The Gospel for Mormons

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so here's the thing Mormons often say but we're Christian too but why don't you just leave us alone we're just another denomination where I mean it's in our name the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints it's not about Mormon underwear it's not about coffee and tea and tobacco products and those sorts of things it's really more foundational it's a question of what God do you worship who is God and how do I come to know God Mormonism at the very beginning began with a lie and the lie was that Heavenly Father came to Joseph Smith and told him to join none of the churches for they were all wrong all their Creed's were an abomination all the professor's that's the Christians were all corrupted they draw near to God with their lips but their hearts are far from him and Joseph told the world that God had told him that the Christian Church had fallen away and it needed to be restored and that's just it's just a lie it's a lie because 2,000 years before Joseph came along with this revelation God had already said that he would build his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it Jude verse 3 were told to earn as they contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the Saints the promise in the Old Testament was that the Messiah would come and he would have a kingdom that would never be destroyed ever Daniel chapter 7 verses 13 through 14 and Jesus came and he said that he brought that Kingdom John the Baptist said that that Kingdom was at the fingertip reach it was right there at hand the Bible says that the Messiah has been seated on his throne he is king of kings and Lord of lords he brought the kingdom and so Joseph is just 2,000 years too late it really is about God it really is about the gospel you see the Bible says in isaiah 43:10 before me there was no god formed neither shall there be after me in isaiah 44:6 i am the first and i am the last besides me there is no God God says in Isaiah 44 8 is there a God besides me there is no other God I know not one and Joseph came with revelation in the King Follett discourse he said this we've imagined and suppose that God was God from all eternity I will take away that idea and take away that do away the veil so that you may see he says you've got to learn to become gods yourselves the same way all gods had done before you this goes against everything the Bible says about who God is he's the only God Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 shema yisrael yahweh elohim o Yahweh Akkad hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one there is only one God the Bible teaches that plainly and yet the Bible teaches plainly there is only one God and he eternally exists as three persons Father Son and Holy Spirit John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and he's talking about Jesus and the Word was with God and the Word was God and it says in John chapter 1 that Jesus created everything in existence and without him nothing's coming to being that came into being that Jesus is God who took on flesh John chapter 1 verse 14 God took on flesh and he tabernacled among us the one and only true and living God in the person of Jesus Christ the creator of all things came into his own creation and took on flesh he is not created he is not the spirit offspring of heavenly father and one of his goddess wives as Mormonism teaches Jesus created all things he's not Lucifer's brother as Mormonism teaches he is the creator of Lucifer in Colossians chapter 1 from verses 16 on it says that Jesus for by him we're all things created in the heavens and on the earth whether visible or invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or rulers or authority all things were created by Jesus that includes Satan and why is this important it's important because this church with all these beautiful buildings and all this property in this message that sounds so similar to Christianity and terminology it teaches another Christ a Christ that cannot save you it's a different Jesus it's a Jesus that doesn't have any existence whatsoever it's a Christ that cannot save and Jesus says in John 14:6 I am the way the truth the life no man comes to the Father but by me he's the only way to have peace with God and Mormonism teaches a different Christ a different God it actually tells people that you can through obedience to the laws and principles of the gospel you can move your way through exaltation to become a god or goddess of your own planet like the god of this earth dead and that is the farthest thing from the truth the Bible teaches there is only one God eternal and we will never be a god one day but the more important question beyond that is this question how can we know this God it's not about minor differences musical style color of carpet in church whether or not you drink coffee or don't it's really a question of how will reconciled to God and have peace with him because the Bible says in Romans chapter 3 that there is none righteous no not one none who seeks for God that there is no fear of God before our eyes and Paul says in Romans chapter 3 verse 28 we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of law because the law Paul says in Romans chapter 3 can only really reveal our sin it really only shuts our mouths before God it really only shows us who we are before God and it really actually increases our knowledge of sin Paul says and so what's our hope if we're sinners before a holy God if we're worthy