The Guild of Strangeness - Ep. 1 [Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode]

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bones from winged pillars fist cybrex demon's bloody cyst lobster quake's accursed eyes sodel's brood solidifies with tigg's blessing give them breath servants of disease and death good evening tonight mage queen zecet is dabbling in dark and powerful magics using specimens from the work of her necromancer colleagues cecet is creating new life from these barrels of blood she repeats their experiments brewing loyal acolytes to enact her will across the land the first creation to emerge from its brood pot is a pillar love's fist a large one-eyed humanoid he has thin wings of stretched skin and his black skin is waxy zaccit names him odom there lethsuglar snakeship he's patient agile focused and analytical he's a proficient crossbowman a skilled observer and a skilled dodger odom is to serve as a scout and a hunter for the acolytes odom values a harmonious existence values artwork respects power and values tranquility and a peaceful day he's assertive confident under pressure likes to take it easy and avoids crowds he dreams of mastering a skill this cool-headed hunter will no doubt be an asset to the acolytes zecet has odom clad in leather clothes he wields a superior quality crossbow a finely crafted copper buckler and a well-crafted bronze short sword a second creature climbs out she's a lobster quake's eye a large feathered humanoid she has a pair of knobby antenna her charcoal feathers are long and narrow she has been named udil zustash silab ancient roof she has been imparted with the knowledge of the axe she knows how to competently wield one in battle has some skill in wood cutting and is a professional carpenter she's strong agile and very creative she also has above average empathy social awareness and linguistic ability and she's a competent conversationalist and an adequate flatterer udyl doesn't respect the law and thinks friendship is important she dreams of creating a great work of art she enjoys being in crowds and is extremely confident in situations requiring her skills she doesn't mind wearing something special now and again and has little interest in joking around this extravagant extrovert seems just as comfortable on the battlefield as she is in conversation udyl wields a bronze battle axe and a copper shield she has insisted upon being clothed in finely crafted silks and our clothiers have obliged the next to emerge is a hulking colossus a demon of cybric a large eyeless humanoid she has four long curving horns her black skin is leathery her name is kosoth ulzestetis ring steak she is incredibly muscular while she has superior strength her interpersonal skills are lacking her specialty is unarmed combat cosoth is a competent wrestler striker and dodger as well as an adequate kicker and biter she also has a way with animals being both a competent rider and a professional animal caretaker kosoth finds blind honesty foolish and has a strong tendency towards privacy though she does find helping others to be very emotionally rewarding she finds chaos preferable to the boredom of harmonious living is quick to anger and likes to brawl this unpredictable behemoth will be an unstoppable force on the battlefield kosoth isn't too focused on material goods so she's packing light she's wearing a vest a pair of trousers some leather shoes and a pair of large iron gauntlets she doesn't need any other weapons kosoth is also bringing along three war dogs cog eshton and de gaulle the fortress has plenty of stray hounds running around we might as well put them to use the final champion slithers out from his cauldron a soldier of sodel a scaly humanoid with two narrow tails his charcoal scales are large and set far apart his name is rohvad charmang maya lash rovad is far and away the least physically imposing of the four acolytes he's only about the size of a dwarf his strength toughness and endurance are below average though he is agile he's an adequate spearman though he's more competent at blocking and dodging than he is at stabbing rovod's real contribution to the group comes from his skills as a doctor he can set bones and dress wounds with skill and proficiency rovod is also an adequate reader wordsmith and writer what zecit denied him in physical strength she made up for an intellect his academic skills will be useful as the acolytes document their experiences in the wilds rovod views the pursuit of knowledge as deeply important and dreams of mastering a skill he is extremely confident of himself and is intellectually stubborn rarely changing his mind yet somehow he's also very humble he's quick to anger and lives a fast-paced life quick-witted and feisty rovod can provide the brains to back up the rest of the squad's brawn provided he doesn't get himself killed first rovod carries a copper spear a copper buckler and five blank pigtail scrolls it's always important to bring along writing material you never know when inspiration will strike the mage queen tells the heroes of their sacred mission they are to travel the folded continents inspecting the nine necromancer towers that