But Why?

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all of us we shall read our scriptures where we stand mr. Cubitt a cup of rice a granny my feminism a rocket Roger guru vaak Amir Agha hard rock at a very critical Villa so it's amazing how the Word of God is read among us the title for this afternoon's message is but why that is the title it's not a message that we will be enjoying it's a message that we will enjoy ah yes there are messages that are not to be enjoyed that's why Apostle Paul says to Timothy angel sounded doctrine is a good soldier of Christ Alleluia so the scripture we are going to read is Acts chapter 7 eggs chapter 7 let's see where we can start reading from verse number 36 to 53 so I want us to read this scripture while I was chained and I want us to read follow us together as we read he says he brought them out after that he showed the wonders in the signs in the land of Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the wilderness 40 years we could have read from verse number 20 but you wanted to be very strict we want to be withholding our time there is a good journey which we need to go into in this message chiffon bar window child whenever and Arianna's so listen listen to this send up don't worry about the camera they have to find a way of making the video to come out instead of them to destroy to the sit down God wants us to read this scripture y usted he brought them out after that he had showed the wonders in designs in the land of Egypt now the question is who was he talking about when Steven remember egg chapter 7 is Stephens defense submission to the courts of the Jews way they had arrested him on account of the false allegations levelled against him by those who moved with envy they did not agree they did not like his message so he's talking about God using Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt so let's see how this message goes first number 36 let's get that face again because it's going to be the center of much of what you are going to be talking about in this message but why he brought them out after that he showed the wonders and designs in the land of Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the wilderness forty years verse number 37 this is that Moses which is said unto the children of Israel a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall you hear this is he that was in the church in the ordinance with the Angels to him in the Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively Oracle's to give unto us tomorrow fathers would not obey but it trusts him from them and in their heart turned back again into Egypt after God gave them Moses to deliver them out of Egypt Moses then gave a prophecy and he said God shall raise a prophet until like unto me and we shall hear him so this is what opposed to that this is what the caller Stephen is doing he is giving the account of the journey that the ghost was traveled so far called rosy he gave as Moses and he led us he led our fathers out of Egypt and he performed miracles in Egypt in the desert in the wilderness in the Red Sea he performed wonders and through Moses God gave the lively or a course to the fathers but after the Oracles were given to their fathers they could not obey those Oracle's in the midst in the wake of all those miracles hallelujah in the wake of all those signs and those wonders the frogs marching into Egypt in Egyptian land darkness a mosquito's boyos the death of the firstborn they drive up in the bottom of the legacy the man which they received their quails their cloud that spoke to Moses in the presence of all the house of Israel in the wake of all those signs listen they could not obey the lively Oracle's whom our fathers would not obey but the trust him from them and in the earth turned back again into Egypt we are going to open those scriptures where they started to say we want to go back to Egypt verse number 40 saying unto Aaron make us God to go before us for is for the smallsy's which brought us out of the land of Egypt we don't know what is become of him now he's talking about Exodus 32 verse 41 and they made their cough in those days and offered the sacrifice and to the I do and rejoice in the work of their own hands then go to tent and give them up to worship the host of heaven is it is written in the book of the prophets oh yes of Israel have you offered to mislead beasts and sacrifices by the space of 40 years in the wilderness yeah he took up the tabernacle of moloch and the star of your god refund figures which he made to worship them and I'll carry you away beyond Babylon our Father said the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness as it appointed speaking unto Moses that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus the word Jesus there's referring to Joshua into the possession of the Gentiles whom God drove out before the face of our fathers and to the days of David who found a favour before God and desired to find it a tabernacle for the God of Jacob David found favored God he decided to build a house for God but Solomon Beauty mean house how wait the Messiah will it not in temples made with the ends is say the Prophet heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool what I also you don't mean save the Lord or what is the place of my rest if not my hand made all these things you stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears you do always resist the Holy Spirit as your father did so do ye which of the prophets if not your father's persecuted and they have slain them which he showed before of the coming of the just one of whom you have been now they betray us and maderas we have received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept it let's take our seats if you ever asked this question what does it take for one to be saved what does it take for a sinner to be saved what does it take for somebody who is being deceived by the by first message to finally wake up to the message of Christ what are the requirements how much is required for one to be a child of God there is a commonly [Music] prevailing demand from the non-believing world but if you are saying that Jesus is called you to preach prove your assignment by performing what they call miracles signs and wonders show us that we have come from God walk on water go to Piraeus Hospital you everyone who is sick there let the that add-on whooshes come to you you them so that they begin to walk on their two feet open the eyes of the blind open the wombs of the barren perform miracles those that are in poverty that they may be made rich that way we believe that you are a true men from God before I can start to talk about the passage in question the book of Acts chapter 7 where we have the only the only message in the Bible the only message in the Bible that was preached by somebody else before he died after Jesus had died for us open your Bible from the book of Acts chapter 2 to Revelation chapter 22 there is not another incident where God allows a preacher to preach a message just before he dies the only encounter the only situation like that it is in Acts chapter 7 the only man in the Bible Oh Bridget a message that is recorded in the Bible before he dies after Jesus is Stephen that he called each time I mentioned the word Stephen each time I look at the message of Stephen I start to question my assignment and say am I truly a minister of God I don't know whether this is going to make any sense to you but the manner in which God presented Stephen as a deacon it leaves me with a lot of questions if the Lord is to come down here right now and say my servant is changed there is time to give you a reward for the work that I'd put you to task in am I going to be identified with those ministers I ask this question every time I look at Stephen as the dip corn that was in the house of the Lord Jesus Christ I am NOT saying I doubt that I am saint of God no I am saying that degree to which the message was preached by Stephen it makes everybody's in his right mind to always want to ask this question am I going to do enough because of the standard that was set in the assignment of Stephen if you read the letter the book of Acts chapter 7 so valley you will not want it to be a breach of the gospel you say you'd rather give this assignment to another person Steve he knew that he was now going to die it's not something that he he he encountered oh he came across coincidental that after they arrested him they then said my friend is not time to kill you he tried to negotiate with them please don't kill me I will not do it next time I will show you through the Scriptures I don't know how this thing happened but I always ask myself this question when the time comes for me that I am going to face my death on account of the gospel am I going to stand the waste if indeed Jesus - people like Stephen was not some fictitious Bible story like what our bridges are making us to believe no Jesus to people excuse me was the most viewed thing they world ever had since the beginning of this world she knew Shanga Chile would shed panic apana corner garrison a Stephen the gel so everything else was fictitious Jesus was only true in their understanding I don't know whether we are going to work together in this message I said we are going to enjoy this message because many of us we have got we have developed the couchy sign that will come to change we dance to the praise our songs and then we sit down for some two three hours Apostle speaks nanny's table to us while we take note of what looks like he's saying something we don't really know whether what is bridging is going to I don't know let's just listen to him is interesting after all some of you you are coming here to be entertained some of you you are coming here because there is a void inside you we are trying by all means to find something or somebody to fill that void a religious void which says to you a person needs to have a church to go to a person needs to find a church to belong to a person needs some church congregation to fellowship with that is not the reason why people are to come to church but we know that in site this auditorium we do have such people in the house it is something that is regrettable but perhaps because of that God is going to take you through the conviction that is required maybe one day you open your heart to truly believe his word but before we go there I want to ask you this question this Jesus that you talk about this Jesus that you are writing not about if we text you through what Stephen encountered are you going to continue to want to come to him today - not just so Jaso because we believe he's in heaven one day you come in the meantime let's jab Allah until he comes like he said let's eat endless desert plane he is not coming after oh he is a long way from coming good night audience phenomenon is energy goodness ocean funk our ghurabaa ghurabaa good Jesus is in the house today this afternoon right now Jesus wants to speak to you to comprehend that it's a struggle many of you you don't believe it you don't even think about it you are just saying maybe here maybe is not here I don't know at least if he's here I'm on the right side to actually ask yourself this question is this message it truly the way that Jesus died to provide is this man standing in front of me truly a minister from God who has been entrusted with the only message that shall give me eternal life to those questions I don't know what are you answers but what I know is until those ask those questions are raised in your mind in your heart in your spirit you are yet to discover the true salvation when the Lord appeared to me and gave me this assignment I did not go straight away to preach like poor deeds I was very confused I was seated at home for more than six months and my wife didn't know about it she only heard it in 2013 and she said why did you not tell me and I told you I told you I was not instructed to tell you that there is any way I did not tell you I was asking myself if you go to the hospital they are Saiyans they open up your body they play their hands on your liver your lungs your heart they may even take a piece out of you love your liver they may take a piece out of your lungs they may die organized that you are suffering from some kidney problems they open up your room your stomach they laid their hands on your kidneys they are authorized to do so by the medical professions board that is in Zimbabwe they are authorized by the government of every country we link our practitioners we have medical practitioners who are handling matters that can determine life or death to you and when they are opening that operating room to put the patient in they say to the relatives of the patients you cannot go further than this this theater operating room belongs to the surgeons and their assistants your wife lives is left behind the theater room you should drain your parents your siblings your brothers and your sisters in your cousins only the professions the people who are specialized in those professions the professionals they enter into that operating room they close the door all you can do is we are praying to God that this operation may be successful for 3-4 hours you would have dead you don't know which spoons which sees us which which surgical blades they used on your body all you can remember when you wake up is a wound that has been stitched by some needle and this the operation has been successful you are going to be in hospital for three weeks and we are going to discretize you you are going to be okay we entrust people like us to tamper with such sensitive aspects of our lives some of those operations they actually ask you to sign papers this operation is life or death there is a possibility that you your relative is not going to live sign these papers that you have authorized us to operate on your mother on your wife on your husband on your brother and we sign those papers authorizing people that are not our relatives to end all medical issues concerning our dear beloved relatives and we say if he dies well let me die but at least we have done the best we can to try in the hope way if the doctor does not operate our sister our mother wives then she's also going to die it's better for us to take the risk but you know what people have never asked themselves do you know that the role of a preacher is much more sensitive much more dangerous much more risky than the role of a Saiyan in a hospital do you know that because the Saiyan is operating your body but the preacher is operating a spirit if the preacher makes mistakes that are dangerous life-threatening you are going to the lake of fire for the rest of eternity the kutenai moranga a tavern area system of the world if God had made they change a part of the system of the world there was supposed to be silica regulations or now the change is managed than regulations that regulate how the hospital medical institutions are managed