The harsh truth of D͏i͏a͏b͏l͏o͏ 4͏͏͏͏͏͏ after Level 82 | Asmongold Reacts

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the truth of Diablo 4 after level 82. how I actually feel let's talk about how I honestly feel in Diablo 4 I've gotten to level 82 I have basically completed my Renown at this point I have got all the altars of Lilith uh obviously beat the campaign and all of them in World tier four my gear is making pretty stout I don't really know what left I could really farm at this point other than experience and do the Pinnacle boss and you know like a few other uh things at the moment a farm God knows too many legendaries done a bunch of PVP you can see I got some ears in here too I've been doing PVP been played with friends I've also been playing solo so I've had a pretty good amount of experience and this is coming from a druid's perspective now I have seen a lot of feedback related to this game both extremely positive as well as extremely negative and I have yet to find too much of good nuanced conversation about around the good and the bad around this game I'm gonna do my very best to ride that line fairly so let's talk about the good first and what I like about the game I think the game people people say is overwhelmingly complicated but I actually think it's fairly decently simple I think the skill tree isn't too confusing it looks very confusing at the beginning but legitimately all of these are linear so this I don't think it's I don't think the skill tree is complex enough personally I I wish that there was another fork for each of these different spells like maybe maybe I'm asking for too much maybe it's too complex at that point but like personally I'd like to see a little bit more it's my opinion this is something where you really have to worry about I think the Paragon board looks very confusing until you still or until you actually try using it and then you realize yes it's still a little bit confusing but it's not really as bad as it seems if you can understand 90 degree angles and turning things you can basically understand a paragon board once you actually get your hands on it just looking at it looks very confusing the way items work the way legendaries work the way uniques work the way you acquire these all seem decently well explained though and I will say there are some things for instance like aspects having different tiers for instance the uh ancestral and the sacred being different colors and literally name different offensive aspect of their aging this is an ancestral legendary but this one is a sacred legendary and having ancestral is tier four I believe and sacred is tier three absolute basically uh no difference in terms of what these items actually do I think can also be extremely confusing as well for instance I very often seen people say things like ancestral legendary aspects are better than normal see how this one goes one to five seconds and is a maximum row of five seconds but then this is a normal legendary ring that goes one to five seconds as well it just says three there and the reason people don't even realize it goes all the way to five seconds is because they have habits off so and this is by default so they have their Advanced tool tips off by default shout out to Woody Joe actually for informing me about this because I didn't know this originally and then they see it says three seconds here as well and they think that one's lower it's just casual players don't know [ __ ] about the game right like I I feel like if you it would be nice if you could hold down alt or control whenever you Mouse over something and alter control would enable the advanced tool tips for that item my aspect that's five so ancestor was higher and so there's a lot of misinformation and confusion coming from a large amount of uh players in the game and that can get spread so I do think there are some things that are fairly poorly explained in the game however once you understand the fundamentals of the mechanic it becomes significantly more enjoyable also uh being crowd controlled I don't think it's adequately explained what being crowd controlled means I think if you asked a hundred people what does being crowd controlled mean you would not get a hundred of the same answer or would you count like let's say a ten percent slow or a taunt as crowd control or would you count a stun as crowd control right you see kind of what I'm saying because like in uh in Diablo 4 any type of crowd control is is the same thing so like a lot of Barbarians for example go with hamstring hamstring makes bleeds uh slow you and guess what now you just take advantage of a hundred percent crowd control up time both you have soft CC on hard CC yeah but I think if you ask somebody like would you consider like what would they consciously acknowledge that like a 10 slow would count as CC I bet a lot of people wouldn't think that I do think there is something to be said for the world's size I feel like the actual size of the world the fact that these Legion Events which by the way you can Farm free horse cosmetic from here that's like a golf course really cool I think that the actual size of the map is significant when I'm teleporting around the different areas I do feel the variety in terms of what the landscape looks like I do think it is fair to say that with a lot of people I have the feedback I have read is that people were surprised that so many of the Minions look alike this is true it is a Diablo game hell is running over and a lot of the demons are twins apparently so I do