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you can go up judges I'm Sachi thank you guys Oh up - I see what that's about why Aaron hurt Oh God Oh Jordy it's me and you over that Johnson Bradford I want to do is it technology may look at it 2/7 Howie Howie all right weighted them I see them on Jerry rather than being plain fried how you do this okay okay oh wow you run up oh yeah good explanation Josh ten out of ten come on oh it's one of these yeah yeah oh my god II work II did I do now Brad denied hey guys I don't think I did that Brad utilize either be nice I think you're down you die oh the SPS is really low here that no I like that really yeah I gotta fix up right by keeping busy okay we know no no no no no no not she keep on running Josh I'll move you back oh yeah okay all right then new even lemon instead we gotta get Slocum and else we lose everything I think that's how it works yeah helps we lose everything Josh you rode your bike over there okay good yeah you break thought well who's behind me it wasn't so any guys some kind of land on there it's not good no way I know strange some advanced tactics come on come on come out here boy night time I was actually quite close I got a that was nice yeah we did good gently won't [ __ ] touch this ever in my dad am i double dead look Alan oh wow on the high seas ah yeah I like it in this line is that you can fall off and still be like on the platform yeah here we go I'm doing well I'm doing really well and get it ah I'm gonna go 300 does that work yeah that's gonna actually do that does that she probably helped and I'm like I'm looking at about yeah of course these thanks Brett I knew these coming huh right Oh got it you got it thank God minute you took over my eyes I died let's take you my outer layer ideals expected it's just a kooky doing it because I gotta know I blame Brad I blame myself run run run run was all weekend how's it work okay Geordie you didn't need to shout it up but we have two runs I don't know how you don't understand judge I don't know why I just shot a black don't ask me all right I wouldn't pick that one about you you don't first of it all right here we go let's run that's right now go to burning daily rise fun a PPI some of us got a face let's go deadly what hey I got it back up you were behind me yeah you pussied out yellow Uncas who Jordan I'm gonna survive this I might or what okay Julie you got one got a boy no mid or wide yeah that you pretty much made up charge you're the bag douche back here alright oh hey now you don't sorry she said yes I'm making it your daddy just come I love you how's it going Billy how's it going pretty well oh gosh love late let me know I will not do anything right Thank You Josh thank you you like my pet baby way in your head or you will let your [ __ ] do I mean only on on United you will let your pet lickers I've been doing yeah hurry I'm gonna have to ask you quickly who said my pal that was funny that was you're gonna head in I will I will save Moo I will say basically they put a leash on you I don't like this no I'm a pack now yeah I know as long as I don't do anything we'll usually a lot like our jester oh yes sadly shorty yeah all right right now we're going to get cannot dog OOP OOP hello child is bad okay it wasn't supposed to go like that oh god no number three is an apple right well I'm in baby show again enjoy take them out yet gently it's gonna be easy all right this is gonna be one oh my god rapid analysis by Brad I like how they made this like kind of anti cheat because the platform's like too thin to land year and so you losers Josh may be actually the one cheating yeah Josh you cheat all the yeah you but we're never cheap yeah freaking bastard oh wow yeah how about we okay now we can graph you guys were else me I doubt y'all being that goes back Toki go get the boys get the boys running away again my camera just a minute should have Oh bad Josh maybe you should like stop song it happens what does happen - don't even Wow don't leave I'm sorry I didn't touch it at petroi get outta here boy I think I'm good I'm afraid of the noise where's Josh I've been made a pet you know oh my god you got so lucky Hey oh my god I'm so oh what just happened they need to solid all right no you summon a mystery we've got two new pets they're gonna let them I got the line all right I got gosh I don't know steak their ego yeah by driving over you with a car what what's up drown them burn me I just wanna go yes boy thanks I have no faith in this one Billy I have faith in you III don't know Wow shorty oh wow Italy run run run until you that's the most safe drive I had it is like last time I died in the first container so don't walk out at this time I won't lock you out okay guys I'll go you go first I'll go first I'll take it for the team okay all right I see right almost freakin da - that was not almost but you doing almost but you didn't guess that's true Josh that's all right dear Kentucky it's quite hard for the cars what's it like our