The Hangover Alans Funniest Moments

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guys just I'm standing right here so I can hear everything you're saying hey guys you ready let the dogs out what do what let the dogs out you know what who let the dogs out who-who who brought this guy long yes Alan we are ready to let the dogs out hey congrats thank you hey pal look jacket his little Weena's well you just hope to get it out of the table Carlos do some shooting up here how about you big man come on up here okay same instructions just point aim and shoot there you go that's the stuff I like the intensity I have the tiger good you're holding 50,000 volts for the man don't be afraid to ride the lightning all right everybody relax take it easy we've seen it before he just needs a little extra hey this one nothing hey there skittles in there don't let the beard fool you he's a child it's funny because he's fat no look are getting dog back and we're the three best friends that anybody could have we're the three best friends that anyone could have we're the three best friend that anyone can have and we'll never ever ever ever ever leave each other where the hey mind if I said Wolfpack only find another chair there's no wolf pack Alan come on it's no problem like Teddy don't be ridiculous you're sitting here careful that's a Lewis that is a Louis Vuitton it's a nice neckroll thanks you can use it if you want okay this is a real tattoo Allen would you do to you roofie me I didn't do anything do you swear to God Oh what the hell Maggie I'll get Cupid a vest I'm gonna monkey marks dead shut up go everywhere shut up he's dead look if someone comes buys a dead body and a pile of cocaine we're gonna spend the rest of our lives to [ __ ] die president Alan Alan please stop crying Doug had one and he was fine so inside the beer what the hell happened I have no idea hey guys check it out he's got a Chinese boner Alan come on cut it out monkey keep doing it when a monkey nibbles on a penis it's funny in any language he's all Teddy's fault what are you talking about why is he even here who's not part of the wolf pack Alan what did you do it's not my fault and he said have been sharing from his bag what bag the marshmallows I had a separate bag just for Teddy but it was dark it was hard to keep track and then you almost sat on Mike intelligence witch who was mayhem what did you do to the marshmallows Alan Alan what did you do what is it it obvious I spiked them with muscle relaxers and plus my ADHD medication you watch you talk to us again not you I just wanted to knock out Teddy for a little while so we can finally enjoy the weekend enjoy the weekend Alan you told me that you didn't do anything Alan you swore to God I just want things to stay the same look at my face you ruined my life you're not my friend don't say that bill you serious even in America yes no start crying Alan there's a bearded devil you like that you you smiled at me with a hell of de bag of marshmallows I like marshmallows you [ __ ] psycho golly what Alan - why what were the three best friends remember I'm actually part of this weird Wolf Pack it's not weird it's pretty cool actually no membership fees I've heard enough of this come here whoa here's the deal man I got a dark side there's a demon in me it's true he has semen in them I said demon would you also have semen in you remember that's not relevant but thank you Alan
Channel: Lucas Corby
Views: 4,953,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My, Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2012
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