Let's Build a Bang-for-the-Buck AMD Gaming PC!!

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what's up ladies and gentlemen we've gotta have uh we've gotta have we're gonna have a lot of fun today building a bang for the buck amd gaming rig and when i say bang for the buck i don't mean that it's gonna cost like 20 bucks what i mean is that it's going to be a reasonably priced machine that is all about getting the best value for the dollar and we're doing this stream in partnership with microcenter micro center has 25 brick and mortar locations across the u.s and they've got an online store and it's an absolutely great place to go to build anything from a tricked out gaming rig all the way down to something more reasonable like what we're going to be doing today and if you check out the link below they've actually got a sweet promo where you can get a 32 gig flash drive and 32 gig micro sd card for free in store no purchase necessary that's right it's crazy but limit of one per customer so the build starts today with the case because that was the only thing that i couldn't really go shopping for at micro center now you might have noticed i don't have anything else that's because today is all about the in-store experience starting with something we don't have footage for hit me with that cpu if you don't hit my hand i won't wow what a good throw you know what i take back what i said before i feel like you are qualified to to play this part today we're going to be starting with a ryzen 3 3100 this is basically the way to go assuming you can actually find one in stock basically the way to go for a value for the dollar brand new gaming rig today it uses amd's zen 2 architecture so that means that it's quite a bit faster than their um well how do we put this then their first attempt at ryzen and it's got four processing cores meaning that basically any gaming application is gonna have all that it really needs and that's gonna be true probably for at least the next few years in terms of cooling we're going with a stock cooler hit me with that oh yeah because the reality of it is guys as much as we love to show off you know fancy sexy coolers and you know talk about like the lowest possible temps um when you're running at stock speed or you're running like a quad-core cpu these days you don't really need any of that and amd in particular has done an absolutely fantastic job of their stock cooler design for their ryzen processors like these things are quiet they keep them cool they are super easy to install thanks to amd's clip-based mounting system and some of them even have like rgb lighting and stuff which is pretty sick all right so that's it for the things we don't have footage of me shopping for uh let's have me go shopping for a motherboard is there audio in these clips or do i just talk over them what should i get maybe uh how about this a520m ds3h motherboard oops i dropped it right okay so there's a global pandemic you know small matter and if i were to actually go shopping at micro center i would have to quarantine for two weeks when i get there go shopping get on a plane quarantine for two weeks and then film this video so we actually had one of our friends at micro center do the the footage of actually walking around in the store picking the parts so i i promise you that these are going to be very amusing because that one was hilarious what did they film that on a potato it looks so bad like we're coming to you guys live and i think it still looks better than their pre-recorded footage that's okay micro center specialty is really like computers and electronics and stuff like that it's not you know creating the world's greatest work of cinema so let's run through why we went with an a520 board compared to amd's even budget hold on let me get this sorry one second here there we go compared even to amd's budget b550 chipset the a520 is even lower end meaning that you do give up support for pci express gen 4 but if there's anything that we've learned over the last little bit actually have you guys seen that video yet shoot i don't think that video is out yet so anthony put together a really great video that's going to be uploaded to the channel soon about the performance of pci express gen 3 versus pci express gen 4 and what we found was that it actually doesn't make that big of a difference even going all the way up to something like an rtx 3090 or a uh radeon 6900xt so people are like uh spoilers spoilers spoilers there are some interesting things in that video even knowing that though it's really worth a watch but the point is if we know that the cpu is going to be at the heart of this system basically for the foreseeable future i have no problem going for something like a budget a520 board so we're not going to be doing like a ton of overclocking or anything like that but in terms of expansion we've got pci express 16x for our graphics card we can add a couple more add-in cards you've got an m.2 slot for high-speed storage and the only area that i would expect this to cause any kinds of problems in the future is if you were expecting to rely on direct storage to dramatically accelerate your game loading speeds or um i mean that's yeah that's that's basically it and the thing about direct storage is we don't even know yet if it's gonna have any kind of real world impact on performance so let's go ahead and uh or okay we think it will have a real world impact on performance on pc we just don't know how much okay and it definitely won't be in all games because games do have to explicitly support it so give me that overhead and let's go ahead and get a cpu installed here chase chase hello chase you got this all right so amd oh man not lighting uh well nothing we can really do about it so there you go it's uh it's a white motherboard now uh andy we're on the overhead you can uh eddie's soldier and he's too hardcore he's like he's like standing like this he's like i'm ready i'm freaking ready man all right so we lift up the arm we just line up the little gold triangle with the you know what sure switch over to andy if he's going to be there ready we might as well use them so we got our little gold triangle right here do you have a zoom lens on there oh what a pro look at this pro andy he's the andy man that's why we call him that i think i'm the only one who calls him the andy man all right so we put the gold triangle in the little plastic did someone drop this cpu this cpu is chipped what the crap dang it you guys that's not a gold triangle that's a chip i mean that that happens to be where the gold triangle was but jeebus you guys oh man for those of you wondering like what the deal is with the chipped cpu that's not like from micro center we can't we can't get more ryzen 3 3 100s right now this is the same one that we did our review with we've just built pcs with it sorry we've built pcs with it over and over and over again because it's the only one we have that's how we got the chip that's yeah that's how it got the ch well it wasn't for me i didn't do that i have never dropped that particular cpu i did not i did not drop that particular cpu uh i need some thermal compound here real quick styles that's okay fortunately i'm in the pc build corner normally your stock cooler would come with thermal compound pre-applied but because this is a cpu and stock cooler that we've used many times what the hell happened to this tube of doctor thermal paste i barely touched it and i've got this gigantic glob of thermal compound someone broke off the nozzle look at this andy the nozzle's broken you got this you got this oh my little close you got it you got it yeah look at that it's just a hole in there oh man that is that is gonna make a mess i feel for whoever on the logistics team has to has to take this system apart and clean up the cpu all right let's go ahead and pop over one of these hooks there you go put that on there there you go there you go all right all right then we're going to do another one you got to give amd credit if it ain't broke don't fix it they have had the same fundamental mounting mechanism for like oh lordy like 15 years or something like that all right so we just it used to be sort of similar but worse i'll talk about that in a minute oh there we go there we go i was doing it wrong so you just pop that over there there we go and crank your tight now this is a great story the way amd's mounting mechanism used to work hold on where is it it was cheaper to manufacture this way i'm assuming because there's no like there's no smart you know engineering reason why they would have wanted to do it this way is there not a slot screwdriver anywhere in this drawer you got to be kidding me i mean not that you need a flathead for building a pc normally but but you used to so the way it used to work is instead of this um well it had like an arm on it but there was like a little a little lip