THE GREY KNIGHTS [Part 2 - Vengeance] - WARHAMMER 40,000 Lore / History

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for many years after the early establishment of the gray Knights they remained still absent from any involvement during the period of scouring traitor care societies that followed in the wake of the heresy Titan was still missing and instead the gray knights in the fashion of the ever reserved Nathaniel Garrow would bide their time strengthening their minds training and above all else perfecting their skills of demon hunting and powerful psychic domination maintaining the singular goal that when they would re-emerge they'll be ready to unleash a wave of vengeance in the name of the Emperor the opponent demons of the warp would greatly regret their expulsion into the material realm also as we well know timing warp space is not that of time in real space and this was why when Titan did finally reemerge from the war Pony a few standard years after its disappearance the gray Knights stood ready not with a few hundred ultra elite psychic demon hunting chaos ruining his star T's as might have been expected now they returned to reality with at least a thousand of the strongest warriors created at this time Malka doors eight had delivered a force of unrivaled power to counter and bring down a great vengeance upon those who sought to destroy them the Inquisition itself was also now well established by the mortal Lords who are also selected by mauka door and had a long awaited the return of Titan and the eight nights and so when it returned they traveled to meet with Grand Master Yanis and discussed their future cooperation as well as to discuss and update their contemporary achievements the gray Knights would now quickly begin to put into practice their perfectly executed training for many Imperial Worlds would soon carry records of mythical silver angel warriors descending from the stars and destroying rending impaling and banishing creatures of their nightmares back into the darkness from whence they came the gray Knights fight an endless war wherever the entities and gods has a warped dare to appear now more than ever in the dark times of the current age where the gray Knights face an almost insurmountable task even by their own high standards and as many Emperor forces find themselves stretched more thinly than ever before they though are masters of psychic power even beyond fellow space brain librarians - most certainly beyond ordinary humans psychos who are just as likely to be found in a shattered mental state with their fingers embedded in their own faces tearing their flesh off an axe of corrupted insanity as their lack of knowledge and subsequent corruption of the warp finally takes hold and they quickly lose your sense of reality indistinct opposition to these uncontrolled amateur psychos a gray night unlike almost all other humans a star teased included they will stare with no sense of fear or foreboding far into the abyss and see what stares back at them [Music] most of starties chapters after the second founding had greatly reduced numbers but even by these wing clip standards the Greenert still have a comparatively minimal amount of warriors within their ranks for the gray knights though this is of little consequence because for them they are the masters of all they can take on numbers of enemy unthinkable to others and they're a few enemy who could hope to even have a moderate chance to damage or best a gray knight in combat such as their elite level of skill beyond the norm but at the same time this doesn't mean that they are not able to be beaten or subdued they could be suppressed they could be overwhelmed by sheer volume of numbers or other tactical reasons could dictate their necessity to retreat or even in rare cases be captured now similarly to some other mythical forces within the Imperium who are rarely seen or spoken of the grey knights seemed to appear usually unexpectedly and then only in the most dire of situations the more day-to-day investigations and administrations are carried out by the inquisitors human operatives the grey knights war is one wage with extreme and unmitigated prejudice but also war that is waged in extreme secrecy for despite the quite open visible and even tangible horrors of the heresy itself the true nature threat and extent of the chaos gods is still largely hidden from ordinary citizens in the Imperium but then again sir grey Knights themselves and it's worth remembering on many worlds space greens are often rarely seen also the more elite the forces within the Imperium the smaller resonance they have throughout Imperial Society and often the more mythical they are to its citizens the grey knights are force rarely even whispered about and certainly not by name and are all but unknown outside of the Inquisition an authorised imperial personnel forget about citizens many Imperial officers would barely entertain such a powerful and elite force to exist even with their devout faith in the Emperor and the Imperial state at the most many citizens will be likely inclined to believe these green lights are more simply a heavily guarded militant wing of the Inquisition which to one degree or another they are but any or all suspicion of such a forces rare in the extreme among the Imperial citizenry this is largely down to the fact that any citizens who have witnessed grey knights will either be killed or mindwiped an interesting and lesser-known aspect of the gray night psychic abilities is that unusually similarly to orcs the more green lights that are physically present in combat the more they can pull their combined psychic awareness to manifest powers each Knight is trained to use these powerful abilities that allow them to use either defensive wards or offensive sorceress spells in combat examples of these are the likes of dark excommunication whereby the knight will sever a demon to link with the chaos god master thereby terminating its connection to the warp and leaving it to dissolve into nothing or something like the fairly simplistic psychic casting of smite which allows lightning to leap from the Knights hand and fingers burning and tearing apart any enemies it comes into contact with or it could be a defensive cast of shrouding which blinds a gray Knights enemies by sheer strength of faith in the emperor drawing power from the warp this will make the knight become hazy and indistinct to enemies as far away as twenty meters and then of course you have the aptly named vortex of doom where the light will tear through real space and warp space alike condemning any enemy caught within this conflicting vortex into absolute oblivion within the Inquisition lies a great sense of suspicion where I'm one of the highest honors held by the grey knights that none of their order have ever been corrupted by chaos this fact while not disputed is certainly the subject of discussion among those members of the Inquisition who are so skeptical to this possibility some of these individuals find it difficult to believe that any mortal for want of a better verb could engage in such sustained and direct contact with the dark entities in the warp and not suffer some form of corruption there are arguments to be made around the sheer strength of mind of individual gray knights not to mention their onion skin like approach to defense against the darkness where layer upon layer of careful preparation both mentally and physically is taken to guard against the chaotic beings of the material not to mention that each grain iced Jean seed is imbued with the purity of the Emperor himself and it's worth noting that obviously the pry marks were far more meticulously engineered