believe that this is I mean this is how it was in Diablo 4 or Diablo 3 I didn't play all the way all the way through Diablo 2 I'm not sure most games have I mean like Elden ring has has rerun characters I mean it is what it is something to be said for that I don't know how you fix that within the arpg hack and slash genre to be fair but I do understand that criticism and I accept that now in terms of the early mid and late game I would like to get into that feedback as well I think the early game is the most exciting you're pushing through the story what you're trying to do is fairly well explained you're trying to also reiterate the early game experience for barbarians and Druids is bad I think it is infinitely less fun than a sorcerer or a rogue they are worse for no reason it doesn't need to be that way just change the modifiers on the Spells problem solved and we do the yellow stories they're very easily marked there is good story dialogue there is very good voice acting yes this is Blizzard after all so there's also very good cut scenes me personally I found some of the boss fights to be way better than some of the other boss fights so put it that way in order to keep the spoilers free however I have heard mixed reviews on the boss fights so I will take that one under advisement as this is just my own personal opinion I think it is not clear upon meeting I think it's kind of fair like I'm just gonna leak this uh if you don't want a spoiler too bad uh ashava the world boss is like one of the last bosses in the campaign that wasn't super cool that was dumb mainly playing the game what to do after the campaign and I actually believe this is a good thing I think the fact that it does not immediately tell you go and farm nightmare dungeons go and Max your Renown but instead you get the sense of the world has opened up to you I actually enjoy that a good deal I am an old school RuneScape player I've played RuneScape since 2001 when it came out from Devious mud I'm actually older than I look to be honest with you guys so for that reason I very much enjoy open world I do not like hand-holding I like games that give me a character and I feel like I am brutally trying to survive within the elements around me and figure out what's going on in the game so I like that the only thing I don't like is terrible trashy uis and bad quality of life I would say the uis could be improved I'm not calling them trashy I'm saying those are things I don't like they're or do I have to say the thing that everybody else is saying where the [ __ ] is the gem tab blizzard come on like what is this what just like what do we need like we need a tab for can consumables but we don't have a tab for gems oh my God it's just such a waste of space it sucks just give us a gem tab it should have happened in uh and no I don't want to be a DLC because then I owe that guy 500 remember I bet against that no just put it in the game just say hey guys we hear you you want Jim tabs all right we're gonna do it just aspects of that I don't like I would say right now having one two three four five six and seven gym slots all slotted up with gems is extremely annoying having no gym bag is extremely annoying and having inventory space uh you guys saw already my uh let me walk over here and show you you guys already saw my storage stash and having a storage stash that is completely full with legendaries is very annoying you might think okay this sounds I wish we had more storage room except for some success oh damn you got so many legendaries you know [ __ ] you but that's not what I'm saying I cannot not pick these up if I want to these are forced to be picked up to me unfortunately I'm gonna turn the alerts off soon keep spamming unfortunately here uh these are forced for me to acquire the reason is is if a legendary drops in the field and I do not want that legendary and I leave the dungeon when I go to my stash that Legendary Shows up right here and it gives me two options I can either put in my inventory I can put in the stash does not give me an auto salvage ability to does not give me anything like that also the stash has no way for me to filter or search through basically forcing me to go and hit the sort button in order to make them sort by type and then look through all the chest plates Etc until I find one I want so very often that's true it would be nice if we had a search function yeah it would just it would just make the game better that's it than what I find myself doing is not wanting to look through three thousand different items to find min max rows from these tiny little text and my eyes are blurring from playing the game 24 hours a day literally anyway so instead I'm just crunching everything and not giving a [ __ ] so I think that that is probably some poor gameplay design in terms of the stash in the UI with these items now that is going to be probably my primary negative feedback there's one other point I would like to make which is the dungeons there are a lot of them you are not required to clear all of them but there are plenty of codexes here I have already done as you can see and there are plenty more still left I find the dungeon system to be totally fine and completely okay however if blizzard asks me to reform all of these things I will probably do it once for season one and afterwards I will probably never play Diablo 4 again because if I have to reform 115 different Dungeons and farm out that much Renown that's not fun there were many leagues and Poe that I just didn't play The League because I thought