Summer Heat | English Full Movie | Drama

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[Music] when I married Aaron Walston we moved out to his tobacco farm it was about 10 mil outside of Taro and I have to say the isolation of that little farm was something I had not known before by the time I was 20 our baby Patty aelle was two and we worked hard getting that crop out every year I didn't think much about whether there would be anything else for me but then the summer of 1937 changed my life forever at that time I didn't understand all the things that happened but I knew they were [Music] irrevocable [Music] [Music] [Music] when my grandmother georgana died I was as lonely as I ever had been in my life georgana had raised me ever since my mother [Music] died sorry about your grandmother thank [Music] you are you going to stay at our house no I'm scared to stay there by [Music] myself well what about living at your daddy's his wife Ruth is my mother's younger sister I know well I feel kind of funny about [Music] [Music] that what are you doing it's baby asleep yeah baby's asleep want to last night you just shrug me off I had to get up to crack a dawn Aon sometimes I think you're just doing this cuz can't think of anything better to do daddy hired boys from all over eastern North Carolina to work at the funeral home when his friends couldn't think of what to do with their boys they sent him to Mr will for a job you say boys one will oh man I got that Clark Gable picture at the theater or you don't wear no undershirt you don't won't see that one do you will how do you expect me to keep the theater running Here Comes fell looking for a job we what want B I got too many boyss in now struther don't matter I know you all of east of North Carolina for having a soft heart I don't have any work and a room upstairs Plum [Music] full he ain't from T County I bet she's a walk away from CCC [Music] camp I'm looking for Mr will ask inside I don't work here thank you [Music] what are you doing just waiting here like you told me Aaron your folks are here hello Mr taty hi there Roxy Aon we're going to ride over to Eureka see Aunt Sally thought some of you all might want to ride by Toro with us I believe I'll just stay here I got my new seedlings just getting started yall come in Roxy W you and baby go on in maybe we'll do that there's your Grandpa over there there's your grandma yeah baby you look like a cat under a [Laughter] [Music] collard [Music] I well look who's here we're just waiting for your Daddy come here baby come here we're just waiting for your daddy went there was a wreck out at the crossroads last night and he had to stop by I have something important to tell you come on it's important come home I grew up playing in the backyard there so what happened to the coffin for the Mr mie doll we haven't played in those coffin since Raider tried to sail off the top did Daddy's going to have him hauled away I had copied the design for my Playhouse out of my Weekly Reader and then build it out of old coffins the main thing my friends at school wanted to know was had I ever seen anybody dead Callie and me finally saw a dead person we heard at school that this man had got burned up that they had him down here we pushed the door open real fast and there was this little thing lying up on the table like a long out of fireplace we went flying up to the front of the house and then we saw somebody sitting on the stairs watching us he wouldn't like the other Funeral Home boys he said you must be Mr Wheels girl I told him I was as little a girl Roxy is as big a girl he said if she's new prettier than you she must be real pretty I couldn't believe I was standing there talking to a grown man like that who you got in there will or fate Renfro you remember him poor old fell he got hit broadside with the freight train over here to Golden weed tear him up much oh yeah he looks bad I worked on him near all night that boy Jack came in and help me he's good with his hands you know he's cool about it too he was eating a bit of Honey bar 10 minutes after we quit you going to keep it oh I can't I I can't rather it'd be a natural you know real natural but you know I got too many boys working here now Z's right smart fell he he reminds me of somebody but I can't think who what the hell it's just rro giving you goodbye what's he doing sneaking up on me like that what's he doing over there oh you Shaggy headed Rascal B did you think you'd get back him G down there at the hotel that boy a Roxy I believe you could use dose of Mr Apple White scap you Dean you always look like you'd be afraid to say boo to a goose 2 weeks later in the middle of March the old hearse pulled up up our drive at first I thought it was Daddy coming to see me but it was Jack Ruffin I'm Jack Ruffin hey going draw what do you want I'm sorry I thought you knew I was coming out all I know is you're somebody I never seen before in my life well miss Walston if your husband didn't tell you I guess I will I've come to help out your daddy run the funeral home Mr will Stanton he's the one who sent me over here that was neb just dropped me off Mr will said you might be able to use some help out here that's right I sure could come on [Music] I had seen Jack Ruffin before he was with georgana in a [Music] dream [Music] Roxy I'm driving Jack back to town the St will be ready soon I'll be back soon [Music] well dinner's not fit to eat eat now don't worry about it got me a hot dog in town Jack Ruffin's coming out next Saturday why don't you kick us up at chicken stew chicken stew when did you get to know this Jack ruffing so good fixing the well we're going