The Guild That Killed Hardcore WoW

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the biggest hard horde Guild in hardcore classic has been playing semi-hardcore the whole time blood and thunder the biggest horde Guild on Hardcore classic a guild that wouldn't do dungeons with non-guildies and wouldn't invite people that had their deaths appealed by the hardcore mods Team Auto appeal a female Guild members five minute long wipe her Hearth is on CD because she didn't use she didn't use petrification and she blamed it on a game bug it appears that since the guilds judge themselves whether or not a death is appealable all legit hardcore guilds just appeal their deaths so they investigate themselves and they find they did nothing wrong this is the same Guild that witch friend that witch-hunted a friend of mine who is a Healer because they made a mistake in zul gurub zg apparently The Story Goes that somebody someone hearsay accused a guy of planning to grief blood and thunder so when they lost five people to a trash AOE spell they blamed him even though it was people and the Tank's own fault should have stunned or moved away they lost five people to the gorabot because you know what you know what it is right it's the girl Bashi Berserker it's the spinny boy thing are you [ __ ] kidding me oh it was the bats [Music] what oh my God oh no actually yes the Berserkers are big boys yeah the ax stores oh my God the bats it's even worse bro it's classic yeah it's a good point okay so this is the zg situation all right let's look at the zg situation first we go so where's the okay the bat Riders right is right there okay so two sunders four Warriors okay but why would he but why would he but why would they have him on top of each other I don't unders why would they do that so let me explain uh oh yeah people don't play people don't play well so these bat Riders whenever they get low Health they blow up unless you kill them really fast okay good okay they killed one of them unstable concoction big idiot died yep because you can see them look they don't even try to move out look at this mage wait the Mage doesn't even die of all the people that deserve to [ __ ] die it should have been the mage it was a bug what's the bug I'm confused yeah did he cast it early there was no bug yeah look at this he he's casting the spell now usually to be fair usually they cast it at a lower Health pool they petried no way they patch read oh my God no they didn't Jesus that is [ __ ] bad I can't believe that and they just stood there like Bots like none of them even tried to move and like you see Mr Rogue he's like oh the ability that will cause the NPC to explode is about to occur I should move my character away from the NPC so I don't get hit by the explosion oh wow everybody else died must be a bug appeal the MPC move no it does not uh as soon as he begins that cast he stops Moving And even if he does move the war the tanks could have the tank survived two of them did uh and they could just use a cooldown the bug is them they got squished like one true oh my God what a [ __ ] what a situation and apparently they lost five people they blamed doc [ __ ] where's doc [ __ ] wait the Healer oh that makes sense because he should have healed them yeah I mean if he had healed them uh they wouldn't have died right I mean sure I love how this guy goes Berserker stance did you really think Berserker stance was the right thing to do in that situation of all of the things in all of the situations was Berserker stance the right option I think not how the [ __ ] was he supposed to yield that damage I mean to be fair he could have bubbled some of them but like it it's their fault it's not his fault they're stupid he's not stupid that's why they're dead and he's not okay so now let's see the second situation here we go yes be I'm tuned in in the Stream I'm a viewer okay these are pretty quick runs I thought these took longer I don't know into this solo yeah I see why now oh [ __ ] what how did that happen I don't know how that there's I can't Target him either I can't do anything to help yeah that's smart for him to do that oh we got feared looks like they're gonna get away keep going I wonder if I can distract you dummy he is on somebody else he's got to be coming to me now he can't we can't Target him can you vanish yeah but I don't want to vanish on somebody else Kristen I would Hearth Hearth what are you doing get the [ __ ] out of here he's on the way back he's on the way back he's on the way back to you Chris I don't think he's gonna make it dude that guy's hauling yeah I do have a pet tree please please oh my God oh my God no block what the [ __ ] was that is he still running after people or what I have no idea what's going on yeah he is still running after people let's go just get to the reset spot so once wait why did they run whoa wait wait why did they run back up wait why would they [ __ ] do that a little jump down the way that I did how we're going all the way back to that one you got to show it at the start right yep just run out of the instance and reset what are you doing like bugged out on the railings you guys got lots of time now yes Sims I don't know if you'll be able to just run out what the [ __ ] is wrong with you guys I have never seen this happen no I'm just worried about y'all being in common I assume that I'm safe because I got the suit yeah yeah probably like okay or anything really actually I think you may have walked up too early I just don't want to vanish and then so I'm actually about to