Every Time I Get Hit, the Roguelike Changes

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roguelikes are hard and there's this weird misconception with roguelikes that you have to play Perfect every single run you watch YouTubers play them and they talk about taking bad damage or losing flawlesses they get frustrated if they have low health or God forbid they lose a run but the reality is that roguelike games are supposed to be like that they're supposed to be challenging and you're supposed to lose sometimes and today I am going to prove it what if the only way to win a roguelike was too Flawless every single run to never get hit what if every time you got hit the roguelike game you were playing changed it's The Binding of Isaac it's the simplest roguelike of all time uh how could we ever take damage in in Isaac it has been a little bit since I've played some Isaac but a thousand hours plus of muscle memory you really think that uh I can't Flawless an entire Buy of Isaac run the true true joke here probably would have been to play as tainted lost and then I would be forced to have a Flawless run um I already predict that comment in in the comment section but what really does make a a roguelike Flawless Run is it even possible in some games what about a game like slay the spider is it is it possible to truly never take damage in slay the spider half of roguelikes now have mechanics where you have to take damage in order to progress in the Rogue like whether it be an item that I hate it man I just I hate that too if I'm honest with you I don't really here here's the big brain play you ready you bomb that you grab this that's a lucky penny you re-roll those into a golden key okay he's he's got some some place here but it's very interesting how how roguelikes evolve and change over time you you have a game like Nuclear Throne that is so brutal that you are almost destined to take damage in some cases like in the first minute of the game uh and then you have games like Spelunky where you know one tiny bit of damage could end up meaning that the entire run is now just a wash for you and you die immediately uh so this is an interesting interesting genre of games to be stuck in and to be Desiring and a lot of people don't like roguelikes for that exact reason I know many of my real life friends are are not big roguelike fans uh because they go what's the point of of playing a game if your progression is completely limited and I I never I never thought about it in that way I never thought to to care about uh The Dread and Terror of continuing to do the same thing over and over again in a roguelike game as if I'm Bill Murray in Groundhog Day it's something that appeals to me and it's a wonderful case study into human beings the kind of attempt to understand why some of us are completely fine just being tortured over and over and over again uh with at times no end in sight but maybe it's it's for that eventual reward right maybe it's the idea of I'm going to uh continue to to play this game until I inevitably win that gives people a little bit of uh a thrill it's like riding the roller coaster of roguelike games right it's the anticipation it's it's getting on to the massive Hill letting it rise to the top and then eventually letting you sink down to the bottom of the hill in a hilarious and thrilling fashion maybe roguelikes are just the the roller coaster of Indie gaming and even I can't even say Indie gaming anymore as roguelikes now bleed into the the AAA realm with games like eternal well it's unfortunate really but I always look at things on the bright side of life uh at least I get to play Spelunky too instead of instead of playing Isaac right am I right Gamers okay well I mean let's be real uh this is probably not going to last extraordinarily long because me not taking damage in Spelunky is is kind of like uh it's an anomaly a myth there's there's no chance for it to ever uh ever truly occur but alas we try we try for that Flawless roguelike game I do wonder I I think about what if there were a game for me to look in the mirror at myself and go you know what Tyler I think you could I think you could flawless that entire game I wonder what it would be and I'm interested in into what you think it would be for for both me and you in in some scenarios uh is there a roguelike game that I've played that you went holy crap he's he's actually kind of kind of great at it and if you were to have a roguelike game that you needed to Flawless what would it be for you let me know in in the comments okay um probably like the the most psychotic thing to do on on a run word I have to uh not take any damage whatsoever but you know what you Mama didn't raise a coward so uh I gotta just full send it you think I'm gonna go to the the cosmic ocean on this one I'm just speaking from like an ounce of experience probably a pretty low chance of uh of some Cosmic ocean activity on this run I'll put this little uh this little turkey on the Cali altar though I don't know where Monty is I don't know if I care to be honest with you