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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ibel damina hello family and friends on facebook youtube instagram twitter i want to welcome you to the ever increasing word feast and i'm excited today to have all of you connected to this broadcast abel damina is my name we are very committed to the vision of reintroducing jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you give me the favor today invite somebody share this video tag somebody you know create watch parties let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace and i want you to know we're going to have an exciting time of studying the word of his grace on this particular broadcast today let me quickly mention that my two books are out and if you don't have a copy of these books i don't know what you're waiting for causes myth and the truth very powerful material you know in this book i talked about the language in which the bible was written use of words the role of the bible reader and the bible teacher the blessing and the curse does god curse the curse of the law what of generational cases jesus and the victory and a lot more it's a book you don't want to you know go without especially for people that have been threatened with causes before now you know what you don't know is bigger than you ignorance is the greatest undoing of any man my people are destroyed not because satan is powerful but because they don't know they have no knowledge so get this material today it will build you up and edify you and bring clarity then there's this other book on the communion table many people ask me so many questions on the communion you know and all of that this book is very powerful i wrote this book and there's a lot in it exceed justice all over the book the promise of god the old testament feast the difference between the passover breaking of bread and the lord's supper the lord's table and walking in love very powerful material i'd like you to order for them you know and all other books that we have written all of these efforts is to see that you are enriched in your work with christ that to maximize everything that christ has provided for your spiritual edification i'd like you to share with other people you know the things we are sharing with you here get more people to be connected get more people to order for the material right now on the screen the phone number to call for the material is on the screen and the email address where you can send your orders to is also on the screen there are also many other titles i have written over 30 titles you can order and our office can send you all of the catalogs for it now let me also mention those of you that have been following my teachings who don't have a local church where you attend where christ is revealed god wants you to live among brethren god doesn't want you to be isolated the bible says god has placed the solitary in families the word of god tells you i will bring you to your fold and i will give you pastors according to my heart who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding and he says it shall come to pass that when you are fed you shall not lack you shall not fear you shall not be dismayed if you are in a location where there is no bible teaching church where christ is revealed all the time you've been following my teachings and you want to identify with one or you want to start a campus we call our churches campuses you want to start a campus all you need to do is send me a mail dr abel damina at we will equip you and train you and work together with you to create a campus in your locality so you become a lighthouse where other people seeking to know christ can come around and be part of the fellowship and you can be pioneering a church there that will bring light to that community you become a lighthouse in that society i'm really excited about the opportunity god has given us as a ministry to enrich and equip believers all over the nations of the earth just before we go into the service remember again that you need a pen a notebook and a bible because it's going to be an exciting adventure as we adventure together into the word of his grace my prayer for you today is that grace are bound towards you that you always have sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good work in the name of jesus amen let me mention the story we're going to be having the next one two weeks here on facebook youtube every evening at 6 00 p.m gmt plus one the study we're going to be having is going to be a bible school we want to equip you and train you in the pursuit of the kingdom assignment that god has for your life i want to encourage you every day at this same time 12 noon gmt plus one to get more people to be part of this broadcast so together we can lighten the dark places of the earth let me take you on a gospel adventure right now into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing praise god james chapter 5 the prayer of faith the prayer of faith james chapter 5 verse number 13. is any among you afflicted let him pray is any merry let him sing psalms verse 14 is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord 15 and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if you have committed sins they shall be forgiving him hallelujah now it's only james who taught the prayer of faith that way there's a plethora of scriptures that you know talk about praying and believing for it but james chapter 5 singled out is any seek among you is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church there are many opinions about this because the question is why does he have to call for the elders of the church there are two school of thoughts the first one says the reason why is because somebody is so sick that he is broken down and couldn't even move