was once the person is declared the dead mortal they put the body into the morgue their spirit lives to a realm that is not known in the in the in the people of this world and it is that it that I am quote to deliver from death to life it is the spirit that the Lord is grounded as he this afternoon to attend to its medical issues we are here to attain the medical issues concerning your spirit hallelujah Amen if we only could understand that our approach towards the gospel was going to be better much much better we wouldn't be talking to you that we need to switch off your phone because it's interrupting the message you know because even the doctor in the theater he does in the switch one his world dr. corporate am aware but in the phone chilling operation a Cotto's Rita know some wha-what moment wherever you are offended about the phone the bomber ahead and remove partnered up wat Suraj Reba opera baby rocker Jose de to divert our energy every Christmas Moreira hrbeck with a light rock theater so New Jersey Sara indica I was operated 25 October 2000 cough they did agonized they wrongly diagnosed me actually they said I was suffering from appendicitis in that was wrong and they made me to pay five thousand US dollars and I paid and I remember the last time I knew what was happening they put a certain rubber band on my hand on my wrist and it was written my name so I wanted to know what was the reason why they were putting that they said you wanted why do we want to identify you in case in case something wrong happens he will not be there to tell us her name so we want to know who is this body belonging to so you go into the operating room they said to you we've got those guys who are called anesthetist they are into the business of making you to slip up dead he don't show anything until the operation is over three and a half hours I was in that state but in when I when I came to when I came back to my normal self I then started to think about these things well this is what these doctors are capable of doing what about what about our plans our preachers our pastors our teachers our evangelists do they really know the impact of their assignment to the lives of these people that are coming to hear them don't hear doctors discussing patients probably in a bar or in a bottle so this one opened his stomach wayna and I forgot my scissors in there that was a catastrophic situation well the patient died but nobody knew about it so I was never arrested for that misdemeanor that I said I made them to pay thousands of dollars I knew the patient was going to die the cancer was it spread all over his liver but I paid them to pay anyway this is why I'm driving this expensive car doctors do not advertise their money which they are getting from patients they know these issues are faked people's lives these issues affect people's livelihoods these people are affected every day there are children who are now orphaned on account of the operation that I made on their mother on their father so in as much as I'm a successful daughter I cannot brag about the money that I've made using or because of my medical practice I can't do that that's why you don't normally see advent of doctor said those who gonna because he knows there are people that are in the grave because of me I was the last person to take care of this person's medical needs and he died why are our pastors breaking up all their money when they are ending so sensitive aspects of our relationship with our maker why is the change becoming business like Mohammed demoulas business when the church is handling so sensitive issues that can affect your spiritual destiny do you know that I myself preaching to you today like this I can either take you to hell with this message or take you to heaven with this message do you really understand that a banana beside the power would orientations winces I could burn a pornographer no gender with rahmato Kanagawa banishing the penguin amun-re is it really dawned on you now Stephen is a preacher that affects me a lot the first time I I was sent to read this issue they miss the message of Stephen the minister of Stephen I say to myself Lord why did you choose me to with this message am I going to be humble enough am I going to be genuine enough like the likes of Stephen if Stephen is to come back today in Harare how many are going to say to him you are a true minister of the gospel of god if Stephen is to come here today are we going to give him a chair to sit on in this auditorium are we going to give him a microphone that we can share the Word of God with us listen he says in verse 53 we have received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept it verse 54 read verse verse 54 when they add these things they were cut to the art and they can they gnashed on him will be a tip they were cut to the heart where were they cuts rocket chair quoi they were cut to the heart and they gnashed their teeth they said they ground that they night that stiffen after they were cut to that what did they do but he being full of the Holy Spirit looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on here on the right hand of God now when they were gnashing their teeth he looked up into heaven and he saw the glory of God and he sold the Lord Jesus standing up on the right hand of God the Lord Jesus said is to drop to respond to the message that Stevie was preaching [Applause] look at me look at me the world is gnashing their teeth the Lord stood up Nick he shot a funky rap Anika Dora - feelin this is why I paid with my blood that such a testimony may be held in O death the Lord is happy the Lord is enjoying the Lord is approving of his message but what is the word doing not she Liberty what an irony what a contra fee a contradiction what a variation what is wrong the question now is what we should what should we bridge - should we bridge to the stadium of the world and to the gnashing of the lord or we should do preach to the gnashing of the world understanding of the lord grant a few generation to parents a say top our entire equity van rossi career in charge in Nashua rock Canada to Paris the boot Anika enoshima's you know in sha Chi mukha toppled the same as her neighbor how should we bridge should we preach to the gnashing of the Lord in the stadium of the world all we should do bridge to the gnashing of the world in the stadium of the Lord these two don't seem to stand up at the same time they always do things the opposite way when the world stands up to a message the Lord Nash is asleep when the world in ashes their did the Lord stands up that's what he says in Isaiah 55 verse 89 my thoughts are not your thoughts says the Lord 4:11 is far from the earth so is the thought of God valid from the manor of the world hallelujah amen now we are living in a world where everybody wants to be accepted by their community by their society even when we go to buy our clothes in their clothing shops their boutiques and so forth we don't wear what we want to way we don't wear what we are comfortable with we always buy something that is approved by other men we live in a world where people will seek the approval of their neighbors but when you come to God you have got to kiss that the practice goodbye you cannot belong to Christ and expect yourself to try to please the world and the please God at the same time it doesn't happen it can happen when you now begin to walk with Jesus know this for set a the moment you begin to walk with Jesus they shall not seek your your prosperity they shall not seek your peace they shall not pray that God gives you a life that is full of His grace they shall ask that God should strike you with lightning the moment you begin to walk with Jesus the people of this world they shall every day every time seek to speak info about you they shall ask that something bad happens to you Kanoa more tangled firm manages synagogue often dominated or vamonos worn as a monofin GAO's a gigantic Irish can ask attend as a patient but in as much as you say yes every day we always seek their approval people who volunteer to comment on things that you are doing without you invitation things that they apparently do not have a clue about they try to say why don't you say it this way why don't you do it that way these things that doctrinal these things are spiritual these things are of God their kingdom issues you don't belong to the kingdom how dare you try to up advise something that belongs to a kingdom of wish you are not a part hallelujah amen the Lord stood up what happened he saw the glory of God and the Lord Jesus Christ 21 the right hand of God and Stephen said behold I see the heavens opened in the Son of man standing on the right hand of God verse 57 and they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears then upon him with one Accord they reign upon Stephen with one Accord what did they do in the costume out of the city becomes OVA out of the city we don't know how many kilometers they were when they drew the board Stephen the weather there was holding on to his ears or the easy-fit nobody knows but they pulled him out of the city Anika zoo v1 couldn't open a first I reckon up around about Logano chicken acrobatic and evasive maneuver nobody knows our dear Stephen our Stephen an to whom the Lord granted such a great revelation with a very serious precision in terms of the biblical details that we alluded to since the beginning of his message the message of Stephen is a great message one of the greatest messages that are in the Bible he started his message from Abraham right down to that particular day he talked about the soul he talked about Joshua he talked about Moses he took the poor David and Solomon in his message and he talked to them and said this was about Christ he called Christ they just won and when he said to them I have seen the glory of the Lord and the Lord standing on his right hand they said it is done it is enough we do not hear any more of this nonsense pour him out of the city they cast him out of the city and stoned him and the witness is laid down their clothes it a young men's feet whose name was Sol our posture was there on that particular day he was the one holding the clothes of them who were perverting Stephen with stones first 59 literally together go and if they stoned Stephen calling upon God and saying Lord Jesus receive my spirit face extry together go again and he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice Lord lay not this sin to their charge and when he had said this he fell asleep while the cast stones at him he had the image probably was lying on his belly or on his back he noted down while stones were flying at him and he said Lord lay discharged not to them do not lay this charge to them and we need finish that statement he died but how he died that's how Stephen died he first this death while he was holding the microphone and not even in one moment do we hear Stephen trying to do two things number one asking those that were stoning him to have mercy on him he never did so I'm not disagreeing on God dear Momo a little Judah mon Dieu Raghavan he did not ask for their Maci number two he did not change his message tell your neighbor he did not change his message right down to the time that he breathed his last he continued to say Lord Lord Lord he did not say let me confess I want to repent let me rejoin Judaism Jesus is lost the law of Moses is right please spare my life so these guys were teaching me and always a few times they want to approach me to these things I was good follow this law Peters probably look at me no while they were drawing him out of the city he said to them you will be forgiven I will pray to the Lord that he forgives you of what you are about to do and he say to Jesus Lord Jesus receive my spirit he did not say Lord Jesus serve me as 200 some more years to live no my question is my brother and sisters I have got this question to you where is the stiffin generation generation estava yeah kinda copy generation Yamuna returner over wagon so or Tisha Campbell cheering were among the parish - Oh crazy dakar Graham I am ready to join you even now the manner in which you are coming to church if death comes into this auditorium are you going to join the Stephen Moore - operon I am going to say Lord laid not on their charge current chatter - fire Hakuna Matata jealousy video Dada Miroku Sega's on you but I don't find this laughable I find this heavy burden on us those that received this gospel first ahead of us from the Lord they had a certain attitude was that we don't have ourselves it was it was not a religion this was not a religion this was a movement this was a kingdom this was an operation that Jesus was running here on earth himself in person and those that were brought to that Kingdom face a manner in which the Lord had prepared them oriented them they were ready do you know that when it rains possible people who not every come to judge because it's raining but look at this Stephen was ready to come to change even when he knew he was going to die and and in the story that I first of all gave was so sobering this issue that powers all they wanted the garments of those that killed Stephen it continued to howl in distance poor to the extent that even when he was before the governors and the captains when he was facing trial for the gospel he kept on saying it a Khurram bacha bazi t'lorra Agata muniyandi Tianjin no para da da da da da da kapenga de notre OS us a grantee Rivera Masuoka revolution a woman are dangling poor daca bottom row a canoe ride this issue that poor was there when Stephen was killed it continued to hound him that even before the Roman governor here to talk about it except a 22 verse number 17 and it came to pass that when I was come again to Jerusalem even while I played in the temple I was in a trance I was in a trance and saw him saying unto me I saw Jesus I decide and to me may not make haste make the quick lot of Jerusalem make it and get the quickly out of Jerusalem for they all not receive your testimony was telling me what they will not receive the I Testament concerning me said Lord they know that I imprisoned and bit in every synagogue them that believed on V and when the blood of the martyr Stephen was shed I also was standing by in consenting Andres death and he kept the raiment of them that slew him it continued to hound him why did I do it this is not a message to that traces the roots of your faith to Jesus people love to say I am a Christian I belong to God I go to church and I belong to the women's fellowship to remember what dialog we just got to cannot get that but if you go into the scriptures like we are doing now you will see that those who were put to this gospel when I first read the Holy Spirit came down from heaven they were very sober they will ever headed there were people who tried to understand that this gospel was paid for by the life of Jesus Christ himself in person and after it was acquired he then