect comes into play and this is very very powerful stuff as you can see here these lower buildings right here it says no panorama so level value one smaller skyscrapers neighboring and then taller or equal neighboring skyscrapers minus three so i have no panoramas so essentially they've done a really good job with this dlc in the sense that it really captures the snobby investor rich person type it's like the higher up you go and the better view you have you can look down on the peasants below the other investors who can't afford the skyscraper and then you get additional benefits of being higher and then having a view around you so for example if we take a look here this skyscraper has a moderate panorama effect and moderate is going to give me 7 income per house with a bonus of 10 residents on this house and then if i click around you can see this one's strong so this actually gives me plus 12 income per house and then 20 bonus residents so you see the power here so then there's decent as another option here which is 10 so the highest level you can have is intense so you want to have some skyscrapers around but you want them to be lower as you're tiering it like this you can actually get an intense panorama view and then maximize how much income per house you're getting and bonus residents you're getting as well now it's my understanding and this is critical for you guys to know listen up it's my understanding that as these populations increase because as you can see here on the screen i have 250 out of 275 whereas a standard investor house is gonna have 50. well essentially that means that i've got five investor houses stacked in one so what does that mean for you the consumption on this house in theory should be five times that amount so as you're building this out this is going to take some time but it would make sense to me that that one house would actually need more resource consumption maybe not by multiple five maybe they balance that out based on logic and reason that the resource consumption should be higher on a house that has more people in it and i did experience that but maybe it was just a supply and demand thing maybe i lost some workers for a little bit as you can see my engineers are in the red right now my point is if that is the case which i do believe it is and you're open to using propaganda i highly encourage doing needs reduction consumption in your propaganda because that allowed me to not have to deal with the stuff constantly dropping and waiting for my ships to transfer stuff instead i was able to escalate my city much more quickly because they weren't consuming nearly as much here's something else worth considering as well i'm gonna click on my building right here and you're gonna see that i have change building skin now this is really really cool because the higher you get the more customization you get so i can press three so i have these different layers that i can design my skyscraper on so i can make it look custom to what i want it to look like if i change this top one it's gonna impact all the ones below if i widen it out because obviously you need a base that's wide enough to support the tallest fattest structure so if you notice i changed the foundation to level one it dropped all of them to level one so now we have a nice thin skyscraper but if i do level two i can make the base a little bit wider and now that's a little bit wider and then i can go like this level two and level three and i have a thin top so i can make my skyscrapers look very unique or i can just make them look like that which personally i kind of like it like that and as you continue to unlock things each threshold is going to ask you for something new for example chewing gum is a new need that you have for investors chewing gum is going to be mostly located in the new world you're going to have to get your chow plantation up and running with sugar and then cinnamon and all of these are required in the new world and bubble gum production all out in the new world so that was kind of a hassle i had to go all the way back to the new world set all of that up import it and then i can escalate to the next tier of skyscrapers from there i remember asking me for biscuits next and if you look at biscuits i took all of my rendering works and my flour mill production off of my island so i had to start importing that through docklands and then i had to grow some citrus trees out in the new world for the next level because then i could bring all of that in and then i can make some biscuits and again if you look this is actually just an assembly line so essentially it's the same building as the elevator and then this liquid called cognac i don't know if i'm pronouncing that right at all but once you fulfill that then you can build up to the next tier and again you have to have 15 skyscrapers of that level before you can proceed as well and the population has to be 100 satisfied before you proceed by going upward at which point you have to build a furniture store and you don't have to memorize everything i'm telling you here because it's going to tell you what those needs are as you escalate up so keep that in mind but when you build your furniture store essentially you get the exact same experience that you did with the department store so then you have a shopping catalog you open this up you choose which one you want to make bank bankers lamp writing desk if you look select product and then you can see like the writing desk for example gives me more income plus five happiness and then reduce needs as well then make typewriters and then billiard tables but look at how insane this gets i'm going to have to get i mean i've got to get this resin factory up and running then i'm going to need lumberjack hut corn farm chemical plant for ethanol and then make a liqueur plant and then an assembly line for typewriters i just was like oh my goodness to get all of this stuff just to get the pool tables up and running so you're gonna be working pretty hard to get to that maximum level of skyscraper let me tell you what there's definitely a very large amount of end game content that they've added with this dlc and that's definitely a plus because once you got to investors and maxed out investors you kind of just played the game really i mean there wasn't really reason to expand