and similarly imbued with the Emperor's spirit and this didn't save many of them from the corruption of chaos however the pry marks were obviously very different to the Ray Knight one of the most dangerous pitfalls for humanity in regard to cows is simple human ambition and grey knights are really devoid of this in the truest sense their vessels for the Emperor's will no more no less they seek to obliterate his darkest enemies as an instrument of his vengeful spirit of course the most obvious answer is right there in front of you the whole time the Emperor protects and if you disagree with this well I wouldn't if I were you it might sound a little heretic oh and those inquisitors that you'd have to speak to I hear can be unpleasant the great Knights purity of mind and body is unrivaled and while other starties in their chapters have done their best to preserve their gene seed it has over time through sheer volume of replication become diluted and impure not so for the grey knights their genetic heritage reaches back and broken and undiluted to the strength and purity of the emperor this untainted gene seed imbuing the Knights of the Emperor's spirit combined with their various other means of purification creates in each gray night a perfect seal of protection leading them to be essentially immune to the forces of the void these Knights are the rarest of rare examples of humanity a singular individual among billions who stands as a bulwark against the endless waves of horror the immaterial and its inhabitants can corrupt twist and destroy the minds and bodies of humans inquisitors starties even their demigod like fathers the pry marks yet the grey knights stand alone is the exception to this near everything within the order of the grey night stands separately to that of the more established military orders within the Imperium their chapter organization though is more similarly representative of existing space growing chapters they are organized into fighting formations that roughly equate to that of battle companies within a space crane chapter and it constitutes eight Brotherhood's each one aligned back to the original knights-errant chosen by mauka door the city light in establishing days of the grey knights each of these Brotherhood's will be made of around one hundred Knights not including officers and senior staff these Brotherhood's will then be subdivided into squads of ten battle brothers which can then be split down to five as necessary beyond this the grey knights operate under their own tactical preferences and using specialized war gear each squad will work to establish psychic disciplines so it's the best align the psychic harmony between each battle brother and this is obviously designed to ensure they maximize the synchronized flow of psychic combat between one another and like any warrior understand and read those brothers he fights alongside and know their strengths and limitations their weaponry will usually be a combination of cycling enhanced weapons both close-quarter and range and each squad will be led by a Justice er a knight rank equivalent to it latter than a starties sergeant grey Knight leaders they must not only be stronger and more tactically experienced but also be capable of leading his squad in psychic unity channeling their combined mental strength no easy task to ask of any psychic and as such only the most proficient and honored grey Knights will rise to take the position of a Justice er and this also places these individuals in greater peril than any other brothers as they're the Keystone and psychic lynchpin of the squad grey Knights must be universally proficient with their warg it to allow them to flexibly take on roles using all their available equipment be that power armor terminator armor force or heavy ranged weapons there are four primary squad roles for grey knights terminator squads are the core of the chapter they'll be armed with storm Baltar's the standard for terminators and a specialized psychic clothes called a weapon known as a nemesis force weapon Terminator armor is for the longest time the pinnacle of armor type for a space marine immune to all but the heaviest of weaponry by project our energy and close quarter these immense suits of armor shield against near all and with in most standard chapters of a star teased only their first company they usually granted the privilege to wear such rare pieces of Imperium hardware not so for the grey knights they are so important and also such skilled warriors that they possess enough suits of Terminator armor to outfit not just one company but nearly their entire chapter while for most space means this armor is an immense gift that can easily turn a battle for the gray knights it is a useful tool to be sure but it is nothing compared to the skill and strength of the warrior who wears it for a gray knight it requires more than a physical shield to protect against their quarries these Terminator squads also came one of the most powerful tools with which to fight the nightmarish entities of the immaterial nemesis force weapons these uniquely crafted weapons allow the user to channel and focus their psychic powers through the blade and the weapon itself and this unleashes upon their foes devastatingly powerful psychic strength that can literally eviscerate and cleave demons lonely immune to physical impact in - to shatter and obliterate their warp energy and are rightly feared by the chaotic creatures of the war and it might seem awkward to have to wield such a large melee weapon because in doing so surely a grey knight would have to sacrifice having say a ranged storm Balter if you're using a two-hand weapon or not so for grey knights their stone bolt is often mounted on the wrists of their armor allowing them to wield a powerful Nemesis Force weapon and simultaneously continue to deploy ranged firepower upon the enemy now strike squads as the name suggests these are squads used to tactically assault and capture critical locations and objectives once inserted into a combat area with teleporters fast drop ships or pods they're expected to hold their location until a main force is able to link up with them a strike squad might be used when a se demon incursion is just beginning or has struck an Imperial position without any prior warning or suspicion the principle being to attempt to limit the damaging contain the threat before it spreads and becomes far more serious they may wear Terminator or more standard power armor and again utilize a combination of storm Baltar's force weapons and even Sai cannon now the Sai cannon is a weapon specifically created by the Imperium to counter the threat of demonic incursions it resembles a heavy Boulder and operates in much the same way except that it fires psychically charged bolt rounds each round will also be ritually inscribed so as to penetrate any warp energized shielding a demon could produce as well as causing maximum damage and pain to the demon being engaged because demonic entities do not move like physical creatures who are affected by gravity it's necessary for psyche hands to be fired on the move while heavy boulders are able to do this when wielded by a Space Wing they are less effective due to their namely heavy nature so a sight cannon uses an anti-gravity suspense er to offset its weight and allow it to be fired when moving this does they limit its effective range and these weapons are used almost exclusively by the agents of the audio malleus interceptor squads are basically as the name suggests for intercepting enemy on a changing battlefield situation and they do this by teleporting in a straight visible site-to-site transport using personal backpack teleporters