I think I'm just gonna leave okay okay this is then just like that we're into uh we're into the previous version of Spelunky well I suppose if you fail in one you might as well continue and it's uh in its predecessor Spelunky one been uh been a little bit since we've been in this one but there's one thing that I'm confident about I'm confident about my Spelunky one skills I do genuinely believe and you may you may laugh you may cry as well I do genuinely believe that if it was a life or death situation and I had to win a Spelunky one run with a gun to my head I'm not gonna say without taking damage I think that that's borderline psychotic but if I had to win a Spelunky one run I think I could do it I really do I think I could do it I have no idea how to steal from shopkeeps in Spelunky one anymore so maybe I would have no clue uh how to successfully pull off a win in Spelunky one I also have no idea how to tell what uh is a living skeleton versus a not living skeleton I'm now realizing that I actually have pretty much none of the skills required uh to to win a Spelunky one run but that's okay you know that's okay the only skill that I need is the skill of not taking damage a skill that so far I have proven to not even remotely have so spring boots very good to have right very very good to have huge value-add being able to jump a a tiny bit higher than we previously could look at this you can jump all the way up here you can get a dog considered the dog legitimately does not matter because if I get hit uh my ass is getting re-rolled to a different roguelike game anyway so not a not a huge value add for me but sometimes uh it's it's nice just to to rescue a dog just to feel like you have accomplished something in your life rescuing puppies if I'm gonna you know do something in my life rescuing puppies is probably a decent one to do who who doesn't love uh puppies men besides I don't know who was the football player that that was running a a dog fighting ring Mike Vick probably him he probably doesn't love them like a whole lot but that's a probably a little curse of a statement for me to bring up in a random uh roguelike video hey okay you're you're out of here so far pretty good I mean we're we're cruising at the current moment okay just chill just chill just chill there's back whipping work in this game and I have no idea okay just just Just Vibe I definitely know everything about Spelunky one don't let it get twisted in any way double crate a little bombs a little bombs brother I might go all the way in Spelunky one [Music] is there is there uh precedence for this the no hit Spelunky one run I didn't get the I which means that if we were to find the black market it would be a miracle um and close to Impossible All Things Considered but it would be imagine the the true pageantry if it occurred just see it out of the corner of my eyelid let's look for it now okay let's look for it now it could be anywhere on on this floor or the next floor I just witness something explode and I have no idea what I'm just gonna drop to here real quick do a little whip of you my friend just just keep the eyes as peeled as can be okay it could be it could be in the walls it could be I mean it has to be in the walls it cannot really just be sitting out for us to you know go go wiggle our our feet season oh God okay we are getting a little a little hot and heavy in here I don't think the black market is on this floor and if it is then let me tell you I I didn't see it so that means it has to be here right it has to be here just give it give it a good couple looks around I do not need to go to the black market but imagine just just imagine call me uh the the woman ah frick dude why'd you pull me into even the more predecessor of Spelunky many people don't realize that Spelunky one was not the original Spelunky and and it was actually uh this Spelunky here that was the original Spelunky one of the first uh true Rogue light games of all time um I have no idea how to use bombs I I figured it out so so well that was massively unfortunate was it not and this is even more massively unfortunate I don't think it's possible to not get hit in this game in fact I'm looking at my starting hand right now I don't think it's possible to not get hit in the first fight of this game we don't have a way to block all of the damage here I can I can kill you but I I can't I can't like I can't defend this Craig dude come on I will say though I actually think that I have a above zero percent chance to at least make it through the first floor on this one and you may go Tyler I watched your most recent enter the gungeon modded series that you did uh like 20 episodes of back in February and I don't think there's a singular chance you're making out of uh gungeon unskid you know what is different this is this is not modded right it's the mods that make uh enter the gungeon actually hard right right Gamers say right for me please I think that we have uh every chance in the universe I can't deny I jumped out of my seat for a second right there when he uh he