The Harp Or The Sling

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Alleluia Arturo Ferrara my memory card if are a meteorologist all I know that we love to sit down a lot but before we sit down there is going to be a scripture that I intended to read in Hebrews chapter 13 Hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 it says Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever what amazes me is what happens what is said as soon after that declaration is made Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever in verse 9 he says be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that they had to be established in established with grace not with meats which have not profited them that have been occupied therein ESO Cristo Nuremburg Adaro 0 na na SI Nico Seng appear muchacha kore WA Mizu taka taka taka Wanda Wanda Nicosia Kanaka kou G mu mu sim be screening asha kateinasia Kuja sunako Batra aho ganga very park with familiar Kuja let's take our seats so Jesus Christ apparently does not change he is the same today yesterday and forever he doesn't change Jesus Christ does not change Jesus Christ does not change so the message that I am going to give you and certain Devaney title to Ohio now what is Syria now energy from our tuition WA Rd parity now zip you all parquetry baba yaga we all know by shot in Joanna's dominator Amida Yangon Dean I cannot deny and Enid's o we are going to learn the Word of God from a number of scriptures but I'm going to give you a short understanding a short summary of what we have in our message we are going to learn about David David is the eighth born son of Jesse the men of Judah who was living in Bethlehem I know the others who are going to say no David was a saving design on account of what first chronicles say but if you go into Scriptures very well particularly in First Samuel chapter 16 the scriptures were very clear to indicate to us that he had eight sons because there were seven sons who passed it through Samuel the Prophet who was come from Rama to anoint one of the sons of Jesse to become king over Israel the Bible says in verse number 10 and again Jesse made the seven of his sons to pass before Samuel in Samuel said unto Jesse the Lord had not anointed these seven sons first number 11 in Samuel said that - Jesse our hero the children the servant we pay but God rejected all of them so Samuel spoke to Jesse he Oh your son are you saying these seven they are the only sons that F is there not at the Sun with the son of yours but who is not here let's hear what Jesse said Jesus said there remains yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the ship in Samuel side and release a send and fetch him for we will not sit down - he cometh eda so clearly when David came to Bethlehem to present himself before Samuel the Prophet he came as the eighth son even though the book of his Chronicles tells us that Jesse had seven sons there are so many scriptures with such variations and the only explanation is one of those seven that it appeared before Samuel before David came had passed away ji Trika who know not by Baroda or 1100 so Tunisia Razia mumu come gossip Oh another example is in chapter 7 chapter 7 of faith Samuel we know that when the Ark of God came to preach at Geum it came into the house of abinadab and in Abinadab let's go to the scripture he anointed his son he sanctified this and Eliezer to keep the Ark of God but if you go to chapter 11 chapter 11 chapter 6 second Samuel Chapter six you are going to discover that when David went to kill jairam to pick the Ark of God from the house of abinadab there was no Eliezer mentioned in that passage the whole book of second Samuel Chapter six does not mention Eliezer the man who was once anointed to keep sanctified to keep the act neither does that chapter also mentioned the participation or the involvement of abinadab the father of these sons the Bible just shows us what happened is our hero was the main in front of the cows that we're drawing the cut in which the covering box was put in there was OSA behind the cut so the Bible mentions are here in the osa with the cover and box it doesn't mention Eleazar the official custodian of the AK the explanation is eleiza he died and so did his father have been adapted so the as the the when when when somebody is involved in a story in suddenly the bible does not mention him they are so many explanations but one of the most prominent explanations was death death death death in a sharp curve of Matthew Mary in the Brothers of Jesus in the flesh and the sisters thanked him to speak to Jesus they wanted to speak to him they wanted something what they wanted the Bible doesn't say but the absence of the mentioning of the word Joseph in that Mukunda it explains that when that event happened Joseph had died there is also another scripture in which the people of Israel said is this not a carpenter from Israel is this notice mother are these not his brothers and sisters again in that passage there is no mentioning of the father the explanation again is he had died so it's a very exciting message the one that I intend to give you today so let us continue reading First Samuel chapter chapter 16 let's read verse number 12 and they sent and brought him in now he was wrapped in the widow of a beautiful Condon a countenance and a goodly to look to in the Lord said arise anoint him for this is he then summer took the one of oil and anointed iam in the midst of his brethren and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward so summer rose up and went to Rama but the Spirit of the Lord departed from soul in an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him we all know that so represents the law of Moses and David represents the gospel of Christ in the New Testament that's why that other day I told you that the book of Esther Samuel records the reign of so is the first king of Israel amazingly these three kings all rained for 40 years so rain for 40 years David reigned for forty years Solomon reigned for forty years so the book of second Samuel records the reign of David we Schumi was our awesome Mambo for Israel he Sameera over Tonga Oh show me what Dave it is a memoir Israel is Sameera sheepy Sumeria lucia na cow Kunal Ava coochie faith Samuel is a picture of the Old Testament era in the second Samuel is a picture of the New Testament era you may also want to learn that there are different prophets in these Testaments during the reign of so is the king of Israel we had prophet Samuel but we also know that the Samuel died before David reigned as king of Israel Samuel died in 1st Samuel Samuel was not alive in 2nd Samuel that's why during the reign of David the prophets who ministered to God in the reign of David they are Nathan in the God heaven and not an emperor photograph nathan is famous for two things the first thing that is famous for his self famous for rebuking David in the Bathsheba a doubt re Nathan is also famous for rebuking David over the building of the temple which David decided to do nathan is also famous for the teddy thing he is the man who he was also there in support of Solomon replacing David he's the man who advised the Queen Bathsheba to go and speak to David informing him of the attorney Jerry Belliard Nathan is the man who went into the palace just after Bathsheba had informed the king that but adolygiad rebelled against him he is no injured himself to become over Israel and written went into the palace and say to the king what Queen but share by saying is true and the king said what should I do Nathan said put Solomon in your chariot and give him the crown of the reign of the kingdom give him the golden stuff give him the royal apparel a little meaner and before him and proclaim that Solomon is king those are the key things that Nathan was prominent for in the reign of David in the guard the Prophet is much more famous for bringing a solution to the calamity that befell Israel in the David rebellion when he numbered Israel outside the parameters of the law in seventy thousand men died because of the plague that God brought upon Israel on account of the disobedience of David in second samuel chapter 24 sokka's Amero a kapha an akuna you Mambo what of it Kohanga REO Gaga mezuzah Hanabusa Rama kuttappan commander Anna Quezada a note on Gaza Kassam como un Paro FITA uh no sapporo FITA agita Rosie Barajas agua a caso todavía trata Ohama an iguana woman what of it there is no para de Solaris no para de xalapa reason is no pirate Samba row uh notes an angora ministerium aparajita Samia represented the Ministry of the Old Testament prophets they could not live to enjoy the reign of Christ is the king of the New Testament kingdom they were only there to anoint that is to prophesy about the message of Christ the kingdom of Christ the salvation that was going to be obtainable through Christ and Christ alone so Samuel does not live to see the materialization of that prophecy and that is represented in the Ministry of the last prophet of the Old Testament his name is John the Baptist he prophesied i baptize with water but there cometh one after me who is mightier than I whose latchet of his sandals I am not worthy to lose i baptize with water but he shall baptize you with the Spirit of God and with the fire the one that comes after me is mightier than I I must decrease and he must increase when Jorn led the way in prophesy about the coming of Christ is the Messiah and to Israel he was annoying Christ he was prophesying about Christ but did you not live to see the reign of Christ no John died just before Christ's study tulane those Okita Samir Samir acababa to say Tuesday Sam LaRocca for the vegetarians - arasaka Batwa alleluia army and we see that John the Baptist died in the days when Jesus had just started to preach in his ministry the reign of Christ starts after the cross John was not alive he died before the course so that's something very important so the Spirit of the Lord came upon David mightily give us verse 15 when he was anointed so what happened in verse 14 but the Spirit of the Lord departed from soul when the Spirit of God came upon David the Spirit of God left it departed from soul and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him and an evil spirit Trebor diem the Lord is the one who authorized this evil spirit to trouble so this is a very important scripture one of the most important scriptures for that matter both David representing Christ Christ proclaimed in Luke chapter 4 verse 18 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he has anointed me to preach the gospel and to the poor and to the bound so that they may be delivered and to the captives and to open the eyes of the blind and to declare the good way of the Lord that was the message of the Lord the Spirit of the Lord is upon me the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he preached is it was his first message the message that is recorded in Luke chapter 4 verse 18 is our Lord the first same one here on Ellie Parker tamiya why she would pump syrup on yoga in America Ganga upon Nakajima would a guy in Okura kunai's I but I said I seen Europe okay in Europe repent again you have a 61 he had appeared opposite disease don't back up it's a prophet Isaiah Yama now and I was Eva that when the Lord said people were not aware that when the Lord said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he was explaining a transaction that had happened at the River Jordan I mean it was a 3/4 time Jesus was baptized by John efest before before he preached his first message he was baptized divest so order to see what happened pastor Moran prophet Samuel unrented the soul in First Samuel chapter 10 but he later on anointed David in the First Samuel chapter 16 the same men who are needed the soul whom we are saying he represented the law man we want to understand that the type of a hearted that saw it before he was anointed was it better than the heart that he received after was a lady was when he saw was elated nothing good came out of him do you know that if we don't affect her in people like Ahab and Jezebel so is a man who killed the moment of God than anybody around this time he killed the whole family of the priests who lived in the house of in the family of a Himalayan yes he killed them he used to agree to might imagine a stranger from Esau he's the one who destroyed eqt method all the priests eyewitness yes when he did that it was now the act of the heart that could had given you what am I going to arrive it what am i seeking to establish here I'm seeking to show you that the soul was not just a man who failed to do what God wanted to do so is not a man with the natural weaknesses ordinary weaknesses of many kind so as a human being it is difficult to please God so he just failed to be obedient to the instructions that God had given him no you must read your Bible carefully God changed in that act when he gave him this assignment when we saw as appointed king over Israel God said I can't work with this heart of yours I want to give you a heart that will give you an ability to do is I please what it means is every mischief that is or did he did it on account of the heart that God had given him and remember were talking about the soul we are talking about the law I mean [Applause] do you understand that we are talking about what they know about the law the law failed to please God not because it is naturally impossible to please God with the rest of the flesh you know the law was designed by God that it was never good to please God yes just like you saw was appointed in a manner not to go to you he was only going to bring himself into a difficult situation with the God there's going to be conflict between me and so because of the heart that I have given him munag la puerta Abra in Amman our second question what item or one guy somnus out sana kazi linkage we wonder how it to burnish it sangguk Viswa purpose of a sorrow Musa premier sorrow rank arena in chapter 10 verse 9 moreor Capua naman re yes correctamundo s undoubted Romero I new moyu array so do I know anymore with the amp oh aquifers and 19 from here I want you to read this scripture we are going to read it together we want to read this scripture in careful remembrance of the ways that I've just said now that so was given a heart that enabled him to disobey God he was not born like that I think everybody thought that I saw was naturally a troublesome guy no it was the heart that God had given him Korea Ottoman Aria no Gragas at this wanna borrow a checkup at a pub tis Nevada curry to Nona Romans chapter 10 which is a discussion Makeda synonym