The Greatest Caesar Salad of All Time (2 Ways)

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Didn’t even invent time travel, kidnap Caesar and blend him up, he’s really slacking these days

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Matthew_Ward24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

And homemade parmigiano-reggiano, aged 36 months in his home cheese cave he purchased on Amazon; link below in the description.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Paxapunch86 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's about time he makes his own mustard

Btw this isn't even a joke, you can easily grow mustard from seeds on any wet foamy base. Just throw'em bad boiz and wait. And then after grinding add some sort of sugar and vinegar. Done.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lofiinbetterquality πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
caesar salad has to be one of the most common salads in the world and yet almost every single freaking time it's messed up so we're gonna fix that and then at the end i have a little surprise for you [Music] okay so today we're talking about the caesar salad look when i say that it's messed up commonly what i'm talking about is not just the leaves and the croutons and that stuff i mean granted the crappy pre-made croutons that a lot of restaurants use make me want to smash my head into a wall it's just not right but more importantly the dressing the freaking dressing it's extremely easy you can definitely do it and then once we've made it we're going to make a nice little mystery sandwich anyway with all that said let's make this shall we listen caesar salad is an art form it's simple but it has a few rules if you want it to be utter perfection this is your arsenal against shitty tasting dressing there's nothing worse and none of these ingredients are to change at any point in time and neither should this process if you do papa no like and pop up maybe also no keys alright so first thing we're gonna make the entire backbone of this recipe the dressing you're gonna need six fatty cloves of garlic smash them all with the flat side of your knife like nicely sprinkle them generously with kosher salt the salt helps break down the garlic and pull out its liquid now listen carefully begin a rolling chop like this and just keep chopping and gathering chopping and gathering smearing your knife on occasion to break its cell walls even further and you're going to continue this process for about three to five minutes or until you get a relatively fine paste that holds together when smearing like this now you're gonna get yourself three anchovy fillets that were packed in olive oil finally chop those as well until they're as fine as possible you could probably go find her but you want a paste then chop both your garlic paste and your anchovy paste together until it's ultra fine and creates a nice but kind of ugly looking paste trust me this is the most important thing add your garlic anchovy paste to medium sized bowl and to that you're going to add two large egg yolks the juice of one and a half large lemons and one heaping tablespoon or 18 grams of dijon mustard season that generously with kosher salt whisk all that together until thoroughly combined and then while constantly whisking slowly begin adding one and a quarter cup or 300 milliliters of vegetable oil look it's just like a mayo literally one drop at a time at first until it starts to get a little creamy and emulsified then increase to a nice even but slow stream keep on whisking and adding your oil and i repeat do not stop whisking you should notice that the dressing is getting thicker and creamier as you go and you're gonna add all of this oil now if it's not thick enough by the time you've added all of it you can add another quarter cup of oil then once it's done you're gonna add three quarters of a cup or 70 grams of finely grated parmigiano-reggiano whisk that in oh and don't forget to drop your whisk too really helps develop the full flavor okay so we have our lovely dressing but now we need to talk croutons if you go to the store papa you don't even want to know what papa will do if you buy pre-made croutons get yourself a nice lip of ciabatta cut that through the middle into two pieces and then in half lengthwise like a sandwich now cut each half into one inch wide batons now at this point you of course can brush these with a little bit of olive oil but i actually used my garlic bread recipe which the link for that will be in the description spread a generous amount of your garlic bread butter over each piece then place those on a baking sheet lined with foil and toss it into an oven set to 400 degrees fahrenheit for 10 minutes or until golden brown and beautiful look i don't want them completely dry like little explosive crunchies i want a little bit of moist chew in the middle yes moist now using a sharp knife cut along your batons to get individual little crouton failures and those are well your croutons garlic bread croutons that is all right we have our two most important pieces now for the greenery i like to use boston or bib lettuce and romaine romaine provides the refreshing crunch while the boston or bib brings some tenderness and light sweetness it's a good thing now break off all the leaves and toss those two heads together nicely in a large bowl and then to plate up add your leaves which i hope you wash properly to a salad bowl or plate then arrange on your croutons and if you want to have a fancy little table service moment drizzle on your dressing all of your salad to your liking now while that's great for b-roll let me show you how to properly dress a salad it's very simple get your greens in a bowl immediately season your leaves to taste with salt this is a crucial salad dressing secret for all salads then add your desired amount of dressing ideally around the edges of the bowl rather than directly on the greens then using your hands or tongs vigorously but gently toss the salad haha toss a salad to coat each and every leaf give it a small taste and if it needs any more salt or acid you can adjust those levels from there and that's a properly dressed salad you understand now we have our finished beautiful salad i think it's time that we taste a test i got two forks and i don't know why but i'm gonna catch both of them so anyway this is an original ultra traditional caesar salad oh yeah a little crouton first off make your own croutons it's always gonna come out