The Game Of Thrones Iceberg Explained

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it's honestly incredible how long people have been following the Game of Thrones story I started reading the books after binging the first two seasons of the TV show I finished all of them and then I had the show pass me up again for the final few seasons and of course we're all still waiting for the Winds of Winter after the TV show left us wanting a little bit more to say the least so while we wait for the next book let's go down the Game of Thrones Iceberg we'll mix in a few perspectives from the show and from the book and look at some interesting pieces of Lore Mysteries and predictions for the series but first if you've seen a couple of my videos and haven't subscribed yet please consider clicking that button and I promise to bring you more lore icebergs and everything in between with that this is the Game of Thrones Iceberg explained um level one the Doom beneath the churning Waters of the smoking sea shrouded in a veil of sulfurous Mists and haunting silence lies Valaria a city whose ashes whisper Tales of a vanished Empire the Doom as it's ominously called marks the cataclysmic event that swallowed this once magnificent civilization whole leaving a void in history and igniting a mystery that has captivated fans of Game of Thrones for a long time in fact of all the mysteries in the Game of Thrones Universe to me the Doom is one of the most interesting it clearly hints at a more magical history within the universe but at the same time some will argue that it was likely a natural event like an earthquake or a volcano that sunk Valaria furthering a common theme in Game of Thrones of natural versus Supernatural that we'll talk about a lot more in other topics so what are the theories around Valeria's demise well the most common one has to do with the 14 Flames which were 14 volcanoes around the Valyrian Peninsula the theory is that essentially some kind of super eruption Mega earthquake buried Valia underneath the smoking sea this is again one of the more natural solutions that people have to these conundrums that exist in the Game of Thrones Universe on the opposite end of the spectrum though are the supernatural explanations among the leading theories some point to Valeria's hubris and insatiable thirst for power I mean if you had conquered dragons would you even think of stopping at that point maybe unbridled ambition LED them to overstep meddling with forces beyond their control maybe as they continued to experiment with powerful magic something happened that they couldn't put back in the bottle and I don't know will'll ever learn anything more about the Doom it seems to be a topic that George R Martin steers away from giving definitive answers for but I do hope that we see some other characters like youron Greyjoy tell us a little bit more about what's going on there Jon Snow's parents we're starting this off with some topics that you've probably heard of before and might know a little bit about obviously Jon Snow's parents have been revealed in the show at this point but it's worth noting that in the books that hasn't happened yet in fact in the books John snow is still dead but anyway back to his parents so from his introduction Jon is marked by a subtle Aura of Shame setting him apart from the rest of the Starks Ned Stark's conversations with Jon Snow as well as his internal monologue is full of cryptic promises to his sister lyana Stark Edward Stark's character also has quite a bit of foreshadowing in it and you see it in most of his chapters for example there's a dream that he has where he sees his sister's grave and it's got a ring of blue roses around it which is the exact gift that rhaegar Targaryen gave at a tournament now at this point it's worth noting that basically the whole world believes that rhaegar and lyana are the parents of Jon Snow even if you're not deep in Game of Thrones lore you've probably seen R plus L equals J it was a pretty common theory that became basically a battlecry for everyone that wanted to see it played out on the TV show so while we wait for the final answer from George in hopefully the next book let's move on to a more interesting topic tyrian Lannister's parents beneath the golden facade of House Lannister a shadow of mystery lurks the true parentage of Tyrion Lannister from his mocking wit to his dwarfism a stark departure from the Lannister mold Tyrion has fueled speculation since he first came into the story admittedly this theory is a little bit far-fetched but let's go down the rabbit hole anyway the official lineage paints Tyrion as the son of Tywin Lannister and Joanna Lannister his siblings being brother and sister twins jimie and cersi now his father has open disdain for Tyrion it borders on hatred and it's probably because his mother died in childbirth but what if something else is at play the most prominent Theory posit that Aries Targaryen The Mad King is tyrion's Father there's Whispers of Aries assault on Joanna during a visit to King's Landing