The Great Commission, Urgency and Surrendered

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this is live with Ryan Reese call now 180 day five six four sixty one seventy three or post your questions using the hashtag live Brian Reese on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook today's show we're going to talk about the Great Commission and the urgency that we need to have in these days I don't know about you guys but everywhere I've been going any time I put on k-wave radio or a Bible study or I hear something from someone that's sharing with me I keep hearing this wake-up message I keep hearing we you know that the world the state of the world is is you know the Jesus is coming and everything that's going on with current events in the world with with you know with Russia with the Middle East you got Kim Jun doing his thing and even just with with cultures it's just getting so wild and I've been I've been touring this wake up message I think we have like right now we have 22 dates that are booked but we're adding another 20 dates before the end of the year and then now we're planning to take it to the East Coast and I just spoken at Assemblies of God last weekend on Sunday and I was talking to the pastor which he was a principal of a Montclair high school for many years and now he's a pastor of that church in Chino Assemblies of God and he was telling me about these videos and stuff that he was seeing from these high school students that they would grab their cell phones and this stuff that sexual stuff that they're doing and they're sending to each other that's happening on the school dish on the school grounds in high schools but he said dude he's like it's starting in junior high or even younger he's a high school it's it's too late but how he was saying that this message I was giving the wake-up message was so relevant to the church he's oh this is the message the church does not want to hear and this is the senior pastor he so it's so timely and so funny because I was reading through Matthew a couple weeks ago and it was Jesus was talking about the the versions that were waiting for the bridesmaid to show up and five of them had that oil to burn for their lamps to burn through the night and then the oil represents the Holy Spirit hey and then you have the other five that that did have the oil to burn through the night and when the bridegroom when the bridegroom showed up five were taken and five were left and he was talking about the church and I hundred percent believe and know that this is the state of the church and today's on today's show we have Sean McKeon and and and Melinda Reese and we're just gonna talk about cuz I know Sean you counsel with tons of people at research all day long you're taking counseling calls you're taking counseling in in in church meetings and what do you see on the state of the church of people that are coming do they really want to change are they really coming to hear counseling or what what do you see but people you know when you know bringing up the thing with the ten virgins you know the main message upon that is preparation and being ready and there's so many people that are not ready that they for Christ's return for Christ's return and so they get lackaday zeo when it comes to their relationship with the Lord right they take things for granted they're like yeah I'll fix that next month next year I'll address it then but what happens and I tell her a lot of people man procrastination is something that will destroy your life if you don't deal identify a problem and deal with it it will get worse and if you continue putting it off I always use this phrase there's a day of reckoning coming you know you can get away with you may be looking at pornography maybe your wife or your husband doesn't see it for a while and thinking like well you know what I I can get away with this I'm being able to manage it same thing when it comes to drug addiction same thing that it comes to other vices that people have but lying yeah yeah just continuing doing things that take them in a place where they're walking in deceit there's that that check is gonna want to be cashed basically is what it is and so you are if you're not open to be teachable and have humility you'll never grow and never learn when it comes to sitting down for people that want what counsel you know I think one of the main things is like we're not counselors pastors right counselors they are calling to Shepherd over the people let me just take care of them encourage them protect them give them spiritual guidance and so the right way to be is hear their issues hear their problems pray for them and show them what the Word of God since it's as simple as n but a lot of times people want you to tell them you know things you know they want you to fix their problems but that can't be you and that is actually immaturity you know and now that I hear things from your dad over the years Rory's and Chuck Smith's teaching over the years I was going through a teaching just the other day about it and talk about how frustrating it would be sometimes when you'd be sitting there pouring into somebody you're trying to help them in the situation but it's like it goes in one ear and out the other and you in the battle is they will never have victory or no one will ever have victory unless you submit to the Lord it doesn't change right you know one of your favorite verses I've heard you repeat so many times where it says for whoever desires to come after me let him deny himself that's where it starts you know unless you're already ready to really take into consideration the state of your life and though it needs a change and you're willing to count the cost change will never come that is the key are the relationships with God it is humility right brokenness what would you say I just deal with a lot of people because you know I in charge of Rawls radio ministry so we get a lot of calls and a lot of councils and people call and they want counseling but they've justified their actions with whatever it is and they want us to okay it they want to agree with ya they want an agreement and if they don't get an agreement then it becomes an argument because they want to argue their point until you agree with them right and the plain and simple fact is is that you can't argue the Word of God it is what it is either you believe in it and you live by it or you don't there is no in-between there is no compromising in any area and that's the thing people want to try to find loopholes let's put it that way so that they can still live the way they live but yet they're still going to go to heaven or they're still you know okay with the Lord and that's the problem you know even a lot of people because they are you know some not all yeah you know flesh thinking what just means you're only thinking about the here and now you're only thinking about what's going to make your life easier that's what you want to hear right right you don't necessarily want to hear the truth you want to hear how to get out of this particular situation and so that's where a lot of people they want to stay at and so the danger for