on top second off the dressing perfection finito this is how you make an appropriate caesar dressing none of that weird stuff it's all done by hand you break up the allicin in the garlic and make it real tasty and gently i'm not gonna be long-winded about it this is the only way you should ever make a caesar dressing for the rest of your life and it will change your salad game permanently but if there's one other thing i want to change permanently it's the sandwich game which we're going to do right now yeah okay i got another thing for you maybe you don't want a salad maybe you want a big beefy caesar sandwich that makes angels cry tears of joy first we need one sweet onion that's not why they're crying by the way they're crying because it's good not because of the onion slice that into half inch slices leaving it in a single round remove the peel but don't separate it into rings now hit a medium skillet over medium-high add about 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil or enough to coat the bottom of the pan then once ripping hot add in your onion sear on that side for about three minutes you can use a press like the chef press to keep them flat until deeply brew laid then give them a flip it's okay if they fall a little bit apart sometimes that happens season the taste of salt and repeat on the other side and look if you want to get a little fancy with the brulee onions obviously you can leave them like this and that's just fine but you know for some reason i don't know why i decided to get some bourbon pour a splash in there and ignite it because it looks cool and it's jummy you know you get a little bit of a onion bourbon syrup that coats it and turns it from onion to onion once the other side is done you have your beautiful bruleed onions now for the steak we've got a lovely texas wagyu ribeye shout out to the homies from rigalis for sending this guy my way papa geese simply heat up a medium largest skillet over medium-high heat add just enough vegetable oil to cover the surface of the pan now while that's heating pat your steak completely dry with paper towels season it very generously with salt and black pepper pressing in that seasoning nicely of course both sides always duh and once that pan is hot add in your steak and press to adhere sear that for about two to three minutes or until deeply browned give her a little flip and optionally toss in a small bunch of thyme a couple tablespoons of unsalted butter and baste constantly with butter until it reaches a beautiful medium rare then immediately pull your steak out of the pan let it rest on a cutting board for about five minutes okay we're almost there but before we assemble let's get the rest of our mise en place get two slices of nice quality bread like this sourdough toasted butter in a pan you know like grilled cheese style until it's nice and toasty slice one large tomato a quarter of an inch thick and more importantly salt your tomatoes any time you make a sandwich i've said this before i'll say it again now once your steak is rested it's time to slice separate the rib cap from the eye because it's a rib eye see how those names start to make a little sense then just slice your stick as thick or as thin as you want i like it a little bit on the thinner side but not too thin you know i don't want it like paper thin now to assemble get your bread add some dressing on both sides spread it around nicely then lay down your lovely tomatoes on the bottom slice then some of those same salad greens that have been seasoned and dressed with more caesar dressing your beautiful sliced steak more dressed lettuce and of course your brew laid sweet onions as much or as little as you like and finally crown your king with the beautifully toasted and dressed other half my mouth is watering right now just looking at this slice it in half then enjoy a cross section nearly unfit for mere mortals to gaze upon and of course hop on our train with a one-way ticket to flavortown this that's a freaking sandwich dude i love sandwiches with caesar dressing imagine the perfect sandwich whatever that is to you you're eating you're enjoying it feels good maybe the nips go dunk doing but something in there is elevating it what is that it's so jummy what could it possibly oh yeah it's caesar dressing proper caesar dressing and a little bit of caesar salad on there too the toast is the crunchy crouton it's basically a salad in the form of a sandwich the point is whatever format salad you want to enjoy whether it's in a nice little bowl with your little dressing croutons and cheese or a big bad sandwich it's all up to you all right there's nothing that i'm trying to force you to do except well make the dressing properly but you know what i don't care it's my dressing and that's how i make it and if you don't then papa no keys you want to know what else is full of creamy salty goodness and oozes meat juices into your mouth [Music] b-roll [Music] alright guys and that is it so we made our caesar salad it came out perfectly it was splendid the little garlic bread croutons you don't even have to go that hard you could just toss in a little oil and toast them that's fine delicious either way but more importantly that caesar dressing when you get that right that perfect balance of saltiness acidity umami it's just it feels so good so righteous and you want to put it on everything which is exactly why i made the fancy steak salad with a little bit of caesar salad in it wait did i say steak salad steak sandwich the sandwich did i say salad the point is i hope this was helpful for you because i want to see more proper caesar salads and i promise when you taste this it will change your life in the perspective of salad anyway with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you papa love you so so much [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 940,793
Rating: 4.959311 out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, caesar salad, homemade caesar salad, homemade caesar salad dressing, caesar salad recipe, best caesar salad, best caesar salad dressing, how to make caesar salad, how to make caesar salad dressing, easy caesar salad, caesar salad dressing, caesar salad dressing recipe, salad, caesar dressing, caesar dressing recipe, caesar dressing recipe from scratch, youtube cooking series, caesar, caesar salad sandwich, making caesar salad, youtube recipes
Id: a4Z2x0sPq3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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