tactic what is it your tactic didn't you know by Josh I'm not on the radar but I'm safe please go for you now try now oh definitely I did warn you that I'm playful here all right dog is on its way hey - has it gone all right great I should have poured several right oh and owed a pin to Brad to D at around yes cry wait you got long I'm a dog poop come here you ugly mutt a bulldog I can just know that you're gonna jump up right you shot him of it Oh careful oh okay really gonna finish finish him I don't think he can do it kimete oh okay thanks no really what are you gonna do now I'll get him right to the finish treat it yeah I'm going to long it out gently again right over they all you have to do is land on there Jimmy sorry oh yeah good one front [ __ ] really I think you should just kill your records very shot alright let's have a woman v1 I'm going to you know Tom I can't we could stab really like right around five seconds goes like this it's really cool they made an OT trade Jenny we're going to do I'm going to treat it the judge its everything's possible if you really want it to happen right no okay well there goes that all right one p one get out your car yeah your car you're not that nice okay Mike you betray alright walk ten feet away [ __ ] you dude you go your way out anyway why I'm not a dog anymore yeah but I was in the car [ __ ] we go call them fired get out yeah yeah ma'am all right keep your cars literally on fire I have the upper hand here silly we cannot win this anymore I'm sorry oh oh oh I gotta get out late oh he's gonna jump down okay c'mon oh oh you got me you got it and hey you all right oh my gosh why you don't hit I'm gonna go ahead and get in the car get over here you little son of a mom come on I'll teach at the pushing pushing let me alone get out of your car you can do it come on imma go hi gun anymore so that's already got here why do it straight through his head yeah yeah nothing inside of it nothing to hit gosh let's stop long in a now now right Josh oh my god there you go oh my god I'm dead he's gone I did it over twice but tomorrow morning you're a magician magician [ __ ] [ __ ] ah I had anymore finally I was the only one for those embarrassing to it yet but they're always good all right something tells me that we should make it to the end of time okay finally something tilde me we have to cheat execute we should try and cheat it we got a lot of time it's a lot but we can run for them okay let's run to you let's run cheat it we're boys you may be ratted where you got landed me you're sending the bottom aground I see a bus like we're in youth alliance inside of the car you go in there use this time but then this why then apart it's getting the car what I trying to do they're trying to get like land on the ramp and cheap yeah it lands on the platform I guess Lee and then I run it out from this one side alright so Elizabeth Brad you've got to run directly over the center what about this oh my god you know the bit that made you get the triangle got it over there I cheated a gently okay nearly you got it you got it I'll trade now don't hit me off please oh no no oh no no no Bates a DJ laureate Brad yeah why do I see in the little bastard yeah that little bastard he'll bash a child alright don't snore hey hey don't kill me oh my life right a good spot so we're mated it because they'll ramp is a lot wider there oh god the only place to do it gotta get really hard don't kill me don't kill me oh oh right the line down there but I can't really all right Jordan you're gonna have to kill them it's all you know I will try oh I'm just gonna have to do that for me man oh oh okay well recipes Brad I didn't do it son yeah I'm still being paid right stop stop stop second after that my food it's outta this is the heart trickier cheeky gosh look at me you ain't gonna do this alright uh-huh but a lot with me yeah alright is it enough oh is it enough I don't know okay I would have cheated but still even cars in the way oh my god girls don't do that good dog I'm dead you reload it don't know about yeah yeah I did them that is common much everybody hey happened to you hey how did you not die by my machine guns that does not think anything right okay : AJ Lee don't you have a black eye on this plate yeah no he tell me yeah yeah nice plan let's go let's go let's go yeah whatever I don't three - oh don't be in yeah three three two right yeah so we've got to lose yeah pretty much oh my god I gotta win jail right now we go easy on them yes how about you just going to be done we can only kill jelly oh my god prepa Josh oh my god this is the best day of my life - oh my god bright with magnets we can land that what how did you make it okay I landed it I'm out of here you guys go nope oh no no no come on hey Brad trying to kill me here - now it's pride oh I'm still not dead I mean I mean I give them a grain bread I'm trying to hit you okay well now I guess I'm doing it leave me alive please Elliot killed shorty I'm the dog one day I like why would I