RJ position angulimal guaro a Kanaka he remains Chef John chapter 9 in Auto robin zasio goon iota carrageenan ramanga no 1882 haqqin haqqa you know tomorrow I know that I was feeling good marijuana know that I know movement some old doofus Yaka Yaka Korea with the sole right Julia maracas Toro to Milwaukee Jojo I know Brody token so Dominic why they came to be moiety okay second receive angry yeah Shakira namabhasa lan-evo Hannah Moyer Capua waka hourua Capasso nominee Ganga I now a shaman wanna talk ocupado little wa sorrow sorrow to a Simba in the owner destroyer American se acaba Giza solitary Sagara ETA 2 cos theta J's my regards with glory glory Samir for the first time in his life Agha bottom Onondaga immune Chaka Khan's erisa Nassau and Osaka gagas or even a salmon yes possibilities are Wakasa Gramercy whoa I'm gonna go Ramon the first menu karana salmon yeah God Sameera alpha Kaku sera tEEN TOP abortion on the Salmon Ladder Gaga disarrayed remove omar NOS nam Bakura they will become a narrator they offered aragaki-san moraga pizza kudu disarray we rana gargy I damn beer oh ok the walkers were in the present when you can really see Baba I'm Eric my boy one song cuando circuit was a take care of radicalism say that is who an Arabic but your meringue gazenga diesel let's hear Romans chapter 3 verse 19 we want to read it together together go it says to them who under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God first 20 literally together again therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin this is a law this is a law Romans chapter 3 verse read by the deeds of the law no flesh shall be justified in God's sight so so is he represented the law gorgeou to give him a heart that when we read such a scripture we could actually say true by the works of the law it is impossible to please good how do you know that we look at so he never pleased God even one bit yes but why did the soul fail to please God it was not on account of the vices and Follies that were in his character no it was an account of the change that God gave him a heart that was going to make sure he doesn't do what he is required to do anyone who says I'm being blessed it is afternoon panel couldn't accompany what nobody's even commissioned by Asiya sorry Morgana marinara sauce or salsa or governor billion our corner of the monument they get to beg Abbas surrender developer Kirika who say they ordered santa chica agasshi grappa Teresa well sir in Thomasville sorrowful bhasmasura bagheera karaganda Raja after she died to sin Gandhi the humanistic of article visa motto go captivating this state soraka brutal worrisome or to Java desert and finally samoto i compared to myself and it came to pass that as soon as he made an end of offering the burnt offering behold the Samuel came and I saw and outer medium that he made solution verse 11 in Samuel said what is it out that in the soul said because I saw that the people is cutted for me in that thou camest is not within the day's appointed in that the Philistines gathered themselves together at McMahon they are for say die the Philistines will come down now upon whom upon me to Google and I've not made supplication and the Lord I fold to myself therefore and offered a bent-over I nearly went to a narrative description he can't even understand why he did it sorrow is a remote oh - a giant a cigar day Jung Geun and a Guzman kid there is a moto by force Jesus is born originate when a moonroof nopales yes but acapella but Nago so many kids achieve visa waka paama routine even foreign culture disaster area la semana que hace right yes so go to America for Grana Padano Zuccotti worker's tab capella inconsiderable Carioca - I was Monica's important we all copy with the rupee ask your neighbor what kind of a heart did God give unto you waka paama you okay toss a mana on Okinawa Yahoo - turned a canoe bomber over to tell the world about the gravel as a together oh sorry revolver you overshot Negara Pazuzu would you teach and phenomena mouton 21 priests an effort named Erich Raghavan's herbal drug cheering Erica vs. Oh Porter allergies okay Samuel dieter cigar okay Erica busy which are already per Romans chapter 7 a cotton engrossed in a power addition it's inadequate dosage Morita surrender to Assad Israel innovators those are details oh oh but all wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from this bondage or the thanks be unto God amen now if I do god works with 17 now then it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me yes why know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing Oh for to will is present within with me but how to perform that which is good I find it not don't you see this is a testimony coming out of the amount of so yes for the good that I would I do not but the if which I would not that I do I didn't want to certify on the altar but I had to force myself what made you to force yourself I don't know some pressures within the explanation is what they had that God gave unto him yes now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me you see I find then a law that when I would do good evil is present with me did you see that it is a law and Coulomb term opened a notice or Onaga those ogun a de de de gaia demo but ma already the law of moses it's a ministry of condemnation by the way today's organism beware of zip uppity to Ducati Nevada William de rigueur Gravas vajradhara values rapid man - apparently - virabhadra zebra foot peritoneal karate a different window deposit appalled own battle foot so let's let's move away from this scenario we've got a very busy schedule right anyone who says I've understood why so never please God give us the main lift upward bound Erik give us the microphone we want to be boundary key to explain to us why so failed to please God on account of what I've just said Soraka tada say chief Ataman our paws Maharaja et du Bois de anima Muammar our advisor pomf way pomf to and our Google APIs while you are shedding anyway Saka Surah Al Roker uniformity it will be around Agumon was right but out in twists of Neurology decide mahogany language ah Gaza the solar charger Brazilian Amari charges you tunisia angrily second sheet a circus or item seconds were right Ducati Jessica could sow items grands wa t no not before so aren t wanna marry Angela more on wanna astronauts ontology so a Kazuto Xinhua more on wanna marry could tank a could happen the program who Tonga Israel but Israel kukuda pocket akka is Kamui could a pinata process Yahoo Papa Pechanga Israel Kosuke Panozzo negativity so so are quita so Jews are created on the basis of the RTR Capernaum re the opéra de Jesus Cooper whooping is mythical so he can ignore numeral 1 you our quitters in his out of the Hat Yakup um I have no but tambudza right 1d but when a man Oh Buddha whooping our second currency after three an occupied by but no not see the RTO and Reynolds Pomona power wanted to put energy to get super Moya Sokka more specifically for the people who are designed for the law than our good design for grace in other words if somebody is meant for salvation God gives you a hat that you grasp receive the gospel but if you are not remain to for salvation God gives you a heart like the heart that he gave to so thank you for America take your seat so when David was anointed by God the spirit of God lived upon the soul what happened a spirit from God left so a spirit of love the Lord departed from so and an evil spirit departed from the Lord support a speech an evil spirit from the Lord tribe odium an evil spirit from the Lord Chabad him an evil spirit from the Lord Chabad him so when the Spirit of God left his soul Golda sent an evil spirit to trouble so high it never rains for so but it opposed this other day he received a heart that is disobedient to God and when God eventually anointed David to replace it so it is now a combination and if what plus an evil spirit let's read me 311 first number two we want to understand this transaction because I said this transaction happened for the second time for another time when Jesus met with John the Baptist John was an Old Testament prophet he was the face of the Old Testament he was the face of the law of Moses so the meeting of Jesus with John is the transaction that God did between David and so even though in chapter 16 of sano one face Samuel we don't see David meeting with with the Sun know yet we are going to see it very soon what happened now in John 8 head in the prison that the wakes of Christ he sent two of his disciples and said unto Him art thou he that should to come or what we look for another jesus answered and said unto them go and show John again those things which you do hear and see the blind receive their sight the blind are receiving their sight and the lame walk the Left dilemma walking the lepers are cleansed yes in the Deaf hear the dead are raised up in the poor if the gospel preached to them did you hear that John after baptizing our Lord he was arrested he changed his testimony concerning Jesus before Jesus went to River Jordan John said this is the lamp that taketh away the sin of the world yes that John chapter 1 verse 19 I am NOT here but when Jesus finally begins to preach John sends his disciples to ask Jesus are you the Christ or we should wait for another what is change the Jordan testimony concerning Christ Jesus explained that in John chapter 5 Johnny chapters John chapter 5 give us wisdom at 83 Jonah chapter 5 you sent okay start over start at 1 if I be a witness of myself Jesus says to the Jews if I bear witness about myself I witness is not my testimony will be force there is another that beareth witness of me somebody shout testify of me and I know that the witness which he witnessed of me is true I know that the main in the testimony that he gives is a true testimony you send unto John you were sent unto John in a bear witness unto the truth and the journée bear witness unto the truth so wait investor literally customer ally we don't have time Adri time we could have gone back to John chapter 1 from verse number 24 because the Pharisees in the chief priests they went they sent men to John they asked to John art thou the Christ hallelujah and began in routine occurrence whistle rectangular attack each end o kazuto-sama drafting ah yes I think a resource recovery gotta be photographer since an image Busha second for occurs go with energy the winner's circle arrogance go in a energy the winner yeah under campus in parasitosis a ROC Bouchard SRK pejorative the one from Vista Christian one and they asked him what then at Dow Elias in a seder in he said I am NOT the Pharisees and the chief priests and the scribes they sent messages to ask you John are you Elijah he said am NOT I you that prophet he said to have not verse 22 they say that Jim who arted thou that you might give an answer to them that sent us what sayst thou of thyself he said I'm the voice of one crying in total is make straight the way of the Lord is saying the Prophet Esaias in there which was sent away of the Pharisees verse 25 in the asked him and said unto him why baptizes they thou then if thou be not that Christ no Elijah neither that prophet John answered them saying i baptize with water but they stated one among you whom you know not so the Pharisees the scribes in the chief priests they sent messengers to interrogate John if you are not to Christ why are you baptizing he said corporate verse 26 he said i baptize with water but they still it one among you whom you know not he it is who coming after me is preferred before me whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to unloose these things were done in Lippitt Ybarra beyond the Jordan where John was baptizing so everybody thought that the Pharisees went to ask John because they were curious they were confused but if you call George chapter 5 now you will see that when the Pharisees sent messengers to ask John it wasn't their idea it was Jesus who said to them there that's beautiful opportunity to say the words that are written in John chapter 5 yes Gobert vistit 1 if I bear witness of myself my witness is not true so I do you that because you put in a mini-cooper ago when a man I need somebody to witness about me yes yes these are not that beareth witness somebody's testify of me and I know that the witness which you say is true you send unto John you you said to messengers and to Jory bear witness he talked about the truth he bear witness concerning the truth Lucina Kaka to become an average Joe and Diaw caçapava ha I mean pooja so Jim Gordon yeah we are my guru Dorothy did you poo-poo today into tomorrow di tokenizer service dad Sagarika popularity River the latest a good item recognizes of Museveni Carlton take da Gama Katimavik right Joanna Joanna paparazzo quad a mess or yeah Fergus demócrata Maharaja Department by John one yes you and Jonah now Cooper a rotisserie is a guy Pavarotti indeed each ovary pocket and the silica I told indeed me night regarding vinegar painting the ceiling yes but John pocket on the ceiling I wrote in even Jeannie Crist wife so something is been cited this is chapter that is very important so Jorn bear witness unto the truth but do you remember invested one he said if I if I bear if I testify of myself my testimony is not true but invested in rhesus your bear witness concerning the truth but you are looking for people to just worry about you in the gossip opera Daaga whoever they were named but your nagapuram observation while we're out in Indonesia where yes this one and extra one day and I am John and also Cooper over sort of uncle my Agha soap operas repay the jawad cigar got it yet decreased sahaja yoga for observation Wadi I observe an ecologist first 34 but I receive not testimony from Maine [Music] I also support here a vessel you has said time to John John I bear witness of the truth he says I'm the way I am the truth I am the life into an 14:6 so Jesus is the truth but invested for John 5 he says I don't receive a testimony from man didn't you say that if you don't testify two of you he said yeah that's right that's why I'm saying I don't receive a test one from man John testified but the problem is I don't receive anybody's testimony so why did you mention John if you don't want to receive testimony from man what John is a man that's what I'm going to explain very soon verse 35 but these things I say that you might be saved yes he was a burning and a shining light John was a building in a shining light in a you were willing for a season to the joys in his light yes but I have greater witness than that of John yes for the works which the father has