The Habit Tier List - 32 Habits (Which one should you build next?)

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if you really think about it building and sticking  to good habits is the only way to actually see   progress in life which is why a while back  i asked you to list all of the good habits   that you can think of i then compiled over 30  of the most popular answers and i had one of   my artists draw these cute little images to  symbolize each and every single one of them   and today i will be ranking all of these habits  from most life changing to least so that you can   gain some clarity for which to prioritize and  hopefully this will help you progress in life   faster welcome to the habit tier list now i've  decided to include four different tiers for   this tier list first we got the s tier which is  reserved for life-changing keystone habits for   those of you that are not familiar with this term  keystone habits are basically habits so powerful   that once you build them and get them to stick  they end up causing you to adopt a bunch of   other good habits in your life without much effort  virtually anyone who manages to successfully build   any of the habits in the s-tier will see drastic  changes in their lives under that we have the   a-tier which is reserved for powerful habits these  are habits that will bring a lot of benefits for   most people maybe they'll drastically improve one  of the four areas of self-improvement which are   our health wealth relationships and happiness or  maybe even two of them but they will most likely   not be keystone habits for most people under this  we have the bee tier which will be reserved for   just good habits these are habits that are good to  have they might bring some benefit to one of the   four areas of life but probably not more than that  there is one benefit to most of the habits in the   beets here though and that is that most of them  are easier to build compared to the s ranks or   a ranked habit most of these will only take just  a couple of weeks as compared to the many months   it takes to build most higher tiered habits and  finally we have a special tier that i've labeled   the not really a habit tier these will be reserved  for some of the answers that i received that   aren't really good habits that you can actively  build they might be good practices to have but   they are not really habits now that the stage is  set let's begin we'll start with this first habit   right here which is drinking a glass of water  when you wake up well there are some benefits   to this habit because when you wake up from an  average night of sleep your body is in a slight   state of dehydration so drinking a glass of water  has been shown to help rehydrate your body which   comes with benefits like better mental performance  more focus and even a boost in your metabolism   is this going to change your life i don't really  think so but it's a habit that takes less than 30   seconds to do and it's a fairly easy habit to  build you can probably build it and get it to   stick in just a couple of weeks so i'm gonna be  putting this into the beet here next up we have   cooking building a habit of cooking your meals  instead of ordering delivery or eating out at   restaurants is definitely going to allow you to  become more aware of what you are putting into   your body see the thing about ordering out is that  most restaurants use low quality oils along with   extra sugar and extra additives to help make the  food taste better and also to make their business   more profitable so if you eat out all of the time  chances are your diet is going to be pretty bad   because most of the ingredients are low quality on  the other hand when you learn how to cook you can   decide exactly what you want to put into your body  this helps with weight loss mental clarity energy   levels and your overall health in my opinion  cooking is actually a fairly easy habit to build   because the reward for the habit is extremely  powerful and if you can build this habit it's   definitely going to change the health aspect  of your life which will probably benefit the   other areas of your life as well so i think this  deserves a spot high up in the a tier right next   up we got learning how to play an instrument or  practicing an instrument and i guess i can also   lump in creating music in general because they're  all very similar to each other overall i think   that these are pretty good habits to build one  benefit that comes to mind is the fact that it   increases your perceived value right almost anyone  that can play an instrument or has some sort of   musical talent is seen as slightly more attractive  especially when it comes to dating so that's good   because it can improve the relationship aspect of  your life but more importantly is the fact that   practicing music teaches you how to enter flow  state on command which essentially means that you   know how to have fun on command because the flow  state and fun go hand in hand so this habit is   extremely beneficial when it comes to your overall  levels of happiness and your relationships overall   i think that this is a lower a tier habit i'm  ranking it lower than cooking because learning how   to play an instrument has a much harder learning  curve so it's not as rewarding until later down   the line but it's definitely a very powerful habit  to build that can bring more happiness into your   life next up we got waking up early alright so in  my opinion this is actually not a habit people say   something like this to me all the time i want  to be able to build a habit of waking up early   every day but you see the thing is sleep itself