jump on the evade spot I think yeah what are the dates but I mean this isn't a bad spot but I'm out of combat you guys are making me nervous what are you doing what are you thinking why don't you just zone out just get out of the [ __ ] instance so he is now he's not red and he is walking oh my God the freaking which I assume means he's going to get back to the front oh my God wait yo what did she say which I assume means he's gonna get backed freaking no he's not red and he is walking oh my God the freaking which I assume means he's gonna get back to the front oh my God look at her house what is going on oh there's a bunch of other mobs coming now you're gonna have to pet her most likely I don't have one I am too okay is this Petri I'm dropping group yeah let's get out of here oh no [ __ ] is this why did she run back she could have left the instance why did she run back she's a girl no no it this actually isn't because she's a girl it's because she's a classic player the guys are doing the same thing look at this guy what's he doing It's Gonna Hurt that's what I'm gonna try she's on a reset ledge and jumped off because she thought he reset and ass pulled a pack I just I okay wait she's dead oh died at level 60. her last words were two police she got more than that is this how are you gonna be honest I think this is natural selection what the [ __ ] I've been training in a pet pre-made for three days and B-Dubs just never answers well now you can level for three days nope so okay and so we're gonna go ahead and now we're going to look at the uh uh the post about the situation okay so now you've seen what happened and we are going to look and we're going to see what it was and this is the girl that died you can see she has the same name as she had on Discord uh during the overlay in this call right here and he's walking oh you can see her right there and so let's go ahead and take a look at this here for transparency my appeal was approved really thank you officers for looking over the video I am going to take some time to consider whether I want to undelete I appreciate y'all encouraging me to post it I was just going to delete my character and go to bed it feels weird not to undelete given just how egregious that bug was it feels weird to undelete because I've never done anything like that before I don't know I have some thinking to do I'm not sure if that was a bug like I I I I don't know if it was because so this is what happened right so she talks to him [Music] why was she there [Music] why would you stand there are you [ __ ] stupid well I guess we know the answer to that I am so glad that she died because there is nothing that pisses me off more than these like brain dead players that have to move up and get too close to a boss or get too close to what's going on oh I have to get I have to see what's going on no you [ __ ] don't no you don't you should have never [ __ ] been there and and everybody else wasn't over there and you know why because they're not [ __ ] stupid and that's what it's her own fault yes and she's a Healer it's insane you shouldn't is it 20 years ago yeah this is not read the comments below the appeal I will in a minute somebody says this hurt my soul bro this hurt my brain he's running away so this is what I think happened um I guess it made him move away whenever she talked to him and because she was too close to his aggro range whenever he ran to the other location as an outcome of the dialogue well let me see what happens like here let me let me just see how does this work uh Hunter solo Dyer Mall uh tribute run let's let's see what normally happens here okay so usually he just Hunters can't skip Hunter skip can't compare yeah I was gonna see what happens if you actually talk to him to see if it changed it at all because my understanding is that he always does that [Music] in the corner and wait for the boss to walk past you if you don't have a suit yeah because like if you look look at the look at the mini map you see there's the uh see Kristen and Sims they didn't [ __ ] die you know why because they're out of range but this girl for some reason thought oh I want to get I want to stand close I want to stand close to the boss you see that because you can see it from the minimap there there's her right there you should have never been there RP wasn't done she walked up into aggro range yeah followed by stealth Rogue yeah the stealth Rogue doesn't matter because he's stealth oh my God 100 not a bug I don't think that's what it was at all she wanted a rat next to him and the guy was talking to a boss in a suit and got put in combat from that well the other guy didn't die hold up she didn't end up hearthing out no do you want to know why she didn't Hearth out uh oh our Hearth is on CD apparently which is like okay reasonable but she wouldn't have even been able to Hearth out Ah that's nuts man [Music] she didn't drop groups she didn't do anything and not only that like I just can't get over Harold greech this how egregious this is this is a huge [ __ ] mistake because it's like she ran away and then bro she came back she came back three times like look at this she kept running back she looks She's in range again what the [ __ ] are you doing standing in range and and obviously this girl is hard thing so she's gonna know like bro like if he hits her she's dead you can see her right behind him oh my this is making me mad just watching it's making me mad look at it and then she turns what the what the [ __ ] are you doing look at this watch what what what