so he has to call for the eldest of the church to pray for him the other school of thought says you know that the way james wrote it it's a general thing that when believers are sick they can be prayed for that is why paul and the rest didn't write it like that because they expect the believer to take hold of what is his right in christ but whichever way he still says here anyone that is sick among you let him call for the elders of the church let them pray over him anointing him with oil the usage of the word oil the other the only place you will see the use of that word oil in the entire new testament nobody else gave a witness to the use of the word oil so if we're gonna understand why james will specifically use the word oil in the book of james we must clearly understand who is the book of james written to to be able to understand who the book of james is written to let's get back to pretext which is james chapter one verse one let's look at the subject matter james a servant of god and of the lord jesus christ to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad greeting so the later of james is to the 12 tribes of israel meaning james was writing to jewish people he was not writing to you he was not writing to gentiles he was writing to the jews specifically so that means the use of the word oil will only be understood by the jews because it is particular to jewish people now so when i see gentiles carrying jars of oil and running around ignorance is not a good thing it can disgrace you in public he was talking to jewish people to use oil why because in the jewish culture jewish people believe that olive oil has natural healing properties so the use of oil there was for medicinal purposes that is since in our culture oil has been accepted as a natural as a natural way of applying medication on people when you are praying for anybody that is sick to that level anoint him with oil to take care of his psychology as it has to do with the natural healing that comes from oil then he says after you anoint him with oil you pray the prayer of faith it is the prayer of faith that will heal not the oil so the oil is cultural the oil is cultural it has no spiritual benefit it has no significance in scripture it is not relating to anything it does not carry any relevance the use of the oil there is just for cultural implications back to james chapter 5 verse 14 is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing with oil in the name of the lord next verse and the prayer of faith shall save the sick the prayer of faith shall save the sick there's no special prayer called the prayer of faith he says a prayer of faith because he said let them pray over him in the name of the lord prayer over him in the name of the lord is a faith action that's why he calls it the prayer of faith doesn't mean there's another prayer called the prayer of faith it's just a use of praying over him in the name of the lord because whenever you pray in the name of the lord it is a prayer of faith it is a prayer expecting the power of god to go to walk around in james chapter 1 verse 5 he had mentioned something if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that give it to all men liberally and operated not and it shall be given him imagine if i am told to ask somebody who gives you know if i'm told that you know that man is a giver anything except you don't meet him once you meet him anything you ask he will give you so i walk to the person confidently believing that if i ask him anything he will give me and because i came in that confidence and faith to meet somebody who is generous to that level the moment i ask what am i expecting to receive so he says let him ask the giving god because that's the way it is in the original let him ask the giving god that is the qualifier for god is that god is a giver let him ask the giving god let him ask the giving god so what must be on my mind is he will give me that's all i'm not going to be thinking whether he will give me or not no what will be on my mind as i approach the giving god is that he will give me it appears like what james is saying is that it is necessary for me to ask the giving god and when i ask the giving god he gives to all men liberally he is generous now james repeats the word give twice let him ask the giving god who giveth to all men double emphasis god is a giver so in my prayer of faith i must always see a giving god who gives to all men liberally the word liberally is the word haplos in the greek it means sincerely and generously and he does not find fault he gives sincerely and generously and god does not find fault then in verse 6 he now says let him ask in faith not in wavering what is that faith let him ask in faith that faith is to be persuaded of a giving god that i am fully persuaded that god is a giving god and because i am fully persuaded i know that he will give me so i am not wavering i do not waver i am persuaded i am single-minded in action remember verse 5 it shall be given him means i will receive what he gives by faith he's already a giving god he is sincere he is generous so when i ask i must ask in faith meaning i will require faith to receive what the giving god offers i will require faith to receive the faith is not for god to do it god is a giver whether i am asking in faith or not but i the recipient will require faith to receive what the giving god gives to me freely he did not stagger at the promise of god through humbly talking about abraham he was strong in faith why because we must have a complete confidence about the character of god who gives you must not waver in doubt or unbelief you must not be double-minded you must be single-minded about god's giving nature for he that water it is like the wave of the sea driven with the wind and toast a man that wavers is unstable it's