is  already a habit that we all have right we've been   sleeping almost every single day of our lives so  it's not like you have to build a completely new   habit it's more like you have to change the timing  of your old one and the thing about your already   existing sleep habit is that it really depends  on the habits surrounding your sleep basically   what you do before you go to sleep and also what  you do immediately after you wake up this is what   ultimately determines how long you sleep and also  when you wake up for example getting sunlight and   working out in the mornings has been shown to  help people fall asleep easier at night and   if you fall asleep earlier you end up waking up  earlier so again this belongs in the not really   a habit tier because how you wake up is usually a  side effect of your other habits moving on we have   reading reading or listening to audiobooks in  particular non-fiction titles is one of the most   important habits out there if you guys are fans of  the channel you know that i preach about it a lot   and this is because if you think about it this  world that we live in is sort of like a game   and it just so happens that billions of people  before us have played this game before and some   of the ones that have done well in the past have  decided to write guides to help others do well   in the future so it makes sense that you should  read these guides so that you can avoid some of   the mistakes they made and so you can replicate  similar sorts of success they had it's also been   said that reading just three books on a subject  makes you more knowledgeable than 99 of the   population for that particular field which can  give you a huge advantage over most other people   reading is definitely an s-tier habit because it  gives you a huge competitive edge over your peers   and the only real downside that i can think of  is that it might be somewhat difficult for some   people to build this habit especially if most of  the reading that you did in the past were from   books forced upon you in school if that's the case  i suggest you find a subject that you're genuinely   interested in and start there next up we have  the habit of keeping a diary which is a pretty   therapeutic habit see when you keep a diary you  are essentially letting your thoughts and emotions   out on paper so to some extent it can give you the  same sort of relief that one gets from talking to   a friend about your problems but more importantly  it allows you to zoom out and look at the big   picture however i think there's a habit that does  this significantly better than the typical diary   and we'll be covering that later on in this video  so just hang tight other than that diaries are   also a good place to store your memories which can  be nice to have because every couple of years you   can go down memory lane and relive some of the  great memories that you had from back in the day   which can be quite the trip you can see how much  you've changed over the years but that's basically   it overall i think this is a mid b tier habit it's  not really a habit for everyone and it's probably   not going to change your life but if you enjoy  writing and if you feel like you have a lot on   your mind every day then it can be something  that brings more happiness into your life   up next we have listening to podcasts now the  great thing about this habit is that it shares   many of the same benefits that reading and  listening to audiobooks bring for you if you   choose to listen to the right podcast run by  the right people you can definitely learn some   valuable lessons however i think that this habit  deserves a lower rank than reading books because   for the most part podcasts are usually freestyle  conversations which means that there is usually   less information and structure in a podcast as  compared to a book where the author devotes months   of time researching and writing on a specific  subject so podcast in a way is for more general   learning as compared to reading which is more like  fine-tuned learning about a specific subject which   is why i'm going to put podcasts into the middle  of the aids here it's a very good habit to have   but reading or listening to books is still better  up next we have chores which consists of things   like cleaning your room doing the dishes doing  your laundry taking out the garbage etc i've   decided to compile all of them together because  the benefits they bring are basically the same   jordan peterson's most famous quote is clean  your room and there's a good reason for that   when your environment is messy your mind will  be messy as well it's simply harder to focus   and think clearly when there's so much chaos  around you but more importantly doing your chores   is one of those habits that you just have to have  it's not a life-changing habit but if you don't   have it your environment will just get messier  and messier making it harder for you to get   other things done in life so overall i would rank  this as a low a tier habit it's definitely one of   the best habits to start building if you don't  already have it and it's pretty easy to build   compared to everything else on this list but it's  not gonna change your life on its own it basically   prevents your life from getting worse okay next  up we have dance dancing is similar to practicing   music in the sense that it's a habit that will  make you more attractive and it's also a habit   that will teach you how to get into the flow state  easier but i actually think it's slightly better   than music because you can't really whip out a  saxophone at the club and start playing it but   you could definitely bust out