Beware Of Ziba

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that he may be clothed in the white apparel the goodly raiment in preparation for the great day of the marriage of the lamb and his bride we are going to hear more about you in this gathering and we ask you Lord this moment that that may sharpen the ears of the inner men that may create more hunger and more desire to learn and to learn more to hear and to hear more to understand and to understand deeper what is the length and the breadth the depth and height of the knowledge of God which surpasses all understanding we want to acknowledge the presence even of the Holy Spirit the only man with the record of what was said in heaven regarding the Son of God which is the plan of our salvation thank you Jesus thank you amen [Applause] we may take our seats so this service is service max the beginning of our revelation gathering I'm sure we are happy to be here who is happy can you show by raising your hand that's wonderful that's wonderful we thank God before years brought us to himself we have been brought unto the Lord that we may sit down and eat the holy food now I also want to remind you that I promised that it's revelation together in number 1 of 2019 I'm going to be sharing with you the message concerning the seventh issue so not so fast we are going to hear about that message in the afternoon Semin they left me to share with you the message that he gave me some few weeks ago and I'm going to share with you that message I'm also going to take this opportunity to make another announcement that soon after our anniversary we are going to launch a series that is called the vessels of God series so prepare yourself is going to run up to par seven still it's going to be a seven part series so there's going to be part one up two parts number seven but we are going to share that series after the invasion but this morning I am going to share with you a message titled beware of ziba the way our of ziba it has got two titles it is either called the beware of ziba all the mephibosheth trade they may fit or the mephibosheth train the way of ziba does the Festa tato all the Mephibosheth trains so it depends on which one is going to be more popular by the end of the message but we would want you to understand that we are not here to waste time that is something that the Lord is emphasized to me over and over again he said you have got to understand that there is there's something that I want you to understand there are two environments that are living that are running concurrently there are two environments that are running concurrently parallel at the same time the Kairos environment and the Chronos environment the spiritual world and the physical world the mortal world and the eternal world so these are names of these two environments you need to understand it is called the Kairos versus the Chronos this is the spiritual environment this is the physical or this is the the eternal eternal world this as the mortal world this is also called the endless realm this is a casual so these are just names of the two environments that we have gourd leaves in the Chi in the in the in the Kairos environment the Kairos environment is the spiritual environment when we say God is in heaven we are not only mentioning the place was most people look at heaven as a place but let me tell you heaven is much more than a place heaven is a dimension that's why the Bible says our seat in heavenly places together with Christ anybody ever Adams of this question how are we seated in heavenly places together with Christ where we are on earth the Bible could have said we will be seated in heavenly places together Christ in which case we would understand that at a later stage after this world has been done away with we shall go to heaven and we shall live with Christ no the Bible didn't say we shall be seated in heavenly places together Christ and it raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus so we are seated in heavenly places together the Christ even where we are still on earth because heaven is not just a place is also a dimension heaven is a lifestyle heaven is a kingdom heaven is round now God lives in the Kairos environment and we live in the Chronos environment what it means is those that are living in the car in the Chronos environment they are living in the physical physical environment they are governed they are governed by natural laws natural laws in other words we comply to the physical order that God is set for many kind of faux creation rather in this whole universe whether we are human beings they are animals they are built or they're fishes that grow in the sea they allows that God is said for the natural world what are those laws laws of reproduction laws of procreation laws of physics laws of economics laws of Accountancy for every debit and entry there is a credit entry for every credit entry there is a corresponding debit entry those are laws of accounting they allows in this world i hearing this yes laws of habitation God has given us a situation a certain law that people are expected to live to experience what we call repercussions for their actions if you shout aloud they'll be noise you be the first person to be haunted by that noise you can not make a noise that affect other people without you the person with memories being affected by the same noise if you fart in a in your building you are not going to have everybody complaining that the air has been polluted in New Zealand I can sense I can't have that smell if you fart in a beauty you are going to be the first person to be haunted by the bed smell that comes out of that fact it's a law that God has set for us in this world so people are expected by God to abide by those laws why because we have got a physical body we have got physical bodies physical bodies are hearing yes now because of the physical but the physical body is our passport to exist in the physical realm in the colonel's environment everything has got a physical body can you repeat this together go and everything is good a spiritual body but people but those things interact using the physical body even if you talk about a seed amazing seed it is good a physical body it has got a spiritual body everything that lives are getting it now take out that small yellow part from the main seed plant it and see if there's going to be any germination no check out that yellow seed and put it into the ground and see if it is going to germinate without that white part it or not but that yellow part is not the spirit of the main seed there is something invisible in that yellow part that makes the main seed to germinate if it is put into the ground while getting this the trees they live because of the carbon dioxide which they breathe in without the carbon dioxide there is no life on the trees but we don't see the carbon dioxide we just see a physical body the animals it is the same thing so because of the physical bodies we interact you are able to travel from mahalia to me Terry from Bulawayo to South Africa you fly from from from Nigeria to the UK to USA to Canada the reason why you are going to pay for the FA you are paying for the spirit man you are paying for the body everything that gives us limitations in the Chronos environment it is the body I'm going to repeat this all the expenses that humanity in case in this physical life there are expenses that are incurred on behalf of the body if the spirit was to live on its own it was never will pay a single cent for anything assuming that it was possible for God to allow you to one day live your body at women come to church without the body he were not going to pay pass/fail why because the spirit man is not governed by the laws of nature like the physical body so God lives in the Cairo's environment let's say the earth the scientific name for our watches there is to watch the watches that we hang on the walls the scientific name is chronometer from the word Chronos the chronometer measures moments in the Chronos environment it converts moments into seconds seconds into minutes and minutes into hours and hours into days and days into weeks and weeks into months and months into years years are converted into decades decades are converted into centuries and centuries are converted into Millennia's hallelujah are you hearing this yes God lives in the Kairos environment the Kairos environment is an environment that runs parallel at the same time with the Chronos environment but the Kairos environment is extremely different from the Chronos environment the Kairos environment is not governed by time the time measurement in the Kairos environment is called eternity and eternity is one continuous day there is not yesterday there is no tomorrow in the Kairos environment God lives in one continuous day so when the Apostles wrote this script just like a day is like a thousand years unto the Lord people wrote out a state to what Peter was trying to say 1,000 years on earth is less than a half a moment in the Eternity of God so what I'm going to explain to you now is gorgeous given as the Chronos environment now the Chronos environment is affected Virology journey but that could be the coldest environment is a fake environment the Kairos environment is a genuine environment now there is an why I have said the Chronos environment is fake it is because everything continues to change according to God if something changes it is fake if something changes they deform in Egypt and in its value that it is not real Shahrukh Khan's analogy with $100 non wanna shower 350 dollars kun amun-re she needed to teach a fake genuine things do not change in value well let's repeat that together go everything that changes the value is fake according to God as today but just for a moment can you give me three things around you that you have discovered according to the definition of things that are genuine and things that affect muffins or disease affects Rupali soon as Chancellor change our valuable pomerode they affect us as the genuine who wants to give us let's give give us the right where's the microphone who wants to just tell us three things only him or only head that are fake give our brother their device just three things my body why did you say your body's fake I'm sure very soon I'm going to depart from from this earth so it's fake swing to remain here for you the board is a fake body yes it does it generalize eternal value yes what is the second affecting my clothes that I'm wearing they are fake why they they get worn out after some time they were indeed 88 yes okay and also my phone you have your mobile for years why are you saying over for his fake was there some current versions that are current than the one that I have there are better visions of your phone yes if your phone is lost its value over time indeed and as time goes on there are going to be people who are going to say when you say I want I'm selling before they are going to say I can't buy afford it is now worthless through it and it is also because the service is that your phone offers are not durable yes there is a day when your phone cannot get you if you seek now and there is a time when your battery dies and you can call the people you want to talk to him because of that it means the value of that before any changes if your foreign which you purchase in order for you to communicate can't give you a communication platform that to moment that it has failed it has lost its value to you yes let's clap hands for him that's a good now I want to learn from this side to share with us the three things that you say are fake on your life a lady who wants to give us a contribution but my our group we're gonna need a lady say they want to speak for them I think there's a lot dpi today but I will give you the value go you wanted to build them out yes today my age because every I am getting a year older and also they make up they all come a time when I cannot put on makeup is the truth yes what would have happened before you know to put makeup I'll be getting wrinkled very old very might also be sick by then to the extent of notes be able to apply anything on my skin I let's clippings for you that's wonderful ok bye bye he wanted to give us it could be put that do you want to say something but please don't speak on behalf of these women speak on your own behalf we don't want trouble in this change of attire something I value so much in the world education and you honestly speaking it's also affecting I've got books from 1960 to 70 which I've changed the completely [Music] that's wonderful they say brother they wanted to make a contribution Baba can you yes can you stand up I think your posture I wanted to talk about the money that we have in our pockets right now what it used to buy last week is daughter was it buying now their money can't buy now let's clippings for him this is a very short I don't know how these people are going to take it but we partly happy about our money but it is also fake because it changes in value constantly but ours is not changing value in the positive okay what is something else that you wanted to say that also changes value okay this is for the ladies at the is tails the is tails are changing every day original there is also their synthetic fibers that's because of that fake fake here what can we do about that nothing these are the things that are in the fake world now what is the third thing that you wanted to say I wanted to talk about houses their houses houses that we are living in you see that the values that we they had when they were built it's a deteriorating everything every time there is a time when people are going to actually pull it down yes and say this building is no longer safe for people to live in it it is now too old it's no longer safe it's no longer strong so let's let's destroy it and build a new house that means the house that was once wet a hundred thousand pounds it is now worthless in the UK if you want to take off asbestos sheets from the roof of your house replacing them say with better roofing material like towels you pull it will you put them off from the top of your roof you put them down you can't sell them because nobody buys them you have got to pay the City Council to come and pick them up to destroy them if you just put them outside you add he will be fined heavily by the concern in the UK if your Chi is broken down it is no longer rod wealthy no one is willing to buy it you have got to pay those companies which specialize in destroying that car so that they can recycle the metal objects on that car it is you who pays rather than what we do here in the mob way if you don't want your car you sell it you get some money in the UK it's you who pay to those who are in charge of making sure that the environment remains clean so it means the car that was once worth a lot of money it is a lost value this is a characteristic of the Khronos environment now what I want you to see is God cannot live in the Chronos environment god is too big that the Chronos environment is too small for him the comparison that I can give between the size of God and the size of the corners environment is the relationship between a ship and a car they are open ships rural ships which carry bulk oil millions of barrels carrying that oil from from Saudi Arabia to Africa to Mozambique so that you and I can access fuel from the service stations those ships are too big they can carry 300 cars from UK to Zimbabwe or to Africa that people may have purchased and when they are offloaded some of those cars go into Namibia some into Zambia some into post quanis I mean to Mozambique some into Zimbabwe lassoo - in other in other countries which means the ship is so big that it can carry so many cars in those so many cars can he carry so many people let's say it's a bus that has been loaded into a ship a bus is a seventy five seater bus 75 passengers it a bus so it means the bus can carry 75 passengers but how many buses are in the ship 500 buses in one ship which with the people that are in the buses are also carried by the ship but the ship cannot be carried by the bus that is the relationship between the kronos environment in the Kyros environment God is the one who created the cruellest environment he carries it literal do you know that our world is suspended in air do you know that the world that we live in is suspended in air they are not built that are carrying the weight of this world the whole world over the whole planet Earth is just a ball suspended in a and it is God we has done that I hear this yes the world we are seen around our country our land our prosperity we are referring to a smoker that is in a ship which ship is able to carry the car but the car cannot reciprocate on that service to the ship but you also need to understand that gordy can affect the Colonel's environment but the Chronos environment cannot affect God I'll hear this God can come into the Chronos environment and causes changes to it but at no point in the history of this Coronas environment now if you are saying clueless environment we are not only referring to the F itself we are talking about the physical life we are talking about the universe the planet Earth the other planets and also the celestial environments between those planets between Earth and Mars they are opening chasms of a which are containing gaseous substances which can also be quantified and evaluated those spaces that are not occupied by any earth or any planet they are also part of the Chronos environment because plans are not to flying on earth they are flying above the earth the planes that we bought and go to other countries that are too far that we can't drive to those countries they fly into the atmosphere the atmosphere is not a component of the earth it is another environment above the earth and yet it still remains a component of the Chronos environment as long as it is a physical