that fuel this speculation taiwan's resignation as the hand of the king shortly after Joanna's death and his perceived bitterness towards the targaryens adds some further Intrigue this Theory would explain tyrion's affinity for Dragons creatures targaryens are obviously connected to another theory is that while maybe Jamie and cersi are the children of Tywin and Joanna maybe Tyrion is a younger sibling conceived on a separate occasion with a different lanister relative this would explain tywin's animosity born out of shame or a desire to conceal his infidelity I can't find a whole lot of support Behind These theories the biggest Point seems to be tyrion's obsession with dragons and how they seem to respond to him differently at least in the TV show Azor a high reborn there is a prophecy mentioned somewhat frequently within Game of Thrones it's the coming of Azor aigh the prince that was promised the champion reborn adid smoke and salt to Vanquish the darkness this figure becomes a focal point of speculation and debate leaving viewers grappling with potential candidates and the true meaning of the cryptic pronouncements like a few other topics on this list I think Azora high was a topic that was just a little bit too weird for the showrunners to really include in the show I think there are hints to it here and there but they really didn't spend too much time on it the legend of Azora high is shrouded in the mystery of time he's said to be a legendary hero who wielded lightbringer a fiery sword forged in the heart of his beloved Nissa Nissa three times he attempted to forge the blade each time plunging it into a sacrifice he held dear only with his third and final try when he plunged it into his beloved NAD Nissa did he create lightbringer a weapon powerful enough to Vanquish the darkness so who is Azora High reborn one prominent Contender is Stannis barathan melisandre's Champion truthfully I don't know that his description matches the description of Azora high too well but melisandra seems to think he's the one and she's shown some pretty powerful magic that said the common expectation is that Jon Snow is a zorah high reborn with his Targaryen blood and connection both to ice and fire through the Starks and targaryens presenting a stronger claim his resurrection from the dead could be interpreted as a rebirth and his battle against the White Walkers aligns with the prophecy's purpose Beyond those two many point to daas Targaryen citing Her Dragons as the embodiment of lightbringer and her role as a potential unifier against the darkness and there might be some credibility to this given that we know George R Martin likes to subvert expectations right now everyone expects azorah High to be a man Daenerys Targaryen would subvert that with that let's dive down to level two Bran Stark the night King Bran Stark the the seemingly gentle three-eyed raven could be something more the night King the embodiment of Eternal winter and darkness it's worth noting that at this point in the book there is not a true night King there is not a true one big bad guy in the books in the same way that the shows have one so if bran does become the night King there's a few more things that need to happen before that some fans interpret the sequence of Game of Thrones as a Clos time Loop suggesting that Branan becomes trapped in the past his Consciousness permanently entwined with the night Kings this would explain the night King's seemingly intimate knowledge of Bran's abilities and his persistent targeting of him throughout the show in this interpretation Bran's passivity and Detachment could be attributed to the internal struggle between his Stark humanity and the icy grip of the night King's Darkness others take a more metaphorical approach they see the night King as a dark reflection of bran representing the potential Corruption of his power and the dangers of unchecked knowledge the theory posits that Bran's prolonged exposure to the past and the horrors it holds could warp his perspective potentially turning him into a cold detached figure driven by a ruthless vision of order not too dissimilar from the night King this interpretation resonates with Bran's transformation into a three-eyed Raven he loses his emotional connection to the present becoming increasingly absorbed in the grand tapestry of time his actions such as manipulating hodor's fate and seemingly allowing the night King to reach Winterfell rais questions about his true motives and the choices he makes in the name of a seemingly inevitable future the show concludes with bran crowned King leaving the night fing defeated the ambiguity surrounding his true nature remains though did he truly over over come the darkness or is it merely dormant waiting for an opportunity to reassert itself we don't really know how the story ends yet and I'm not entirely convinced that bran will end up on the throne at the end of the book series and we also don't know if there's going to be a true night King in the book series either that said it's an interesting Theory to say