about all the different like oh so then I have to get the Conqueror stones and then there's the watch stones and then I have to level up the watch stones and I have to kill the Clunkers on a different level and then do the maps and uh yeah I'm just oh [ __ ] well I'm just gonna play WoW you know like it's just not a good time I do like the variety of having the legendary aspects at a minimum row I think that's smart so there's still a way and a reason to farm normal legendaries and not just use codex for everything but this also makes certain builds more viable early and allows certain types of players to be able to build certain types of classes earlier than otherwise would have been possible with just pure RNG of getting the legendary items this is almost like sort of being able to craft legendaries or set items from Diablo 3 this is the way of guaranteeing certain items I think this was probably a necessity to keep players encouraged because of the difficulty of the game now speaking of the difficulty of the game I've seen mixed opinions I've seen people speaking that the game plays very slow that the gameplay is very hard it is very brutal and I enjoy that is what people will say then I will see people that say this is way too easy and blasting through everything I got through in-game in two days and I don't understand what I'm supposed to do now so so my that's where I'm at I'm going to be honest I one shot Lilith I didn't even die uh I died once on the Capstone dungeon uh and this is on tier two because I didn't know the where he would teleport on top of me and then do like the three-prong attack I didn't think he was gonna do it twice it killed me once and that was it uh then I went back I killed it was easy I didn't even try to get my gear I didn't upgrade anything I just went in raw and that was it and this is on world tier two as a barbarian as Whirlwind build I don't really think it was that hard uh all the nightmare dungeons I've done after that have been pretty easy too I I don't struggle at all I think the difficulty is fine though because I played Barbarian and I played I mean I didn't play Barbarian I played like a [ __ ] Chieftain and [ __ ] like that and Poe before uh Shadow Slayer right I played Barbarian and Diablo 3. uh like I I played uh Berserker and lost ark like I understand the game better than an average player does in terms of like movement and avoidance and stuff like that do with the non-meta build bro like uh like Whirlwind is not a leveling meta build especially not for bosses yeah it's it's not it's not that great addressing to these points is really I have multiple points to this but I'm gonna start with the most obvious which is that players like me who are planing 24 hours a day in order to actually either make content creation on this or learn the entire game before the Casual player in order to explain things to the Casual player for the sake of media like YouTube views and twitch growth Etc we are not the standard players and should not be balanced around the game should be balanced around the Casual dad who comes home after a long day of work he has kids that are yelling he wants to sit down with his One Beer a Day and play for two hours I think that that is the target audience because this is now Diablo the majority of the people playing this are in 30 of the 45 age bracket they're old school Gamers that enjoy the game very much and they do not have 24 hours a day to play this game yes so I do believe that while I agree it is possible for people like me to get to the point of now all I'm doing is essentially grinding the same thing over and over again very quickly I do not believe that should be in the conversation in terms of overall complete balance I think and I think that goes even farther to explain my point that I think it's very problematic that players might have to re-farm Renown or these time sync side activities during the seasons that is such a massive barrier to entry that I don't think I'll play any Diablo Seasons after the first one if I have to do that more than twice very often the Casual average game player because I know there's hardcore community in these games I understand I myself and one again I play RuneScape takes the most hours of any game the max okay that's just true I understand that there is audience for these things but the vast majority of players are not the one percent like maybe you the viewer who is a a very good long-term PC hardcore gamer that is a small percentage of the players and the most players are probably never even going to hit Level 82. I don't think the majority of players are going to I think I I think like the casual slash hardcore players will but the Casual players the majority players probably will not Farm all 180 or something Alters of Lilith that I farmed in order just to get the plus two strength on each you know type of one of these I don't see that happening nor do I see the average player going into the Paragon board and spending 15 hours of their day while they drink their one beer to be able to figure this out I do think what we will see is a vast majority of those casual players looking up a couple guides a couple of tips and tricks I myself have seen those Search terms coming through I know you guys are looking for them figuring out the game on that level and then playing through a pre-planned build I think that's going to be a lot of players however in my personal mind this would be a mistake and the reason I say this is this game is actually I think very well suited for that casual