The Gorosei Can't Fight! | One Piece 1113

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so one piece chapter 1,1 squir this chapter was amazing from the jump I just want to say you know what I say about those old men they cannot fight the weakling Trio is now they're giving them a run for their money I especially like that Brooke is there too I mean we're getting ahead of ourselves I guess I guess I should go from you know the beginning of the chapter and then get up to my favorite part of the chapter but just from the jump I love Brook so much I love the weakling Trio I just want to start this video off with that energy and all right you know but yeah you're right let's let's get to that when we get to that the very first cool thing that happens in the chapter is actually the cover story it's a robin playing chess with all of the straw hats Frankie's a rook we've got a bunch of Chopper pawns there it looks like Zoro and Sanji are the knights it just looks really really cool my favorite has to be Nami in the back just chilling as the queen it's just she looked good she looked good but then we jump into the chapter and it begins with the old pterodactyl Goro walking into the lab and he sees Vega Punk's head inside a jar he's a big ass head too I mean I don't know if they mean to imply that all the Vega Punk's Consciousness that's where they're being housed you know or something like that the head has some type of significance I guess but from there we get some reaction shots of people we know around the one piece world and the very first one is Kaa in a syrup village with her Butler and all of usopp's friends Ka looks really good like she doesn't look sick at all I mean I know she could still be sick but she looks really good we also see crocus and laoon chilling which knowing where the chapter is going that is a very cheeky move of foreshadowing by Oda like with the big news of this chapter getting out people have been commenting on how a bunch of things in one piece suggest that it was always moving toward this in the first place you know which is that the one piece world is actually sinking like VAP Punk is getting ready to broadcast that to the entire world and it seems like there's a bunch of people that either already knew this was going to happen or they were preparing for maybe eventually having to be in an underwater situation you know like Ra's got his coding business Iceberg has somehow managed to make an entire Island just float on the ocean I don't know how he does that but let me tell you something that man is about to be rich him and reallyy they are both about to just be seeing so much cash coming in from this situation I hope my dog prospers that's all I'm saying but while everyone is waiting to hear Vega Punk's broadcast that's when the best part of the entire chapter happens Sanji is still carrying Vega Punk's lifeless body and that's when he hears something and he's like oh that is a young woman who needs my help I'm coming Bonnie Tuan so Sanji while carrying Vega Punk sees that Bonnie needs help he dab es over there and kicks the chin off of that bald bastard and it did damage I know their big them is like oh we can regenerate you know but whatever they he was feeling that in that moment for sure and it's just hilarious cuz Frankie was already there Frankie was getting ready to tank the hit and then also do a Counterattack on the gorus say and Sanji was like get Frankie get out of the way I'm the White Knight of the straw hats I'm going to save Bonnie and he's like you know we're not going to cut you any slack just cuz you're old like we we really don't care we beat anybody up around here except women ex except women but that's when the old man starts fighting with San a little bit and that's when oomo and Kashi come out of nowhere the Giants from in's Lobby that was just so like I love seeing all of these people interact with each other but they came out of nowhere to make the save and this is when Bonnie jumps up and she starts using a new distorted future attack she turns herself into a giant so she can start fighting everybody too and I love that for Bonnie I hope all of them take turns stomping on that old man's head but wait before we continue we need to have a quick word with today's sponsor and I am pleased to announce this video is sponsored by Tokyo treating sakur EO and together they make experiencing Japan from the comfort of your own home possible you see Tokyo treat is a monthly pop Japanese snack subscription box and in it you can expect 20 exclusive limited edition and seasonal flavored snacks that are only available in Japan and sakurao meanwhile is a monthly Japanese Artisan snack box which supports local Japanese snack makers and with sakuro you can expect 20 traditional authentic and Artisan Japanese snacks including teas and table wear and I am excited to talk about the theme for Tokyo treat which is ninja snack Venture so walk with me as we dive into the Elusive and Mysterious World of the Shinobi enjoying a host of savory and sweet ninja inspired treats snacks like the Kit Kat chocolate orange spicy ramen noodles Katana candy sword and strawberry doraki like look at this ninja candy sword it's awesome I got to say the strawberry doraki as well as these potato fries yeah they were hidden and for sakuro the theme is going to be flavors of hakone snacks like the white miso financier Yokohama Chocolate Crunch strawberry milk almonds and much much more and this of course all pairs perfectly well with the tea for this month the aone story real coocha green tea and this month's table wear item is going to be the marquetry plate and as always you can check out the booklets that come with each box to get even more information on Japanese culture and all the snacks you'll be receiving which of course means that all the allergen information that you would need would be in there as well so if you're like me and you want to taste all of this for yourself or if you want to give a really nice gift for someone you love please check out the link in my description and use code mugiwara to receive $5 off your first Tokyo treat or sakuro box a very special thank you to Tokyo treat and sakuro for sponsoring this video and an equally special thank you to you for watching this video and with that we are back to the show meanwhile Vega Punk is still on the broadcast as he's getting ready to tell everybody that they're sinking and we get some more people talking about how it makes it feel but the main one that I want to talk about the one I think is just overwhelmingly funny is big news Morgans big news Morgans is reacting this like whoa whoa whoa slow that slow down slow down what are you doing man the news that's my thing all right are you trying to kill print media like big news Morgans is listening to all of this like well no no my news my news he's just in his blimp