these are unique to the grey knights as teleportation by the Imperium is not especially common because they are essentially having to push themselves through warp space this is a feat only a grey knight could hope to achieve and not come out the other side a gibbering broken wreck or worse they also must do so without any kind of usual protection or Terminator armor which is too bulky to allow the fitted units to function properly the process requires immense mental discipline and psychic focus to operate safely but it provides the grey knights with an almost unrivaled strength to attack enemies at positions they're not expecting and literally just intercept them in one very example Justice of malagant a user personal teleporter to travel from a planet to its moon in pursuit of a demon Prince and achievement few of even the most experienced grey Knights could hope to replicate given the distance and dangers involved I'll see we have the patience quads which are essentially heavy weapons units while they are essentially the grey knights version of standard Astarte Devastator squads the weapons they wield are more powerful and often far rarer they also operate differently for ordinary space marine devastators bring up the rear of assault while targeting critical high-value targets with their powerful weapons but a limited in movement by the bulk of the heavy weapons that they're carrying grey knights purgation squads are not allowed this role of backstop they must maintain the assault alongside their other battle brothers while simultaneously choosing and engaging targets on the battlefield they utilize the aforementioned SCI cannons as well as incinerators which like a Seiken and bear an initial resemblance to the common sibling the heavy flamer but incinerators however use sanctified promethium in the similar way that Seiken and bolts are inscribed to deal maximum pain and damage to demons both of these weapons must not simply be deployed in an arbitrary fashion the users must have a well-studied knowledge of different warp entities so to use their weapons to their best effect beyond this patience quads are often required to make every expulsion of their ammunition count as they'll likely be facing superior enemy numbers that could easily overwhelm a non gray night unit with that in mind application scrub will not simply have good weapon skill and knowledge but will also be able to use the power of their minds to ensure their shots find their targets regardless of what are the battlefield obstructions lie between them and their target now this enables them to often achieve shots that appear impossible firing around obstacles even around corners killing enemies who assumed themselves safe from fire to any non gray night units who witnessed such engagements it can often be perceived as a true expression of the Emperor's will and any further supports the gray Knights belief that they are quite literally weapons of the Emperor himself an extension of his Great Spirit onto the battlefields of the Imperium and while grey Knights must always be flexible to a role as necessary in the chapter once they take on the role of application squad they'll often remain in this position because of the high level of specific focus and skill required to operate successfully within these squads in addition to the main squad types there are other variants of grey knight known as purifiers and paladin's now purifiers are a strange and terrifying selection of individuals a purifier is simply the purest of the pure they are the truest examples that exist of an incorruptible spirit these are grey knights chosen from within the grey knights and while all within the order are already considered to be essentially incorruptible these Knights are selected as being even more specifically pure and because of this there are rarely more than 30 or 40 individuals active any time within the order for the entities of the book this is just as well because the spiritual strength of these grey knights is so powerful the demons literally will wither from their presence they are a quite literal anathema the purifiers also have a sacred duty to maintain the pure find seals and bindings only demons being held captive by the gray Knights they also able to turn their sheer purity of soul into a weapon against the darkness of the warp channeling it through their psychic power to produce expulsion of evil fire which will burn out and incinerate the souls of their enemy while a gray night could serve his order for years and show nothing but pure skill and service without exception he could still be denied entry as a purifier because their standards for acceptance are the extreme of the extreme and skilful warrior or not this won't be a qualifying consideration paladins on the other hand on elite warriors and protectors without comparison they represent only the most capable and stand apart lights which is a strong distinction to make within the grey knights being that they are already some of the most superior warriors in the galaxy paladin's are in essence the elite warriors of the grey knights and to prove themselves worthy of acceptance they must not only exhibit exceptional skill and a record of pure service but they must go beyond and complete eight sacred crests of increasing challenge if successful they'll be granted the honour of becoming a grey knight paladin and additionally be assigned to one of the grandmasters as their personal guard the various quests are designed to test all aspects of the grey Knight these include isolation in caverns surrounded by spirits that seek to break the Knights sanity and he'll be expected to fight warp spawned entities whilst wearing no armor bringing back trophies from chaos demon heralds and the laws be expected to hunt down and banish one of the 666 most powerful demons using only a nemesis force sword and the demon's own name against it once the trials are completed they'll achieve the rank of paladin and paladin's will also act as a guard for grey Knight apothecaries on the battlefield because the apothecaries these individuals are critical to the ongoing purity and genetic stability of the order and as such they play a vital role for the grey knights and their survival is essential as with all apothecaries while they are able to obviously act as medics their primary role is actually to retrieve the gene seed of fallen space brains while this is always a hallowed role for the starties given the genetic link to the emperor gray knight this task is even more critical and as per the original founding of the grey notes the command structure is made up of eight grandmasters who sit on the chapter council and these will be presided over by the supreme Grandmaster this system of rule was laid down by of course mauka d'Or the sugilite when the order was first established the supreme grandmaster while having total authority over the chapter can only be appointed by a completely unanimous consent by the sitting grandmasters the purpose being obviously that it should be as close to impossible for an unsuitable or the most unthinkable situation a corrupted individual taking over the role if they would be highly unlikely because the system is designed to ensure that only a fully suitable candidate were able to take on such a powerful position the grandmasters themselves usually have little direct command to their subordinates because the grey knights are such a high skill order that most of their general operations are handled without the need for significant oversight the grandmasters often play a literal role as well on the battlefield supporting their brothers or sometimes assisting coordination when one of their demons of