type of player I think the world tears seeing that there's only four of them meaning every time you go from a world here it feels like a significant accomplishment when you start in World tier one yeah I definitely agree with this having like 75 different variations of difficulty is crazy I'd be okay if they added a fifth one if they stop scaling at 80 but like yeah I don't want to see like torment 75. greater Rift level 131 oh my God you bump up to World tier two if yeah and again if you're a Min maxing you should start in World tier one as it is going to be faster and you will blast through it faster so you can get the tier three faster and you skip to its entirety but if you are the average user you will start in maybe one think this is too easy or maybe you just don't want to blast your things you go the two and then each and every minion is going to feel like its own Challenge and that might actually be something that you enjoy personally sure I also think that the discoverability of this game is insane I think when you walk around the world and you discover these different dungeons the different player players that you'll see the different events that will happen you'll notice the codexes that will have rewards in them I think it would be cool if you could loot an item that would help you find the altars of Lilith without having to look them up like for example you know like in wow how you can find you can go around and if you're near a dragon riding Rune it will like your dragon will be like and then it'll say Your Dragon Source Your Dragon senses a dragon can Rune or a dragon riding rune and I I think that the horse and then it's like oh okay there's one over you know and it's like it it uh you know there's like a a faint light that goes in a certain direction yeah I think that'll be fine because like I just feel like the gameplay it feels bad going through the game and knowing that these things are out there but knowing also that it would be stupid to try to get every single one while you're leveling up it just creates like a weird it's like a weird thing where like if you were able to just like notice that they were there or have some sort of like an indication of that I just feel like the gameplay for that would be way better um even quests that are sort of hidden like for instance I have some areas I've even uncovered yeah I've been playing the whole time I think that is a fantastic addition to a Diablo game I have played Diablo 3 significantly and in my time playing Diablo 3 I felt like every single map was basically a linear path it is me walking down a sidewalk to get somewhere whereas in this I actually do feel like I'm on a map I'm on a a land mass I'm on a area I would agree with this whatever you want to call it I'm I'm in a world is what it actually feels like that is a step up in terms of environment which I think is heavily important for the average player I think that's heavily important to feel like you're within an actual world I think this is doubled down by the fact that when you're walking around on the map you'll also very much experience unique type of monsters so they'll have like a star that would show up and have a unique monster and also the side quests which are crucially important by the way for Min maxers for Renown you'll want to do these blue quests don't sleep on them it's a mistake I made I also believe that these side quests do a good job at getting you to areas that you don't normally go like you yeah this is good all all of what he's saying this is definitely so true so true and so real I think having the side quests and getting people out into the world is like super important and like the environment of the world is cool I personally wish that there was more of like you know like act three the hell area whenever you're going down to asmadan I wish that we had more of that in Diablo 4 because I feel like the only real vibe that I get from that is at the end of the campaign yeah a little bit more hell maybe we'll get that in an expansion I'm assuming that we will but personally yeah tell me what's right here other than alter of Lilith that's down there it's good there's nothing here there they got the side quest to get you there to experience that I also think the fact that after you beat the campaign you can make a new character skip the campaign and start in multiple different regions is actually a very great quality of life for people that play through the game Big the campaign and then just want to try a new class because they're not trying to go to level 100 and min max one class level 100 takes a very long time the experience leveling in this game is very different than some of the previous games and so for that reason I think this was also a good addition I also want to mention that I'm seeing a lot of people get very angry about balance changes I myself did sort of a half-hearted meme video on the Druid balance changes I was kind of uh I mean like the truth is that I don't like like obviously Whirlwind Barbarian needed to be nerfed as many times as it was and I still think Whirlwind Barbarian is good I'm still playing it I just don't like the play I I don't like the play style that the Nerfs require you to go behind I don't like the idea of like a feast and famine gameplay where like half of the time your character sucks and you have to use these really shitty Builder spells in order to do the fun spells like I I don't like that I wish you why can't we just be going why can't we just go big dick all the time especially at end game yeah