environment it remains a component of the Chronos environment and I want you to understand this that when God looks at you he sees one thing on you something that has good relationship with the Kairos environment that is created what is that it is your Yuma your human spirit is the only thing that is related to the Kairos environment that God abides in Murano garimpeiros environment pop anyway so reppin Capano Chaka fauna Kannada cinema qualities among our chatty nacho malayalam Akkad Durga Godzilla ability a correlator nakai Rose environment now if we are saying only Spiritist spoken to me the first thing that happens is everybody imagines a posto anger hearing a voice through his ears and they forget that these ears are not related to the holy spirit because these ears are off they are a member of the Corollas environment they cannot communicate with the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit is a resident of the Kairos environment so if you want to communicate with icarus environment you must understand a part of you that has the ability to have audience with Holy Spirit and what is that it is a spirit until your spirit has been mobilized that it has now developed its sensitivities you will never hear the Holy Spirit and there is a certain issue that the Holy Spirit was teaching me some few days are going I spoke to my wife about and I said do you know that the reason something that is very important now somebody to wrap the board for me I wanted to see that the human body itself has got something that is similar to the human spirit but it is not the human speech collisions conditions stroke for two processes stroke imaginations of the mind wandering is of the mind mental regurgitation those things are seemingly spiritual but they are extremely physical the example is when you look at a phone there is a SIM card that gives that mobile handset need to a coordinate TVT but if we take out or we take off the SIM card do you know that the the phone itself is go to power current that flows from the battery to the terminals of the phone to the functions of the phone and to on the LCD of the phone you can actually open up a profile in application for a calculator and you can actually work the 72 times 72 and the phone can give you an answer without a SIM card and if you are otherwise you can actually assume that because the calculator has given you a true a correct answer there for them phone is connected to the network but the calculator is only a product of current what just given you a calculating ability on the handset is power current that flows from the battery of the phone into the engine of the phone it is nothing similar to network so everything is good effect a fake component that if you are not careful you use that effect component to assume that it is the true spirit person you see what I'm talking about yes performed upon a power Miguel's are retained Jerry remove phone look at as I'm aboard the airship Mooney Anand my nerves the nerves transmit electricity in the human body hallelujah amen and when you are angry those nerves I changed their charges if you are so excited if you are going to find something that it tests the charge on your nervous system it changes with emotions and yet it is not part of the spirit person you get angry in the body and you assume that the spirit man is also angry know what angers the body is not able to anger the spirit because this its programming is different from how God program the body these are two different persons living in one place but when you hear the word of God the spirit person is quickened to life the body is a cute therefore what used to anger you before you were saved no longer angers you because what was being angered was the board which is no longer Francie now it is not an Ummah that is non-functional you get what I'm saying so because of this mysterion with a lot of people are confused there are things which they say holy spirit I said this to me when there is no Holy Spirit involved it is only the imaginations of their own minds banished in ruins in Ireland on to a Miami chain cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo Okayama okay our decisions FM WA Fushigi Muhammad chain there are so many repercussions you are going to be in danger you are going to be blaspheming God you are going to find yourself out of grace was whatever God tells you to say or to do if God has given you an assignment all is pretty create a conducive environment for that assignment to be carried out I'll give you an example a lot of people are calling me and saying opposed which way and we have never met about the minister like you you say the truth as it is and I'm beginning to see on the social media platforms that some people are beginning to try and emulate that boldness I'm going to I'm going to give you today a challenge watch and you see what is going to happen to those people cause they are anything the bonus they don't know the spirit behind the bonus [Applause] so be careful my brother be able to distinguish when your mind has one that in your in your head and what the Holy Spirit has said be able to distinguish that this is not only spirit speaking these are my desires of the flesh you see I may have a sister in the house who is not yet married and I just desire in my heart I would want this sister to get married and if I say to a sister stand up if I say to a stand up CC the Lord is speaking to me stand up he is telling me that by the end of this year you are going to find a husband she's going to say I receive what she wants to be married but work has inspired me to give that prophecy it is not the Holy Spirit it is my desires in the road and angle away Coutinho tangent intro to role we were not a snob a second a known route or - you grab the oranges no ginger faith young variety so individual channels are delivered ah quitters at that - muah you see what I'm talking about sit on my seat now you may be desiring to drive a car and you say all it is telling me that this year or drive a car it is not Holy Spirit it is your desire now there are things that we think even when we are not determined to think of them you know the brain is is set in such a way that the computer works you know the computer if you are operating a computer that has a deaf a battery like a laptop and they've got a power outage all of a sudden their computer switches off but probably we type in a document if it is a well program to computer with a good software when the electricity comes back that document that you had not saved you will find it only documents how was the computer able to save a document when power went out suddenly without you manually commanding the computer to save the document it is because inside a computer processing unit a central processing unit which they call CPU there is a small battery and that small battery does not allow you to operate the computer it is only fixed onto the computer so that when there is power outage where software disturbance fundamental programs within the computer fundamental drivers within the computer are organized in such a way that when you open the computer gate your computer appears if nothing it happened to it before it was if they had not done that each time there is power outage on your computer in your office you would require computer technician to come back and install new drivers use software updates and so forth and if you were typing a document and yet not served it you would have to be required to turn start again to type that document so this is technology so their computer has got an ability that while it is off it continues to work inside its mind that is what the human mind does as well when you are slip your mind continues to work even though not at full capacity even when you are deciding that at this moment I don't want to think about anything I just want to focus on this movie you would be surprised after 30 minutes people say have you seen what this actor has done is it which one which one are you watching the movie or what I was watching I don't know what happened I was thinking about my auntie who was sent to me a very outrageous text message this morning qualitative aqua took of a message my dad Colonel Shay Tatyana mizuka underground and autonomous took up a jungle cow so the mind you can continue to operate even in your absence without you deciding to think about something the mind can start on its own in the subconscious to start anything about something else and because we are not trained in these corners abilities or kronos activities they all can tell you that what their mind is processed subconsciously it is actually the voice of the Holy Spirit that's why somebody says opposed so odorous witness told me that this Joe is my wife I'm going to marry him and they get the impregnate each other after two years of that marriage she comes back a suppose so this woman is a witch I don't want to ever in my life anymore I think I made a mistake no you didn't make a mistake you say to me that today God said this was your wife and no you were saying that I think I made a mistake which mistake I talking about are you acknowledging that it was what what is Pete who spoke to you it was your mind I am NOT gonna wind up a yada yada Arita my decisions the good to Rosewood because wrong kazoku number Tasha comma somebody that I know resigned from his job saying Holy Spirit was asking him to resign so that he can start a ministry he is targeted ministry any less than a he closed it up he is not looking for a job again there's another guy who used to appreciate faces with here I think somebody knows him he uses in afro and his body a body that looks like he's a Nigerian and yet is a Zimbabwe he's known his name is bishop wind rose anybody knows him he now sells perfumes right now he used to preach I used to preach with him advantage he used to run a change he said God has sent him and last year beginning of last year he said you know ministry is not working I'm going back to start to do business he closed his church is no businessman God never spoke to him he assumed that God had spoken to him but what am I getting it I want you to understand something you see when we were placed into this if God gives us time tomorrow we are going to utilize some 40 minutes into responding to some outrageous things that Amanda McAndrew has said in December this this previous December he has said something that the Holy Spirit is God is continued to tell me that I've got to say I'm going to respond to that rubbish and what you are going to do we are going to ask the media team tomorrow to upload that video there so that we can watch it and even those that are online we are going to watch it together it's just in 18 minutes long video if we can't find the video we can just listen to the audio I listen to the audio I only saw a very small part of the video in that message in which she was saying that Adam when he was put into the garden he was coming from heaven Adam once lived in heaven those are the list of the blasphemous things that he said but I'm going to respond to that but I'm going to say this because I want you to know that when we were placed into the corners environment remember men was created in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 but what was created was the Spirit meant the pneuma the body was not created remember it was formed in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and says there was the Bible says and God formed man out of the dust of the earth and he blew the breath of life into his nostrils and man became a living soul now the breath of life the world the breath of life in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 they are referring to the pneuma that was created now if you shake your record very well from Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 to Genesis chapter 3 the last service I think is verse 24 the only thing that was mentioned about heaven that were in place of God is in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 God created the heaven and if that is the last time God talked about his residence in the creation chapters the creation chapters are from Genesis chapter 1 to Genesis chapter 3 in the book of Genesis those are the creation chapters are you hearing which receptor for going forward to Malachi chapter 4 we are going to be hearing the God was now talking about himself repairing a planetary government from his fallen state but I want you to see this Macondo says Adam was once in heaven and he was brought down to earth and he forgets to understand that if something is in heaven and is brought down to earth that process of transferring from heaven to earth is actually dead process a Govardhan dhari a panga karuta Recuva process a group of a negotiator would ever wanna obey i hear this so in other words makind you are claims that Adam died before he died it was when God spoke to Adam is that the moment you shall eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shout that it means Adam was going to that for the first time if he had to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil which God later only renamed it to the tree of death so Adam was not in heaven he was on earth remember when God created demand he was still dealing with from Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 to Genesis chapter 3 verse verse 24 Gordon ever dealt with the heaven that will in place go and read your Bible very well God was dealing with the earth that's why in chapter 1 verse 2 of Genesis the Bible says the earth was without to form it was a void i hearing this and darkness was upon the surface of the earth and the Spirit of God hovered upon there they were just God was talking about the end the end was with not from the end to us and God let there be a firmament between devil there and God said let the waters in the every regard that in the holy places and let the dry land on the earth appear everything that God did a recreation it was something that was happening on earth for the earth at the Masada created in heaven you are deceived to believe that además ones in heaven if Adam was once in heaven he would not require Christ to take him back to heaven do you understand it yes yes and that's why good never mentioned heaven to Adam yes read the Bible God never mentioned the word heaven to Adam God never spoke about heaven to Adam we were placed into the Chronos environment God created the new mother human spirit and then he formed he formed man of the dust of the earth are you hearing this yes [Laughter] what I'm going to say right now I'm going to say something that is going to show you have you ever imagined where you are before you are born could the desert deserve an angel copy but we are never going to think about that was the scripture that explains that Hebrews chapter 7 verse 9 in 10 and as I may also say that Levi also paid tithes Levi also receive tithes pay tithes in Abraham let's read with them together goal for he was yet in the loins of his father met him when I was Levi before he was born and where was he when was he where was he before his father was born he was in his father's father's lawyers and before his father's father was born he was in his great father's father's loins Levi was not in heaven before he was born he was in his father's ruins is that not worthless replacing Murphy was rotten even less versatile Arwa angus hijo de usar beside Paco kutol a versatile Java anger anger anger with who know Chava Baca so going to heaven is not a trip back to heaven we have never been in heaven but we were created for heaven we are like both the the children who have been reclaimed by their legitimate father's origin Godot anniversary waka waka Rohrabacher goes of a rocket Romano rozsutec aito-kun Amari Papa Papa Papa Papa new potato a mocha gala ru'afo diversity phenomena verbal commands with simcha Malini : zedzee agha-soltan dealer window no changes Chaka Chaka ooga ooga Chaka she'll wanna lean in upon economy market a shanterrica wonky the government is endemic one you know vanities sakip and economy karoku energy lane in la vida de Pendergast era will ask cigar machine a microwave and a kazoo taka-kun America to Battersea Germany and Italy toss it a shingle a Porsche yato Sokka Sokka Sokka 35 America who's got more bang gun Kwame walk away volatility was Kwame with warm cool Rico Oberman Oscars committee voted with Georgia welcome our second language moganda main reward to Kadapa terrified my teeth are worn become baka baka Kunal America kakouton kanakam echo-y when you a cockerel chew on squeals velocity yes right problem Chattanooga relieved of silicone hose at Akita ku danged Oh Cooper where do but the tag array of zrinko you catch it tigerair when I strip vada but auntie Deborah's second from Canada like an otaku what can your one cookie open you to pour it when to grovel Sachi when I woke up I was so agitated oh I want to become well - for take a yoga combo so second part which we are coming back to Gordon su cabeza lengua Chilcott Naga cuckoo Mucha muchacha Ganesha Ganga that is how we are saved so before you were placed into this world you were in your father's loins the first man that was given that ability - father all of us the first Adam when Adam was created and formed God deposited the seed in his body that he had the pneuma in him to continue to bring forth and to multiply and to the world has been filled by descendants of Ed of Adam Abraham begat Isaac Isaac begat jacob and jacob begat liver in the Bible says Levi or receiveth type also very tight in Abraham for in Abraham multimeric is a deck on his way from the sort of kings he was still in his father's lines Levi is not a son of Abraham Levi is a great grandson of Abraham his grandfather is not Abraham his grandfather is Isaac are you hearing this yes there is an where the Bible says Abraham is easy father it is because he is a direct