The Gymnast who Lost Her Moves - Bryony Page | Against All Odds

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(BRIDGESTONE PRESENTS) Trampolining is jumping against gravity to get into the air. You're just completely free and it feels like you're flying. When you are jumping at that height, the impact on the body and the forces on the body are the same forces experienced by a Formula 1 driver. I kind of called up my coach and I said, "Something's wrong." I call it a mental block. Some name it Lost Move Syndrome. It's not easy for anybody who's been good to suddenly be a beginner again. Once you are in the final, anything can happen. We wanted to be the history makers. No-one can help you. In the blink of an eye, you can make success or failure. (AGAINST ALL ODDS - BRYONY PAGE) (WRENBURY, UNITED KINGDOM) We had a back-garden trampoline that I used to jump on. And we had a fence and I used to try to jump over the fence to say hi to the next-door neighbours if they were sat outside. When she was like seven or eight, we took her to a gymnasium. The first thing they asked her to do and they asked all the children was, Can you climb a rope to the ceiling? And Bryony just got to the rope, climbed straight up the rope and then the coach said, "No, no, no, stop, stop! "Come down!" She said, "How do I get down?" (HANNAH KENDRICK, BRYONY'S FORMER TRAMPOLINE MATE) When Bryony first came here, we knew there was something special about her. She was already great at gymnastics, which is a fantastic skill to have. Bryony was so small but she was fierce. She would put her hand up and she would say, "Ill do it!" "Ill try. How do I do it?" You know - give me a go! That was it, I was hooked. She got to a point where I went, "This is something very serious," when she got into the English squad. And that was saying, well, other people are now noticing how good she is. She must be very good. But suddenly, I was consumed by fear. I think her difficulty started for us when we noticed it first of all. We were at a national schools competition. We could see that the warm-up wasn't going too well for her. She came out of a few somersaults strangely for her, and you could just see she just wasn't herself. I kind of called up my coach and I kind of said, "Something's wrong." In this sport, you hear about this Lost Move Syndrome. (MARTIN PERRY, CONFIDENCE COACH) Fundamentally, she wasn't able to access the pattern or sequence of movements in her own brain, mind and body, to be able to perform them. It's quite hard to explain when you are not familiar with the sport. But in trampolining, you learn each move individually, so you know you have to go up, you have to spin around, you kind of lose sight of where you are. It's all about feeling a motion. One of the important things is to maintain the relationship with the trampoline. You're high on in the air, the trampoline is on the ground. But sometimes, you can get on the trampoline and you overthink it a little bit and you think, "How do I do that move?" If you lose your concentration, you can lose spatial awareness. If you lose spatial awareness, the systems panic. You get on the trampoline and you're jumping and all of a sudden you're blank. You start to get that physical reaction. Your heart starts to panic, you start to panic, you freeze. And then because you're upside down in quite a dangerous situation, when you blank, you could hurt yourself and that's when the fear starts happening. I just was kind of consumed by that fear of what happens if it goes wrong? There was a moment where it just suddenly spiralled out of control and I lost one skill after the other, and I got it back but then I lost another one and slowly, slowly, slowly lost everything. We start getting emotions involved. Bryony is getting angry, I am getting angry. Everyone gets frustrated. And I could see the frustration it was causing her. I couldn't do a lot to help other than just be there. The problem was so extreme that Bryony was on the verge of giving up the sport. Maybe this is the end. Maybe, for some reason, we can't fix this. That's when I made the decision - there was no way I was going to give up. Imagine breaking your legs and then suddenly have to learn how to walk again. How do you suddenly get your brain and your body in gear to start walking again? That's what Bryony had to do. You have to rebuild the pattern, step by step, bounce by bounce. You almost need to be able to clear and start again from the beginning. That's where methodically you can put back all the things in places that you've already learnt. It's not easy for anybody who's been good to suddenly be a beginner again. Literally day to day, training session to training session, she just built and built and built right up until the Olympic final. (OLYMPIC GAMES, RIO DE JANEIRO 2016) Representing Great Britain, Bryony Page. We wanted to be the history makers to make sure that we could show everybody the trampolining in Great Britain could win an Olympic medal. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the finalists. She was looking confident, she was looking good... ..and you're going, "This is it, she's ready." Nice height... Beautiful triple. Very strong through all the twisting parts. A few skills to go here, double pike. Staying right in the box. Bryony Page gets the routine nice and central. Then she lands, and you can see she went... Wow, brilliant. This is just perfect. Bryony Page, 56.040. 3 full points higher in execution. It was a chance to get a medal. When the score came up, we knew that it would be in the medal zone but you can't guarantee a medal at that point, and we just had to wait for every other performance. We have to wait ages. I think she was the second to perform. I had six more competitors. There was Rosie MacLennan, who was already an Olympic champion. The Chinese World Champions, Olympic medallists. So, you know, we knew that it was going to be a challenge. It was a case of look at all the other competitors coming through. The first Chinese does a good routine but it doesn't beat Bryony's. So she's slowly going up and up. Second place at the moment and Page is holding on. There is only three to come... And you've got Rosie MacLennan, Olympic champion. From Toronto... It's good! And she's done it. 56.465. Rosie MacLennan puts herself in the medal position with two to go. And then she overtook me and I had this feeling that I might finish fourth. And my heart was going, "not fourth, not fourth." And then Li Dan competed her routine. We couldn't watch, we were like this the whole time, we couldn't watch. Well! Oh, Li Dan. Near faultless! Now my money is on Li Dan. Bryony Page, you have to just wonder, is your 56.040 good enough to get you a medal? Oh, she hasn't! 55.885. And scores below Bryony. And Page is still in second place. She's going to medal. I didn't know what to do with myself. I just kind of collapsed on the floor and started crying. Bryony Page, the performance of her life. She was obviously the first person from Great Britain trampoline to win an Olympic medal. Still can't believe it! She knew, and I could see that she knew, she had done the best routine of her life. All those problems we had had gone. You know what I mean? That's bad, isn't it? I'm getting emotional about it. It had been... ..a very... ..long journey for her, not an easy one. I've overcome everything, I've overcome my fears, I've overcome injuries, I've overcome my confidence levels, I've gone through everything. I couldn't believe, I couldn't believe it. And... ..I've done it! (AGAINST ALL ODDS - BRYONY PAGE)
Channel: Olympics
Views: 851,491
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Keywords: Olympic Games, Olympics, IOC, Sport, Champion, PLAAO, Against all Odds, Olympic, bronze, silver, gold, yt:cc=on, Bryony Page, adversity, overcome, inspiration, الترامبولين, 蹦床, Trampoline, Turnsport, Trampolin, Trampolino Elastico, トランポリン, 트램폴린, Ginástica de Trampolim, Прыжки на батуте, Gimnasia artística, trampolín, Team GB, Summer Games rio, Rio 2016, Olympic Games Rio 2016, Rio, Olympic Summer Games, great britain, jump, England, Gymnast, 竞技体操, Gymnastique, Kunstturnen, Ginnastica
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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