that came off of this metal thing right here and it had like a little recess in it and what you would do is you would put a slot screwdriver in it and you would push down and then go like this to get the hook over the plastic clip and let me tell you the number of people i knew who slipped and jammed a flathead screwdriver into the pcb of their motherboard well clearly prompted amd to change that mounting mechanism anyway it's a lot better now now it's really good uh but oh let's go ahead and plug in our cpu fan so we just find the one labeled cpu fan right here plug in that four pin connector nice pwm controller remember when that was like a fancy feature you had to like kind of oh couldn't take that for granted and now it's time to go shopping for some ram hmm what should i get ooh trident z looks pretty good oh look at that it's all why don't i try and get the light reflected and what are you even doing what are you doing wait what just ah oh fantastic look at that wow micro center shipping is so fast it's it's it's very it's very fast uh fast styles shipping that they use um i can't even i can't even tell what i'm looking at in that footage uh okay so we did splurge for the extra on rgb apparently that is absolutely optional if you're going for maximum bang for the buck but i still do highly recommend g-skills memory they just do an absolutely bang-up job not just of having great prices but also ensuring excellent compatibility over the years that we've been making tech videos we have always known that if we turn to g skill if they say it's gonna run at that speed then it like probably will and that doesn't when i say it out loud that doesn't really sound very impressive but you can't take it for granted there are lots and lots of memory companies out there that will ship ram kits that are like yeah they will run at that speed but like maybe and i'm not talking about like stock speed actually i am kind of talking about stock speed man we've had terrible experiences with ram sticks that just have terrible compatibility i remember back when we were still working out of the house we had uh here i can just talk over while i'm installing a ram here uh back when we were still working out of the house we had uh we sent a request to g skill and we were much smaller at the time so they were like uh really you guys for i think it was 24 sticks of like their highest end memory in their highest capacity and they were like um guys that's a lot of outlay like you just asked for like a couple grand worth of memory freebies and i was like i know and like look because of taxation complications i can't promise you that i'm even gonna do anything with it but your ram is like the only thing we found that just works in everything this was back in the ddr three days when ram compatibility wasn't as good as it is today your ram is the only thing we've found that just like works with everything we need it for our test benches and if we need it for test benches i pretty much guarantee you it's going to end up on camera a lot and they were like fine fine fine fine fine but the point of the story is just that g skill memory we've had a ton of really great experiences with over the years and i can't say the same about everyone else so whether it's just working at all at stock speed or actually running at the xmp profile love g skill memory uh but you don't have to spend extra on the rgb with that said i don't think the trident's the rgb actually even costs that more than like a flare x or something like that or a rip jaws x or whatever so uh matt's giving me like one of these it costs a little bit more like 5 10 bucks within 10 yeah okay but you don't have to do it but what you do have to do is get a power supply let's go shopping bring on the potato oh look at this i'm walking around got my potato wait they're not gonna do any like actual like shopping for me they gotta look at some other stuff i mean we got sea sonic up in there we've got the well are you going to throw it or no no what's wrong with you jeez you're not past your probation yet are you oh that's is he are you sure have you been here three months you're in your last week of probation interesting well that's good to know let's see how hard matt throws things at me for the rest of this stream here and let's take a look at our power supply let's do a little overhead overhead camera unboxing shelby chase hit me up hit me up with that overhead cam this is the c750 it's an atx power supply good job nzxt this actually no offense to nzxt probably isn't what i would have picked for like an absolute bang for the buck machine but if i was willing to spend a little bit extra on something that i'm gonna take forward with me for multiple computer builds then it becomes a lot more reasonable of a value proposition it's 80 plus bronze it's fully modular so there's our modular interface there and all of our modular cables and those are features that you know what you could just go for like an evga b series if you don't need them you could save yourself a buck but they are features that are nice to have well 80 plus wait did i say 80 plus bronze i'm sorry this one's 80 plus gold so evga's b series is 80 plus bronze so you could go down to a b series if you don't need higher efficiency or you don't need a fully modular interface and that would be just fine to power the rig that we're doing today but if you want something that you can carry forward with you for the next five ten potentially even more years based on how long the atx standard continues to keep kicking around then something like this wouldn't be a terrible idea let's go ahead and pop that in there actually can you switch back over to andy format please chase let's get how did they okay i love you guys nzxt but what the what the crap are you guys doing look at this look at this they got them backwards look come look andy see they got them they got them backwards the way it's like cable managed out of the box it looks like it's supposed to go in like that but this one goes over here and this one goes over here you got your literal wires literally crossed there you go all right i mean it's not the end of the world i guess but we made it work there you go all right what else are we going to need in terms of cables we'll need uh what do you guys even what are you guys even talking about twitch chat is so siri i just i can't i can't even i can't even get it um oh do you want to turn the stream volume up just a touch chase if you haven't already yeah all right cool floatplane's the only chat that we trust when it comes to giving feedback on the on the stream settings twitch chat's just like we don't even know what we're doing they give so much conflicting information i just i'm sorry twitch i can't trust you i can't trust you that time that time has come and gone our relationship cannot be rebuilt anymore unfortunately all right uh yeah a float plane is like yeah it's a little quiet all right all right cool why is my youtube live chat not even working that's ridiculous i mean not that with 21 000 people watching i'd even be able to monitor it in any meaningful way uh all right rest of the cables that we're using we're going to use our 8-pin cpu connector one of the other nice things that's good about modular power supplies especially with the um just like the phenomenon that has sort of popped up over the last i'd say probably the last three years or so is that they're more easily adapted to future standards because you can actually just plug some other completely different thing in and you don't have to rely on the first party manufacturer to provide those cable kits anymore so if i was going to keep a power supply for a really long time and i don't know if some new connector is going to show up it is nice to have a fully modular power supply i'm not saying that will happen i'm just saying that it absolutely is a possibility hey there's youtube chat wow literally 30 of the messages are held for a review because they're getting picked up by youtube's spam stuff that's crazy um oh everybody's talking about uh kyle from bitwit so kyle uh uploaded a video today talking about how his relationship ended and um i'm not at liberty to share any details but i just want to say you know um i've talked i have i have talked to him about it um and i just want to say like you know what he needs is is your support so if you're not already subscribed not just to bitwit but also he actually just launched a new channel where he's going to be doing some vlogs and stuff frankly i always thought he was better at vlogging than reviewing technology anyway so uh make sure you go subscribe to his vlog channel as well and our heart goes out to kyle it's a really rough time you know no matter what the circumstances are when it comes to a marriage separation it's not easy and you know it's very challenging for him so just make sure you guys are giving him