special interest makes an incursion to the material the grey knights are an order enriched by their access to specialist equipment war gear and armor and these can be small an individual standard-issue or applied to heavy force multipliers like dreadnaughts they also use more strange ritual relics that for them hold powerful strength against war entities in addition to war gay already discussed by grey knights they are often equipped with crusader helms these are older patterns of helmet that simply give a distinct and Knightly appearance a visual mark of a grey knight very easily identifiable while many Marines will wear seals on their armor or weapons those worn by grey knights are blessed in complex rituals to preserve their strength and energy if a warrior is able to return to their home world with his seals unbroken it is a strong mark of skill and respect from other brothers oath shields are personal heraldry worn by a gray knight and these are another visually distinctive trait with the only comparison being the respected houses of the Imperial Knights both shields can also be updated to include elevated standing of achievement within the chapter now the code is iam aeternam is a book a dread tome containing the grey knights and also audio malleus knowledge on many the order have faced and defeated strewn across pages of insanity that to witness this could easily lose a human mortal their mind upend residual information recorded calculations on where and how these dark entities may manifest and how they can be defeated for gray knights it's not uncommon for them to use very physical relics of past gray knights or martyred devout members of the Imperial cult and to that end they may use the very blood and bones of past gray knights and this can be seen in various relics or mounted on their armor these wards are often felt so strongly by demons as to be completely intolerable for a demon the psychic energy expelled by such relics penetrates their spirit like nuclear fire and feel as if their ether or skin is being stripped away layers at a time by white-hot energy now the Liebherr Demonica is another arcane book containing script from the librarian Demonica on the gray knights homeworld of titan but these books are mounted on a grey knights chest plate and carried into every battle they fight in the books themselves are powerful psychic talismans and the spine of each book is carved from the bones of a martyred saint of the imperial cult above all else they are an icon representing the incorruptible human faith in the emperor of mankind and this in itself is a shivering weapon against the forces of chaos and the war the nemesis banner is soaked in the blood of a dozen grandmasters and is one of the grey knights most powerful relics a heavy tool against the abominations of the warp its psychic fire burns with such an intensity that demons can barely tolerate its presence to them it has extreme psychic radiation and the nearer it is to them the more powerful they feel it's visceral psychic heat penetrating their spirit and slowly burning them out of existence now Aegis dreadnaughts and noteworthy simply because they are rarer than ordinary dreadnaughts their armor as with standard gray knight aegis armor is more effective at protecting against the demonic entities of the warp another interesting point of knight is that unlike other space grain chapters who consider consignment to a dreadnought a high honor to continue in the service of the Emperor gray Knights perhaps quite surprisingly consider their dedication and interpretation of the role they play at the mentions of the emperor himself they prefer not to be interred in a dreadnought but to instead find rest in the dead fields of Titan alongside the greatest of the chapter heroes for this reason only the very highest of skilled gray night warriors will be placed inside a dreadnought often a Grand Master because of this a gray knight dreadnought may also take on the role of a battlefield commander and while it's true that dreadnaughts are nearly always ancient and can bring much wisdom and tactical knowledge to their active brothers on any battlefield it's not common for them to take a command role but again not so in the gray Knights lastly Dredd Knights and this is a very unusual piece of hardware is exclusively used by the grey knights it's essentially a powerful exoskeleton to allow a grey knights basically into combat the most powerful demons one-on-one now these will usually only be required when fighting a greater demon of chaos or a demon Prince who while still ether or warped creations have massive physical strength the amazing feature of a dread Knight is the unlike dreadnaughts which are lumbering and slow a dread Knight enables its user to fight with much of the agility and skill of a standard marine or human also instead of their arms and fists being replaced by mounted weapons as played dreadnaughts a dread Knight has much more close replication to standard human appendages and so they have the ability to grip and use different force weapons as well as having bolt as mounted on their wrist similarly to ordinarily armored grey knights mr. Gela tea is highly necessary only for attack and also defense as unlike a dreadnought which is very heavily armored to compensate for its trudging speed the dread Knight operator is far more exposed even whilst wearing his own personal armor so the need to be able to move with more dexterity is very necessary to ensure the user has not simply ripped from the machine and torn asunder as with most other starties chapters the grey knights use starships to travel through the galaxy but unlike most other chapters of space marine they have much more unique adaptation as is very consistent with much of the grey Knights hardware their ships for example are modified with anti demonic wards and this gives these ships additional protection while travelling through the warp although given the crew complement it's surprising that demons would even want to go near them their ships have more armor and all with teleportation devices and have upgraded engines as well they contain larger drop pods to enable heavier deployment of units and any necessary mortal humans crewing the ship a mindwiped without exception to reduce any possible chaos corruption these necessary human crew members also have the fun time of being psychically implanted with a keyword that will shut down their nervous system should the vessel be contaminated by chaos this would obviously result in their mass simultaneous death instantly now why is it that the gray Knights get all of these specialist technical upgrades all of these advanced upgrades seem very unusual when you consider the general lack of such a thing throughout Imperial forces well for one thing the gray notes are blessed by their close proximity to Mars the home forge world of the mechanicus and as such this gives them close access to technology not found anywhere else in the Imperium they're also only able to access this technology because they're extremely powerful position as the militant wing of the audio malleus which commands Authority arguably as powerful as the Emperor himself now lastly as we look at one of the most powerful orders in the Imperium I want to speak to something that often seems unbelievable or even contradictory now it is established that few have ever laid eyes on a gray Knight and have not either been mindwiped executed or in some cases planets even considered for exterminators although not on the site of a grey knight but still is within the power of the grey knights to do such a thing grey knights are a heavily secretive order ever since their inception and this is