descendant of Abraham I'm hearing this yes so something that I wanted to say that is going to shock you is this your life you are not going to like what I'm going to say people that have existed in this world are less than people that have died now I'm not talking about those that lived and died like to call them to just died no I'm talking about those that never lived but they died they are more than the people that have actually lived in this world when we work on famous novels our wa laka Wanda of Robin Vikas o Jawa panic Aparna now technology is good something that they call vfu where if a woman is struggling to conceive they harvest the sperm from the men and the inseminate that seed into the wife and that woman conceives energy becomes a pregnant and there are men who can go to those sperm banks and say I want to donate my seed and some of those bangs they pay you some of them they don't they are going to tell you that if you were able to have five million wives one man is able to impregnate those five million wives in one day Vegeta's are worn away SE moverá 5,000,000 la riva never even won la pata Pomeroy machete Maroma nobility with a man a 5 million in one day not in one day but in one act of intimacy awareness yes now if those seeds are collected and put into a woman's home and children are born it means they are all people but they never lived remember only one was able to fertilize your mother's egg and you were born which means every time a child is born millions have died yes if not billions illness yes which means every time somebody's born that the person is a victim that's why they say congratulations on your delivery self delivery of a healthy baby Maya here are Kunda who come from the vanity Revenue Authority panel to come up with a single v-cut Indiana channel genre Manawa knows ozawa Pomona seed Americans delusional salute our yes as we look at in nature in that way we are forgetting that there are millions of people that are here in the world and there is one person who is getting saved each time a message of Christ is proclaimed Sinatra Capano survival opinion this Oh photos ritika Panos agua una Familia forgive America won't release it but in return pregnant one person oh bizarro Lana where Semenova malaria Anurag Basu cañazo and there is no funeral for those diseased dispense fef ahead of that general know how Cunha Merida need one osmond airport written about way to Amarillo that's why I said this world is affect world tour was the funerals that we are conducting are not the true funerals let me repeat myself Manuel I said the Khronos environment is a fake environment it is because what we do does whatever value we don't put a value on what is important the day somebody rejected the Word of God is the day that somebody has been received to eternal destruction we are talking about the spirit man that was the day we were supposed to weep for that person so our nose denomination or America don t read DOS do very squatchy Simba so vamanos EI EI Goethe en la conozco Lopez Obrador motto never sing Appel DeRose Ugarit in Connecticut Amarillo when Jesus wept at the grave at the tomb of Lazarus he was not weeping for the death of Lazarus he was weeping for the misguided energy that the people allocated to something that is not important Lazarus was a larger it is sister Mary's house systematise house he did have a house in instead of buying a house or building a house was it cheaper than helping a place for burial in a cave their caves of Israel were not like the caves that we have where we can vary one person there were caves in which hundreds if not thousands of people were to be buried here to be a very important person in the society in order for you to be buried in those caves so for Lazarus to be buried in a cave that means a lot of money was paid to those who were in charge of the symmetry the money that was paid for Lazarus to secure a place in that cave was more than the money that was required to build a house for Lazarus to live on his own people were ready to outta money to put his body that was surely going to rot in that cave and yet they never cared for the spiritual welfare of Lazarus the house that Lazarus required was a spiritual accommodation which was Jesus Christ nobody ever sought accommodation for the spirit of Lazarus but the people contributed money to find a safe place in a cave to bury their dead party what was important to the people that were in that village of Bethany was the body of Lazarus and you know Jesus built the funerals that we are conducting today are not the right funerals that's why jesus never attended phenol for John the Baptist the people came to tell him that John the Baptist was dead he actually went away to preach he never even went to see how they buried the man who had prepared a way for him because to Jesus the body of John was not important Jesus was the place where the spirit of John had corn the moment he was beheaded by a rod Antipas hallelujah Amen misguided energies hallelujah I mean so when God places you into the Chronos environment he places you for a short while that timetable that opposed hope or talks about in Acts chapter number 17 from verse number 24 we want to read it together if number seventeen verse number 24 let's let's read it Leslie together go call that meant the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands first 25 neither is worship with men sense is though he needed anything see he giveth to all life and breath and all things 26 and hath made of one blood Adam all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined that times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation so everyone who is brought into this cruelness environment he comes with the two allocations man who s upon no sorrow a Nozawa any allocation you come into this earth number one with a timetable number two with the boundaries of a habitation if you are going to be living in France God determines before you come this verse he says has determined the times before appointed not only upon you how in the time authoritarian or nineteen Chaka Darwish car 2019 Zita all affirm to good oh no I am i a mirage is rocket empty boy who cannot wait awareness an Italian which has a Seminole charisma watches Manitoba's rock and rock Ali Daei in hoc car everyday traveling a vegetarian cycle I am clueless environment chorus environment is like a police station in heaven there are people who are given in assignment angels in this a timetable temtempo and your name is written where she knew ride when were you born Edison give us the footage 17 each July 1987 is our survey 1986 87 87 ah why are you such a baby a very small baby now look I'm not going to write anything Johnny ever was a virtue if I read something down here you are going to pray about so I were going to write expiry date when I don't know it do I know it so today what is today's date 2501 2019 so what they do every morning their cancer so it's like a small car that is in a ship the events that I in the smoker are recorded before the world was affirmed never forget that the events were recorded before the world was formed so it's not like something that happens each day God is going to cancer today know their constellations were also made before the world was formed there is no prayer that can change your life don't talk to me about Hezekiah in the extension of life that it is if don't talk to me about that the only thing that I don't know that Scripture he will be a fool to suppose that I don't know about such scriptures as they can never received additional time in his life no no no no no when the prophet Isaiah spoke to esseker he wasn't told how when he was going to death the Bible simply said put yours in order you are going to die he never was told that he was going to die that day no when God spoke to him about an edition of 15 years he was simply telling him how much he was left with yes there's only one thing that is pre achieved he was told his expertise is organza odd row 15 angles one quarter 15 maracas is origami turreted aguas de agua cuando la 15 the ideology they put us in would I suit are 15 my show my tangled with dry cigar and a Quadra 15 you are you a nagger isara war our general McCrory whose herbicide PACU tomorrow I was dreamin McCrory keine worte it is a pseudo not matter so would my language derivative dosa still undetermined Jesus a typically sanderfoot Afonso - Mangin Torah tradition Ahmad - Chuck Warner can attain that was the egg map a back burner Avenue Teresa who accompanied hundreds in the on Okinawa chica adequate Megara moon an honest candidate Caledonia solo - Murano Israel could be a million got a thousand van restaurateurs request Obama core hakuna time but to do a three five thousand muna Sarasota a chicane Coco carnal desire that they could nine years at discography Dominator I'm gonna over two years behave Konami like a funny one - until normal cannot you fool or tomorrow it could be a five hundred can either in fifty both whimpering all workers in Vida core does not add to this mortal life because this Chronos environment was set with its own order where you sit they say that we sit in your house today God has already somebody who is waiting to sit on that shape after you tell so if God extends your time he causes a lot of disorder it the Colonel's environment the job that you are supposed to live when you die the somebody who is waiting to fill that post so if good exchange your life is going to be in trouble with that other person Shaniqua Morocco Islamic or ago you know frigate Jacques Renault's order this guy tell she nobody come Sango they say an ecosystem is a self-contained system between relations and amongst animals in the wilderness the Lions eat the the hip over herbivorous animals the could rules the antelope they roar the bark and so forth so does the hyena the tiger all the Predators they eat the Buffaloes and you cannot watch that National Geographic World Film in the same the Lions are cool why are they eating the Buffaloes the gamba Rangers would show if the Buffaloes are not eating they will increase in they would die of a hunger because this game Park can only accommodate so much number of buffaloes so we don't come to kill them they are killed by the lives that live with them in this in this game pike that's what happens in this world somebody lives up 200 years somebody dies 8:30 it's a self-contained system going to ask the Lions they will tell you the same story my mother died as soon as I was born she was killed by another male lion who was fighting to take over our pride and Irina with that I was ever but this one's mother is too alive it happened seven years ago my mother died but his mother is too alive she's the one who is the senior lioness in Opera why did your mother die but his mother did not die is a system that was set up by God it maintains order in the Chronos environment hospitals are never going to be closed sick people are never going to end blind beggars are never going to be wiped out from the streets people men and women begging for money in the streets they will never end it's a system they play a very important role in making this xiety functional if there are no people to be pitied in this world the the emotions of pity in our bodies are they groom to manifest anything no God wants this emotion of pity to arise and manifest in your life and when you minister to those people's lives you are just responding to what God has done God does not owe you a dime to thank you for giving a blind man a dollar he is the one who created the pity that pulled you to drop that dollar coin to that beggar God owes you nothing you would not go to heaven because of that so I do hear the word of God let us never forget that we are in a closed environment there is a timetable whether you die with the word or you don't die with the world with the word of God it doesn't affect the timetable when your time comes the Chronos environment remember we spoke about sums nineteen day unto day uttereth speech night and tonight delivers knowledge the closed environment communicates with everything around you when you tend to go islam everything around you who start to preach to you that is time for you to go even organic weird graffiti an iguana Segawa metallica veggie pita dos ritika foto por uno non Anansi da GU territoire kinda namazi Sano a Pomeranian Mahatma's dismiss a mere arcade taquitos gonna choke accoutrement wanna know Shia anger who shot masses ankles but all day ultimate esse quam garner nemesis Navarro's visualization grr Chenoa ramirez super cocoon a head américa móvil comes a node and among one corner gjj man got a good panel nature had to move the palate that would my pain de ii would you pretend Metallica Cat Cora Cora and come up with a witty koala mosquitoes because that we nature in Ottumwa namaha could you cannot get Kwan in apology so Jeremiah no first autumn karate epic gender Quang Casa de a movie Walker October food could algunas environment movie release a surface areas of Tel Aviv Arkansas Buddha maracas retained even avocado venomously big media Vega Simba sushi de novo Dona Rashida on Okinawa accident economist later after a century coochie de rigueur Trini you car guara Konica change Arabic Abu Domino's Nagar Guara who knows you're not the Environment Agency de quatre Sapodilla cosa nostra not a linear pair Pinellas County paramaatma Mama Cass a cornice positive Abu Taha dar una chica motor Samanas on video call OPO coutellerie go watch em coma second see Mediacom coma I would not matter once I would easily say as Jada fine a pun on the Mughals was they credible to make up their son or daughter was was even up in the order to to God I don't know me right outfit though [Music] what is happening is the Chronos environment is it trained to tell you that you have not much in this world so why are you are still in the cruelest environment there is only one thing you can come out of it with the spirit remain must grab on to eternal life eternal life is deposited in the weight yes that's how you can get eaten alive but now let's go to our scripture the message is titled beware of ziba second Samuel Chapter nine Samuel Chapter nine so when we look at things like the death of Oliver I'm too busy we don't see it as something that should be of greater value to us as believers the most important part of his life is not now it is when he when he was - able to hear the word we all know that he didn't hear the word was the music that is saying was blasphemous to God that means it's a serious Finneran did piss in his diet everybody today and yesterday they are putting his face on there what's up for profile pictures they want to identify with human if we ever seen that when somebody dies suddenly he becomes a darling to everyone even those that hated him they were begin to say good things about you in Shona they say woe for Anaka it is God who made it to be like that those attitudes they caused two things to happen if only people embrace Jesus who actually died for them if they had taken Jesus to be their favorite on account of not only his death but much more his resurrection the world would have become a better place the way people receive somebody after they have left this rayul it's amazing how the world has failed to receive the only man who rose from the dead for them all of them - who just died a normal death that has no value to this world but one many died for us Jesus died for you if opposed to huinga dies today his death is not important what is important is what he did before he died but it was not like that which is with Jesus what is important much more in the life of Jesus is when he died than when he was two alive who was he accomplished you move for us it is death than when he was alive so people were supposed to run through Jesus today was unlike all of them to cook the Jesus overcame death he rose and he is in heaven today no his wife says all them to has been elevated to heaven that's what Daisy said no good is not in heaven that is not true heaven is not a place where somebody goes by saying otherwise we all could cure a servant go to even connect which focuses on a hill we taper in Yokohama ponsova window Ganga then I repeat when a gopher gopher I suppose with the window Ganga who final goal in zero who could Amarillo me on Chronos environment Shepherds they anger if you do know gufa my god she Padma Kazakh fluid movement movement Elohim cards item room oh man are there tango imagine goes right a momentary now vine is symbolic we need something imagine identity Department is wrong gender because they're bad to say our nose when debating all of what the America pit we know poverty who know from God was right over there er no entities Robert Anna dear Cassandra Fergie retroperitoneal originally Sokka is asleep in RM - good - 11 / - erm - it was our Gomorrah Mariano op opie nagham to Jerusalem to Gujarat Raja Dharwad vitam Karnataka common our Nagini rockers valve a sniper on our morale Gomorrah is a shivaji from to booze Grannis people are saying rest in peace harutora ram - Kazakh harmonica attentively baby Katara neva kapha adjutant airway hallelujah amen so what I'm doing today I'm telling you that there are times said there are times determined before for you and when I say you I am NOT referring to this body I am referring to the pneuma inside this Tabernacle is not getting better it is only a platform like a temple from which you can eat the Word of God you can't hear the word without this board God gave you this body in order for you to function in his kingdom you can't function if you are not alive you can only function if you are born again second Samuel Chapter nine from this number one and the Devdas say it is buried and that is left of the house of Saul David conquered all his enemies he was now peaceably seated on his throne reigning over Israel after the death of so the son of Kish