gave it to me why I don't deserve this Carter on a show called American had to go there even if I'm Gary like a batdari whenever there was a guy dead if you look at the sacrifices that our Lord went is Drew and is that from Noah we have taken a bath and closed your doors you are in here just like that you are hearing this gospel that was paid for with such a steep price we can't boast about it let me say something that the Lord said to me you say to me son tell them tell them he said tell them that if you are an evangelist and you cannot identify your office of an evangelist with evangelistic our office of the likes of Timothy and others you will not go to heaven if you are a pastor and you cannot identify your pastoral office with the office of those that he came before you you are not going to go to heaven if you are in a posture and you can't identify similarities that are in your assignment with the issues that were in the assignment of those opposed those which came before you you are not going to heaven but here we are not talking about a pastor an evangelist we are talking about a deacon genom decorative in bana who was voted for so that he may dish out to food wind a change somehow the Lord began to move him to preach he preached one sermon and he was arrested and then he preached another sermon he was killed kebab del tracker for Tara was deep in Agawam with capacity raga parrisha as novelist awanee Agatha gorira had come to God I don't know who to remand on our way home you know but in the Aqua karate table with tea una Guerra Taraki Terry Dubrow trauma no yoga flat rocky ratrock eita grade inaudible Jose miss Carmen kind of quality man yo yo nunca she became your emo can idyllic we are gonna just Vatican we need some orientation the Jesus that we have been taught in the Jesus of the Bible they are not the same the Jesus of the Bible is somebody different altogether I take what you can even recommends is Dorado paparika Vegeta zoom go Masuka trauma Z tau majority of America paid much Tanegashima by chapito tariffs Dara no no no no no Steve Wanaka Weah whereas removed my oppa when Adam Bomb Jessica oneness TV one Akutan anima can't do a Stevie Nagato God plans even with China me change shape I'm convincing I'm telling you the stakes are too high kimochi oz naka very amiable dream Toa trick was eaten as well as it's amazing oh I always ask myself lord I hope me Steven was not opening from the scriptures and reading there was no copy of the Bible in his day he would go to the synagogue read the scriptures and go to preach he was supposed to have a shop made that memorizes all those vases and in the synagogue there were people with the sticks ready to beat you up to a pound if you miss cotton scripture they would be 240 stripes you would be making sure that what we are saying is what the scrolls are saying in the synagogue only very rich people are for that we have those clothes with them because they were very expensive to obtain so the message that Steven breed from chapter 7 verse number 2 going downwards it was from his spirit and for me that he was not reading a script when he mentioned Abraham there was no book of Genesis to refer to he knew all those things before that grace is so amazing it makes me to wonder how a man can run a check for more than six years like you could has done and he proves that is a novice to the scriptures that are contained in only but one book one Bible but he is able to purchase as many copies as possible Stephen did not have that luxury of purchasing a copy of the Bible he read from the screws and the parchments that was stored in the synagogues in the temple Asiago neutronic okay then I'll charge you think I did Chenoa chicas a good for 60 years ago - no - Marrero though I'd watch a movie now acapella houses even when I'm still mean I know one year up in the movies he asked I was a painter I guess rock van Garrett a catamaran always say white or Elijah Christ he saved it he said that the whole Bible was written about Christ still green in his message he said these ways in case you did not receive them let's go back to those scriptures give us with faithful for 49 chapter 7 he said it heaven is my throne okay give us this 51 he stiff naked in naked and uncircumcised in heart in art and yes you do always resist the Holy Spirit you do always resist the Holy See do fathers did Ezra he did so doing which one of the prophets if not your father's persecuted which of the prophets if not your father's persecuted they have killed them which shortly before of the coming of the just wanna sleep and for Jesus who killed those that were showing their coming of which means from Genesis to Malachi according to Stephen in 752 of 8 they are simply showing their coming of the just one so that was his message he said all the scriptures they were showing they're coming of the just what he knew it in so simple ways he knew that the Bible talks about Jesus well candy what does not the Jesus in the Bible so is Maga so is good so is everybody there are Singapore guineas and Ferraris and Maseratis where they are supposed to see Jesus but Stephen was not in a post oh he was at a profit he was a deacon if he is to come back today Stephen how many pastors who stand side by side shoulder to shoulder with Stephen and saying you are my fellow preacher dilatory we all belong to this glory glory we have been given the grace to bridge our message is identical how many of us that 21st century preachers are going to identify with brass Stephen such a message is such a wonderful message which just after preaching it he died for it until this is what the Lord said to me the first thing he said if any Minister cannot identify with the ministers of the Bible he is not a true minister and is not going to heaven every minister of the gospel today must identify with the ministers of the Bible I am talking from the early apostles the pastors the teachers in the evangelists you must identify with them not in your language in development mode totalitarian girl to test a torrid raga Pisa but he also said to me if the message that we have received does not make you prepare to die any time for that message it's a false message this is what the Lord said to be kind of an Gary all goons wa ichigan Hawaiians what you feel like use two words ammo if you are cold you are porn to die that moment when you are yelling that gospel and you say you are not ready to die then he have not yet heard the gospel it's not a true gospel they drew girls know and it is breed you first death day I said you can't do anything to me dead I am beyond your tentacles I am no longer afraid of you so Stephen knew that his time to die was come he knelt down and he said Lord lay it not only I charge just receive my spirit in the Bible says after saying that he slept doesn't say he died was a believer does not die a believer only sleeps to mama she kebab a Buddhist gamma : / / 14 ones right on wasted of kurai I don't pollute alcohol or dietary change their power no apologies today g0d bow ah well it's a portable pub what I go to now into our second language come on we are purple dear dr. Alice I can tell Rory Gattaca settle judge general pardon Oh facade remedial para dentro da da da da da da da graça guru puja while I where is the microphone give you to anybody give it to my mouse biocidal there with a stripe the judges give you the mic mom how many months do you need to go to Stevens level I think I have to work myself I'll wait out there Jesus Christ ablative you just feud that we did some time yes you are ready to be there at least she's honest come here with the microphone yes well give us your only response when do you think you'll be ready to face any adversity like Steven on account of the gospel even now because it is not me that lives but Christ liveth in me so by the help of the Holy Spirit I'm able to face anything ok let's clip ends for you he says well in spirit we hoped be if it now these days you have preaching and people are posting things that are criticizing us on Facebook in those days there was no Facebook they would deface you no to say it's now time to bring him out of this city I judge would be lighter of a Facebook ad a gigantic as like we have octo Barbie I'd watch you guys easy way to go over and saw each other so we got whatever because I'm okay whatever I'm over a single dad never imagined tackle teeth but well what did is I was learned or developer forgive a sheet or a Airport Pavan seppuku but wherever we are we're took what I wanted to koala to focus on our Sangha huacachina very good Terry storage reservoir yeah Jesus Arcata Jessica Robin Enka Congress approval and across government thorough struggle forever RDD but I want you to awaken to the reality of the true kingdom when you awaken to this reality you take change business is the most important thing of your life you don't come to change when you feel like you are in the moon you come to change the way you take your drugs your life depend on it your salvation depends on it your justification depends on it you are not coming here to please apple shochu anger there is a judge to face at the end of this life but now could you please read verse number 54 when they add these things they were cut to the art and vanished on him with their teeth they were cut to the heart X chapter 2 verse 37 they were cut to the heart now when they denied on their teeth and after that they drew Stephen outside the city they stoned him until he died but what happened the first of all to them they were cut to the heart Peter preached the dead Holy Spirit came upon them on the day of Pentecost and after the message was preaching ended the Bible then say is watch now when they had peace when they add this they were pricked in the earth and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostasy yes men and brethren what shall we do what shall any Peter said repent then Peter said unto them repent and let everyone be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus the remission of sins for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit the gift is yours NT of your children for the promise is unto you and to a children into many as the Lord our God shall call and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call first 40 and with many other ways did he test file itself yourselves from this untoward generation saying save yourself from this untoward generation what happened in verse 41 then they they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3,000 souls look at me look at me just pause for a moment in Acts chapter 7 before Stephen died he first preached the message of the Lord and when they had that message they were cut to that and after they were cut to that they then killed the preacher but in Acts chapter 2 when they heard the same message from Peter this time now in the account of Peter and not that one of Stevie it was now people who is supposed to be saved when they had the message they were pricked in the earth and they were saved 3,000 of them now let me just dry draw an image of the heart I know the way they are in these two scriptures referring to the spirit but I'm just going to draw a physical heart so that we may fully understand the difference between pricked and cut are you hearing in Acts chapter 7 verse 54 they were cut in X chapter 2 verse 37 they were pretty prick the saga Fernanda Cooper you are piercing like I need to piercing your heart your finger when they want to take a blood sample from you they use a need to to pierce into your finger into your thumb into your into your palm it's pre king nation acaba says net governor Jackson they are pretty so same scenario the same people that were created by God others when they hear the word they are cut to the heart other people in the hear the weight of God they are pricked in their heart but what happens when you are pricked in your heart you are saved you approved it to repentance but when you are cut to the heart you will kill the preacher the message that Peter preached in chapter two is exactly the message that Steve in our Deacon read in Acts chapter 7 the only difference in those two setups was the type of the recipients of the message are you which kind of a receiver of the gospel what kind of a recipient are you I used the cut type or you are the pretty type ask your neighbor I used the cut type or you are the pretty type if you are cut to the heart you will want to kill me but if you are printed in the heart it is a conviction unto salvation John chapter 15 verse number one I am the true vine you are the True Vine and my father is the husband the father is the farmer every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit what happens to that branch he taketh away it will be cut off in every branch that beareth fruit every branch that beareth fruit he Paget it to be pruned so that it may bring forth much fruit that it may bring forth more fruit there is cutting off and then there is pruning so the people that are to be served the gospel does not cut them off it breaks them it convicts them that they are deficient without the message of Christ they need it they depend on it they have to humble themselves and bow down to the message of Christ the rebukes that are in the message of Christ are not offensive to those that are written in the book of life they are not things that people device means to attack the preacher of that message no they will feel that the Lord loves me that is why is sent this preacher to me to deliver me from this quagmire of sin and bring me to life Alleluia amen ask you a brigade what did this message you do to you did it break your heart to repentance or it cut you and you became stiff naked like the youth who eventually put Stephen to death before the couch okay raka which I carry more carnival show Baraka who by amor now Matthew chapter Nabokov they state eight then certain of describes end of the Pharisees answered saying master we should see a sign from the repeat again then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered saying master we should see a sign from thee repeat again then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered saying master we would see a sign from thee we would we desire to see si Jesus to adjust bridge will give us a sign we want a sign prove that you are the Messiah we will believe you the moment you show us a sign we will join your change did they did they receive a sign from him let's see what he says in verse number 39 but he answered and said unto them what did he say to them an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the Prophet Jonas you are an evil and wicked generation they request was simple we want a sign the answer is wicked adulterous EVOO till appear over where is God evil generation the pea bizarre gesso a doubtless generation what is wrong with you what wrong have we done we are desiring a sign from you what what stops you from giving us a sign he then says no sign