like the wave of the sea and he says verse seven for let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the lord let him not even think about it he shall not receive anything he didn't say let not that man think that god will give him something no where god is concerned god is a giver and he gives sincerely he gives generously but that man that is wavering that man that is not resolute that man that is not single-minded that mandel does not believe in the singleness of god's character let that man not think that he will receive in that wavering nature anything of the lord he cannot receive you cannot receive anything from the lord when you are not sure of god's character that is why any preacher that preaches a double character for god is doing an eternal disservice to the body of christ god is not dual nature god is not double character god is not an inconsistent god it's not one time good and one time bad it's not a giver an a taker he is not a killer and a maker alive no god has only one single character he is good and good all the time he is the same yesterday today and forever god remains consistently constantly constant it is our view of god that changes over time and let me tell you the truth you will continue to think of god as a dual natured god as long as you refuse to grow it is spiritual growth that brings you to a place where you conclude that god has only one character if you don't grow you will keep thinking of god having dual character god is good god is also bad he can kill he can make a life anybody talking like that is a victim of of lack of spiritual growth is a victim of spiritual illiteracy and ignorance i mean what else can be explained jesus the same yesterday today and forever consistent god is light and in him is no darkness at all what more do you want to hear god is consistently constantly constant with him there is no variableness nor a shadow of turning the single nature of god's character must be settled in your understanding must be settled in the entire mission of jesus was to reveal to you the single character of god the integrity of god's character that god can be relied upon god can be trusted god can be dependent upon as a god that is good all the time that's why jesus came in human form to unveil this character of god he went about doing good and healing all healing all he never struck anybody with sickness he healed everybody he never killed anybody he raised the dead back to life he went about moved by compassion and he did something about people's condition because that is his character so you must not waver about god's character god never changes he's the same all the time it is only man's view of god by growth that changes over time so again notice he didn't say let not that man think that god will give him rather he said let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the lord so the prayer of faith is to ask and receive the prayer of faith is to ask and receive when we say we are praying a prayer of faith what we're saying is we're praying a prayer that we are sure of receiving while we are praying the prayer then he now says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways the word double-minded is the greek word lives to chose in james chapter 1 verse 8 to be double-minded is to have double personalities that is in your mind you are thinking of a god that has double personality that god that is dual nature he's good he's bad he's killer he can teach you a lesson with sickness he can set you up for disgrace to humble you you think of god like that sometimes his ways are past finding out his mysterious the moment god becomes mysterious then he's no more your father you didn't hear that the moment he becomes mysterious then he's more your father the immediate is no more relationship he is not mysterious god is not mysterious mysterious means we don't know god is revealed in christ hallelujah not just revealed in christ in order for you to know him enough to depend and rely on him he took on human flesh and walked among us we could touch him and feel him and know him so we can rely on him and depend on him god came down to us so we can know him well enough to trust him so we can know him well enough to relate to him so we can know him well enough to be able to predict what he will do concerning situations so we can know him well enough to brag about him and talk about him knowing that that's exactly who he is oh i feel like i'm teaching here he came to us somebody shout he came to us so we can know him if he doesn't want you to know him there will be no reason for him to reveal himself the bible calls jesus the express image of god hallelujah the express image of god and he walked the earth saying i can of myself do nothing what i see my father do that i do so whatever i do is what my father does my father does not kill i don't kill my father heals i heal the sick my father is compassionate i'm compassionate my father is a lover i love the world why jesus is god revealed in human flesh can somebody shout hallelujah he heals all the time he heals all the time and even in this service he's healing right now i say in this service he's healing right now because while the word of god is being taught the power of the lord is present to heal he's a healer all the time oh he's a healer all the time every one of you here must have been healed by god at one time or the other every one of you here must have gotten a miracle a healing miracle at one time or the other in the course of your lifetime and if god ever miraculously healed you at all if there was ever a time when god healed you at all it's an indication that he will heal you for life if he ever did it for you he will keep doing it if he has ever healed you before he will heal and he the moment he heals you one time he has made a commitment to be your