given me to finish the same works that I to be a witness of me that the father sent him so the words also testify of me and the father himself which is sending me he has borne witness of me you have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his ship you see brother Talent own you remember I talked about the angel but Jesus says nobody's seen the face of God no even his ship so if you say Moses wanted to see the face of God and God said you can't see my face you are going to say Moses saw the shape of God but in this clip Jonah if neither head is voice at any time nor seen his ship yes yes and I have not his word abiding in you for whom he sent him you believe not so let's wait there so there is a know why he said John testified of the truth and then he later says I do not receive testimony from men it is because Jordan ultimately the truth testimonies so depending on Jordan was extending on Maya you are going to be swallowed up in the Maya was Jordan said he's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world in it another scripture he sends messengers to Jesus and ask are you the Christ or should wait for another well inside I do not receive a testimony from me he actually was saying the truth well the testimony that came out of John smart was not John's testimony I mean it was Holy Spirit justifying of Christ in John so when Jesus received Holy Spirit in form of a dove a trivet your dad he was retrieving Holy Spirit from John and John was now without Holy Spirit that's why he he changed his testimony Alleluia which simply means that without Holy Spirit one cannot make a correct testimony concerning Christ I mean now the transaction is the day David is anointed is the day so lose his Holy Spirit is the day that an evil spirit sent from the Lord begins to trouble him what happens in verse 15 in the source 7 say done to him we odd now and it was read from court trouble et now what it means is when we finally hear about Christ's raining in the New Testament we must know that that is now the kingdom of David in the second samuel book when the new testament is launched what happens to the message of the law observe the Sabbath bring your tights what happens to so when David is anointed what happens to him an evil spirit troubles him but where is it coming from from God so it is now so in the hands of an evil spirit sorrow Allah made the world marrero Alamo a madam and that's why when Moses he died they therefore came to take the body of Moses but the devil was taught by God when we put an end to the law you are going to be given so you must tell about him the day Jesus put an end to the law at the Calvary is the day that God allowed the evil spirit to destroy everybody using the law that's why today nobody bridges a false gospel without talking about the law yes hakuna demon intraperitoneal asaba Tamara azita I mean McCann's relative autonomy amateur Virago tonga zero equity sorrow energy moon renova deucey so what happens now is that the servants of so they speak to saw and say behold you know an evil spirit from God troubles you so they knew from where the Demonica it is sent from God so what did they say the savings of soul let our Lord now command thy servants which are before thee we are your servants commanded us to seek out a magical teaming with the cunning player one in app give us the guitar you want a cunning player who is skilled in playing the guitar in the Gita of that day was the hub these guitars were initiated way they played they hopped like we are playing on guitars today now this is agata we are going to use it to demonstrate the the app that david was going to play right this is the guitar so the servant of so they knew how this diamond was to go it needs somebody who is cute in playing the app what should that person do and there shall come to pass when the evil spirit from God is upon thee that she shall play with his hand and adults how to be well if the harp is played when you are being haunted by the evil spirit you will be well and associated ountry servants provide me now a Mane that can play well and bring him to me find a man that can play well bring him to me then answered one of the servants and said behold I have seen a son of Jesse the battle ax he might that is cunning in playing and a mighty valiant man and a man of war and a prudent in metals and a comely person and the Lord is with him you know the CV that was presented before so concerning David it is an overrated decision I don't need to know that this is a mean of oh I am simply looking for a musician but the server said no the son of Jay said the Bethlehem might he's a cunning player a mighty valiant men a men of war pretend in metals and a calmly present and the Lord is with you so many things I don't have to pretend men in Mehta's there are no matters for him to deal with I simply need a player I don't need the village man who is he coming to fight this number 90 where for source any messenger sent reaches and said send me deaf to die son which is with the ship and a gesture to can ask laden with bread in the bottle of wine and a kid and sent them by Devdas son and to soul so David come to Seoul and ev2 came to saw and stood before him yes and he loved him greatly and he became his hobby era and the so sent to Jesus saying let gift I pray thee stand before me for years found favor in my sight and it came to pass when the evil spirit from court was upon saw that Dave took a nap in the plate with his hand so saw was refreshed and was well and it was spirit departed from him do you see now what God is doing the man David is living in the older days with the ship of his father until this passage where we are told about the evil spirit that was troubling so nothing was mentioned in the Bible concerning the abilities of David on the app nobody knew about it and to wonder how the surface of so we knew about the skills that David head in the wilderness in Bethlehem how did they acquire this information it's surprising but I would want you to know that I don't have time I would have gone into those scriptures with you that saw sent a message to Jesse to say to Jesse this son of yours has found favor in my sight let him abide with me give him to me so that he may live in the palace if you go and finish up what what what this does this chapter end with sixteen it is with chapter 20 is very very three so this is how the chapter ends the chapter ends with a request from the king he wanted David to live in the palace so that whenever the evil spirit was troubling him the hub will be played as carefully and then he'll be refreshed take note of this that Jason did not answer to this request David never lived in source palace to live perpetually or permanently in that house so that whenever the demon came upon us all David was to play the harp it was going to be lived no how do we know that we know that because in chapter 17 the following chapter there was a war between Israel and Philistine yes and the Philistines dependent upon Goliath the son of God and the soul was in the better friend by the value of Ella trying to arrange two organizes army to go to all against the Philistines and for forty days and forty nights goal and continued to humiliate the end of Israel who were afraid of him on account of his military history and also his stature what happened in chapter 17 is that Jesse sent one of his servants our gain to the or tennis he brought David to the house in Bethlehem and he gave he gave him ten loaves of bread and measures of cheese and some other a party corn and he sent David to the better friend so David came to the better friend and is the one who eventually killed Goliath in the Israelites defeated the Philistines because of David do you remember that hallelujah if David was living in the palace of so when the beto of the Philistines happened so would not have seen David coming from Bethlehem la Vita Nuova raga gara palace SRO HM led reggaeton ioan's Ogawa antes de grado Xango dos de que pagar you animal feast RIA Davi taka daka McCoy you Sango at Rio Hondo college a sauna Obama cuídate DeVito policy on yes our a car Ambani why did the JC refuse to allow David wake at a palace today I don't think there's anybody who if he's given an opportunity to work at State House you to say no everybody must work there but JC refused to give David his son to work for so in the palace the answer to that question why did you say not give David to become permanent worker to solve it was because David was a type of crisis so if David would go to be an employee of so permanently that would mean that Christ is going to work for the law throughout his life yes when so and this I'm affair to kill Goliath God wanted us to know that the law no matter how powerful it is it was never going to take away sin to defeat sin I mean this tension in the history of glad is painted in the Bible so that you and I can see that there is no possibility that the law of Moses would make peace between men and God on account of the problem of sin sin was so powerful over the flesh that way the law could not overcome sin because the law was practiced in the flesh scene was in the flesh so Jesus came in the flesh to defeat the scene which was overcoming men because of the flesh so when Christ overcame scene on this cross it is a fulfillment of what David accomplished in the value of l a-- he destroyed he defeated Goliath who the arming of soya deferred to destroy for the past forty days and forty nights kou-kun Wacha quarry at Fukuoka City nygel so but I can drain the water Nagoya atomized acid of it I can endure Cornell ago yet this ow but I cash out why she painted half of what is in for tonight kakapo modernization of emergency hapana program poha guru rama navami rare luego a new enumerator with my dad's a partner who kunai qi / yes i Julia Anna 103 years Academy gingiva a cocoon achieve I mean so this is very important this is very important let us stick some fuse takes steps back and we want to show you that there is a job that is given to David because of his anointing if David was not anointed the Spirit of God would never have come upon him if the Spirit of God would have not come upon him the Spirit of God would not have left so if the Spirit of God was still in soul the evil spirit was never going to come upon us all if the evil spirit had not come upon us all David would not have been required to play the guitar to cast out that demon what it means is there is a new idea if it is playing up it's not because the soul is being terrorized by a demon oh it is because he's the one with a spirit that was once in soul so when David comes to play the hub in the mind of so he has found a solution to his problem but remember the problem that is affecting so is because of what happened today reggae interrelation sorrows are considered a more Negrita Candida cigar deficiency and India Burma no gravel is reggae artists dekita Sara's who's Eva couch Akasaka dream only reboot imposed a cruiser drove a defeat Picasso's Gaddafi no progress qml Jane Doe fog a pure offering nam la habra cheapo shed Ramon Ram damn boots so - Sara - winces okay - anomaly Angada a single corner David the organ two dimension Doris Academy near ingenuity but maharaja continent Sequoia quad David McKay estrellas my shaco human etiquette re0 Zeenat Aman Assyria Chaka poem where oratory way way way maracas et de ah da booty doe a takeover a teak pine Ozona sorrow Davi Joshua Goryeo era una segunda as evil cootie Deutsche ba ba Chacho a demo golem kimono idolater ro ro - eh it's bad sirrah village a small I mean Sokka Sokka Sokka she read whenever they sure could hakuna no Fagin Akua Aloha gory at a certain scope moon watcher D initiation damn boots ookura sorrow rengar silly Trivandrum tompa tomba 2 chorus ro guru wrangle gregoria but reliance in a routine nabu-san goddess of animal could be burrows wherever gory activity inugami Corona sorrow cutting the aluminum Yamaha well common I choose the Soraka me to move a image Moran I do you remember that that's all Savannah told I saw that the man that is going to pay played the ABS cue fully to live view of this demon God is with that man so before David meets the so again on the value of era we know that in chapter 17 from verse number 30 32 chapter 17 verse number 32 in David said to Saul later Norman's had to fail because of him died seven to go in the fight with the Philistine in the soul say to David thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him for thou art but a youth and he a man of war from his youth and David said and saw thyself and kept his father's ship and there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock and I went after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against me I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him there is nice even the slowboat the lion in the bay and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them seeing it they defied the armies of the Living God David said moreover the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bay he would deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine in the saw side and David go and the Lord be with me you see now so this is when David meet with the saw in the battle of the Philistines when the Philistines came to war against Israel the Philistines were defied by Goliath for forty days that's when Jesus sent David to provide the food to relief to his children away part of sauce army and when David came there he met the defiant Goliath the arrogant glad the scornful Goliath and he said I will go and fight against Goliath when this happened so met David for the second time for the second time now we are going to look at Jesus and we are going to see that when David went to the Valley of Elah where he later stood against Goliath and defeated him and killed him we see that that was when Christ was crucified Christ defeated the scene at Calvary he died so that you and I may be forgiven of our sins by God but remember when we saw means with David in the value of L that was not the first time for them to meet that is when when my message is perusahaan another business or Oh Pam passed away Ella Parag or whenever Phyllis tria Latin America Riyadh a pass Aleppo Baraka saganaki Katanga sera que tiene Sangre de David cupola squawk a a cotta little walk and RIRA RIRA RIRA xakanaka Jamuna kinda Soraka to take and world are I went opossum fauna Anantara walk again to moon monogatari a guru choco Jason Segel TESOL papa Segen zj Zeenat Aman Aman bizarre chandipore Maharaja Hari lollipop Allah's a cheetah little G Candida don't know Nate's quality more cigar Dorota kinda