the son of a bo the son of Zira the son of a Priya the son of Bakura Amen of Benjamin saw had reigned over Israel for forty years and the sword died because God had rejected him on account of his disobedience which God had spoken of beforehand and we have taught these towel times without number that this saw represents the law of Moses and David represents the coming of Christ reigning is the king of the New Testament order so the reign of David as the king of Israel is a picture of the kingdom of Christ which is also known as the New Testament order so David says is there any that is left of the also saw that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake that I may show in contains kindness for Jonathan said so why was David looking for somebody of the line language of of soul why he wanted to show him kindness he was looking sir for somebody from the family of soul he wanted someone to show him kindness not for the sake of soul but for the sake of Jonathan so that's what happens to men when they are coming to God God is calling and to everyone who cares to listen is there anyone left who is this - in the law is there anyone left who is - in his sins God wants to show you kindness but not on your own account but on account of Christ hallelujah amen so Jonathan represents Christ David represents Christ in the same drama God is giving salvation as a demonstration of his love his mercy his kindness towards mankind but on what basis is God showing this kindness on account of Christ they pray the payment that Christ made at Calvary he died for you and me so God is saying come I will show you kindness how do we see the kindness of God through forgiveness of sins you are a sinner you don't deserve to live you don't deserve to go to heaven you don't deserve to say I'm a child of God you don't deserve to fellowship with people that are in the house of God you are unworthy but on account of the sacrifice that Christ made God is willing to show you kindness you can now become a child of God I want to show you kindness because it was rised David's invitation is Christ coming to save you and God is the one who wants to save you through the project of salvation that was placed in the hands of Christ I repay raucous ROI Bizzaro Demetria Morni Nicaragua Janata Party good in every occasion Etana we have got to know that each time we are saying we are dancing to God we are singing to God we are hearing do it of God we are claiming that we are now adopted sons of God we must never forget it happened on account of Christ for Christ's sake for the sake of an attack for the sake of Christ are you a pastor for the sake of Christ are you a deacon for the sake of Christ are you ministering in the brains Department for the sake of Christ are you in Asia for the sake of Christ hallelujah amen are you in the media department for the sake of Christ are you ministering in one of the ancillary departments in the church for the sake of Christ are you singing to God for the sake of Christ are you giving your money to God that he may use it for his gospel agenda God once rejected people's money in the times of old the reason why he can receive your money today it is because of crackers this number two and they was of the house of so seven whose name was a deeper now let's all say a servant of so expand of the house of soul so this is a servant of the house of song so this is zebra you must never forget we say disorder presents the law for those who want to learn more about the identity of so is representing the law you can visit the messages that we preached earlier they are so many of them I can give you a few titles that I can remember now one of them is called the zebra gesture the other one is called mephibosheth the other one is called what is it called it is called a hit or fail a hit or fail is so among the prophets there is another message that is titled is so among the prophets hallelujah amen yes and when they had called him and David so zebra is a servant of so in other words if a represents those that are preaching below now look at me we are going to be ending this message very soon zebra zebra so died hallelujah amen so died in his three sons died with him hallelujah yes yes there was Jonathan there was milky schewe when so died at the bed of the Philistines Organists the army of our keys the king of the Philistines he died with his three sons who with the heir apparent to his throne there is Jonathan the scientists [Music] [Music] [Music] so after the death of so it is after the end of the law remember Christ is below the low ends at Calvary when [Music] we are talking about the law of Moses we are talking about the statutes their laws and the commandments the 613 ordinances that were given to Israel in the custodianship of Moses as the testator of the same we are talking about the law of the Sabbath we are talking about the law of the holy convocations we are talking about the Ten Commandments we are talking about tithing all these are part of the law of Moses they are not part of the laws of Christ that are given in the New Testament remember we have two Testaments they weren't presided by Moses in the other presided by Christ these two Testaments do not run concurrently one dies one ends one is this an out that it may give a space that another should become and ran after it has been expired so we are reading we are going to read the first scriptures five of them to demonstrate that the law ended so we are going to talk about the zipa remember the message is titled beware of ziba of all the Mephibosheth the trade now so died in First Samuel chapter number 31 that is when Saul died after that day vitamin D for the death of so in the second samuel chapter 1 so in essence we can say the book of 1st Samuel is a picture of the reign of Seoul which is typical to the Ministry of the Old Testament the book of second Samuel is the reign of David as the second king of Israel which is a picture of the Ministry of the New Testament Samuel Roku tanga morrero Moses Samuel Gipp clearly a testimonial Chris Hernandez sa ma Samaria re qu Marrero but I can or one in 0dt corner could depend a movement member nofa cuckoo cuckoo song remember no Tonga our tongue garrison you can imagine a penguin widget has it so much that in order for David to take over the new king of Israel the law must end in order for Christ to be taking over as the new test data of the New Testament that is preemies upon a new set of laws which is also characterized by better promises and better better ministry better order of divine service so we are talking about the end of the law that's why we are going to open five scriptures you need to remember them each time you talk to somebody who says I observed the law I am doing some but they observance you say to them well this is where I post which we have preached a message titled beware of ziba why did I see power number one and I have my dough and I was a part-time iguana mascot et nemesis now Jesus let's go to verse 13 Colossians chapter 2 so this is one scripture out of the five that you are going to be opening is going to tell us whether the law ended or the law did not end and in you being dead in your sins and you bring that in your things in the uncircumcision of your flesh yes the equipment together with him having forgiven you all trespasses yes nothing out the entering of ordinances that that was against us yes which was culture to us he took it out of the way nailing it to his cross yes and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly traveling over them in it now let's let's hear this Alleluia having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it comedy verse 14 so Jesus is the one who has quickened us from death together with himself Jesus is the one who Apostle Paul is saying in verse number 14 he blotted out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against as the doctor ordered a rating was contrary to us Jesus took it out of the way nailing it to the cross I want us to ponder for a moment look at this scripture carefully Jesus did so many things to the law I wish the Adventists were aware of that listen to this the word blotting out it means he raised the law was erased our here yes yes he raised the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us now let us look at the first sentence up to the comedy it was one handwriting okay but the handwriting had two ordinances I don't know how the Adventists get it wrong they say some of the laws were done away with in some as to in existence but remember how a post operative s14 of Colossians chapter 2 he says he blotted out the handwriting which means every piece of paper he brought out the handwriting of Ordinances so in the handwriting with no acid and which means there is one handwriting but in one handwriting there are ordinances the handwriting is the law of Moses in his entirety that was against us hallelujah rahmel which was contrary to us I love the last part which says he took it out of the way Jesus says I am the truth I am the way I am the life no one comes to God but by me the handwriting was taken out of the way which means the law was taken out of the dodging of guys yes if you want equipment for Jesus do it properly he took it out of the way if somebody says I am preaching about Jesus he is saying I am preaching about the way we don't want to see any piece of paper of these ordinances any piece that contains this handwriting of Ordinances in the way because Jesus took this handwriting out of the way yes anybody who claims that is of the way we must seem proving it by showing us that he doesn't have any piece of this energy a cart or agua Rakharo visa manjira rationalization average a car visa manjira Timmins I remained Ogron actually Jessica didn't enter a new audience on out in Ain a cotton Dineen Cyrano Abdel moons Illinois abuddin common lubricant rope our war environment our human serum mo yes became party Revo musiah huzzah huzzah huzzah huzzah huzzah Mira Mormonism azam azam see a movie ramona guano rock a nervous no purchase an honest reaction or awesome demo moon Zira moon handwriting tell your neighbor the handwriting is not in the way the item was taken out of the way you are breaching the law but you are claiming that you are saved by grace grace is something that Jesus and only Jesus is giving and Jesus is doing how come he were having receipts of paying tithes in the way don't you know that the handwriting was taken out of the way Viroqua Marie manjira I'm gonna well he took it out of the way so if you are in the way we don't see you reading the writing the end writing of ordinances that was not the last part he nailed it to his cross so the cross is not ours the cross is his across yes so I also wanted to explain where the end writing is now if it was taken out of the way so where is it it was crucified with him verse 7 verse 15 16 17 let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holyday are you observing the Sabbath are you attending the festival of Tabernacles are you are you observing the the Pentecost convocation of new moon or of the Sabbath days don't even allow anybody to talk to you about the Sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come the Sabbath was a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ but the body is of Christ Alleluia amen the body is of Christ Christ now the second scripture that shows us that the law ended like sword died to pave way for the coming in of a better hope which is Christ in the gospel of faith and grace John chapter 1 verse 17 John chapter 1 verse 17 it also tells us that the law ended what does it say for the law was given by Moses let's repeat this touch for the law was given by Moses yes but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ now if there was scripture had been written this way if if we can replace the word but there with the word end for the law was given by Moses and grace and truth came by Jesus Christ the way the end is a conjunctive which means now we have got to preach both the law that was given by Moses applause grace and the truth that came by Jesus Christ however we can't do that because of the word but yes for the law was given by Moses but which means that two are not working together it's like a parrot who says my firstborn son is a very calm but the last born is a violent man that means there's something that is that it doesn't like about this other thing he's comparing the two sons my firstborn is very calm and quiet and very obedient but my last born ha he's a pain on my neck you see for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus coming to pick up the law that was given by Moses no Jesus is not desperate for the law that Moses again was when Jesus came he brought more than what Moses gave remember the scripture says Moses only gave the law but Christ came with grace and truth is either Moses oh Christ you can't have both of them hallelujah amen now let's open the book of Romans chapter 10 verse 1 to 4 brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is why are you having a trouble why are you praying to God for Israel that they might be saved oh listen to the change that mood Apostle Paul is praying for God to save poor is not praying that people that are in or in a brothel should be saved Paul is Rudy praying that the Roman Catholics may be saved he is praying for the most decorated church on planet Earth the Church of the Jews I pray that Israel may be saved I pray that Gucci may be saved oh why do you pray for the Muslims no the Muslims are better they are easier to preach to than those those who claim that they are already saved they don't preach to us we already serve find others who are not yet saved I pray to Israel I pray to God for Israel that they might be saved why are you praying to God that he should save Israel for I bear them record why I bear them record beyond the record that they as you of God I testify I side with them I can give witness that the Israelites have got a zeal of God but not according to knowledge but they pursue is without knowledge now how many people in this world do you know of we have a zero without knowledge anybody do know somebody with the Z without knowledge somebody wants to give me one name goody yes Baba Emma Numa Gandhi whoa Maya I'm happy that nobody mentioned McGregor does not even my guy is sick in mind Alleluia amen now they've got a zoo but not according to knowledge what are you talking about for they being ignorant of God's righteousness in Brazil in that much easy they are oblivious they are an away the ignorant of the righteousness of God and going about established to establish their own righteousness they don't know the righteousness of God they are going running around trying to establish their own righteousness of weeks if not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of they have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God what are you talking about a post-op Oh for Christ is the end of the law for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth clapping for Jesus now I don't know how many verses you need I don't know your command of English but I think this scripture is clear enough when we read the book of Colossians the law was being called ordinances but when we read Romans chapter 10 verse 4 he says for Christ is the ending the end of the law the end of what of the law I said I'm going to give you five verses this one is numbered Hebrews chapter 7 verse 11 - number 21 if there for perfection way by the Levitical priesthood for under eat the people received the law for under it the people received below what you need was they what weapon it was been not another priest should arise of the order of Melchizedek but another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek not after the order of Aaron and not be called after the order of Aaron for way for a change of priesthood is for the priesthood being changed is also of necessity the change of the law there is made of necessity a change also of the law you see Levi was fired from the priesthood office and verse number 12 of Hebrews chapter 7 nails it to the morrow for well there is a change of priesthood there is also of necessity it is needful it is imperative that when we fire Levi who was the custodian of the law and we say liver you are fired we have had a new priesthood order we are now having Christ but he is not from the from the loins of liver he is now after the order of Melchizedek so God set up a new priesthood order he fired the order of the Levitical priesthood so invisible Coffey says when a priesthood is changed it is necessary to also change the law let's all say change the law change the law I don't know how the job your vaio Java which the office witnesses are taking it I don't know how the journeyman saw the jointer moranga is reading the Bible I do not a stand it the bible does not say where there is a renovation of the law the bible does not say where there is a reconstruction of the law remodeling of the law know where there is a change of the priesthood it is also necessary that the law is changed okay let's jump some scriptures let's go straight to verse number eighteen there is very addison alum of the old commandment yes for there is very additionally of the commandment the commandment was disallowed let's repeat this an out disallowed the wages are now means incinerated the way these are now it means it was put to the dust heap it was expunged hallelujah it was extinguished it was done away with it is a band there is a band there is the extinction of the commandment going before for the witness and unprofitable nests there why was the Lord disallowed it was weak it was unprofitable yes for the law made nothing perfect the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did what what made something perfect the bringing in of a better hope by the which we draw nigh unto God thank you the last