The Greatest Brilliant Move In History

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ladies and gentlemen in today's video I am going to show you what might be the most brilliant the most brilliant brilliant move I've ever seen getting a brilliant move on is a moment for every single chess player some of you have never gotten one some of you have only gotten one and you probably framed it up on your refrigerator some of you have gotten many but every single brilliant move is unique the algorithm judges it differently today's isal spectacular and also a friendly reminder I am currently in London I'm coming home in 2 days which is why I'm in a hotel room also we have 50 tickets added to the November 21st evening signing here in London it's my last one it's with water stones at the St panr train station we've added 50 more tickets some of you have reached out to me asking for tickets and I got you 50 more tickets so you're welcome and also I really appreciate your support so here we go we are in the European Team Championship in Montenegro we're actually in a hotel room in London where it gets dark at 3 P.M but you know I'm going to go to dinner soon our protagonist is stava solido versus Natalia bua stava is from Greece Natalia is from Ukraine this is one of the most unbelievable brilliant moves I've ever seen in my life the game began with E4 black responded with the most combative opening the Caro Sicilian Defense Sicilian Defense uh White plays Knight F3 Knight C6 black uh White is trying to play the open Sicilian with the move d4 on the third move black now already has multiple branes black can play A6 D6 E6 G6 or Knight C6 now white chooses whether to play this or actually uncork a russal Lio a more close positional approach D4 takes takes black now has many choices again black plays Knight F6 Knight C3 and now basically uh basically basically bua has a choice now one final choice of where we're going are we going to a hyper accelerated dragon with Bishop G7 are we going to a classical with D6 are we going for E6 the Four Knights or are we going for other Sidelines or are we going for the sveshnikov Magnus Carlson's favorite opening except maybe his favorite opening is the Catalan I don't know I haven't asked but I will when I see him in Toronto uh the idea of E5 is to fight for the center but also play D6 give up the light squares but be very Dynamic and very aggressive Knight B5 D6 prevents the knight from going into D6 because it's protected and now white chooses the two main lines which are Bishop G5 and the more modern Knight D5 Knight D5 was played many times by Fabiano Carana versus Magnus Carlson in their world championship match in 2018 also let me know if you like this more calm demeanor I can't really yell too much cuz it's late and feel ridiculous yelling in a hotel room when I have neighbors frankly I don't even know if they can hear me recording if they can hear me recording they should knock on the wall that would be very interesting um Knight takes D5 e takes D5 Knight to E7 and white plays C4 and now what white is going to do is white is going to expand on this side of the board often times with a queen sometimes with pawns and then you actually Rook lift over here in many cases uh black will try to play F5 not F6 F5 black will try to get these pieces out can tell if somebody knocked on my door or if I'm imagining things um black will try to get these pieces out Castle kick out the Knight and be very happy position is very imbalanced and in that world championship match frequently Magnus was attacking Fabiano on the side of the board Knight G6 Queen A4 threatening a double check a very brutal double check and now inducing Bishop D7 so you Force black I mean you don't really Force black to do anything but you play Bishop D7 if black doesn't want to lose but now this Pawn is weak and this Pawn is not defended which is why why plays Queen B4 threatening to win a pawn which would be a big deal and black develops the bishop and keeps moving now I think here technically white could do this and try to make a draw because of Queen D7 there is Knight C7 which wins a rook uh because the queen can't take and then I I wonder if uh black would have played Queen B8 or would have made a draw Queen B8 is another way to defend the pawn which keeps the game going I don't know but she played Bishop F5 and then it was H4 H5 so white tried to play H4 to play H5 black played H5 so white couldn't play H4 simple enough right white wants to Target this Knight on G6 anytime you have a knight on G6 and B6 uh which is uh that's where you can Target them with the flank pawns and it's really helpful because you can advance the pawn all the way while attacking the Knight and then even further to the sixth or third ranks which will then damage your opponent's structure and break it difficult for them whether they've castled or not the other uh side about playing this move H4 is that oh I'm out of breath um if H5 the G5 square is secured right so if black plays H6 white cannot play Bishop G5 but black is not going to have a very comfortable Life For That Knight so Bishop G5 we've already talked about the move Queen B8 and black is a moment away from playing the move A6 which would kick out White's Knight you will notice from the time spend of the players nobody is thinking modern day chess uh is uh rooted in preparation both sides are very very well familiar not just with the opening theory meaning the moves that they