healer all your lifetime is there anybody who is a witness yet god has healed you before then get ready brother there is no sickness that will ever hit your body that god is not capable of healing except you fail to receive the healing that he has provided already for you somebody with your hand and shot his my healer say by healer lives on my inside to guarantee my constant health i didn't hear your amen he lives on your inside to guarantee that you're constantly being healed zaba da gaba not just that you are healed that you are also able to heal others around you somebody say i heal the sick say it very loud like you know what you're talking about say it louder like you know what you're talking about so a double-minded man is one that is confused in his mind or mentally agitated on the character of god in one breath he believes god for healing in another breath he believes that god sometimes may not heal you so he has to have an alternative in case that's a double-minded man i have to have an alternative in case god decides to be funny this time around he says let not that man think that thinking of god's dual nature paralyzes your capacity to receive thinking that god is unreliable when it comes to healing paralyzes your capacity to receive believing in god's nature that is consistent empowers your capacity to receive it empowers your capacity he doesn't have dual character he has only one he's consistent hallelujah i said hallelujah a double-minded man is unstable in how many of his ways all his way is a greek word a catastose means unsettled a.k.a t-a-s-t-a-t-o-s that means you must be firm about your resolve on god's power you must be firm about your resolve on god's power he is unsettled somewhere in his heart where he says well all i need is just to be alive whether it is god that heal me or the native doctor the man is unsettled he has no resolve he couldn't stay in faith when you leave yourself in the hands of men they will rubbish you for life when you are sick in your body he didn't say go to native doctor he said let him call for the elders if you find out that you don't have strength send for the elders we will stand in faith for you you must be resolute about god's goodness be so resolute that you are willing to stay with the word of god even if staying with the word of god will be where you will be until you die let it be that you died believing god you didn't hear what i just said after a while you're afraid of death why are you afraid of dying are you not sure where you're going was it fearful that is one time people don't die twice what is it to be afraid of what are you afraid of even terrorist is not sure where is going he's not afraid of dying is he you that have christ that is afraid that at the point where you should rely on god the most you now look for for satan to partner with you stay in faith somebody says stay in faith you stay in faith and if you stay in feet you will defeat every disease because if you stay in faith you receive you can stay in faith and not receive let him act in faith and the prayer of faith shall save what are you talking about except you are not any faith we have had situations where people were diagnosed with very chronic disease and they stayed in faith and came out of it time after time you stay in faith not in wavering you will never know how much you believe god until the day you are tried so that's why you must put enough of god's word inside you so that when trial comes it is no more you driving yourself it is the war driving you be so full of god's word stay in the world stay in faith and he says that man should not think he will receive anything of the lord james is so resolute that anybody that does not stay in faith will not receive anything anybody that is double-minded about god's character cannot receive any james is very very sure of what he's saying here you know the prayer of faith is i pray in faith of a giving god and because i know he gives i receive in faith so when he says the prayer of faith that is exactly what jesus said in mark 11 24. therefore i say unto you what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them whatever you desire when you pray believe so when i pray i believe i receive when i prayed when did i receive i believe i received when i prayed believe you receive when you pray and you shall have when did i receive when i prayed when i prayed i received that's the prayer of faith when i pray it i receive all right go back to 23 the pretext for verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed the middle class you know the seer shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which is said shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith they are false i say unto you because of verse 23 i say unto you and in verse 23 he talked about say three times say saith he shall have what he says three times saying three times same so doubt and unbelief are found in words doubt unbelief even worry and anxiety are found in words i will know whether you are worried by the things you say i will know whether you are in faith by the things you say and i will know whether you are in fear by the things you say that's why verse 23 says whosoever shall say unto this mountain be there removed and miraculous shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith says say it sayeth three times say command saith insist he shall have what he says we speak to cancers and cancers without from the root we speak to thomas and two must melt out kebab again if you shall say to this mountain jesus spoke to a tree and they said to jesus the tree you call sweden he said to them have faith in god that is god's faith operates like that qatari and then you got born again you were born of the faith of the son of god so every believer has the capacity and ability to command trees