The Greening of Isaac: Regreen'd

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what if you played Isaac but Isaac was Green look guys I don't know The Greening of Isaac re-greened gets another mod you guys keep making these stupid mods so I'm gonna keep playing them all right you've heard of Isaac but three percent more green I have well get ready for Isaac put a hundred percent more green is there an eyeball in my flower we have the green D6 it's gonna turn items trash items like d8 yes I know everyone really likes the d8 leave me alone into Shazam broccoli man this is a green item you don't say broccoli familiar that spawns in a random position in the room does one damage every half of a second to All Enemies it collides with come on bud you coming you're gonna you're gonna come with me bud all right great starts go get him broccoli bud go on now come on do something fighting for my life here bud all right uh we'll have to work on that we'll have to work on the camaraderie the teamwork here I'm not exactly sure that you do anything I I think you might just sit there and look cute much like me green D6 tourm recharge does it do anything for like pennies no here we go here we go time to shine bud yeah I saw them tick I saw them tick bro what what a professional maybe we get more broccoli mans right maybe it evolves like a cube of meat I'm hoping for your sake dude top secret room save me [Music] I walk in and broccoli is already there this is my golden key now Huts no wait wait that's mine regular sticker arm right here hey that's a good amount of cash we could green D6 the shop or just buy the Eraser nah we're doing the modded content what do we got we got an onion three points on the external items descriptions mod Point number one Point number two Point number three so I'm gonna buy it all stats up it said all stats up but I didn't notice my stats upping just loving these mods I didn't think this was going to be a worst mods today but uh kind of going that way isn't it I should have used that damn d8 you just bombs my broccoli what did my broccoli do to you I know for sure it didn't damage you because he's actually really bad at that oh caffeine pill I don't have a charge on my D you're saying I gotta take a non-green item is unacceptable well at least it's a really good item uh oh yeah yeah this is the best start this is the best mod I'm having the best day today explosivo how about no yo a second broccoli man tell me you upgraded no you're not gonna give me two broccolis hey Huts no stupid broccoli matches your stupid face yeah this is isaacing you might not like it oh maybe if I can cover the entire floor with broccoli it'd be pretty good 36 go sad cucumber 20 tier delay down tears are accompanied by an extra tier to the left and right ooh hey that's pretty good oh my God a good green item I don't think it makes much sense to go devil deal here if we're gonna try to turn everything green I'm not paying health for more broccoli I'm sorry look I love you guys but no old bandage love that ah caves won it's all green nice I actually like that meat cleaver oh it's a shame to let that go grass clippings point one speed up tastes like grass great let's see yep you guys I don't think we're gonna make it to this run I gotta be honest come on Angel room please I need this nice spawn good stuff love that we got it all stacked up at some point in time it honestly feels like an all stats down and by that I mean damage down my damage where is my damage broccoli do something call the police Angel room okay we prioritize unless green D sixth the heels and then say oops I don't have a charge for the angel room now we'll go that's Delirious anyways should we green D6 the key piece as well you can't stop me green D6 go banana ring tier four using the green D6 fires a bouncy banana ring projectile at the nearest enemy I have to use my green D6 mildly spicy pepper shots speed up tears spawn fires in the ground as they try oh okay oh yay time to cook this broccoli all right well let's see if we can't get another charge here for this boss item okay they're fires but they like barely do any damage got the fire damage I expected Jolly mint killing an enemy spawns an ice block that blocks projectiles and hinders enemies also tears of a 33 chance to slow enemies I'm lighting the claudis on fire what the heck so I can walk through the block sure what am I even looking at what am I looking at right now demon beggar hmm black powder nah ancient carrot 40 damage multiplier 20 tier to lay down luck range shot speed speed up a retro Vision effect for 60 seconds that's fine yeah it actually gave me stats go yeah go pill I love all the broccoli's on the bed big fan more like four-dimensional Apple that's not even green gives four non-euclidean Apple orbitals when one of them collides with the tier project out all other apples will fire a copy of it is that yeah that good yeah I guess that's good another gulp pill give me a trinket please another another gulp pill damn trinkets now Pizza Berry 10 damage multiplier 0.5 Health up liberty cap yeah I guess peep jump right into the fire idiot the best part about the fire is the fact that the fires still block shots that is mildly spicy pepper another Angel room you're too nice to me you are too nice oh to the fire you idiot sad cucumber again even more tears single pee pee familiar with that diagonally moves around the room when the peak collides with a tear it spawns five tears and a circle around itself and the peak collides with an enemy it spawns a burst of Tears for health down pill wonderful ooh I've got a liberty cap in the boss room and a blood bag here and I only have one green D6 charge so I'm taking one of these items okay an IV bag let's reroll the IV bag after I do this of course [Music] I can't re-roll the IV