shall be given to you for the sign of prophet Jonah the only sign that jesus promised to give those that we're looking for signs that the message he was preaching was correct he said no sign shall be given to you but the sign of Jonah so they say why don't you perform miracles at your church we are not allowed to show other signs we are only allowed to show one side in the Church of Jesus Christ and that design is called the side of Jonah what about the sign of Jonah for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the well social the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the world of the earth the Son of man shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the egg that is decide upon Israel the Church of Jesus Christ was only given one sign it is called the Jonah sign but they did not end here these people want designs they will continue to demand the signs maitre chapter 16 verse number one they want science the Pharisees also with the Sadducees came very very seasoned the statue says camp remember the Jews are the ones who came in method cough in mental suggestion there was Pharisees and Sadducees he came what did they say to him and tempting desert a that they tempted Jesus and they said what he would shoot them a sign from heaven we want a sign from the sky we have read that walked on water you fed 5,000 those are terrestrial science we want a celestial sign Buddha leaders of Argonaut America wanna come back we're on route amber Brannon in Mustang but tan Nate and Nicole Marie Thomas I in Topanga para we want a sign from above the earth the way they have India is not saying even the dwelling place of God they were demanding a sign from the atmosphere they wanted Jesus either to fly or to play soccer using this and he went they wanted him to prove a sign from the sky unrestricted I will show you today that those who demand the signs will never repent I will prove to you that's why Jesus leopard the main evil and in adulterous generation yes he answered and said unto them when it is evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red you see now the reason why I said the way to heaven was referring to the extra-terrestrial the reason why Jesus mentioned the sky it is because the area above the earth is also denoted as heaven in the Bible K yes yes and in the morning it will be foul weather today yes for the sky is red and Laurie oh you hypocrites for ye police you can descend the face of the sky who can't ascend the face of this descent the signs of the time but can you not descent assign leads number 4 to get a goal a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given under it but the sign of the Prophet Jonas and he left them and departed did you give them the sign they were looking for clemency oh Jesus it is always one side they Jews in media to have demanded for his sign he said we will give you they Jonah was that the Prophet the side of Prophet Joel is the holy site that I will give you can a moody rule to hope you would a brainless idea bro al munawwara a jour de salvo Cano swap Allah and Roopa me 3:16 crocoseum Assad uses 20 boron warner al-quran body beside guru baba very me mama : YT para $12 to decide but this time him dig tenet Elizabeth as apéro seconds dr. Acula Jordan dose idea today so karai eventually he to them he departed but he mentioned the sign of the prophet Jonah but in men to 16 did you see that he didn't explain whether that Jonah was three days and three nights in the fish the Son of man shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth and afterward he shall rise up again they also demanded a sign in John chapter 2 verse number 18 it is always about SR John chapter 2 verse number 18 then under the Jews and after Jesus attended that water into wine at Cana of Galilee yes what's uninsured and us seeing that thou doest it is the read again then under the Jews in said unto Him what sign shewest thou unto us seeing that thou doest these things what sign do you show us seeing that obtain the water into wine we want si quieren - Angelica a white chigan Samara by Mirage a tweetable as unit in Mogambo cylinder Chattanooga but as unit of Asia so which is of relative I was a boozer to receive a survey read again verse 8 then under under the Jews and said unto Him what sign shewest thou unto us seeing that doubt West these things Morocco he had attained water into wine at the marriage that happened in Cana of Galilee but they were not convinced they were asking for more miracles more science more wonders you do these things they were referring to that miracle is these things sheer joy data shown to them not the sign so what was the sign that he gave them jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up do you see how this sign is the same as the Jonah sign yes they journal science says Jonah was three days and three nights in the whales belly the son of many shall be in that of the eighth for three days and three nights that was designed this time he has changed his ways now he says destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up that's the sign the sign will not be given to you and to do something with you must destroy it and then our race that's design I am waiting for you if you destroy this temple then I'll give you the same three days time out good it again they didn't point to any temperature this one he said this temple his hands were down so they assumed that was talking about the tabernacle they were worshipping God in in Jerusalem yes then side the Jews forty and six years was this temple in beauty and wilt thou lay it up in three days what kind of preach are you this temple was built for 46 years by the whole nation and you are claiming that we can build it in three days Bassam Cordia couloir what was he talking about mister USA but his back of the temple of his port Clemens for Jesus now let's go to the book of John chapter 10 verse 24 then came the Jews round about him and said unto Him how long does thou make us to doubt if thou be the Christ tell us plainly yes jesus answered them I told you and he believed not yes the works that I do in my father's name they be a witness of me but he believed not because you are not of my sheep as I said unto you yes my sheep hear my voice yes I know them yes follow me yes and I give unto them eternal life yes and they shall never perish yes Mehta shall any man pluck them out of my hand yes my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's end yes I I and my father are one let's read verse number 8 together go I and my father are one right Reda state 1 then the Jews took up stones again to stone II what did they do how did Stephen die a beggar river buoy trade ljg body grow bugle gelada gravity Dharmaraja guys ever traveled college algebra kazoo quadruple tear his ever ago I paradise desert my management of bajalia when he said I and my father are one immediately they took up stones they tried to kill him yes jesus answered them many good works if I shoot you from My Father for which of those works do you stone me IDI time to talk to them while they were casting stones idiom while do it throwing stones he said I have gentleman with manuals unto you of which ones I used turning me you are stoning me for which ones of those works I walked on water I used your lap as I opened the eyes of your blind the dead I raised them to life I fed you with my miracles which one of my works are you stoning me for listen to how the answered him the Jews answered him saying for a good work we stone thee not but for blasphemy and because that being a man makest thyself God we are not stoning you for that bread that was good bread by the way you did you give us very good bread but because of what we said today we will kill you do you see that these ones were not pretty in their hearts yes they were cut to the heart so whenever you shared the word of Christ with anybody don't forget this there are two reactions cut to the heart or bridge in that this is the world that we live in so opposed to a boy in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 says for this gospel of the Cross is foolishness unto them that perish but unto us that believe it is the power of God the sign that Jesus was continuously promising that it was going to show them the sign of John it was the message of the cross Jesus was to die and after three days he was to resurrect again indicia it was to ascend back to heaven after those three days that was the sign of Jonah is Jonah was three days and three nights in the whales belly so shall the men of God be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth and after that he arises again so this was the sign of Jonah but the people did not like the sign of Jonah they had their own expectations of science look at me my brethren according to Stephen the people so great wonders but after that they obeyed not their lively Oracle's delivered unto them - through Moses from the angel Alleluia verse number 38 let's let's start from verse number 36 he brought them out after that he had showed wonders in science in the land of Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the olden days forty years this is not Moses we say unto the children of Israel a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall you hear this is he that was in the church and in the ordinance with the angel which spoke to him in mount sinai and with our fathers who received the lively Oracle's to give unto us to whom our fathers who do not obey but trust him for them and in their hearts tender back again into Egypt if you believe that there is a certain miracle that you can perform that shall bring people to repentance you are dreaming my beloved brothers and sisters that was a dream there is nobody under this Sun who shall perform miracles physical miracles miracles that physically impact on people's lives there is not going to be anybody who shall perform those miracles at the magnitude that Jesus our Lord did in the three years that he ministered to Israel nobody somebody said to me but Jesus said if you believe me we shall do more things that I've done and I said indeed he said that but he was not talking about the physical miracles we are talking about salvation the miracles that Jesus was talking about was salvation who was more people were going to repent it through the works of the ministers that are sent by Jesus than the people that he brought to God himself while he was alive when our Lord went back to heaven he only had less than six hundred disciples but one day when the Holy Spirit came Peter brought three thousand to the kingdom of God through the message that he preached when the Holy Spirit came down on the day of Pentecost those are the greater works that Jesus talked about he meant salvation to seen us if we believe in Christ many people are going to be brought to God than the people that he brought himself in the three years that he was in his flesh it was designed like that and when those many people come to God we don't get the credit because it is Jesus who opened people's hearts to repentance amen so he was talking about the greater works that he was going to do using us rather than the greater works that we are going to do for him we give no work that we can do for Jesus we can only be used as instruments in vessels by him Alleluia amen when people are moving with envy when people are cut to death when people have not been opened to believe this way instead of talking about the issues that are spoken of in the messages that we are preaching they will not talk about the message they will press new demands in those new demands fool you into thinking that if you meet those demands they are going to revenge know somebody will say no the Apostles message is good but why doesn't he build a bigger Church why can't they see that the change that is pitching from is now small and you say let's build a bigger Church maybe when we do so he will repent and when you do that because as you say no the church is good but the lighting is not very good when people don't believe they will continue to raise the new demands to confuse you into thinking that if I do this the O repent you know the only miracle that brings people to salvation the only one that the only sign that must lure people to Christ is not when the men of God walks on water it is not when the men of God slips in the air no it is not when angels are taking images of in the church during the service know if what Jesus accomplished for us at Calvary is not a greater miracle enough to convict you to salvation stay where you are Jesus does not want you cannot bow a go with General Charles Robert Oh Roger Roger a senator can as a cooperative qua synagogue wanna go to tenday okay huija to the Warner and receive our message become peruca listen a roko roko so rotten so listen Aotearoa Ramu so much rupanuga so listen they also vegetarian so listen a also much is destiny that's all mr. strengel they also a general a per capita or to panic damn of Bao diagonal ten dog Clarence a comedy carnival Rico we don't read pawns like you in this house and we want people are moved by the greatest miracle of all times Jesus Christ and him crucified yes that is the miracle my brother are not hearing it the Bible says to them that received him he gives them power to become sons of God it doesn't say power to roll on the change capital flow no power to buy Lamborghinis no power to marry beautiful wives who are now changing their complexion using drugs no and together universities divinely una vaca regard if F is a second second I've got a risk/reward a very boutique official campaign to podium cosmograd Quinta Lovaza a guru guru bleach appetite a break a break Africa's dark oh please I would veto guru canal moon illusion Santiago you choke immense [Applause] immense MCAS una volta Murano Penge Dada reso Kazuko una manera COPO dawn Capades Rocco SOS the goosey-gander s KU to reduce the ricotta beef in second to control well chuckles okay Nora juárez córdoba Saranga de drogas de sha Chi su batalla a very sobrevivir mihari Vacarro ha dar una mujer may you choke Iran that is he miracles my brother they don't bring people to Christ what brings people to Christ is the cross when Jesus then performs miracles I want you to see why he performs this miracles which we are saying they don't bring sinners to salvation yes Jesus performs miracles but these peoples for doing so is to not to convince people that they are seen as no if miracles were going to save people Jesus did a lot of miracles a lot of them Jesus walked on water Jesus rebuked the winds and people were surprised how is it that even wind listens to this man Jesus was transfigured and his face shined in the presence of everybody for the first time under the Sun the disciples had the voice of God it mount Olive's Lazarus was raised from the dead he changed water into wine the demoniac was delivered the woman with the issue of blood in a certain script I read you 14 the Bible