the least the fate of Stannis Baratheon if you watch the shows you notice that we never really got a true ending to stannis's story it seems like we did but it was never really shown on camera Ramsey Bolton claims to have killed him but we don't really know and there's always speculation that Stannis escaped in Game of Thrones we often see stories and plot lines repeat themselves throughout history so one thread that I saw online was that Stannis actually escaped north of the wall and became this era's Reincarnation of the knight's King to be clear this is not the Evil Ice Wizard The Knight King but rather a deserter who escaped north of the wall and continued his life with the wildlings others see a simpler truth Stannis met his end at Winterfell a tragic hero consumed by his own hubris and flawed sense of righteousness his unwavering belief in his Destiny fueled by melisandre's manipulations and his own thirst for power ultimately led him to a p of his own making honestly after what he did to his daughter I'm pretty sure he deserves it ancient symbols if you watch the series there are two symbols that you might remember the first I'd understand if you forgot because I think it only showed up in the pilot and the other we've seen a few times the first was a circle with a line through it that we saw in the pilot episode made out of corpses and the second was a spiraling Circle that we often see associated with the children of the forest so let's start with the spiral this ubiquitous symbol adorns ancient ruins circles wirewood trees and even appears in other contexts like the night King's creation is it a representation of life's constant cycle birth death and rebirth or does it hint at the cyclical nature of magic itself the EB and flow of power like ing Seasons some see it as a symbol of Harmony the interconnectedness of all things While others interpret it as a forboding reminder of the other's cyclical return one other Theory I came across was that the spiral itself has seven arms maybe it's seven arms for seven gods maybe it's connected to the new gods in some way each arm representing one of those Gods we don't see much in Game of Thrones that connects the Old and New Gods so this might be an interesting Theory but what about the others and their circle with a line through it symbol this symbol appears in the icy Landscapes it's carved into white flesh it's scribbled on walls does it represent their connection to the cold and death is it a mark of division a cleaving of the world into the living and the Frozen some see it as a symbol of the others Relentless nature and their Detachment from the natural world one theory that stuck out to me was that of a brok broken world the broken Circle could represent the other's view of the world Shattered by the arrival of men and their destrution of the natural order further maybe this symbolizes the wall that divides the world truthfully we don't know how large The Game of Throne world really is we've seen see people sail off into the ocean never to be seen again what's to say that it doesn't extend just as far to the North interestingly we often see the symbol from the children of the forest and the others side by side indicating that maybe there really is some past relationship between the two I guess we'll just have to wait for a few more books to come out the others motivations from the Frozen Wast Beyond the Wall a chilling mystery creeps South the motives of the others also known as the white walkers if you're basing this on the show I'm not sure we ever really got a conclusion we got Arya doing some fancy knife tricks and then poof no more white walkers so let's ignore that for a bit one prominent Theory Paints the others as vengeful Spirits driven by a primordial rage against man kind some believe that they are vengeful ghosts of the first men massacred by the children of the forest during the dawn age others see them as embodiments of winter itself a natural force seeking to reclaim clim the world from the warm-blooded usurpers this interpretation posits their Invasion as some sort of cosmic rebalancing another theory connects them to the great other a sort of devil evil opposite of the Lord of Light this interpretation aligns their actions with a desire to plunge the world into Eternal Darkness their icy Touch representing the creeping tendrils of Oblivion in this reading their motivations transcend mere Vengeance or natural cycles becoming a battle between light and darkness good and evil I'm not sure I totally buy this as George R Martin is famously known for writing morally gray characters but maybe only the gods can be truly black and white some fans however propose a more complex and tragic backstory they suggest the others were originally peaceful creatures corrupted by an ancient pact with the children of the forest this interpretation sees their march on Westeros not as an act of aggression but as a desperate attempt to restore balance perhaps even seeking to purge Mankind from a world that they have irrevocably corrupted ultimately