pulling his feathers out like my news my news that man is watching his entire career Flash before his eyes I don't blame him for panicking honestly but back down below we got to check out the weakling Trio now I was really excited that these guys were getting their time to shine and it looks like they are fighting St Saturn the Goro say I probably hate the most and it looks like he was also on the island of Ohara cuz Robin thinks she remembers his voice which adds a whole another level of why I hate this guy and so when Saint Saturn realizes that he's right in front of Nico Robin he starts trying to move forward an attacker and this is when everybody starts defending Robin and Brook shows up out of nowhere God I love Brooke like Robin is still injured it looks like so she's inside her little hover bed and choppers tending to her wounds Usopp and Nami are just staring down St Saturn and in the edge of the panel you can see Brooke just running over like what y'all doing over here I love Brooks so much he is on go he is wherever he needs to be cuz he sensed that in this moment like wait a minute the weakling Treo is about to defend Robin Tuan they're going up against that giant spider bastard well I got to get over there and help him and honestly I understand the confidence Brooke already ran the ones with an emperor of the sea in hul cake Island so a giant spider bastard that's trying to attack Robin Tuan oh I don't care yeah let's get in there Brooke and everybody's just protecting Robin Usopp still is looking as Brave as he is ever in my opinion Brooke jumps in there cuts the spider Bastard with a sword Nami releases Zeus and Zeus is even enthusiastically trying to save Robin and this is why I will continue to call these old bastards sorry looks like s SN has actually managed to stab Chopper when he was in his ball form and correct me if I'm wrong I'm pretty sure this is called guard point when he just like focuses himself at like this giant fuzz ball that apparently just has really good damage resistance I don't know I know there's a reason for it but he looks perfectly fine I don't know I'm just saying if one of the strongest people in the series can't wound Tony Tony Chopper I just don't think we should be that afraid of him I don't think we should respect them at all and in case you think I need to put some more respect on Chopper's name this just means that you know he's a stronger fighter than we give him credit for for sure I'm willing to give you that argument but it's like still though you know what I'm saying like if kaido pulled up and you don't think kaido can damage Tony Tony Chopper all right cuz we already beat kaido so I I don't see any reason we should be afraid of these and please don't let Robin be able to fight oh my God if she suddenly decides you know what I think I want I want to run the ones with him too and she just turns into her giant demon form she locks that bastard up and breaks a spider neck what what is he going to do then when Brooke hits you with the ice of hell what you going to do then usab tosses some habanero saua in your mouth and shoots it with a slingshot what then spider as what then just keeping it a stack I think Zeus could take Saint Saturn I think if Nami just Nami has released Zeus right now I think if they all just focus on running to the ship I think it would just take one Zeus lightning bolt to distract him thoroughly enough for everybody to get away I hope everybody takes turn stomping on them I hope whenever jimbe and Zoro finally make it to the ship they stop by just to stomp on him some more anyway so the chapter ends with Vega Punk finally telling everybody that the one piece world is sinking into the ocean which of course has led to a lot of theories potentially being true there's the one about the red line the one about you know the whole world shifting and and like that I don't know I think that all of those theories are great and amazing and they could be infinitely true and it makes me wonder does Oda be like reading these theories like how often does Oda get on YouTube because I I hope the answer is no he doesn't even get on YouTube like as much as I would love for him to interact with the community and see all of the the these things that people create I do not want the pure story story of one piece to be corrupted with any of these YouTube theories cuz a lot of these theories seem really really good some of them also don't seem that great but OD is a Madman if he feels inspired to he will change anything at the drop of a dime you don't need any other proof other than just Vega Punk's design he chose to make someone look like that if he looked at the raid will fail agenda what if Odo read that and he was like you know what I do kind of want to make this Arc longer we would have to sit through three more years of wano because Oda decided to be goofy and get on YouTube no I hope he I hope he stays far and away from all of the theories that we make over here on YouTube and I cannot wait to see where the story is going and as always it looks like the sky is the limit for One Piece there so many ridiculous things have happened already and seem like there is setup for further things down the road like I am locked in whatever happens it's going to be ridiculous but it's all going to make sense and it's going to tie into things that I have never thought of before and I'm so excited cuz it looks like there's not a break again so this you know I just feel like you know we're getting spoiled at this point you know I just feel I keep thinking like every week I'm going to wake up and then oh we're Unbreaking God help us all who knows what lore is going to drop in this coming week like this is already like with every chapter that comes out it feels like more information than we deserve and somehow just always not enough like this story is moving at a much different speed and I love every minute of it but that's it for this one guys let me know who you think the MVP of this chapter is for me it's definitely Brooke he just he literally just showed up out of nowhere homie was off doing something with Lilith and then he just sensed that the weakling Trio was about to fight a spider and he was like it I got let's go let's lock in Brooke just be pulling up to balance the scales I love it bro and what that's what a real MVP is he don't got to score that many points he just has to make sure his team wins but let me know what you guys think thank you so much for watching thank you for being interested and I cannot wait to see you in the next one
Channel: Mugiwara No Goofy
Views: 26,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Egghead Island, Vegapunk, Chopper, Franky, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Robin, Luffy
Id: s47gv0FzG6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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