one of the most fundamental principles of the grey knights but why on the face of it you could consider it as being even a positive morale boosting piece of knowledge that Imperial citizens know they have these superhuman demon-killing as starties on their side except for the fact that the reason for the secrecy is that it is still considered that humanity in terms of the citizenry are largely unaware of chaos itself and certainly of demons now this itself might seem on the face of it unbelievable for several reasons when you consider the fact that not only is chaos been around and continually harassing humanity for so long but events like the Horus heresy and the subsequent rift after 999 a millennium 41 even before that varies Crusades by cows Marines and so on so the obvious conclusion is surely that your average Imperial citizen has some semblance of the dark hours of the war but the question is is it much beyond that education is not something higher on the agenda of the Imperium and many citizens going to live very very constrained lives it's very likely that any weird things ordinary citizens have seen are easily attributed to magic or the like it was a very very reason as well as to why the impairment general continues to attempt to suppress against the general population having a knowledge of chaos it's been continually debated that the emperor could have been better off to give his spaceman's knowledge of chaos so as to better protect them against being caught off guard by this and as they ultimately was slowly manipulated it's questionable if this same truth would be more beneficial or more harmful to your average citizen it's fairly established that humans are not exactly the best at controlling either their emotions or their ambitions and all of these things chaos seeks to exploit already so allowing widespread knowledge to humans who probably do not have especially great day-to-day lives that there are magical beings who can make you powerful and immortal seems fundamentally a bad idea the key thing for me is that while Guardsmen and such may through their combat experience that's if they live long enough to have any combat experience may have some vague understanding of what it is that they're fighting they probably don't understand its true nature this is the heart of the matter when you hear talk of innocence being purged or mind white because they've been exposed to chaos it's not that they've seen some other human heretics or traitors or even mutated citizens who were corrupted by chaos these things can just be explained away by say the ecclesia key or the Inquisition what I believe draws a line is literal demonic incursion and this is where you similarly be far more likely to encounter say a gray night and not just standard imperial forces which is why gray Knights are then also quick to dismiss human civilians who may have witnessed them as well their reasoning for doing so being our understanding of the true nature of chaos it's important to keep in mind that those who are regularly fighting the truest forces of chaos are hardened to start ease or fanatical devout worshippers of the Emperor but these individuals have significantly hardened Minds and even then are not immune and could be also mind scoured equally after witnessing a true demonic incursion that has been defeated by the grey knights so your average Imperial pleb is gonna have their soul burned out by even the simplest glance upon a true entity of the chaotic realm that is unless they somehow have the strength of spirit to remain immune and then they're likely going to be taken away by the Inquisition or gray Knights to assist in some capacity the rest of any survivors would be mined white or just executed now it's also worth as with anything keeping it in context and remembering that this is a society in which millions are sacrificed for various reasons on a pretty regular basis to dispose of a few hundred or even a few thousand civilians to ensure that there is not an off chance that one situation once you've left a planet which suffered an incursion by cows you leave that one person who gazed into the endless void eyes of a demon of the immaterial you lead that person to potentially then incubate the seed of chaotic corruption and then years later that planet suffers the nightmare of a ritually summoned horde of demons from the warp spreading across the entire planet and leading it down the path of possible exterminators why would you take that chance for the gray knights in the Inquisition the choice is not even a choice weighing the lives of a few hundred against potentially billions those unfortunate souls are going to be purged it's horrific and unfortunate but it's the reality of life in the 41st millennium the gray Knights policy of mind wiping any citizens who witnessed them or in the case of unauthorized Imperial personnel perhaps at best swearing them to secrecy probably only in the case of other starties their reasons are fairly straightforward for one it's the Emperor's wish that they were born as a secret wing of the audio malleus and secondly it's simply a case of ensuring the less is known of them and their purposes the better not to mention that in actuality the chances of ordinary citizens running into grey knights is very minimal when you consider most humans would unlikely even encounter an ordinary starties and grey knights are far rarer and usually will only appear when there is an actual demonic incursion taking place and not just walking around so for the very few times where other Imperial forces may encounter them the answer really is why wouldn't they mind white these people and just play it safe the whole excessive secrecy of the grey knights though ultimately seems a little unnecessary if your ordinary citizen were to see a gray Knight they could easily simply be told hey it's a Space Marine now get back to your back-breaking work this would likely be more than explanation enough and anyone seeing them in action would be already mind wiped or executed as we discussed so as for any ongoing awareness of chaos by the Imperium this also seems to be in the general sphere a losing battle and it is worrying that if when large populations start to become aware of what chaos means what this could lead to or mean for the Imperium because having the galaxy ripped in half is a pretty hard one to spin yet this is the impairment of man and propaganda is a powerful thing [Music] in the current time of the Imperium humanity faces one of the most severe threats to its survival that has been since either the age of strife or the heresy for the gray knights this is the very role they were destined for and the perhaps the Emperor even understood they were needed for aldrick Valdis is but one example of the necessity of such a force within the Imperium a veteran of many campaigns he would assist the ultramarines in defending their homeworld and resurrecting their Primarch Roberge gulaman a summary follows of his involvement with these events where he would play a strong supporting role to the ultramarine primark after the fall of Cadia the traitorous forces of chaos had learned an Archmage us Belisarius Corps had escaped and was making his way to macragge the ultramarines homeworld while cole was attempting to resurrect golem on the chaos traitors known as the Black Legion formerly the Luna wolves and sons of Horus would launch a spring boarding assaults from Cadia fearing what the loyalists ultramarines were attempting to do with the aid of call the Brotherhood of the grey Knights commanded by Ulrich Valdez would aid in defending the ultramarines homeworld and the various battles around there at the time after the Primarch