weird America vana hora de la verneda right Tom Buderus operatic azhagu Jason our interim CEO George Giavotella with Pedro food again exam paneer Davi - compatible Ella an aqueous Evo polishes or a kawaii box Sango yes Colonel Gaddafi Jacaranda kuba morondava Seoul Korea choco a grand era a curried Ashida mm socket inna is tanisha period of it Tomo Selassie to Mozilla era say more menorahs a gondola Canada Thomas IVA Samuel menorah a girl yet Thomas Eva say David don't merit champagne today this afternoon how shall we know David who is he in your mind in your heart in your understanding is it a player who changed senses and exercises a demon out of so or is the great warrior of Israel who defeated Goliath by the value of Allah who is David to you now let me point out that if you define David as the a player he is going to be a servant of soul yes but you should define David is the greatest warrior of Israel he's going to be your king yes our pajamas katana scoubidou curry Bulgarian Greek food p21 has taken a appearance or a similar coochie okay pasta meringue you go to verse number 48 we are at first Samuel 17 and it was fancy yes when the Philistine our roles in ikemen drew nigh to meet David yes that if da stood in the rain toward the army to meet the Philistine yes in the ft put his hand in his bag and took things a stone and sling it and smote the Philistine in his voice yes at the stone sank into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth wait there so apart from David being as killed a player he is also an expert at using the sling he's a sniper a sharpshooter he's a maximun so today we are going to have two churches in the house they changed that knows David like Jonah hydrogenated oh you are going to know Jesus or David is the master master throw using this league what happened he fell upon his face to the eighth verse 50 so deftly prevailed over the Philistine so David prevailed over the village with a sling and with a stone with a sling and with the sternness smote the Philistine and slew him so there was no sword I've heard God was ready God told me you'd this message to me a few hours ago he showed me that the slings that Israel used at that particular time they were like this so this was a piece of wood this was later or a back of it seen and this one was also later so the one who uses a sling what it does it he puts a stone here and it brings these sticks together like this and he rolls the sling like this skillfully in such a way that the stone doesn't fall down before he throws it and then he throws it like this that's how David killed Goliath so I discovered that there's a theory that David wrote upon Israel on that particular day he used a sling but there was a stone on the center of the sling the sling itself without a stone is useless yes if you look at the structure of the sling you are going to see the cross there are two spirits the two pieces of wood they represented two paws that make the cross okay the two pieces of leather they represent the law of Moses in the stone at the center they represented Christ himself they represent the gospel itself in another dimension there are two pieces of wood they also represent the two thieves that were flanking Jesus who was at the center at the cross you understand what I'm talking about so if this is torn is not released the sling is useless you understand now so Jesus we all know he is the stone that the builders rejected but became the chief Cornerstone hallelujah the stone the Buddha's rejected the verses are made through 21 faith 41 going to 44 yes the other scriptures eggs chapter 4 15 to 12 of course they are the Scriptures we are going to talk about and Peter spoke about it and Romans also spoke about it so I want you to see this if you are holding on to a sling you want to use it to kill somebody you don't release both the sling in the store no you use the sling to release the stone yes so the stone is the one that goes to kill the enemy I made so the stone that the builders rejected Israel was given the stone Cody Jesus yes but this stone could never have defeated the scene if the Israelites had kept it with them yes if they flee kept the stone on the sling Goliath was never going to die so David to release the stone yes if he doesn't like the store no he wanted the stone he imitated that's when gallery' showdown here M 2 : and he cut off his head and he entered into Israel oh you want to Gladys Glenn said a veil and I remember some few years ago I gave you an assignment to tell me there is anyone I said tell me the reason why David went into the city with Colette said we are going to hear that very soon David Parker Eliot igano gram serving agape non grata in surah Korea cigar now advance the a tourism Kananga winner which has a convenient occupier DVD back up in Telugu talk about am sorrow ago yet under a Singaporean soccer child item per oggi but a problem me report David Ober Africa leave'em solo Korea - okay we'll go bindu madhavi telugu tamil kanaka kapha sacramento gesso kanemaru super - karaoke Mohammed embark on a rim era mucho para Ramachandra Hazara member soro ago yet hakuna nose of a tomato madhaveti' a katana is a casa tourism solo career como estas operative angry LJ so I'm the Roberto Morales de Rivera Korea query to fungal currency parents were gratitude the simple change requires a machine SuperDuper Hadouken ropa para change you can't open I could watch shitty publishing supa dupa opponents for dadsy Sekhmet embarking upon in the Rope Sango I can't aura tombow 5 alright in case somebody doesn't understand it give us Vesna it was 40 and is stuff in his hand and it shows you five smooth Stones out of the brook and they put them in a shepherd's bag which he had even in his crib and his sling was in his hand and he drew nigh near to the Philistine so he took the five stones from the river the way the brew come in the river so the five stones they represent the gospel of grace it belongs to Christ you can't talk about that gospel without mentioning the blood of glad the death of glad was one of the stones contains it is Tainted detained by Gladys Black Sabbath imperative angry at acoustica pop a de marido Tina go bottom ishizuka Misaka Ito permission wa naze osaka 81 say permission to Vizag amen Pamela's condo pegado carro para J's pakka condo HEV cigarro more demos recorded notes an Angora fan Jania JS o Yokota a catchy Philip emissions equal dope our kepada resultados de deux sans Vega yes Segawa Yamanaka bottoms rocker yet Avenue Boozer Domus Aurea Oslo our Gouda album Brigade MCAT all right all right Sokka David a Korea Korean topography quote verse number 51 therefore depth rain in the stood upon the Philistine and I took his ward in a true eat out of the they're off in a slough him and the cut off his head there with and when the Philistines saw their champion was dead they fled yes in the men of Israel and the Jew and of Judah rolls and shouted in pursuit the Philistines until thou come to the valley into the gates of Ekron and the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to share I am even unto God and an to Ekron and the children of Israel retained from chasing after the Philistines and they spoiled their chains and death took the head of the Philistine and approached it Jerusalem but he put his amma in his tent and when So So Def to go forth again the Philistine he said unto Abner the captain of the host Abner whose son is this youth in the a blessed is thy soul liveth Oh okey I cannot tell and the Kings they inquired those whose son the stripling is and as they've detained from this lot of the Philistine Abner took him and approached him before so with the head of the Philistines in his hand and so say to him whose son at thou thou hang me in depth and that I am the son of thy self and GSA they better he might so that's how it ends so we all know what happened later that the women composed a song chapter 18 verse 6 and it came to pass as they came when they've to has detained from the slots of the Philistine that the women came out of all cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet King saw with some braised with with joy tablets with joy music music in the women answered one another is they played in Saint soja slain his thousands and left his ten thousands and as always very rod and the saying displeased him and I said they have ascribed unto death ten thousands and to me they have ascribed but thousands and what can he even more but the kingdom and so I David from that day forth and it came to pass on the morrow that it was spirit from God came upon saw and he prophesied in the middle of the house and David played with his hand is at other times and there was a javelin insouciant in the sole custody javelin for he said I was smite David even to the war with it and David avoided out of his presence twice and so was afraid of David because the Lord was with him it was departed from so therefore so removed him from him and made him his captain over a thousand and he went out and came in before the people and David behaving himself wisely in all his ways and the Lord was with him wherefore when so saw that he behaved wisely very wisely he was afraid of him so I want you to see something here pasta merengue I want you to read 15 verse 11 yes and it came to pass on the morrow that the evil spirit from God came upon the soul in a prophesied in the midst of the house and ev2 played with his hand is at other times and there was a javelin in a saucy hand and the so cast the javelin for he said I was mighty David even to the war with it and depth avoided out of his presence twice did you hear that the it was political my upon so again after Goliath was defeated look at me the evil spirit came upon saw again after David killed Goliath if you read that script available it says David a destroyed the Philistine not the Philistines when David killed Goliath the people of Israel pursued all the other Philistines yes but David did not David only killed the Philistine so according to God the better was not against the Philistines it was against the first time yes so the understanding that we need to have is one Christ has defeated the scene on Calvin or that once you I served you become free from sin you are a child of God the Philistine has been defeated you do not need to change other Philistines I mean they do that the Philistines had made with the ether light was if your giant has been defeated you are all our savings yes but if our giant has been defeated we are all your servants so once you are a child of God the giant code the scene has been defeated for you everybody of the Philistines who is a relative of khalad he becomes yourself I mean do you understand listening so once you are becoming a child of God a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things are become new once were saved ones who are born again it means the first time they giant has been defeated for you do not chase the other Philistines the other Philistines must become your servants because the giant which they depended upon has been defeated by your giant which means David as young as he was he was the giant that represented the Israelites he defeated the Philistines giant it was a matter of a giant versus another giant to the Philistines the giant needed to be physically strong but to the Israelites they changed needed to be spiritually strong I mean so David was a giant in Israel even though he was young in the small portrait because it was a boy in the flesh but in the spirit he was a giant that's why he defeated the giant of finished.i I mean because he was a giant in spiritual matters he was a giant in righteousness matters hallelujah so once were saved do not worry about spiritual husband's spiritual waves better omen bad luck no complaints and the Takahashi's those are the other men of Philistine they depended on their giant which was defeated on Calvary and 2,000 years ago yes where the dreams and nightmares don't worry about them don't chance after them don't accustom fire danda put the demons that demons are the young women of Philistine their giant was defeated at the Calvary by our giant Cortese Jesus hallelujah hallelujah so that is the story we don't have to worry about the demons that are haunting people in this country those in fairness yoga Felicity yes we furnish angles like I wonder who said well gory Caracas or neshama then I were done in sorrow Korea tarakudo Dickinson and a long finish here so a tutorial now toe booties of sorrow on Korea yay remember I'm solo Korea 25 women open up ten hour the world over it's a fun game socratic a caravan Garriga convertible Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw mi So La Jolla teba Williams aa Korea yes Sakura Naruto Rwanda fire burn whatever else comes around aro algorithms record Elena Yahoo Yahoo Z J so a Kakuna CD satin waviness Simba promise or Pavan nemirovitch attacking Gotti nacho mucho no tsunagaru Papa room for error which she werewolf au revoir su dong goo WA Kagurazaka Philistia how Fernanda would eat Arizona manana Hiyori moon who is Rayleigh Howser getting a reversal of Li la will always educating a gong-gong Cristiano cuneta income Tara - no camera David Ortiz Hakone incarnate Oh imagine is Radhika you know come on mg talents David we are cuddly the pom pom company you really like a Ricky to album Pato Arab apple now Babylon we need official but what would he know storage area Indian saga cocoon taku taku super kunibert Antony Sanko to a Philistine yes Rosana where t name is van chili Rana don't you please now it has Simba well good tenants obviously it's locally shy one good not open yet this one for 40 days in 49 a venerable manga comic writer pamper to era pipe a man Saban associate apakah sheikh adil feet bumper to air a yahoo no period was delivered in Russia where listen to me this man he now needs another whip own can I can I borrow this big I did this one this one resembles my my my-my-my issue beta right no don't put it on what's wrong with you or them both you see these are the two points that David has and as it is it now what are they who wants to define these two points where is the microphone give anybody there the hub in the industry they happened the sling less LaPenta for him do you see that now he is able to use both of them their vagina ones that we shine is a guitar other ones that we shine decipher a map we see si is skillful at both of them but what surprises me pastor who is that when David was called to play the harp for King so there was a man who knew everything about David a valiant men a men of woe pretend in the metas God is with him a lot of