lots of love lots of support subscribing to bit wit more importantly subscribing to his vlog channel because if we can get his vlog channel to like really like hockey stick and take off then maybe i'll be able to lose a competitor in the tech space which would be great for everyone involved quite frankly um why don't we go ahead and go go shopping for our next okay i'm just kidding i love kyle he's a float plane creator oh yeah you could subscribe to him on floatplane if you wanted to like really support him um i just i love i love teasing that guy he's a good guy known him a long time we literally climbed a mountain together okay kyle's in the highlander crew um i guess we can install the power supply real quick here i'm just gonna get our case this is an h510 nice little mid-tower case from nzxt i actually have no idea what some of the parts rationale was for this build the original title for the video was um like shopping at micro center stream or something like that and i was like i don't know i think we need to just find some kind of you know other other story so it's a it's a bang for the buck bang for the buck build now the h510 yeah it's reasonably priced if i was going for absolute maximum bang for the puck i'd probably save a few more bucks and have a little bit less bang on my case but you know that's uh that's that's up to you it's up to you how you want to spend your hard-earned dollars um to be clear like it's it's a it's a really good it's a really good value if you care about features like you know tempered glass side panel got that tempered glass hold on it doesn't look very clear it doesn't look very temporary glassy but hold on there we go it really does make such a big difference all those years it drove me absolutely crazy i was actually way out in front of the tempered glass side panel like trend uh so all those years that you'd have like 500 cases with these disgusting acrylic side panels on them and they look good for like four seconds but because acrylic attracts dust like way more than something like metal or glass does it would look disgusting in like a day and then you'd go to wipe it and it would be covered in micro scratches and then it would look disgusting literally forever for the rest of its existence so i actually replaced on my personal silverstone tj07 i replaced the stock glass with it wasn't tempered glass which might be a little a little dangerous or whatever uh but i replaced the stock side panel with glass and then in place of the holes around the outside where the acrylic was attached i just put like decorative little nubbins i just glued them on so that it wasn't clear that they weren't actually doing anything all right both side panels come off on this one yes they do um why the sticker on the glass and not on the peel ah wow that's actually a really good question caution tempered glass handle with care i don't know maybe because someone might actually like to leave that sticker on i mean we all know that monster everyone has that monster in their life that like leaves danger caution stickers or like oh man oh man have you ever gone into someone's home okay and the first thing you want to say is what the hell is wrong with you right okay because you walk in and they got their living room right there and they got like a big tv right nice tv you know got them nice speakers and their av receiver has a big sticker on the front of it okay dolby atmos 7.1 surround bluetooth all over the front of their receiver what's wrong with you you take it off that's like leaving your tv in like store demo mode instead of actually watching content that's how wrong it is you got to take the sticker off you got to be a you got to be a good person take the sticker off it's it's awful you're going to get trigger if you go to my home is yours is your house full of stickers on things andy like i still have like the protective film on my fridge you have film on your fridge yeah and i also have like the protective film okay andy discontinue speaking i simply cannot hear it anymore here's what's going to go down ladies and gentlemen i'm actually going to be going to andy's house you guys know andy he uh he helps us translate whatever whatever there's like weird chinese products that were that we're checking out uh he's one of our camera operators here he actually was instrumental in helping us he even does sourcing for us so he helped us get the transparent tv he helped us get that gold uh galaxy fold that we checked out the w21 on short circuit um some of the like weird chinese cpus and stuff the kick proof tv actually no no nick arranged that through um through patrick who handles our our distribution never mind that was before andy's time anyway andy does a lot of stuff around here and he i believe is our next intel extreme tech upgrade contestant or well winner really everyone wins um we're going to be going into his house we're going to be building like a like a man cave style like gaming den in his unfinished basement it's going to be sick and as part of that video this is my personal pledge i promise to you i will walk around andy's house and i will peel things off everything that i can find i will do it andy i'll make sure you got trigger andy i'm i'm doing it i'm sorry i won't accept no for an answer you're getting a five thousand dollar upgrade courtesy of intel it's not even my money but i'm gonna act like it is i'm giving you a five thousand dollar upgrade i am peeling everything off everything in your house i will not i will not accept it i won't stand for it i won't stand for it let's fight let's fight all right um where's my screws oh no i didn't bring a screwdriver oh wait hold on hmm well i've got some wired headphones pretty useless in 2021 and i've got an ethernet to coaxial cable adapter um that was useless in any year this is actually intended to be a video at some point i'm trying to figure out how to stretch this out into like seven to eight minutes of content it's just so weird i just want to make a video about it um maybe it could be just me trying to find a purpose for it for eight minutes uh okay so i do legitimately need a screwdriver though maybe uh okay okay i will use this while matt runs up to my office do you know where my screwdrivers are by any chance okay so when you go into my office right in front of you there's that big ikea thing full of drawers just keep opening drawers until you find the one with the screwdriver and i would like the blue and red one please if not that then i'll settle for one of the orange ones let's go ahead and pull put in a power supply here so here's how to install a power supply ladies and gentlemen first you put the power supply into the case all right a little something like that all right then you put the screw into the pa oh dang it well no then you actually line up the holes okay so we've got our holes and our holes those are lined up real nice styles then you use your hands and your oh shoot hold on i screwed this up oh man hold on let me just get my tweezers here there we go okay right how to install power supply hold on get my tweezers so you put your tweezers on the screw like this oh shoot if only i hopefully had a swiss army knife oh one second okay shoot hold well that's where i can do this okay maybe maybe if you yeah oh you got to use the flat part of the you got to use the flat part of the head to get the tweezers on okay there we go okay all right okay you getting this andy yeah getting how to install power supply oh dang it all right i'll i'll i'll take the screwdriver now i really did think i could get in there there we go shoot okay this is not actually going any better there's a really interesting backstory for this screwdriver you guys uh andy yeah really interesting backstory for the screwdriver oh i'm not at liberty to tell the story sorry you must have misunderstood um sorry i can't yeah i can't really talk about it right now but what i hope is that sometime in the future i'll be able to tell you about the kind of unique uh unique prototype like appearance of this screwdriver you know might be able to explain the somewhat 3d printed look and feel of it we've got our power supply installed now we put in those four screws um yeah you know thanks for thanks for listening thanks for coming to my ted talk oh by the way um speaking of of linus tech tips products lttstore.com not that i'm not that i'm really talking about like an ltt store product though like or i wasn't but now i am we finally have stock oh shoot i'm wearing the old ones we finally have stock of our new lttstore.com underwear so we had some people ask hey uh why didn't you guys have any underwear in stock for like six months the answer was we found out that the factory conditions at the old factory we were using were not up to our standard so we spent the last six months finding a new factory to work with that was up to our working condition