us and it's pastors and it's for other people that are out there listening right now because you might be dealing with a friend a loved one a son or a daughter you know and sometimes maybe it's like they're broke and they have nothing and they're begging you for money and they want money well you know that might not necessarily be the thing that they need you know there are moments you know the book of James tells us you know if you see somebody in need you have the means to do it hey that's fine go do it and it does talk about helping those in the need but on the other end you have to exercise wisdom as well you know Peter and John when the going into the beautiful gate in Acts chapter 3 when it says silver and gold I do not have but what I do have in the name of Jesus get up and walk they took care of the spiritual need first that's the issue that's the problem because you can go get somebody two hundred dollars to get them to go stay in a hotel and get some food and everything for a day and a half maybe but then what that's just a band-aid it's gonna go out like water yeah especially if there isn't a heart to learn the key to see having somebody where there's a growth that's about to take place is humility its brokenness it's like and I've seen it before right Ryan you've seen it before you deal with people that live in a gnarly lifestyle for a long time and if it's genuine dude it doesn't matter what rehab they go into doesn't matter any of those things if they going with the right heart it's possible but if you want to go to rehab because you're getting pressured into it maybe it's going to you're being good standing with your wife or your husband or your parents but it's out with the wrong heart it's not enough value yeah and the other people want direction and then like you were saying pastors aren't professional counselors our jobs are to push people to to Jesus and the word became flesh the Bible so then you tell people hey read the Bible but people I feel like a lot of people want to you be Christians or or call themselves Christians but they don't read the Bible mm-hmm right and you know and one of the read second Timothy 3:16 it says all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and make you realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong it teaches us to do what is right God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work so the goal is that we want to do we want to do every good work we want to be used by God we want to live for God right that's while people why people come to the church to get counseling or come to want a relationship with God but the problem is they want it but they don't read the Bible so it's like trying to play music it's like I want to play music Shawn I want to learn guitar I want to Rick mm-hmm but I don't want to go take music classes to learn how to read music or even practice that practice notes so how does that work you're gonna look at me like I'm crazy well this is pretty much the situations that we find ourselves in - and we're counseling we're talking to people and we're like oh okay so you want to get your life in order you want to be you want to be the father you were created to be you want to be a good father to your kids you want to be a good husband you know you don't want to stop living this lifestyle that's why you're obviously here meeting with us hmm so you go read the Bible and they just look at you like once last time you read the Bible mmm what are you going to church mmm dude and it's like what you just said right now is so key and I think that's a simple like illustration people in the world that you want to succeed at something dude your discipline it be a musician for sure an athlete for sure how about people that go to college and they go through all these studies you know working on all of the stuff to get these degrees and it's all different walks of life you deal with right we deal with people more successful than we ever were in some aspects right and so there are people that police officers I've dealt with all of them so to get to that level dude your discipline you were like dedicated I know how some of those exams and those things cannot everybody passes them and the same thing now check this out we hear the word disciple all the time right what does the Siple it means a learner it's it's rooted to the word discipline you know you want to be a follower of the Lord you have to be a learner and there has to be discipline in your life because it takes discipline to pray to read to grow you know you have that choice again if people you know there's that scripture in 1st Corinthians chapter 9 a lot of times Paul not a lot of times but a few times he gave illustration of athletics and he says do you not know that some all running a race but run in such a way that you may receive the prize you know and then he's talking about like Olympic athletes basically at that time he's saying they do all of this work for a temperate crown they could put up on their hand but eventually it's gonna rot and it's going to burn up but what we do is for an imperishable crown and then he gives them motivation he's like look I don't just shadowbox I don't beat the air like I'm not wasting my time I have vision I have passion what God has for me you got to have direction you know in the book of Proverbs it says without a vision the people perish there's no direction of your life you can just like in cruise control your complacency you're not gonna be having a direction and then he goes on to saying but this is what I do and this is humility still even with a man that knew the word a lot he says but I discipline my body that when I preach to others I myself shall not be disqualified he understood he could be he understood that he could get caught up and because that's a reality in temptation is real for all of us I discipline my body and a lot of people don't like to count that cost of the discipline and that's what people don't want to do I mean you look at all the books that are offered and they're like I don't know ten steps do you know a good life or this is how you get out of financial step financial difficulties and five steps I mean everything is a step I mean and that's what people want they want those steps they want it step by step but realistically what they don't understand is the Bible gives them to you you just have to open up and read it because there are steps I mean it deals with everything you could ever imagine what you go through in life but people want it like written out like step one step two step three instead of reading through it and trying to you know go through it and see what the Lord has for you because you know what it takes time the Lord answers prayer and deals with us in his timing he's never too early he's never too late he's right on time I remember I heard I was listening to someone I can remember what pastor it was but he was like in financial need and he needed like thirty five thousand dollars or something thirty thirty five hundred sorry thirty five hundred dollars and it was like the last day so he went and he took out the cash on his credit card he went to go