some moves and dance  to the music that's playing in the background   building and sticking to this habit will  drastically increase the amount of happiness in   your life and also your ability to bring happiness  into the lives of others when you're with them   everyone loves it when there's one crazy guy  dancing on the dance floor because it allows them   to let loose and dance too and it's not about how  well you dance it's about how much fun you have   when you dance i would rank this as a high a  tier habit because of the sheer amount of joy   it's been able to bring into my life next up we  got resting your eyes this is actually a very   interesting habit because recently i went down a  rabbit hole doing some research on why people's   eyes get worse over time especially when they are  young and they start wearing glasses and it turns   out that when you look at things close up for  long periods of time with glasses on your eyeball   starts getting longer and when your eyeballs get  longer your vision gets worse without the glasses   a year later you go back to the eye shop and you  are given a higher prescription and the cycle   continues on and on and on now this is just the  theory i came across i'm not a certified health   professional of any kind i'm just telling you  about what i read online if you are interested   in learning more about this i'm actually doing  a podcast interview with someone who claims to   have fixed his eyesight naturally so i'll include  a link for that in the description box below for   you to watch after this video anyways a habit  that involves resting your eyes could be the 20   20 20 rule basically whenever you spend 20 minutes  looking at something close up like your phone or   laptop you should take a 20 second break and look  at something that's about 20 feet away apparently   this helps prevent your vision from getting worse  to some degree this is a habit that's definitely   not life changing but it can be helpful for  many people who suffer from worsening vision and   compared to everything else it's pretty easy to  build so i'll be placing this in the lower b tier   alright so now that we're about halfway done  with the tier list i want to quickly tell you   about how you can actually build these habits  see i've been running a unique program for over   a year that was specifically designed to get  people to build a habit that actually sticks   it's called the habit builder challenge i've been  actively improving the program every time i run   it to increase its effectiveness we have dozens of  success stories people who are able to completely   transform their lives by building good habits  and getting them to stick and we have the highest   completion rate amongst any course that i know of  online more than eighty percent of people who join   end up completing the challenge i honestly think  this is the best program out there when it comes   to building habits because i actually take an  entire month off for making videos to help the   members of the challenge i spend two to three  hours every day personally speaking with members   and answering their questions so this is a very  unique experience that no other program offers   and the best part about this is that after the  challenge is over there is a permanent discord   server where all of the graduating members from  over the years can hang out and help each other   grow over there we run a weekly book club  weekly hangouts and my favorite a weekly game   night where we play board games and other online  games together it's a great place to have fun   and grow at the same time now the thing is the  habit builder challenge is not something you can   join at any time i only run it two to three times  a year so if this is something that interests you   just sign up for my newsletter in the description  box below and you'll be notified when i run the   next challenge and as an additional bonus when  you sign up you will gain access to a free mini   course that will help you on your self-improvement  journey alright back to the topic at hand the next   habit on our list is positive affirmations this is  basically when you allocate some time every day to   repeat certain phrases to yourself either out loud  or in your head these phrases are things like i   can do it or i am loved or i am a winner you get  the point now does this actually work well i did   hear an anecdotal story from a therapist who used  this technique to help her client she put post-its   with the words i am enough all over a client's  home essentially brute forcing the thought into   their head and it actually worked she was able  to increase her clients level of self-esteem   the reason this works is because if you can  change the thoughts in your head you will   end up changing your behavior the only  problem is that we have anywhere from 50   to 70 000 dots every single day so if you just  say i can do it one time it's not enough you   need to do it a couple hundred times throughout  the day for it to actually make a difference   overall i think this is a lower eight tier habit  it can definitely change your life because going   from someone who says i can't do it to someone  who says i can do it would actually cause you to   take more action in life but the reason it's  not an s-tier habit or higher up on the aids   here is the fact that this doesn't really work  if you don't have any evidence to back it up   for example if you tell yourself i'm healthy but  you eat junk food all day and you never work out   you're never going to believe it your actions  must somewhat align with your affirmations   in order for them to work which means you need to  be building