things are known about David concerning the up more than people know about the sling let's wait it there I don't want to go there now I want us to understand that this number this number 10 says of chapter 18 it came to pass two more the following day after Grad had been destroyed that the evil spirit from God came upon us all and he prophesied in the middle of the house the it was printed came upon him and he prophesied remember saw has been given his a location of a demon in chapter 16 verse 15 we are now three chapters after two two chapters later chapter 18 and now this man tormented by an evil spirit sent from God he is now in the business of prophesy yes we thought that if so has been haunted by a demon he will not start to do anything related to the chase he might need to stay at home to look for Davey to come to him deliver him from this demon or he is in the house he is not even ashamed how that he failed to do the gallery' the previous day by the one of error it happened the following day Korea Atacama chapter 17 Manitoba chapter 18 Saranga a prophet sarunas disc request a Krakatoa Kuchisake Maroma Russia on akuze Rangiriri booty DJ Paul Offit ago carotid artery allegory at Calvary Church apparently not the following day so as a prophesy yes indeed every to plate with this end as it other times and there was a javelin insouciant he prophesied and here the javelin in his hand I prefer to item ina Marina spear I need a few more can I have a stick this one is just an ordinary stick but the javelin is tipped it is good a metal just like this that the spear a metal object at the end of there now we don't know what you are saying in his prophecies maybe one sec receive your money receive your miracles by power Python de he is the prophesy but he has got a javelin in his hand yes what happened in verse 11 and esocast the javelin for his age I was might David even to the war with it in the depth of waited out of any was the prophesy in order for him to kill David remember we say - so is represents the law of Israel as a Sonia's David v : that is the following day the Bible says on the moor which means after he had risen from the dead and we know that when Jesus rose from the dead that was the beginning of the new testament and what to happen to in the New Testament was launched so did not stop his resounding with the demons he continued to be counted and as if being haunted was not enough he started to professor was he professing peace to Israel no he is a Madonna is prophesy in order for him to to David I mean this is what the people who are preaching the law are doing they are prefer saying they are talking about Jesus but they have got a javelin in the end they want to destroy the very Cosmo of the very Christ who delivered them from sin I mean I are hearing it excuse me mr. Sesay holding a javelin seems like a mighty men of war why didn't you physically detain if you a mighty men of war Cannizzaro Shakur Nakuru WA says that you know no were talking about a moon or dog-walker a tiny Korea Korea T will I would never shake it where it was angry when at that VT which is she today were negligent Korea yes Muro ceremony but you are not understanding that every part do is trying to preach the law today he's been haunted by a demon I mean and don't come closer to him he has got a javelin in his end he's going to kill you if you hear somebody preaching the law he wants to kill you he wants you to fall from grace paralanguage and a javelin vähämäki so quiet Coronado makanda on DJ Felli new makamaka algo por la Fitte Zaki asana de moon on Apollo fetus rock assan Democrat wah Tata Docomo Porizkova joke white taffeta got a certain dark when De Panne appacha Garriga Romani reverse yokomen a sachet Papa gasps oh no Oread raga a poke reader software Ronnie baka dawa fumo pasado parental Scipio mañana fumo a ship I America me a cheater a mariachi Sumomo me a ship I am where Wako a cheater America's 10 a ship I am where walk Teresa or negative and a matrimony Vargo poor Ophelia Estrada fumo marina combo gabacho Amoy Cueto routine toka toka toka Lara Megara marijuana under mission accom commoner donate money Ramat Rachel did those alveta so tantalized be such a Cuban but I will be battle but I'm gonna battle machete that is a family party I'm a ballet pop open a sorrow pan a few more you know silly man javelin shot a rocket in Okinawa real Moon River corridor Naruto Shippuden wife sakura-chan Ashoka reparative urgency no fairness one a name you know dog Athena fumo música reggaeton fumo no Ramona ten meters away query Ottoman are now common a kind of amo muñeca maori coke her nanny anyway para algunos simple for a moment o.o a check Akuma trios naraku bernando anta shika producer anyway Colonel jessep own a seminary coolant and outreach when I sing Appel show galena's open Democrat imago I mean Vatican re boom oh I don't know come and away later 20 years opinion change how certain memories wanna pasta but our Maria victim disarray fu mo Ukraine a patent or data's Agadir Amy Morrison I patent a mohawk but femoral Jessica and analysis fancy paka paka stroboscope a designer but the fumaric acid our naginata carefully cuckoo cuckoo to Gore Nausicaa oh god well also cha the photographer HGH up in decay paragraph with tofu Maserati and a saw was afraid of David because the Lord was with him and was departed from so the photographer turned up when David departed from so when he saw the jelly he knew that this deliverance is never gonna be you know we started this message somebody thought that David was finally going to deliver so from this demon and the demon was never going to come back it continued to haunt him that's why you see in chapter 16 David came and played the harp to so and so wrote a letter to Jay said to say bring your son to me let him live in my palace and when David challenged : the people took David and brought him to so-and-so spoke to David and said you can't fight with this man he is a skilled warrior Plaza was invert or since this youth and so actually tried to give David his military attire and David said you know I can't go with your tire if your attire was very effective I shouldn't be seeing already standing there by now you should have used your attire to fight : it's not about what you are wearing is about what is inside you but in chapter 56 David as Abner and he says who's the son is this I want to know this is tripling the word is tripling means catechu nanaka Cabana can farik comunicados a muginami unguardable Pokemon Java Java and ATM pteridophyta gorya Chaka Chaka ooga region welcome January 2nd irulu bomb equivalent wound agenda quartered on EKU's eve of the date of it shan't happen el muro morning until away Kalakuta canal memory you never know Jesus you never know Dave it no matter how many times he comes close to you solid verse number 6 chapter 18 saga Germany bakumaru gaoh wanna mention a planet javelin weren't dead and it came to pass saga Warner a beauty van - gonnigan animal china prophet was released via surrogate as a professor dr. gravity low profile Ghidorah struggles iater it also leads our already rotoview golden Magikarp uma maharaja a prophecy Papa Panov Shiva Serrano Raya Sonora Ambu Tonga prophet Iraq and Bhutan guard eta of making money and it came to pass as they came when David was attended from the slaughter of the Philistine not the Philistines that the women came out of all cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet the king so with the tablets with joy and with instruments of music verse seven and then the women answered one another is they played inside the saw it the slain his thousands and David his ten thousands look at me we want to ask one another questions how do you know David is he a happy player put the app down oh he is the master adversely the master slinger the master deliverer was when David killed Goliath he delivered Israel out of the hands of the Philistines how do you know David how do you know Christ now concerning so never forget that the only man who benefited when David played this the app it was not the people of Israel it was so but the people that benefited from David is the master slinger it was the whole nation of Israel so there are two things that David is able to do but one does not benefit many people one desert if a payment in the solution was in chapter 16 David played the app the demon left but it came back in chapter 18 we are hearing that David played the upper game the demon came back again the Bible Baba Tahsin own it doesn't tell us well the soul was finally permanently delivered from this demon no for the rest of his life he was being haunted by this demon but if it was able to cut it temporarily of course which means a hub is a temporal solution but a sling brings a permanent solution plus kalasa did not die casually temporarily no Goliath died for good never to come back to life yes now when we look at the women you know they sing about what David is accomplished with the sling no song was ever composed for the hub incidents ami bacha Khan z10 Aparna gunawan simple check I never awaken tyranny but in utica taka in Peru ah to come up with a Korea Korea and what am I going to what am I trying to understand here I want you to understand that there are so many things that Jesus did before he died for us it Calvin and those so many things were only done to Israel jesus healed the sick he opened the eyes of the blind he raised people from the dead literally Jesus walked on water Jesus multiplied bread Jesus rebuked the wind Jesus cleans the lepers Jesus used the woman with the issue of blood Jesus opened the eyes of blind bartimaeus Jesus delivered the man who was haunted by legions of demons Jesus delivered that man who his son who was outed by spirits when the Spirit came upon him he fell on fire or you to fall on wood are the things that Jesus did he never did them to the Gentiles he did those miracles to the people of Israel who and pello in other words that was a hub that was been played by David but it only benefited the sword it's never put a permanent solution it was a casual relief was when the people interpreted multi-tap Oh in John chapter 6 the following day they were angry economy they wanted him to play the harp for the second time up to this day they are blind people in Israel Jesus did not use all the sick people that were in Israel many of them they remain to seek Jesus did not eat cleans all the lepers that were in Israel many of them they remained sick even those people that I raised to life they are not alive up to this day all of them they also died which means those with temporal solutions everything that benefited the flesh that Jesus performed when he was in the end it was a habit that he was playing yes do you understand it the only thing that we can also talk about it is the sling that he used to kill : because if you brought salvation to all the people of Israel and now we are talking about the Israel of God the spiritual Israel the innumerable company of angels the Church of the firstborn which are written in heaven the amount is iron of God the New Testament Shh ah you know there are people are still looking for the happy if we are to honor Jesus today we are going to join the women that composedly so there which has killed ten thousands but the saw has killed thousands literally what it remains is they honor David and another soul yes that's why if you read the second phase thermo 18 so become jealous of David and they try to find ways to kill him the owner that David received by the women of Israel it was an account of the sling and not on account of the app to show you that the hub does not bring honor to David when Jesus was crucified not even one person spoke good things aborting yes even the relatives of our Lazarus whom he raised from the dead they also condemned him to death I mean was all the miracles that are not performed to Israel they were temporary sanga's origination poetic but moussaka GaN way in every Mon Ami don't forget I said when God brought David to play the app to saw God's intention was not for him to live so of this trouble no there is an why God brought David to play the harp to so he wanted to introduce the deliverer to the person who had received the spirit efest was before David received the Spirit of God it was first in soul so before the Gentiles could understand the gospel jesus said to be born among the Jews well the Jews are the ones whom he entrusted with the prophecies of his coming so jesus said to come to Israel to show Israel that you site of the coming Messiah I am the Messiah that you prophesied that I was going to come and for Jesus to prove that indeed you was the true Messiah that the prophets of old age spoken about here to prove by the skills on the app Kalitta Gandhi gave a proof within team Mambo we are organs whopper chapter 13 verse 14 put mama Larry and a Mormon palm oil park do aqua Sam Mambo in sahaja yoga remember so he deceived that profess in faiths imitate in verse 14 when Samuel said to so God has chosen himself a man after his own heart so so knew that gorgeous good amen after his oh not here in Israel but Samuel did not show him the man so indeed it came to play The Hub when they became to play the a producer the skills that he was displaying too so they were confirmation of what the samaveda said area own I am the main after God's heart that's why the seven associate God is with him my main socket of it Parker itza Candida Hannibal de grande oregon Arriba say rock candy recurrence akuti sorrow do aggregate wanna Sunday Kuta lucha de agua Maharana memorable are Pomona Parque de Oaxaca da couch aguas approaching KO Paco Chaka an accumulated resume parka full moon Yahoo Yahoo Yahoo trans with sound a Cobra's egg Anacapa gondola sauropod soda and a murmur poem were Hanuman electorally so it's that word every same Samuel o dia sawatya and German Agora Simon will Murr Murr Murr Murr Murr Murr so when Jesus was born in the flesh he said as it is written as it is written as it is written he did all the things that the prophets of Israel had said about him but too weak to whom was it doing them he was doing those things to Israel Israel who was under the law so Jesus was born - you know under the law that's what Galatians chapter 4 verse 4 says in the fullness of time God sent forth his son made of the made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law he performed those miracles to the people of Israel who were in the law so it was because the law is the one that aid the prophesies of Christ before Jesus was to be crucified he was to be justified the first of all that indeed is the