The Greatness of Gungeon

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roguelike games have become one of the most popular genre in the past 10 or so years in gaming really they've become so common now that every single genre you can think of probably has a roguelike game in there somewhere bullet hell action adventure turn-based deck builders or top down games that are filled with lots of action and button mashing or even just Auto Shooters there are so many incredible roguelites out there and so many ways to play them most of them stick to single player while some you can play with a friend the genre really is so diverse and splits into so many others genres and has a few impactful games from the early 2010s that helped shine light onto the genre expertly crafted games like Binding of Isaac or fto which both released over 10 years ago now this isn't a video talking about the history of the roguelite genre so I don't want to delve too deep into it this is more so a video talking about the greatness of one game a game that I had the audacity to put in B tier in a tier list video which by the way that video is not that good in terms of rankings a rush project that should have had more time spent on it but anyways a game that is challenging unique and very very addicted to play and that's enter the gungeon into the gungeon has a fun history it's developed by the team's Dodge roll and started development in 2014 when four employees from Mythic entertainment left the company and started working on gungeon I think entertainment was most well known for creating the MMO game Dark Age Camelot in 2001 but the company was shut down by EA in 2014 which most likely led to the creation of Dodge roll gungeon's a game you can clearly see has a lot of love behind it and inspiration really each run is procedurally generated but during development the devs created and play tested each room and then used procedural generation to connect them playing the game you can see it's inspired by a lot of other games with guns making references to Mega Man Metroid and even referencing the NES zapper used to play duck hunt the guns aren't the only thing inspired from other games hell the whole game has inspiration everywhere Dave Crooks one of the Developers for gungeon even stated that Binding of Isaac was one of the game's biggest influences but they also gained influence from Nuclear Throne Dark Souls Spelunky and Metal Gear Solid now if we fast forward to December of 2014 we can see the first reveal trailer of gungeon on devolver digital's YouTube channel and over the years the revolver has published a lot of incredible games called to the lamb inscription which I'm not really a big fan of but you know and loop hero they're awesome highly rated roguela games that are published with devolver and enter the gungeon as another highly rated roguelite of course but all the games I mentioned before they were released after gungeon and I'll say that devolver still released some very popular games like Sirius Sam Hotline Miami and olly olly but gungeon was the first major roguelike game published by devolver it was fully released on April 5th of 2016 on PS4 and PC and then was released one year later on the Xbox and got ported to the switch later in 2017. and today you can play the game almost anywhere a game has sold over 3 million copies as of 2020. there's not really any other data talking about how many copies are sold but I'm sure it's at like 5 million by now now 3 million may not sound like a lot but for a small Indie team that's no laugh and matter now let's talk about updates less than a year after the initial release on January 26 gungeon dropped its first free update it was called the supply drop update and it added new pass to kill for new characters 200 weapon new shrines companions bosses over a hundred new rooms and even a challenge mode even after an update that big they weren't done on July 19th of 2018 about 18 months after the first update they released a second free update called Advanced gungeons and Dragons update which added 30 new items and guns new rooms a new floor with a new boss new NPCs and over 300 synergies you would think that would be enough right well it kinda was there was a third major update planned but it got canceled in November of 2018 so they could focus on a new game and at that point they've been working on gungeon for five years and with each new gun added to the game they had to test them against other effects in the game and all that testing was wearing the developers out but even with that said a third and final update did happen and it was the Farewell to Arms update happened on April 5th of 2019 and it still added new guns items playable characters and a secret floor with a new boss along with that it added a lot of quality of life changes so if that enter the gungeon stopped receiving major updates Dodge roll did end up taken a new game called exit the gungeon which released March 17th of 2020 and they also made enter the gungeon house of the gun dead in collaboration with Griffin Aerotek in March of 2020 as well and House of the gun that is actually just an arcade game literally and for time purposes we won't be talking about those games we're already like three to four minutes into this video maybe I don't know how long we are but we're we're kind of deep into this video so let's just jump right into the greatness that is enter the gungeon inside event of the gungeon we have four characters that we can play with to start all with a different start and weapon and item we have the Marine the pilot the convict and the hunter there is a fifth character that's only available in Co-op and that's the cultist we won't really worry about him too much I personally have never played co-op in this game because it is local multiplayer only I got no friends who I look like but each one of these characters has a story and we learned that story when we kill the past in each run and kill in the past is no simple task and it's something that will take you multiple runs to do that's one of the many great things about it through the dungeon is how much