don't need to think about because they know are the best moves and they already memorized them but they are also familiar with famous games played in these positions by studying games of Magnus Fabiano myself uh I don't I haven't played this line for either player but you know myself and um uh they know the middle game plans right so black now plays A6 three minutes spent on this move this might actually already be the moment that black is trying to remember but black plays A6 now kicking out the Knight the Knight goes back to C3 now black plays Queen C7 so seems like again black gets the queen out everything is defended White's position is under pressure it's a very very Dynamic game this the pawn structure in the center imbalanced the positioning of the knights and the Bishops imbalanced the space Advantage imbalanced your ELO frequently imbalanced G3 played by white so supporting everything here maybe some ideas in the future controlling F4 maybe you'll bring the bishop back at some point like for example black offers a trade of the Bishops and white says no right neither player has thought both sides have now made 19 moves actually white has made 19 moves black has made uh 18 moves black plays this move E4 after 5 minutes of thought which means in all likelihood she's on her own or she's still memorizing or she went to the toilet right like you don't know you could be bluffing uh if you look at the top computer line it is E4 and there's a reason why black doesn't Castle it's because you'd lose that pawn that you put on H5 which is a big problem um so black plays E4 with a very simple idea of trying to make more progress into the position right now white has a big decision which way do I Castle or do I not castle at all if you just pass back the move black plays Knight E5 oops Knight E5 then black puts a knight here or here you have to trade your Bishop then this Pawn is no longer under attack so black will Castle then black will play Rook C8 and try to go here so that's the idea so white castles and black plays castles as well seven minutes of thought so on our own and essentially black is saying you know what since you committed your king here this Pawn is no longer a problem because taking it will be too dangerous could black have just played Knight to E5 yes why she didn't don't know haven't spoken to her Knight to E5 does not blunder a pawn and then for example if white let's say played Rook C1 black could then Castle you say What's the difference well the difference is that this Pawn is hanging number one and number two computer here says Queen C8 for for some reason where you try to trade these Bishops and then get in with the queen and then get in with the Knight and try to M on the light squares because again white pushed three pawns on dark squares in front of the king and now you're putting the king there so you bought an apartment that had Holes in the Floor like you can't be mad that you're tripping every now and then right so castles castles and white says Bishop takes H5 now you will also notice stava spent 28 minutes on castling she did not do that because she didn't remember the rule it's a very big moment in the game and if you don't remember the best move here and you play a very sharp and complicated opening frequently you will find yourself in a situation you got to operate on your own and sometimes when the stove is too hot and you're not an experien Chef you got to think about it right you don't you know you don't have time you really don't want to Castle this way I mean you can but it's just kind of going to play directly into Black's Bishops right you got to think about what the opponent wants at the end of the day that is chess and it's not poker in poker you can't see what cards people have in chess you can see what pieces people have so um right let's go back castles Bishop takes H5 calling the bluff and saying Natalya you're trash um they don't actually talk to each other and if they would I don't think chess players are brave enough to say such things to each other's face chess players would say things behind each other's backs they're kind of like Reddit keyboard Warriors um but uh no I don't think she said such a thing actually they asked me this question recently I I did another wired video some of you might have watched the previous one chess Pro answers questions from Twitter um and people were offended I was called a chess Pro even though I'm technically a professional in chess I just don't play it but I don't know whatever people get offended about everything uh and in that video they asked me can people trash talk and chess in the second episode and I said well not really so that's all to say I don't think she took her pawn and trash talked her but she did take her pawn and basically now black goes and attacks this pawn and Black's followup is if let's say white plays B3 black will put the Knight here then black will go here and try to Checkmate like that is and and and black does not it does not feel like black is a pawn down I mean if anything it feels like white is a pawn down or the positions equal so Knight to E5 and in this position white plays Bishop D4 right and so the idea is basically look I know you're going to come in if you go here I just move my queen it's not complicated and if you play Knight to F3 check it is a fork but then I take the Knight and yes in a perfect world The Queen there is mate but how exactly is that happening while I Target your Bishop