The Hidden Gem of Paris

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Welcome back to the Twenty in Twenty: Take Two, I'm Jay Swanson  and we're in the second arrondissement today,   of Paris, as we make our way down from the 20th  all the way to the first in this week by week   series on five of my favorite things in each  arrondissement in the city of light. We're   just two arrondissements away from finishing  this series which is pretty crazy if you ask me.   The second arrondissement, where we are today, is  a hidden gem. It is often overlooked because   it has no big parks, it has no major monuments,  but it does have a lot of really good food, some   great neighborhoods, and some fantastic spots  just like this. As well as one of my favorite,   if not my favorite, library of all time that  just recently reopened, is free to enter, does   have a museum that's not free but we're going  to get to that, and I'll tell you all about it   in today's 20 in 20. And be sure to head  to to grab my guide   right now, just to get your uh, you know, all  my recommendations, all in one go. Let's go! [Music] Matamata's been around for a really long time, and recently you might  recognize the aesthetic because it's been taken   over by Noir. So this is the third time Noir has  been in the series, but we're kind of hiding it.   The uh, the second does have one other location  that I was thinking about going for a coffee that   it's also, it's more well known for a particular  kind of pastry which we might have to go try,   although that could be a lot of sugar for one day.  So as far as coffee goes this is going to be your   spot in the second. Hopefully they're going to  be adding a couple more as we go, and there is a   spot we're going to be going to in the first that  is right across the street from the second, but I   didn't want to cheat. I figured I'd keep it real, so  this is our spot in the second today. The cookies   are good, the cold brew is great, what more do you  really need to know? And it's in a decent location   to set us up to walk to the library! Gotta get  caffeinated for your educational treats. [Music]   The galleries of the second arrondissement are one of the things you want to   come and see while you're here, the covered  galleries, the walkways, shops restaurants, bars,   so many fun things. We're in Galerie Vivienne  right now, which is a really fun, classy one   not far from Palais Royal, easy to get to, easy  to stroll, through lots of little shops, there's   a perfume creator, there's an art gallery or  two, clothing... but the two things that I would   recommend here that I have in videos before,  is wine and food wine. Wine from Cave Legrand and food   from Daroco, which we're not going to get  into today because they have been in previous   videos, but they're both very good if you'd like  a little bit of a tipple or you'd like some pizza.   You're not gonna go wrong with either. You're not  going to go wrong in Galerie Vivienne. There are of   course a couple other galleries in my guide that  I really love, that actually have tons of options   like, really diverse options for food and drinks.  Be sure you check that out at   But if you just want to come here, I mean, you're  not gonna — you're gonna win, it's gonna be great.   And thanks to the rexes of my life, my patrons!  And today's page of rooster is Steve Weaver!   Steve's been with me for a long freaking time, just  barely not as long as my sister, who's been around   for like six years I think? You think I would—  it's from 2017? Yeah he's been around for six   years! Thanks Steve, and all my patrons for making  this possible and sending me out to enjoy the sights   of the city, the construction, the new Rex sign?! It  used to be red, it's not red anymore. It's kind of   blowing my mind to be honest. Check it out. Anyways,  these maps that I've been using in every episode— if you forgot, I'm going to be giving them away  to all my patrons, so if you like maps of Paris   I hand drew each of each and every one of these,  colored them in myself. They are a hot mess, they   are delightful, I, I really have enjoyed carrying  them around. If you'd like to grab one, I'll be   doing a giveaway post at the end of this series,  so next week over on Patreon— jump on to Patreon,   if you're an active patron and you want one of  these leave a comment, and I might send one to you.   We'll choose them randomly, but to all my patrons:  thank you! And now back on to the show! [Music]   And just across the street from Galerie  Vivienne is BNF Richelieu, the Bibliothèque Nationale de   France Richelieu. It's the National Library Richelieu. I  said, I said that way too many times there,   but here we go! It is a library that requires  a security check, but it's worth it. [Music] The museum upstairs in the Bibliothèque Nationale Richelieu is really nice. It's very interesting because it has quite the collection of coins, medallions   everywhere from ancient Egypt, [...] Greece, Rome... it's an amazing collection. And there's something   about it that feels really tangible, like you could  almost reach out and grab a coin and trade with it.   Okay what I missed last time I was here was the  Medieval collection that they have which this is   turning into a more modern section at the end  of this hallway, but they have pieces from like   the year 500 depicting the Apocalypse in gold,  which is amazing. It was— just the— beautiful, like   illustrations of St Louis bringing back the crown  of thorns. Just this hall on its own is lovely, and   there's nobody here. And I'm just— I really love  this. It's beautiful. What you've seen on Instagram   of course is going to be the oval room, which  is a— it's an active library. There are a lot   of students in there studying right now, books  that you can read, of course you have to be able   to read French in order to fully appreciate  the offerings here, but it is worth a photo, it   is worth a visit. But for 10 euros you can come  upstairs and see the museum. The security guard   that I was just talking to said they change  the collection, what's on display, about every   three months. But the star map that they have in there, the giant globe and some of the books, just [sound of mind being blown]   Also the building itself is amazing. They've been  renovating it for a long time so it just reopened   not that long ago. You should definitely come  here, even if you just want to pop in and see   the library, it's, it's wonderful. This constellation  map is incredible. Suppose you find yourself in a   museum and it's all in French and you can't  read any of the pieces. If— assuming that you   have data— if you have Google Translate what you  do is you go into your Google Translate like so,   and there's a little camera button here. You  tap that button, if I can do it looking at the   camera, and then it's going to automatically find  whatever text and translate it. I'll show you. So   the text that is about this globe here is in  French... and turn it to English, just like that!   