standards but that could also deliver a product to our standards and it was a non-trivial task so the new ones are basically i'm okay when i say as close as we could get to the old ones i don't mean that they're worse they are slightly different so the weave of the fabric is a little bit tighter but the feel in the hand um the the like feel on the skin the stretch ability everything else is basically bang on like i can't tell after i put them on and i'm not looking at them anymore i can't tell whether i'm wearing v1 or v2 and that was the goal so the fit is the same so you guys can check them out lttstore.com we've got a few new styles so the new three pack looks a little different we are actually going to bring back the old styles in like another three pack for just for people that want them but personally i think the new three pack is gonna be a fair bit less polarizing anyway it has like a stealthy black one in there like a cool purple one and then it has one that kind of matches the constellation shirt so if you were you know you wanted to look all matching on like a saturday when you're doing nothing but sitting in your chair gaming and it's not worth putting on pants then the new pack is definitely the one to get where the heck did the box for the oh do i not have an i o shield for this motherboard oh there it is all right i o shield gotta install that this is a pretty pretty entry level board so it doesn't have like the built-in i o shield hey matt do you want to yeah hey cool things feels like over half the builds i do these days don't even need to install the i o shield out you know what's kind of funny i just noticed that's another thing that you get on entry-level boards is you tend they tend to not have support for like surround sound speakers right like they only have the three audio jacks you got your microphone you got your like amplified stereo output and then you've got like your line i think is what this one is and it kind of made me think so many motherboards above kind of the sixty dollar seventy dollar price point maybe eighty bucks so many motherboards above that do have the full six audio jacks at the back for like 5.1 surround what percentage of people has ever actually hooked up 5.1 analog speakers to their computer i really want to know guys you got to hit me up in the chat have you ever done that come on guys hit me let's go no no never no never clips for media ultra 5.1 okay yes yes there was want to switch to the overhead yes there was a legitimate 5.1 pc you know sound system you might want to do a little more shopping before you put that in a little more shopping before i put this in yeah oh apparently i'm supposed to go shopping before i put the motherboard in there but hold on i want to talk about this for a second here yes between the uh oh shoot gigaworks s 700 i think was the creative product s700 and s750 is what i want to say and the clips for media 5.1 and for media ultra 5.1 there was a time when like legit gaming grade surround analog speakers for pcs were absolutely a thing that time was 2005 2006 that was as the kids say who weren't born yet a hot minute ago um since then it basically is not a thing anymore i'm still man you know what i've never told this story on i've never told the story on camera before but i think i think it's i think it's finally the time to get it off my chest i used to own a set of clips for media ultra 5.1 i loved those speakers they like changed gaming for me when i worked as a sales rep i used to sell them all the time even though they were like five six hundred dollar computer speakers and anyone that i could talk into it the only thing i the only thing i would hear when they came back the next time was i am so glad you talked me into that because compared to if i had spent another like you know 200 on the top of the line graphics card and another like 500 on an extreme edition or whatever compared to those kinds of purchases this changed my gaming experience so much more because it's so immersive like feeling the rumble um anyway i had a set of them and the reason that i got rid of them was that my then girlfriend now wife made me do it and now to be clear she has been very accepting of my technology let's call it a habit you know i don't want to use the a word you know let's let's call it a habit my technology habit over the years in fact she has even supported it so she gave me my first like really high-end case my silverstone tj07 was a was actually a birthday present from her birthday or christmas it was one of the two it was a gift from her though um so it's not that she was like not supportive you know i remember spending a thousand dollars on a platform upgrade like right around the time i started working at ncix head office i got myself a core two duo e6600 i got myself an asus p5wdh digital home now that was a branding that did not stick around for asus remember digital home no who cares i got myself some ddr2 memory that was that was sexy that was sexy back in the day uh anyway but the reason the reason i wasn't allowed to have it was because my clips for media ultra 5.1 were actually a gift from my previous girlfriend yeah yeah and there was let me just put it this way there was some there was some bad blood there there was some very bad blood and i take full responsibility personally for the bad blood that existed there but i was not allowed to have them anymore the good news is that the way this story ends is she actually let me splurge and to be clear when i say let me i don't mean like she wears the pants or i wear the pants because we actually have a functioning relationship where we discuss things and make decisions together um but she after discussing and making a decision together let me spend i think it was like about another thousand dollars on like a kef uh 5.1 setup and then a receiver and i remember setting this up in the family room at her parents house where i was living at the time my life sounds weirder when i recall it as a story than tell others than it feels um anyway when i set it up and took up like so much space she was totally chill with that it was just i was not allowed to have my promedia ultra 5.1 anymore that those were those were off limits um but i digress let's go ahead and go shopping at micro center shall we go for it oh right oh snap i did not install my ssd so here's some ssds wow you look at that video editing they did video editing dang micro center you guys did some real video editing in this thing oh we got a bit of a hold on a second there's some latency there's some latency on the potato hit me weak utterly wait what are you afraid you're going to get fired if you hit me too hard with it or something i mean it's not like i said that jeez it's ridiculous all right so we're going to be installing what the crap even is this thing i never heard of this brand before in my life what what are they called inland i can't even see my inventory guys put the sticker right on the thing here uh what is an inland what even is this okay hold on a second hold on a second let me just put my sticker somewhere else here uh okay i don't know what this is so we're gonna peel the label off warranty void if removed by the way ladies and gentlemen i just i want to know what it is inland one terabyte nvme ssd so it's got 3d qlc nand it's pci express gen 3. i just want to know if it has a dram cat oh yeah no nevermind it has a dram cache okay yeah i'm chill i'm chill i'm good so four nand packages dram cache it's probably like fine uh what controller does it use hold up how is this sticker invincible stop thank you faison ps5 ps5012 okay yeah so whatever okay so it's a fizen controller dram cache ssd is probably fine all right let's go ahead and oh this is nice hey kudos to gigabyte for doing what i think everyone should do and pre-installing the m.2 screw in the board that is unless we did it for them i'm actually not sure all right i want to flip to the oh no so this is a better angle anyway okay so we'll pop that pop that puppy in there okay there we go man floatplane chats just talking about like i don't know what you guys are even talking about pentium 4 for doing some tidying at college throw a brick at him says lucas is fun ah okay no no matt is only supposed to throw computer hardware at me not not bricks all right am i am i allowed to put it in the case now is that permitted chase man we've got like a whole we got like a whole production crew now it used to be we only had like camera operators and we were lucky to even have a camera operator you know what i mean well like all the quarantine content i just had to like set up a bunch of different camera angles and like flip through them by myself with the little remote it was a very challenging time you know what though i was kind of i was kind of missing the the like the solo video creation experience this weekend and what i decided to do was