I just I don't like the rotation I don't like the forced Builder spender system in like pretty much all the classes except for um uh what's it called a sorcerer or whatever the [ __ ] it's called in this game uh that's it because big dip becomes the norm big dick doesn't exist anymore I disagree uh like for example in Lost Ark every single one of my abilities except for um you know my interruptability is a big dick ability you know hellblade big dick finishing strike big dick sword storm big dick everything is big dick and it feels good the entire time it never stops feeling good also look at um look at Poe what's the only spell I'm casting if I'm playing uh Cyclone cyclone I don't have to build up something to use Cyclone maybe if you're using false old I'm not going to use false Cyclone but if using a vol spell maybe that's it better than that no kind of joking around but at the most part I thought Druid legitimately uh I was surprised with the Nerfs even people like me who were complaining about Nerfs the classes for the in-game my opinion while it may matter does not matter as much as balancing the game around the average user and what they experience and I think that that average user the changes were probably for the best I think I don't like obviously the Barbarian Nerfs sucked but like guys barbarian was busted like it was so it was it was like this was Barbarian and these were the other four classes it wasn't even remotely close it could literally crit for billions of damage it still is yeah that's what I'm saying is they nerfed it 50 times it's still one of the best classes scores was just too much yeah it was disgusting so like I understand why they nerfed it I just don't like the play style that the Nerfs make you do and this is something I said right from the beta is I don't like the Builder spender system that like every class basically has except for sorcerer this thing it sucks it feels bad to have to use your Builder spells and I don't think that you should have to feel bad while playing the game and I think that lost ark proves that you can have a array of really fun spells and you don't have to have bad spells to make the good spells feel better trying to make sure that some classes are are not so complete outliers that every single person feels like if you don't play this class you're just stupid exactly I hate it in games when I join a game and everyone's like you're playing that class what a loser I hate that personally I think I really enjoy uh being able to feel like I identify with my character which this game does very well when I'm playing Druid I wanted to play Druid because I wanted to shape shift I wanted to be a bear that was like 90 of my reason I also wanted to be a wolf that was the other 10 I got it what I wanted it happens to be the class is actually quite good and that both of those builds by the way stormwolf actually seems like it has some I have all of the uniques now for the Druid I will do a video on this but stormwolf seems like it has something coming I have some footage of this so in my own opinion where I'm going with this and you're probably seeing me mention quite often is this game is probably a 7 out of 10 for Min maxers maybe a six out of ten for people that want to grind through blast the 100 it's actually very good inside I I kind of agree with them I feel like the stats and Diablo 4 are boring close enemies do six percent less damage to you who gives a [ __ ] who cares you have close damage vulnerable damage see seed damage crowd control damage CeCe uh uh stunned damage injured damage healthy damage like it's just all the same thing but with a different uh a different trigger I just I I find it so boring like and this is what was so good about Diablo 3 whenever it came out is that you had like okay you get more attack speed now you can crit more you get more crit damage now your crits are doing more damage then you get a higher crit chance and now you're faster attacks are creating more and they're doing even more and it's just you're doing so much [ __ ] damage it felt amazing it was so good what happened you know like what is this and like you could feel that gameplay like I remember I would watch somebody play with like a fully decked out demon and I remember I watched these guys that's why I would watch that's why I first started watching twitch I watched it for reckful playing uh Warrior and Mr Pandaria and then I watched it because it's like how the [ __ ] does this dude like kill Inferno Diablo in one second the boss doesn't even get to him it's dead and like you see his damage and it's just like he just [ __ ] busts a nut on the screen of like 20 000 crits and Diablo's in phase three it was [ __ ] insane and it like the gameplay of it felt too many too like so much different and I feel like the gameplay like Poe obviously does this incredibly well too but like what I'm what I'm saying with Diablo 3 right of attack speed Critical Strike damage main stat Critical Strike chance right you have four multipliers you can feel it you can feel it feel better and it's the same thing in wow like how many of you guys one of your favorite patches in wow was either ice Crown Citadel Siege of Orgrimmar 5.4 or the end of legion one of those three how many of you guys was this was one of your favorite patches yep yep there it is you know why because you had a lot of attack speed you had a lot of Critical Strike chance and on some of those you had a lot of Critical Strike damage and you had a lot of haste you had a lot of armor pen and you