So then it lets you know what you're missing. Of course the translation isn't perfect, but   it's going to be a lot better than stumbling  along in French if you don't speak it. [Music]   If you're looking for a French Brasserie experience I have a  number in my guide, and actually this neighborhood   has a couple of them that are very, very good.  But Le Tambour has been redone in the last couple years,   the service is very nice, the food is good. It's  in a very central location, it's easy to get to,   and honestly I've never had a bad meal here. It's  a good brasserie experience. So if you're looking for   some French food like a rotisserie chicken or  maybe a steak-frites, you could do much worse than Le   Tambour. I really enjoy this spot. A nd this is where  we did a photo shoot like a year ago, last summer   I think, with my friend Jennica. So if you've seen  photos of me sitting having drinks with Jennica   at a place that looks fairly French, and I don't  know, fun, nice. This is probably the spot. This purée... It's so good. Montorgeuil. Probably the most famous street  in the second and definitely a fun one to walk   down. Very lively, lots going on, and honestly  worth a visit. However, I think the best stuff   is just one or two minutes walk off either  side when you're walking down here. There's   a lot to explore, so much food that I have  seen that is on my list that I have yet to   try, so much food that I have tried and I love  and I wish I could go eat right now. I decided   to eat french today because I know you want  some good french options while you're here,   oh my gosh, there's so many other things in this  neighborhood though that I really, really want to   eat. However while we're here in Montorgeuil we're  walking into Sentier neighborhood just behind   me. And Sentier of course has our alternative coffee,  Boneshaker, and, if you do want a French pastry, one   of my favorite pain au chocolat in the city on Rue du Nil, one of my favorite streets in the city: Terroirs d'Avenir. I was going to do one of Terroir's newest  locations, because they've opened up in a   few spots around the city, in an earlier  video. But we got overloaded with options   and it ended up getting dropped, but this is  the OG spot and one of my favorite pain au   chocolat in the city. Great bakery, but they've  also got some really good other options down   the street from here, and in other parts of  the city where you might find some fresh   fruit and veg, and they generally just source  things locally, are delicious, and are worth it...   but when you're in this area you're going  to want to look for the yellow walls and   that'll tell you that you found the bakery  of your dreams. The street Rue de Nil is   just amazing in general though, chocolate,  wine, food, everything, it's amazing.N [Music]   Boneshaker as described in my guide as the  only donut in Paris, that's technically not   correct. There are a lot of donuts in Paris. Most  of them are terrible, and a lot of them are just   like, I don't know, they ordered them off Amazon  and then iced them with something and put like   Kinder bars on them? It's a really weird trend.  But the bonuts [laughs] the bonuts? The donuts at Boneshaker   are of a little bit more of a creative variety.  Not over the top! Delicious, I got the Baby got   Back, which is the peanut butter and chocolate  combination, very good. There's a whole slew of   other options, including some brownies, and if  you happen to be craving a donut while you're   here, this is the place to go. And it is decadent,  and it is going to be an experience. Boneshaker   is very welcoming, very warm, friendly, they speak  English, their coffee is good, the donuts are bomb,   and there's so many other fun things around  here if only one of the people in your party   wants a donut but you're all looking for something  sweet, there are cookies next door, there's pastries   around the corner, there's a lot of really good  stuff in this neighborhood. This is basically   like food central. There's so much good, there's  so much good stuff up here. Sentier. Rue du Nil. You really can not go wrong. [Sigh] I do not deserve this. It is so good. [Music]   If you're looking for a beer and you want to give  a French beer a try, Hoppy Corner is going to be   a great spot for you. They usually have nothing  but French beers on tap, although they've been   cheating I've seen there are a couple of  UK beers on the board right now. They are   quite delicious, friendly, tasty, the service is  always funny. Generally they're just very, very   nice. The food has changed since Covid, I'm not  going to go so far as to say you should come   here to eat. Maybe eat somewhere else but then  come here for a drink. They do have some snacks   in case you need them, don't worry they will  be available, but the beer is why you're here.   The environment, just generally loud, kind of fun...  and you're going to meet some locals along the   way, which is great! They love Cooper. Hoppy Corner.  Hoppy. Happy. French beer. What do you want? [Music]   Anyways thanks for watching, this has been Paris in  my Pocket's 20 in 20: Take Two, in the second arrondissement.   It's not, we only have one more to go so be sure to  join us, subscribe if you haven't already, go back   through, watch them all in the playlist. All 20  arrondissements in 20 videos in 20 weeks   straight to your inbox. If you have an  inbox. Nobody gets subscriptions in their   inbox anymore, why did I say that? Thanks to my  patrons for making this possible, thanks to you   for being a part of the journey, and uh, if you  want all my arrondissement recommendations   and much more: See  you next week for the end of the show!
Channel: Jay Swanson
Views: 23,046
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Keywords: jay swanson, vlog, daily vlog, travel, life in paris, living in france, paris
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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