good habits along with this habit to   actually see success which is why i'm putting it  into the lower eight tier the next habit we have   on our list is bullet journaling which is actually  the one habit that i decided to pick up this year   a bullet journal is a blank journal that you can  customize however you like it's basically the   swiss army knife of habits i personally use it as  a mini diary by writing down what i've done every   day i also use it as a habit tracker when  building new habits i use it as a place to   note my daily to-do's which helps me be more  productive i use it to organize my projects   to make sure i hit my deadlines i use it to track  my finances and investments i use it to take down   notes for books that i'm reading and i even use  it to reflect on my monthly performance to see   if there's anything i need to improve on it's  basically the king of all organizational habits   and i know many of the other self-improvement  channels recommend using online or digital   tools which basically have the same benefits but  personally i like having a physical thing that i   can carry around if you want to see exactly how  i structure my bullet journal and how it works   i'll include a link to a video in the description  box below that will go over all of that with you   but overall i think that this and the digital  variations of it deserve a spot in the high s   tier because it will give you clarity in life help  you get things done and it's fully customizable to   your needs i'm ranking this higher than reading  because it allows you to build other habits   much much easier up next we have being mindful of  one's posture your posture is definitely important   when it comes to your levels of confidence how  attractive you are and also your perceived status   however simply being mindful of your posture is  usually not enough to fix it chances are certain   muscles in your body are underdeveloped  due to years of sitting in weird positions   so you actually need to build up those muscles  in order to fix this problem you have to go and   do the right exercises to strengthen the right  muscles combined with being mindful of how you   sit or stand and all of this combined is what will  give you better posture which is why i think this   isn't really a habit this is more like a mindset  to have because you actually need to build another   habit in order to really fix the problem next up  on our list is watching self-improvement videos   now this habit has similar benefits to reading  books and listening to podcasts however there   is one main problem and that's the fact that most  self-improvement videos mine included are designed   to make you feel good and to keep you entertained  it's true that sometimes these videos reveal   important lessons but they don't really drill it  into you like books or podcasts do in order for   you to actually see benefits in your life you  have to limit how much you watch and you have   to actually go out there and take action based  on what you've learned in the videos so overall   i would rate this as a mid-b tier habit it's a  habit that's good when you are just starting your   self-improvement journey to give you an idea of  what's out there but even then it's a habit that   pales in comparison to reading or listening  about the same topic in a book or podcast   because of the lack of depth the next habit on  our list is studying which i define as the typical   form of learning used by most students in school  to do well on their exams things like memorizing   facts and formulas and also solving problems in  practice exams and textbooks now i think this is a   pretty straightforward habit to rank because most  people need to build a habit of studying in order   to graduate and move on with their careers it's  usually only used to improve the wealth aspect of   your life very rarely is it used for anything else  which is why i'm going to place it into the lower   section of the a tier on the other hand if you are  trying to improve your skill level in something   that you are actually interested in then you would  probably end up building a habit of practicing a   skill this habit is the more hands-on version of  studying and it covers anything from practicing   programming on your computer to practicing tricks  on a skateboard to practicing magic with a deck   of cards practicing a skill allows you to learn  faster than studying because most of the time   you are physically doing something as compared to  just memorizing and what's great about this habit   is the fact that over time as you become better  at a certain skill you can eventually reach a   professional level and once this happens you gain  access to a lot of benefits you can improve the   wealth aspect of your life by charging competitive  rates for your work your perceived value will   increase because you excel at a skill that very  few have which will improve your relationship   slightly and finally you will notice an increase  in your levels of happiness because you get to   grow while doing something that you actually  enjoy so overall i would rank this high up in   the aids here as it's something that can bring  a lot of benefits into your life if you manage   to build a habit of sticking to it next up we  have grooming which encompasses everything from   taking a shower to shaving to brushing your teeth  etc basically everything related to your hygiene   now this is definitely an important habit that  everyone should have because of two things first   of course is that it improves your perceived value  nobody wants to talk to some smelly guy who looks   like he hasn't showered in weeks because people  