The Haunting of Bly Manor - Summoned Real Ghosts FT Cody And Satori

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[Music] what is up explorers we are back with another episode of beyond the dark you already know check out the merch guys rise above shop link in description down below today we are exploring the murdoch whitney house built in 1850. this is actually one of the oldest historic houses in new england and across the street from this house is the isaac morse house was built in 1775 which is also haunted so i don't know when but eventually we will hit the house literally directly behind us but today we are going to investigate with corey from the conjuring house with john from the conjuring house with satori whose dad did the ghost hunters episode and with team marion who's also with us from the sk mansion we're all here and it's going to be one epic ghost investigation with some of the top people in all of new england and obviously we're all here with beyond the dark so this is going to be a good episode one for the books guys now some of the rumors about this house is like apparently the staff workers were scared to go on the third floor they claim the wife that we used to live inside there is still roaming the halls they're still hearing their footsteps so the staff workers that used to work here would not go on the third floor alone they always used to bring people they said sometimes the lights would flicker on and off they said they hear music crackling through the walls a lot of things has been apparently happening here i don't know what's gonna happen i would i hope all this happens please i want some crazy haunted episode where i start to cry so instead of me rambling about the history on this place we have a guy inside who pretty much runs this house who's gonna tell us all the history because online there's always things getting mixed up and we try to keep the show as real as possible so without further ado let's head inside and let's investigate [Music] okay the house was built in about 1830 by elisha murdoch and his wife rohana and their pictures are on the staircase on the top of us as you're going up in the front of the house they had several children um in one of them uh was the only one son his name was george and he died at age seven of dysentery if you don't know what dysentery is it's kind of just a bowel disease where you just kind of poop yourself to death basically really it was a very common background yes very very common so he died of that they had no uh male heirs to the house um so one of their daughters married a whitney and the house then changed from the murdoch house to the whitney house so that's why we kind of hyphenate it yeah exactly um yeah and it stayed in the murder in the whitney hands until we acquired it uh as the wichita historical society in uh new year's eve 2000 2000 and then 2001. also you're in the historical society yes this is the historic society i'm the president we maintain this house and do you also maintain the uh the isaac house exactly yes we acquired that in 2016. okay and we moved all our toys over there but the houses in in history always went together there's one of the morses married to whitney so the houses were always you know sort of in the family together so it was nice for us to be able to buy that and kind of put them back together you know in one you know setting yeah actually when i was driving i actually like this town we're in like a small town in massachusetts yes and it's like a fall vibe that the leaves are falling yeah it's getting there a few couple more weeks ago which is known as toy town yeah no i really i really liked it i've never heard of this town i'm only like a few hours from here but i just never heard of it yeah yeah it's a small bedroom community now but back in the day it was quite a busy busy place with all the toys they had five railroads that came into town and that's how they get all their supplies so did this house when uh they died did they get passed on to other people did it stay in the family stay in the whitney family the whole time okay yep until adelaide whitney was the last whitney to live here um and she died just shy of her 100th birthday and prior to dying her and her niece meg because adelaide had no children they had no kids adelaide and bill whitney had no children so there was no kids to leave the house to so it naturally went to bill in adelaide's niece her name was meg meg lived down the street she was in already in her 60s her and her husband had no desire to live here shocking uh but it was just you know too big they're already thinking about smaller places and she lived you know her in adelaide's other house which is off the street where adelaide lived when she got married so she was already living one of the latest houses and it's a lot it was a lot smaller and easier to maintain so megan natalie talked and you know adelie did not want the house to be torn down or turned into apartments or even just anybody else owning it so they decided well why don't we leave it to the historic society and that will um ensure that it's always maintained uh won't get torn down and uh it'll be just a good place for all the wincheon and artifacts to be stored because we were in the library which is dang crosstalk over there in the basement oh so this was like an upgrade yeah that's amazing yeah this house is 22 rooms there's nine fireplaces seven bathrooms seven or eight bedrooms depending what you'll call a bedroom so the ghost side of things now now the ghost thing when when uh did people start thinking this place was haunted well uh when i took over i've been president for about 10 years now