the others remain a mystery we didn't really get an answer from the show and who knows when the next book is coming their purpose whether driven by Vengeance Cosmic Duty or even a tragic quest for Redemption is still open for interpretation let me know your theory in the comments and with that let's move down to level three tommen's death I remember this episode like it was yesterday it was one of the few maybe the only cold open that Game of Thrones ever did the explosion at the sept orchestrated by Cersei followed by the slow cut of tommen removing his crown and walking out of his window was some of the most intense television I had seen that said in the books tommen's fate and really his entire Arc remains tantalizingly Unwritten in the show tommen's journey is one of crushing innocence and manipulation a gentle Pious boy thrust onto the Iron Throne by his ruthless mother Cersei Lannister he becomes a pawn in the deadly game of power margorie Tyrell seeking influence and power ens snares him in marriage only to be consumed by cersi's Wildfire plot broken and alone after the arrested an incarceration of marjerie tommen finds his solace in faith seeking guidance from The High Sparrow but even this Sanctuary is shattered when cersi orchestrates the sep's destruction leaving tommen with nothing but despair however in the books tommen's story is at a vastly different place he remains a mere child sheltered and secluded by cersi away from the minations of the Court while the seeds of his future marriage to marjerie are sown their Rel relationship hasn't blossomed into the toxic power struggle seen in the show the high Sparrow's influence is limited and the Wildfire plot has yet to ignite the capital the Divergence leaves readers with a multitude of questions will tommen ever truly rule will his piety in naivity be exploited by cersi or others will he choose love over his mother's minations and most importantly will he meet the same tragic end as his show counterpart several intriguing possibilities emerge some theorize that tommen under the high Sparrow's influence may become a sort of puppet King ruling in name only while the faith of the seven wields true power others believe that cersei's manipulation will eventually drive tommen to Rebellion or even to Madness I've read a few theories but the most plausible one to me is that tommen's death will mirror the events that happened to bran namely his fall from a window notably bran does not fall but is pushed I think the show began to meander a bit at this point but even there show Watchers should remember the Revenge that the family of Ober and Martell wanted to exact on the Lannisters after his death to me one of the sand snakes seem like a prime suspect for the death of Tom and Lannister time travel while Game of Thrones concluded with out an overt information of time travel the series sprinkled enough subtle hints and narrative Loops to ignite a passionate Theory among fans these theories though unconfirmed offer intriguing possibilities and shed light on the show's thematic depth so let's look into the very confusing world of time travel theories in Game of Thrones and explore their potential implications Bran Stark marked by his fall and subsequent connection to the three-eyed Raven stand stands at the heart of most time travel theories his Visions spanning past and present blur the lines of linear time and his Whispers in hodor's ear seemingly sent across years fuel speculation one theory suggest bran upon becoming the three-eyed Raven becomes trapped in a Time Loop doomed to relive the same events while subtly influencing them the interpretation explains hodor's tragic fate and even hints at bran man ulating key events through his Whispers shaping the future while seemingly Bound by the past another theory posits bran as a conscious time traveler able to navigate the past and present at will his cryptic pronouncements his seemingly detached demeanor and his pivotal role in key events like the night King's defeat can be seen as evidence of his calculated manipulations this would paint bran as a powerful yet morally ambiguous figure playing a hidden game game across time to ensure a specific outcome Beyond brand The Narrative itself offers hints of temporal anomalies daenerys's Vision in the house of the undying features glimpses of future events it lends Credence to the idea of nonlinear time the repeative motif of The Wheel of Time and the prophetic dreams experienced by various characters further blur the lines suggesting a cyclical nature to existence where past and future bleed into each other these narrative elements fuel theories of a closed time Loop where events preordain themselves and characters fulfill prophecies set in stone highlighting the character's struggle against seemingly pre-ordained Fates personally I'm drawn to the idea that bran somehow becomes a completely neutral force in the show he's obviously fighting the night king and the others but what if as the story unfolds we find that bran is dipping into both sides of the