the game truly offers to even gained access to the Past you must find a shopkeeper on the Fifth and final chamber and then she'll ask you to fetch four items to make a bullet so you can even gain access to the pass now you can take as long as you want to collect all these parts and it'll probably take you a bit as the game is nowhere near easy even reaching the final chamber once as a task you should be proud of if you have done it a running gungeon consists of going through all these five Chambers with each chamber house and stronger enemies and getting bigger meaning you have more to explore which in the end will give you more loot but a sneaky thing that took me a while to realize and I think it's genius is if you can avoid taking damage while clearing out rooms you may be rewarded with more cases which is The Game's main currency now the same knowledge goes for killing bosses without taking damage the game will reward you with more hegemony credit and even a master round will to increase your total HP hegemony credits are used outside of her own and we'll talk about that a little bit later now a total run could take you about 30 to 45 minutes if you don't do any secret Chambers and just go for a kill on Dragon casually yeah like any great game and took a gungeon is filled to the brim with secrets that will challenge you as a player every single main chamber minus the fifth one I'm pretty sure has their own secret chamber that you can access by doing certain tasks by having a certain amount of money I won't spoil all of them just in case you randomly click this video and want to learn about gungeon but in the first chamber if you push a water barrel into a fireplace that'll allow you to hit a switch to gain access to a secret room which will house only one little passageway that you can open with two keys every single secret chamber is very elaborate to gain access to with needing good resource management and having the right items to give up and on top of that the secret Chambers themselves are very challenging personally I've been able to clear out all the secrets besides the sixth chamber which is optional once the fifth chamber is cleared out and all four main characters have their pass killed and then the secret rat chamber they are just so goddamn hard that's one of the great things I love about enter the gungeon even without a lot of difficulty enhancers present you can still choose to make the game as hard as you want let's be honest the game doesn't have a lot of difficulty enhancers but if you have the right resources and all the money in the world you can go to all these secret Chambers and probably get your butt kicked it's fantastic and let me tell you that damn rat chamber takes a long time to gain access to but once you do finally make it in for the first time and then probably die you just want to do it again let's just talk about the main Chambers and kind of the small gameplay as a whole I'm not even talking about how to unlock the secret characters in this game the robot and the bullet the way you unlock these two characters is so elaborate and not too hard to be honest more so it's time consuming in a good way when I first started playing into the gungeon I didn't even bother with trying to unlock them for my first 30 to 40 hours until I had all the past killed but even when I started trying to unlock them I just had to wait for good RNG for the bullet and me to not mess up while carry in that damn TV and then once they unlocked it was so fun having the new challenge of killing the past of both of them I will say the robot is so much harder because you don't actually get any health back you have to rely on Shields but when I did kill that past it felt freaking good the core gameplay in a single run killing all the enemies dodging like crazy buying all the blanks having so much money trading weapons and getting all the junk to find out it's useless in the end finding all these secrets it's all so much fun and one of the best experiences I've had in a roguelike game personally but there's one more thing that I haven't even discussed yet that also in enhances this game so much and it's the NPCs in the game when you're first playing through the game you find a handful of NPCs locked in the gungeon saving them will throw them into the breach which is just the Hub area and then they'll start appearing in your runs as well to sell you items ask you to help them or just have a fun mini-gamer challenge a small number of these NPCs also will sell you new items in the hub world that you can buy with hegemony credits which will lead you to being able to find the bot items in your runs every time I buy from them though I'm thinking will this be the last item I need and for a couple of them I have bought everything but it makes you realize how many options and variety there is in this game all the NPCs serve a purpose and it's always fun encountering them inside of a run my personal favorite one is the Winchester he's an NPC who you can find in your runs and you can pay him to play his minigame where you have four shots to take down four targets the more you hit the better the prize I've only aced the Winchester's game twice so far so I haven't got the achievement for Ace in it three times but I'll get it soon I promise you that I'm gonna get them all pretty soon I got like 14 more I think that's not bad most games the NPCs you just kind of ignore and go on with your day but in gungeon you look forward to seeing them inside your run to an extent and they actively enhance your run sure some of them can be tedious if you're a completionist like frivolous challenge but really I love the NPC design and the direction the developers went with how they can impact the game now if all these great NPCs in the game there are a few that really change up the game and can enhance the game with some difficulty and add some flavor to the run I'll be honest I'm not the most knowledgeable on this subject as I've only done blessed runs a few times but really they change up the game a lot and it's a lot of fun I may have only done blaster on so far but I do think it helps