fired the shot I think I got every chance in the universe to pull off of flawless here and enter the gungeon as long as the next one is not a card game I think that that probably puts me in a a decent spot I'm thinking that the card games are uh they are they are none too simple to get this figured out God I love him uh such a a good roguelike game and it's reached the point it used to be the the enter the gungeon was was truly known as one of the best roguelike games out there and then it went through this weird like unrenaissance where a lot of people then determined to enter the gungeon was actually a little bit overrated and I don't I don't agree with the unrenaissance I think that enter the gungeon is still a truly Banger game with a lot of really awesome uh ideas and mechanics and and just in general a lot of a charm that a lot of modern roguelike games are missing there's a lot of uh story told Within enter the gungeon that a lot of roguelike games they tend to to put the lore on the side and focus on the gameplay I think that gungeon does a great job of combining both together into uh a truly little Charming experience here I'm a big fan and the modding Community is absolutely fantastic for it I cannot speak highly enough about modded gungeon is it like the buggiest messiest thing ever yeah but it's also a lot of fun um and there's some some truly great ideas and content that people have made with modern gungeon I highly implore uh you take a small looksie at it like I said we did basically like a 20 episode series back in February so if you're liking the looks of this you might want to take a look at that see what there is to see the mnemotic dungeon World things are going great for me right now the chandelier tried to get me okay it did try but I'm I'm smarter than a damn chandelier Sia's quaking in her boots what do we got uh I would love this chest if I had a key uh you are terrifying what what what if the the Flawless enter the gungeon Run using uh Casey right crazier things have happened that's gonna be the boss fight go go this way I'd like to get to our our shop and then uh promptly buy a uh don't do not I refuse promptly buy a key to open up the the green chest live a good life get destroyed you little freak sorry I got a little little violence there with my my end through the gungeoning hello shop give me a key thank you and then I'm gonna come over here I'm gonna open open your little chest what is this is the Mega hand it's a fine gun man it's a fine gun is no it's no Casey but it probably will be slightly better for the the incoming boss fight uh than than not let's do it trigger twins brother I wanna I wanna Casey the trigger twins extremely badly just just to show them that that I truly am the the master here and they are The Apprentice unlimited power you ready [Music] and we're in a card game and it's a card game that I know is is not physically possible and to to play without getting hit um we will we will try nonetheless but let's uh let's move if you haven't seen this game before this is uh forward Escape The Fold really interesting uh turn-based card game where you you don't necessarily have a deck of cards but you're slowly making it up a level um poison is is the same as getting hit it is taking damage I mean you could go on a technicality I suppose but then we are put into a very difficult position for the purposes of this um godspeed godspeed I'm happy to happy to be in a new game I think and to be in one of my favorite roguelikes of all time nonetheless it's a good place for me to be if you don't know this one and you're looking at it going why does it look oddly familiar to uh you may know the developer of this game from brotato uh this is the the first game that he made a really Charming little roguelike uh by the name of space Gladiators it's kind of a platforming roguelike it's got some some Hollow Knight ish Vibes as you can kind of tell uh but hidden below the surface this is a really really brilliant roguelike game all about balancing your your statistics to try to get the the best possible damage to to then uh take on random enemies and and bosses and and all kinds of nonsense it's a great game and uh there's also a reference to me in it so uh what can I say I'm I'm a little partial to it but it's it's definitely a really brilliant game highly highly recommend okay things are going fine 83 for a random item send me sunglasses at night so I can so I can't okay uh we'll we'll go for well first of all I'll go for this chest if I can figure out how to get the chat I probably jump in the middle absolutely plus one strength you you love see it these trap rooms could end up being a little a little spicy for me but I refuse to go out like that like give me a little free item here upward attacks deal zero additional damage but they scale with the number of items taken from demonic Alters is not going to be both of these are actually useless for me because I I probably can't take never mind I get a free item from demonic Alters okay I suppose that that answers that question