Gulman was successfully resurrected Valders and his grey knights became instrumental in the strategy to retake macragge an ultra more from the traitors his campaign they would unfortunately take many months as warp storms continues to rage and the loyalist forces were bogged down as many of the mortal soldiers fighting for the ultramel system become stricken by an affliction known as the weeping for little apparent reason soldiers fighting against chaos incursions would find that their eyes began to weep stinking foul tears that would soon gum up their eyes like glue leaving them forced open and soon this would turn them raw or using pus and then ultimately rot out of their sockets Gulman however discovered that wherever he was present these soldiers would become mysteriously healed so this would lead him on an endless journey between stations in the system to heal his warriors this significantly drew his attention away from the larger conflict occurring between chaos and his loyalist forces however over time it became apparent that after he had left a region symptoms could often return to the unfortunate victims all the while these delays were allowing for time to pass time the loyalists could ill afford as the warp storms continued to worsen around the ultra mast system and the navigators of starships were soon beginning to suspect an even voice allowed that if the conflict wasn't resolved soon or warp travel in and out of ultra mark could be entirely cut off and the system would be left isolated from the wider galaxy a situation that was entirely untenable to the loyalists this is where aldrick valdez would play a most key role in confronting Gillman something that's doubtful any of his own ultramarines would have had the knowledge or the strength of will to do in a heated confrontation valdez would force government to understand that this plague sweeping the system was a deliberate waste of his time that he was not in fact healing these suffering warriors but they had been played for time by the chaos god Nergal valdez could see through the plot being employed by the chaos God to blight the mortal forces and the Gulman had not in fact been healing his forces but the nurger was merely pulling back their symptoms only to then reinstate them once government had left the vicinity knowing the strength of the ultramarines emboldened by the return of their prime arc this had been the chaos powers plan all along to delay their victory and success and instead keep them contained within their own system the knowledge and strength of actions initiated by Valdez as a gray knight would lead the Primarch to set out on a great crusade to terror he had no intention of repeating his past mistakes during the heresy and reaching terror to late something which had led to the near mortal wounding of the Emperor and something which clearly still played on the mind of the Ultramarines Primarch valdez and his third brotherhood of gray knights would join the Primarch and the 1st 2nd and 3rd companies the ultramarines to terror itself but on this journey the entourage would face more than several attempts by Kaos to dissuade them from their plan or outright stop them from reaching their destination unstable warp tides becoming trapped in the maelstrom of the warp itself as an ambush orchestrated by the thousand suns Primarch Magnus the red battles with traitorous warships and encountering many horrors of the immaterial they were stranded with no light of the astronomic on to guide them back to real space but the fleet locating some faint transmissions from a moon Friend or Foe they were trapped in the immaterial and this was an opportunity they had to seize upon however what they would find was no Savior but in fact on fortified installation in a range of mountains Gulman had lead an attack discovery and they discussed that this place was in fact inhabited by renegade Marines known as the red Corps says the Primarch being in no mood for this the battle was raging and brief and gray night master aldrick Valdez provided Dredd Knights who had slaughter their renegade leadership the journey would continue to be difficult encountering countless more traitor Marines as well as encountering wolf phantoms that would begin to drain holy energy from the most sacred relics of the ultramarines their war gear and Scrolls the grey knights involve us being more than capable to deal with such an unusual threat teleported between the multiple loyalist shrines fighting alongside the ultra moons exhaust berated chaplains the grey notes would use their experience to banish these warp entities back into the void an ever worsening situation the Imperial forces would become unbelievably then captured by a combined massive force of powerful demons and renegade red Corps says even the Primarch himself had been captured by means of chaotic spells and seeds of exploitative doubt sown by whispers from chaos demons through the journey thus far the loyalists would then be taken to the Corsair stronghold in ancient black stone fortress how the fortress could have found its way into the Maelstrom none of the loyalist Marines could fathom this force of Astarte scattering grey knights now found themselves at the unfortunate pleasures of the cave forces trapped in psychically sealed cells and bound by adamantium restraints but the chaos forces didn't want these loyalists dead yet and certainly not the climb up because their souls were still too rich a source of power for the war as is often the case for the forces of chaos whoever part of the gods great game this instance wouldn't be any exception for as those within the black stone fortress would suddenly be then caught totally off guard as followers of the god rage war and bloodletting Korn would descend on the fortress while the Z CH and Korn followers were now fight amongst themselves government seized an opportunity to escape was coming into clarity and this is where a troupe of figures would infiltrate the fortress from its central core unseen by its preoccupied chaotic forces these figures would move quickly and quietly through the vast corridors of the ancient alien fortress the Corsairs guarding Gulman and other critical figures like coal and Valders though had the only entrance to this sorceress prisons guarded securely here the mysterious figures slipped into the chambers from unseen side entrances there was only when the Corps says were suddenly and brutally engaged with whirling blades and decapitating eviscerations they became clear who had penetrated their defenses the elder subset known as the Harlequins limbs strewn across the floors internal organs turned to soup in seconds thanks to the Harlequins wrist-mounted kisses that punctured the fine weak points of the renegade marine to armor the core says when no match and barely had time to react at all before they were elegantly slaughtered ultimately though it would be the dark angels fallen angel cipher who would release Gulman a figure that was shadowy and is very difficult to summarize here in short form it's well enough that he is a controversial figure for the Imperium with chaos forces continuing to battle and surround the fortress the loyalists had few options as to how to escape and after securing their war gear they made for the elder web Way gate that was located at the center of the black stone fortress and had allowed the Harlequins to initially enter this location now however reaching this was becoming ever more difficult as the cow's forces have began to become aware of what was transpiring things were looking darker and hope was fading in the forces even with the support of the powerful grey knights the Primerica starties Scutari and