of death if as Jesus says the wrath of God abides on us then what's our hope and the hope is in the gospel because of what Christ did Jesus is God in the flesh who went to the cross to take the Anna Schmidt the full punishment for his people what they deserved he took he was perfectly obedient to the law of God and yet he died to death that his people deserve he was buried and he rose again not so you could have his work plus your good works which the Bible says or nothing but filthy rags before God in an effort to get reconciled to God the Bible actually teaches that that's impossible it says in Galatians chapter 5 Christ has become of no effect to you whosoever view attempts to be justified by law you've fallen from grace listen listen to this text from the Book of Mormon in second Nephi 25 23 it says this by grace are you saved after all you can do and you compare that to the Bible and it says in Ephesians 2 verses 89 by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not according to works lest any man should boast it's all God's grace it's only through faith in Jesus apart from any work of law and the Bible actually teaches us that if you go the route of works in an attempt to establish your own righteousness before God Galatians chapter 3 here under the curse of the law to do all of it and the beauty of the gospel for Mormons and for really the world is that Christ became a curse for God's people taking what they deserve giving to us a righteousness that's not our own it's his righteousness that it's a righteousness that can actually available for a holy God it's the only righteousness that will actually available for the presence of God it's Christ's righteousness and Paul says this in Philippians chapter 3 and every Mormon needs to hear this he lays out his resume he talks about all that he did according to the law says as to the law I was a Pharisee as to zeal I persecuted the church of the tribe of Benjamin and he says this he says all those things he says I count them as loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord and he says this I want to be found in him not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law but the righteousness that comes from God through faith the Bible teaches that through faith in Christ you are given credited a righteousness that is not your own and it's apart from works of law Romans chapter 4 god does not count your sins against you because of what Christ did and he actually credits to your righteousness that is a perfect righteousness it's Christ's and the only way anybody will ever stand before a holy God the only God that exists is with the righteousness that is perfect and that's not available to any of us in ourselves and Mormonism actually teaches you in the articles of faith that through the atonement of Jesus Christ all mankind may be saved and that sounds so beautiful except it goes on and it says through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel it really says this that Mormonism with all of its beauty with all of the lights with all the Christian language really has a message of death not a message of life and the call of the gospel to the Mormon is not that we want you to lose faith it's not that we want you to lose God it's that we want you to know the one and only true and living God and we want you to have peace with him through the true and living Christ the eternal God who had no beginning he is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning in the end the first the last he is the same yesterday today and forever we want you to know that Christ the Christ that could give you a perfect righteousness through faith apart from works of law and the call is this Jesus is God in the flesh he's the Messiah who lived righteously he perfectly kept the law of God he died and rose again and he calls you to come and die and rise again the command is to repent and to believe the gospel come to Christ in faith abandon your sin abandon yourself righteousness abandon all your good deeds and you come to the true and living God the only God not to become a god one day but to have peace with God the truth is God he's the gospel you get God peace with God forgiveness your sins washed away eternal life Jesus says in John 5:24 truly truly I say to you he who hears my voice and believes him who sent me has eternal life to all the wormans that watch this I want to plead with you to turn to the true and living Christ trusted Christ for salvation for forgiveness come to Christ and not lose faith but gain life find a solid Christian church that believes the Bible stands in the Bible as the Word of God as the infallible rule of faith find a good solid body of Christian believers that believes God's Word is supreme and that it's the standard come to Christ and be a part of the kingdom of God you
Channel: Apologia Studios
Views: 363,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mormon, mormonism, latter day saints, are mormons christian, mormon temple, gospel, evangelism, apologetics, debate, temple, black preacher, mormon missionaries, apologia radio, apologia church, jeff durbin, walter martin, Mormon prophet, godmakers, Dr. James White, alpha and omega ministries, Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, false prophet, The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints (Religious Organization), temple ceremonies, 3 mormons, apologia studios
Id: IQNObk2qAwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2015
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