battle maybe there is more to bran being the night King than we thought the Faceless Men The Faceless Men are some of the more Theory inspiring characters from the series when I first encountered them in the books it seemed to me like they were Unstoppable that someone could just pay them to assassinate the king if they wanted albeit for an enormous amount of money hailing from braavos The Faceless Men worship the many-faced god yet what is there all ultimate goal are they merely tools or does a deeper purpose hide beneath their veiled faces one prominent Theory paints The Faceless Men as meticulous balancers ensuring the natural order remains undisturbed this interpretation sees them as the embodiment of death a necessary force that calls excesses and maintains equilibrium their assassinations though seemingly random are posited as calculated intervention preventing individuals or events from disrupting the grand tapestry of Fate this might factor into their pricing model as it seems to depend on both the size of the task as well as who's asking Littlefinger mentions in an early book that hiring them to kill Daenerys would cost more than hiring an army it also reflects their motto Valor morgulis all men must die and valard deeris all men must serve other theories paint them more as killers with a conscience readers point to a story suggesting that in order for a lord to have the heir of another Lord murdered he would have to sacrifice his own Heir this one seems to make the most sense to me their origin is that of a slave Uprising so there seems to be some form of Justice baked into their system that said this doesn't really get at their goal maybe they really are as neutral as they Proclaim and their only goal is the continued worship of the manyif faced God which they carry out through assassinations Gods speaking of gods let's go a little bit deeper gods and Magic are some of the most interesting parts of Game of Thrones and honestly it probably deserves its own separate video from the fiery pronouncements of roor to the whispering heart trees of the old gods to the faceless men's worship of the men any faced God which seems to incorporate all religions we're left not knowing if any or all the religions and gods in Game of Thrones have any actual power one prominent Camp views the gods of Game of Thrones as mere tools used by men to explain the unexplainable and justify their actions this interpretation sees the Lord of Light and his Flames as well as The Whispers of the old gods as manifestations of natural or psychological phenomena Miss interpreted and imbued with Divine qualities the power attributed to these deities in this view stems from the faith of their followers not any inherent godly power and while this might be the most probable I do think it's the most boring option so I'm hoping this isn't the way George decides to go another theory delves deeper into the realm of the mystical proposing the existence of true sentient deities shaping the world from the Shadows the prophecies Miracles and seemingly inexplicable events are seen as evidence of their influence albeit indirect and often cryptic this interpretation Paints the gods as mysterious forces their motivations and goals Beyond human human comprehension yet some fans suggest a more nuanced approach blurring the lines between the two perspectives they propose that the gods of Game of Thrones exist on a spectrum with some embodying natural forces like the Drowned God While others like the Lord of Light possessing a degree of sentience and influence this Middle Ground allows for both the existence of genuine divine power and the misinterpretation of natural phenomenon as acts of God creating a captivating and complex theological landscape the show didn't really do euron justice but based on what we've seen in the books and some of the sneak peeks of future chapters I'm expecting some absolutely crazy stuff from him in the future I'm calling his character Arc as the most disappointing adaptation from book to show but let me know what you think in the comments regardless I'm excited to see what kind of Supernatural stuff euron does in the future as it seems to tie directly into the Drowned God and the Lord of Light and with that let's move down to level four seasons in the world of Game of Thrones the seasons are Not Mere markers of time they are poignant symbols in the show's narrative mirroring the character's Journeys and highlighting the show's thematic core from the Embrace of winter to the fleeting warmth of Summer each season carries a distinct weight shaping the world and reflecting the ever shifting tides of Westeros winter in Game of Thrones represents more than just cold weather it signifies death stagnation and the Relentless March of Oblivion beyond the physical dangers it embodies the erosion of hope the dwindling of resources and the desperate struggle for survival that pushes characters to their limits the white walkers are obviously also tied to this season though we don't really know why yet other than them both