Attempting The World's MOST DIFFICULT JUMP! - GTA 5 Funny Moments

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to the farthest I've ever got right now sideways landed whoa great guys we gotta clean up over here let's go okay I got here as well is there more bowling balls no the pins here guys there's another bowling ball right there not the pins we are the bowlers I seem to be doing okay no this is so much easier guys so much easier so much easier come on there we go yeah bit going lemay today I'm sure you guys will be fine just make sure ok Jenny big hard straight oh I made it I made it yeah you're right it's super easy cause one of these things get in that hole get in that hole yeah no I've been I've made it wala day nice okay what's it Jordy so this is a shuttle jump shooting cuz this is how I've been doing it don't tell me what to do sometimes that's so much speed animated and Josh just made it in well that was great the next one is also really hard so yeah yeah even worse obstacles you know what when I had made it it was the most ghetto jump ever the guy was almost backwards I don't know if you saw surely I was very impressed it wasn't that good come on guys nice intense oh it's my best yet is my best yet yes I made it oh don't you worry I'm waiting for our boy I'm just checking out the next bit just out of interest it's like a wool ride type thing we got some wood jumps there we go finally made that tough bit is there another tough bit Oh what the heck oh my goodness guys this is super hot alright okay and then down okay now what's the impossible it gonna be oh and a wall right jump oh my goodness this is hard just just trying to hide a few guys out you know I mean it is teapots usually box these types of things okay made the war I jump no way oh you know oh where am I going oh they were making it no you should have seen where I was they oh gosh are you still holding it together yep are you trying to see if I'm gonna want to quit yeah Jodi you are like so this sneaky person trying to get other people to quit before you know I'm down to quit Jilly's down to quit we're literally asking if you're down - no I'm not I'm doing fine I'm on like a fun job just quit he said to the Parker all right I think barf is clean [Music] he'll never come back usage I don't think I heard how is that such a heart heard of all right it's just like there's lots of bits on it hard to explain all right I've landed on this flat loop thing again so I failed at so the furthest I've ever got right now now why did I fail okay I failed again but I'm still up here let's try it again and I'm still yeah okay okay okay going thing same there it's fine fine trying sideways landing now still up here yep I'm still still doing it to have another backflip Kate my favorite again okay still on I'm still on I'm still on [Music] George trying to convince me to quit yes I made it checkpoint thirty five minutes into a race Wow good good all right I think I haven't seen more to go guys I think that relatively easy from here well I'm doing so well - Jackie you guys can't quit this is not fair I'm literally doing it I'm hitting down the bottom of the map now Billy you got it and there we go now make it down this thing's gonna see they make it no okay it's just another big jump basically come on big job you made it yes you did yes jelly come on big job come on okay yes I'm looking I'm kind of watching oh wow what you did it dilly dilly dilly dilly bar down here finally running yes it's yours just as he gave you got the tip one right okay guys we got our last stand whatever you call it yes it's not that difficult is it really make cards guys I'm really sorry about this but there's a jet on the ground no there's no I'm taking a village I'm just gonna let it please no wait I'm gonna get a first yeah who needs to worry about this checkpoint now it's gonna fly through it LT pup do you thought you could get us on this one come on come on come on yes where do I go what do you mean I made everything oh I think I made it I did allude parts josh has a jet I need to come to him now hey Josh guilt go away go away what is this I knew you landed up there for you oh you have to can I ask you fail Jordi's no I jump down you got the checkpoint yeah okay yeah that's the mega jump like what oh this is a jump yeah you have to get past the gray thing could you tell me if there's some way to land I'll tell you in a second what are you for jelly I said you jelly I'm into you when I was in the tunnel I know I can't get in oh okay this is jelly this is not possible Joe this is a terrible idea just in case it's breaking when I get out I'm gonna try and turn it around no stay away it's far away from jelly this isn't gonna work Josh you can listen I can literally reverse out if you find hope you can yeah there's at least one other one there but we can't we shouldn't waste it like jelly don't blow this one up like get the checkpoint and then get the next checkpoint whatever you do don't waste it I mean it's it impossible raises for everything's fair game