have been conquered by chanted finns they are to learn all they can from the places they visit and recover what treasures they find they must also investigate the three remaining unconquered necromancer towers and return with information about the tower's defenses they are free to take whatever equipment they need from the fortress in order to complete their mission she tells them to go forth and spread the will of tig the lustful none of the four know who tig the lustful is but she seems pretty adamant standing outside chanted finns the quartet decides to take a look around the fortress before they head out there could be useful supplies inside they enter the tower of chanted finns odom finds some iron bolts for his crossbow and rovad finds a blank parchment choir the group comes across a museum of sorts filled with all kinds of artifact trinkets udyl snags a lovely looking granite amulet stalid duthner wash guarded that strange dwarf crone did say they could take whatever they wanted she decides not to push it by taking any of the other artifacts they continue up the tower finding a great throne room for some reason there's an enormous empty cage in front of the window who knows what used to be in there the top floor of the tower is locked up for some reason the party instead heads down into the fortress proper it's pretty messy down here there are pools of dwarf and troll blood on the floor along with a lot of water this place kind of seems like a dump it might be dangerous here kosoth takes point yes this whole place is flooded with salt water what happened here there's a door at the end of the hallway water rushes out the party is washed down the corridor luckily there are drains in the floor which seem to be keeping the place from becoming totally submerged in the other direction the quartet finds a strange sight an incredibly muscular dwarf looks like a soldier of some kind but she's missing a right hand and a left foot she's covered in scars and something seems kind of off about her udyl tries talking to her hello not much of a talker huh well whatever she doesn't seem dangerous they find a tavern of some kind the floor is covered in blood udyl tries making conversation with a nearby merchant hello how's it going death is all around us this is truly horrifying well uh how have things been around here we've got armies on the march beasts criminals bandits bone-chilling horror and missing treasure that's not very funny how fleeting life is begone fear good luck with that this place might not be entirely on the up and up we might want to make ourselves scarce before too long they continue exploring rovod finds an artifact bismuth bronze spear in the water he feels a little bad about taking such a valuable weapon when he's just a humble scholar but he's the only member of the group who uses spears so he figures it's for the best it's pretty flooded over here as well but it looks like this is where main storage is they wade through the fortress collecting a great variety of useful supplies while most of the armor in here is sized for dwarves there does seem to be some equipment here which fits the larger members of the group odom finds a steel helm a steel male shirt and some gauntlets that are his size kosoth collects a massive full suit of steel armor all sized for demons of cybric she also recovers a finely crafted spiked bronze ball it might come in handy rovod finds lots of dwarven armor which would fit him if only he were strong enough to carry it he just grabs a steel helm in truth he's rather weighed down by all the parchment choirs he found in the fort they're a little waterlogged but they should dry out eventually udyl picks up a steel male shirt in addition to her new amulet at this point the party has collected about as much as they need so they decide to leave this rather damp place on their way out they find some animals that may well come in handy kosoth coaxes four trained rhinoceros to accompany them and they mount up these adventurers are going to travel in style they set off for the nearest necromancer tower wind peaked a little ways to the southeast they soon find a flock of ren people small bird folk they seem pretty harmless udyl tries striking up a conversation greetings my name is odile ancient roof greetings how are you feeling right now oh we were just having a bit of a debate it was quite an insightful discussion that's nice how's life out in the plains well there is the matter of the fighting how about fighting a wren woman suddenly takes a swing at one of our dogs just now a ren woman attacked these bird people have a pretty messed up sense of humor this is my fight too this may require an answer kosovo feels vengeful seeing someone attack her prized pup before anyone can stop her she dismounts and starts sprinting after the offending bird kosoth picks the red woman up by the neck and throws her some other members of our group pile on as well even the rhinos start kicking at the red woman odom injects the bird with venom using his stinger we didn't even know he had a stinger kosoth takes a mighty swing and bashes the red woman's head in no one hurts her dogs the other ren people are horrified but they