says in you to all people who came with their sicknesses not some of them all of them but after all those miracles were performed people said let him die give us Barabbas that is our message we are going to talk about it very soon but why does he then perform miracles if they do not bring people to salvation mark chapter 16 verse 19 mark chapter 16 verse 19 so then after the Lord had spoken unto them what happened to the Lord he was received up into heaven Jesus went to heaven and set on the right hand he said on the right hand of God and they they went forth their posters went forth and preached everywhere there are posters every way and the Lord working with them and the Lord Jesus was working with them when they were preaching the way and confirming the word with signs following I mean what was the purpose of designs if we ran out of energy let's repeat it together what was the purpose of designs confirming the weight so can there be any use of miracles if they snowed miracles do not bring salvation to people Mirek was confirmed the weight saga the gospel is preached people believe the gospel that it is true and after they believe the message that it is true God then begins to perform to work miracles to the believers so that they may see that this gospel is true because it is being justified by the miracles who performs the miracles the Lord it was the Lord who was performing the miracles amongst the preachers of the gospel it was not the preachers who were performing the miracles another scripture is chapter 8 verse number 11 and 12 and to him Norman can perform a miracle but Jesus is the one who performs miracles using men and to him they regard because that of a long time he had bewitched them with the sorcerer is the Scriptures talking about Simon day but when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women they believed the preaching of Philip he was preaching about the kingdom in concerning Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women verse 13 together go then Simon himself believed also and when he was baptized he continued with Philip and one that rewarding the miracle in science which we turn you see now not the science and the miracles that Philip was doing no they were done it was the Lord doing those miracles in the presence of Philip who was the vessel that the Lord was using so if I pray for somebody and they get huge I cannot say I am the one who healed them that miracle can never be performed by a human being God is the one who uses men to perform a miracle a man of God is like an injection need to that the doctor or the nurse uses to give short of an injection to a patient when the patient is finally treated he cannot give credit to the injection needle he can only give credit to the doctor prescribed the midst of the medicine the drug that passed it through that needle they need to is not the one that heals but the medicine passes through the injection needle to go into the body of the patient that is the role of a preacher the role of a bridges like a cup an empty cup that somebody when they ask for they are given water in a cup the one who is thirsty is not drinking the cup is drinking the water in the car so the cup cannot take credit for the provision of the water but the one who owns both the water in the cup the water is the Word of God the cup is the preacher the one holding these two is Jesus Christ he has the title deed to both the preacher in the message therefore all the glory goes to Jesus let's go to our primary Skip Scripture remember we are going to do the communion of the Lord's Supper and we are also going to do that activity ministering to ministers Luke chapter 23 Luke chapter 23 Luke chapter 23 verse 13 so the brief history that I shall share with you in verse number one to 12 because we are starting from this state our Lord was arrested from the Guardian that was in the valley of the Kidron Valley and he was arrested by the Roman soldiers who were brought to the garden by Judas Iscariot in the chief priests the ones in charge of that operation was Jesus Christ our Lord was arrested on account of the Jewish customs and traditions and not on account of the Roman law so the ones were the custodians of those laws and traditions of the Jews were not Pilate in this judicial system but it was the chief priests the Sanhedrin the elders of Israel the Pharisees and the Sadducees the scribes and the lawyers after they arrested Jesus they took him to Pontius Pilate who was the governor of Judea Pontius Pilate referred them to erode it so happened by the plan of God that he rode the governor of Galilee was visiting Pontius Pilate history suggests that these guys were not seeing eye to eye for a long time and even in the scripture it is mentioned they became friends on account of the crucifixion of Jesus even they both way subordinates to Caesar but they were not the best of friends so eroded they come to conduct these government business with with Pontius Pilate Arad was the governor of God Allah our Lord Jesus Christ was from Galilee in the district of Nazareth so Pontius Pilate after receiving this prisoner he said yes you have arrested him in my jurisdiction but he belongs to the jurisdiction of a rod he is gelila so I cannot hear his charges when his governor is dead the good thing is a rod is here take him to his hotel so Jesus was taken to a road that same night and whenever he had the meta the allegations left for darkness Jesus by the leaders of the Jewish religion the Bible says it confides in us and says he was for a long time desiring to see Jesus or an account of the miracles that he was hearing Jesus performing but he didn't have time to meet with Jesus one-on-one but you all know Luke chapter 13 when that you came toward Jesus that the raid was planning to kill him there are so many things you can eliminate in two of em of them all at once let's leave them outside I'm just giving you a brief history so that we may understand why Jesus when he was pilots prisoner he ended up having to appear before a rod masoom waka battle WA cool Jerusalem ah a kangaroo precipitous dgn appear at Patoka Mucha agua que Correa grafanello commissioned waka by coincidence rapido Jerusalem random Sangha Rovin appear at Saqqara is my road could indicate Rangga Jason is now moving on a road to heaven is Aaron and Andrew Nason I reckon to be aluminum to zum wohl abattoir Guang but no more in Guangdong when they rode ahead the meta he said I don't see any evidence on these allegations that suggests that this man is worthy to die take him back to Pilate and tow him is well vested in the Jewish customs more than me gave this mate operating in his jurisdiction late in the end of this matter I want to rest so Jesus was brought back to Pontius Pilate the second time from the Garden of Gethsemane he came he was brought to Pilate Pilate referred him to a road a road ahead is made he fed him back to Pilate so in verse number 13 our Lord is now baked before Pontius Pilate this Namit 18 in the pilot when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people said unto them ye have brought this man unto me as one that pivotable people you said this man is causing sedition in this nation is the malefactor he is a ringleader of a violent group which is the sowing seeds of dissension against this government because in order for them the Jews to get the attention of Pontius Pilate in this matter they knew the moment they continued to talk about religious issues Pilate rude to say I am NOT a Jew I don't care about the Jewish laws if this man had committed a criminal offense according to the Roman law then out here so when they brought him before Pilate they made sure that the old they don't only talk about alicia's offenses they also talked about political offenses they said this man he does encouraging people not to pay their taxes to Caesar he is leading people astray he is causing disorder so Jesus was a possible arrested on account of posa public order and security act Haruko and risen from Kampong second a neuromodulator cooperative as possible at rosa politics da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da go to a funeral tomorrow ma Cottage SR Gutierrez iike alvarez para tengo da da da da da da pedra in is a giant pinte tonometer de una Gorra Mikado sugandha many symptom of aroma well a Judah and Nimbus RMT Moses they had to find criminal issues to raise aganist Jesus in order for Pilate to hear and to preside over this trial yes quiet and behold I having examined him before you have found no fault in this man touching those things well off you accuse you when I examined Jesus look I found no fault in this man touching those allegations every algorithm he is innocent according to the Roman law if a judge authorized by Caesar to hear the trial declares that that person has not been satisfactorily accused there is not enough evidence that suggests that he actually committed the offenses that are raised in the allegations the law the Roman law said the judge is allowed authorized by the executive powers placed upon him by the emperor of Rome to declare that person innocent in therefore he should be lived in go free and the law also said the Roman law the pagan Roman law it also said that if people bring a false accusation against somebody and the judge establishes that these accusations are false he might warn those bringing false accusations that they may not do it to us they are going to kill somebody for nothing or you can actually punish those false accusers and he was also authorized to number one warned them not to do anything to that person or give that person security guards to protect him until they are satisfied is no longer under a threat so everything established that Jesus was innocent as he testifies in Luke 3:23 verse fourteen Pilate was suppose one day Jews let this man go I do not read any nonsense that he has lost even a wonderful equal vision from his head everybody feared the Roman army nobody was ever got go against that instruction or it could have imprisoned those chief priests for every a false accusation that would amount to death of an innocent visit or he could Jesus soldiers to protect him as he walks free all those options were available to Pontius Pilate but he took none of these three he simply said I don't see 14 this man touching those things about which you accuse him let's see of his 15 no no yet I wrote for I sent you to him and lo nothing wet of tape is he has also aired these accusations he asked that you present to evidence and you failed so it was not only pilot who saw that Jesus was innocent if any rod had seen the innocence of our Lord regarding the issues that they accused him of they arrested him for these issues but they could not judge Jesus because they had no right to do so remember Israel was now a Roman : they had to bring Jesus to Pontius Pilate all through a road outside these two guys there is no way they can accuse Jesus anybody who kills without the authority of the Romans you were going to die that very week Saka genso Antoine hakuna pirate chickens I knew Rama Hari I'll pick you so many appears yeah okay sir but he noticed even with James grant z3z open is our concern well in fact about Thursday Shinohara munawwara mob began available jig WA kenapa mirror neurons via con el chapo a humba humba socket upon our humble cigars antenna I wrote a communication was resumed by the Ruach an automatic way Jerry butanol a vacancy October agua de devolver Guerrero por semana de ja vu and our guitar would rattle we will tape oh no evidence Raja yoga Laguna pellet on I am governor Bruton aids intervals between tsukumo petrol in a peanut so Pilate and Herod Kincaid that Jesus was innocent yes I would therefore chastise him and Elysium now as a governor I now have decided to beat him up and listen for the isvalid barratto's I am sure Garuda why would you want to challenge them why do you have found no fault about originally yes we like to wonder if Moses got a viola but this is Omaha kombucha kokum dinde calamity del hombre Kyra Apollo go to brother Abel bomb Garuda Purana roar deanandmichelle finally with alphabet and it's emerged in our visa category needs with upon emotions hoc upon emotion I think Amur ipad2 Kamala Sokka I can move away Ida Grove awakened as an emotion go engage even for me rainbows let's clap hands for him the reason why pilot decided to beat up Jesus even though he had found him innocent it was because of the crowds because is the political leader I would want your subjects to vote for you to like you and to speak good about you to the great emperor of Rome was the Emperor was sending spies to find out how their governors were doing and if they do the complaining about the Pontius Pilate he would actually recurse him and say come back I will give another governor to the province of Judea so Pontius Pilate wanted this job he didn't want these Jesus case to put him at loggerheads with his boss I will beat him up and I or lycium I have not any thought on him he is not wealthy of any punishment but because you are angry understand I beat him up for you doc Rivera Dom Brigades estamos hablando en su donna eacho quad mosa Aparna Chander go to mama Rivera emails and reporter digital camera who goes over damage in deeper yes four of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast aha this was the Feast of the Passover and there was a culture that Jesus that Pilate at every Passover he releases one prisoner of those two prisoners reggaeton Samoan IND what is the title for our message but why it was not out of his own choice it was often assess it it was a tradition it was a custom it was a known we have got to this one prisoner out of two so what happened then and they cried out all at once saying away with this man and release and us Barabbas release unto us Barabbas hallelujah I mean let's say Barabbas by do I the word Barabbas is made up of two Hebrew root words ba ba ara and Abbas a da ba ba s the way di ba is a Hebrew word which means son of Abbas is a Hebrew word which means father so Barrabas in essence is known as son of father and Jesus was also the son of the father yes so the presentation of Barabbas at this point is not just a presentation of another ordinary criminal no you shall see who Barabbas is but not let's not forget that there is a need for Pilate to release one prisoner to them let's all say to them to them now read again verse 18 for of necessity he must listen 18 and they crowd they cried out or it one's saying away with this man in the release and us Barabbas now let's write these words under Jesus let's write this man under Jesus list right away and a Barrabas less right release and to us right can you go back to verse 16 I would therefore chastise him and release him yes for of necessity he must be released one unto them at the feast now under Barnabas Barabbas again less write unto them let's also write he must he must release no III don't know I don't know I don't