have a lot of armor pen and you have more attacks that attack speed so your arm penetration is happening more often oh BFA corruption yeah that's what's fun and that's what I'm trying to get at and I I think that the Diablo for I'll log on the game after this and I'll show you guys kind of what I mean but uh yeah well that I find those people the conversations I'm having with those players are getting bored quicker than they expected however for the average gamer the 30 to 45 year old dad who has a couple hours a day I'm finding them enjoying the game even more than they expected so there is a yin yang balance I think they sacrifice some of the focus on this hardcore community in order to engage a little bit more of the average old school gamer who maybe doesn't have as much ability to be that hardcore gamer that they fell in love with gaming in the beginning I think this is a fine sacrifice because while you might think that focusing on the hardcore Community that's just doubling down playing the games all the time is their core fan base and they should appeal to these people no because these people are cucks they're going to play the game no matter what the reality is the core fan base is that Dad who no longer has the ability or that Mom okay I'm not trying to do a gender thing that doesn't have that ability anymore there's dozens play the games that they love and they desire because life happened and I think Diablo 4 does actually a pretty good job at re-establishing this type of game into immediately being enjoyable for those types of players so they might feel left behind in terms of levels but they don't feel left behind in terms of loving the game that's what I have found personally from talking to players it's what I have experienced with my own gameplay and it stands true the reason for me I did find the in-game come sooner than I imagined however I found myself getting the in-game to be more enjoyable than I thought and I have since upgraded my rating from the campaign for a Diablo 4. is a 10. and I think that at the lowest it's a nine seven it's a better campaign than Lost Ark it's a better campaign than Path of Exile I haven't played last Epoch I can't speak to that can for myself personally this doesn't have to do with the previous ratings I just mentioned but for myself on the betas I rated a 7 out of 10 I thought that was very fair I've since upgraded to an 8 out of 10. I will say I have one other harsh criticism other than the filtering and stash issues with the items and the no search feature issues and the gem bag issues there's one other thing which is that dungeons were supposed to be fixed they're not supposed to be kind of backtracking I feel like I like putting it if you have a lime where you have to go this way then back then this way but you take that line you make it a circle where you have to go around it's still the same distance and that's effectively what happens so I feel like I am still running the same amount of distance as I expected to with backtracking I also find that the dungeons themselves do lack a little bit of variety but they put a billion goddamn dungeons in this game so they repeat some of the bosses yeah I think there's about there's 120 dungeons but really there's about 12. those are really my only complaints other than that I think this game if you're the person who loved gaming growing up and has since lost the ability to play games 12 hours a day like people like me that have no life other than video gaming I think this game was designed for you yes that's what I think you know I think there's a lot of conversation around the other side of the community the hardcore the nation this small group you know I'm in that group but I don't think it was designed for me I think this game was designed for you hi everyone it's Rex Diablo for [ __ ] hoodie I totally agree with pretty much everything he's saying here I wish he had talked a little bit more about the itemization uh there's the video right there guys um obviously I I definitely I definitely like these videos I I feel like he's provided a lot of insight Etc into uh Diablo games and uh yeah the math overview is funny yeah I might have to look at that and see for myself Mr llama's Diablo forview and how to fix it um I'm not sure if I've seen that or not I mean there's been a lot of people that have given reviews so I'm not sure really if I'm gonna be able to watch every single one of them but I'll watch more of them over time for sure definitely of course I will good video good Pace very articulate yeah I think this is a great video probably one of the best Diablo 4 reviews out there so uh yeah I I just feel like they could make the itemization better I think the itemization is super boring and I don't feel different playing the game with itemization I think the only time that I feel different is whenever I get a different trait or something like that thoughts on Mob density and Diablo 4. like so I I do dungeons and Diablo 4 right and I'll do a dungeon and there will be like eight Elites stacked on top of each other and then I'll do another dungeon and there's like 10 Elites in the whole thing how to fix this have more areas where there's eight Elites stacked on top of each other because it's [ __ ] fun and almost every time I do a pack like that I get a legendary
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,887,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 5av4tLu9zlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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