right let's say black say well just Queen D7 easy okay but then I'm going to try to trade Queens with you right or I'm just going to win your Pawn okay now black has to play defense well now I've doubled my Rooks okay well Black's just going to play defense yeah but I mean at some point you're not going to get the queen there like even if you go oh I'm so sneaky King H2 again these people are not rated 800 so they will not just play Bishop H5 get fork and then blunder check made in one move right I mean it's just made here that's not what we're dealing with they are slightly stronger than you just slightly you know because you're all 2,000 um no they are much better than you Knight to D3 is played and white basically says I don't care right I don't care and I'm going to rotate my queen around and now things go crazy and in games where things go crazy your chances of playing a brilliant move are much higher because they're sharp they're are complicated right they are theoretical uh did I say theoretical not theoretical they are complex right so in this position black sacrifices the bishop whoa for a pawn what and the idea of the sacrifice is to open up White's King win that pawn threaten the king not right away and threaten the bishop right away if white doesn't take the computer thinks sacrificing a knight back is White's best move and then after this throwing in this move attacking the Knight and then after this and only this taking the bishop back so your queen can rotate over which is bananas I mean that is that that that is that is crazy the other idea is to go F3 and try to just basically like give up everything but in the process of giving up everything winning back the center right so black will play like Bishop H7 and these pieces are just very weak and actually it is white who is creating the winning threats um white is a human being though and not stockfish so she just takes the bishop because sometimes in chess like a free Bishop is a free bishop and it doesn't come with consequences you know in life some things are free but they come with consequences so they're are they really free I don't know some things are just straight up free right like back in the day in New York City public school you could eat the free lunch but you might poop yourself for like three days or you might die it's free but is it free if the cost is your health I don't know schro dinger's Health um anyway that's all to say that black here played Queen E7 and threatened the pawn on H4 with a powerful Bishop with a knight threatening to come back here and deal some damage now white has to play a good defense right and white plays Knight E2 which has two ideas number one you want to go protect the king the horse has to protect the King number two the queen now has a little bit more access this Knight is a really really good roadblock and it's defended not once but twice and it's really hard to get rid of and getting rid of it like this might make sense if the other side is stupid but she will take the bishop so you don't really have the time so Queen E7 the Knight on develops and black plays Queen takes H4 threatening the bishop on H5 looking to play Bishop H3 Queen G5 Queen G2 looking to play Knight F4 looking to play Knight F2 looking to play Knight E5 Knight F3 Etc um but I don't know the ideas I'm not a chess Pro and now white plays Knight G3 targeting the bishop and simultaneously defending their Bishop big moment this is a fake threat it's a fake threat because the bishop is defended by the Knight too so for example if black plays E8 and white goes here after we just repeat the position white is actually lost white cannot stop Knight F4 and if white tries to stop Knight F4 then I just go to E5 which is significantly worse um so yeah that doesn't quite work right and and in the game uh instead of playing Rook to A8 black went Knight F4 which is also a very logical move this would be Checkmate um excuse me no it wouldn't I mean it wouldn't be Checkmate in one it would be Checkmate in two um but it is protected but you know you you've got all of these ideas swirling and not to mention the bishop is hanging and now at this point um something wild happens here stava finds an idea that this low-level stockfish cannot even yet see which is kind of wild um in this position saula took this but I just said it was not a really good decision because then Queen H5 and then probably you lose right Knight takes F5 but notice look did you see that now now the computer is going to claim it it saw it the whole time Knight G3 this so browser based stockfish on a low depth which is what you most of you operate on it will not see the idea like it still doesn't see it and now it's like why well after Knight F5 Queen H5 which which I've just explained to you does not work because of the threat on the night Etc you know black is threatening Knight E2 black is threatening Queen G4 and you cannot play Queen to G3 you I mean it looks like a great move but it simply hangs a queen you can't do that um well the position is winning because as it turns out Knight takes F5 sets up one of the most disgusting brilliant moves that I've ever seen in my life and she saw it from a distance stockfish on this crappy depth did not her opponent did not in this position sta Lako do do I want to say do toak do but I don't know don't speak Greek um she played the move Queen to G3 that's a cool move and she is winning and you might say Levy you just yep Queen G3 and I will