to dry up every believer has the ability to speak to circumstances speak to situations speak to ulcers speak to high blood pressure speak to sugar diabetes speak to leukemia speak to bone disease skin disease zapata i declare as your aiming is coming like thunder whatever does not look like perfect health is flushed out of your body flushed out of your body flush out of your body flush out of your body you're watching me on television on facebook youtube in our campuses whatever has been embarrassing and discomforting your body as your aiming is coming like thunder is flush out of your body flush out of your body flush out of your body flush out of your body that condition that has resisted medication that has resisted every attempt that situation that has proven itself stubborn i command it right now flush out of your body in the name of jesus somebody shall receive by faith right now i didn't hear a good amen and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if he has committed sins if he has committed sins it shall be forgiven zika watch this he will not be forgiven before the healing he will be healed and raised up first before the sins are forgiven so sin cannot hinder healing sin cannot hinder healing he will not forgive first he will raise him up first before forgiving his sins that's what isaiah was saying that's what isaiah was saying in the book of matthew when brought about you was reciting isaac matthew 8 16 watch this hakkaba when the evil was come they brought unto him many they were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirit with his word and healed all that we are sick he did what he healed all the mercy why next verse that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses that is he will forgive our sins is indicated by his healing ministry that is he is healing as an indication that evil sins will be forgiven that is the reason why he will forgive sin is demonstrated by his compassion to heal the sick his healing ministry is an indication that evil sins will be taken care of that's why he will say to that man which one is easier which one is easier to say your sins are forgiving or to say take your matango but that you may know that the same power that forgives sins is the same power that heals the same power that heals is the same power that forgive sins i do not only say to the man your sins are forgiven but you rise up take your mat walk out of here and the man immediately stood up there are people hearing me right now that infirmity has left your body forever [Music] thank you father i say thank you father science cannot explain how a tree dried up science cannot explain how a man will speak to a tree and the tree dries up so there is no explanation to how the cancer will obey words there is no scientific explanation to how the blood pressure will crash in seconds there's something about tongues that takes charge of your body medical science cannot explain how tongues interfaces with the human body science has discovered that when a man prays in tongue for a while his body is brought under control you don't know what you have brother paul says i thank my god that i speak in tongues more than all of you put together i will not leave you comfortless but the comforter whom i will send in my name somebody shall the holy ghost the powerhouse of god lives on my inside the prayer of faith shall save the sick and if he has committed sins it shall be forgiven him sin cannot hinder healing that's your unbelievers can be healed that's why pagans can be healed nothing can stop the healing power of god because the healing power of god is not a show off the healing power of god is a demonstration of god's love and compassion and god's love is for the whole world god's love is for the whole world so that's why god's healing power is not restricted by belief systems it's not restricted by your state whether unbeliever or believer the healing power of god is for all that's why jesus healed them all all including those who don't like him he heals them there's no condition that defies the power of god except the man does not receive except the man does not receive no condition jesus said you will have whatsoever you see look at matthew 17 20 and jesus said unto them because of your unbelief that's why you couldn't heal him for verily i say unto you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you don't even need plenty as a grain you shall say unto this mountain remove hands to your underplays and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you no disease will be beyond healing no condition will be too complicated to be healed nothing shall be impossible unto you nothing shall be impossible if you shall sail unto this mountain onto this specific not onto the mountain unto this this specifically and nothing shall be impossible unto you you will have whatsoever you see so when jesus said a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways jesus is still talking about the use of words the use of words you must not be caught in the realm of double compression one time you say i am healed another time you say it's like the thing is increasing you're double in your confession you must have a resolute confidence in the integrity of god's word resolute confidence in the integrity of god's word mark 11 24 what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them the prayer of faith is to believe that you receive you don't believe you receive when you have you believe you receive before you have so the prayer of faith is i have prayed i believe i have received it's not about repeating formulas no is i believe i have received the power of god is working in my body i told somebody who said that say it again say it again say it like you know what you're talking about say like you know what you're talking about say it one