pretty much immediately okay that's very scary though ah frick dude okay okay but wow am I surprised to be in this one uh it has been a really really long time since I've played this game this is Mana spark uh it's a really really difficult uh and and Charming little top-down shooter roguelike I played this a very very long time ago uh it's brutally hard I mean it truly is a difficult game so uh don't don't expect too too much here but I also know it went through a a sizable amount of updates and I I never checked it out from a long time ago okay we have opened up we've opened up the portal over here allowing me to escape the level I do remember those boars man and I do remember the fact that they give me uh HP when you kill them too that's the first floor done not sure I even expected to to pull that one off but it's it's good to be here I don't think I ever uh ever finished a run in this game because it was it was just so freaking hard it was so hard they're trying to hide the thing lever from me man I mean I gotta at least know what what's in here it's just the exit Okay I mean there I there I do a tiny bit more searching to see what I I can see I do see oh god what the frick is that oh dude down yeah that one that one to be fair went about what I had expected and you know what this one's going to go pretty much as expected as well Nuclear Throne an all-time classic in the roguelike genre uh really brutally hard game we have only ever won one run of Nuclear Throne two runs of Nuclear Throne something ridiculous like that uh the odds of me pulling this one off unscathed I I would I would probably just invest in crypto you have a higher chance of getting your money back at that point um and that's a joke at how terrible crypto is and investment is in 2023 okay um we're good I'm not a crypto bro okay but you can you can check the description for for my my nft no just kidding I don't have an NFC this joke can only go poorly as time goes on so I'm going to probably just just shut up I'm just gonna shut up okay uh it's all good it's all good we're having a good time um please get destroyed I would like a weapon that is not a melee weapon believe it or not I know that that's a tough pill to swallow or tough medicine to to ask for okay get get wrenched to your little freak okay hey you know what we're Flawless through too I get myself a little level up um strong spirit is not exactly what what I'm looking for let's go for an extra chess spawn just to try to get uh I mean like something of value on this run some kind of proper uh damage dealer besides the the pistol that I've been it's a revolver but it's a pistol to me um one one hell of a fast firing this is gonna be a problem this is this is a this is a big problem this is this is a Monumental issue I'm terrified man this is this is this is not where you want to be this is not where you want to be just kidding um maybe I'm actually kind of goaded at Nuclear Throne and I forgot I'm gonna give you a hint uh I'm not I'm not but sometimes I you know overconfidence is okay can I please like not get a melee weapon on this run overconfidence is the Insidious Killer maybe uh under confidence is the Insidious it's just Insidious okay um I don't know man I don't know none of this matters it's none of this matters if you're going to continue to put me into nonsensical uh roguelikes that require taking a lot of damage just can can I have like I don't know what be a landlord one that is quite literally impossible to to take damaging that that seems like the kind of roguelike that I have a chance to to survive one that doesn't have an HP mechanic I know that that's that's probably a little bit of a cop-out for the the purposes of this content but that's what I'm looking for this gun yeah this gun has always been the kind of weapon that when I think about uh hey what what gun would I use to not take damage in Nuclear Throne I immediately gravitate towards the disc gun thank you Game really really appreciate your your concern for my own mental sanity hey hey what are you doing get out of here is that everybody okay see you Flawless through four baby okay um let's go with mutate later because all of those were terrible i've somehow made it into this section with just a pistol Man Down Frick it's the Assassins man I kind of forgot about them how's my ammo looking I would I would argue uh could could be better it could be better but I'm gonna also tell you it could be worse as well I mean things are things are unironically going okay for me which is uh damn nightmare scenario okay goodbye goodbye to you as well I I will not die here I'm low on boards it's officially my worst nightmare what the frick that was insane that was actually the the coolest thing I've possibly ever done in a video game okay um feels good can I have a real gun the laser pistol is a real gun brother I've never been more excited to have a there's still a sniper here what's your problem get out of here okay I get it you're you're a little freak but you're you're my little freak um where the hell's the enemy oh