film a video completely myself you know just to challenge myself and also because my wife really wanted her computer fixed right now because in fairness to her it has had this issue where the display wouldn't wake if the pc not only if the pc went to sleep but also if you powered off the display and turned it back on it just would not get a signal now some of you probably know and so she wanted that fixed right away because it's been weeks and multiple like system configuration changes and it's still doing it so those of you who um are very familiar with the channel might know that the way my personal setup works at home is i've got a server rack in a closet i can go ahead and flip to the overhead i've got a server rack and a closet and then i've got all the cabling running through a wall so that the pc like the monitors and keyboards and mice and all the peripherals and everything are completely separate from the actual computers and what's nice about it is it keeps all the noise completely isolated which is sweet oh this is the wrong size screw the problem is that for the whole setup to function correctly i'm relying on thunderbolt which as you might know on the pc side anyway is not the most polished experience ever and i'm gonna specifically call out asus here love asus good people i think you know by and large they care about making good products and all that good stuff but their thunderbolt implementation on the desktop has been absolutely nothing but headaches for me every time i have messed around with it it has been so frustrating and not just for me i actually have a buddy his name's ben uh somna music i think is what he goes by he streams on twitch and stuff uh so i built up a rig for him just on the weekend and i was like hey so thunderbolt on pc not perfect i know you've got like an audio interface that you'd love to use that is thunderbolt can't guarantee it's going to work but boy is it ever going to be cheaper than a mac pro so i'd suggest you go for it anyway and he's like yeah sure okay so i build them up a rig sure enough i spend like a couple hours trying to get thunderbolt working can't do it he tries he spends a few more hours trying to get working he can't do it either and i'm like yeah i'm sorry i don't know what to tell you it's just like asus's bios is just full of a bunch of options you don't need and not full of actually working which is what you actually want um and so i tried again with an x299 x299 deluxe two or something like that i want to say do you want to go back to the face cam um and everything worked flawlessly immediately until the display wouldn't wake and i've just i've actually i've actually seen it before with displayport in particular where that is so weird nzxt installed standoffs with two different threading in this case this is a 632 up here in this here hold on let me flip this up i swear to you this is 632 and this is m3 why what even the crap would inspire something like that to be done i think that last one is m3 as well that is or is it i can't i can't tell looking at it i'll just have to put a thing in here anyway yeah that last one 632 as well what the heck is going on here take it inside oh no no i can't get it out it just the whole it slid right in and now the threads are just kind of like locked you got to kind of push it against the side and screw it out there you go magnet got it um let's get another 632 screw that's so weird i've never in all my years i've never seen that before pre-installed standoffs of a different threading type in one case uh what was i talking about right asus thunderbolt implementation so i had to change it out and i was like you know what screw it i'm going to do a video about this because asus deserves to be called out on this and also if i have to build a computer anyway i might as well record it so my son helped me and we had some fun built a computer we got mommy's thunderbolt working properly good bonding experience so yeah it was good so that video is going to come out i don't know probably in like a week and a half we're a little bit behind on our our target one week uh early access float plane thing right now so oh i didn't put in standoffs for these bottom two holes yeah whatever it doesn't seem like it's gonna fall out of there too hard uh so you'll see that yeah probably in about a week and a half uh what's the next thing i'm shopping for graphics card okay well i've got a little bit of time before that one of the things i love about nzxt's cases though is that you can really tell that there's people there that have a lot of experience when it comes to pc building because they just put these little thoughtful touches in that make the whole process easier in terms of like cable management like this right here it's they actually with this pop out leave enough space for big thick cables they've got these really nice runs right here that you can use if you want but you don't have to you can just be lazy and chuck it there and you won't be able to see it on the other side at all that's not to say that like nzxt thinks you should lazily build a computer or whatever i'm just saying that you don't have to put the effort in if you don't want to like this one back here is another perfect example so your eight pin connector for the motherboard you can like run it through this channel like have it be all pipy or you can just not whatever nsaid xt don't judge you can just do a crappy job if you feel like it all right let's get out of my 8-pin i always forget to do this it's such a good pro tip and i've given the tip many times if you know what i'm saying i'm just plugging the eight pin in the top when you have a modular power supply using the modular cable and plugging it into the motherboard first and then running it down to the power supply unit is so much smarter it's so much easier than trying to get your fingers in after the fact and try and get this eight pin plugged in um okay there we go that wasn't too bad and then i guess the last connector we actually need is the one for the graphics card uh we do have our front panel to hook up so andy we're gonna have to get real we're gonna have to get real close and intimate here so they can actually see what i'm doing we'll start with hd audio boom you might have to come closer closer come closer all right there's our hd audio there we go we're going to plug that into our f audio the audio died you know there's our f audio f audio header there then we got our usb le 3 okay so that puppy looks a little something like that and got your little notch right no no you guys can't see it there you go got your little notch there go ahead and line that up with the little notch on the top of the usb 3 dude data majig okay plug that puppy in just be real careful with that one if you accidentally mash those super skinny pins they'll get stuck and it is a real chore getting them out of there oh well this was optimistic um yep this has this case has a usb type-c port on the top of it you will not be plugging that into anything unfortunately you know that's something that i feel is really underserved by the market is like front panel compatibility with motherboards like does anyone even make just a usb card that you can install to plug that connector in i'm willing to bet they don't like even startech who makes basically everything as long as you're willing to pay six times what it's worth i i don't think even they have it so here hold on a second usb c front panel pcie that's what i would search i could be wrong i could be wrong maybe someone will have it silverstone yeah if anyone was going to do it it could it would be silverstone wouldn't it silverstone has it you nerds uh the way that they've implemented it is kind of stupid though i love you silverstone also it's not in stock at amazon oh that's ca though there's never anything in stock at amazon.ca um yeah so it comes off instead of being a 90 90 degree angle connector so like you would with how stiff this connector is you wouldn't be able to install anything in the slot next to it let's see if micro center has it i guess technically they sponsored this stream micro center just shopping on my phone okay so silver stone uh usb c card let's see oh my god their autocomplete has so many things in it yeah oh wow okay well usbc searching for usbc card was not a good plan because it brought up card readers usbc pcie i remember finding some super weird stuff at uh microcenter when i went there they've got a van tech card i'm willing to bet this one doesn't have the internal connector yeah so the only one we found it's not in stock it just it seems like such an obvious thing like when i'm building a pc i don't necessarily want to spend a ton of money on a motherboard that doesn't give me any more performance or whatever but i might want to get myself you know a nicer case and it might have features that are not supported it just seems like the