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[Music] [Music] to say to Dilip in between with all these course we've been doing where the plains are miles away from where we start we started shows how much she sucks Trudy's always suck a lot but he's trying to glide enough no I'm not I just survived it players dead too everyone's dead everyone died are you or is this star yeah where is player great I'm trying to kill myself guys I see him I see him pay up I mean well actually killed oh yeah it did involve killing myself so jelly Jordy said that we gotta go well slow very slow guys trust me no trying to catch no do not go too fast over that blue ramp cuz you will kill yourself guys hey what's this Oh No okay low slow slow wow it's like a course at the beginning I'm yet to make the first bit so that's all right I've fallen off I don't know how I feel oh my god there's like a pipe here Billy go go into the pipe come on glide glide glide up more did I get you okay a little bit I didn't do anything wait pledge flying into vegan did he hit a tree I'm just riding around a pop car park pretty and cool oh my gosh are you kidding me that wasn't high enough to get him alright Josh will come and pick you up okay that I tried to kill myself preparing this putt carpark law Josh I'm just doing a road I'm just chilling let me go talk to these people over here what is up fellow citizens of lo st. toast you just crashed if you don't want to go hello fellow citizens oh I just killed them yeah all right let's go that seems safe how do I steal a jelly okay guys player we're currently living actually what this is my second chance good luck trying to make it over that really difficult I wanna see I'd even go as far to say best of luck yeah that's going too far well Jorge Eddie just wants to give you good luck I want to give you the best of Luck's oh my god that's that's going too far well you know what you know what else is going too far jelly what me crashing into you and you dying so he's already biking for the okay oh god too fast too fast to battle bail bail bail say that was to great land on the helicopter pad it makes you turn to my helicopter my nothing alright well we're on the beat Mesa see if I can get past this first jump what are you doing okay lie there they made a mistake guys to give me the crop duster instead of a Harrier it's a Harrier what is it called jelly Hydra Oh Billy knew didn't Billy knew these flying how did you screw up oh dude I'm almost there full guy parachuting there's one guy parachute wait are you kidding me I'm faster faster faster faster Billy's actually faster where is the parachute airplanes cheating guys how did you make it here gosh I'm just really I thought you fell off come on hey Johnny Mike 30 can you leave him to me okay we're gonna do a little fun we're gonna do a little fun jet to jet okay what is it get him daddy don't kill him don't kill him all right [Music] I love the plains my happy place guys tell me why please where I feel furthest away from jelly brother Sui so can we make it there before they make it to the Jets that's what it's become hasn't it as fast get it all right Josh listen to me here not all right you know what's gonna be faster I'm just gonna land this thing in the real quick oh yeah that's not possible [Applause] I've done that didn't kill you either oh you can do it you could do it you could do it you could do it you could do it you could just tell me what that was we were friends and that was pathetic I know why I struggle of getting across this bus but I'm not really slow just really matter here's me thinking I was gonna get in support from my friends but jelly jump across the to the bus from the jump gliding it right now I mean okay I can still manage to catch up so now I guess oh how do you guys do this so far get at this game she was gonna do we played this game for like five years so I'm like UIC player you always let somebody else play oh my goodness how do you just do this right why is my glide slow ting down slow digging boating slow ting down Joe's going on with Mangal it's a loading problem with my glide are you gonna pop over that job do you wanna do like play is going to turn around it's just that hey Jody what's up go oh my god 16 seconds it is so far away I'm trying to survive we have planes what is it all right for the 100th time I will not fly into nowhere these planes slow down so slowly I don't they go so slowly but then they can't slow down that's it but then I lose too much speed I made that have jumped out there's a reason they use these for for for for farming you know here because they're cheap and all plain they should use jet soup go way faster all right let's go okay no no okay did I do it good am I so I might close guys wait play it's gonna get an RPG jelly jelly time Oh nope nope you can get played about any players gonna come out guys wow this is the sad sore ending to this story don't kill them let's let's play with them a little bit oh oh no josh has been executed jelly just kill him Billy jelly just fly in there try to take him out one wanna fly you can do it Jenny fly in and kill fly in and kill Bobby I'll be RBOB they'll be up we are we are we are well that was [Music] Oh jelly Wow so we supposed to stay in the middle okay we are Turkey who are you guys Turkey okay we're all Turkey apparently jelly are you kidding me don't be so hard on jelly because you know you know you never you know I feel like I know pretty much everybody actually said it at