make gungeon even more unique and help keep the replayability so high like I said before the game itself is already really hard and you can choose to make it harder with secret Chambers or go into the sixth chamber I love that but if you go up north in the hub area you're looking at multiple NPCs and all of these NPCs change the game up granted only one of them actually enhance the game's difficulty the others just give you a silly fun run you can play turbo mode which just speeds the game up and makes everything go a little bit faster which can be a challenge at first but it's just a fresh fun mode you can have a blessing for 600 Gemini credits and have a blessed run which has you constantly changing guns enemies stay the same but the Run stays Super Fresh as you get a new weapon so often the only true difficulty enhancer besides giving yourself a curse in the beginning of a run is talking to this red dude named daisu and this turns on challenge mode which also costs six credits Charles mode can wildly increase the game as each room gets one to three modifiers and the game has a lot of different modifiers that can happen and even some bosses have unique modifiers so Daisuke really makes the game a lot harder but like I said gungeon does not have a lot of difficulty enhancers and usually for me that helps make a roguelike game great but I feel gungeon has done it so well that they don't need all these challenge modifiers to make the game Super challenging the game is still kind of easy though once you figure everything out it's just so much fun I still find myself having trouble in casual runs but what really helps the most with the challenge of gungeon is how easy it is to make your own run harder by getting curses in the run you can get a curse by buying certain items stealing items praying at certain shrines or just carrying in certain items and these curses increase the run's difficulty a bit because enemies are harder to kill and you take more damage the curse can stack all the way up to 10 where half the enemies are jammed and deal double damage the way gungeon implements difficulty enhancement with curses or even challenge mode is incredible and a usual difficulty enhancer mode like Hades with the heat is not needed in a game like gungeon it's fun to see all the different ways that these games increase difficulty to keep their most dedicated players playing and master in the game but I still feel like gunjin is one of the most addicting games I've played in the roguelite genre even without a lot of difficulty in answers but there's one other way to me that will keep replayability ahai and it's far more important than difficulty in its variety dungeon has the best Variety in almost every category for any roguelite I've ever played every single run truly feels unique with how many guns passive items usable items and even pets are available every single run I play I swear I'm picking up new weapons and finding new ones I love sure not all of them are good but what would be the fun if everything was great on top of that the game has so many unique synergies to enhance a lot of weapons or items that even played for over 100 hours you haven't experienced everything sorry there's not much more to say about item variety really the way you unlock weapons and items the amount available in all the different NPCs that change the game and help you unlock new weapons and then of course the great variety of enemies and bosses enter the gungeon has some of if not the best item variety weapon variety enemy variety bosses there's so many different bosses it's Insanity what else is there to say really sure I've missed covering some things like shortcuts to make runs faster or talking super in-depth about stealing items like a shopkeeper but I feel I covered enough to really show my argument for why gungeon is so great and a master of the bullet hell genre there's a lot of bold hell roguelites out there that play Super well one of my favorites is return on PlayStation 5 and soon to be on PC but returno has nothing compared to the amount of replayability and variety as gungeon it's not super fair to compare these two games of course as they're totally different but they're both great but really the bullet hell genre has evolved a lot and has a lot of fantastic games and a lot of them are roguelikes we have the auto Shooters like brotato and vampire survivors which are still good fun and then maybe some could even consider cuphead a boat hell game but obviously that's not a roguelite that's just a challenge in single player game but I do firmly believe that enter the gungeon has mastered the Bold hell genre and has made the most enjoyable bullet hell game out there and probably inspires a lot of other games to make great bullet hell games and I appreciate you watching this video and if you like this super in-depth talk about enter their gungeon let me know I can make more in-depth videos like this on any other roguelike games or any games that I enjoy but I appreciate you watching and a huge shout out to the people that support me on patreon still I haven't made a video in a few weeks now because I haven't really had any inspiration to make any videos nothing really has spoken to me I guess you could say and I don't want to shoot out a video just to you know make a video but I appreciate you watching if you got this far and I hope to see you next time also like And subscribe see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Burr
Views: 44,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon tips, enter the gungeon worth it, everything to know about enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon gameplay, best bullet hell games, best bullet hell games switch, best bullet hell roguelike games, best roguelikes 2022, best roguelike games, bullethell roguelite, why you need to play enter the gungeon, sleepingbear, burr, binding of isaac vs enter the gungeon, greatest roguelites of all time, exit the gungeon, greatness of enter the gungeon
Id: InrHn7JozkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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