don't dare make any sudden moves two try to appease kosoth by gently petting the dog udyl quickly ushers the group away trying not to make the situation any worse this is not exactly an ideal start to our journey as the group nears the tower the environment starts becoming rather strange there's a lot of vegetation but it's all dead dead trees dead grasses there's not a single living plant around even near the ponds odom does find some wildlife he manages to bag a peregrine falcon not much meat on it but it's something ah but here's a monitor lizard odom takes a few shots and eventually hits it with his crossbow he then charges in on his rhinoceros and finishes the beast off with his short sword there's far more meat on this creature we'll be eating well tonight he butchers the lizard and hands the meat to kosoth for safe keeping a short while later the group finds the first structure in the area a small squarish building they'll need to be careful this place does not seem remotely safe odom dismounts and takes the lead it's cramped and empty they keep looking the next building is a few stories high there are some bags with clothing in them but it's all pretty small sized for humans they fit rovod though he finds a spiffy pair of gloves as well as a nice coat they keep checking the different structures long into the night the barrows are all deserted some contain clothing armor or weapons but little of it is useful to us eventually odom hears something in one of the structures there's someone here it's a goblin bowman once resting one she's a muscular boss of some kind are they friend or foe odom tries talking to her greetings my name is odom snakeship do you know anything about this area she's just standing there motionless she seems benign enough odom backs away slowly out the door as he turns around and tries to head up the stairs the goblin starts following this is really off dwarf blood silent zombie goblin tailing us we should be really careful here there doesn't seem to be anything else in the structure let's just get out what the party doesn't know is that they just had a close encounter with a2 the goblin bowman once resting one who once slaughtered the entire militia of chanted finn single-handedly with her mummy king dead she has returned to the tower of wind peaked and silently wanders the barrows we can only pray that she never turns vengeful there's little else of interest in the barrows the party heads towards the tower proper some might say that entering a necromancer tower after dark is foolhardy but we are night creatures surely we can handle ourselves but it's entirely deserted and empty when the group emerges it's already sunrise it occurs to the fore that no one is actually feeling tired the question of whether they actually need to sleep comes up they were literally born yesterday so it's a valid question to have perhaps these night creatures never have to sleep at all as the four prepare to leave they realize they don't know where any of their animals are traveling without mounts would take a lot longer odom leads the group as they try to follow the animals tracks they give the whole area quite a thorough search but they can't find anything it looks like we're not going to recover our animals these dead lands are no place for pets kosoth is rather beside herself those poor dogs their kindred spirits they're my partners there there kosoth those animals can fend for themselves we should probably head back to that fortress though and find some new mounts as they march back to the fortress the second night of their journey falls but the four have no issue traveling at night as dawn breaks they arrive back enchanted finns to kosoth's great delight she finds one of her war dogs here ashton i'm pretty sure this dog was accidentally left behind in the fortress when we first headed out looks like it was for the best the group are also able to find four more rhinos to use as mounts udyl even finds a war rhinoceros though it's a bit short once again mounted up the four set off but to where this self-styled mage queen wants us to go explore some necromancer towers that she conquered but why should we do what she says apparently she created us but that doesn't mean she has a right to order us around udyl has no interest in following this queen's laws zasit also kept going on about tig the lustful and the gods but none of these four have any religious beliefs frankly it was all a bit off-putting there was a little bit of useful equipment in the last tower so there might be some value in exploring the others but wind peaked was also a pretty dismal place not the sort of locale you'd want to spend your life cataloging these four misfits have a world of adventure to explore will they listen to their queen and visit the towers or will they strike out into the wilds and decide their own fate but it's getting late and i must retire come find me again some other night to hear more tales of this queer quadrumvirate [Music] do you
Channel: Mort Strudel
Views: 8,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j7iCZpQACiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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