obviously being cold really what we don't know is do the others bring winter or does winter bring the others that said winter also carries within it the potential for rebirth it forces introspection reflection and a harsh pruning of the old the starkness of the landscape strips away superficialities revealing the true nature of individuals and societies for those who endure its harsh Embrace there's the possibility of a new beginning a forging of resilience and strength that blossoms when spring finally arrives spring in contrast paints westros and Hues of Hope and renewal it Heralds the return of Life the melting of the icy grip of winter and a surge of optimism as resources replenish and possibilities Bloom it's a time of alliances forged plans hatched and seeds planted with characters finding new resolve and forging their paths in the warmth of returning days daenerys's meteoric rise fueled by the promise of spring and The Rebirth of dragons exemplifies this season's potential for transformation and the blossoming of long dormant dreams however however Spring's warmth can also breed deception and ambition the Renewed Energy can mask festering tensions leading to betrayal and conflict just as the first buds emerge so too do hidden agendas and ruthless power struggles reminding us that the potential for Darkness lingers even within the season of Light summer the longest and seemingly idilic season becomes a symbol of stagnation and excess the abundance of resources breeds comp placy with characters indulging in lavis feasts and rry long nights turn into endless Banquets political maneuvering hides beneath a veil of superficiality and the harsh realities of winter are conveniently forgotten this complacency however fuels internal Decay and weakens defenses leaving westos vulnerable when the inevitable chill returns bringing us into the fall now fall isn't really talked about much from what I can find it's more of a slow progression from Summer to Winter that said I think the series starts in the summerish season and quickly devolves into winter chaos the valenar Cersei Lannister the character we all love to hate fueled by ambition and a prophecy that haunted her the valent car the little brother in High Valyrian who would bring about her downfall this cryptic utterance cast long Shadow over her Arc shaping her decisions and fueling her paranoia yet with the book series being behind the show's conclusion were left continuing to speculate about the prophecy's true meaning and eventual fulfillment the obvious interpretation identifies Tyrion Lannister as the banar it's the one we would expect it's the one that Cersei expects he's the youngest brother it's obviously him right Cersei and Jamie are twins it couldn't be Jamie right right well I'm of the opinion that option two is the much more likely one instead of Tyrion what if Jamie Lannister is the valenar several points in the story point out that Cersei is technically older than Jaimie even if it's only by a few minutes and instead of a brother that already despises her it's her lover and brother that grows to despise her and eventually fulfills the prophecy a third option is that it really embodies both Tyrion and Jamie should Tyrion continue down his path with Daenerys it's very obvious that it could lead to Ci's downfall but I expect there to be a change in Jaime's demeanor as the final books come out and I expect it will be substantially different than Jaime's final Arc in the TV show false Arya here's one that I truly had never thought of what if Arya fan favorite isn't actually Arya anymore what if she was killed and replaced with a faceless man of braavos this Theory hinges on a few things namely her very Sudden Change in behavior and skills she goes from a grieving psychopath to a calm collected killer in a very short period of time this is obviously supposed to be the result of her training but now I'm not too sure the theory centers on arya's seemingly diminished emotional range the fiery Stark known for her Fierce loyalty and impulsive Spirit appears colder more detached almost mechanical in her actions this shift particularly pronounced after her return to Westeros fuels the suggestion that a faceless man trained to shed identity and emotion now occupies her skin the counter here is that it all happened very quickly in the show I'm guessing the book will show us more of this de development over time and over a much longer period of time another point of contention lies in arya's combat abilities while her initial training with the faceless man honed her fighting skills her Newfound Mastery of swordsmanship particularly her acrobatic techniques seem Beyond even her impressive Talent some fans contend that only a seasoned faceless man trained in mimicking others combat styles could explain such skill again I'm going to attribute this to a Time Gap that couldn't be shown on the TV show but we will probably see more of in the books that said Arya is one of my favorite characters and if we ever see another book I can't wait to see her Arc