Scripture the last Scripture is Ephesians chapter two verse number 11 to 16 whenever I remember that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands that at that time ye were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off made clothes by the blood of Christ what brought us close was it the law of Moses no it was the blood of Christ verse number 14 for he is our peace Christ is our peace we have met but one he is both the Jews and the Gentiles one change in it broken down the middle wall of partition between us what did he do there Jesus broke down in another scripture he says it was blotted out in other Scripture he says it was near to this to the cross at another place he says it was dissin out in another scripture he says Christ is the end of the law but in this scripture he says he broke down they meet all of partition between the Jews and the Gentiles we cannot guess what the mid wall of partition was let's allow the scripture to explain itself ADA having abolished in his flesh of the enemy it broke down he says after it was broken down it was abolished to me but the law was abolished polish minutia and on the odds okay that's why in collagen says he took it out of the way what did he abolished in his flesh the enmity what was the enmity even the law of Commandments contained in ordinances ah for to make in himself or Twain one human so making peace yes in the body broke down he abolished the law of commandments which are contained in ordinances to make him so in himself of two people they use a digital one new church so making peace verse 16 and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross having slain the enemity paper ha he broke down he abolished he killed the enemy he killed the law how many more scriptures do we have sufficient proof Alleluia amen and for those who are deceived by the Adventists that the ordinances are not the ten commandments the data command means as to in in in effect only the other laws were done away with you don't need even to open the Bible tell them that is what that is not what their mother the greatest sorceress of all time Ellen White Ellen good white the founder of savage david adjey in her book the great controversy she said she went to heaven and god is so short here the ark and in the ark Ellen White saw the golden pot of manna Aaron's rod that budded she saw the two tables of stone and she said the truth tables of stone on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed or engraved and she said she saw a hollow of light over the commandment of the Sabbath and she concluded and said this meant that all the laws were nailed to the cross according to Colossians chapter 2 except the Sabbath alone according to Ellen White of the Ten Commandments nine were nailed to the cross by Jesus except the Sabbath so anybody who comes across in Adventist who says the Ten Commandments are not part of the ordinances that Jesus broke down according to IBN shaprut told them that you are a liar you need to quit attending SDA according to Ellen White nine of the ten commandments engraved on stone we're done away with in order to the cross by Jesus according to Colossians chapter 2 except the Sabbath law however go and read 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 the Bible says what was engraved on stone was a letter that he kills it is a Ministry of death a Ministry of condemnation verse number 6 Kalash F 2nd golden chapter 3 verse 6 who also had made us able ministers of the New Testament of the letter hood of the letter but of the speed of this for the letter kill was later killer but the spirit giveth life but this spirit what is later that you was talking about but if the ministration of death written and engraven in stones was glorious so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly world the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance which glory was to be done away thank you which glory was to be done away what was engraved released owns the general commandments it was to be done away so those are false messages the law ended cover in the soul when his soul died it marked the end of the law in the beginning of the covenant of grace presided over by Christ the head of the New Testament AJ so in David calls out and says is there anyone left of the also saw that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake it was David calling out is there anyone who is too deceived always to being deceived by those that are teaching the law I want to show him kindness for the sake of Christ who suffered it comfort is there anyone left of the house of soul is there anyone left who has been deceived who is good a pastor Reverend a bishop in a posto a teacher a prophet who demanded tides from them who commands them to observe the Sabbath who demands festivals offerings from them is the annual left of the house of Saul is then one left who is observing the law I want to show him kindness for the sake of the salvation that was provided for through the suffering of Christ it cover yeah and we can watch oh that is so immoral sang apartment is there anyone left it actually resonates with what Apostle Paul said in Romans chapter 10 my heart's desire for Israel my prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved in other words according to Paul is there anyone left yes there's some Israel is left they are of the ignorant of the righteousness of God they are going about to establish their own righteousness Israel is good a zoo but not according to knowledge sorrow Marrero definitely decreased to Morocco sir when bizarro America Sarah Alberta Americans are on obesity kumaradas our animators Awad Baracus our academia an apostille Bakura phonetic we're near a gift in the break a generational case OC remember so big retreat Danish Ottoman our new coup de Granada Nicaragua Cristo what it means my fellow brethren is that anybody of the house of so has not yet tested kindness if you are of the house of soul he has not yet showed you kindness is there anyone left of the also so I want to show him kindness if he has to pay your tithe he have any shop in surety kindness if you are observing the Sabbath the Lord does not share to his kindness if you are holding on to the seeds of your outer offerings jesus's not he showed you his grace come God wants to show you kindness for the sake of Christ yes why do you allow a mortarman a convent to continue stealing from you in the name of tithing is there anyone left of the house of soul ask your neighbor is there anyone left of the house of soul like wherever good rest in peace Galloway tomorrow to determine our yes canal would rest in peace which characterization tomorrow Plaza Jesus is the Prince of Peace without Jesus there's no peace no matter how many times you mention the word peace there will be no peace unity single chapter 13 he says the prophets of Israel they are like foxes in deserts they say peace and depends no peace hallelujah Donatello Kara's Ikaruga vulva Monica Monica physical phenomena paratrooper TV Vario Goethe piece is raga yes personal Jezebel Iruka return rougarou in a political the a good declared as nahi Rashad now a rocker girl alright peace and there was no peace don't waste you wait by the plant in peace not only are you committing a sin against God you are delusional the time to find the peace is why was to alive in the body you find the peace by coming to Christ you don't define the peace by dying no debe does not bring peace to you Alleluia I mean so we are never going to say rest in peace to anyone no matter how popular you are forget about it the peace that we know is called Jesus Christ and you don't go to Jesus by dying you go you come to Jesus through dependence hallelujah amen let's go to verse number three and the King said look at verse number two again and they was of the house of Saul a servant whose name was ziba and when they had called him and David the king said unto him at the zebra and he said die 7 is he yes and the King said is there not yet end of the earth of soul that I may show the kindness of God unto him so first you should know that whenever kindness is being a veiled by God to the house of Saul it cannot be handed over to those that are in doubts also without defining a servant of the house of Saul you can't give peace to those that are worthy of peace or kindness or mercy grace clemency from God with that finding a servant of the house of Saul delve it is not saying is there any servant of the house of Saul left you know he wants a child of the house of Saul but he can't find the child without the servant because the child the only person who knows where the child is is the seventh so zipa represents the preacher of the law men tomorrow never gonna nama yes capacity Omaha no ever saw how a neutral person Amaranto imbecile coochie-coochie-coo so zenowich Macerata alguna Arawa I suppose Iwamura arena Ellen White only by Ellen White watch Oh Al Kooper in the sabotage saga - enugu so MFE monogamy project Ramos goes into our organs what storage across Kawaguchi tina Mephibosheth - attila charcoal yes ah we can't find my favorite without passing through zebra zebra is the pastor of the house the servant of so thoroughfare Okamura Madiba Africa a Duke why are you talking about the zebra why don't you just go to my project straight we don't even know how to locate mephibosheth we have got to talk to zebra before we meet Mephibosheth we pass it through zebra so if you are not happy about us talking about the zipa go to sleep we shall never stop talking about the zebra because behind the zipper is hidden in every portion ah tell your neighbor we are looking for Mephibosheth and we shall always pass through zipper there are people we have been deceived for a long time by synchrony Manama canto we wanted those methods to come to christ but we can't bring them from lot deeper to the City of David without passing through Brad as Eva say so Sara the false preacher you are going to see very soon that the zebra is a false preacher in as much as we need him to locate Mephibosheth but he is a foster preacher now today I'm going to talk about the Jebusites Confederacy we are going to talk about it I am simply going to mention it in passing let's go ahead in the CEPA state under the king Jonathan 88's on which is lamb on his feet so you see who requires Mephibosheth it is the king there is no but who can deny the demands of the king yes and the King said unto Him where is he in the zebra said under the king behold he is in the house of of marquise the son of a meal in laudable he is in the house of Makkah the son of a meal in Lodi baa then King David sent in the first team out of the house of Makkah the son of a meal from Lodi so look at me look at me do you see what is said in verse number five the King David sent and failed him out of the house of Makkah the son of a meal from Lodi baa was it easy ba o and tu lo debar does the Bible mention the man who was sent to load Eva [Applause] Romans chapter number 10 verse 13 to 15 for everybody who shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they are sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things they shall not abridge except they are sent so first number five of second Samuel Chapter nine it summarizes it all they came David you know the Bible could have just said David sent the Bible to tell you that if you meet somebody has been sent don't take him lightly he has not been sent by an ordinary kamana he has been sent by the king to fetch me favorite from whatever I am standing in front of you today this afternoon because the King has sent me to fake his Mephibosheth go and fetch my mephibosheth from the house of Makkah the son of a meal from Lahti by the name of the pasta was not returned my sister the name of the Prophet was not retained the name of the Evangelist is not in the scripture but my favorite was approach to the king so if you are sent to proclaim the gospel of Christ don't push your name ahead of the name of the one who has sent you ah the name of the king was much more visible in the scripture than the name of the men of God the one who was sent to face Mephibosheth is the pasta they are posto the teacher they finalist hallelujah I mean those are the people that are sent to finish the Kings beloved so there are two people zebra is only there to tell us where mephibosheth is he is not the one who brings me apportion hironaka-juteau restaurant zebra deer are where appears location EMF equation in a zebra participar Mahasabha mean I chose MF e você to kombucha Z par longer easy pasta in Otara eso es au revoir exam or a party consomme pochittona G so I call obligation so obvious ah hey machete us zipangu ESA es la guerra gar okay Cody Quiana you Mambo manga go Paradis a cannabis indica - ah yes how shall they preach except the ascent the pastors know that these people are sinners and they have started their churches on that basis van Rijn avodah Zarah gametangia change dizzy bongos rockin amazing but it was really remember much a sheet per decade as a circle image change occur ah captain whenever new rock angles evil to an avocado but was well now and watch Okinawa Ron and I were decent hallelujah amen the King David sent hallelujah I mean and he fetched him out of the house of marker now every Mephibosheth is not living in his own house every Mephibosheth is in sub-grantees house is either the house of God or the house of Makkah Hakuna Matata no Dada Dada Dada Erie Canal pin Obama Moon Mephibosheth ESA an embalmer Munna manga Sagara Kaoru accoutrement vas a tener para otro en Cuevas no compara moon Osaka a computer a mondo new Metro integradoc aqua car welcome back Ron Judy Totoro kamakiri bikini and until Maroma comically hungry can you call McKinley and limousines who are a bookmark Elvina super is in somebody's house ask your neighbor in whose house where you faced from nyira today to answer you a mood that you had really positive when Bangor umber man who's that word of it to tell us what did she say what did she say she said what overcomers ministry that's why she was she was in there also of overcomers ministry is what did Jesus think what does it mean What did he say speak Roman Catholic and also tradition ow what did he say this is easy what did you say what did you say did this but what did you say talking to Cheryl yes what did she say authorities mama what did she say is it kept in Marcus house everyone if you are brought to the City of David the city of kindness the city of grace the kingdom of God the house of God the New Testament order you are delivered from bondage everybody has to be delivered so we talked about the CEPA and you know we have Amaka we now have a meal we now have load diba all these names are not names of David's allies you know the UH names of David's enemies what is maka doing with a prince how does a prince live in somebody's house ask your neighbor did you know that Mephibosheth was a prince mephibosheth was a prince his father Jonathan was the heir apparent if Jonathan had become the king over Israel Mephibosheth was it was going to be a Crown Prince Mephibosheth anger in the MU karna hoga Israel if you look at how they have lowered his life he is now a squatter in Marcus house look at how devastating the effect of a false gospel are you are a prince because your father is the King of Kings Jesus is your father hallelujah amen the Bible says in Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 6 he has made us unto God princes kings and priests unto God you are Prince waking but if you are not in the right place you are good we found ineligible the regular table simply means a despised worldly place like up with Oh chi-su boo boo boo boo boo hopefully no guru and Huachuca Raji in my Gina booty Maserati token am happy Coco Ganesha tongue Garwood wanna watch a famous Munira blue news so fantasy with a royal person he is humiliated himself in the house of his father to that level but the answer is in chapter 4 verse 4 of 2nd Samuel why did Murphy lower himself to that level Jonathan so son hid his son that was lame of his feet he was 5 years old when the tidings came up so in Jonathan out of Jays room and his niece took him up and fled and it came to pass as she made haste to flee that he fell and became lame and his name was Murphy Bichette mephibosheth was not born lame they made who was taking care of him dropped him as she fled not from the hall but from the tidings of the world that's how Mephibosheth became lame in both of his feet it was a maid who dropped him everybody Islam is good a maid who dropped him somehow the pasta is the main dog a core American TV hakuna Cooper Walker goes our Hanuman America Dada earnest when a pastor faith in do you know parents were a Macumba to a 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 says for we walk not by sight but by faith so if you allow me in both of your feet it means you don't have a faith you don't believe you are a religious person hallelujah I mean so let's go to this number for second it's fist number six second Samuel Chapter nine now when we push it the son of Jonathan the son of Saul was comin to David he fell on his face and did reverence and David said mephibosheth in the answered reward my died servant and it depth said unto Him let's listen to what the king said to the scene when he's brought to the house of grace the house of kindness in the depth said unto Him fear not fear not for I will surely show the kindness for I will surely show the kindness for Jonathan thy father's sake wait did you hear the mentioning of the man who brought me pleasure David I will show you kindness I the king will show you kindness for Jonathan sake what about the man who brought me know he is nothing to contribute in this matter is simply a servant in this house tom bergeron are generally para it was an to tour in India where jung-geun dog agility she ran a pastor Pereira what are you