Messiah that Moses spoke about in Daytona Beach chapter 18 verse 15 Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18 he is the Prophet that Isaiah spoke about in chapter 11 the branch of Jesse yes I spoke about him in Chapter 9 and to us a child is born unto us a son is given Isaiah prophesied about him in chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin shall conceive she shall bring forth a son and shalt record Emmanuel so the prophecies that were given concerning Christ were only given to Israel it was they were given in the law of Moses that's why David before he went to fight with the Gilad here - first of all appear before so they play their way so that when he finally destroys Collette in a better friend so to know that we have not given a wrong person the mandate to fight Goliath he is the right person now do we have scriptures that explain that Israel was the one that was only given the law but we are Gentiles the law has never given to us the law was given exclusively to Israel Romans chapter 9 verse 1 in Christ I said the truth in Christ I lied not I am not lying my conscience also bearing me witness in my conscience is bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart what are you worrying about who I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my bread what is wrong with you my kinsmen according to the flesh who are your kinsmen according to the flesh who is realized I am talking about Israel I maintain that adoption was promised to Israel in the glory the glory was given to Israel the Covenant the covenants were given please read the giving of the law the law was given to Israel the saves of God the surface of God were given to Israel from the promises were given to Israel the fact that the fathers are of Israel and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came Christ came from Israel on 32 flesh God blessed forever I mean efficient scepter to facilitate wherefore remember that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh yes well accordin circumcision by that which is called the circumcision yes without Christ at the time of the law we Gentiles were without Christ we were aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel we were strangers from the Covenant of promise no we had no hope and without God we will because you see now go back to verse number 11 wherefore remember that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh we were Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is a gentle sway and second stage was circumcision was part of the law given to Israel alone that at that time at the time of the law he were without Christ at the time of the law the Gentiles it Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel there were strangers they were aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise the covenants of the Lord the conference that were given to Abraham the Gentiles were strangers to those caveny every know Jonathan Eva tour waka marae Noah Moses yes now there's something that I want to say here something very important concerning us being strangers from the law but before I open that scripture let's go to me to chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 Jesus was sending his disciples in a mission to go and preach we want to understand to whom was he sending their posters verse 5 these twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying call not in the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans and I did not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel read again these twelve Jesus sent forth in the command Jesus sent forth the truth disciples the troffer posters commanded them saying what he commanded them to do go not into the way of the Gentiles don't preach to any Gentile person and into any city of the Samaritans and I know to go to the Samaritans who are deferred by the Gentiles but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel did you hear that but to go rather to the lost sheep of Israel which means where Jesus was in the flesh he was not going to deal with the Gentiles I hear this so we know that the Greeks wanted to speak to Jesus John chapter 12 verse 20 the Greeks are the Gentiles the Alex immigrants Americans the British the Irish the Germans the checks the Mexico's hallelujah yes the Mexicans the Brazilians the Uruguayan's the canals the South Africans dis ambience we are the Greeks the nanny Jews we are strangers from the covenants of the promises aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel the Greeks wanted to speak to Jesus what happened and they were certainly Greeks among them that came up to worship it fast the feast yes the same came therefore to Philip they spoke to Philip beside them and spoke to Andrew and decided saying say we would see Jesus the greenside to Philippi say we desire to speak to Jesus you become a fan telothane true and again in really Philippi oh Jesus yes and jesus answered them saying and they Philip and Andrew came to speak to Jesus that the Greeks were waiting outside to speak to you say there our salvation the Gentiles are looking for you they want also to be served they did have an opportunity with their Savior did Jesus agree to meet with the clicks What did he say the hour is come jesus said the hour is God the Son of man should be glorified that the Son of man should be glorified verily verily I say unto you except a Glee exerted of corn wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone yes if it die it bringeth forth much fruit if that love it is life shall lose it wait did you hear that the Greeks are desiring to see you they hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified verily I say unto you except a grain of corn is put into the ground a dies it abides alone but if it is put into the ground and dies it will be M forth much fruit this is the answer to the Greeks who want to see me glory glory I don't know what to Philip you say to the Greeks my understanding in my thoughts are they would never have said whatever Jesus said to them they were supposed a to degrees we are sorry guys go back come another day what did you say ah we want we don't want to put you with the teachers you know the Lord is a difficult man if you say simple things to him he was speaking proverbs and reduce we I even confused ourselves yes we told him that you wanted to see him but he started to talk about the death they agree said what did he say he spoke about their death they said let's go home who should you die we only want to see him after all but he was the grain of corn he was saying until I die and they can to do with the Gentiles he was the grain of corn yes he was saying I cannot bear forth much fruit as long as I was to alive in the flesh I have got to die and then deal with the Greeks the Gentiles I mainly I'm going to pray first in that company I'm not lying this is not a revelation I'm simply reciting scripture he SAT was a grain Maitre chapter 13 verse 31 yes he was the grain the kingdom of heaven another parable put he forth unto them saying the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field which is the list of all the seeds of the field which indeed is the list of all seeds but when it is grown it is the greatest among hymns in the becometh a tree so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof ah another parable specky and no no no no no this is what I wanted you to say we just want to hear what did you hear about the parable of the mustard seed it is the list because he was a humble to the last there is no badou is going to be humbled like Jesus was hampered but when he's put into the ground he grows to become the greatest years the birds come to find shelter in its branches they bathe eyes people do you see that now before he died he refused to deal with the Gentiles let's go to the passage that I wanted to discuss with you about Jonah chapter 10 John chapter 10 is a very elaborate chapter in terms of Jesus clarifying how he wanted to save mankind let's read from his wall verily verily I say unto you he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up some other way the same is it remember I read to go to the lost sheep of Israel don't go to the way of the Gentiles no the Samaritans go to the lost sheep of yes so he says everybody who enters not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up some other way the same is a thief and a robber but he that entereth in by the door is the Shepherd of the sheep so the Shepherd is the only man who enters through the door everybody else who enters into the ship he claims through another another wall claims through the Jareau of the fence into the ship fort yes we him the porter openeth in the ship he is voice yes inequality is own sheep by name and leads them out he calls his ship by their name which means every one of his ship is known by its own name yes he enters into the ship fort and then he calls his ship by their names yes and when what does he do when he calls them he leads with him ah I mean did you hear that yes he goes into the ship fold he enters through the door what does he intend to do he has not brought food into the ship for no he wants to lead them out yes he was talking about Israel he say my entered into the law quite Colossians 4 is saying he was born under the law to redeem them that were under the law which means to deliver them out of the law so they Shepard enters through the door into the sheepfold to lead them out of the ship world so he wanted to enter into the law to recover Peter to recover James and John and Andrew to recover Mary Magdalene to recover meriting a sister of Martha to recover the wife of chuza and everybody else and to lead them out of the law did you hear that he wanted to leave the Moyer out of the law but he couldn't lead them out without entering into the ship food here to enter into the ship for defense that's why he was born under the law here to enter mangamma to change him to my dog Binda hallelujah yes let's go ahead and when he put forth his own sheep he goeth before them and the Sheep follow him for they know his voice so when he leads them out he doesn't lead them it doesn't drive them out he lifted him out he will be the one in front because it's the one who knows where he wants to take them I mean and the sheep are keen to follow him yes they will not follow a stranger they will flee from strangers they ship do not obey the voices of strangers he's explaining and the Bible says this parable spake Jesus but they understood what things the way which they did it they never understood he wants to explain why the people of Israel rejected or disobedient to the law but the law was given by a stranger Moses was not the shepherd he was a stranger the Pharisees were not the shepherds they were strangers the Levitical priests who a stranger that's why people continued to disobey the law the owner did the voice of strangers in the Bible says it was a parable nobody understood it faith number seven then said Jesus unto them again verily verily I say unto you I am the door of the ship yes oh that ever come before me are thieves in the rock bands but the ship did not hear them first number 11 I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the Sheep yes but he that is in a yearling inhaling inhaling and not the Shepherd's whose own the sheep are not seeing the wolf coming and elevate the ship in a flip and they wolf catcheth them in the scuttle a bishop the hireling fleeth because he is an hireling and they care if not for the ship I am The Good Shepherd in the normal ship and I am known of mine first 15 is the father knoweth me even so know I the father and I lay down my life for the Sheep listen I wanted to follow the order before he spoke about laying down his life for the ship he started by talking about entering into the ship Ford which means he starts by entering into the ship Ford before he lays down his life for the ship and remember I said I know my ship I call them by their names they know my voice which means Jesus is not going to preach this gospel looking for people who are going to be voluntarily willingly join his gospel not before he laid down his life he already knew those that were his ship I mean but let's read verse 16 together together go and the other sheep I have which are not of this fold them all so I must breathe in the shower hear my voice in they shall be one fold and one Shepherd clip-ins for Jesus did you see where you end I fit in I mean we don't fit in verse number 11 verse number eleven was talking about the ship of Israel but verse number 16 is events that incorporates you and me I have got a ship which are not of this fold dinamo me McCoy ah see AHA see atanga Reno yes de navidad gangadharam aqua do origami raccoons mom while the men were fortunate anger in me yes to see a gentle person trying to perform or to do the law it's like seeing a wild animal trying to enter and sneak through their walls or the crevices into the ship of shipboard kawanami tonight up in Sacramento Matassa bad corner man professional padam sanga my problem in imagination dr. Brown commercialization action plans in Mehsana Buddha are made of a yes put that over said but what was holding both socket anxiety kaga hung up in up tanker dono pls anyway those are no tourists and that sinsa-dong I know who to tank opposed to Buddha's that has dream oh I got to do no sleep irrigate the raccoon set so low for a Quincy yeah I'm back once a query what would you test happen doc would say I don't wanna know food I poke ah she's was well listened to well the message is let's go back to faith Samuel Chapter 17 faith Samuel Chapter 17 we scripture we're going to open now so we want to hear the message that came out from the amount of glad the semaphore and there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of cotton whose height was six cubits and a span in a head in helmet of brass upon his head and he was armed with a coat of mail so jump just God verse number eight we just wanted to know who was talking and now we have learned that it was glad in the end of God and they stood and cried unto the armies of Israel because Satan doesn't pay attention to what galleta said and they stood and cried unto the armies of Israel and say unto them why are you come upset your battle in array am not i a Philistine in a you servants to soul shows you a man for you and let him come down to me yes he be able to fight with me and to kill me then we will be your servants but if he prefer Guinness to him if I be I prefer agonist iam and they kill him then shall you be our servants in the service wait there so I want to show