the start I'm sorry I didn't read okay no you didn't that's a handy one that they put a wall there in this Derby oh you kidding me let's just say that you can't quite go round and round [Music] why didn't you listen to me like quite literally told you why is there a football field it's just something for you to do down there Jordi Jordi Street while you die don't touch me don't touch me where's player damn it I didn't touch you guys today oh you mean also no your car I just got planting no play it played it went off full screen side a driver to download oh that is they go yeah but who's goes who's go that's the wrong way you're going with the ball here it is you push it off for a high five wrong come on why is he so boring why does playing never wanna 1v1 have you noticed that he's a [ __ ] he just really wants I'm gonna die first anyway cuz I came out the zone this I already got much of a choice oh wow alright now we know to be a bit more careful that was a great air horn thank you that was an F okay now we are China you guys are Turkey Australia he knows Jimmy Jimmy I'm gonna get you Josh put your mouth in your mouth that's not my butt please push him out he's almost out very good no why do you think we can wall right at the edge of the map no Jordy right let's let's we stop everyone boy Sony did it play with me like jelly like that but I wanna try to push player and it's really hard Jenny stop doing that the edges right yeah well I tried to not do it but no you did something there you go come on player I'm baiting player lay uh nope don't worry about I'll get player play player needs to jump out of his car do you'll never do that playa never never takes the El unless he's forced it don't worry J TV one wait wishes which is our goal this one wait it says our goal jelly that means we just scored our own goal finally request that you don't kill yourself on this one just Derby's you know I love derbies and love myself a fiddle derby that's funny because I thought you didn't like them what the hell is he phone yeah it's a clean right Jordi's coming in oh yeah by with the horses make this put walls on here yeah it makes it last ah by jelly he was so happy you so excited life just didn't play jelly and a good car DNA wait life plays cards touch this life is like a card game you can't touch this okay okay Jax you played me where the hell is player what is he doing just switched the Trilly why would he switch don't get fooled he wants to make just emotional forget it I am already to emotion your emotions right now emotional event get me Jordi can get this I'm trying did I just him oh yeah that's okay yes you can do this it's it possible to will ride the inner tube yes yes what's the score come on Josh else I'll take you out just like that Josh come on Jordan you don't want to let that happen Josh do you story I'm actually doing it oh cool I'm actually these walls thank you Tony the wolves wolves did nothing wrong they've just been muling they've seen a lot o I'm following you Josh see much come bait you into screwing up I want people jumping out as I'm well riding in the truth wait what I lost look up look up guys I'm well riding in the gym I can't see that map it up but a monster truck Derby alright Josh let's get in this truck and let's go and get him I'm going right side you go left side city you said that after I had already couldnt that was hilarious Josh you almost did it I almost made the jump of your life my god to Wheeling so hard right now later when you're a monster truck alright let's do this alright oh do you wanna 1v1 me on the floor yes yes ready Josh oh I just took damage in yeah it's good for [Music] he's come back yet Jody Johnny I'm scared Jody come back in play it doesn't fight okay and then play just runs me over you know extremely like no it's just Jenny's full of surprises it's not something you can joke around with Josh that was like pop down and hop to you all right let's get player Josh let's go all right let's spit roast him he's taking it yeah you like that that's right okay Judy doesn't count if you're on your own let him go let me go jelly LEM go what is he doing what is his plan you know what I'm gonna bait him all right there you go higher girl okay I'll go like this is it the ultimate bait he's going down down down he's not going down he went up to get them the bait you are good luck oh yeah the bait work all right fight back fight back what was that Batum right for the opposite do the same thing then back into the funnel Josh all right here we go you don't want to know what that crap that was the finale and what about your blind weight just chill no chill in the back of my truck will a good chap about the old days anymore why don't we drive don't you love the Chinese flag hey Charlie Chinese flag jelly why don't you pop on over currently the water's fine drive drive let me sound on your watch damn it just kick out your door back in my eyes that's gonna blow up stay here stay here don't worry about it wait five seconds I can fix it I swear I'm fixing it ow I'm dead this has been the u.s. epic finale ever just want to say thanks to everyone for witnessing this farewell [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,380,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, grand theft auto 5, gta 5, kwebbelkop, sky derby, monster truck derby, monster truck, jelly, gta with fans
Id: uUBLdc39GOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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