kind of thing that could be could be better addressed and i don't think i should have to spend more than like 20 bucks on that card oh this is nice though nzxt's got one of those block style front panel connector header uh bricks so you see it just says f panel rip the panel and we just plug that on like that so with most of the major motherboard vendors that should work just lickety-snap like that now it's time to go shopping for everyone's oh this is a really nice inclusion thank you nzxt so they've got a four pole front paddle audio jack and then they've included a four pole to dual 3-pole so that because sometimes the compatibility is not perfect like if you plug a 3-pole device into a 4-pole jack or a 4-pole device into a 3-pole jack it can kind of be a nightmare so these are these are really handy all right time to go shopping for a graphics card wow look at that oh wow it's jerking all over the place got the rtx wow do they actually have rtx cards in stock i wonder how far they had to search for uh enough of those to to have a convincing amount of stock okay oh really i leave it wide open you still can't like it's like man i feel like you're like you couldn't score a goal on an empty net you know what i'm saying like that that by the way that is a heavy canadian insult that's like i might as well have said terrible things about his mother sister grandmother daughter combined you know basically an awful person i feel bad i'm sorry matt i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that to you i was sorry what's up oh after all the parts have been unveiled uh check out the uh micro center custom pc builder and you can configure yourself a pc just like this one or totally different from this one it doesn't have to be just like this one that's not that's not a requirement you can uh something something inventory available and in stock at your nearest micro center location you can even arrange same-day in-store pickup for the parts or take it home and assemble it yourself center doesn't care they've got you covered either way really oh my talking points have a typo or for a free have one of microcenter's expert technicians assemble the computer for you for a fee it does it does it does cost money it does cost money remove before use this is a handy feature this is just to make sure you don't get confused when your fans don't spin um it's to tell you that when the card's at idle the fans are intended to not spin so we've got an msi rtx uh rtx oops sorry amd sorry amd nvidia's branding brainwashed me uh rx 5700 xt gaming x dual fan cooler nice chunky aluminum fin array we've got how many heat pipes in there it doesn't matter we're going to put this in our computer we're going to get a video game going to get a game oh holy smokes not a lot of people watching what what is all this line of sex tips spam i don't even know what you're talking about i got oh this is great the eternal dreamers over on floatplane goes i work at micro center and here i am on my day off watching an ad for microsoft yeah you did micro center they're gonna be in your dreams next uh which one is a bit of an unconventional pci express slot layout on this board so we're gonna pop out this one okay this is a dual slot card so we need to take out one two pci slot covers when is it gonna happen when pci will have not been a thing for so long that we don't have to keep clarifying pci express when we talk about pci like what's the what's the what's the sort of falloff date for pci where we can just stop acknowledging it at all all right we're gonna go ahead and pop this puppy in here because that's the thing you young zoomers like matt and chase might not realize this but the reason we call it pci express is because there was a pci that was not express it was slower and worse in every way so not only was it i think 33 megahertz was what it was clocked at really slow slow data transfer speeds i think it capped out around 150 megabytes a second or something like that total 150 megabytes a second does that seem right no i think it was lower than that because i remember if you hooked up an ide hard drive pci would bottleneck it let's see if anyone's uh hitting me up with 133 megabytes a second that's right so when ide like ultra ata uh whatever like the end of the line for ide was there was the potential not that hard drives were fast enough at the time there was the potential for pci to bottleneck it with even a single drive plugged in and most ide controllers you had a master and a slave that's the older lingo for it obviously but you had a master and a slave drive hooked off of it so if you had two drives on it it was actually pretty easy to run into a system bottleneck now making matters worse pci was what's called a shared bus so kind of like usb where the total bandwidth to all of the devices plugged into uh into pci were was shared so if you had a sound card and an ide controller and uh i don't know what the heck else do people install in their computers a network card all of those would be competing for bandwidth on the pci bus now you might think oh well that's that's simple that's straightforward why don't you just use your onboard networking and use your onboard sound so a couple things onboard networking and onboard sound sucked a lot more back then and number two is that when i say pci or when i say pci express i am talking about the buses so the the bus is like it's it's all okay how do i how do i explain this okay so there's a controller on your motherboard somewhere so for pci express your controller is on your cpu these days which is what makes your cpu more of an soc in some cases like epic is technically an soc there's no outside chipset um so for pci if i recall correctly your pci controller would have been on your north bridge we used to have two chipsets on the motherboard so what that means is anything connected to it is still connected to the the pci controller over the pci bus regardless of whether it goes into a slot or if it was pre-attached to the motherboard because it's all just wires right it's the exact same thing if you have a network port here or if you have a network port here it doesn't matter it doesn't matter whether the wires go to your cpu through the motherboard or whether the wires go to a slot and then through your motherboard so it's the same thing so you would actually have this was a big problem with gigabit networking so you would have a gigabit network port on the back of your motherboard that is connected via the pci bus which means that it wouldn't be able to actually reach its peak performance so it was a big big problem um so that's what's that's what was so exciting about pci express is that it was a lot faster and not shared so each pci express port or slot has its own lanes well sort of asterisk its own lanes because uh especially in the beginning when we had fewer pci express lanes on a given chipset or on a given cpu as time went on um you would have what's called a pci express switch so you would actually share lanes across multiple devices but switching is way better than just having an overall shared bus so yeah that's why that's why pci express gen 4 for example is so cool because on a higher end motherboard that's not what this is which is why i think pci express gen 3 is fine for it it doesn't have a ton of devices but on a higher end motherboard if you have gen 3 devices excuse me gen 4 devices connected to this gen 4 controller you have double the bandwidth as if they were gen 3 lanes so you can have things like two and a half gigabit or five gigabit networking much more easily built into a gen 4 system than you can with gen 3. uh that was all sort of besides the point though let's go ahead and hook up our pci express power cables oh you know what let's use the let's use a little cable management hole right here look at that what's up how you doing look at me i'm mr pcr express cable i've got a little puppet show wait oh no the finger's coming for me go away finger blair all right finger got him got two eight pin power connectors man this is crazy i only need i only need three modular cables for this whole system of course i would need a say to say the cable if i wanted to have a hard drive for like bulk storage of games you can't even say bulk storage of games games are bulk at this point i mean you know you want to play some play some call of duty and play some what's another really heavy game right now chase for storage uh cold war is still pretty big cold war i don't think i've already played anything super new recently the point is you can have games that take like 150 gigs 200 gigs of data it's like freaking nuts so yeah you probably probably also need a hard drive look at this there's like there's no cables to manage by the way did we preload an os on this ssd is the plan to actually like game on this thing i believe so all right heck yeah well we won't give it a