are you turning around for why did you turn around what is wrong with you [Music] look let's watch it in slow motion guys you want to watch it in slow motion here we go and she's running away hole up let's backpedal for a second [ __ ] dog hahaha oh my God and what is the [ __ ] Hunter doing I just I I usually wouldn't be this brutal about it but there are two reasons why I'm being absolutely [ __ ] Savage with this number one is because I have a personal [ __ ] Vendetta against players that get too close to a boss or get move up like you're supposed to stand back and like remember whenever I would put the raid marker and I said anybody that goes past this raid marker gets kicked out of the raid and I do it I [ __ ] hate that oh it makes me so mad it is the most annoying [ __ ] because like people just follow directions do what you're told play like a bot that's all you're not a person stop be stop thinking for yourself that's the worst thing you can do especially if it's classic wow and they thought oh I'm just getting something just a minute I'm not an older anymore it's okay I'm not an old war Gus can't hurt you anymore can't hurt you yeah okay and the other reason is the fact that she had the audacity to call this a bug because do you want to know what my hot take is if I think that if it actually bugged out I think she should have been able to appeal I do because it was a it was a genuine bug even though she made mistakes afterwards and she could have overcome the bug I think that if you die to a bug that is not in the essence of dying to a mistake in the game but there wasn't a bug and we saw that not a bug it's part of the game yeah I think so she could have made it out she could have made it out multiple times she could have left the group and then ghetto Hearth down isn't bug just unintended game mechanic well no no I mean bug is like you fall through the floor and you die to just like like you just clip through the ground and you just die like there's plenty of actual bugs in the game but this just wasn't one of them yeah it was not a bug so she ran after in the mobs yeah I read the mob before the RP was done yes that's what she did and she did that because she couldn't wait to just like just stand back with everybody else but no she's special well let's go back and look at this see you tomorrow welcome back thank you I'm quitting The Guild I'm trying to play hardcore thanks for everything y'all might as well just appeal everything to be honest since hard since officials coming soon let us have our fun I can respect that it's just not for me I just won't Rez if it's going to drive you away suck it's not personal to you it's not your fault the appeal got approved well it's her fault she put the appeal in come on uh you're doing a lot for the community wish you the best everyone has their own line of what should be approved and what shouldn't I don't know which bugs are acceptable and which ones aren't this is what this is my completely unsolicited opinion I think that if somebody dies to something that's not in their control or a malfunction in the game counting a death against them is not within the spirit of the game and so I think appeals are fine but this was not a bug and she played exceptionally bad afterwards it's not a bug the boss works like that yeah that's why I'd want to see another clip of that boss in PC but yeah I don't know she was organizing our MC run and doing spreadsheets well good for her now she'll have more time to focus on organizing the spreadsheets because she won't be able to play the game um let's see here appeal seems within the guidelines of the entire Community follow as followed for years I wouldn't sweat just one opinion hardcore is a personal challenge no it's not if you're having other people involved um okay honestly been debating and deleting slash rewriting because what's the point leadership probably be mad at my perspective I'm dead so what does my opinion matter first I don't see a bug in this clip I see Miss B pulling the boss before the suit dialogue is complete zomb is wearing a suit so it makes interacting with the captain funky and Miss B gets in combat she safely navigates to a safe spot at this point I think the whole thing starts Anew why the boss had pulled this kind of irrelevant she knew the boss had pulled she knew it had padded out of the room back towards the courtyard she drops down aggros the pack in the corner boss runs back and aggros her again and kills her sucks but why is that appealable based dot me up based as [ __ ] true real accurate like absolute like this just everything is right about what he said and everybody knows it personally think it was appealable until you go to the legend made a choice to jump down and pull an extra pack I don't even see a bug before then she pulled the boss and yeah bro he's not done he said before the event even started that's not true though look at the combat States again combat starts and stops with the rat when it's killed combat starts after the boss goes invulnerable untargetable boss hits me combat drops boss hits me again no combat that's why the resets I think that's why the resets didn't work to be honest well it doesn't matter if the resets worked because you got killed by another mob you didn't even get killed by the Boss look she she didn't even die the boss she died by a gork a gordoc warlock they had nothing to do with the boss so I mean like who cares sorry Misty I really am it's nothing about you it's honestly not but I've never seen this appeal approved ever