pay it he came home and there was a check in the mail with that amount of money and he was like why didn't I just wait why did I step ahead of the Lord instead of waiting for him to appear and give me what I needed because he knew the Lord knows what we need but are we willing to be patient and wait for it or are we out seeking things steps that are going to come to us faster with our knowledge because it all goes back to that part where we put ourselves in front of God right and we don't deny self and that's the whole that's the whole problem with that sucks let's get ahead and it's for all and when as we're talking here we're not talking down to the people we are the people in this studio that's why we need the Bible we need to read it so we can get instructions just as much as the people that were meeting with or else we have nothing to give to you guys we're giving you guys the same formula that that we have it's the formula Bible that the Bible gives us the Word of God isn't it's God's inspired Word the word became flesh Jesus was in eternity he came to the earth and became the word of God was an eternity came to the earth and became Jesus Christ the word became flesh and here we have the Bible which is the DNA of Christ and this is what instructs us to get through this life you know um just to hit a home just a couple more points as well you know when it comes to you and I like what you said about like we're all in this together you know we all have that the same battles and that's what Paul says man I discipline my body because I know myself I know my flesh right it's weak Jesus told the disciples the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak these are something that you're going to struggle with for the rest of your life and danger that some of us that some of us can face is being overconfident in the flesh it happened with the children of Israel in the Old Testament and if you read the rest of 1st Corinthians 10 right after Paul talks about discipline he gives a bunch of examples of the children of Israel and he was saying to not be overconfident and to not be led by emotion and experience because of this that is not what's going to change and transform your life that's not your gonna keep you God blesses you with those moments in your life spiritually I'd be like man look how God worked but those aren't the things to completely keep you he gives you like six examples he said who were all those people back in the day in the wilderness and they see the parting of the Red Sea how about all those that were in the wilderness and bread came down from heaven how about all of those that had water that come from Iraq and he gives all these illustrations Paul has given these illustrations but he says but God was not pleased with many of them and many of them carcasses were in in the wilderness why where is it why is he bringing this up he's exhorting ants to understand that the battle is real those people they took for granted the blessings of God God wanted him to show them number one that in the midst of our danger and issues in life he's gonna part the Red Sea he's gonna make a way for us to have faith and to trust him the bread from heaven he's gonna provide for our needs but a lot of times we don't want to wait like you said you want to jump as ahead of the game you want to get that three steps to a quick financial peace or whatever it might be and you want it overnight quickly quickly quickly I mean it gives all these examples and then he ends by saying this there's no temptation that is given to men it's not common to men but God is faithful there's no pill you can take to change the situation it's a battle yes no work yep we're pilgrims here on earth it's their whole walk with God is a it's a journey yeah and right when it gets good you're like oh man cuz you get you get those mountaintop experiences as in like you have these moments with God and you're like this is what life's all about this is amazing but then God goes okay cool so like I revealed myself to you here in their life now I'm gonna take you through another journey because I'm gonna grow your spiritual muscles I'm gonna grow you so you could be a spiritual giant so you can be a strong Christian and not like a little weak sister Christian yep so that's that's the whole thing right whether with our walk because then you go why am I going through this because God's growing you examine the situation yeah and it's not always like you said like it is you're talking like that I'm like why does it have to be that way yeah as I look back up the last year four years of my life I'm like it was lame going through a lot of that stuff but man I've learned so much to prepare me for the future yep yeah and you gotta have that vision that's what I'm talking about like when you tune in to the Lord you'll be able to have that perspective yeah be like okay I might not get it right now because that is work growth to explain right and what I was I trusted the Lord what student tuned in is reading yep Thank You brain yeah that's been to dead as then you know what's going on in those circumstances and acknowledging the fact that yes I'm going through this and there's something for me to learn out of it because sometimes we go through things and we're like you know with other people were like well they're wrong I'm right and we want them you know we want the Lord to deal with them but in every situation I always ask myself okay what is it that I need to learn out of this because there's something for me no matter what no matter if I'm right or wrong whatever there's always something in it for me and if you're open to that the Lord's gonna show you mmm instead of nope it's not me it's the other person so that's why you have to be in the word you have to be in prayer and you have to be open to know hey I might be wrong and if I am you show me or how could I have dealt with this better with this person whatever it is there's always something in it for you to learn and that is the difference between the spirit life and the flesh life the flesh life goes I'm in this situation my whole world's falling apart what's going on why me I didn't do anything that's as much but the Spirit is going I'm taking you through this so you can learn like Melinda said and you could grow from the situation and you know what it being a part of ministry like over these years I have been able to see great like amazing stories over the years you know like people that on the tire what we're talking about right now maybe not listening not listening it's going anyone here at the other I've seen those people but over time bumps in the road things do get worse at times but then when there's a brokenness and humility and starts to a God starts working in their life it's like they're a different person they start actually going through more severe who were going through before but now they're plugging through it by asking it a lot like would disarray I mean gnarly stuff like families you know being broken up a brother that was killed murdered you know hooked up to gangs and stuff or another brother or cousin being sent to jail and I was praying with these