there he is okay see ya uh follows through five or four I don't remember um energy weapons deal more damage it's a very very good uh thing for me to have I can't deny my laser pistol now even better than it was before and I'm back on the the max energy train get out of here no we were doing so well I mean look we were never gonna pull that one off though but ladies and gentlemen maybe maybe there is a chance that that this is the one I have to go Flawless in uh roguelike Minesweeper is there a chance that demon crawl is the the solution to all of our concerns there's there's a there's a small chance but that does require me being good at Minesweeper which I have proven the proven to have some issues with at times in the past this is not looking good down here actually so I'm gonna I'm gonna just happily leave that for right now um the music is is a little it leaves a bit to be desired as I think the word that I would use at the current moment in time uh okay we're we're fine we're fine look at how great this is you're selling legendary items I don't I don't have the juice for that okay um where where is The Logical conclusion here I'm sorry I can't I can't think too much because my brain is being swarmed by uh psychotic noises at the current moment in time okay um we don't there's nothing I know down here there's not necessarily anything I know down here I don't think so what about like right here so so you have to one of these three has to be the one right because maybe you're gonna be the one that kills me um if this is one okay so say this is one that means this is not this is not and then that means this is not and then if this is not that means what that means this is I don't know man do you just go for the the 50 50 okay well guess what we shouldn't have gone for the the 50 50. on that one and I know my own skills in in spirits Abyss are insanely good but I'm gonna put this one at a pretty low chance that I I Flawless an entire uh hard mode run of spirits Abyss great little game though if you haven't seen this one uh we've been doing uh a pretty long play through of it here on the channel so definitely recommend kind of a Spelunky like game uh but with a lot of a lot of mysterious content and and strange Vibes and uh wording like uh poopy Whoopi diaper that that makes you question your own sanity but is also uh somewhat Charming I suppose in the way that it presents itself um I don't need to to bring a an item to the the next game that I play Let's just let's just chill unless you're bringing an item oh frick to the next roguelike that I get stuck in I I think that we probably don't care uh a whole heck of a lot about that should we should we try to kill the the guy here whoa whoa apparently the answer was no and while it is physically impossible to not take damage here on the first turn of dicey dungeons or on any turn in dicey dungeons at least we get the vibe to the music for a little bit before uh our entire life ends do six damage to this man we'll re-roll this die just just to waste more time listening to the incredible tunes and then I'll uh I'll take my my eight damage and I'll leave see ya and it's only fitting that our journey takes us here into revita a game that is uh kind of all about spending your HP to gain benefit kind of uh the exact opposite of what this challenge is really going for uh if you have not seen revita I highly recommend you check this one out it's kind of an Isaac like roguelike but in a platformer setting it actually has a huge update coming soon uh that is being referred to as the the 2.0 update or in some cases just being referred to as revita too that's how big this update is going to be um one of my favorite roguelike games easy like top 10 all time for me it truly is a very very charming and special roguelike game do I think that I'm about to do this entire run without getting hit uh no no because I've never done that before um so quite literally zero precedence for me being able to pull this one off but I'm gonna give it a good college try that's for sure am I brave enough to embrace the towers challenge no uh just kidding yes but let's defeat all the enemies should be doable okay I I have a lot of faith in myself to at least and to be honest with you I have a lot of faith in myself that I can probably make it out of the first floor of revita without taking damage I know I said that for several other roguelites hey it's a butt plug dude uh lava lamp bullets create more bullets while flying okay I don't really care okay I don't really care but that's that's fine look at it look at look at them go doing little funky things now um I don't believe that this this is me taking damage okay I think that this is me spending my HP but not damaging myself in the process uh perhaps you disagree but guess what I'm recording this not streaming it so I can't see your opinion and I kind of don't care about it in this situation um we're also now seeing our bullets they they do be big and pulsating uh because of what we what we took there plus if I can't spend my HP in this game man