know whether we are together No he must release unto them so Pontius Pilate let me have Pontius Pilate here and let me have Barabbas and Jesus let me have one person with two empty bottles two containers or let me have three people then I want three people who are presented in a very different way you know you can't let one of you come how can you be dressing the same way when one is Barabbas it one is Jesus do you think Barabbas or Jesus will be dressing the same way so this is Pontius Pilate and these are the people who would you want to be Jesus what of this - who should be Jesus this one so this is Jesus this is wearing a black shirt let's say is Barabbas and this is Pilate the Bible gives us details of so many people that have switched rows in a drama to show us good things that we took up in the Bible there are human beings which the Bible which God used to depict God himself to depict Jesus Christ to depict the devil to depict other people human beings that God has used to depict God the Almighty if you go to the book of 1st Samuel chapter 9 verse 1 it introduces a Kish and is assigned so if you look carefully at the manner in which that scripture is written you will see that Kish was presented in the Bible as a type of God and the soul was presented as a type of Christ as disobedient as even proved to be but the manner in which he is introduced in the preliminary stages of that chapter is presented as a type of Christ now there was a man of Benjamin whose name was the son of IBEW the son of Zira the son of baccarat the son of Apia Benjamite a mighty man of power and here the son whose name was so a choice young man and a goodly and there was not among the children of Israel a goodly a person than he from his shoulders an upward he was higher than any of the people history and the aces of King Saul's father was lost we're lost in the key said to saw his son take now one of the servants with thee in our eyes go seek the ASIS Kish was the type of God in the soul was the choice young man the son of the king Kish Kish who was a mighty man of power representing the Almighty God He is God His Son Jesus Christ who is a choice son of God there is no one like Jesus in all the earth that's how so is presented in verse number two the Bible says in verse number two give us is number two and he had a son whose name was so a choice young men and a goodly and there was not among the children of Israel a goodly a person than ye thank you there was not among the children of Israel amen good Leah and so that was an image of Christ so when we say Kish was a type of God we are not saying Gish is God we are saying he played in a drama a role that belongs to God only a fool will be confused by that so he will then understand that in this message where we have Pontius Pilate who is supposed according to the custom according to the law according to the traditions of their society he must release one of these two prisoners free not to his family Pontius Pilate but to them you see so the Bible says in Luke chapter 23 verse number 17 a form of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast he cannot give both unto them he must release all men unto them one of these two Alleluia remain it is of necessity so you are going to see that in this message Pontius Pilate is playing the role of God and the people of Israel who are paying for the Lord Jesus blood they represent the people of the whole world and God has got these two princes Jesus Christ the Prince of life and that therefore the Prince of this world and according to his doctrine he must release one and to the world to everybody who has been created by God God must release one and to you inside a gives you to Jesus Christ or he gives you alpha - Barabbas remember we said Barabbas means the son of the Father you are going to see very soon why we said he represents the devil Jesus Christ does not represent him anybody else he represents himself he has always been himself he represents nobody but Barabbas represented brah elusive is it true that Jesus is the Prince of life and the devil is the prince of this world as I chapter 9 verse 6 follow us yes a child is born a child is born and as a son is given yes and the government shall be upon his short yes and his name shall be called wonderful yes counselor yes they might go yes the everlasting father is the Prince of Peace Jesus is the Prince of Peace okay let's read John chapter 14 verse state so there is the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ and who is that therefore now represented by Barabbas in this Pontius Pilate Debbie Cole crisis Jesus says in John 14 verse state hereafter I will not talk much with you for the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me yes so you see that these two do not come to one person at the same time now Jesus in John chapter 8 let's go to John chapter 8 verse 42 in John chapter 8 verse 42 he qualifies people into two categories there is a category which he says belongs to him a category of people belonging to Christ and then there is another category of people whom he said they belong to the devil and I didn't know that there are people who belong to the devil in this world and dude a lot opened my eyes to scripture according to Jesus in this world they are people who are children of the devil Johnny Dickens they usually say to them there were brood of vipers and in verse 23 Jesus led board the Pharisees and the scribes that they were generation of serpents I thought that he was only angry I didn't believe that people are actually a team that belongs to Barabbas Temodar now we want to pay particular attention to this passage because it is going to also help us to see why we are saying the presentation of Barabbas in Luke 23 is there to show us the devil there is a clue in that passage Luke chapter 8 verse 42 Jesus start from this foot one will do the deeds of your father Jesus say to the Jews you do the deeds of your father then said they saw him they said what we we be not born of fornication we have one father even court jesus said to the Jews you don't believe my weight because you believe you you do the works of your father they said we are not best at the children we have one father young men our Father is one and his name is God the Jews claimed that God was their father I wish you a so many people today I'm making the same claim see when I'm worried worried see one wrong word macho da Torah now another poem Arjuna Jesu later on a while much money get through our Avago imagine I wanna try JT neuropathy very claims that day yet God is their father weighs 42 jesus said unto jesus answered them well they truly God's children if God we're your father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of myself but he sent me so in other words you align cord is not your father if God was your father you'd have received me for I proceeded it came out from God I do not come by my own way he is the one who said so if you belong to God you don't hate Jesus who came after God sent him no yes verse number 43 why do you not understand my speech yes even because you cannot hear my way you don't hear my Simmons you don't understand preaching yes you are of your father the devil ah in the blood Amana food ever said ask your neighbor do you believe that they dip with your father to such a level that instead of you pray our Father which art in heaven you should be saying our Father which is in the underworld that's where the devil is now if it was opposed to ago we had said this way people to say is just enjoying insulting other people but this is Jesus you are of your father the devil now I want you to hear why he says that therefore was their father can you stand aside a little bit I want us to see the screen there read again verse 44 you are of your father the devil yes and the blood of your father you will do that therefore is a man of lust the reason why you are being haunted by last it is because it is the seed which you have received from your father so everybody who comes to church with alas that you want to recommend that is another sign that the devil is your father last it does not originate from God it is a gift from the devil yes Vanessa Vanessa Warner Hunan Inori Shiva who the opposite vago good Vanessa Vanessa corner Shiva so this is one sign that your father is the devil is not God last yes he was a murderer from the beginning who was the devil from the beginning I made up the divorce watch and madam yes never stop the killing the devil is a matter from the beginning yes and abode not in the truth now we could be writing about the devil you know we could to say last we would to say murder we could talk about a vision of truth he abides not in truth there is no truth in the devil yes when he speaketh a lie when the devil deceives his picket of his own his wicked his own product for he is a liar the devil is a liar and the father of it and the manufacturer of Lies so we are going to define here Barabbas as a type of the devil and we are going to prove that with John chapter 8 verse 44 truly speaking Barabbas is the devil you can also read John chapter 10 verse 9 in 10 but you are not going to read that continue up to verse 47 George up to 8 and because I tell you the truth you believe me not yes which of you convinces me of thing and if I say the truth why do you not believe me if I can't you repent did you see that yes if my message is a true message why are you not repenting listen to verse 47 he that is of God heareth God's God's ways you therefore hear them not because you are not of Court Clerval for Jesus why do gray not hear the word of God what somebody's very confident happy no pass why do they not hear the word of God because they are not of God if they are not of God who are they of the devil the devil is their word father their father so remember we say the miracles do not convert people to salvation but they cross message the message of the Cross the message of the Calvary cross not in the cross not that rosary clothes no the Calvary cross we have to be very clear sometimes you know I know gotta be changing location Horatio got a message mg1 open is that then I thought we partied not every cross to him there are so many crosses around if we recover it there were three crosses but only one can give salvation yes the one at the center no convict mr. Pontius Pilatus a so we now know that gorgeous children in the only way we can know that you are of God it is when you hear the word of God he that is of God he is the word of God you do not hear the word of God for this reason you are not of God perhaps somebody may say I know I don't believe it that is not true give us Johnny chapter 10 verse 25 we want to read that Scripture in the early stages of this message we need it again jesus answered them I told you and you believe not the works that I do in my father's name they bear witness of me but if you believe not but you believe not because you are not off my ship as I said unto you my ship hear my voice and I know them and they follow me so the gospel does not lower people to eat the gospel does not persuade people to repent the goal sport does not entice you to come to it the equation of the gospel is Jesus is a shepherd he is a shepherd to his own ship is not a lonely shepherd looking for sheep to adopt he is already a shepherd who knows his sheep so when he calls out his sheep know his voice so the reason why you don't hear this message sounding well into your ears you are not in ship if you were is ship you would quickly respond to this message and man he would not find a problem with this gospel there isn't why you don't hear his voice you are not part of his ship my ship hear my voice and I know them and they follow me an emergency my Kumu Tamara Maguire and Rosie my voice remover - ow that's why boy important Dyneema waited 18 - anima patent on to animate sotto tempo di tenda but depending which are imagined Rosa codependency medicine iguana dissociation or even amar a cinema Zuma directed at my youtube knockity-knock for an epic gwampa negativism for Nagant was referred to on the straightaway and to Panetta invoice theorem footwork with I thought the police was on but this is my shepherd Colin and to me I imagine to come to my shepherd yes you heard the voice of your Shepherd when you are just walking around in town and inside you it break your heart remember it did you cut your heart we all know what happens when your heart is cut but when it brings your heart youko and it is born to the call of your master you match to your Shepherd so we are not going to persuade due to repentance if you find this message offensive if it smells the father to you well so be it let's see what apostle paul says about how people listen to this message different groups of people those that are cut to the heart they are going to eat to their destruction those that are preached in the ads they hate their salvation second Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 that's what we do here we always open scriptures we don't just preach from what we think the message is scripture Center now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ and make it manifested there good to smell of his knowledge by us in every place 15 for we are unto God a sweet smell of Christ I am replacing the way the server all the time trying to use the contemporary wait for the way the server it is me okay Otto for we aren't God a switch Otto of Christ in them that are saved and in them that perish verse 16 to the one we are a self of death unto death and to the other the smell of life and to life and who is sufficient for these things verse 18 for we are not as many which corrupt verse 17 for we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God but as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ so if you are one of the children of the devil when the message is breed it is a self of death unto death but if you are part of the elect of God written in the book of life from the foundation of the world the Word of God is a smell of life unto life two different sensations two different descriptions of one message to the vessels of ready created for destruction it is a bad smelling gospel of death unto death those are the people who say false gospel liar hypocrite prove it with the scripture you can't find them anyway they are quick to condemn even when they have not really had what the message is say hallelujah amen sock Evangel kinetically Teresa da gotta repeat from this fortune to v70 well as always know that at a time when we are expecting other people to sense a smell of life unto life they may sense a smell of death and today the same message some are cut to that summer pricked in the earth read again now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place yes for we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved yes and in them that perish yes to the to the one we are the server of death and today to other people the gospel is