more time now say with me it has corrected every abnormality say again the power of god is working in my body it has corrected every abnormality it has corrected every deficiency it has corrected every malfunction the power of god is working in my body right now i didn't hear powerful amen it's working in my body and every abnormality is corrected every malfunction is corrected every discomfort is corrected the power of god is working in my body zebra latte why will i believe that i receive when i didn't feel anything i must never stay in the realm of the senses because if you stay in the realm of the senses satan will deal with you there he will deal with you there because the realm of the senses deals with experiences the realm of the senses deals with experiences i must stay in the realm of god's world and in the realm of god's word i am a master in the realm of god's word i am a master because i am born by the word i live by the word i reign by the word i am a master so i stay in the realm where i am in charge i do not stay in the realm of the senses and the word of god will change experiences but experiences cannot change the word of god the word of god will change experiences but experiences cannot change the word of god so you must stay where you are a master we are the name of jesus is superior the name is above every name the name is above every name when he rose from the dead triumphantly he said all power is given to me in heaven on earth and under the earth jesus authority which is your authority is in heaven on earth and under the earth so you stay where the name of jesus is superior first john 5 14 and this is the confidence this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his willy inheritance if we ask anything you have to tamper with the punctuations here that if we ask anything that is where the command should be that if we ask anything comma according to his will he heard us what is his will he inherit us what is his will he narrates us so anything we ask he inherits us his will is not a condition for hearing rather his will is his response to our action his will is not the condition for hearing his will is his response to our action that's why he didn't say father i thank you because you hear me always because i ask according to your will no father i thank you because you hear me always the relationship is such that there is no condition to the father hearing you there is no condition to my father hearing me my father hears me always he doesn't hear me because i'm a good boy he hears me because he's my father so there is no condition as to the father hearing you he hears you always because of relations because of relations so according to his will he hears us his will is that he hears us so this is the confidence that is why we have the confidence now because he hears us the confidence is not conditional the confidence is because he hears us does he hear you how many times does your father hear you i thought i would hear it louder in the church how many times does your father hear you that is his will his will is to hear you hear you how many times always so because you know he hears you you have what confidence confidence i am confident that if i speak my father hears me so because i know he hears me to pray is not an issue because i'm not praying to deaf ears i'm praying to hearing ears and because i know he hears me i know that as i'm praying for you your healing is delivered however it is left for you to receive however it is left for you to receive that is why he says you receive in faith you receive how in faith how do you receive in faith when you are not wavering when you are not double minded about god's character when you are resolute that god is a good god and once words are spoken over me that reflect his character i receive what is god's character goodness so if you are sick what is god's character concerning your sickness healing so when we say be healed what do you do i receive i receive as a matter of fact i'm not in doubt i receive as a matter of fact i receive as a matter of fact i'm not in doubt thank you lord what jesus calls believing is what john calls knowing believe you receive john says we know look at the next verse 15 and if we know see that if we know that he hears us that law is what jesus calls belief if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desire of him glory our god that's a place to dance that's a place to jump that's a place to shout glory [Applause] and if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desire of him glory to god we know that we have we know that we are we know that we are we know we know we know that we have so when i pray i receive when i receive i have [Music] we know that we have glory to god i know he hears me and because he hears me i know that i have all i need to have is for him to hear all i need to have what i ask for is for him to hear and we know that he hears zapataka we know that he hears so there is no unanswered prayer for the believer there is no unanswered prayer for the believer except the believer fails to receive the answers given in his prayer so that's why whatsoever thing you desire when you pray believe you receive when you pray when you pray when you pray believe you receive when you pray where is the believer in christ where did he pray in christ where was he heard in christ where was he answered in christ where did he have it in christ there is no no in christ there is no no in christ in christ all we have is yes amen so we pray in him and because we pray in him he hears us in him and we receive in him and we have in him as a signature of the new testament in him in christ in whom we have in whom we have in him in christ in whom we have we have redemption we have forgiveness we have healing we have answers to prayers in him we have hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so the prayer of faith is to believe that you have received whether you feel it or not is irrelevant so in james chapter 5 who prays the prayer of faith now this is a tricky question but i'd like you to think with me who prays the prayer of faith the sick or the elders who says the sick okay put their hands who says the elders okay you know majority don't always carry the vote in james 1 5 in james 1 5 is it the elders that will waiver or the person receiving so who prays the prayer of faith exactly the person that will pray the prayer of faith is a sick because it is the sickening is the faith to receive it's not i'm praying for you i'm not the one that need the faith to receive it's you that i'm praying for that needs the faith to receive that's why peter and james will say this man by the faith that is in him has made him strong in acts chapter three the lame manner they get beautiful he said bye put it up acts 3 16 put it up they prayed for the man and look at it and his name through faith in his name had made this man strong whom you see and know yay the faith which is by him the faith which is by him had given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all the faith which is by him not the faith which is by us the one that is by him that's what we are teaching you so that you will know how to receive so when we pray you can listen the faith which is by him that's when i pray for the sick it is a sick that will recover you shall lay us on the sick and the sick shall recover they are the ones to receive that's why it's good to teach people to receive so the prayer of faith is spread by the sick i stand in faith with them and they do the receiving so in the prayer of faith you let the sick know that it is you that i have to believe and it is you that have to receive you have to receive i can't receive for you you have to receive ultimately i can stand with you in faith but ultimately you have to receive the recipient must know how to receive you must know god's word well enough that any time you pray and receive your healing yourself you yourself you must know god's word enough that when your body misbehaves you just get back only you command your body to behave and you receive for yourself and you give thanks amen i said amen sailed me very loud god's healing power is at work in my body say it again god's healing power he's at work in my body say it again god's healing power is at work in my body one more time god's healing power is at work in my body mark 5 25 and a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years how many years 12 and have suffered many things of many physicians and i spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse next verse when she had heard of jesus when she had heard of jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment when she had heard hearing the word is not equivalent to action you can hear me all year round without action hearing is not action in fact most of times only the preacher is the one talking you are not talking you're only hearing except occasionally when the preacher says say after me the healing power of god is at work in my body the moment you said that you released your faith to receive faith is released when words are spoken and fear is also released when words are spoken you are the one hearing i'm the one speaking so that you are hearing is not equivalent to action there must be intentional action on the part of the hero the world only provides the resources for you to now start using your faith the world provides you the resources that you will use so hearing is not enough because when you're hearing a teaching you're not the one speaking so when you're hearing a teaching your faith is not working your faith only starts walking when you start speaking or acting when you start speaking or act jesus says to the man stand up take your mat and walk if the man and said ah why did you say what did he say again he would have been there even though jesus spoke but the man jumped up and when he jumped up he found out he could do it there's a place for the recipient to act on the world so you couldn't see see and then you you go you open your eyes like someone who is about to see and you see you act on the world the woman came in the press behind and touched his garment next verse for she said when she heard she said her saying was the release of her feet for she said if i may touch but is close i shall she spoke the expected end i shall be behold next verse and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague when did the fountain stop when she acted on what she said what did she say i would touch his clothes and she pressed press press and touched when she acted on what she heard and touched pam the tangible healing power of god moved into her body and the fountain stopped blood that stinks how many perfumes will you use satan is wicked just puts a condition on you that takes away your dignity only the devil does that kabato belia i don't know who i'm talking to it ends right now it ends right now right now right now in this house that embarrassment ends today your dignity restored jesus stoned and said woman your faith has made you whole hallelujah she said first action she said you will know that somebody is in faith when he begins to speak faith speaks faith is not dumb faith talks you will know that a person is in faith when he starts talking lately redeemed of the lord i say right now i am healed i say right now i am here you start talking faith makes you a talkative you go all over the place talking the righteousness of faith speaketh kabayan the righteousness of faith speaketh the righteousness of faith speaking you stand tall and keep talking and keep talking and keep talking even god who quickened the dead calling the