group of girls the other day at the church on her Wednesday night you could tell they had a hardcore gangster background and the gnarly stuff that they were saying or they were coming from you could just see it in their eyes you could just tell by their volume and they just asked if I would pray for them individually because they were going to all of them gnarly situations and I was able to say a few words of them and just began to pray for them and it's just like the Lord was just speaking to me and showing me like especially just one girl in particular like what she's been brought up with you could just tell from a young girl like she has been in the gang lifestyle she has a hard exterior but God's doing something in her life right now where there's like this the softness to her like the sensitivity and she just started to weep all of them we were praying were just weeping down there down there down their face and it was those moments like that where it's like God is real God can change the lines of people you never thought possible but how that happens is always the same it's always a work of the Holy Spirit it's the work of God if because all of us that were told in one time a eating us up doing this stop doin and see me to change your act or whatever you gonna be trouble but it really didn't change us right no it wasn't until God really gonna use his circumstances a lot of times he uses tough places I did I don't want to live like this no more I don't want to go through this any longer and then you start questioning the existence of life or the Eternity is God real and then the Holy Spirit starts working in a life and that begins a whole new life how many times have you heard like yeah I've tried it and it doesn't work for me I mean you know what I'm saying I wrote I read the Bible before I went to bed and that was the last time I and it's like well then you haven't done it right I mean like literally like there is no way that if you are completely you know wanting God to show up that he's not going to there is just no possible way that that could happen you know what I'm saying but you have to be willing he's not gonna just barge his way in it's like you have to come to him and be like okay like I'm ready like you show up you show me you know the other thing too God is not a genie in a box or like a genie in a bottle or box yeah whatever is not a genie so like think about if God knows all things if he's been given all authority on heaven and on earth he created everything he was in the beginning he created man he created us he knows our hearts doesn't he not know if you're like just praying to him cuz you just wanted like a quick quick fix a quick miracle like a genie hey God fix this in my life and he knows that you're gonna if I can just get this fixed I'll go back to living the way I was he does all things exact that's why we have to come to him in surrender when you said that humbleness that brokenness that you've been talking about it's that that surrender like and he knows our hearts we have to come to him and say you know God I want to do it right and you have to pursue him seeking you will find him knock in the door will be open there has to be that that submission is what we've been talking about through the whole show is he knows your thoughts right he knows if you're trying to get that quick fix and you're gonna go back no I was just saying to per the other day about something and it wasn't like I forget what it was but my heart was kind of wrong in it and I was like thinking oh my God knows my heart so who am i fool yeah exactly I'm saying this prayer my heart's like not in it because I know where I want to go after this preface prayers answered like Who am I feeling right mom sorry God you know what's up so we all get caught up in that radio but there has to come to a place where you have to mean what you say and then God's gonna show up then he knows he knows that your heart yep and he's gonna hear from heaven and if you repent he's gonna come and heal the land he's gonna come forgive you and start working things out in your life exactly if you're tuning in right now this is live with Ryan Reese we're here just talking about the state of things that are taking place in the world and how that how what kind of lives that we should be living as well and the battle that all of us face and giving kind of examples so hope that some of these things are encouraging to you but we want to bring a couple things to your attention one is for the last couple years we've been able to have the opportunity to be doing this radio show over over two and a half years it's gone by fast but if you go to Ryan - Reese comm you can always if you're listening on the radio right now you can always watch live through a stream on Ryan - Reese comm also there are a bunch of Ryan's teachings of shine are kinds as I am second multiple things that are there you can subscribe to our podcast as well you can listen to all past shows also the whosoever's comm there's many things that are taking place there you have the product that's there but the heart beat with the whosoever's one thing that is coming right around the corner all the schools are back in play now and so the kill the noise tour that Ryan and the crew last year Sonny Ronnie Feist all these guys were able to go to multiple schools I know Ryan there you guys are taking bookings right now and if you have a school whether you are a student there whether you're a teacher there whether you're the maintenance guy you have a vision for that school and you want to bring the whosoever's out make sure you go to the website and email them and they'll get back to you and hopefully get that locked in and Ryan at the same time is doing the wake up tour where he was just sharing in the beginning of the show he already has 20 bookings 20 more going um that are going to be booked as well but he wants to continue and taking his message all over the place right we are going to hit the East Coast now we've been hitting the west coast all the way from Seattle - I guess you know Seattle to California and over to Vegas and New Mexico but now God's been opening doors to actually take it to the East Coast we've been getting invites so we will be hitting up the East Coast we're gonna try and hammer out from Florida from Miami Beach all the way to - I don't know Maine or something and then on end that's that's the main focuses this message wake up it's it's it's where Jesus says you know wake up and look around the harvest is right this church is a wake up message for the church to let people know that God is moving and the church needs to get right we need to repent we need to get focused our mission is the Great Commission more than ever I mean look at what's happening in the world just watch the news and don't think it's time to wake up but the church is asleep we're caught up in sin they were caught up in pornography we're caught up in filth we're caught up in in distractions we're caught up in the idols of old pleasure we're caught up in in money and all these different things astrology I mean believe it or not Christians are reading their horoscopes