putting your faith on the pastor is it the one who paid for your life don't put your faith in me I'm not I'm new to Sevilla I also need to be saved we must all form a queue in line to go to Christ the pasta in front they change behind him the pasta is not a media is not a middlemen between Christ and the people no the pasta is a servant his event so in the hands of Christ like a cup that Christ uses to give people drink he cannot tell the people I'm giving him a drink you know you are not the one giving us the drink it is the main hole in the cup who is giving us the drink if I give you drink give me that bottle if I give you this drink now who do you think do you think this bottle or you think me if you take this bottle I'll take it back from you you aren't grateful nonsense let me drink my drink myself how can I give him a drink and you take this bottle don't you know that this bottle also belongs to me I'm giving you this drink I am NOT giving you this bottle this bottle remains mine if you finish drinking this distinct keep it back my bottle Oh throw it down my telescope dr. olla now possible to and opening and up a drink rim too so group will contain but I drink I drink I battery case against come scoop scoop with the a pasta drink we show Karaman our saga Goren develop an app algorithm re that would eat an apple shochu egg we been to the gala Onuaku apple shochu ain't gonna programming re new palette wanna push whether the gift of court is not the pasta the gift of God is the word that the pastor is preaching don't thank God for pasta Schwing thank God for the gospel that God has allotted in a pasta to endure a pasta without the word is a wretched man go away with him we don't need him in our lives we are only listening to him on account of what God has deposited in him hallelujah for Jonathan died for the sick and we will restore the oh the land of so died father and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually what was the kindness it was all this world David was saying I want to show him kindness I want to show him kindness I want to show him kindness but in verse number 7 now he describes the grace that's why there is a semicolon there I want to show you kindness what type of kindness how are you going to show me kindness you shall eat bread at my tempo continually so the kindness of God is demonstrated through the prism of the wind when here the way you are eating the bread of life because in John chapter 6 verse 48 Jesus says I am the bread of life I am the bread that came down from heaven your father ate manna and they are dead in the bread that gives life that whosoever shall eat the bread that I will give he is going to find life hallelujah amen so do you see now the kindness the kindness is not in just saying I no longer live in lot deeper I am not living in the City of David I live in the palace no the grace is in the bread you shall not eat bread casually you shall eat bread continual to nib are you eating continual Fuji apple in the pub now for these three days we shall be eating continual yes [Applause] tourney but we shall be eating bread continually now quickly now I want you to see that when Mephibosheth was being asked for by the king Zippity not just say he is there his Johnathan son his nephew said he is in Lodi but no ziba said he is lame in verse number three ziba said to the king jonathan is yet a son which is lame on his feet so there is an why we said the way of ziba it is because if I was not supposed to mention that Mephibosheth was lame in body's feet but the king was not interested in his physical state the king was interested that in whether he was of the house of soul or not the qualification was the house of soul is there anyone off the house of Saul David is there anyone able-bodied no he said is there anyone off they also saw so that was the first message that the zipper pleased and to David but we want to find out how zebra preached this false message to King David that zebra was lame it was not a lie that if mephibosheth was named it was not a lie but it was not a true that it was a condition that David was going to use to determine whether I was going to allow me Porsche to come or not no David was not interested in his physical state his physiological structure which I was fully functional in all his body members know David was interested in his relationship - so is there anyone left of the author of song so how it why did is if I mention the physical disability that membership head on his feet it is on account of second Samuel Chapter five is six Minster four verses verse number five in Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years talking about David and in Jerusalem II read arraigned thirteen three years over all Israel and Judah in the king sent and the King and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites the inhabitants of the land which speak unto David saying except thou take away the blind in the lamp thou shall not come in he that thinking David cannot come in Heda nevertheless David took the stronger of Zion the same is the City of David David said on that day whosoever gated up to the gutter and smite the Jebusites in the lame in the blind that I hated of David so he shall be chief and captain wherefore they said the blind and the lame shall not come into the house so there was a proverb that was cut in the City of David when David came from Hebron to come and set up his palace in in Jerusalem Jerusalem is a city that was once known as Jebus where it was also known as the city of the Jebusites so the Jebusites were a part of the kingdoms which were instructed of God in Deuteronomy 7 that when Israel entered into the Promised Land he was supposed to destroy the parasite the Jebusites the hivite the Hittites the Canaanites in the ammonites I'm hearing this yes but the Jebusite were not destroyed all of them at once they continued to live in the promised land together with the Israelites when so rained for his 48m he never challenged the job site to live this city forever but David one day he relocated from Hebron where he reigned he reigned for seventeen six months and he said I want to go to Zion the term is the City of David the same is Jerusalem they were Jebusite he said please get out I want to set up my throne they mocked David and said except to kill all the lamb and all the blind in this city you shall live here so David said is there anyone among my soldiers who wants to go and destroy all the Jebusites together with the lame and the blind so that they are mockery may be fulfilled that are despised in my eyes that's why the scripture says therefore give us with number seven okay first number 8 wherefore they said the blind and the lame shall not come into the house so this was a proverb that was struck in Israel on account of the mockery that the Jebusites did toward David it was not a condition that David said that no one who is lame or blind cannot live in the City of David this was a ghost ship story that went in the round of the Jerusalem communities aj y su mo ram Akua a katayama jerusalem Nguyen Baraka David named Agabus la Couture a homage a personage never never never never carry Mara near Lima poof and gary busey less Rocco Nicaragua shocking events a Lomita David never said if you are lame or blind I want eternal to see you in message he never said that this was the Jebusites mocking David so any simple was asking is there anyone of the house of soul that I may show him kindness for Jonathan said he said Jonathan SAT a son but he is bloom in police vite why was zipper mentioning the physical challenges on the Mephibosheth body he was really referring to the same one that was preached by the Jebusites when they were blaspheming david yes hallelujah I mean we were of zebra but that is not the message let's go to second sandwich chapter 16 verse 1 to 4 in second samuel chapter 16 verse 4 let's not forget that in second samuel chapter 15 look at me second sandwich chapter 15 Absalom a son of David rebelled against his father David so he conspired with some of the men who were close to him that it is set in time they were going to put him on a chariot in their service a man blowing trumpets and horns declaring that Absalom is king and he Trofeo a chief advisor to President David also sided with Absalom so the very Belen happened and David left the City of David he started to run remember we opened chapter 9 in that this time we are now in chapter 16 I'm giving you a short synopsis of chapter 15 so in chapter 16 David is in the wilderness he is running away from Absalom his son David is a type of Christ who is in charge of his covenant of grace are you hearing yes absalom a rebellious son represent false preachers who claim that their children of God but they are challenging the authority of Christ in reigning over his kingdom in the New Covenant the rhyming of cry of David in the wilderness is the running of the gospel of Christ in the Gentile nations I hear this so let's see here from this number 1 to verse 4 of chapter 16 in light of what I have told you which happened in chapter 15 and when tempt was a little past the top of the hill before the sea by the 7th of May Metapod met him with a couple of asses settled and upon them two hundred loaves of bread Seba as David was running away from F budget now just just a little bit corporal deception and there's something that I wanted to mention which I was just about to forget so ziba told David that Mephibosheth was named David said come here so in verse number 8 of chapter 9 maybe push it about himself and said what is thy servant in doubt reduced that thou should is look upon such a dead dog as I am then the king called zebra saw 17 said unto him have given unto thy master son all that pertains to so into all his house now therefore in the Dyson's in thy servants shall till the land for him that thou shall bring in the fruits that thy master son may have food to eat but Nephi Bichette thy master son shall eat bread always at my table now see by 15 sons in the 27th so the king said to ziba I have given to my favorite everything that belongs to soul I will the mind that saw only before he died The Orchards the houses the treasures the livestock the grains the use the plantations of trees all the things that we only buy so before he died David said I have now given them to me Phoebe oh now what does it mean it means Romans chapter 3 this 21 that is what it means mephibosheth is a sinner who was once in the hands of preachers of the law who were deceiving him by false gospel but the crisis caught him to his grace into the New Testament zebra is a false breach of the law who knows where the children of God are because he's the one who is closing the gate of salvation to those that want to enter they themselves to not enter according to method will agree with face 14 13 14 so we want to read Romans chapter 3 verse 21 to understand if we have said the so is the law how then does David representing Christ hand over everything that belongs to so to me people shed who is a sinner who has been recovered to grace let's read verse 21 to get a goal but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets the righteousness of God outside the law manifested which means anybody wants to encounter the righteousness of God must go beyond the borders of the law but what it means is even though in the law the righteousness of God is not manifesting but the law is witnessing of the same which means the Lord testifies of the righteousness of God which does not manifest it to eat Marrero you know papa yaku rama kaminari Casilla or yamaraja marie rockefeller signposted not guru 24 inches you can wear a gigantic good 24h in smoke well but you know goes out while produces we'll know Sakai tomorrow remember I shall see pila yes do you know that message we breathe when we talked about that I show dying a short distance before we arrive into Bethlehem as Jacob was traveling from Padanaram or I shall represent in the Old Testament which does not arrive into grace Leah the elder wife of Jacob represented the New Testament of the two wives she is the one who arrived into Bethlehem so Rachel subpoena is important was anybody who is looking for better ahem she cannot or he cannot arrive into bedroom without passing through the grave of Rachel that is the law the law is not in better him but it is a signpost that shows you where where you can find grace in the New Testament so there is a new identity gave to me appreciate all things that belong to two so it means we are given the scriptures of the law so that when we look into them we can find Christ yes we don't read the books of the law to observe the law no we read the books of the law to find the Christ then in the book of the law repent oh Jesus but remember when David give everything that blows OH - my favorite Mephibosheth was a lame he was never going to be the judge of those things he required somebody who could run around managing those properties so ziba is the one who has taught this information he said in is that I also served so when the sword died he never gave me a severe in Spanish I was not retained by so I need also a part of these valuables zipper pocket face or attend okay I'm a Jaguar was Suriname syllabus dia cava second Jesus Oh shop war movie boy Fibonacci father we are going to find out that very soon let's do the second sandwich chapter 16 verse 1 to 4 it went if it was a little past the top of the hill behold the zebra the civet of Mephibosheth met him with a couple of aces settled in upon them two hundred loaves of bread and in handled bunches of raisins which are preserved grapes okay and in hundred of summer fruits and a bottle of wine phase number two and the King said unto zebra so zebra is David was running away from Absalom he brought food great quantities of food to find favor with David listen but no food that we now know that zebra was no longer a safe ain't of soul did you see that he was now a servant of the moment you live or you come to live into the City of David zebra becomes a servant yes you didn't hear me everyone who breaches the law he may be a pastor if you are to deceived but the moment you relocated to come to the New Testament of grace you begin to say who teach their folks but when you have to enlarge if I will be bounded only the same baba kuchi please pray for me man of God haha you will be learning when mephibosheth was still in low diba Zhi Bao was a servant of Saul but when my people she came to live into the city of David Zippos now a servant does anybody remembers Colossians a Bravo yes does anybody still remember the relationship between Hagar and Sarah Sarah was she not a servant to the Hager was she not a seven - Sarah ago was a servant of Sarah but according to Pope Hagar represented the law there the Covenant because the Old Covenant serves us in that it tells us of the direction that leads to Christ now if somebody is your servant Liberto me if somebody is your servant tell me between you and the servant who should give you an order or does orders now wait before you sit down Seba used to take orders from a soul that is in the days of life of the life of soul but the so is no longer alive he is late and remember we say the soul represents the law and the zipper being a servant of so it means zipper is a breach of the law he compels people to observe the law pay your tights on time come to attend the Sabbath on time bring me your festivals offerings bring more tamales so to the seat of the native of the men of God this is a zipper when he is still preaching the message of the law at a time when mephibosheth the sinner is still lost inaudible but the time every portion relocates to come to the City of David he is now sitting at the same tempo with the King David and remember King David representing Christ the table representing the preaching of the word and in the word big the bread that Mephibosheth is invited to be eaten continually by the temple of David the Bible now causes if a servant of Mephibosheth now let's talk about the zebra being a preacher of the law Mephibosheth being you a believer of the New Testament Costner if zipa is preaching about paying tithes and is now yourself I can zip up reach to Mephibosheth to observe the supper know why zebra is always with the preaching about observing the but the only thing that has changed now is now a servant to me from evolution now assuming that you are Mephibosheth and I am zipper I want to preach below I want you to respond so that we may know how to deal with the preachers of the law remember I have know yourself and if I am super bring your time C to the house of the Lord prove me says the Lord and see if I would open the windows of heaven and I will pour you out a blessing for which you not find enough place to store it put your tights or you'll be cast you are stealing from God answer to the message of Zeebo I will tell you mr. Fox thank you sit down I love you ty wants to add some fuel to his response I would tell him that the the law ended and so we cannot give tights or even observe any any Old Testament precepts because we are now in grace and faith we are now living in in the New Testament church thank you sit down the slippers for him yes these responses are well but I've noted for somebody who can address the relationship between Zubaydah morphe now that zebra is a safe and to marry give her the mic let's save a female voice this time myself it must be the one giving you goddess ah perfect shape is the one who now calls the shots zebra sit down you are a little way ahead of yourself I think you are intoxicated you asked - yes seeing over the all the times when us to a save and absorb you are no longer so you are now my servant you don't tell me what to do so Munna guru paramparam the best answer is we don't get instructions from the law the law is a servant to us we now do the law what to do and what we want the