it's kind of um i've always had a little vibe in here that there was something and when i took you know the previous president would have nothing to do with the ghost stuff that was just not her thing so she you know kind of pushed people away if they wanted to do any investigations or anything so when i took over and group locally you know approached me about it and said sure why not so they were you know they they did their thing and they got lots of that you know evidence and activity and um and it kind of took off from there but that's how it always happens yeah you know it was you know because then they did their presentation and showed their evidence and people were like oh i want to come here too yeah exactly so yeah it you know steadily we've been you know getting people in here doing investigations and then putting on our own as well right um but we do like when the private groups come through it's a lot easier for us oh for sure but i've you know had doors slam i've had my name called out several on several occasions and i'm totally alone here wow it's just yeah just you know it's it's clear as day uh had my name called out so that's been kind of weird um you know we've had people get some scratching right nothing really awful yeah some growls in the basement uh we've got some stuff on the sls cam oh um so yeah yeah the growls scare me when i hear brows i get really freaked out yeah we get those a lot of times yeah we get those overcoating as well that's it was pretty interesting so what's i i i seen online there's like a story that on the third floor you're hearing footsteps of a lady on the second floor it's more in the hallway just as you go up in the top of the stairs people always when we first started doing investigations always felt that there was somebody protective of mary whitney's bedroom which is in front of a house maybe it could be her it could be or it could be a servant um you know somebody but it was somebody very protective did not want you to go in that room and it made sense you know it was a private bedroom yeah so but it was fairly consistent with people coming through um you know not wanting the bedroom between the two bedrooms that you don't think mary what needs a mr murdoch's which is uh right above over here um there were just uneasy feelings in in both those rooms and just was my favorite room in the house yeah we don't even know what yeah is there anything you want to ask that no he really did yeah yeah have you done a job i have actually yeah many times actually yeah i appreciate it you're welcome you really helped i didn't even expect it that's so cool i did not expect the house to be this crazy the spiral staircase everything is primed here usually i explore the house first before we investigate now we're just i'm i'm going with it at the floats i want to be surprised each room look at this i'm getting distracted oh my gosh wow kind of reminds me of the red rose mansion look at that the freaking piano the chandelier oh my god an old pristine tv this is beautiful wow all right everyone's upstairs i gotta get upstairs i just can't believe this this is the house to be at explorers wow it's a maze oh wow this thing just makes me feel weird yeah this [ __ ] this is really creepy look at the hands i'll probably light on fire it's a really cool like museum because this is my favorite like straight up victorian dress i think if i'm if i got that wrong someone's going to let me know this is your favorite room i love this room activity in this room for you i've always got an activity in this room every time i've been here all right guys we are now filming on the third floor in obviously night vision with the whole team we got y'all show john real quick behind us i was just going to say john's behind us sorry no he's not saying i'm what retiring yeah no i thought about it no but josh yelled at me so now i'm good yeah john's you're not going anywhere johnny is that the name of the house warren what's the last name who's up there with us [Applause] what's what's on this little doll's head tell me what this little thing is [Applause] oh josh i heard josh really i heard josh joe i've heard seth what really yeah good three of us in a row who else [Applause] these guys got good ears i didn't hear that who [Applause] yeah i heard it that time yeah sweetie i can't wait to re to hear that footage back oh my god it does happen i just talked to john about it the other day i literally was just gonna say the same thing and i'm like do you know where [Music] did you follow marion i didn't count didn't come whoa you didn't come to follow marion then would you come for [Applause] setting recorder down setting my recorder down my record well we ended up getting uh some cool uh spirit box stuff but nothing in the evp realm nope i'm stopping this video really quick just to give a shout out to my own clothing line rise above uh here's what we got in stock right now we have the rise above halloween shirt and hoodie brand new super cool we got some all red wind breakers good quality of course we have some good neon long sleeves some blue ones we even got um over here some neon rise above um hoodies and over here we have well the anime rebel t-shirts guys check it out you can see the full thing on rise above dot shop and the beyond the dark official lavender long sleeves hey hey old remy this room is amazing i don't know about that though one two three recording military room evp session need all hands on deck all hands on deck this is not a drill this is not a drill all hands on deck do you know what they're serving in the child hall tonight yo that's right everybody likes ciao that was a solid hit oh