alright there we go I got a checkpoint geordie jelly the big jump just go to the next yeah but don't crash don't crash fly through it and then give the plane to jelly Jordi because it's like yeah yeah so and then pull up pull up and then fly like over my head okay now just roll and at the very top of wedge or Diaz oh boy it was a lot of perfect presses forwards and backwards and thingies and okay the next one the next one's down hit ready so what you want to do is land it partly we need it for later we needed I don't know two hours on this yeah yeah but park it down jelly park it down like I'm driving up right now just talk it where they all are where is this big wall right you gotta go up and down sometimes first you gotta go all the way down wet Oh hilarious down again about this what is the good thing Jim we can get so many check points using this yes perfect cuz I mean there's plenty three checkpoints in this race and I was kind of scared that every single one of them was gonna take like a year to do there's like a don't you are just too thick Geordi wanted to give up on this race he probably cut every night unit now I was about to give up guys but you guys convinced me that you know we don't give up we give up guys we've it for an hour in and only six checkpoints left falling down I told you guys don't give up wait let's go I do not know what this next part is but I okay still on the great old tunnel of checkpoints is this checkpoint guys the next part we got to go backward oh that's been out mean we're not there we go and up again Oh Josh hi looking for a checkpoint now if you've seen it well there it is and down again earth miles down this is i'm ii still like why would it say it's up and down I mean I made it jelly so I don't think I'm behind you buddy Geordi how's the next bit next bit is weird I'm trying to check to see if everything is ready Josh I'm here as well so it might actually have been real that second and third okay all the right ones if they are real as long as you're is if I'm a check cut check one ahead of you that's real what do you mean Geordi I'm checking this next part I'm not sure if you have to bow to one which is I don't know what just go left either all the way left or one okay Shelly what's up guys there's no need for a jet here I'll land it when I'm done look it's my my car from when I first go in it no no behind it behind screw the race crater down with him let's show you them wait wait Jilly think outside of the video and checkpoint oh great it does break okay braixen all of them alright yeah well made it yeah use the rush okay bye Josh nobody cares about you Jilly follow me I'm doing it legit now yeah I saw you were struggling over there there we go that way no not one of these things again Geordi that good luck with that thing I don't know if you remember the last bit of it no I actually ended up blowing up but wait no can I respond so oh they did yeah why am i doing this thing okay guys I hate that like that is the word like that's one of my least favorite things that the next bears where was the one you put in the bunk because they haven't respawn dear oh it is respond it just respond that's quick where's the next point we're gonna fly for a choose so far it totally did everything legit did you fight through the tube Kelly nice nice let's do the same I just got the jet for the first time okay I've been doing everything legit you know nice you know we know could just grab this from the start right I'm crying I got talking of my cause I'm a full closet you know think about how long does we be taking us right now think we're gonna have a world record here guys Oh mr. cheque no I'm laughs place I'm struggling but that's annoying lost and oh there we go guys I'm flying towards the finish line completely legit only in one hour and four minutes a guy that gave up I'm joking the guy that gave up ends up high Jordan just finished in first place I need to be the one finishing second so I got myself a jet it's classic though the one person that was like guys let's do it well he cut out every mention of him running to give up I don't even see it wait how did you do it you went underneath it oh you still have to go in top to the bottom of bottom to the top oh this is tough that's the wing okay just try and let they'll give you mine I could might be out with the parachute okay okay I could think I can parachute to the the second-to-last checkpoint all right well finish I'm there we go and finito thank you guys for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it if you want some cool merch then go check out a shop door slugger there's a bunch of products there that you probably will like if you don't like them then I'm gonna cry bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,432,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, gta, gta v, gta 5, grand theft auto, skill test, kwebbelkop, jelly, impossible race, world record, hardest jump
Id: 1pmhtavtoGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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