Harlequins the combined shift volume of them was not enough to combat the power of the chaos forces that now choked the corridors of the fortress [Music] there is simply too much even for this powerful loyalist force and the variety of unique individuals are held however their salvation will be delivered through the hands of shadowy ghostly figures who emerge from spectral fire erupting around the chaos defenders clad in black and bone embellished armor with a fabled a mythical Legion of the Damned force have rarely seen and greatly feared warriors whose origin and goals for many throughout the galaxy are a myth and a mystery staying in line with what is known of the Legion they always appear at critical moments in battle where all can be won or lost and for the loyalists this instance was no exception unleashing devastating fire upon the shocked chaos forces the black skeletal figures wrapped in the fire that licked around their armor a path was quickly punched through the chaos forces allowing governments forced to advance quickly through yet now another massive battle would ensue as they reached the central chamber of the black stone fortress some 100 miles in diameter the loyalists would now endure a battle against both forces of zinc and corn combined boulders and his grey knights would lead and eviscerating advance cutting through demons and chaos forces alike with dread knights raining down crushing furious blows of burning purity on the abominations of the war while the spectral warriors of the Legion of the downed helicopter otic forces fully surrounding the loyalists Harlequins spun all around them cutting through the horrors of the immaterial with grace and ease by the Imperium combined force of grey knights qatari Inquisition and other starties continued their shunting punching solid assault through the enemy as the fighting became ever more intense with a greater demon of corn now leaping across the battle to crash down upon the last of the black Templars soon to turn his attentions to the Legion of the Damned them aside was broken embers Gulman could see things were beginning to quickly unravel and so they would make a final desperate push for the web way portal awaiting the last of the Imperial forces Gulman would find himself engaged with the demon in a circling whirlwind of flame but now having to fight the demonic rage that was building in the primal he was losing control of his legendary composition and it was only when he was able to push down these unnatural feelings of rage and strengthen his mind that he could attain the clarity to disengage from the demon and using the Emperor's sword strike it back in a final shot of perfect execution the primark would fire his few remaining bolts of the demon who is now a perp lactic at the Empress Sun evading his grasp and his glory the pry marks bolts from his pistol met the black sword of the black Templars that have been embedded in the demon and the blade would shatter shredding and rending the demon apart with this final feat loyalists would enter the web way the gray Knights had taken the most minimal of losses compared to many of the other loyalists elements of the pry marks force for obvious reasons their martial skills and invulnerability to demonic assault stood to protect them well but this journey so far had been fraught with failure from start to finish this crusade to terror is a good example of how despite the gray knights on legendary powers and discipline they're still only capable of so much when facing devastating numbers of enemy they can only engage so many at a time and so impressive as they are they are far from invincible or able to save all situations the grey knights have a very specific function within the Imperium albeit a function that they excel at and a best employed is a precision tool more than a heavy-hittin hammer the loyalists in their attached troop of elder now find themselves in a vague incomprehensible space where their surroundings made little sense the web way Eldar scouts were reporting back saying there were signs of heavily armed Kaos Marines wearing blue and gold the undeniable description of the zine cows Marines of Magnus the red and the thousands sons Kellerman needed assistance to see his way out of this situation it was clear that Magnus and his sons were plotting some incursion but he couldn't see the truth of it one thing he was sure of though was that this had been orchestrated by Magnus and that the forces of Xena had allowed them to escape to this Web Way portal and there was still yet a bigger event at stake that they had to urgently reveal the grey night master algae Aldous would again display his indispensable role drawing on the knowledge and wisdom of the grey Knights Titan libraries he would recall that there was awarded entrance within the web way to the Imperial Palace and this was closed with any number of powerful psychic seals but the fact of the situation they found themselves in led vald us to surmise that this seemed of a likely threat that couldn't be ignored with this information government made the leap in understanding the Magnus likely knew of the web wait gate location and hoped that it was going to be unlocked to allow Gellerman passage and that he was intending to use this as a way to enter terror that he could exploit this opportunity and break through to strike at the very heart of the Imperium reaching terror now seemed an impossible task they couldn't risk attempting to use the gate and allowing Magnus and his forces access to terror before they could safely reach their destination though they were beset on all sides by the rubric marines of the thousand sons who were bolstered by the horrific disease demons known as sanga's Eldrick valdez and his grey knights would lead in engaging these abominations and wreak havoc against the creatures of the warp and traitors alike smashing their bodies and obliterating them with arks of whirlwind speed battering the automaton Marines to clouds of dust and burning and shredding the demons with purity and psychic fire despite the passion of fight being displayed by his forces Gulman knew they had to get out of this situation as they had no other means of escape nor could they afford to be trapped here for any length of time the elder would now again assist the loyalists by opening a web Way gate that lanes secret for millenia agate on web way path leading directly to lunar a natural moon of terror their journey though was only partly successful because despite their best efforts to evade Magnus he was still able to partially breach their web way path back to lunar as rubric thousand suns Marines tumbled out of the web way gate driven and controlled by chaos sorceress on their flying discs and here on the surface of the Moon with earth shining in the background they battered across its dust strewn surface Vadis and his grey knights would lead this fight using their powerful psychic abilities to resist the rubriz marines of a thousand suns the mindless automatons that were once the thousand sons of marines but now fighters puppets for their sorceress commanders boldest and his grey knights would hold a major battle until reinforcements could arrive to finally banish magnus these chaotic forces back into the one-way game Baldus would rip and literally tear them to pieces with the psychic feeling of his mind and the loyalists would see what the true strength the power of the grey knights was on this day the thousand suns piled in heaps of shredded armor in the craters of Luna aided by the remnants of Elder Harlequins who cut through the living and the animated alike now though the loyalists would face the demon Primark of the thousand suns