there it is again you're excited for liberties tonight that's right lebo and ciao the two things you never [ __ ] with okay can you let that go for a second please thank you can you light it up more i think he's messing with you corey maybe are you in the army it's amazing [Music] okay let it go i want to ask you a question all right so you know how to use that that's good okay so every time i i ask you a question and it's yes just touch that please do you understand okay oh my god holy [ __ ] dude okay pull away from it pull away from me so you gotta let it go thank you how do you fake that you don't it's just being smart ass all right you know how to use it that's good you were in the army correct okay dude i was amazed when he brought up the food and he's just like yeah touched it right away that was awesome the one thing anything that has rem pods in it i just freaking love them grandpa's like my favorite favorite favorite thing i've ever already done this yeah right now you're right you're right it's gonna be like seven minutes like eight minutes yo that's scary something i'm trying yeah yeah yeah i'm trying oh my god i said oh my god i'm trying to right after that oh my god that's something no that's that that was one of us that oh my god i think it was i said oh my god all right guys so we're leaving the military room and we're heading to rohana's room rohana is the girl or the wife that is on the second floor that people here walking from the first floor and also the one that is protective of her room and they don't want no one going in her room well we're gonna go in a room so we're just gonna see what happens whoa what happened keep in mind john actually has to touch that for that thing to go off he's not touching it rohana you don't like me on your bed can you make that go to red you just have to grab ready to hold the antenna so stronger that's stronger ah it's so comfy never leaves so nice [Music] she did that literally as soon as he asked the question like do you like john really yeah so i i was just talking about coming into this room on my camera so you caught it [Music] okay he's off the bed now the phones don't make those going off not like that it wouldn't [Music] wow it's not something it's not soft don't waste your energy [Music] if i set the other round next to it that's exactly what i was going to you do that one now that's weird that is crazy can you touch the other one actually let's go look actually there's some cracking down there yeah this is actually getting exciting so we've got four people that heard that noise me and people were downstairs we were just talking about control and they there were footsteps that just came from this room like very portable footsteps i don't know if the camera picked that up it sounded like it was going towards the upstairs third floor this way down the hallway it was cory and jen was it them maybe let's we got to investigate this oh hell let's talk up here well if they were ups if they were upstairs are you up here okay they were upset yeah well no but it happened here though it wasn't them because i heard the sounds here just went upstairs i don't know i heard quiet footsteps that's what i heard it sounded like like slow creaking yes and so me and cody were just like looking at each other like oh somebody's walking by but i heard more of like a voice too like a girl's voice how long have you guys been up here a few minutes no this just happened that was that girl maybe and they're in the kitchen right below us so that would have been them yeah they're not moving either so we heard everything right here all right let's let's live cody they were downstairs and we were in the other room for honda's room where we heard walking coming through here they heard it from downstairs and we heard it from the other room no it wasn't us i didn't know before after you guys started well i knocked on the floor after you guys started talking yeah and we remember we heard the voice yeah it was like i don't know like it was like i don't know that's what i heard okay but you heard the walking and everything i didn't i didn't hear a voice but i mean this was like 45 seconds just yeah yeah yeah that wasn't a couple minutes so let's show you guys should we come back over here and try it i want to get an sls cam out soon that would be fun i love the sls we have the ability to talk to spirits is kind of okay they're knocking they're walking in right now who the hell is could you come closer please you walk over here do you guys hear that it's insane someone's here yeah uh can i ask are you a woman one for yes two for now do you wanna no yeah you're a woman can i get another confirmation on that okay thank you you're a woman i'm gonna move just a little bit closer just so no one thinks that i'm making noises you're trying to get your name will you tell us your name if you knock it out i'll be able to spell it if not it's okay we're not crying okay i'll start spelling all right a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s s a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o is it o for sophie sophia that's their hi sophia that's their daughter who's daughter the daughter of um the the original owners yeah i forgot the name already she's already she's already talking yeah a b c d e i g h i j k l m n o p o n l m n h i j k l m n yeah p a i guess a b c d e f g h i j k l m n uh [Music] she used to um play piano she did recitals and stuff like that you did i'm sure you were very good at it yeah you like to pride yourself on it um i think her piano that she used to play on got donated to a local church yes this this stuff just amazes me like this is insane is there