I knew moving appeals to the guild was fraught with danger because it was open to abuse this looks like abuse to many people and not just me they should have had me review every appeal I would have never made a bad decision I I would never ever make a bad decision on an appeal and I I don't know why they didn't just they didn't just let me know because I would have I like I'm gonna be honest I know a lot about the game but I I could I I've been rating in this game 15 years like I would have never made this mistake do you get bored in two weeks no I wouldn't being able to dictate life and death to dispense Justice or punishment at my own will and discretion I would never get tired of that I would I would do appeals for free yeah content yeah maybe that'd be a good idea the classic hard course team you know what they should do they should give me the appeals let me read the appeals and let me decide yeah let me do it on stream let me read them and decide she should take priority yeah appeals on stream exactly yeah cargos can hit me up if he's interested in it yeah weekly appeal stream yeah do it every day maybe like every other day like 50 appeals knock them out I like this idea a lot it sounds really good I really really like this idea this would be perfect Judgment Day every other day yes exactly the chat should vote no uh justice is not a democracy I understand the game better than everybody else and so it should just be me making the decisions you know maybe chat might have some insight here and there but uh at the end of the day it's gonna be me so yeah yes we will have public executions exactly yes please please send me the appeals please let me see the appeals I need this anyway I don't have a 60 one for two-ish weeks this looks like I've used too many people not just me it didn't look appealable either but it doesn't affect me either way yes it does it affects everybody using an evade spot the bugs mobs is kind of an exploiting bug and it's safe just saying you were safe could have frankly uh uh just hearthed out everyone has a different line jumping down because the reset appears to have worked boss continuing on its path and then not being true is definitely a bug it doesn't I I don't even see the extra pack as an issue since zombard is there and can pick them up well what do you mean zombart is there a con pick them up so like let me get this straight so you expect the tank who has 4 800 health is that correct I think that was the number oh five thousand uh I guess I was wrong uh yeah four thousand nine hundred thousand that was quite close uh you expect him to tank uh all of these mobs but what do you think is going to happen and also if you expected him to do that why didn't you say for him to do that why didn't you say hey can you pick up these mobs I aggro them no communication no awareness I wonder if she was using name plates how how can you and zombard two-person that pack I don't think you can like four forms of CC okay so you've got fear and you've got mind control but if you mind control then you can't heal the tank so that's just not that's not gonna happen and also the fear is yeah and then the fear aggroes more mobs and on top of that he has a fear and you have a fear so they Dr each other honestly I'm disengaging I've said my piece you guys do you I'll do me I won't res guys I'm not coming back take the rest I guess I don't understand see this is bro what's this [ __ ] ego that these people have they can never just take an L you can never just say hey guys I [ __ ] up I made a mistake no and it's not enough everybody says hey we're okay with it you know we personally don't agree but you're gonna do what you're gonna do and then she says okay I'm not gonna rest but apparently that wasn't the [ __ ] enough because she had to sit there and type that [ __ ] out because it's not enough to be able to get your character back or be able to potentially get your character back but you have to make sure you you [ __ ] you you make sure everybody else knows that you were in the right oh how pathetic let's see here um I I guess I don't understand the appeal so egregious to you guys was entirely uninteractive and that appeared to reset but didn't from the starter to pull the D end the boss is non-targetable no combat state was complicating Factor you can say this exact same thing for charging through the world and drowning or being griefed by a scatter faint mob those get appealed I won't res because this is upsetting I think but I don't see how officers have deviated either personally I delete people charge through the world and drown uh but they think they can just log off but they can actually just log off and instantly reset it's just crazy to me it's absolutely astonishing that you're approved just res I really don't want to be the symbol of like the guild somehow not being hardcore or anything it's not her fault ultimately it is and it's not she should have never appealed but the officer should have never like they they they they were the ones that approved it right if they hadn't approved it then she wouldn't have rest theoretically appeals shouldn't be approved yeah Judgment Day again yeah this is Judgment Day part two she's not rezzing because of flashback you mean backlash otherwise she would have yeah it's true uh which is I mean I think that's fine boy the game are pro all the points are making but if if you're not in charge of the appeal really doesn't matter what your stance is it's either granted or it's not yeah true free throw line the official says foul