shot lngs um ah good enough who cares i mean realistically we're gonna need that ryzen 3 100 for another project so we're going to take this apart anyway but you won't take yours apart that you buy from microcenter who sponsored the stream today check out the link in the video description for their free 32 gig usb and sd card offer valid in store only no purchase necessary see how i work the sponsor talking points in there like that what a pro this line this guy is okay close what is wrong with you it's your problem okay what oh well that's unconventional there's these little tabs here you just kind of kind of here get the give me the overhead we got these uh you got these tabs here it doesn't slide forward see you got to put put it in the tabs there you go i was ready to go all karate kid break the ice on it like you know just one update if you want to take a look at the parts list it is in the description probably would have just broken my hand um oh yeah if you guys want to see the parts list for the machine it is in the video description so that might be it okay i mean yeah i not a huge fan of this side panel mechanism i'll put it that way that's how i'll put it not the the largest fan in the world of this particular side panel closing mechanism let's put the other side panel on this one's fine so you just gotta hey you know that's the good thing about tempered glass you know it's safe if you accidentally drop it well safer still not ideal just breaks in more you know uniform uniform pieces we have had some tempered glass side panels just like spontaneously shattered remember oh wait no neither of you worked here when we had the door spontaneously shattered there used to be a glass door into what is now the room where taran edits and we got security camera footage of it just exploding out of nowhere it's crazy i'm really glad no one was actually in the office because it happened at night that would have been that would have been very very trey's upsetting you know it's showing off my showing off my on francais over here all right let's get this puppy rolling okay i got an lg ultra gear 4k monitor well something like that got uh what else we got going on here plug that puppy in uh oh i'm gonna have to unplug my laptop i think we ran out of ran out of ports here we've got a keyboard mouse these are our pc pc workshop peripherals all right and we're going to find out because i actually don't know for sure we're going to find out if this system has an operating system on it and has any gaming games installed because if it doesn't then um this is pretty much this is pretty much the end of it where's my power cable i need a power cable i need power please there we go and let's see if i built it correctly uh oh uh oh balls well i missed at least one thing that's fine we can fix it we can fix it live see i always i always say this i gotta practice what i preach never close the side panel hi never close the side panel okay until you've already seen the system post don't do it it's not worth it because it's that's how you get that's how you put a whammy on your system that's some prime primo whammy material right there it will not work on the first try if you close up the side panel before you try it some some line of superstition tips right there all right i forgot to plug in the rear fan so i just gotta do that oh that's weird kind of looks like nzxt like cable managed it off somewhere that's fine i can i can manually spin it oh we got another problem too while i was busy being all can fuzzled about the rear fan not spinning i didn't notice that my monitor is not plugged in that's okay minor issue minor issue please tell me there's something on the display oh not yet let's give it a sec here hello input hello uh htmi1 is that right uh-oh did i break it i got the 24 pin got the eight pin bones connected to the eight pin um well oh boy it would be really funny after i talked about uh g-skill's ram compatibility being really good for all this time it'd be really funny if it like didn't work properly yeah there we go reboot and select proper boot device yeah that's no problem we can we can work with this in the meantime let's go ahead and get that fan plugged in look at this i am i'm the two hand the two hand operator right here bios has been reset please reconfigure bios for okay all right so we got 16 gigs of ram our xmp is disabled what the crap is am i even looking at okay wait a second gigabyte okay giga you know what i don't want to exit without saving can i just give gigabyte a little lecture here so look at this when i press down right this highlights but i have actually selected boot sequence when i go up and select this it turns dark that's terrible that's literally the worst you did the worst possible job making that intuitive this is easy mode okay you guys are in dummy mode right now this is not this is not easy mode we need to go to advanced mode here to have a menu that makes any sense whatsoever okay so tweaker xmp yup is in in profile one see look in here they understand highlighting look you know what i bet that's the exact same color too is it it is too it's the exact same color so this color that means remember that it is not selected is the same color that means selected everywhere else in the bios bad bad gigabyte bios designer bad no you can do better uh all right so what are we doing we got it yep all four cores picked up all 16 gigs uh yes so i wanted to turn on csm support this is something that can be wait it is on uh oh um oh wait uh-oh ufi only okay yeah this is something that can be really confusing for new builders um or like people who are troubleshooting a system csm so it's compatibility support module or something like that i can't remember what it stands for the point is if you want to boot to a device that uses that was installed in like uh in a like a legacy boot mode you need to enable csm and you need to switch over to legacy only so we're going to find out if that's going to help us boot to that pci express device yep this is it this is it oh i still haven't plugged in that fan i still have not correctly finished building the computer so i'm going to come back here and i'm going to let you guys fill me in on the suspense afterward okay i found these fans they were all cable managed all tidy over to that uh cable management thing that i told you guys i wasn't gonna bother with that's what happened so this is gonna pop up here all right and this boy is gonna oh man i don't know wow they even tied this one in uh uh yeah whatever wow i think this might be the first build ever where the cable management when i'm done is actually worse than what the manufacturer shipped i actually undid some of their work fan freaking-tastic plug this in here okay oh yeah i was all afraid to get my hands in there because the fan was going to bite me but it's not on because i didn't plug it in there you go there's one of them and our other one will go i'm just assuming that there's going to be a system fan down here yep wow way to go linus you just assumed those fan header positions and you got it um okay well based on that that didn't work let's go ahead and yeah boot option one pcie ssd did no one put an os on this thing uh hold on do i have a drive with an os let's find out i mean do you guys want to see it run maybe you don't even care that's a possibility oh crap where's my os drive oh no usually i have like a oh alex took it for the desk pc that bastard i don't know if no wait he brought it back or did he oh i gotta find my boot drive whoa all right um i assure you it's very fast because it has a radeon 5700 xt in it which is a very fast gaming graphics card i'd say it's good for up to high refresh rate 1440p or even like solid 4k gaming as long as you're only targeting like 60 fps and you don't expect to crank everything to the max our cpu is a little bit on the low end ryzen 3 3100 but like it's solid it's definitely you know upgradeable so the point of this build is this is very expandable you could put like a gtx 1650 or something 1660 something in that tier in here and this would be you know equally a really well balanced machine for that um it's got a lot of a lot of upgrade potential down down the line not in terms of like cpu i'd say your platform is pretty well locked in so hopefully you guys enjoyed this here video stream even though i only sort of finished the build i mean i did have the panels on but i didn't have the fans plugged in and i got the fence closing statement here check this out check this out check this check this out this is sweet check this out you guys so this is this is my view of what's going on look it's linus pointing at linus pointing at linus pointing at linus i love this i could do this all day okay anyway uh and then this this is where i can monitor the chat but that's too small i can't see it um this is where i can see that the stream is still live and