anything you want to say to these people did you so you lived here is your picture anywhere in the house can you take us to it maybe a b c d d you're done talking a b c d e was it n don't was it r yeah no no d o a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o o d o o a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w t u q r s before that just start over a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r door door outside the door baby yes okay can you walk with us for a minute if you listen closely you'll hear me sophia more smart off wow you're very pretty this is you yeah oh dude it's right here in front of me she she's right here in front of me i literally just felt that yeah yeah she's right here she said yeah she can hear you so you can talk to her if you want to stand up straight yes you can talk and that's sophia right there who's knocking on it with us yep i'm sorry she's right here you can feel the taps oh my god oh my dude coming back okay bye she's literally over here she's right over here yeah it's nice and like it's hard to show like the viewer you know what i mean can you go stand over there yeah yeah i do if that walking the knocking comes here that's insane sophia can can you watch it she walked over there i don't know did she feel it so here can you walk over that one we're not asking for party tricks okay i'm sorry we just wanted to know if you could walk over there it would be amazing did you hear that yeah what was that what is that that's coming from there it was like a vlog yeah that was a voice female voice it may have been downstairs because that there's that take again do you like to walk up and down these hallways here are you just walking while she's getting impatient probably she's probably done with us sophia can you walk over here to me it's up to you are you still here dad makes you walk through the wall hmm yeah maybe she doesn't want to mess around well if you want to join us at some point during the night just walk on over nice to meet you thank you so much she's just like you know what i already showed you my portrait i'm done yeah you wanna tell the camera like because like i'm never gonna put that other video up okay and and i and i rather i'd rather we just kind of start over i mean i might show a little bit to show the audience like we've all met like could you want to explain that well we'll tell you yeah we'll just tell the story if you don't want it i'll let you know okay um so the first so i was on the taps team a lot longer than tory was i've been on there for about 10 years now tori just joined probably three years yeah obviously my dad founded it but i was like yeah i understand when i would investigate i would never get these type of noises and things like that but then when satori came and whenever we would investigate with each other um we'd start hearing noises lights would start flickering uh just a lot of strange stuff would happen it started off small we didn't know what it was we thought maybe we were just lucky and had a noisy spirit yeah and what we came to find out the more we kept doing it is when we would start touching things would start going well something's literally happening as soon as you guys yeah it's literally right on the right here it's right here i feel it like we could just wait let's try it okay ready yep and then if i let go they don't have the power to communicate anymore it's so it's through your your energy yeah have you have you seen this joe no but i heard about it okay can you can you explain that i i cannot explain it this is the first time i've ever seen it but just from my being involved with the paranormal they they clearly have a connection correct we've actually tried to keep it very quiet i mean we showed corey and jen at their house we showed john huntington um just a couple people but um it's something that at least with me being in the field for so long a lot of the stuff is you know i looked over a lot and people saw this on video sometimes it's it's hard to come across unless you're hearing first no it's true because like they'll they're hearing the footsteps but they're not feeling it or knowing where they're coming from it could have been sound effects added but like it's hard to show people this is legit here because it's a you know experience for everybody involved like we can all feel the vibrations and like what's actually going on it's real like it's it's very real we we have the ability to do it but it really depends on the spirit so for instance if i was to say josh come walk over to me and talk to me right now if you didn't want to you don't have to so we it doesn't always work it's just if they want to come through sophia obviously wanted to come through show you her portrait and say hi um yeah we found that there's been a trust thing we find that when there's certain like living people around sometimes nothing happens they'll say no to us they'll be like no we're not gonna talk or they won't come at all huh we we just uh yeah over the past two years we've just been we we do it like every week and just trying to like figure out why it happens at some point in time and why it doesn't um it's kind of awkward when you're standing with someone and like their family comes through and you just have to be like hi by the way i talked to dead people and so and so came through yeah so it's a it's a weird situation and we've i've always wondered like why like us why can't it be any other you know if it's a couple thing why can't it be any other couple that does this and uh like for satori she's grown up with it her whole life her mind's never been closed off because of her dad and everything else