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okay a maybe Josh I made it oh boy oh [Music] wait what why is is based on in real life wait why you guys he's mad panda let's go wait what you could what you can take customs apparently oh there we go thank you so much that one gray I guess that's a like I'm I have one this yeah did you choose the futo with it is oh goodness well then why we had to yeah I didn't get so I just left in and give me this that's weird well there goes that just that great race with Josh and first let's take Josh you have been disqualified so you know hi cuz you guys oka son racing here it's it doesn't have anything to do with being smart I would disagree where she was is a drifting race I sure a cheater you gotta live by isn't it smart to be first no it doesn't have fun Josh yes that's correct whatever it's convenient for you ha Jordy exactly they are you yes you now know what society's like exactly much checkpoints are we looking at a lot all right well yeah you guys enjoy your car you guys DEFCON thing I'm uh I'm already facing the games acting a little weird today guys is it now daily or are we yeah no I don't have any weapons or sticky bombs still doesn't spawn you've been banned from them you don't have any custom stuff I think your ban jelly yeah you didn't have any custom cars either yeah that's probably it but I'm totally I'm totally using my own account here right dirty I'm on a different account already don't shoot my tires please oh so you don't have what checkpoint are you guys on 15 just great what this is a nice long race this person just decided I'm gonna put checkpoints all over the map yep and it's gonna be good man he can use hay but I'm just being honest let it be what it wants to be jelly okay it wants to be a supercar doesn't what I got the food oh all right can outdrive a lot of supercars if the seconds ahead are you kidding the food gets further away from each other by the way Jordi you are Josh they get a lot further away from each other the job no no you guys continue come on I'm continuing but I'd appreciate a DNF all right what have you been up to this week then guys all right cool sorry jelly what have you been doing Jordi I've been eating food anything interesting happen in your day no no really well oh yes actually this hobo lady what we were entering the building yeah hope I wasn't a Jew in gender specific to Tom dougherty you can just say hobo yep it is lady that's fine you can just say hobo pay em they were waiting at the door of her building and I used our little scanner or bleep or a key thing yeah fault to open the open the door of your building what happened a lice and they like followed us inside in which I stopped and turn around and and we're like you guys live here they said well do you work here and then they get clay and they were claiming they lived on the 77th building while drinking 77th floor while drinking beer in which I respond I was like well they're not even 77 floors in here and then security came and they just left like what would they have done well they are obviously gonna you know if someone leaked into the building tried to get into some houses yeah huh yeah they were drunk they looked like really really like Robbo ish rough I should say and they were definitely not you know landlord now actually met the know who the landlords are and the manager of the building so all good boy all good good boy good boy Jordy good boy and I think the landward Lord would have loved it what I did there because people could have gotten hurt yeah you're the savior of the building hey I'm still a minute and 20 seconds from Jordy yeah I'm on a 37th checkpoint Josh what are you on 54 at Oh 12 this is going great so far guys what to D what are the elevators like in your building we got a few elevators and to go many fast I can't tell you elevator detail fast you can't say how many other days you are well definitely more than not how many floors more than time tell you how many floors Oh three then yeah three four five six seven eight nice man what about you doing I like two on each corner I think okay before how many class Teddy's like JD what shape has two corners let's chase I read thinking things in too deep two corners oh my god nevermind well okay I just did like a flip I'm I got three more checkpoints to go you guys and this please I will do a chance to do it you can't alright alright here we go let me up on the finish line I'm actually 27 seconds behind you so I might be able I just finish line oh that's too bad Josh just finished good job Josh congratulation graduation Josh are we doing today kind of looks like a discount it's a breeze right yeah I guess I think it's a truth discount what George Josh tell me uh well I was gonna say Prius but then I realized yeah you know they just caught copy the cars exactly cuz you know what suits and all those things but it sounds like a breeze because you can't hear it so there you go sounds like it cuz you don't air it's a totally this truck that's it like how do you know it sounds like if you can't hear anything think about like a battery it doesn't sound like anything sounds like a battery oh wait guys okay I I'm not gonna shoot you but aim your gun out the window I don't and tell me if it's weird no do you have a you have a wall across what do you have a crosshair going on why is it so many cause guys why I didn't just go squish it why is that Oh crosshairs we got hurricanes cars I don't know where the crochet Hey I can't do this congratulations ladies do I see yes it's just you Jordy it's just depends on what you call mate it but all right this race is so weird to me where am I now good for here I what are you doing I guess didn't leave me around wait Jenny what yeah well I get to the checkpoint yep this is very confusing Jordan cause you're ending this vid I don't know the terrible fate very there Josh what about this very go oh that way well I did it anyway thank you Oh Josh don't do that I'm witness what don't do what this is this is a very strange race but really didn't try to kill you what this is well-made but you'll see up here are you sure this isn't a running course I just realized that was the wrong bit this is a horrible race ready relax no I supposed to go lay got a gun left Jenny you're such a push hey wait for me milady did we go on the wrong one Geordi maybe one or two you can do one I'm not being silent you can do both oh okay then why did I guess it how'd it really makes it like that suppose how did Jenny make it whatsoever make it again you just want to go home please slow up there [Applause] there we go I did it yeah let me eyes have my stool victories okay I made it first time no I mean yeah but I think I can make it that's impressive [Music] okay how do I make this what does more wait how did you guys make this one driving in the middle or no no don't I Drive on that right we are on the right part Josh I could try and blame you genuinely on the outside yeah I know the outside is the best trust me I respect you go from the back Jenny why did you go from the back but straight for all right we made it let's just wait here all right let's keep on going yeah we're not even halfway exciting exciting no ride car got some stuns and I know where do we go this way guys where is the mix where's Craig aah wait up here's my car get busy gonna miss the words gonna go pretty fast this is rough what I'm doing right now are you kidding me my car just slid off oh wait wait is my car I can't even kill myself though yes I made it that was so freakin cool as well yeah I'm gonna way backwards or how bout ya backwards backwards it is deadly all right here Teddy made it it's a lot of checkpoints right here but no that's nice really positively at the end [Music] listen you're the cue jumper here oh yeah you jumped one too many cues buddy what when did I keep them silly you guys every time everyone there now I am you can make it you need to go fast at the jump just saying start crying guys not why we thank you so easy Dicky Joan I'm sorry oh you made it I don't know how is this magic legitimately no way are you kidding me he just bought me there oh you didn't make the car it was that really a good percentage yeah okay I'm just saying numbers to sound smart what's your point [ __ ] loud I'm fine there are no checkpoints jibley all right I'm doing some loops now let's see of these loops are any worse there we go nicely done I did not need to do this loop guys you do not need to do the second loop do not risk it so you guys know thanks there we go guys I'm like wait you don't doing it I just did it I'm like there's another an area I think about the finish line I think about the blue are nice yeah well thing come quick okay she said all right here we go I'm fairly sure this must be it yeah don't do the second loop though okay because it's just not worth the risk one loop for more checkpoints yeah and then you can just drive off onto the that's fine with better safe than sorry you know that's true man good good work Josh good work and one more checkpoint I mean I've been here for ages doing this bit Oh jelly and come on jelly what jelly this is horrible I nearly made out my character oh I couldn't I was just going out of speed there was a booth [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,616,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, gta 5, grand theft auto 5, kwebbelkop, jelly, hardest race, challenge, gta with fans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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