exact I mean dude there's nothing new Under the Sun if I could if I had time which I do have time I'm given the wake-up message invite me out to your church and I would love to give this message and we're seeing people by the hundreds come forward after this message to give their life to get their life right back with God because they know it is urgent these are the end times we are now in a place now even with the microchip and everything that's been being brought into the culture this is the Antichrist time like I'm not saying that the Antichrist is here I mean I think he is here somewhere but the technology that we're seeing these are the things that the Antichrist will probably be using in the future with the Bitcoin and the and the chip and all these things I'm not saying that that's the technology but I'm saying that the technology is here we have now entered the end times and it is time to wake up and reach the world for Christ there has to be an urgency we need to be that John the Baptist generation and let people know that the king is coming Jesus the king is coming the rapture is coming the end times are here it could be another 10 years 20 years 30 years but we have now entered that window yeah and on the other side of the break we're gonna be talking about some of these things and put it all together like we were talking about the first part of the show where is the spiritual state of the church the reality of people that aren't staying staying tuned in to the Lord or to learn but then also gonna connect that to like what's taking place in the world today because there is so much social unrest in our nation for sure there are many things that have taken place horrible catastrophes that have happening in United States and all across the world already this year there's many people that are struggling with depression anxiety there is though the Bible says that were sin abounded grace abounded much more so when things are dark when there's a lot of unrest all over the place it's actually a place right for the gospel a need for change you know I'm gonna have what Ryan's share about some of the things on the other side of this break of what he's seen on some of the high school tours of last year we'll be back in 2 minutes of peace more live with Ryan race coming up 180 days 564 61 73 or post your questions using the hashtag live Ryan Reese on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook I think I speak for the entire administration when I say [Music] now back to live with Ryan Ruiz and now that we're back from the break I definitely want to push this to it one more time we have the wake up to our happening we're taking across the United States even Mexico dates have opened up and Canada so it is going down hit us up and our kill the noise tour the purpose why we're doing this wake up tour is to wake the church up so they will actually even get behind us to go into their local high schools and evangelize their high schools because our mission is the Great Commission I love what Charles Finley writes he wrote you know it's it's our duty and our privilege to go out and reach people for Christ this is well Christ the mission that Christ is given every single Christian individually is our duty to go out and to reach as many people as possible for Christ but we forget right we get caught up in our programs we get caught up in life I mean this it's true I mean it happens to all of us but what we're seeing what we were talking about before the break is the state of the culture and the news and all the current events everything that's happening Jesus Christ is coming now's not the time to be messing around I remember when I was young like in high school you know cuz I I grew up in the church and I always heard about the rapture coming so you know there'd be like the New Year's Eve parties and I'm like oh no Jesus gonna come back this New Year's Eve but I'm like man I want to party though right shoot what am I gonna do you know am I gonna take my chances twelve O'Clock II and I was kind of ignorant you know no man knows the time of the hour like I think I thought that the rapture was gonna come on on California time right LA time but but that's the whole thing is like I used to take my chances but now seeing what's going on with literally with Bible prophecies seeing the State of Israel the fact that even now that the Jews are made it on top of the the Temple Mount I mean they're one step closer to building the temple now there's so many things happening know that the rapture could come literally any time now and even what the mark of the beast when it talks about in the Bible and revelations when it talks about you know no one could buy or sell anything without the mark on the forehead or the right hand now you're seeing the chip that's being implanted not only in Europe but now in Americans it just happened in Wisconsin so the technology is here for this whole thing so now it's probably not the time to be messing around and rolling the dice to see if the rapture is gonna come enough you know I think one thing to note if those that have been able to go to one of you wake up to your messages and you bring up that the commercial thing about the break down of the microchip dr. dr.oz and it talks about it in such a positive way because people that even and I think growing up I didn't really have any knowledge of the of the Bible really I didn't really know the Bible didn't really go to church so I was very illiterate but I did hear about this mark you know I did hear about these things but but not a lot but and I do believe that because of bibble a Bible illiteracy even more so in the last ten years with so many young people and even families went now that it's spoken about there's not this shock and awe like maybe back and even in the early 90s would be like no I would never take that because I kind of know that's connected to something bad in the Bible now people that it's it's a perfect timing where people can flip it in a positive way and young kids aren't even thinking that way because they don't have the Bible in their hearts they don't have the truth the parents aren't living out the truth and even if some of them know they haven't watered that truth in their life for so long they're not even realizing it's right before their face okay let's let's talk about the state of the culture with the gospel where where it stands and I use this illustration before so there was a huge Jesus people movement in the United States particularly in the seven elite 60s early 70s so all these people got saved all these Church started happening then all these hippies started becoming like my mom and my dad got older they all started having kids raising their kids in the ways of the Lord and then just like with my family one stayed and we had three brothers one stayed with God the two left back slid so now you then then you have these kids that grow up my brother raised my brother got married he raised his kids in the ways of Lord but then me my other brother if we would have had kids back then oh yeah we would have raised our kids not even going to church not even knowing of God so