give it a little brilliant symbol of my own Queen to G3 and that makes the whole idea work and you go well show us what the well Queen G3 friend's Checkmate it walks into a queen Fork just a pure Queen for knight2 and at the end of it this is hanging so what's the point here's the point her opponent has to play Knight E2 right Queen G3 is brilliant and black has no choice because if black takes the Knight they get mated uh if black tries to stop mate with the bishop they get mated if they try to stop like this then Knight E7 and I just win the Knight and I'm up two pieces and I mean mate is coming so Knight E2 check what is the point why is this such a brilliant move it walks and literally allows a queen Fork you bring your king up and suddenly Things become more clear you will connect your Rooks and they will go to the H file where the queen is the last defender of the king which is very very bad the pawns Knights and Bishops and Rooks should be defending the king first the queen needs to go deal damage okay and the problem is that when your queen gets taken you don't take the Knight you don't take the Knight you play a zishan and in between move because if you take the Knight black will block everything and run the king this way but before you do that despite three things being able to take this night you play Knight E7 check and black is lost because Black's King is forced to the edge of the board where not only will white end up winning the queen this checkmate with a rook and the King cut off by a knight is Anastasia's Checkmate which would have been ironic if black was Anastasia bua that would have been crazy she's Natalia bua so it's not as crazy but it's still quite crazy and uh the game is over after you play F takes G3 white emerges from this game with Rook to H1 threatened and the craziest part about this is black can go here it makes no difference because you have to go back and then you lose your queen and the point is this end game is lost it is two pieces for a rook and it's over black then has to run out to G5 and you take on G7 and you win two pieces for a rook with multiple pawns is a winning end game and the game ends like this black plays King to H6 trying to save the queen Rook to H1 Queen takes H1 Rook takes she does in fact go to G5 Bishop takes G7 Rook E8 so now black it looks like has Five Pawns Five Pawns each it should be completely fine because white how is white going to save the Knight well this entire brutal king walk ends up with the King on G5 and the Knight is defendable via tactics instead of physically protecting the Knight we defend the Knight with Rook to F1 Rook E7 is no longer possible because of Bishop F6 and the Knight is protected because the Rook will be lost Rook to F1 but I have really bad news for you not only does Rook F1 defend against Rook E7 and a fork Rook take C7 is the best and only move for black black has to go here and end up in an endgame down a bishop to go on to losing 20 moves why because if you don't take the Knight and you play Pawn 2 E3 you fail to realize your king is in a cage your king is in a cage rapidly depe depleting oxygen levels Bishop F6 check if the King goes to G4 Rook F4 and this if the King goes to H6 here if the King goes to H5 Rook H1 and Rook H4 and that is the story of one of the most absurd brilliant moves I have ever seen in a game playing a move that doesn't sacrifice it doesn't sacrifice you know in chess you bulldoze a wall and then you sacrifice you this move is so foul you play this move your opponent must come to you they must play 92 check they have no choice but to walk down this line which is so absurd because you then you throw in 97 in intricate detail if this was a puzzle if this was a puzzle it would be so high rated because after Queen G3 you have to throw in Knight E7 which many people would fail many many and I know there's going to be some of you watching like this wouldn't be a tough puzzle kofam that's what you sound like all right when you sit there and you try to tell me how it is try to tell me how it is you you become the internet's chess teacher or the second largest you know you go go go go off and teach people this would be a crazy because the idea of this is is Sublime Sublime idea where the king is cut off on the edge of the board and not just that not just that to make it this far and the only survival move is Rook F1 but it's not even about survival Bishop F6 it's about winning crazy and this was a part of a ridiculous run by stava in the European Team Championship she almost got a seven round Norm to become uh I I don't know if she a Grandmaster Norm or something I mean she she made like three draws and won five games in a row or something it was just unbelievable and and yeah she was Queen G3 might compete for move of all time in that Frank Marshall game where he played Queen G3 I think that move is a bit better but still brilliant stuff um what more can I say if you're watching this in the first day it comes out out get some tickets go to the event in London walk-ins are also accepted uh but very limited capacity and you will not be promised a spot depending on how many people show up uh I will see you all tomorrow London and I'm flying home after that so that's all get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 480,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: t5zL7NWwprg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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