past that and so this dlc it really is great if you're looking for an additional way to get extra influence without having to expand outwards because that's one of the most frustrating parts for me oh i gotta start at farmers then work them up to workers and import all of their needs artisans engineers and then investors instead you can just add investors with your current population and expand upward rather than out in that sense this dlc is awesome visually it's awesome and in summary that's how this dlc works like comment and subscribe if you guys enjoyed the content and now i will give you my final thoughts on this dlc i'm saying this with a massive warning huge disclaimer you've been warned opinion and not a fact my true thoughts aside from those things because they are good i actually don't like this dlc why well let me fill you in i think anno 1800 is a 10 out of 10 game all the way up until docklands i was all on board with the dlcs i still love docklands but from docklands on it's the game has in my opinion become too easy for example let's take a look at my money and my balance here and look at the map this save file i did all of this all the way up till bright harvest and then i started a new file and i increased the difficulty i didn't have documents for this and docklands is honestly broken how powerful that dlc is watch that video i'll include that link in the description as well i was able to do all of this and have roughly plus 70 000 income before i even started building upwards so what's my point my point is this dlc it's just a win more dlc it's adding a lot to do with unfortunately no real depth and if you're enjoying the dlc that's great continue enjoying it because if you're a min maxer if you're all about efficiency and get everything picture perfect and you have more end game stuff to do i actually see the merit in that argument but for me all my needs are fulfilled i own all these islands the only reason for me to actually take the time and effort to get these benefits is just to make my city look cool with skyscrapers which is it's it looks great we're getting more of this like if i maximize on tourist season dlc and maximize on this as well and reduce needs to unheard of levels ignoring propaganda i mean you can do propaganda on top of this and then i'm getting all this extra income all this extra population for what i truthfully for what like what am i getting out of doing something like that like a good analogy is this and just hear me out imagine yourself as a billionaire and imagine yourself as somebody who worked your tail off to be that billionaire you were out there in the sun shoveling dirt and i know that's not the way to become a billionaire but you just just hear me out you're out there digging every day it's a hundred degrees outside it's humid there's mosquitoes and you did that 40 years straight and then finally you look back on your life you're sipping on a margarita you're sitting down the beach you're like i'm a billionaire i worked this hard to get here and then imagine a banker comes to you and says now that you're a billionaire i need you to go back out in the sun and go shovel again you're probably gonna ask yourself why on earth would i do that i have a billion dollars i have no reason to go back out there now that i'm a billionaire unless you really enjoyed shoveling that much here's my point in early game on this game you do all that grunt work you're hopping between the different biomes you're doing all of this grunt work the importing back and forth to get your infrastructure built up and then you're at a point where everything becomes automated and the game style drastically shifts and i think for the better where things are more autopilot mode and then you really spend the rest of your time playing in my experience making your other islands get up to investors conquering your foes and beautifying your city what this dlc essentially does in my opinion is force you back out into the sun shoveling because in order to get to the next tier it's like okay go out there and make your chewing gum well how do i go back and make my chewing gum oh i gotta set up more new world stuff so i gotta head back to the new world and then set up more farms more trade routes more of this and that okay now you gotta do it for biscuits okay now i gotta go back and set up all my biscuit stuff okay now i gotta go back and set up my cognac stuff okay now i gotta go do you see what i'm saying here and why i feel as if this is just simply one more dlc that's it it has things to do but no depth i just asked why would you do it why would i do it the only reason i've done it and the only reason i've liked doing it is because of the fact i like the skyscraper aspect i'm only hunting for that look not to be biased to my own ideas but i have another video that talks about the season four ideas if they do a season four because this is theoretically the last dlc they're gonna do that's what they keep saying and i just don't think this is an all-encompassing theme to summarize the entire anno series like in my opinion would have been more fitting to have the skyscraper aspect but then on top of that allow us to maybe settle our old world residence in new world in embezza in the arctic and still have to do you know the water lines for embezza the heat for the arctic and that way you're really really getting more value out of all those other biomes i'm not saying that's the perfect solution that's just an idea off the top of my head no 1800 still 10 out of 10. i just might end up turning off some of the dlcs i think this would be a really fitting dlc if i turned off things like docklands and tourist season share your thoughts in the comments honestly if you guys feel the same way or feel differently that's okay because this is a place for discussion i only say these harsh things about this dlc because of my love for the game thanks so much for watching until next time guys i'll see you later [Music] hey
Channel: Tytar
Views: 6,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anno 1800, Anno 1800 The High life, Anno 1800 high life, high life dlc, the high life dlc, high life dlc explained, high life dlc how it works, tytar
Id: hY_7tWgBYZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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