Lord to do is not to compare us to adhere to its precepts no we wanted the law to show us Christ clip-ins for Jesus the law must show us Christ Eva Maria shut up tonight is the mid-span imanakum man remember the law as a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ hallelujah to you neighbor ziba is no longer a master he is now a servant and such a change of job is so boring it lowers your spirit you were one servant of so giving instructions but suddenly you are now so I derivative time I should have gone back to Galatians chapter 4 verse number 1 verse number 1 to 2 which says now the as long as he is a child is different not from a servant though he is Lord of all but his tool put under tutors governors and instructors and to the time appointed of his father that's how he goes on to say in verse number 4 in the fullness of time God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law that we might receive our adoption into science do you understand it when zipa gave instructions to me football-shaped he was still a child remember he was 5 years old when he was carried by a maid and junior pursuing a false message of war she dropped him and he was handicapped become disabled so zipper can only give orders to Mephibosheth when he is still a child but then my treat of my people shed is not measured in the age was according to Hebrews chapter 11 it says when Moses was growing up he refused to continue to be called a son to Pharaoh's daughter how old was Moses than forty years of age but the matron of Moses was not mentioned in his age it was measured in his a changing of location I am now visiting my present in question he left Pharaoh's Palace so the my treat of mephibosheth is not measured in age it is measured in his location from lot deeper to the City of David where you make the seven tiers of age but if you are stewing lot deeper he was to a young baby if not already dead your maturity is measured in you coming to Christ that is the beginning of your maturity Oh verse number two the King said unto ziba what ministered out by this zipper said the ISIS before the king's household to write on so zipper is a person in the church who buys the past a new car I've brought two new donkeys for you to write on remember supplies not born again he doesn't eat bread from the table of David neither has he been summoned because he is not a child of soul he was simply a servant the bread and the summer fruit for the young men to eat and the wine that such SB failed in the ordinance may drink Leslie dress number three verse number three together go and the King said and where is thy master son and easy passage under the King he wolde he abided at Jerusalem for he said to dash out the house of Israel restored me the kingdom of my father first for the inside became to the but the world nein oh that patent it and Mephibosheth in ziba say I am bleep Mississippi that I may find grace in thy sight my lord okay there are the big they are you here together with us do you see the contest between mephibosheth and ziba it is not about David it is about the sole inheritance ziba was lusting after the positions that were left by so when he died remember in Chapter nine when mephibosheth became responding to the invitation extended by David as the king the King David said unto ziba I have given everything that was left by so to mephibosheth David is running away from Absalom and zebra comes to meet him look at me he brings presents to David and with those presents are lies he lies to David that may favor shade the side got big numbers with number three listen to what he said in verse number three never she lied heavily a gayness Mephibosheth Murshid said behold he a zipper side of Mephibosheth behold he abides at Jerusalem I the King wanted to know where my favorite was I am running away from Absalom I need to know where every Portuguese was Christ doesn't want to lose the sight of his own in mid to 28 verse number 20 he says lo I am with you always to the end of the way the world so listen to me I am running away from my enemies the gospel is filtering the gospel is expanding the gospel is going forward and is going forward expanding his kingdom in the preaching of the gospel he meets a false preacher again he asks the same question for the second time where is the appreciate what kind of a British are you now something that I wanted us to look at briefly is this according to chapter 9 of second Samuel then with thought he looked before someone from the house of a soul that he may show him kindness for the sake of Jonathan but let's go to verse number 4 of chapter 16 listen to what happens to those that are not to be saved if you are going to be served you are not the one who looks for the grace it is the Christ who opens up he offers degrees is there any one of the house also I want to show him grace I want to fall in show him kindness for Jonathan's sake so my philosophy came after the Lord invited him it is not my favorite who looked for David it is David to look for my favorite it is not the same who chooses Christ who looks for Christ who sings I have decided to follow Jesus no it is Christ who sends for me favor shed bring him to me go and take him from Lord diba I want him here when my favorite saw the men sent by David to fetch him he was not aware that he is required to present himself before the King in Jerusalem that is what happened to you and me when you made this gospel you were not aware that this such kind of a gospel around you was soaking in a for Theoretical spoke for a very long time but the bridge ascent of Jesus when he presents the gospel of Christ unto you it it brings your heart and your sins in your heart in your spear that the Lord is summoning me I have got to respond and follow this man to meet the king but listen to what happened to zebra then said the King to zebra behold dine are all that pertained unto mephibosheth and zebra said I humbly ask you that I may find grace in your sight my lord orky ziba is looking for grace he's baking for grace but let's go back to chapter 9 and see the difference between zebra and Mephibosheth in Chapter 9 verse number 8 Mephibosheth bowed himself and said what is thy servant that thou should look upon such a dead dog as I am Mephibosheth regards himself as a dead dog and he wonders why their king has looked upon such a dead dog as I am Who I am fine I don't deserve this grace I'm a dead dog but on the contrary the preachers of the law they are taught to give their offerings and ask God for His grace I am fasting so that I may find grace in the eyes of the Lord look at me people with machetes surprised why I've obtained such a grace I don't deserve it but the simple bow down to the king please [Music] they're banking progress plz plz bono tofu ceviche she questioned a kakugane dereje's Oh Kuta Macario ropa patent a mockery NPA Nicaragua English angry black alpha and ricotta rocket Romano mihari auntie cozier with Volvo antique old Elkins Washoe collar got a mock and even Cabana fest Nakamura modem began to analyze Chaka ricotta and cozy with Omaha Omaha shell solution is Timothy Pasha - zebra let's hear the zipa prayer the Mephibosheth prairies why have i found such a grace I am a dead dog but the simple prayer is let's see this number for second sandwich of the 16 then said became - zebra the world dine are all that pertinent and emancipation in the passage I am Libous it V that I may find grace in thy sight my lord walking I am Lee ask you to give me grace almighty King oh my lord okie-doke reporte all the girls that I went to school with they are not married somehow with the three children I'm still a spinster remember me Oh Lord okay I am in this mountain to ask you for your grace with this $20 remember me I beseech you I humbly beseech you we don't know from where as if I was coming but zebra is history she has walked a long distance to come to beg for grace Z but traveled at this to appear before a king to beg you for grace but Mephibosheth on the other hand he traveled a long distance because of the grace that was granted unto him while he was still in Lahti back yes Mephibosheth Anna - Anna - argh Rajab also a cuckoo today David the banner over Jerusalem om sangoku chaga Yosh Takata Lysistrata - on yonder una muchacha que nadie es otro Toyota kata on a Telugu Sango tin even on Bob Letisha Cahuenga Tilly Parvati reborn brave ashitaka - Ana - my choco choco echoes a coelom on our territory an akuna Kikuchi Takata Johanna Sakata on a tree Sango eliminatory soda saga - Ana Tara possess a bottom anyway in Antigua socialization indica - Anita got Santa wanna die floripa Baba Tiruvannamalai bono ali vana punku Yasha zt0 como mezzo Johanna man twin sister who technology Soraka more easily do you see relative invasion dar Al Fatah friar cargo Paula's on a tourist Tara would you jog oh yes I got a demo Dora ah Oh Bella jessabelle Gomez Wakabayashi America do if you're nearby - Samara vendo Jaco carnival upon ago so takahashi-san CIPA dasatinib ryo sakazaki Tata company Yasha socata wanna take away upon Oh Terence badali Yasha Takata wanna F you seen dem fi Machete trade uno and wanna yogalates campaka lucky man Oh Xavier water tango goons and a guamazo gomes ferreira da vida de vida crocodiles wanna Mambo Bank of America of Martinez Baba Yaga Corino Durango the Shibata marriage sink I take a sugar permit entities Petrov they're queer times 353 zipper [Applause] see barrio del Monte Payne Yaya Mephibosheth ah notice when I doubt America's Ayasha socket Ivanova casseon coozancoona chiquan Yasha qu j RM occur on land Anunnaki whenever a cappella beset by a rogue a policeman seguro de Chivo Chiquita banana George Anton a gigantic Asuka continual efficient fashion watches watches Sumatra - ah ah t su moto e hn c mo te hace Sameera gamma 0 Addison query Emil Chynn watch a kurama tengu tominaga Chickasaw Arita one step into another towards David's Palace to render Jerusalem aa huge machine were chopping cotton Aveo sedan Yosh Takata and velocity Rosario sassy [Applause] now Maria Menaka put sweating my plan got my power I'm gonna do graffiti I wouldn't ballet with but will you my choko choko choko an afterthought worker in a mongoose a boundary like a kupaza muscle on John Kasich as this inertia focus indicator lack now si doctora - oh God channel changer toshogu Ramon PO who now kangaroo hurt I can't answer David um Torah hallelujah I mean we meet up intersection when the defender una parte young Genzo the capital a Norton and una Senora check out tomorrow - memorial main roads a medical continuity de alcalá mera sakano Yukari Tamura domain vamos a la mode de McCammon a motivational poster showing chaka chaka choko satin al gore-ism second Takata resonances Oh pulmonary casuai shikhandi cheeky Thomas Raya a shocker a reboot are a raucous are Chetta said Donna condition get poppin a gang rode a cacophony raggedy tenemos oak in Sharjah janessa caricature she do colored Reba massages at econo every tsuzuku no part in dulce de national reversibility by coco rocha torah kilometers Arana Mephibosheth a kazoo raga are you bloody bugger - penguin told me radiographer when I began working for NASA cronbach alpha in India Rama Princesa de água tomorrow assume our company's imitation deeds were watching it wash away who thought was you Sancho yes a tiger which angered ah national shame is American gotta pay just watch Portugal better ha our final scripture is chapter 19 verse 24 to 30 that is when we are going to see them a fever shaped rate and we are going to close up on the zebra awareness beware of zebra the zipper Oni and mephibosheth the sign of so came down to meet the king so after the war that then happened between Absalom and his men and David in this vein we all know how Absalom died he was hung up by the oak tree because of the of his long hair and job track chain that organism that he died and after that David Monda for Absalom and he came back to Jerusalem so my favorite did not run away from Jerusalem with David running away from Absalom he remained in Jerusalem even though ziba said evil things against him remember zebras say zebra say to David when up when when mephibosheth head that you are running away from your son he celebrated and said goddess is avenging you of the death of his faith of his parents he still remember verse number three chapter 16 give us back that scripture just as soon quickly the president the keyboard he abided at Jerusalem for he said today show the house of Israel restore me the kingdom of my father the polite was it true it was false Mephibosheth never desired to replace David as a king over Israel but ziba wanted to create animosity between David and Mephibosheth so not only is zipa a false preacher he also preaches a message that the six to divide you to separate you from Christ and we can read chapter 5 of Galatians which says whosoever wants to be justified by the law you are separated from God you are fallen from grace so he seeks to preach a message to David that brings the demise of the relationship between my favorite and David which means the moment you come to live in the City of David because of his invitation you are the mephibosheth making sure you don't allow ziba to preach again don't allow the preacher of the law to continue to preach to you once you have received the message of Christ it was what he does when you cannot listen to him you are going to have an estranged relationship with Christ on account of your false preacher your ziba pasta okay so in chapter 19 verse 24 Mephibosheth the son also came down to meet the king we now know that Mephibosheth is now able to work after he came to the City of David he now came down to meet the king what happened indeed neighbor dressed his feet not trimmed his bed nor his clothes from the day the King departed until the day he came again in peace Mephibosheth never trimmed his beard he never cleaned easy feet he never changed his clothes what he was lamenting he desired to be with the king in other words mephibosheth had become a street kid now remember the king did not take away the palace they King left the palace but the palace without the king is a wilderness to Mephibosheth I hope God is going to install such an understanding in you that a change without Jesus is like a beer to you yeah how do you expect my people to wash to bath himself don't you know that mephibosheth needs water don't you know that the watery possess the Word of God yes in the absence of David from where do you expect my people to find water too bad don't you know that the changing of clothes is the changing of the gospel if there is no Christ appreciate opening for you to wear why and how do people expect you to put a good cloth Mephibosheth is simply preaching to us without Christ there is no change without Christ there is no pasta without the Christ they slowly speed without Christ they salute a Nordic on he looked like a vagabond he was humbling himself desiring to be with the king this is a worthless palace I long for the face of the King I have seen the present worship team they are very smartly dressed I have seen the car of the pasta it is the well sophistica it is a very good car it is a resent occur it is an expensive car I have seen the pastor's wife she is beautiful but that doesn't meet my spiritual needs I want to see the face of the king from today onwards until I see the face of the king you receive not sent from me as offerings offering more ad generic Mubarak to become a pokemon demon folklore deeper yes Raja Grazyna Mephibosheth Oh chucka Oh chucka DeVito ha maharaja khatvanga agra David anonymous reminiscent Akuma yes wizard pasinetta feet upon our plane without a David there is no life form a proportion if you come to change to not be satisfied with the Declaration of the Beauty if you've met the King ask your neighbor have you met the king verse number 25 and it came to pass when he was when he was in America ma ma ma ma ma Nativa David moment of zero my mum if what personal guess David Jaguar and Shakira and search engine each other and if I would demonstrate remember bloody bugger aqua so she'll go towards a fundraising jetty triumphant in sea route a beautiful digital dividend Shamu nary panel for the opposite people would pan upon about medieval in my political case Lorraine and this is the type you know Farida corner worry not my poetry shower gel yes where is the King Vegeta Kareem was all more negative images who knows you corners you can have positive Brigham Rico routine will open over on my channel focus the rogram agenda guru nice a circumference was this are not gonna want Sicard roofer Laguna Makeda papoulas Namib observe an army a palace without a king is a symmetry yes show me the King and I will see the palace don't show me the beauty of the palace I need the king the Bible is telling us how dear David was to Murphy he was not interested in all the privileges that we associated with in a palace his interest was in the King Jesus is the king you know there are people who talk a lot about you they say you have changed changes more than you change socks in in a month or in a year he has been in sahaja he knew if I hear bringing in magma Gaia's a shrine right now you are claiming you you some few months ago you were claiming to be a spiritual son of Greece oraculum tell them those days I was looking for the king that's why I was so scruff lead rest began to worship a therapist occasionally pop it intended and by chin describes what Karim nurse warned Evangeline body forbade I'm Jennifer Tallulah goombah second chakras are much easier Corneille chakra gel so they wanted 20s Williams erode better win over him Nagano chakra mundo could go on of at the share of attack occur all for common ahsoka to matter in Dalton digital under the strategist of ornamental in death who bends into a which are two Indians with changes in ages forgotten away Tafoya switch engines a twin image