bag because I did not already have an active item hi my name is huts it's my first day playing Isaac Okie dokes let's re-roll that one then into another mild spicy pepper does that mean more fires maybe probably don't stack I'll take this one it's almost green it's trying to be green literally says blue cap we're generating so many fires enemies can't shoot through it the synergies though I didn't expect to actually get some good stuff here spiky durian using the green D6 fires eight spikes in a circle around Isaac I don't think this is that good but gotta take it old and razor into radish 40 damage multiplier tier delay up plus three luck though range shot speed and speed all right that Tim's worthwhile IV back into the curse room nice gate much more impressed with my uh damage output now for sure another Angel room you gotta be kidding me cents are more like no sir obnoxious Tangerine once again not green when used spawns a pair pickup the Tangerine spawns a pair okay and a confusing pair all non-consumable pickups are replaced with pairs did the orange just speak to me this is Yep this is Peak Isaac that's where it's gonna take Binky here since I don't have a charge or beyond the fire right cap so that's positive okay can we not this game got like super weird all of a sudden because I'm picking up the pairs I gotta be honest I don't think the pairs are doing anything wait they are okay everything's just re-skinned to a pair Tangerine go okay I I guess I picked it up dropped a pair with the face and then I picked it up okay like I get how like this could be funny but it's not funny anymore Tim got turned into a tangerine everybody a hot sun supposed to be the only one that's annoying around here who's this guy he thinks he's better than me oh man can I just take polyphemus balls instead we get the banana ring again ugh another confusing pair great it seems like we're getting two pickups per pair so maybe that was pretty great oh wow that's great there no hey blood bag broccoli man surprise broccoli analog stick into another banana rank guy dang it Mom fight nothing to see here not gonna re-roll the Polaroid that's dumb uh my health my house had three bars mmm yeah we're gonna take I'm gonna re-roll this stupid orange I'm tired of it I've had enough what do you got bam magical skin yep that's what we needed thank you pop the magical skin Book of Shadows turn that into a confusing pair is that gonna be three things per pair drop I think it'd be hilarious to do every item is the sad cucumber end up shooting a giant line of tears I got a Diplo there we go now we're talking matriarch my crowd control abilities are great right now dude even the P the P's doing a great job damn more Angel more pee you know what Diplo the P I got three p's oh shoot I don't have a reroll muskrab style oh no oops I'm going back first strange key we're gonna fight the hush I think it might actually go really really well strictly because of the amount of fires that we have it's going to block all of hush's BS more magic skin don't threaten me with a good time watermelon here's have a 130th chance to turn into a watermelon bowling ball bowling balls spawn a pattern of tears and inflict heavy knockback when they hit enemies I'm in strike and all in on the Bowling Ball idea didn't you yeah that's not annoying or anything like that no this is great yep I gotta keep using magic skin probably More Watermelon why is everything an eternal heart what the heck it lives fights Not Afraid deal with the devil mom's knife can't I can't do it but I do need a hot potato touching an enemy makes you blow up and remove this item sure more pear grass clippings hush fight I don't have enough charges for the hush items no I feel like options might be busted actually so we'll check these rooms first I think all good pills is pretty good and the green D6 this room 40 damage multiplier radish again one of these could be a battery technically that was a battery okay we'll re-roll then into the worst things ever another re-roll they didn't change great guess we're taking them all my magical skin shoot ah oh well uh bring it on got 12 damage right now this is going really really really well keep it up broccoli you're looking great oh no uh um nice good finish let's get a second chance at this what what is this what is this all right we're gonna green ds6 over here instead we got same thing radish I want a magical skin in here as well watermelon magical skin again I guess okay so it just changes them to a green item but then it doesn't re-roll them thereafter we have to pick one of these didn't get another reroll for this room so I'm just gonna buy these items whatever doesn't matter don't care one more shot not to crash here it could have been maybe I pushed the hush through the wall or something I don't know shooting from this angle I don't know man all good so far except for three of mine all right and crash does it look like we'll be able to make it through this for you guys unfortunately probably spawning Too Many Tears could have something to do with the knockback and hush let me know your thoughts on this I guess what a weird mod what a weird mod you guys appreciate the videos where I do weird things like this I hope you do let me know in the comment section once again thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one bye [Music] what is up everybody my name is Hutz and today we're playing first person Isaac you may remember I covered a first person mod but this is a ground up Unity built 3D Isaac game called crybaby designed by Carmi Link in the description look at this chat this looks so good
Channel: Hutts
Views: 197,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 84_rvXiVKxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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