Magnus the brain winged and wrapped in perfect flame his forces were without warning now able to push forward seemingly immune to all that was thrown against him and Magnus was enveloping them with psychic shields many loyalists were sent reeling and crushed and at the weight of this advanced shattering them and leaving some of the mercy of the demonic hordes even for the gray knights in their dread night they were unable to counter such a powerful champion of the walk he sent them reeling burning out their psychic wards and crushing her exposed armor tearing through reality with his staff he would unleash waves of zinc demons from the exposed warp that crashed like a wave of tackle and nightmares upon the ever more precarious loyalist forces Gulman could again see things were quickly turning against them you could not allow Magnus to win this battle least of all because of its proximity to terror and the emperor as the Primarch soared high with his flaming blade of the Emperor Magnus attempted to retaliate with incantations but too late Gulman struck down on the traitor and Magnus while able to parry it could not withstand the focused fury of the Ultra Moines Master as the bloat took Magnus reeling backward and out of the centre of the fight facing off against one another and battling a vicious close quarter fight of sparking blades and blue energy bursts of psychic flame dodging and weaving the two brothers battled on until Gulman was able to deliver a powerful thundering uppercut taken aback by this assault Magnus and Gulman would speak to the misconceptions of the other as to their loyalties but it would take Magnus only moments to reassert his focus from his service of the dark entities and this time Gulman would take the brunt of a violent downward thrust by Magnus and its glaive engulfing the primark with agonizing psychic flame leaping from the certainty of death Gulman was able to escape this psychic punishment only for Magnus to rend metal from a broken ship wreckage that littered the surface of Luna bring it crushing down and burying the wounded lord of ultra but he would not be defeated not on this day and not again failed in his duties to the Emperor and the Imperium not by these puppets of the dark creatures of the immaterial Gulman burst up through the tomb of wreckage and throwing aside massive chunks of metal debris he lept out back into the frame surging did fury and newfound strength Goldman said his eyes on Magnus who's seeing the Primark so soon after he buried him was taken aback but as he readied a new spell to hurl at Gulman the skies were burst with fire Grandmaster Valdez would see this sight and praise the emperor as Imperial fire would begin to rain down upon the enemies of mankind the grey knights and other loyalists had held unbreakable defensive bastions against the nightmarish but now the golden relief they sought was delivered to them and the tide would begin to turn in their favour the Imperial Navy and adaptors custody's had arrived to rain down on the dark entities with energy who physically shattered bombs tearing through the hordes of his each entities and rubric millions alike as the custodies arrived to begin engaging the enemy object Valda seizes money to turn their defensive into an office and Heep and his psychically attuned battle brothers would roar out into the flat open delivering burning fury to the now shell-shocked forces of chaos boulders would leave his grey knights and dread knights in a powerful charge rending through the enemy his poor nemesis force weapon smashing apart demons and traitors are like psychic the Lightning danced all around the night as they became a truly holy sight to behold their purity protecting them from any possible counter by the zinc hordes and chaos sources the Knights of the Emperor and the sigil I would make these horrors of the war understand what true horror was they continued to battle through thus waves of enemy crushing the rubric wanes into piles of compacted crushed metal and dust while simultaneously burning away the souls and manifestations as a walk literally tearing their spirits apart with psychic fury and white for purity their very presence burning in a radiating all to assault them as bright-yellow drop pods began to smash into the surface of the moon in peril fists of starties began to burst out onto the surface Voltas blazing and rapid-fire bodies against the traitors and whirling sorcerers and periodic turi was assured with the help of the elder on that custody's had arrived as well as squads from the sisters of silence Magnus's powers could be somewhat curtailed allowing government to finally battle the demonic entity on a more even field of battle their one-on-one fight raged on but through the whispers of the elder Gulman was able to coordinate his exhausting assault on Magnus not allowing him any opportunity to compose himself both injured and both nearing the limits of their abilities giving one another not even an inch of breathing space the primark laid down blow after blow upon Magnus finally slamming into Magnus with a crushing shoulder blow to the chest which sent Magnus spiraling down finally with one massive last assault Gulman would war enrage hatred and fierce loyalty to the Imperium of man as he drove forward slipping Magnus his guard and embedding the burning sword through the chest of the traitor Primarch Magnus screaming and burning agony would unleash a counter shockwave of uncontrollable psychic fury that sent Gulman and his blade wheeling backward Magnus himself though was also sent stumbling backed in the power of this shockwave unwittingly into the web way gate the plan that the elder had seen was all playing out and now breaking the real stone they severed the web locate leaving Magnus cut off and banished that Magnus been destroyed government wished its site but he did not believe it vole does his brothers and other allies would return to the Imperial Palace on Terror we're in front of the Imperial eternity gate many would reach out in sheer or to the returning Primark as well as the grey knights and Grand Master Gulman would now be able to take his place as Lord Commander of the Imperium and prepare a massive counter-offensive against the forces of chaos there would be little doubt that algae coldest in the gray Knights order would join the primark and now a leader of the Imperium in this quest to face down the dark yes of the Kaos forces and reap a terrible vengeance upon them the scale of their task given the dire nature of events looked insurmountable but this was the dawn of a new dark period in Imperial history the Green Knights have the power and purity to resist all that the darkest entities of the warp can unleash upon humanity and so in these darkest and most uncertain of times it is the grey knights who stand as the unlivable force has spoken in the Emperor's own words they are my bulwark against the terror they are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear [Music] [Music]
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 1,269,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40K, Chaos, Gods, Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Eldar, Doom, Fall, Space Marines, Heretic, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Traitor, Legion, Horus, The Emperor of Man, Lore, Beginners Guide, History, Guide, 40K, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop, Grey Knights, Inquisition, Ordo Malleus, Garro, Daemon, Blackstone Fortress, Roboute, Primarch
Id: XXcJ6fx6rqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 27sec (3747 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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