be back thank you that you know hit us in the head John oh my god what okay I just fell off the platform oh we got you guys got always happy that bad girls yeah greatness which which dog do you not like most the fire bosses alright Brad gave me his card I'm right out of your car wait we need to kill jellyfish okay oh not almost died there bets down thank you hey I can backflip here he has puppies Oh and maximum conceals a cool guy that you're a dog now say well you also nothing wait you getting scar yeah I got a scar Brad are you kidding me you wanted that hat you had one job Brad thing is right I've got it under control right what's up don't okay can you stop at nothing you don't know you don't well you don't want to shoot you back to [ __ ] kill you [ __ ] to be worried right don't talk to me like that come on Josh is not my mother I am your mother from another brother what okay yeah okay I brotherly for your mother's deadly they have no I can make it embarrassing for you oh I can make it very rider acting a little I'm beating you Josh I'm beating you ah-ha-ha you I hope you saved the flesh no committed to the head would let you go better jump right over there god damnit Brad get how I know I know I you know how I've got to kill first right how much else you have yeah you gotta kill Jimmy first ah he said that oh my god like the bride saying I feel like five more minutes I'm sure to be specific either yeah is that you feel people everything fine a bit longer brought a bit longer dammit right now Chelsea you have now submit Laura let me help you target is repealing there we go right I would believe me okay well Ella copter I think Billy's gonna die if we boo boo boo you saying something I can look on my back and I can shoot him alright oh gosh why me first why there goes Julie so yeah now he does that Jody kill me Oh Johnny we're gonna have to win this match what is this just about doing I did figure you the owner are you very much rattling your understanding no I'm lying of an alley around yes right I thought oh this is our old issue so what is this I want my jority Alda got a moment she did first you know you know we're cheated right I know exactly where treat the boy okay well I'm so it may be a little off around we'd be doing it legit ah no no no good to the last round shut up Josh what the heck I'm just thinking I don't want you know dog anymore I'm a so close what would just what oh wait Josh do what do you mean do a cheat I'm gonna go get you a t-shirt actually I well we judge do what would Justin I wouldn't wear it if you like what would your food would be the worst life ever oh my god okay Josh or I will blow it up for you so you think is thank you how does that man just don't take me out okay no no no no even rats pretty happy to have to react to heli maybe yes are there any white more behind maybe a good thank you all over the hell I do that they're all kinda as well to be fair and I don't think things are a little tense it's only about the Helen get that car to the Honda nearly had come you couldn't blow it up you want to get that head of trouble Wow how do ya wait up I forgot you don't have to think about you don't know us oh my god come on a ride at the end oh my god I would have made that if your car was in there yeah Lana table why do you keep trying and jelly jelly I'm almost here now okay only 5 min ago I'm just gonna focus on killing losers yes imagine Jason kills us before you say that I've been okay this is my first time making it alright please don't did you give him something to play with me something yes we got the tragic fall off no I'm alright alright oh my god oh you know I just hit the shoulder joint you landed believe I made a shorty should I just be going down the wrong side what I feel right to go up and then what's the deal but I mean there's no deal that's story but you can't go up judge this sign Dashie thank you guys Oishi what does it include to keep our again what is how I was hoping you do that what happened dog as magical power where you can pull you out of a Telecaster when you're not even near him what I was I was no we're not yeah I mean there's a helicopter on the ground Heidi just for interest rent it's right there it's right there gosh don't do something come on come on I still need something come on Julia dog bite this is why we have been waiting my dad really you so got this you so got this what they are quite is what we open for Josh do not get close to Josh okay jelly you stand a chance okay you got a house to win this oh oh I'll come to my helicopter oh yeah then Oh Brad was in a tank I jumped out of my helicopter and then they have you up the landed on me and killed me you're so good at this game Josh [Music] taking a teacher [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,165,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, gta 5, grand theft auto 5, lts, kwebbelkop, jelly, crushed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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