would write room shock horror phenomena okay Raven which one is the girl one David's sugar mama two Democrats out rockins never walk until we change so we return to everyone at from chocolate to come one a trained after monk one I said you got machetes your corner and looked every day so I'm gonna show it no more near intelligence watch up a pebble pasta and Aleppo my nose didn't you're after telomeres from cellular monitoring to protection spell Minoan I just arrived in Brazil narubu leaders of my Porto economy yes open up Anna wonderboy a wonderful what would you ladies in a corner Mambo I don't share my beards if I don't see the King first number 25 and it came to pass when he was come to Jerusalem to meet the king that the king said unto Him where for wentest not thou with me metal shell why did you not go with me Mephibosheth in the answered my lord working my servant deceived me listen why did you not go with me zebra deceived me yes yes for thyself and said I will say to me I will say to me in s that I made a right there in code to the king because thy servant is lame yes and he had slandered thy servant and under my lord the king but my lord the king is in is as an angel of God - therefore tis good in thine eyes ha you know my heart sink when I heard the words that came out of my mouth I know that when zebra came to you he slandered aganist me he spoke evil against me he lied to you but I know that you are wise like an angel you find that truth do to me what pleases what bliss is you that two can apply an otaku father it is also do therefore what is good in thine eyes whether I live whether I die it is at the discretion of Christ that is the Mephibosheth trait I don't know this is draped number what the number of trait is this one you are going to be writing yourself you are the one with writing this is the mephibosheth the trait he says to Christ whether people speak if about me and say I am a false preacher I don't know the true gospel I know he would not listen to people's reports you are wise do what is good in your eyes I don't care what people say about me I know he don't listen listen to people's voices you are a white God do what is good in thine eyes listen to the second age for all of my father's house where they were birthed dead men before my lord King yet the desert thyself and among them that did eat a dining table what right therefore if I had to cry anymore under the king mm lapels for Jesus all the people of the house of soul are dead yet the king is said to me to eat at your table what right therefore do I have yet to will say another request to the king homina homina homina do I have a membership in this house I don't think you understand what it means every Sina when they have been given salvation they say to God everyone in my father's house does not believe the gospel but you brought me to the understanding of this gospel yes I am grateful that I am a child of God and I don't have another request I told every right to break Adam and I believe the right to make a declaration that God must do this or do that before the years when I tape or YK Tamale I don't care whether I shall be healed or I think I don't care when they find a husband I never marry I don't care when they find a job I never find a job I don't care you made me a child of God I told every right I make a loud noise noise I'm to God tannu san san anton am homework research which a woman or maraca pony's whoa the airmen our opponents were machines one dear Monica ponies following and not in the car long we will do this in our kapha mangano camui gakuen attendance aquarium house company Raghava one go in the right anyway akuna minal England so you are saying what God has done in putting Christ on the cross for salvation is not enough until you drive a Ford Drive is that true no what right if I get to cry anymore unto their king you know what I almost cried booth this man was lame but he wanted to meet the king hallelujah amen he was lame to such an extent that too they both walk in deity was limb that he was able to walk to David you did his [Applause] but apologies yes ah there is no by Jewish this airport enough to be an airport to come to Christ you all know what happens to premiers the son of Timaeus he was blind he shouted as Jesus passed by Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me Jesus said to come he came to Jesus no but ask this question how does Jesus expect a blind man to locate him he was not able to see everything but he was able to see Christ he was able to come to Christ ah how does he behave the audacity to speak if a goodness a disabled man today we take a zebra could have said Mary she would have said David fire zebra is an evil man I want to ask your king kill zebra why did you slander me like that before the king doesn't he know that I am a former Prince and I am now a royal person because I live in the palace of the king no he said I am happy that I was in Lord Reba you brought me to the city of the King to eat with him prayed continually on his table I am grateful I am thankful forever no matter what people do to me I do negate I don't have any other requests to make to the king I tell you if you want the church to have a few people this message that I am preaching if you want people in the church to walk away on you say these words that I'm saying could even Amaka if you have been brought to the city you don't have any right to make another quest let's first let us go to intervene our economy has deteriorated what right Baba monorail a rainy autumn air pocket our Mambo magirock Amazo coach ok Gurudev our Marco - Sango Potter Freeman Mucha mocha no quizzes magic mo tanana Morinaga para cannula to dominar women on their V 0 delta cannon rock astray composite of David Murphy Pasha - Reagan Jesus repeating Aguada are not Coronado under the Colossians 1 which one Borobudur David and user IDs and a district apparent regime condition and in a raging river fire i decree and declare that before this year ends I shall be telling a lamb pocket who are you declaring - - David thinking you are not mephibosheth you are zipper only zipper makes requests unto the king not miss emotion verse 29 and the King said unto him why speakest thou any more of diameter I say I say it Dow in zipper divided the lens so David he knew that the issue there isn't zipper came it's not about the lies that he said about Nephi budget no zebra wants it'll end Provo's William F we came to the seat he was given the land that previously belonged it - so his grandfather zipper wanted a portion of that Lane that's why he slandered aganist zip against me oh to King David so David now how many times was this land ended somebody in chapter 9 the land was given to to him to marry look at me in chapter 16 it was given to him to see but you still remember that does anybody say I forget I don't remember when King David gave this land that he once gave to me favorite receiver if you're forgotten lift up and we can open that scripture again to show you Panama and Chiapas Eva Lent en tiempo para el pase pase el - peso kwazii Baga wagons Alana ziba Mephibosheth narubu Tamika namitha eh item on ba ba quasi linear premise which until avocadoes in occurrences Jesus arose Asia until chapter 9 is an example for a fugitive by chapter 19 jang bogo food challenge add tequila medicines now in zebra divide delay to share knowledge was Cunha parinibbana koyaya zip our units are Holland Chico vinaya finale landed our event occupancy dock way to amok wanna sleep on campus is nostalgic rocketed to : I evolved so David gave a judgment that the land that was once given to my favorite when he came for the first time to the City of David which they can also give total to zebra in chapter 16 David commanded in chapter 19 that this led be divided between zip so zip is after land that's why is this land during Mephibosheth hallelujah amen let's read verse number 30 together go and my people shall say under the king yay let him take Oh for as much as my lord the king is come again in peace unto his own house means for Jesus do you think you can beat me if abortion for one minute in your life he say Drona diretoria say do you already know Ian you notice an Imagi yes now if she didn't say as long as the king is come again in peace and to his own house that's all I'm interested in I only want to be with the King in his house you wanted me to divide the land with zebra no let him take everything what at what a hatch towards the kasnia this suggestion that mephibosheth gate that he gave that he languished all his birthright possessions to a household servant for the sake of salvation it happened in Acts chapter 4 verse number 32 it happened let's stand up to our feet and amount of them that believed way of 100 of 1 so neither said any of them that some of the things which he possessed was his own but they had all things common let's clap hands for Jesus for this one in the days of the early church nobody said this is my car this is my jacket this is my house they said my house is your house we are all going to heaven I'm not worried about earthly things they had all things common verse 33 and with the great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus integrate race was upon him on them oh great grace verse 34 neither was they among them that leg there was nobody among the believers that elected as many as we possessors of lands of aha those who own the land like Mephibosheth houses and houses sort them they sowed them and brought the prices of the things they brought the money that they sought the houses and landfill and laid them down at the apostle's they surrendered all the money to their posters and the distribution was made and every man according as he it needs such was the attitude of the early church believers they were not eternally minded there were not people that reminded so much about earthly things a change divided over who has more money than who they are groupings in the church these ones we are the elite people of the church we don't associate with the poor people because they always want to beg us of our money we are hard workers we had managed we are people a new normal in Shona we produce a smell of cash as we pass and walk by we sit in the front chairs in the church auditorium the pastor comes to eat in our houses when he is broke we bail him out no told that aid man thought that did two houses they sold the houses they brought the money to their pastors the apostles did not buy private jets for themselves they also looked after the people that were in need in the church many people should say to David King David don't worry about the land let zebra take everything mephibosheth are you sure yes I'm sure as long as the King has retained himself I'm ok remember was not bad thing when I was looking for you the reason why I came here was to meet with you I am now happy that I have met the king we want to raise a change of a generation of people who are only after the wage they are not worried about the perfume that this one is wearing third world aboard the hairstyle of another woman in a change they are not in a competition of who is the best smartly dressed woman in the service no as long as I've seen the king I am okay let's see Patek everything ah [Applause] beware of zebra zebra one zealand so not only is he a breach of the law he is also a breach of prosperity remember when he looked for grains from them it was great about lanes I want to find grace in your eyes king or Lord King no in sutiramisu etymology a phenomena Rhambo torah marriages can a man become owner I remember we okay zip and rhetoric and intimate Rebecca from Nigeria afternoon tomorrow it a merry go go asuka ornament Obama no data rate cataratas important evaru regazzi bite America agenda so zebra continues to come to David but is not coming for the bread that Mephibosheth was offered you know zebra wants land what motivates you to come to change are you coming with the zebra agenda or you are coming with the Mephibosheth invitation mephibosheth is no agenda he was given in agenda when he came I have invited you saw that you may eat bread continuin and in mephibosheth days to take a look at where you picked me up from all my family members are dead I'm a happy to be here in the king's palace I have no right to ask even one more thing from the king let me just concentrate on eating bread which you say it is now my syllabus participa says no I beseech you King let me find grace in your eyes I want Elaine zakopane potato Yahoo de manejo apparently pirates on Tarawa muchísimo choke edition where agonic SE dabangg mandalas ebay old on a PC Jean Jacques Tati would later evolve first Timothy chapter 6 that of a no scripture first Timothy chapter 6 4 verse number 3 If any man teach otherwise and concerned not the war samwell's even the ways of our lord jesus christ and to the doctrine which is according to godliness he is brought knowing nothing but doting are about questions and strives of ways when of cometh envy strife railings evil surmisings perversities disputing of men of corruption - - putin's of men of corrupt minds and the destitute of the any destitute of the truth supposin that gain is goodness supposing that money is godliness on search with the draw will perform such people who say if we have man we are more righteous than others withdraw yourself from such people yes but godliness with contentment is great gain less clapping for Jesus courtliness with contentment is a great game so a feverish aid was content with godliness but ziba was not yes for we brought nothing into this world we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out yes any having food and raiment let us be therewith content less clapping for Jesus if you have got some clothes to put on in a blanket if you have put something into a mouth in the morning as we are coming to the service be thankful to God be content with that do not be like ziba who comes to beg for grace grace that translates into gain the grace that is it I was looking for was lend grace prosperity grace that is the fourth grace father I thank you for such a testimony that you have given about about yourself to us you have testified about yourself in such a wonderful manner that like mephibosheth who was lame and able to find his way to the city of the king we also were wallowing in the mire of sin we never knew the way that led to Christ but out of the abundance of your grace you love towards us in your kindness you called upon us in the central servants who declared unto us the testimony of your suffering and by that testimony we have brought unto the king whereupon we test the bread of life we eat continually this bread from the table of the King in the city of the king we don't have anything more to say unto you we don't have a right to ask anything more it was some of our beloved brethren we were born with in the flesh they all perished in their ignorance it is out of your love that only us we've brought unto God through the declaration of the message of Christ we thank you Jesus if they want to take everything let them have it as long as we can see your face in the house that is all that we are content to it we thank you Jesus for forgiving us such a wonderful weight we pray this in your name amen hallelujah aha beware of Z bar okay let's take our seats so we are going to break for lunch from right now up to three o clock we only have 40 minutes to break for lunch at the 3 o clock we are coming we are going to resume our message so that we may introduce the servant service but before we go for lunch I want to invite those who say the Lord has touched my heart through this message I believe that it spoke to me directly I am the Murphy that was in Lodi bye this message is calling me unto salvation I am not yet born again I was in the hands of ziba I was in the hands of maka I was in the ends of a meal but I want to respond to this invitation the King has invited you is there anyone left who has been deceived by the teaches of the law that he may show you kindness for the sake of Christ if there is such amongst us in this house I want you to come forward right now so that Christ may receive you unto himself for you to begin the journey of faith toward Jamaica is there anyone who says the Lord has visited me through this message if you are here come towards this puppet the Lord wants to give you eternal life let's clippings for them vegetables for them you can face the change ah ha is anyone else is there anyone left of the house of saw that God can show kindness because of Christ I repay raucous are awaiting bias our are at each way Gore needs Amar'e never aqua crystal gesso I want you to lift up your right hand and repeat this confession after me it is called the coefficient to salvation say Lord Jesus Christ thank you for the word that I've had to I believe with my hat and therefore I confess that you are the son of the true God I am a sinner and I can only be served it through your sacrifice I also confess that you died for my sins and we raised up from the dead by God thank you amen let's cleanse for them let's play pens for them mastering will come I want you to stand just in front of the birthday party rank is going to talk to you about procedures to salvation so that you may know what awaits you from this point going onwards so let's greet one Anna that we are going to start by testimonies and other things when we come back praise Tim I want you to be here start you are going to start to a praise program at five minutes to three spot-on we want to start our service then let's go out and find something to eat and we are going to come and eat bread [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jesus Revelation Ministries
Views: 17,479
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 1sec (13441 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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