you know um and myself so um back in 2013 i um i was sick at one point with cancer for a while and um they put me to sleep and i had passed away for four minutes they gave me a drug i was allergic to so he died technically and came back and um so is it attributed to that i uh that's what i'm thinking to be honest that's what i was thinking when you told me before you told me i know how it works really right we're just trying to figure out maybe it's this maybe it's that right um but yeah sometimes it happens and sometimes it does if there's something here then it works and we're careful about when we do it and stuff because some people even in in front of them they don't agree with it they don't think it's good they'll freak out yeah in our shoes that's knocking or something like it's any excuse yeah i mean any you know anybody who's gonna try and debunk it debunk it play skeptic yeah especially people that might not understand it exactly exactly that's why we like to have people here in person and so we've always like talked like we haven't really told we kept us quiet for like two years some people that have found out about us have you know gotten the idea that maybe we were messing around with something we shouldn't be something evil something malevolent but the way we see it is one if they're mean they'll come through and you'll physically be able to tell in two i don't think a mean spirit's gonna come through and say hi i love you i miss you i'm your father or grandfather and then leave like that's just really random yeah yeah like we tried doing downstairs earlier we didn't get anything cause we're like okay yeah we've been walking around silently and just touching his arm trying to see the spirit comes through but yeah and this room hit it off yeah yeah yeah that was incredible yeah thank you you guys are literally amazing yeah you guys are like so cool that's the dream couple right there guys all right we always here now we're gonna head into the basement all right are you getting touched do you think it's always a 50 50. you never know i hope so we always save the basement for last and it's always fun in the basement if nothing happens or or something does happen it's just a fun time regardless i don't know so joe what have you caught in the basement in your previous times here uh we've got evps we've gotten um just chilled to the bone in the in the dead of summer oh we should have brought the dosing rods down here like another we should bring that dowsing rods you wanna you wanna try that down here you get them huh i do have them marion we can see if we get another double uh stick feature yeah marion remember last time i remember the sk mansion it's kinda long whoa what the hell is that sumps yep oh something on the floor yo oh almost looked like you wrapped his legs around lisa said you didn't feel anything me your feet did you nope of course you can't pants are too tight whoever crawled across the floor can you crawl back i mean it moved almost like it was like a creeper it's weird because i'm getting no disturbances yeah are you are you waving your arm because i can't see you no no he's not behind my back please show yourself holy [ __ ] sounds like always the spirit magnet we've taken places punch seth right in the face please don't punch me in the face i know this room is full of people but i feel kind of lonely my hands are here oh but no i promise you i didn't no my hands like this did you feel something i promise yeah something just like pulled my pant leg that's weird it felt a little cold like a little breeze yeah okay all right so it's good no i don't feel crazy i know it wasn't a little bit a few minutes ago when i was like holy [ __ ] that's because i felt like something kind of like tug on my oh i'm crazy oh something something right it's over there right yeah it is but i don't know is it a false like this will give false positives hold on hold on hold on yeah it does look something's glimmering something's forming give it a second it look it wow it's right chrono you seth dude it's crawling past you it's right in front of you seth you don't feel cold no wow that was messed is it still there uh it's it's it's back but it's not directly in front of you can you come stand in front of me again please just go give seth a big hug so he knows it's like it's like thigh high so it could be a child right there you can see something something's sticking out brighter it keeps coming in and out is it on the side of it it's gone it's on your right side so yeah i'm gonna put my arm out can you can you it's cold over here is it cold over there okay well that's where it was that's what i'm seeing it's instantly less cold right here where my hand is now if i put it back over here yep it's cold as soon as i pass this yeah oh oh oh oh wow holy crap well but we'll we'll get like ice cold spots down here where it is definitely cold right here is it still there no somebody can you don't be afraid of seth yeah please don't be afraid reach around seth again you're right on i don't need any harm kind of kind of kind of put it down near your waist see if it'll reach out to you can you reach out and grab seth's hand don't be afraid don't be afraid it's going i don't know is it gone oh seth can you see where you are i don't want you to whack into anything but can you move a couple steps to your right am i right yeah yeah there's a pole there so just be careful yeah okay just let me know if you feel anything put my hand on your right hand side yeah yep i'm going to run this recorder all right what is down here okay can you come by and leave me a message in this recorder please oh yeah that thing's crawling