you that the battle at the value of Allah was also used by God to show you and me when the genitals become children of God or are given an opportunity to salvation the children of Israel who were with his soul facing the Philistines which were being led by Goliath they represented the Jews who were under the law who have been led by the law of Moses trying to defeat the scene but since the conception of the Testament of the law they had never been able to defeat sin but rather they were being humiliated by sin that's why they brought people who were caught caught in sinful acts they brought them to Jesus like they brought that woman who was caught in the act of a doubter in John chapter 8 there is a way they brought those people it was not only because they wanted to tempt Jesus using the law of Moses but much rather to prove to Jesus because when galatic when David finally arrived listen to me when David finally arrived at the better friend the Bible says at that particular time Valera came out in the spoke his words of provocation and David hated them that's what inspired him to say I am going to fight with his Vista so we say to Kalev is sin so jesus said he come to defeat sin at recovery through his death so it was not possible for Jesus to just come and die he needed to know that the truly speaking the law had he failed to deal with the scene so whenever they brought a person who was found in eggs of sin to Jesus in their minds they thought they were trying to tempt Jesus they didn't know that when they bring that woman caught in the act of a doubter to Jesus they were telling dangerous that the caller has come out again away listen to him yourself we have been trying to defeat sin since the law was given to Moses but up to this day we have failed to deal with the same yes they found Jesus is what he was Meredith the prostitute was washing his feet and they complained if this man was truly a prophet he would have known the way witness of this woman no they are proving to Jesus that we have been having this act of immorality since the foundation of the law of Moses but the law had referred to do with the prostitution of Mary the lawyer deferred to do with the woman with the issue of blood but don't forget that we say the death of Goliath is the defeat of sin that Jesus achieved on our behalf at Calvary he defeated the scene he was a righteous man who died for the sins of a sinful generation and he wrote victory for us we are the spiritual Israel of God but don't forget that there were two people the first people were the Israelites they Jews the second people are the Gentiles in John chapter 10 he is the ship out of the ship he enters into the ship for he lives his ship out and then he lays down his life for the ship and then he has got some other ship which are not of default so the Israelites who were with David and so by the value of Ella they represented the Jews who encounter with Jesus in the flesh for the 33 years but when do the Gentiles get affected in to this victory that David achieved for his people when he cuticle air it was in the winds of the words of of glad if a man is able to fight with me in verse number nine neq me then we will be your servants so the Philistines were only going to be servants of the Israelites when Goliath has been defeated that was how the Gentiles were becoming closer to David when they are how did you become servants of David they will say when he defeated our giant we became his servants paka vagary where do dope at Aqaba thetaba Randhawa yes Saqqara a denver Philistia a layover and avid avid Canada with a SATA or a acorrea osaka-jo superjunior firewood like Greek mythology could even add some ham Lewis Nabisco movie kava Ionia Wanda you know - so Anika nedeau movie kapha yo Playa Wanda like Griffin army right engage remove a fishy a noble Villa Korea Tatanka yes hallelujah now take a seat my brother I wanted this one you know what people are saying prayers to God and when you look at their prayers they are demanding happy benefits so David is got the two types or two classes of benefits he has got the hub benefits or he has got the sling benefits the sling benefits are salvation forgiveness of sins righteousness a promise of eternal life a life of peace with God a godly life here on earth a promise of eternal life in heaven but they have benefits they are the bread and the two fishes yarmulke porous oven or whare porous a goomba Rangiriri you Simba Makara Pavel Amy Parham fish i HIV numero para algo da cunha token or a pagan deira problema gondola in arenas hecho para an Okanagan is Ahmad even after Korea of akhaten Brotherhood who is the nationalism I mean but the problem you can tear sorry no ITA's horrible Sokka yes Runa very edgy but uh bum Jo to economies kookaburra Candida Zeno cantina Maya which our Noguchi who come on track ever confirm that we can Pomona the swamp underfoot tomahawk a sovereign ban postal and America is Goga Timoney reserve room window comedy key roads oka yes my Tony Chapter six look at you got ship when Ezra watch when when I talk of Marines the Rockaway Vergara jinghuan Jergens Iowa massage shangela too much Nora Chuck I should watch you know Connor Lucas agape I once was Eli with Jeremiah chakra Guare one guy struggle and allow me to the body the food magazine is rockin police work until I reach a futile Mandira rocket Iowa didn't you watch you watch old man you made chocolate chip or a mop with no chin your answer [Applause] Sokka the message is on the sling and denoted the app let me give you this understanding the sling is a sign unto all Israel of a new era a new dispensation resolved and especially my of course is right now it is vintage ad hoc upto budget in Dawa Israel's were wrong with her - dispensation and I would knock their grow new for one who remained a new curriculum come back at the new dispensation who know Rowan even consult Messiah was a novice a new dispensation there : I see a good Nagarajan Monica to you dispensation I'm so convinced I go far without an already bro sorna would impose this on Bokashi chained in a wire the material gas or a girl Serena but according to mrs. equity cartoons we see say let's go to John chapter 6 the problem with you is that you are a descendant of a soul so you don't want to do anything when you hear about the sling you become jealous you want to kill David the only thing that you want from David is not the sling he wanted the app because the hopper gives you a temporary relief from what is haunting you if the Prophet on his birthday he gives a free food to street kids that is the app there is no eternal life that you can get from that lunch that this is so is going to give you that particular day tomorrow you'll be hungry again so give us with number 25 and when they found him on the other side of the sea so they'd eaten bread the previous day and he went to Capernaum in the night they never saw how he went he left the mountain so they left the mountain in the morning they were hungry they looked for him they walked a great distance in the found him in Capernaum they say unto Him and happy when cometh thou hither when did you come to Capernaum jesus answered them and said verily verily I say unto you you seek me not because you saw the miracles but because you did eat of the loaves and were filled you are looking for me because you want the hub you want to bread more bread labor not for the meat which perisheth remember is the one we had given them the food that parish when he says leper not for the meat that perishes he is not looking down upon a miracle that another men of God performed it was he himself yes he had multiplied the 5 loaves indeed fed thousands but when they came the following day looking for the same perishable bread which he had given them the previous day he rebuked them and said to not work for bread that is going to perish but for that meat which endureth and for the food that endures to eternal life which the Son of man shall give unto you yes for him is God the Father see root first graduate the NS a day unto Him what shall we do - alright well you also going to wake the wake so we are willing to do the work of God just tell us what to do as long as you give us bread at the end of the day Jesus under them said unto them this is the work of God that you believe on him is sent yes they say therefore unto Him what sign show us it out then that we may see an ability what do is it awake what work do you do yourself how fat our fathers did eat manna in the desert as it is written he gave them bread from heaven to eat them jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you Moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father gave you from heaven bread from heaven read faster for the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven in a giveth life unto the world AHA the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven so he was the bread but they didn't want him they wanted the physical bread they didn't want the sling they wanted the app yes yes then said they unto Him Lord evermore give us this bread give us this bread jesus said unto them I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never taste thank you very much I am the bread in other words if you get the sling benefits you will never hunger yes but if you get the hub benefits you always want him to come back to you that's why so continue to request that David come to him play the harp and get him lift from the torment of that demon he continued to demand that David comes to play the hub you see if God gives you money to buy a car today he has given you the sound of the app after a few years you are going to ask God for another car again was the car weighs and it tears it depreciates it breaks down it loses value eventually the Meccans will say we can't this we can't fix this car anymore buy another one and you say God of heaven thank you for giving me that car that you gave me five years ago but as you can see it's broken down give me another one this time I don't need that same car I need a better one in the suit drive in town somebody's going to overtake you with a better car than the one that they've prayed for and you last after that car you got bill to the mountain thank you Lord for the God that will give me but there's a better one that I saw in town I think I need that one also as long as you won't go to give you things that are perishable we shall always be asking God for more I mean the a miracles that Jesus performed he performed those miracles to Israel so that Israel would to know that the Messiah that was promised to Israel in the law was truly Jesus in the flesh but after he died for us at cover we don't come to Jesus for those miracles we come to Jesus for salvation the sling benefit is salvation forgiveness of sins righteousness through Christ Jesus those are the sling benefits so instead I was delivered from Egypt when they arrived in McKenna they would be mistaken if they wanted to ask God to show them the miracles that they saw in Egypt show us Lord their frogs which are jackals show us the boils that affected the Egyptians we want to see the Flies we want to see the darkness we want to see the the water turning into blood we want to see the rod of Moses turning into a serpent those miracles are the happy miracles of Moses they only happen to people that are in the process of living Egypt we were given a better miracle which we are able to live this world with you when this body fails we are going to heaven we shall not help the trucks the vehicles the television since their cars that you are asking God for those are the hopper miracles they don't last my friend me interpret tomorrow to hunt another breath the day after tomorrow you beg for some more miracles you have money to take Nelson asking God for more money those are happy miracles they don't last go ahead ask you lisara's they don't last ask the woman with the issue of blood they don't last they will be buried together with this wretched report that we have family is asuka room watching oaxaca poor attitude a mockery to the german reporter - a kangaroo we can delay or armas santiago cut America coupons upon my opportunity Denali Ysidro Gustavo - Gucci Gandhi yes mam cuando cherry Chaka Fattah con dinero de ahora vamos a la grande era wah wah wah - Rama pray don't see no moon on Amur chip Rama we're dodging a ship Rama Rajan ano you can't go to Korea to alpha hey muchachos opakapaka Jaso a good night Chile camera shutter camera shutter camera shutter camera shutter camera shutter camera shutter she come I mean I mean Hebrews chapter 9 verse 15 Jesus died for us in the once and forever yes Goliath was defeated once and forever and for this cause he is the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament they which a court might receive the promise of eternal inheritance verse 16 for where a testament is they must also of necessity be the death of the testator thank you read verse 17 for a testament is of force after men are dead verse 18 where upon night that the first Testament was dedicated without blood thank you once and forever Jesus does not come to die for a sinner every time a seen as being saved you know when he died he died for all hallelujah let's read chapter 10 of the book of Hebrews chapter 10 verse 11 and every priest standard daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins but this man is talking about Jesus after yet offered one sacrifice for sins forever set it down on the right hand of God from henceforth expecting to his enemies be made his footstool for by one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified yes cribbens for Jesus I mean let's read verse 14 again to get a goal for by one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified he has perfected well for ever ever so people are saying opposed to pray for me I think I need an all-night prayer and I said to him what I wishes he says me and my wife I think we are going to separate very soon there is war in our marriage he thinks that when I need an all-night of praying to God for Jesus to play a up I'm going to finish my message like this look at me look at me surprising as it may be but if you seen through the Scriptures we have read faith Samuel 16 17 and 18 have you seen that the reason why you and I today know that Jesus or that David was a skilled player of the app the reason why we now know that it is because of Saul David never played up for his brothers okay go and read the second samuel from chapter one to the last chapter of second samuel we all know that David died in in in in in first Kings chapter 1 and chapter 2 from the