what you're seeing that's just my family alone so now when you start looking at the state of the world of what's happening and as you talk to people there's all these people our age that were raised in the church because their parents were Christians or maybe they're not anymore what for whatever reason but they fell away and they you have this whole generation of kids that had kids so now the kids that were reaching in these high schools are these kids that have been raised in the homes that have never been the church so it's not like trying to reach the generation of Mike my my generation of people that are my age because we knew about the Lord right whether we walked a walk away from their Lord or not because there was such a huge revival in the United States so many Christians but now what I'm finding as we're touring public high school system and kids that are in church is or kids that come to church or whatever that or let's just say the public high school system they don't know you have a generation of kids that know nothing about Jesus Christ dying for the sins of the world on the cross or the gospel or the good news or anything so it's actually kind of sad but on this the other side it's amazing that's why the harvest is right because no one knows that Jesus Christ came into the world to die for the sins of the world that anyone that believes in Him will have eternal life will live forever because they're looking for eternal life who doesn't want to be forgiven him since who doesn't want to live forever and the fact when they hear that God came into the world to save sinners save them from their sins and not only from their sins but the stuff that they're caught in to the issues all these ball is bondage suicide which is trending depression anxiety all these things that are going on and they're trying to struggling with their sexual identity that Jesus has come to set them free dude they're all about it the harvest is ripe that's what's amazing about the times that we're living in right now and that's why the harvest is right because they don't have a preconceived idea of who Jesus is yeah they don't know about him so they have they have no knowledge of them so they can't say oh yeah I've heard about it or you know my parents have talked to me about it I don't believe it but they do all this kind of stuff and that's why they're so open because it's new it's fresh it's nothing they've ever heard before and so it's like yes I'm desperate I'm in drugs or I don't know who I am or whatever it is and they like this is a solution I'll try it cuz I'm so desperate and once you try it I mean you know it's like that is the answer and so they have to look no further you know what I'm saying so going into these schools and really affecting these kids I mean how amazing is that because then they're just going to affect their people that are around it and it's just gonna snowball you know when when you when you're talking right now they won't whether there's a versus coming to my mind because as you're painting the picture of like you know being connected to the hippy movement what God did and like that that generation just on fire you know bringing their children up in the ways the Lord but thing you know things get caught up families get get messed up you know one thing that happens is that it what we see United States America the homes have been destroyed the homes have been destroyed Satan has come in and has really this is one of the big problems in our society today there's no structure in the home there is bitterness is resentment from parents that have committed adultery and divorce and all this kind of stuff and you'd there's no the Bible has been taken out of school back in the days and the 50s and all all of those were repercussions to where we are now and when you look at in the Old Testament where the chilling of is you're going into the Promised Land and you could say in a place a revival Joshua and saying answer me my house we're gonna serve God we're gonna put God first and that's how we're gonna do but after those children and the children after them there was no connection and judges chapter two it says there arose after Joshua's generation died there arose another generation that didn't even know God know the works that he did in their lives and Wow you know what happened it was some of the most darkest time in the nation of history of his history's life because God wasn't no one knew who God was but the same God who saved them from the wilderness and all that kind of stuff in the same God who came to seek and save us is still active in real today and wants to help us in our time of need I remember growing reading the Bible for my first time and I read through the Gospels and I'm like what's the Bible about I began reading the Old Testament which was hard in the beginning but I looked at it very simply I wasn't somebody that was a good student in school anything so reading and comprehension stuff man that was hard for me but one thing that I gained was in these people when they they recognized that there's a problem they come to God and then God would bless her Lyons time would go by and then they'd get caught up again you know they get caught up by you know pagan worship sexual morality whatever it is they're in their place of messed up they call out to God God brings him back he blesses them he blesses a me and that's that the God of the Bible he has the ability so as people are out there right now you're struggling in your depression you're struggling in suicidal tendencies that you that you might have right now or you're struggling with trying to find peace in your relationships that the answer to your questions that you're wrestling with is that there is a God who created the heavens in the earth that spoke the world into existence that created man in his own image that desires a relationship with you and when you find him you will find the essence of life and he's not far from any one of us he says that we look we yearned for this truth and God has written eternity in the hearts of man death doesn't feel right when somebody dies you're like that doesn't seem right well I'm not gonna see them again or even the fear of like dude I don't want to die like it doesn't something feels awkward and that's because God has created man to live in fellowship with him and to be with him forever sin is what separates men from God you know when sin is taken care of as it was taking care of the cross on our part all we need to do is say I'm a sinner I need help Christ come into my life he wipes the slate clean and you and I have the promise of eternal life exactly and everything changes and people have always said I mean why did God create us you know like this why do we have a will you know and I was the scene to check the other day and he said you know first of all like God created us to love and if we were robots that love would it be true because we wouldn't have a choice like right now we have a choice to love and that's the thing we all want to be loved as humans we won't want to fill that love and by living your life for Jesus Christ that's the love that you're gonna