will automatically assume that you are dangerous   the second benefit is that it helps you improve  your relationship with yourself oftentimes people   who don't take care of themselves also don't think  very highly of themselves they don't think that   they deserve to look nice and taken care of when  you build a habit of grooming you end up forcing   yourself to start believing that you are someone  worthy of nice things someone worthy of love   and care so overall i would put this in the  mid eighth year because it's a habit that quite   honestly everyone should build it's not going to  change your life but it'll definitely help with   two of the core areas of life which are your  relationships and also your overall levels of   happiness next up we have the habit of making your  bed in the morning after you wake up now this is   pretty similar to the habit of doing chores but  it has a slightly different benefit to it see   when you make your bed first thing in the morning  it puts you in a certain state of mind giving you   your first big win extremely early on reinforcing  the fact that you are a disciplined person   but other than that it's not really a habit that  would change your life in fact i would personally   rank it lower than doing your chores because it  doesn't have negative side effects that stack up   right if you don't take out the garbage for like  two weeks that leads to a huge problem maggots   will be crawling all over your floor while on  the other hand if you don't make your bed for two   weeks nothing really changes so overall this is a  great habit to add to your morning routine if you   want and it can be built in a very short period  of time but it's still less important than having   a habit of doing your normal chores to make sure  that the environment isn't filthy which is why i'm   going to be placing this into the high b tier next  we have being mindful of your words now honestly   i don't really think that this is a habit it's  more like a good mindset to have yes we should   be careful of the words that we use we should try  to avoid using words that bring ourselves down and   words that hurt others however this is only  possible if we are very aware of our actions so in   a way this is more like a side effect that comes  into your life when you build another habit which   is the habit of meditation now if you've been a  fan of the channel for a long enough time you know   that i love talking about meditation and that's  because meditation has been studied extensively   with dozens and dozens of proven benefits i'm not  gonna dive into all of them here but i'll link to   a playlist in the description box below for those  of you that are interested meditation can improve   all four areas of your life it brings more wealth  into your life by improving your ability to focus   allowing you to get more things done it improves  the health aspect of your life by giving you more   self-control which allows you to stay away from  bad habits it improves the relationship part   of your life by making you more present when  talking to others and finally it improves your   overall happiness by reducing negative emotions  and giving you more awareness over your thoughts   and this is why i believe meditation deserves  a spot in the s tier although i'm going to rank   it behind all the others and that's because  it's actually one of the hardest habits to   build it requires a lot of dedication and months  and months of practice before it starts to stick   which is why i would actually recommend people  to build some of the other aster habits or even   some of the a-tier habits first before trying to  build this one just so you get used to building   habits and build up your discipline all right  next up we got cold showers cold showers are   pretty good for your health because they have been  shown to boost your immune system increase your   metabolism and also release feel good endorphins  but in my opinion the most powerful benefit to   cold showers is the fact that it teaches you  to jump outside of your comfort zone it is one   of the few things that you can do at home that  will actually make you very very uncomfortable   the next time you're in the shower just look at  the knob and think about turning it to the coldest   setting and assuming that you live in a country  with freezing cold water you will automatically   be met with a lot of resistance your body  doesn't want to be blasted with freezing water   but if you can push forward and turn the knob  anyways you will essentially be training yourself   to take action in face of fear and that's very  powerful this is actually one of the best ways   to train yourself to jump outside of your comfort  zone making you into a more courageous person   the next time you're met with fear in public say  when you see an attractive person that you want   to talk to you'll be able to push forward in the  face of that fear so overall i believe that this   is a high b tier habit it's short and simple and  it teaches you how to be more courageous in life   next up we have the habit of getting sunlight  now this is actually an extremely easy habit   that has a bunch of health benefits i talk about  this more in my sleep video which i will link to   in the description box below if you have a really  messed up sleep schedule or if you have problems   falling asleep then you should definitely check  it out basically when sunlight reaches your eyes   and skin in the morning your body will release  cortisol you need this to happen in order to   feel awake and energized in the morning on top of  that sunlight is also responsible for your levels   of vitamin d which is important