unfold in Winds of Winter prequel Theory A Song of Ice and Fire we end up seeing Samuel tarle pitching this story to a maester Publishing House hopefully he has more luck finishing the series than George Jokes Aside Game of Thrones does have a very strong cyclical lore aspect to it and we're left wondering if maybe just maybe it could be the prequel to a much larger yet to be told story suggesting that Westeros might be just one chapter in a grand cyclical narrative a stage where players rise and fall Empires crumble and rise again and The Echoes of past and future bleed into the present one key argument for this Theory lies in the cyclical nature of time hinted at in the show The Very idea of a story centered around summer and winter and the dichotomy of those two implies pretty heavily that even if they're able to fight off the others this time around it's going to happen again in some other long period of time the night Kings rise and fall mirror the long night of Legend suggesting a repeating pattern of conflict and destruction the children of the forest creation of the white walkers driven by fear and misunderstanding could be a consequence of past events yet to be revealed all of these aspects just seemed destined to play out again and again furthermore the presence of seemingly Supernatural forces like Bran's green seeeing abilities and melisandre's Fire magic hence at a larger Cosmic framework beyond the Mortal realm this is very clearly magic in the story but it all seems to be on the edges of society we hear stories from earlier in the world's history of old Valaria and events like the Doom but we never get to see it I'm sure we'll never see a book about it but I wish I could see a Game of Thrones story with more explicit magic in it maybe I'm the only one and with that let's move down to the final level level five others Origins the others their Origins are shrouded in mystery and Legend the first book has old Nan scaring bran with stories of these others that approach with the winter and while the show offered glimpses of their creation definitive answers are elusive leaving the door open for intriguing theories it's important to clarify here the others or as the show called them white walkers are the big bad guys the ones in the shows that have Spears and can raise the Dead the army that they raise are just called whites and they're basically just zombies a dominant Theory suggests that the others were once first men the early human inhabitants of Westeros according to this interpretation a faction of first men delved too deeply into forbidden ice magic seeking immortality or power this tampering with dark Forces backfired transforming them into the pale inhuman others driven by a singular purpose the eradication of all life evidence for this Theory comes from the show's hints that the others bear physical resemblance to the first men Additionally the children of the forest who created the white walkers in the show's lore Express fear and regret for their actions suggesting that they may have corrupted something inherently human it's worth noting here that just because it happened one way in the show doesn't mean that's the way it's going to happen in the books another popular Theory proposes that the others are an entirely separate species predating both first men and the children of the forest portraying them as more of an elemental Force creatures of ice and darkness driven by an innate Primal urge to consume and extinguish life we've talked about natural versus Supernatural a lot in this video so this isn't totally out of the question some Vans delve even deeper speculating that the others might be tied to a larger Cosmic Force potentially even avatars for some malevolent deity the great other is usually the one mentioned this interpretation draws on the show's portrayal of melisandra and the Lord of Light suggesting that the existence of opposing forces beyond the Mortal realm exist the others in this view become the instruments of the great other seeking to plunge Westeros into an internal winter night King so this one is a bit tricky and it's possibly the largest Divergence from the book even more so than yuron in the book there is no night King there is no quote unquote leader of the white walkers at least not yet in the show there is obviously the big bad guy that Arya kills with her funny little knife trick and that's probably because the show just needed a bad guy before we get to the show's night King let me just mention one one other point that there is a character in the books referred to as the knights King who was a lord commander of the knights watch who went north of the wall he's also generally believed to have been a stark the show muddies this all up when they show the guy tied to the tree being turned into the night King but anyways another interpretation links the night King to an ancient prophecy particularly the legend of azorah high the prince that was promised destined to combat Darkness some fans argue that the night King fulfills this prophecy in a Twisted