feel that unconditional love that nobody not one person on this earth can make you feel that way that's the only the love of Christ can come in and give you that peace that surpasses all understanding that joy and we're not talking about happy oh I'm so happy today but that joy within you know your heart that like okay you know what the Lord has me you know and I think about the verse in Proverbs where it talks about ponder the path of your feet and let your ways be established do not turn to the left or to the right or to the left remove your feet from evil and that's the thing it's like staying on that path and not it getting distracted and turning to the left or to the right but taking your feet out of the evil parts and just keep walking in that path because if you don't you're going to swallow it up what are you feeding are you feeding your flesh are you feeding your soul because if you're feeding your flesh only fleshly Ness is gonna come out but if you're feeding your spirit then all you're gonna do is produce more things that are going to help you get through all this crap and life that we go through you know yeah and it's hard work it is Mayweather says it it is though I say that lightly but it is hard work it is you know Jesus says you know the highway to hell is brought or wide and many choose that way may choose right that way but the gateway to life is narrow and it's very difficult it says in few if you find it no y-you I mean think about few because he says it's very difficult very difficult and I thought about highway to hell is like you know I've used this illustration before it's like the five freeway out here it's wide four or five feet wide big do the traffic jams for days only here on the 405 right mm-hmm many people choose that way mm-hmm it's easy road it's flat but the road to eternal life is narrow and I think about that Road up to Mount Baldy it's it's not that road it's not anything that little road it's that little trail you know or it could be that road cuz that road is difficult those no switchback turn it gets bad not hardly up there you know even on a motorcycle but it is narrow and it's it's hard because you have to be very focused it's very difficult it's not it's uphill yep turns yeah and when once again like we talked about earlier but beautiful yeah our society add a light like things easy and things aren't always easy but you know what you'll find that all of these lessons in life will be very valuable you know I look at now it's life has gone by I seem Guyanese it like back in the day like they're just you know huge dudes just like yoked out that they might be tough there might be brawlers but then you see them battle with life and you're like the wheat interesting all but I have a couple people in mine they're just like but weak yeah and I've seen little girls older ladies that when you start talking to them you're like how did they make it through that mm-hmm that is gnarly cuz they're spiritually strong as a spiritual strong virtual Giants yeah and you know and it came by testings right Akim buying lessons it's not overnight it's not overnight endurance playing guitars not overnight yeah it's you have to learn you have to practice you have to read yet to pray you have to submit you have to that's how you become a Christian and and that's how you have faith strong faith is by practicing right you put in practical terms anything that you want to become good at whether you know it's you know the body builder like you said playing guitar or anything honing your craft you wanna hey you you want to get you want to get a driver's license yeah think about how hard what you had to do it exactly you know yeah they're like seriously like focus yeah yeah yeah under study and then you have you behind the wheel and all that kind of stuff and that's the thing it's daily its hourly its minute mm-hmm and you know what there's always room for growth oh there's always room to you know fix a couple areas in your life you know I had I had a moment the other day with one of my sons my oldest son Cohen and I was out outside you know playing catch with it and I played sports with him and he's a little stud did he throws like like a little man and I said them I'm like you know it's pretty cool that you know I've been able to teach you you know little sports and stuff but you know the greatest thing that I could teach you Cohen is to teach you how to pray and I started I use it as a teaching lesson like because Jesus is a Siple son Lord teach us to pray right he they didn't say teaches how to teach you how to he how did you heal right you know how did you do that how did you turn the water into wine how did you feed the find that didn't ask then I said teach us how to pray right and Jesus gave them that dialogue of like your father's in heaven you know his name is holy you come before him you ask for forgiveness of your sins he'll give you your daily bread like he starts breaking down like not our prayer to be repeated but a heartbeat of fellowship was gone and I was using that for calling the other day because as he grows up in life when he's in school when he's going through difficulties he has a guy who he can call upon like help me help me am i testing that I'm going to you had a mad day in school this kid drive me crazy I feel I feel sad I feel bummed out like lord help me and I want to be able to give you know share with my children those are the strengths and those are things that I have to continue sharpening in my life as well so you never stopped growing man you got to remain teachable that's a characteristic that I think is very valuable when it comes to growth in a Christian life teachable you don't know everything you know and great Bible teachers I love it when they say I've heard Greg Laurie said I have heard Chuck said I've heard your dad say it as you teaching you preached for so many years you actually start realizing how much less you know right because you recognize the depth of God's Word you actually see the frailty of your own life you know you go do battles you go do doubts you go do frustration moments as well just like anybody else but you continue learning more about God and his truth and his character and looking at things from a more clearer perspective as the years go on and that's the thing the thing is is that yes we're talking about you know reading praying and all that kind of stuff and that is the key but it's not gonna come without trials it's not gonna come without tribulations like those are all going to come just because you read and you pray doesn't mean that okay now my life is gonna be absolutely perfect and I'm not gonna have to go through anything yeah you are that's life you know what I'm saying but by reading and by praying it's gonna be easier to get through and acknowledging okay what is it okay what do you want me to learn how do you want me to deal with this situation and not dealing with in our flesh and that's what we try to do we try to deal with in our flesh and then that's what gets us in trouble and then you know it all explodes you know and then we think oh well this isn't working for me or the Lord isn't