for your immune  system and also your levels of energy and fun fact   40 of people have a deficiency in vitamin d it's  a super easy habit to build because you just have   to take a walk outside in the mornings or sit next  to a window when you're working and you'll be able   to see the benefits so overall i will rank this  as a high b tier habit because it's not going to   completely change your life but it can definitely  improve your health and your sleep by quite a lot   up next we have the habit of writing writing is  a skill that you need in order to create value   every movie video blog post book and even lesson  uses writing as the foundation to deliver value   and if you are able to deliver value to the world  you will be rewarded with wealth the success that   i've been able to experience would not have  been possible if i did not write every day and   that's why i believe that this is a high a tier  habit because if you build this habit properly   it can drastically change the wealth aspect of  your life on top of that it can give you a strong   sense of satisfaction being able to provide  value back to the world which will make you   happier however this is one of the harder habits  to build as it comes with a rather steep learning   curve and the rewards for it are often delayed  but if you're serious about it and you manage to   build it then it can definitely change your life  the next habit that we'll talk about is exercise   and fitness which encompasses everything from  jogging to martial arts to cycling but primarily   some form of weight training now there are dozens  and dozens of physical health and mental benefits   when it comes to exercise it gives you more energy  boosts your immune system helps you sleep better   makes you stronger makes you feel better reduces  stress the list goes on and on and on and on it's   definitely the most studied habit on this entire  list but i think the most important benefit that   it brings for the average joe who is just dipping  their feet into the world of self-improvement   is the fact that it literally changes who you are  when you work out for just a month you can visibly   see changes in your body after two to three  months your friends and family will start to   see those changes as well and after three months  everyone around you will know that you hit the gym   this will change how others view you and also  how you view yourself allowing you to shed a   lot of the negative beliefs that you have about  yourself and start believing in yourself once   you start believing that you are someone who  is disciplined and can get hard things done   all the other habits on this list become  much easier to build exercise is the king   of all keystone habits for this reason and that's  why i will be ranking this all the way at the top   of the s tier because there isn't a single habit  that will give you all of the physical and mental   benefits all while allowing you to build other  habits significantly easier if you haven't really   built any habits in your life then this is a habit  that you should seriously consider first the next   habit on my list is sleeping early now i'm gonna  rank this habit the same way i ranked waking up on   time it's not really a habit it's something that  is determined by all of the habits that you have   in the evening and also when you wake up if you  want to learn more about this you can check out   my comprehensive guide on fixing your sleep which  i will link to in the description box below next   up we have eating on time i guess this relates to  diets like intermittent fasting which limits your   meals to an eight-hour window or even the one meal  a day diet where you are allowed to eat once a day   within the same one or two hour window now there  are a lot of benefits to these sorts of diets such   as weight loss reduced inflammation increased  production of growth hormone reduce aging and   much much more personally i practice intermittent  fasting for the mental clarity see i found that if   i eat in the mornings i experience some degree  of brain fog which makes it harder for me to   write which is why i'll usually work on an empty  stomach then go to the gym in the early afternoon   after which i'll break my fast so overall i  would say that this is a low eight tear habit   it's probably the best habit on this list next to  cooking if your main goal is weight loss and the   mental clarity is a huge added bonus that can help  you get more done every day disclaimer you should   definitely talk to your family doctor before  trying to do this because it's not for everyone   next up we have studying a language now there  aren't too many benefits to this yes it has been   shown to promote brain health and memory but it  really isn't going to change your life unless you   plan on moving somewhere permanently you would see  more benefits studying social skills in general   which would improve all of your interactions  with people regardless of the language they   speak so i'm gonna place this in the lower beats  here but it's important to note if you're not a   native english speaker then studying and becoming  fluent in english is actually very beneficial   because doing so would allow you to tap into the  english market which is the most profitable market   in the world in that case it would be very very  beneficial for the wealth aspect of your life   if that's you it'd be more like a low a-tier habit  up next we have budgeting or keeping track of your   finances this is actually an extremely important  habit to have it's almost guaranteed that you will   eventually become poor if you don't track your  finances because if you spend