a gospel of death unto death and to the other the savour of life unto life to other people the gospel smells life unto life and who is sufficient sufficient for disease yes for we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God we preach we are we are very honest the one who is called us we don't corrupt the Word of God the achievement is very bored yes we don't corrupt the Word of God hallelujah amen but what but as of sincerity but of is of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ we sincerely preach this gospel of God unto you in Christ they must be an element of sincerity in the preacher the preacher must fully believe what is bridging the bridge a massive bridge with a clear conscience toward God who has given in this assignment the bridge I cannot come to bridge within out Ilia motive in his art that at the end of the service he has got a target of a certain amount of me that the intends to get from those that is bridging to he is not a sincere when he does that he must bridge with the sincerity before God in Christ but the message remains a two-dimensional message to the ship it is a server of life and to life to the gods it is a saver of death and to death the Jews took up stones to kill him but it then says to him to them you don't receive my ready for this reason you are of your father the devil he was a murderer from the beginning when he a message like this what settles into your heart what comes into your mind what next move are you inspired to take the alert in accepted to verse 37 to 39 they were pretty to the art to repentance they got saved the arrogant is used in Chapter seven they were cut to the art they determined in their hearts today is the last day that Stephen should live in this world we will surely kill him what comes into your mind when you hear this message are you provoked to bring up those excuse that you used to have before you know how to kill you know how to harm the men of God or when the message comes to you like this you are convicted that this is my shepherd calling me I can hear the voice of my master let me come to Jesus I can no longer continue to be deceived by the evil one when the Lord has reached out to me with this message what comes into your mind when such a message comes into heart let's go back to the Book of Luke chapter 20 23 let's go to verse 18 so there are two issues here according to verse number 17 he was supposed to release and to them one prisoner of this - and when they said Pilate said I want to beat him up and release them - you listen to what they said in verse 18 and they cried out all at once saying away with this man and release and us Barnabas did you hear that he said I will beat him up and release him unto you he is innocent he is just a man who has not committed any crime to you they said no away with this man release and to us according to the demand of the law criminal procedure and evidence act judge violated concluded that Jesus is not worthy to die there has not been evidence enough provided that he should be convicted of these crimes but he wanted to bliss them what kind of a judge is Pilate Owen ears finally made his own assertions on a criminal case he then inquires from the complainant what to do with the accused mutiny a notable Tahoe Tonga yaaaaa prosecutor ff8 macros examinations Iowa Mouton karate - a mimosa mimosa wa barakatahu Mendes da américa de la plan to us a situation which we need to explain this afternoon a judge is not allowed to ask the complainant what to do with the case he must make a determination basing on the merits the evidence that has been provided before him by the plaintiff as well as the Prosecuting Authority violated concluded that Jesus was innocent there was no need for him to consult the Jews you are a galvanometer pilot to say why are you asking the complainant what to do with [Music] duty to so cuckoo cuckoo Haman do rhadigan dianna Nora ooh once the mic wants to explain what I've just said what was wrong in the verity that the pilot gives concerning this trial you want to try give that one give that brother over de otro en carrozza a note on importance of an emotion an event among our Tottenham's ostentatious Agumon Montenegro Tom irrigator Hammoud yes but what if I just said maava guitarra cootie after pilot a una cottages Angus in emotion a kazoo funda vibe America stretches in a avec crocheteras apart mo ja ja vu midweek Avanza Bob Palombo language Vanguard premiering soon WA as an final 100 Shoku pom Poko for evidence they are poor cycles in wrong a very pilot august 9 ET ago funda could you Toto meet a scene yes legally pilot was not supposed to ask or to consult the Jews I will beat him up and release him to you they said away with you we don't take a seat very very much about their agenda now I'm going to ask you this question but I simply going to ask you to try and explain then why did you ask the Jews why did he consult with them that he was going to beat Jesus up and Elysium if the law does not allow pilot to consult them why it's an appellate lunacy REE are cutanea a Pizza Hut Romania an Amanda Teague release a monsoon WA but cantata with a miju's tteona are Mutunga Miri are who told archicad the judges at this point was adjudicated over this matter as a judge yes yes select one arm to come here who tongue action ours or one economist object sake a category would have please it my subjects okay popcorns out but over Ali enough on a Garmin and England if I now say okay take a seat wants to say something else we have not yet gotten the point there is a point that I want to throw from you guys now give that one they save new faces the law does not allow pilot to ask the complainant on what a verdict to give in this matter he simply suppose with the evidence that is before him but was consulted them yes say what can you say finally - of wounds are no so that Jesus is the limp - on Gary Cooper you are not Aramis machaca epigenetically Park so it was the people's Liberty as a pure weapon by revenue could walk another Rama Sakura internal generator right that was a revelation I want us to do with the technical issues that are attained in this mate let's leave the revelation outside yes Baba said any on that pilot was playing the role of God yes that's why 53 verse 4 said he was meeting of afflicted of God yes so Pilate was playing a row of court that was going to be speaking before court Christ was supposed to be smitten before God okay I like that very sound what I'm still looking for something I've been good in what I want the sound that I want give those that are lifting up there is the microphone I think he pilots fear the defiance of these Jews because they were so so mean it's like to us going to he was going to have a political revolt so that's why when he judged Jesus he then asked what can I do with this mean they say I would I with him okay I like it as well but I still we have not found what I'm looking for well Linga tea on a pilot when you're looking at palette are ITIN the Maroma and then these guys work with energy so any issue here Peter with the doctrine so now when just who after up are convey Jorgensen or this guy an emotion yet pilot politically are good at the supporter of these Jews so now he's now asking these guys so it is one who was somebody wants to maintain his relationship he wants to maintain good relationship but I have not yet found what I want to bring let's save a lady now let's hear mama Indian mama Davis who speak as well yes according to their Lord Jesus he had no case to aunt but since it is the Jews we add protein to it we had brought him to we had brought them to him yeah he wanted to it's like he gave him back to the youth both it is they use way we had a case with with Jesus the trial was sort of true just to to please or to make them be certified that the governess than something but he knew that the case was with the Jews not with the Roman Road alright reduce it mama I like that but my road that is needed to come out yes mama give mama D which one between Barabbas and Jesus this little boy that is the answer we need to contribute money to buy a crate of eggs now ba bamp of it was of necessity that violet was to release one prisoner and to them so if he was to release Jesus he was not supposed to release Jesus so that he can justified somewhere to go the prisoner who was to be released was to be released unto them so the Jews were the ones who were going to make a choice which prisoner of those do to receive la Reed will be 16 again I hotel for justice him and release him yes for of necessity master least one unto them yes 50 unto them let's all say unto them unto them this is the point misawa's adorama palaver avocado ozrover tubs logical our ghetto anger aggregate vegeta Kivar Segawa judicata true darling the aromas that would be one filler to an open up russia worship energies but our group Americans akuto reversing god did you see that now the police now was supposed to be released and to them so Pilate the saint now there is no case this guy is innocent but I've got this other one now but the problem is I can't give you one prisoner whom you don't want I have to give you the prisoner whom we want this a twist this is 18 and they cried out or at once saying away with this man and release and us Barabbas release unto us Barabbas violet is not the one who is making the choice the choice is coming from the Jews so now Tanveer atacama chile para para tirar kids were all occupied Jude the water purveyor was paralyzed when suavo it is there a location Jesus the Prince of life Barabbas representing the metal the prince of this world people chose Barabbas they denied the giver of life before Pontius Pilate in the presence of everybody verse number 19 who from a certain sedition met in the city and for murder was cast into prison who was cast into prison for mega Barabbas was Jesus cast into prison for murder no do you see a similarity ba-ba-ba-ba-bom ofoma with Wilbur Abbas and the devil Cinderella a similarity and in this case we are also informed realtor that Barabbas has been thrown into prison void so look at this - Jesus has been declared innocent but Barabbas has been convicted by the same Pilate give us Jude verse number seven we want to see how that the devil himself is in prison as well the same way Barabbas was in Breezy even a Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication yes and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the Vengeance of eternal fire yes likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh okay give us with number five I would therefore put you in remembrance though you want notice how that the Lord having served the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not six and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation yet reserved in everlasting chains under darkness and with the judgment of the great day Clemens for Jesus was it not the devil and his angels well they are they in any chains under darkness unto judgment of the great day where was Barabbas taken from from prison do we not know about Revelation chapter 20 where the Deaf was released from the bottomless pit for 1000 years we all know that right we are not going to read the scripture again Barabbas was released from prison look at me Barabbas was a relief released from prison where he was facing a jail sentence commensurate with the crimes that he'd actually commit has been convicted off but when Jesus was to appear in the stand trial before Pontius Pilate Barabbas was taken out of prison and a paper bag to Pontius Pilate to release him unto them do you not see the image of the Antichrist who was sinner rising from the sea and people saying give us the message of the Antichrist we don't want to hear about your Jesus verse number 19 Luke 23 who for a certain sedition Barabbas was for sedition for disorder and violence mental disorder and for murder he was also arrested for killing people was cast into prison he was cast into prison yes Pilate therefore willing to release Jesus speak again to them Pilate was willing to release Jesus do you see how Pilate is insisting on releasing Jesus yes that insistent was a godly insistence he has insisted from time immemorial received the word of salvation which you can only obtain through Christ he is willing to release Christ and to you grab a sheet - - carry a crystal ponies way he is willing to release Jesus and to the people yes yes but they cried saying crucify him crucify him and he said unto them the third time Why What evil it done did you listen to that pilot was confused why are you so thankful to this guy why do you have a serious grudge against this man why do you hate him so much what evil is he done Bernard Osaka Museum in suburban both good Barrabas Pilate was very damned found it was puzzled you were surprised this Barabbas has made that your own relatives you brought him to me i convicted him i shat him up in the prison cell but because I have brought the Jesus that you loved so much you are now have forgotten all the evil things that Barabbas has done to you before you are willing to receive Barabbas why why are people willing to deceive the devil when Jesus has been presented to them innocent and righteous and holy and and gracious Aziz he died for our sins hallelujah amen but why corpsman Jason de Muro Muro Muro Catalan Parliament calculations Kedavra fibrous we are GU Teresa come om come I would be like warning crocodile Makati nitrogen common name of Oscar animal will we tell you some ice cream my guru very promising nagisa da musica Kivar I'm an average eight I was go rom-com no Kabir American Woodcock we're gonna get some corn dr. Ruggiero Astana Marco we're dead debate Guti the baby booties Daisy come on come on come on ask your neighbor [Music] Katanga renewed or you've made one is not my channel was ago Charles Warner related relational Cheng hua there are times when money will not address life Perodua moon passing Ashanti ma remove pain Suns a garage my what if we has redone I have found no cause of death in him I would therefore beat him up and let him go how many times has pilot determined to let Jesus go how many times now three times three x c- umarete kita tomorrow Gaza in Darla what is wrong with you what is wrong with this this generation people are willing to die for an ordinary mortal men an ordinary woman speak like a misogynist even in a bus no but you address you but mention the names of rags and bones they would tell you say it again ba ba-da-da karate [Music] Baraka changa Bob atomic and even Ora Jessica Revere apakah vari Ivana Bassanio what is wrong with this generation it is a wise situation yes it is a y situation people are grading Barrabas they met Daraa the move of sedition is going to the people and Jesus remains on his own at the cross that is why when he rose from the dead he did not go back to the streets of Israel check your Bible very well from the day our Lord began to preach and to the day