time that David started raining over Israel is a king to the time that he died he never played the harp to anybody else for these papers to cast out an evil spirit the only person who received the services of David in his capacity as a player it is all the psalm we have said represents the law there so we have said he represents the preachers of the false gospel those false gospel preachers who cannot finish their messages without trying to pervert the gospel by trying to teach the law of Moses every false preacher preaches the law we know that the soul is being troubled by an evil spirit we know that is so precise not so that he can give guidance to Israel not so that he can tell the people the counsel of God no he prophesized in order for him to try to throw the javelin to David to kill him when he saw prophesize he is trying to kill David they David whom we say represents Christ in other words the false preachers they are trying to kill they are trying to stop the gospel of Christ this is the man who is asking David to play the harp which means everybody who demands that Jesus gives the miracles that effect the board without the Spirit they are asking David to play the app they are is so generation Diego DJ so de la Motte cinema company on the payroll mallanna who doubted avatar is a gondola Sonoran Gary Whitta an akuna greens was mr. kangaroo gratitude empty jar with a container at college approach our campus rockin a garage under Ferengi's under miss Veronica de Agumon ANOVA saga R&B chocolate egg and unit everything like to put a patch in a Babbo Natale corner it is cute at that but the problem is vanity man that everything a la cerva no qualms oh ok give them the mic who wants to explain what is wrong in so asking David to play the app who wants to explain that give him the mic give the brother didn't I [Music] poet rangiku soap and Amanda Gutierrez opponent David Chino nakushita positivity Barea Juliet Nestle akka in Verona Akkad Appa even wanna talk about would demand I would David IgE worried up Sycamore arrow dividend Inaba Miranda Marrero vitarka cara de vita Kuryakin deira Childress all are engaged equal Maradona so exact character photography Aachen dear agility Rizzo asymmetry or Israel number two Israeli Rd Candida number surah Israel Nora she wrote asleep Jake I'm delighted personal off a DES remember Masaru nod my back hasta maana Israeli Caravaggio benefit of operative it Abba Patsy ruin Conde de la opus ruin a forum agua por una pareja Joe crow Jessica Florida praveshika fungal machine where oh no pony Cerruti reservoir yo crushed American pastor Donny price tokajin American Dragic annuity but in that day yoga asana was repeated in this is a de novo sorter often on the media press zero toto not really casual contrary also do a foot yes now I want to show you that the help that was played to cast out a demon in so it was also used in the New Testament order chapter 33 the book of some of this one some channel 33 verse one in two rejoice in the Lord or erections for praise is comely for the upright praise the Lord with the hub sing unto him with the psaltery in an instrument of ten strings read verse number three sing unto him a new song play skillfully with a loud noise did you see that in the kingdom of David the hub is used to praise God I mean did you see that yes but in the kingdom of saw the hub is used he took us out there for divorce some chapter 43 verse number three - for all send out thy light and thy truth let them lead me let them bring me unto thy holy hill and to die Tabernacles then why go onto the outer of God and to God my exceeding joy yay upon the harp I praise thee O God my god kleben's for Jesus lastly we are going to hear two scriptures some 801 with - first one in - in Psalm 92 some H 1 verse 1 and 2 sing aloud unto God our string sing aloud and to go there was to make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob make a joyful noise unto the golden jackals are many bring it bring it that the timber up with this out pleasant hop with the psaltery Psalm 92 verse 2 - 3 to show for thy loving-kindness in the morning in thy faithfulness every night upon an instrument of ten strings and upon this out re upon their half asalaam sound this phone for download he's made me glad through thy wake I would say I will triumph in wakes of thy hands I would triumph in the works of thy hands so you see he says for download estimate me Glade the truth I wake I overcome in the works of thy hands yes so that's what we shall do we shall overcome in the works of his hands I mean he killed Goliath for us that's why we play the instrument of ten strings we played the hub to glorify the god our god sokka Gandhi rakuyo Testament Jericho go tandem on R&R pathway so delicate Oh Dana we a a multi-part series a grant a remedy Managua si en de Coronado Toma New Testament aghanim our initial question except uyama una muerte granted under h0 Nintendo marina saga professor Timothy chapter 6 power integrity no Ted amore Nizam a saga Gandhi Rock uno con Derek Wattay Nazzaro Marinaro pata connoisseur Draco Dana come Veera Noguchi manda manda Kangin Gina and wrangle 0tt Chaka mera fire power honda Alleluia katisa Mookie the most important thing is the women is saying a song in chapter 18 verse 6 and 7 the Bible says the song which they say glorified David but on which issue on what account was David glorified by the singing women they glorified David on account of the sling and not be up Gandara kumbhaka saw her no morals at the veto credible Fangoria jesso euros aguas simba picard Ivanova not Chaca Minari rain s chondros want a margarita laser cut Rockets vaca empar whoa lachchu Mouton de nous de Bergerac anger net chief trauma Bay patron Osaka gondola have a mutant de la Cahuilla are it's a grand IRRI Reggie frame a paparazzo document and acha acha Kundera a capoeira native Rama a choreographer llama boy la remetanea nagasaki ta hace grandia La Rue de la gente con Ariza veggie from aboard at imposes device Christopher a machine or a Munich avocado become brahmana hakuna campaign go or even a frame-up we go ando Chiquito an otaku Tonga Kaakha Kaakha Kaakha producer our main assess our gondola retreat am van dough so tender honorary commander abu dharr a number two Corrigan tira ma temporal solutions team onager escuela de Jose Rodriguez Gautier rob burrata - okay sahaja yoga approach to or Abaza Yamato Booga rock opera Toyota Auris AJ's Rock important de Morny pasa hasta la casa para la maraca deeper in way he can tear a very small oscuridad Sharon Irizarry Laura and Arabs o Veera SE dabangg go eat racketeers Grenada Panama she debris Riza hora que hago por todo de to minami-kun agente de tu mama now Volta Candida disseminated are residual odds eat arugula on Guerrero DJs Ibaka to me one human agency table choukaku Nikita ha mr. Ochoa manometry Tsurugi Tamara procedure Ganga Yamuna so Tim O'Hara Rakuten Antioch America treat our noses or acorrea Makkah to Madinah matahari become periodic Adira ha die as mohammed el dinero de fromage a gory gory at Rebecca's Margherita so ladies Arakawa nature as decorum Akuma zoo Chaka Khan Tila Ramayana become Peru a single chain way as you probably cannot attend way Merida rocky vichara Herrera cut a commotion Gurudwara gory at pump at away Ella hi Astrid Ovid King Aditya desk Acronis una variation is wahoo - Karen garage versus Walker Bonita units in Cinderella movie repair by the IOC European will result in Turkish man Akita Rouge on Naruto gods agua que toda family Minds WaMu reach an homogeneous on de por hora loca ogo pagas Impa Warren Basler go away Paul cambio en bord Arakawa row okay the winner chip or a pimenta want a game or a putter kaczka como una midorijima Munna home bar ographers about a career wa y es su manera de todos a motto to adopt a conservative in the way Obama are kind of a tradition de volta geometers even Ammar at each game yes but you a ducati know eight-eight apprecia PACU Yamato te alleluia I'm a sock American Arab muchas Qaddafi a horrible mikaze sugandha la cara de forum a buoy narubu shakira Minari nebula gamma shiragami chapito carla Gugino macaca walking through a zone kokkonen Mugu Chocula malaria GP shacho chibita's how come when a paroxysm failure where to call you to Kazakh capital comes gonna pit you to call da Gama talkin about I didn't pay you to quit cachaça tiramisu yes yes hallelujah [Applause] skillful yes but the problem is Godzilla when I want children with the vagina was a joke Asuka wanted to firm up we reproduce at a moment of sorrow Korean women are America to annapoorni so Naruto commissioned Jaguar hottest America reopen our business robberies occur at American wanakawri cougar APPA african-american support anger egg quality citizenship or a fetus regs paya gorilla and a couple of Tajima elections the item is Osaka agency processing is a critical election the para ganar Covina okapi - okapi does not we know there were armed I chose when was a surprise world order to win a scope in when raka Poltava gotten in through a side note that order this was done through one man army to stand up again and away he also did one with an Associated identity through him this innovative Yemeni and karna padega Mirabella you know media hungaria Maruti Ganga yes Tom sank I know Andrew shangela yes imagem para llamar a joke why attend a meeting of angry Amish millimeter freeway could even regard romertopf ray why is that it is a matter forever tini she was open you at eno-kun o segundo park I've got my elections when Robert did you put up the chance at this quasi chichi but you're gonna Jake spy they're going to roll dude I got Patel yes Segarra beetles are you got NACA that which she promised warning I cheetah children Guardian second as you can see she can and she done got is this rocket I think it will do it what Santana so I think it good to me to a show corner so one time commonality Cantina much I wanna see also goon Emma who kind of gondola whenever no soba top sumo da gamba - it's the same as race talk about America can do Ramona renew Chagas Nora sensitivity Sonora sarcastic often amun-re Monica sigasi sync' ahora a Cossack honest nor no papa rano raraku mint Oppo commercialization November Rockefeller ragga Juan de la muerte Roja restriction version or atomization each equation or cha Chi su quasi single vanity pursue a chocho a cotton denisovitch a drag Regina moment a queen Christina razatos your Akhtar yaki disease okay Yakko Jessica Kanaka da GU person or a no koopa analytic and another kana ienaga so terracotta sugandha sir valiant men his MNO and an understanding a saga cora changer senses non grata condenado grab the same carita Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Candida Alleluia voila Israeli regatta wanna defeat bueno gusto de Gandhi rock you Mambo combo Gaddafi Eleonora super humid amun-re Asuka Magua sorrow Gandara tandem a demoon de Cochinos result America equity would even work with her now that were came back up for Amin are beneath Dona solanum Kumari the primary nowadays Indian Mura yoga retreat my demonic aura Ginga Ramos is Rocco saenggakhae takabisha toka Amy salmon re e da Cunha's Rita's Micheltorena zk k de fogo Mary Kay Kay Nagendra que creer Mesa venema peace raka day tomorrow compare Yuko Iago Tenga gonna go pop I wanna rent a new era madman es acaba de muchacha Wong Muslera gesso daca Coty's or investor commercial Cueto bottom boom boom marathi calendar item to watch and anita photo are sakuragaoka da música gandhi rainbow crocodile away poka poka rockadero Chaka gondola generation David in only the sling generation Amen hallelujah it generation is for amable we don't seek after david to hear the sound of the app we seek after Jeffrey David to celebrate the victory of the sling yes hallelujah the sling was his the stone was is the victory was is we only join him in celebrating his victory hallelujah lift up your hand and I shall pray thank you Lord Jesus for a day like this we want to thank you we want to honor you for your grace we celebrate the victory that you give unto us free of charge a victory that you paid for so dearly with your life we are here Lord to partake of that victory we have been made children of God today on account of your victory at Calvary you defeated the scene that range of our lives through the weakness of the flesh we thank you Jesus for the victory of the sling is what brings these Philistines to be servants of the Israelites we are now your servants on account of your victory we are now your children members of your kingdom we thank you Jesus for such a victory we know that you are able to do all things that even we may desire in our flesh represented by them by the help that the King David played and to soul but when we come to you we don't come to hear the sound of the hub we come to celebrate the head of Goliath which is in your hands we come to celebrate the blood that we shed at Calvary we come to celebrate a life in God which we never had within ourselves we come to celebrate a new identity that we have been given because of your love toward us we are your people we are your kingdom we are your subjects we are a generation we are the people that you said in John 15 today from today onwards I no longer call you servants for no master tailor these secrets and three sevens but as I shall now regard you as my friends we thank you Jesus for you say in Hebrews chapter 2 that for this cause you are not ashamed to call us your brethren thank you Jesus for making us partakers of your divine nature we are now new creatures on account of the Calvary transaction we want to ask you note this moment that you give us a proper hat that Yin's to come to David to praise God they know to ask more of him that he may play the hub for the temporary solutions that are given by the app they don't lead us to eternal life they are only there to prove that you are indeed the Christ that the profess is given of awed by the Testament the Old Testament prophets they indeed prophesied about you who came to view all the law that we can give birth in a covenant of grace and faith and love thank you Lord amen hallelujah the villain gamma P sorry Emma because I shall make a joyful noise unto the Lord let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord [Applause] [Music] the title for the message is the hub or the sling they are for the sling Gandhi ray-ray [Music]
Channel: Jesus Revelation Ministries
Views: 8,222
Rating: 4.8130841 out of 5
Id: nm1ApdAIkJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 39sec (11139 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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