way representing an embodiment of cold and darkness destined to be defeated by a true champion of light potentially Daenerys Targaryen or Jon Snow others challenge the significance of the night King he's just a villain nothing more nothing less he's not some sort of cosmic force or deity I read this as the show's attempt to make George RR Martin's World a little less weird and a little more palatable for the masses personally I think they stripped some of the Fantastic elements out of the show just to make it more watchable but what do you think about this one let me know below red magic of all the magic systems in Game of Thrones red magic somehow feels the most real to me that is it seems to have the most clear examples of actual magic happening not just chance or acts of nature wielded by the red priests like melisandra the Flames promise salvation and destruction some will argue that red magic is limited and relies on elaborate Illusions and psychological manipulation rather than genuine magic visions and prophecies could be similar to how modern fortune tellers work telling you a version of what you want or expect to hear basically they're all con artists using their con artist skills to gain power but that doesn't feel like a satisfying answer to me we see quite a few examples of Resurrection in both the shows and the book Jon Snow and baric dinarian are both resurrected by Red priests we also have Caitlin Stark in the books resurrected by baric with the same magic and then we have other characters like benjin Stark who has been resurrected in some other way that we don't really know about we also see examples of red priests performing otherworldly Feats and to having incredible premonitions like makoro with euron I'm not sure what the answer will end up being but it's interesting that while some faiths don't seem to have very tangible effects like the Starks and the old gods others seem to have very visible effects magic and religion seem to be tied in a very tight knot in A Song of Ice and Fire and I for one can't wait to see how George RR Martin un ties it though half of me thinks he'll leave it as a mystery even at the very end sir Jaren Lannister here's another one that I didn't remember reading about Sir jeren Lannister the uncle of Tyrion jimie and cersi he vanished on a quest for the Lost Valyrian sword brightroar and his Fate has become the area for some speculation the most straightforward theory is that Jaren was a victim of his own ambition venturing into the ruins of Aria a notoriously dangerous Wasteland plagued by earthquakes and demons he likely met his demise there this conclusion aligns with tywin's pronouncements of jeren being lost and the general perception of valyria as a cursed and uninhabitable place however this Simplicity feels unsatisfying so what if something a little more interesting happened enter uron Greyjoy the only character we know of that claims to have gone to Valaria and and made it out alive his sudden rise to power coincides with Jan's disappearance and his possession of valaran steel armor fuels speculation about a deadly encounter and plundered loot this Theory adds a layer of intrigue suggesting Jen might have fallen victim to euron's cunning and thirst for power uran's sudden possession of valarian steel armor specifically a breastplate strengthens the suspicion of Foul Play did he plunder under this prized possession from jaran's Corpse after a deadly encounter in valyria could he have even lured Jaren there on false pretenses promising knowledge of bright roar's location in exchange for meeting on neutral ground overall he's not really a very important character to the plot that we know of but I'll spare any moment of time I get to learn more about Valeria and what happened there and that does it you made it to the the end of the iceberg it was admittedly a little bit of a shorter one but maybe in the future there'll be additional Game of Thrones icebergs that I can cover do you have a favorite fan Theory or mystery or piece of lore that's missing here let me know in the comments and I'll add it to the list to explore at a later date lastly if you made it this far please consider subscribing clicking that notification Bell it means a lot to me and it'll bring you more videos just like this let me know in the comments if there's some other area of lore you want me to explore and I'll add it to the list and with that thanks and I'll see you next time
Channel: Vault
Views: 38,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iceberg video, iceberg, weird, facts, spooky, fan theory, long form, videos to fall asleep to, game of thrones, game of thrones iceberg, valeria, the doom, tyrion lannister, jon snow, azor ahai, bran stark, the night king, white walkers, game of thrones lore, three eyed raven, the faceless men, valonqar, lord of light, daenerys, daenerys targaryen, cercei lannister, game of thrones myths, fiction iceberg
Id: LKmZstrAC78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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