things that be not as though they were the racquetball ava the righteousness of faith speaketh on these wives saying not in your heart but what sayeth it the word is nighty in your heart and in your mouth that is the word of faith which we preach somebody say i say i am healed i am strong i am healthy hang on about get on your feet let's make some noise here you will know that a man is in faith when he starts talking they cannot faith talks faith talks faith talks you shall say to this it should obey you kabaya don't you never say it should obey you don't your neighbor say it should obey you tell your neighbor you talk to the mountain talk to the mountain don't talk about it don't talk about the mountain don't complain about the mountain talk to the mountain let me ask all of you a question who spoke to the tree and the tree dried up say like you know what you're talking about who spoke to the tree and the tree dried up how long did it take for the tree to dry up less than 24 hours less than 24 hours the tree was physically dry in the natural we are talking about a tree not a flower a tree a tree does not dry up in one week because even on the ground it is deep germinated it is deproducing but when jesus spoke it went to the root of the tree and from the root of the tree emptied the tree of life i don't care the condition i don't care how viral that virus that bacteria that condition is zapata who spoke to the tree and the tree dried up you are not answering me who spoke to the tree and the tree dried up where is jesus where is jesus where is jesus is he still speaking through you what happened yesterday is this happening now somebody say i say how about with that consciousness and understanding say it again i say right now my body is the temple of the holy ghost therefore the power of god is working in my body the healing power is working in my body every abnormality is corrected every discomfort is corrected every malfunction is corrected every stranger in my body flushed out right now i received in jesus name i thought i was here powerful amen [Music] did you receive did you receive did you receive did you receive jesus didn't speak twice he walked to the tree and said no man eat fruit of thee forever and he walked away that was the end of that tree ladies and gentlemen i don't care how long that situation has been it has ended right now in the name of jesus and i declare from today you live here doing what you couldn't do before you lived there having what you couldn't have before you lived here seeing what you couldn't see before receive it in the name of jesus i say receive receive receive receive in the name of jesus [Music] and i declare that devil's holes are broken the devil's influence is broken the devil's harassments are silenced the devil's set up is terminated and i command brain conditions corrected i command brain conditions corrected i command speech impediments corrected i command hearing conditions corrected i command skin conditions corrected [Applause] on as you speak in tongues begin to do what you couldn't do before anger subtly move that finger move that leg move that waist move that neck move that body take that taper move that head open those eyes here with those ears do what you couldn't do before angela foreign [Music] praise you father praise your father praise your father miracles all over this place miracles all over this building glory to god i'd like you to get ready to shout and celebrate you want to run around run around you want to jump jump you want to sit down seat you want to move your legs move it you want to do something do it for the next 30 seconds let's go ahead and celebrate healings celebrate miracles celebrate god's healing power glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory amen welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back it's been an adventure together studying and learning the things that christ will have us do to a generation that don't know him i believe that the word of god has blessed you and challenged you today i want to encourage you we have a mentoring academy where we can take time to equip you some more so if you're looking to study further with me i will encourage you to email me today to join my mentoring academy let me also mention if you live in a place where there's no bible teaching church where christ is revealed a church where you can learn the things you're learning from me here you can start one in your community you can start one in your locality and if you want to start one we can train you equip you and walk with you until a campus that's what we call our churches a campus is launched in your community you're not learning all of these truths to just sit down somewhere you're learning them so you can also teach others brother paul said to timothy the things you have learned and heard of me among many witnesses the same commit to faithful men who shall in turn commit to others everything you're learning is so that you can also be a blessing to other people remember blessed to be a blessing so if you want to start a campus today or you want to join one send me an email dr abeldamina we love you remember we are live every day 12 noon gmt plus one 6 p.m gmt plus one and 10 p.m gmt plus one you don't want to miss what god is doing at this season equipping and preparing people that will take this gospel to the ends of the earth we love you and look forward to hearing from you and until we call it in the next broadcast enjoy the grace of christ amen [Music] victory station you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,338
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: OIcf8hCbk8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 10sec (4150 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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