i can see how many people are watching wow thank you guys there are so many of you watching is this a touchscreen oh no that's just the interface for the sumo man this thing so our intention was to buy it as a recorder for short circuit but we lost so much footage that now it's a monitor good job whoever makes this thing uh and end of stream thanks again to microcenter for sponsoring this video remember to check out the links in the description for the coupon code for the free flash drive and microsd card 32 gigs no purchase necessary and for links to all the parts we featured in this build not that you're limited to that micro center stocks basically everything not even just computers so you can put together something totally tailored to exactly what you want uh oh i should do some super chats probably i i'm sorry guys i mean you guys know this about me i don't i don't look at them so why do you keep sending super chats and then i feel like obligated apex silver long time listener first time caller lol just wanted to say thanks for all the knowledge you kicked down as an autocad kick down kick down all just like is this zoomer stuff yeah probably kick down wow as an autocad user designing restaurants and some 3d do i 3080 ti or 68 6900 xt okay so we've got a couple problems here number one is that the 3080ti doesn't exist um i think you met 3080 i'm just teasing you or maybe you meant 3090 which is basically what that is um as an autocad user you know what you really need to watch our video about whether you should buy a quadro or not and only then can you answer that question because you might be way better off with a far less powerful like gpu but that has nvidia's quadro functionality magically unlocked fps ah 1000 says hello linus hello indeed um frankie li says f in chat for bit wit i pray for his happiness and success yeah i think we all shared that sentiment wowzaval otaku can i just say wowzaval is the most amazing name like if i could go back in time and name one of my children wowzaval it's spelled exactly like it sounds uh i would i would not do that because that's super weird but i'd be like that's that's such a cool idea um but i'm not going to do that but it's like yeah that's i love it wowzival yo linus could we get vr game benchmarks it'd be a massive help to know what gpus and cp's run vr better okay so vr is very complicated to benchmark because the games tend to dynamically adjust their quality to make it so that you have a non-nauseating experience like that kind of dynamic graphical fidelity um adjustment is not just like a nice to have on in vr like it is on a game console it's a need to have so that you're not actually making your users sick so it's very it's very challenging to benchmark it's also in my mind kind of less relevant um you should just spec the pc for like traditional gaming and then whatever experience you're going to get in traditional games is probably pretty similar actually you'll probably get a better experience in vr because remember developers are developing not just around pc vr but they're developing around like playstation vr and more importantly they're developing around mobile hardware on products like the oculus quest series so if it can run on a quest too i guarantee you it can run on your graphics card and it'll look quite a bit quite a bit better um apocalypse infantry says we need an ltt branded gamer's nexus style build mat since steve won't order more also more big desk mats so you know what the build mats like kind of a complicated one like you know what would be what would we add to the table whenever we think about whether to develop a product or not the question is you know how are we innovating how are we how are we changing it and with something like t-shirts you know we really felt that merch t-shirts um a lot of the time did not meet a standard of quality that we were happy with so what we were innovating on even though it's not innovative to make a high quality shirt it's just no one does it for whatever reason what we were innovating on was just having merch that was reasonably priced you know not like 30 for a t-shirt um and that was just like high quality enough that we would actually want to wear it every day like our staff just like wear the merge you should point at our staff and actually oh you know what we can how can we how can we show andy here can i see the camera for a sec here there you go see okay you got you got andy rockin andy rock in the merch right there um and we don't strictly speaking have a uniform we just wanted to make something that's actually comfortable enough that we want to wear it every day and then we do give it for free to our staff but we don't force them to wear it so it's like you just have to make sure it's really good so that's that's the test for us so when it comes to like a build mat we'd have to ask ourselves how are we innovating here how are we making it different or better in some way um doesn't have to be better but at least different so we haven't answered that question yet um but if we do you know i i'd like to think steve wouldn't be too mad if we did a build mat i don't know like are we encroaching on his turf i i don't really know we've never really we've never discussed it we've never really talked about the politics of that sort of thing but yeah i don't know i just i think they did a great job and i haven't seen a deficiency in their product such that i feel like i need to create a new one so there's lots of other stuff that we have to work on in the meantime if you can never keep it in stock i mean yeah maybe having it in stock would be something we could innovate on but then if our desk pad is anything to go by clearly we're not any better at it than him so um off topic from this build says timothy ulrig but for the corsair 465x case can you put a 280 millimeter aio in the front or will it be weird because of the front like x's can you take them out lordy i have no idea but you know what you can do is you can join the ltt forum can i help you with that yeah let's do that yep cool uh you can join the ltt forum and you can ask that question over there we don't promote the forum that much these days but it's definitely still a thing it's still awesome great community over there and i'm sure that someone will be happy to answer your question uh robert tarr any recommendations for good external ssd for gaming uh yeah it's unlikely to make much of a difference if the idea is just to kind of carry your library around with you i mean i'm still using an ancient angel bird pocket go something or other from like four years ago and i don't notice any difference in load times and you probably won't until direct storage is a thing and then you're just going to want to install that internally david rodriguez says what's up lightest with lots of exclamation marks not much just streaming you know um what does this mean are these stickers or something oh okay ah ooh nornien john says 700 us dollars for a new 5700 xt or 250 bucks for a used 1070 ti what do you recommend for 1080p 144 hertz well 1070 ti is going to have a little bit of trouble keeping up especially in the latest games but honestly right now it's not a great time to buy a graphics card it's rough it gets rough out there you might be just better off waiting for availability to get a bit better for the mining craze to die down because it's always cyclical right with the whole mining thing i would probably go man depends what kind of rig you're building like if you already if you have like a really nice rig that's going to be not utilized to its full potential by the 10 uh 1070 ti then that becomes a tougher decision but if you're just kind of you know upgrading right now and it's like kind of an older rig i would i would go 1070 ti to hold you off and then i'd just wait a little bit for availability to get better and for prices to drop and if you're american don't forget there's tariffs right now on made in china parts and most graphics cards are made in china so prices might be as much as 25 percent more for no reason other than the us government imposing a tariff on made in china goods so it's tough it's really tough timing and love your pink beanie says jesse gonzalez oh thanks jesse and i guess that's pretty much it thanks again for tuning in thanks again to microcenter for sponsoring the video 25 locations in the u.s good prices you can shop online they'll build your pc for you if you so desire and i'm outta here
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,669,909
Rating: 4.8805957 out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, nexus, jayztwocents, austin, evans, troubleshooting, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: emlRd643NVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 24sec (4944 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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