more than you make   you eventually end up with nothing or less  than nothing you can also use this habit to   create pressure on yourself which can be a good  thing because it will motivate you to take more   action for example oftentimes i will purposely  move my wealth into places that i cannot touch   so that when i look at my bank account it feels  like i'm a month or two away from going bankrupt   like even right now as i'm writing this script i  barely have enough money to maintain the business   and feed myself for the next month and knowing  this actually pushes me to work harder because   i feel like i need to bring in more income  just to survive overall this is a high b   tier habit it's something that everyone needs to  build eventually but depending on your age you   might not have to worry about it right now like  if you're a teenager you don't really need to   worry about paying the bills because your parents  are probably doing it for you so there are other   habits that you should prioritize right now the  next habit on our list is visualizing basically   when you imagine certain scenarios playing out  over and over again you can imagine yourself   accomplishing a task overcoming a fear or even  sticking to a habit now visualizing is something   that most of us already do the only issue is that  most of us visualize things that drag us down   such as past failures in order to get the most  out of it you're actually supposed to think about   the bright future doing so will give you more  motivation and also causes you to take action   which in turn increases the chances of your dreams  coming true however it's something that's pretty   much useless unless you back it up with another  good habit like you can't just visualize yourself   getting fit and expect it to come true you have to  actually try building a habit of working out and   combine it with the visualization in order to reap  the benefits which is why i'm going to place this   in the high b tier it's very powerful to have  but only if you pair it up with the right things   next up we have working now just to clarify when i  say working i don't mean working nine to five for   someone else i mean working on your own projects  building your own thing creating your own content   if you're someone who doesn't like to write but  maybe you like to create websites or program and   design apps then that would still be considered  to be working and just like with writing this is   one of the best ways to improve the wealth aspect  of your life so i'm gonna rank this right next to   writing because they have the same exact benefits  next up we have socializing which involves   messaging jumping on calls and hanging out with  other people this is an extremely important   benefit because everyone needs some degree of  human interaction in order to feel happy and   mentally healthy a lot of people feel like they  don't have enough friends and it's usually because   they don't take enough initiative to start  conversations or to invite others to hang out   if you build a habit of socializing then you fix  all of this socializing is also a habit that can   be used as a reward for other habits for example  i like to play games with friends or go out for   a drink with some pals after a long hard days of  work and i always look forward to this which makes   me want to get my work done even more so overall  i think this is a high a tier habit it's a habit   that everyone needs to have to some degree in  order to be happy but it's not really a keystone   habit for most people it's not something that will  make you build your other habits easier most of   the time and finally we have stretching now there  aren't too many health benefits that i can think   of for this you know it's good for your posture  your range of motion and it's something that you   might want to consider doing with your workouts to  help with recovery and to prevent injuries but by   itself it's not that special so overall i think  this is a low b-tier habit and that's it this is   how i would rank all of these habits you should  limit yourself to building just one or two habits   at a time and you should prioritize the ones  that will give you the most bang for your buck   hopefully this video gives you clarity with where  to start and if you want help building habits   then join my newsletter by clicking on the link  in the description box below there you'll receive   a lot more information about the habit builder  challenge which i honestly believe is the best   program available for getting people to actually  build and stick to a new habit on top of that it's   also one of the only ways to get invited into  my private discord server where you will gain   access to a community of like-minded people all  focused on improving themselves we run a weekly   book club and even a weekly board game night which  i always always attend besides that i'm curious   which habit do you think you'll be building  next let me know in the comments down below
Channel: Improvement Pill
Views: 672,180
Rating: 4.9249635 out of 5
Keywords: habits, habits to be productive, best habits, habit, atomic habits, mini habits, good habits, healthy habits, daily habits, habits that changed my life, habits that will change your life, habits of successful people, productive habits, daily habits of successful people, best morning habits, rich people habits, habit building, successful people habits, morning habits, life changing habits, productivity habits, successful habits, improvement pill, rich habits, tier list
Id: GriR73kSvPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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