all right we're gonna have a rough time uh flossing it since like I said kind of kind of 90 of the the game is spending your HP for things speaking of spending my HP I'm gonna offer a heart to the shrine of harvest get a little Spirit on najiri increase my uh my soul bar by a little bit uh your soul is your your health in this game uh so we can use our soul bar up here to create more health for us we'll get a little Celestial item kind of like an active item if you're uh used to to Isaac here and we can we can use it send out some little some little floaty boys to have a good little floaty time on this run things are going great my confidence is at an all-time high after being shredded by every uh every roguelike game that I've touched here today okay things are things are great things have never been better I think I'm easy floor one Flawless and if I don't get the easy floor one Flawless then what was it really was it really worth living on this one I suppose probably it was still worth living but the roguelikes Are Hard Men they're they're hard games and this is this is just proving my point even more so okay we got a little secret room here which is very exciting give me something of extreme value add such as a singular key is not the largest value add I I might add myself but value you know what it is value that's the key that we can use to possibly get another chest or something like that in the future what do you got in the shop here we got a little rain boots create some bullets from your boots while walking let's re-roll the shop uh okay royal jelly for for three additional filled Max HP unfortunately kind of doesn't matter because I'm not getting hit so propulsion exhaust highly increase my damage bullet size decrease my fire rate but let's try it okay let's try I'm gonna take you right here and then I'm gonna I'm gonna heal up real right quick right baby right round like a record baby uh and then we'll fight the boss which I I mean look I'm Flawless this boss many times in my life I think that I see no real way that I don't get the flawless right here right now it's so far I mean it's going it's going fantastic and we're going to have so many uh little floaty Boys around the room doing doing floaty boy things you see how many floaty boys we got it's like when I go to the eye doctor uh and they they put the weird goo inside of my eye and then ask me if I see little things floating around what you're I'm not the only one that that gets glaucoma testing because of uh family history somebody's gonna know what I'm talking about we we've all been there with glaucoma testing okay um Flawless sorry I my brain immediately I have to schedule an eye doctor's appointment I have a little postcard next to me anyway um continue please continue what are we looking at random Celestial I'm very happy with my Celestial right now chance to fully heal up hunting in a fatal hit not not necessary immunity to ice and honey we'll take this does give me a Max HP which which in this game is not the end of the world uh even with our our challenge because we uh we can use that HP to improve our run especially because we're coming into here where I can do a little a little upgrading right so let's let's propulsion exhaust it up here just to get a little bit more damage I'm gonna increase my my pulsating orb something that I didn't really expect to say today and then I'm going to to move on to the the fungated funnels and see if I can Flawless level two of revita once again pretty low chance I might add it's the secret room he's he's actually doing quite good he's doing quite good okay life is but a bang old dream send me into my secretive room secretive room contains a little chesticle give me a little damage 70 damage here on the uh the second floor of the game though and then you hit me and then you have provided me with with no roguelike game to continue am I freed from the hell that I had been put in I think I'm freed and I have proven that roguelikes are hard uh if you enjoyed as always a like on the video much appreciated perhaps we will continue and try to defeat other roguelike games without getting hit at some point in the future leave a like if you knew every game comment with the games that you want to see in the next roguelike challenge thanks so much for watching I'll see you guys in the next one have a good rest of your day bye-bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 368,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: olexa, roguelike, roguelite, roguelike games, slay the spire, roguelike design, enter the gungeon, action roguelike games, noobs want to live roguelike, roguelikes, action roguelike, peggle roguelike, roguelike gameplay, roguelike survivors, roguelite games, doom roguelike, break roguelikes, roguelike autobattler, survivors roguelike, how to make a roguelike, rougelike, into the breach, slay the spire broken, autobattler rogueliek, slay the spire playthrough
Id: ChOVBro2sZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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