that he died at the cover he would go into the temple into the synagogue along the streets preaching his message but when he rose from the dead not even one other time does he go to these Jews to preach to them after he rose from the dead he exclusively appeared unto the disciples who he had believed this message prior to his death yes because when he rose from the dead he knew they Jews are now a people that belong to our Barabbas they have gotten the allocation God is going to give people either to Christ or to the devil that's why in John 17 verse number 103 he lifted up his voice and Brayden - Gordon said further they always come glorify thy son so that they signed me glorify thee as thou has given him power over all flesh tima give eternal life to as many as thou is given him that he should give eternal life to as many as thou he has to given to him I've manifested thy name and to the people that thou has given me that v6 to verse number nine they will die and thou givest than me the people that Jesus is they don't belong to him he received them from God so they belong to God they are people that belong to God they are God's people so Pilate is the one who is in the business of distributing people unto these two prisoners yes Amen you are not a theory now let us see here what happens to the Apostles the disciples Pilate gave the people of Israel they give whom they give whom let's go to Mira 27 we want to see what they opposed to God Alleluia amen yeeessss verse number 57 when the evening was come there came a rich man of Arimathea named Joseph who also himself was a Jesus disciple who was Joseph of Arimathea he went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered and when Joseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb which he had hewn out in the rock and he wrote the great stone to the door of the sepulchre and departed Alleluia amen and the disciples went to that same Polka they did that from the dead which was the third day when Jesus was crucified Joseph went to beg pilot give me Jesus yes because Jesus who saves is not the Jesus who has not yet died the Jesus who saves is there is erected Jesus it is the exalted the glorified Christ so the reason why Joseph of Arimathea and the legs of Peter to Jesus after he died they were actually helping us understand how we can preserve Jesus can only serve after he has died for his people so Joseph of Arimathea was there when Jesus was being denied by the Jews he was there he was there when Jesus was being crucified he did not beg for his boat but after Jesus had died Ethan came to just American said deeper you determine others are saying away with him another one he say give me this man I want him clapping for Jesus was shaman shaman Guarneri my pokemon verde now could even rode away with him away with this man and they say joseph of arimathea time who go to Pilate and said may we a vm please Thibodeau anteater Matara projeto de pecho no tofu dango yesterday dear I am a mom and a Ramudu a new routine Raghav r1m fumo debate currently denied animu in Whakatane ropa people : tonight yes cinema Navajo shaman casita chromosome Taurus Rama Vanga una belong at which group astral Impa - which group do you belong a Chimaera personal anger rocket away with him but the 'aka yock attire car 9 a movie Shinda pie al mukarrama Guba the day he rose from the dead he went to appear to the disciples who were in Galilee and he entered into the door which was closed he said peace unto you even the Thomas who was not believing he is the de Carmindy see their marks where the nails went through the time I was being crucified he appeared to the elect only the chosen ones are the ones who encountered the resurrected and the glorified Christ he said to Mary Magdalene go and say to my disciples in 2 Peter I go before you and to Galilee I will meet with you there that other time he appeared only to two people who were coming from Jerusalem to Emmaus Klopas and his friend those are the only people thank you my little intricacies those are the only people who met with Jesus after he was glorified after it resurrected from the dead but the people of Israel they said away with this man we don't want him crucify him crucify him and Pilate did what verse number 20 Luke 23 Pilate therefore willing to release Jesus speak again to them but they cried saying crucify him crucify him and he said unto them the third time why what if he done I have found no cause of death in him I would therefore chastise him and let him go and they were instant with loud voices requiring that he might be crucified and the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed and and Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required and he released under the name that was said for sedition and murder was cast into prison boom-de-ay desert but he delivered Jesus to their will thank you Pilate remains with this question but why else chapter 3 verse 14 X chapter 3 verse 14 but he denied the only one invisible cough and when Peter saw it he answered under the people human of Israel will marvel at this while look ye so earnestly on us as though by our own power Alina's we made this meant work he was affirmed that men who used to sit by the beautiful gate whom the Lord has used him to you and he was healed in verse 13 he says the God of Abraham and Isaac and of Jacob the god of Our Fathers glorified His Son Jesus whom you delivered up and denied him in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let him go Peter after Jesus was glorified he reminds the Jews you desired that the Christ should be put to death even when Pilate a stranger from us was determined to let him go but you denied the Holy One and the just and desired a murderer to be granted unto you people are resisting Jesus to receive a medal now for some time I was considering whether Pilate was really determined to let him go or he was just playing lip service if he really wanted to let Jesus go according to the law he could have let him go but this tradition of one prisoner to be released it limited his maneuvers he could not violate that tradition if he was to release one prisoner he was going to release that prisoner to them so it was going to depend on what they are going to or willing to willing to receive they were not willing to receive Jesus they were willing to receive a medal and therefore he could not do anything but to satisfy their will but let's look at this when we read chapter 16 we're that in verse 14 and 15 after the message was preached to men women who were interred here lived at the seller of purple robes is the one who heard the word and the Lord opened her heart to receive the words that Paul was preaching and she was baptized which means of all these Jews who said away with this man referring to Jesus the reason why they rejected Jesus and desired Amida the Lord had not opened their hearts to receive Jesus to accept the message of Christ to acknowledge the message of Christ to identify with the doulton of Christ it is in their in their design and not in their will a real this so this pilot Barabbas Jesus typical is there to show us that no matter how much you reason whether or not you are going to believe the word of Christ or you are going to not to believe it it does not rest on you that choice is not yours that choice was made in your design before you were born the Lord designed your heart this one receives Barrabas bills one receives Christ you are a fitted vessel either for salvation or for destruction that is the answer why why are you resisting Christ why are you denying the only one it they just one into desire in madera why why are you desiring a major that he may be granted unto you the word grant is that once you get it you will not lose it so God has granted you to the devil the devil will not lose you you are a god that it belongs to the devil and the devil bridge is the same message that Christ is breaching I am a good Godhead by God hear my voice deliver food see a boozy thomasgillam did not receive your money they're going to say I receive Gloversville Jesus Jesus says I'm a Good Shepherd my sheep hear my voice the devil says I'm a good good head by God hear my voice when they say this is a husband they say Gordeeva the Godhead ashtag the devil quoted there go dear dad the aggressor is now to whom do you belong do you belong to the Godhead Barrabas de madera the mover of sedition do you know what the dgeni means sedition simply means confusion commotion disorder virulence and set orderly probate life you are not centered if you are in the ends of a move of sedition you jump like a goat from one place to another those who evaded gods they know is difficult to spend the whole day with your gods even when you find a very green pasture for them they don't graze in one place they graze here and the grace after five meters he would be always on the move that's why in one year he have attended the seven churches you are God only a ship is stable you can spend the whole day lying down ship do not usually easily go astray and you know what when you are eating God's you are driving them from behind them when you're editing ship you are leading them from in front of them do you know that Colonel diffusion Buddha which caralluma kilowatts curfew tomorrow no Gorgon Barry McGuire food when a monogamous you know guru Barry Wow sheep you followed their Shepherd gods run away from the head that's why the men of God always threatens you with the cases and demons in order for him to get money from you you don't follow you are driven much Kyle I receive food herbicide bhagavad Java suppose a God is presenting Christ India's also allowed the devil to present his own message they design that is in you if you are created for salvation when God preaches the message of Christ you will come to Christ if you are not designed for salvation when the message of the Antichrist is delivered you will come to the devil it is as simple as that and when when Pilate asked why that is the same question we have today it is a miracle for somebody to continue to go to the oil after hearing a message like this it is a wonder good high or tender go towards wofully regatta in Darla's the same thing that happened before Pilate Pilate spoke to them I've examined this man Herod has looked into these issues that you are raising against this man after careful examination of all the pieces of evidence all the relevant forms I have looked into them I have concluded Jesus is righteous when Pilate declared Jesus innocent that was God declaring Christ that is righteous when you believe in Christ your sins will be forgiven that is the declaration from God Jesus is your Savior he is the one who fulfilled all the law and through his life and death and resurrection if we believe in his suffering we will be remitted of our sins after violated declared all those things they kept saying away with this man the other time the Bible says days they cried aloud to all at once crucify him let him die if I'm going to if good is going to you I will join him they talk as if they have ever been in hell so there was this guy he loved to operate the aircraft so he said to his wife I think I'm so intelligent I can operate the aircraft even though I have not received training the day I will enter into the aircraft I asked the pilot to just give me the cockpit for a few moments the wife said you know going ahead of yourself you don't even know how to drive your car how can you operate in a closet shut up I'll operate the aircraft when he finally entered into a plane he just peeped into the cockpit door he saw thousands of buttons is a let me go sit down I do not kill all these people how can this thing have so many battles like this an operator I was I didn't know that is so complicated like this varam na na na Gaeilge cúcuta sada is a degenerate era salazar Notaro furry Remagen bridge a super home baka dawa Terranea a Segway a Kakuta super guru zero a Kakuta a uno gucci gucci cruises in a porno Chimaera y la verga mawaru bo Racicot kappa gotta come on Xena gray notice a peppery Paco no go get McGregor happened over to Papa very merry in a meeting and I know P de Parys is nagarjuna mama Papa reggae to go P sorry Saku Saku Koivu it with herbicide Bhagavata Purana hallelujah amen so if if you belong to Christ you are going to do what what Joseph did he went to Pilate and said give me his body and when Jesus admit to 26 from 26 to 28 he said he was he was doing the ordinance of the Lord's Supper he's broke bread and gave to them and he said this is my body which is broken for you and in John chapter 6 63 he said it is the spirit that gives life the flesh profits nothing these words not I've spoken unto you they are spirit in their life which means the porti that Joseph of Arimathea claimed from Pilate it was symbolic of the weight of God that is what he received from Pontius Pilate was Joseph of Arimathea a man of virtue enough that after Jesus was rejected by the whole house of Israel he was willing to receive him no it was not because of his own ability always done he was designed for salvation once you find yourself exposed to this gospel in no time it will prove who your father is he's either you belong to the devil is your father or you belong to Christ it's very easy for the gospel to justify you to evaluate you to qualify you do you belong to God or you belong to Christ he is going to be presented before you by God oh yes our Papa the Occupy comedian I know got a coupie cotyledon a Daruma Rivera TV Barabbas oh so Barabbas being a murderer do you think he stopped these activities of murdering people because they decide that they should receive him instead of Christ no parables would say now that he finally received me I think all of you you know me I kill I'm a move of sedition so I will start my great works of maida when people are now in trouble in the ends of the devil they then come back to Pilate yo Barabbas oh he's killing us take him back to the prison cells finally said no if a prisoner is released you not be arrested again he is your allocation your grant I've got a spiritual bond you received Barabbas due to remember he is the one who just this great works Anitra Mazama core para mono guarana maharaj occupancy right Pachelbel's go fungi remember Chris McCarten para para brassiere guitar possessor Gubicza Meza hallelujah amen Barabbas jewelry Shiva do a meta deokhwa NEPA essays edited goof amenazó Bangaluru Perez and Emma can do in over a van saguru to Rio - Abajo a kangaroo media Vakhtang uno favor - Gary Perez Perez Nora una forma nari Shiva T servo go few teasers uno en Airport oho quad pencil a bogus decision Saguna garen an asado nebera bas de bomba Namaqua nice who gazonga iroquois let us stand up to our feet anyone who has enjoyed this message
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Length: 186min 32sec (11192 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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