true there seems to be a lack of Awesomeness through communication on this incident I'm going to jump in here before this turns into a dumpster fire apologies if you don't know me uh as I died before most of you uh ding 60 . here's my opinion a discussion did not take place amongst the officers between whether or not this appeal should be approved or denied this decision still needs to take place and I think a vote is a fair wait what my appeal was approved well then who appear who who approved the appeal it was a single officer making the appeal decision jumping the gun before the officer Corps decided and what did the officer Corps actually decide ultimately what what ended up happening we've got the GM in chat this is the guy he says this death never got appealed please no troll we did not appeal we voted to not appeal an officer what happened to the did anything happen to the officer what do you say I I know he typed something Let me refresh he stepped down whenever when I became GM I think that's fair yeah it seems like the guild actually handled it in a pretty fair way yeah I actually think that's pretty fair yeah okay sure all right fair enough I'm going to type in all caps locks while everyone understands yeah I know that's it's louder that way right so people can hear you the honest jobs goes a female player um I I don't know if it's because like obviously like everybody always has like a um agenda with like this kind of stuff I'm gonna be honest bro like look this skill like had five people die to this and they were saying they got trolled because they couldn't move out of an AOE like I really don't think that this is an outcome of like being simps I just think it's an outcome of people being [ __ ] garbage like I mean really like come on guys like let's be real yeah they're getting griefed oh get the [ __ ] out of here just casual players yeah they're not it's this isn't of a woman situation this is a this is a clown situation A Destiny GG happened before I became GM and the story is messy well I'll tell you one thing that was messy is this [ __ ] explosion and this goddamn raid that was really messy so yeah I don't know what happened all I'm saying is that if I look at that who am I going to say who's at fault everybody that [ __ ] died because you can easily move out of that nobody should ever [ __ ] die to that it is a joke that the Mage even got hit by it that is hilarious can't believe it bro this guy took over a clown video bro this guy took over a circus have fun man none of the Raiders got uh gfpps whenever they asked for them and we had three people with sub 20 active times well why would it matter I mean like you know the way that these NPCs work right is that between like under 50 there is a chance that they will cast uh the unstable concoction like it doesn't mean that they will cast it the second they go under 50 some of them cast it ten percent some of them cast at 20 uh at 20 some of them cast at 45 right so you know that's going to happen and you need to make a an immediate judgment call is the damage going to kill the boss before you uh before uh before it dies and again this is a lack of leadership because leadership should say stay in or move out and you can always move out but you cannot always stay in it is a like it is indisputably a a management issue there is no excuse for it nothing just always move out yes well no you don't always much sometimes you can kill them and if you know that you have the damage you can kill them you can always move out but you cannot always stay in that's nice yes exactly that's why I took over another prior leadership had no experience that's pathetic yeah I mean like bro like uh honestly when it well I mean bro they're doing you a favor man this is natural selection there you go maybe now you guys can play the game holy [ __ ] man this is just pissing me off I read this player made hardcore not being legit what a surprise yeah for sure uh wow people think cheating in hardcore is whenever you disable the add-on how surprising is that for sure shocking current form of Hardcore is just a play date between kids making up their own rules has to be enforced by gaming company or nobody else takes anything seriously I think that most of the appeals are totally fine and these people appealing themselves is just uh you know it's problematic and I think the guild acknowledged that and it got taken care of I'm gonna be totally honest though guys I think this is way more interesting if we don't have appeal drama what's the [ __ ] point am I crazy here I love the idea of appeal drama it's way [ __ ] and more interesting than you lose your character and you die and hey yo people might not believe me just wait three months after Classic hardcore is out and then we'll see how many people give a [ __ ] yeah it's like band appeals yeah it's great content it's great for the community it gets everybody talking about the game everybody has a [ __ ] opinion about it it is amazing this is Judgment Day part two and apparently the right thing has happened there we go that's it the one true appeal King yeah I will never make a bad decision with an appeal that's just the truth I'm just I'm sad that people don't come to me to to help me to for me to help them make the decisions yeah I mean I would never make a bad decision
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 545,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: t0bvNPvwC44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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