something's right in front of seth my friend's back [Music] it's sk all over again that's okay all over again maybe it might be we'll see show me my yes oh so it's like a pin yeah okay go straight i can't go straight please okay show me my no that's my no all right so now you know my yes or no yes okay is anybody here with us right now any spirits here with us right now yes see i'm not moving so sorry mm-hmm okay go straight hey where are you standing in the event where are you standing i want to talk to you point to where you're standing over there over go straight okay all right now what do you guys say are you a boy are you a boy yes go straight are you a child [Music] no are you william and william i didn't hear you okay yes you can go straight are you trapped here yes that's sad are we speaking to the little boy right now no okay is there a girl here is william here wait okay go ahead ask again is william here is rohana here with us today yes okay okay there you go and what was the husband's name wait no no sophia's husband it's really nice what was that staircase elijah alicia elisha is that your name elijah yes there you go good job is george trapped in his house also doors trapped yes where are you standing right now show us where you are she wants to know where you are still right there hey dude that's cool yeah upstairs sofia said she comes and goes yeah at least at least sophia and william i believe do you come and go also with sofia and william you come to the house and leave again no they can't do six things yes they do hmm maybe some of them don't know how to leave that's true do you have money do you want to leave do you want to leave the right up whitney house oh i can't help you you're wrong with josh yeah i don't know ask rohana if she was mad that joan was on her bed oh were you mad that john was on your bedroom yes yes okay go straight he wants this on what john looks there that he was on your bed where's john oh my god i'm not over here yep did he at least fix the bed and make it back up again for you did he fix it no that's horrible so are we talking to rohana right now are we talking to rohana yes rohana can you make a bang in this room please no this isn't the sk you know yeah that's true is it because you don't know how no she doesn't just to be clear you don't like john i'm sorry i didn't yes sorry none of us did okay did you hear him do you not like john no no those oh were you the one that called us [ __ ] in your bedroom no because it was a guy's voice oh oh there you go then she said that all right it was a guy's voice it was a guy's voice yeah was it your husband did he did he call the [ __ ] yep oh actually did we go in his his room yeah that's what they would do when they were tapping oh okay that makes sense do you want seth to lay on your bed do you want to stop the cops doesn't lay on your bed no no no no it's okay do you want john to make your bed do you want john to fix your bed and that is a wrap explorers for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it so i did have an actual ending to this video but for some reason seth lost it so we're doing it here you know next to the cool pirate flag and that's where we're gonna end it i mean the place was cool we got some amazing evps by cory because i mean think about it he's over there pretending like he was back in the military in the military room and that went off the the rem pod went right off at the same time when he was acting as soon as he asked for food which was amazing mind-blowing experience but then we have satori and cody doing their thing and that again explores is the most legit realist thing i've ever seen and it's not you got you guys like what the heck no no no no no that's not real but i i can promise you on everything that stuff is legit and this ain't the first time they've done it with us they've done it uh like another time before that i never upload the video because i was like dude like who's going to believe it but it is real and i i can't explain it and there was times where i thought they were lying and they were faking it and i was like studying what they're doing looking at their feet their shoes everything around me i cannot i don't know how to explain that i really don't and i mean i hope it's real like i generally just hope that it's real because it's so extraordinary to me uh it's really mind-blowing and other than that i mean we had some great stuff it's great going out there and just filming these videos and just it's always something new every time on beyond the dark beyond the dark is is the series we started and it does well i mean it really does well like we go all in we don't have to like go too crazy we just film with our friends and just try to get good ghost evidence and show you guys it and i love it i really do love this series and i hope you guys do too so i'm going to end this video here guys and until next time stay tuned for the next beyond the dark episode which i actually don't know what it's gonna be uh but actually no i think it's gonna be the halloween special which would be the penhurst video but that's on halloween night so stay tuned for that thanks again guys for watching this is a long outro oh my god tune in till next episode peace thanks for watching check out the merch [Music] bye
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 660,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: netflix, bly manor real, the haunting of hill house, scary, evp, ghost hunters, ghost adventures, sam and colby, exploring with josh, 2020 horror movies
Id: CnqZNXuwjzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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