answering me or he's not there he doesn't care about me and it's like no you're not giving him an opportunity to help you through this situation you're trying to handle it on your own and that's what we have to steer away from we have to give it to the Lord we have to be patient and we have to read and pray and wait for him to answer us when you're 15 years old you're like okay I'm gonna graduate and I'm gonna meet the girl my dreams or guy your dreams then I'm gonna get married and get a house hopefully somewhere in between you know then I'll become a grandpa you should kind of look at life right well if you want all that you're going go there's gonna be so many ups and downs because just from when I was single you know yeah because I looked back at my single life because I was single for after I gave my life to Lord out single for like five years mm-hmm so my whole life completely transformed after getting married and then you add the Academy we stepped in it with three kids pretty quickly but the whole thing is uh Jude it was so much easier when I was single so so if you want and you guys know that obviously cuz you guys are all parents but I'm saying like for the listeners life if you want what life was gonna deal deal out you know with kids and wife and all that kind of stuff dude you need God you know it's gonna it gets harder and does there's amazing perks to it but life gets harder I've always said that to Rend doesn't get easier you know yes I just had my wife or if I had kids right I would be happy no it's gonna get crazy exactly you know it's true a foundation is important that's why because when I look at my I wasn't single for a couple years after I came to the Lord as well and but that was some of the most valuable time of my life that's when I wasn't being able to like go home and did I just like tear through a bunch of studies I to go through this sure you know continue in all these different areas of growth those are necessary moments a little bit more clear and solidified of like where God is leading my life personally you know and so when a wife came into play and when my children have come into play I already knew what my calling was Arden you were my gifting ones right and now the Lord brought things to be complements to me but also like build me a foundation where I'm like dude I'm not like this I'm not walking in the clouds like I am reality I got battles that with my flesh like you know and so there's that practical aspect of like being a husband you know being a father being faithful to the place of where I server where I work or whatever all those things are growing things in my life you know and there you go create a lot of time to go crazy cuz like I have to like I have to bring everything back to the word and to where I stand because I could just justify my ways and different things so easily you know and yet they all back to word and that's why I believe that so many there's so many divorces and there's so many because you know I remember I was talking to my wife and she was talking about how like you know people she knows you know the the marriages they're like they're married but like they're not really there they're doing their own thing not connected they're connect yeah they're there they're married connect on please they're married but when you look at the life they're on they're on two different programs mm-hmm but they're just like yeah this is what marriage is you're just kind of cuz you I guess basically just grow apart right exactly and that's the thing too that I mean this is further down the road but that's why as a man and wife you have to make that time because when your kids leave it's gonna be just you two right so you better escape growing apart right now what so you better stayed together and grown that relationship because once the kids are gone that's when a lot of people get divorced mm-hmm because now they don't have that commonality with the kids so they've lost what connected them in the first place you know and that's that's a danger yep that's a very big danger and that's it's sad because you know divorce in the church is probably eat more from what I've heard then it is in the world there's more divorces in the church than there are in the world so why what's going wrong how are we you know not meeting people's needs or the law you know and I'm saying it's like where does it break down an interesting statistic with uh so you said like I think divorces is the same as people that are not Christians or higher yeah and these are old statistics but from paupers Promise Keepers it says that 50% of the divorces in the church are from pornography Wow on top of that right right well that goes to everything we've been talking about today not being teachable not being having humility not learning from what God's Word says will always lead you in trouble in every aspect of your life you know the biggest danger that marriages have is what you said they grow apart why because we are nature in our flesh or selfish think about our sounds what's gonna make our lines Hampi and that's it we're on our own program but when you're sensitive to the Holy Spirit in life you actually recognize when to yield when to take the lead when to be communicating when you understand like wow I've been entrusted with my spouse I've been entrusted with these children and not having that perspective can really make it difficult I believe as well so I know we're getting close to you into the show I got one verse I think it's proverbs 26 11 I could be wrong it's like the dog like the dog like a dog goes back to its vomit so the full repeats is foolishness New Living Translation exactly the DNA of sin is selfishness yeah think about everything that we do that it's selfish is leads us to sin and just like the dog goes back to its vomit so the fool repeats his foolishness who wants to be a fool and the Bible clearly says because it's inspired Word of God that if you keep going back to your old sins and not listening to what the Word of God says you are a fool just like a dog eats its vomit your fool goes back to its foolishness dude it's so simple but so true like what and this is from me I live by that verse right because there's days that I want to go back to my vomit and I'm just thinking about that verse you don't want to be able to be well guys peace we'll see you next week love you guys stay tuned in this has been live with Ryan race to connect or find out more about riots click on Ryan - Reese comm check us out next Saturday at 9:00 p.m. for live with Ryan Reese
Channel: Ryan Ries
Views: 1,758
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: K-WAVE, The Whosoevers, Ryan Ries, Sean McKeehan, Melynda Ries, Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, Calvary Chapel, 107.9FM, The Movement, Saints & Sinners, Kill the Noise, Holy Spirit, God the Spirit, The Great Commission, Urgency, Surrendered, Culture, Jesus is coming back, The King is Coming, Harvest, Joy, Love, Transformation, End Times, Humility, Brokendness
Id: 2rQmNUxFFm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 4sec (3484 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.