to check on it Saturday and he's bringing his guitar out we're going to pick a few songs well you hardly ever see a saw I didn't know you knew him well I didn't know him before this morning gave me this mandolin string had it right there in his suitcase he just gave it to me the wind was blowing hard the night Jack came for dinner and I couldn't help thinking about georgana superstitions you know every time something bad's happened to me in my life it's happened to me in the month of March it's like a big black cloud that just hangs [Music] there there's something in the Wind [Music] [Music] Aaron hey hey how are you real good so how you like North Carolina I like it well how many boys does Mr will have over there now too many must put stuff in that excuse me watch your fingers excuse me what's your baby's name it's Patty Estelle but everybody just calls her baby except eron's mother Estelle she calls her Estelle like every syllable is just nailed down excuse me this is good this is real good here here have some more hey ja he can you uh plan on coming out tonight yeah I just got me some new strings this morning listen neb wanted to come out if that's okay well uh I don't want to turn into a get together okay I'll see you [Music] tonight [Music] no I can't talk to you about this stuff you're a married man with a family to boot besides you don't want to hear about my date with AA I got news for you jack me and Ava Chisum went study in 8ighth grade is that so yeah it is in fact I'll never forget one Saturday afternoon AA and I were over at her sister's house I was sitting on the couch Ava had her head in my lap all of a sudden she shifts around she says Aaron your belt buckles hitting me in the head I said Ava I'm not wearing a belt her sister looked at me real embarrassed I don't think Ava knew what was going [Laughter] on so where' you say your parents are my parents are dead I'm sorry it's all right it was a long time time ago well I made you all pecan pie it we'll be up there in a minute come on baby let's go yeah hello hello Jack um eron's not here right now Prett hey Aon some weather huh yep how's this going to be this is perfect that's what this is this perfect to se you know how muddy the roads will be I I don't know why you don't just stay out here you just make yourself a bed in the spare room [Music] [Music] I guess it would be a lot easier if I was just staying out here I why don't you bring your clothes and things on out you know I could use the hell I know you could tell neb to bring my things out now and just not go back soon as it quits raining well plenty to do then Roxy why don't you clean out that shift robe in the spare room so Jack can put his things in it she's only got her sewing stuff in there [Music] now okay that [Music] in lower [Music] down [Music] might as well get on to bed early we're going to need this rest when it comes time to Prime soon as that sun ever comes back out it'll get to grow real [Music] fast it's quit raining come on in quit raining yeah sure did well I guess I'll get on back to town now I'll see you see you see you in the morning see you in the morning [Music] SP [Music] [Music] you want to pick a little tonight N I think we're going to go on the bed early you know where the keys are I mean if you need the truck to go in and see AA or anything like that you go ahead and use it [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] neb came by last night uhhuh need some help with a wreck out by Johnson Crossroads old preacher and his wife swerved in a ditch hurt pretty bad for [Applause] Roxy re says Daddy needs me to come over to help him start to fix that Back Fence horses got out again last night I got to get over there sorry I can't watch baby today well do you think you can take baby to Daddy's yeah I can do that come on pretty baby you're going to go see cie there you go baby want to go for a ride in that big black car that's where we're going why don't you get that hot hair cut off Roxy I thought you were halfway to Raleigh [Music] [Music] [Music] the I just want to say that I appreciate every one of y'all out here I have a real good feeling about the crop this year treat every leaf is special don't let the littlest Leaf burn up in the sun we got to [Music] eat [Music] Rox she got [Music] good [Music] [Music] come here here oh somebody come here here come back here oh Lord come here come here come back here come here Lord come here come here Lord come by here oh Lord come by here there you go Jack you don't get much sleep with this tobacco K do you can't afford it two years ago I lost my best Barn burn up you want me to stay down here tonight no I'll stay down here tonight you stay down here tomorrow night okay [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] honey you have to move a little faster you're moving like you sleepwalking oh boy R you've been fishing lately not much pass me some more those string beans [Music] days your got a whole on ready perfect time P perfect let's get back boys [Music] I think it's fixing to get real warm sa there sure is listen we got to get those mules first okay they're going to need some [Music] [Music] water [Music] [Music] okay [Music] e I think we got to get on over to hos Landing for that barbecue you know the only reason I didn't go sit up with him last night to help him cook that pig was that's my best Barn curing out there I just wanted to see it I just don't care a thing about going not go I don't see why I'm just not going feel like I'm in the way over there now Roxy you know my family thinks so much of you and they love to see baby Aaron there's something about the 4th of July that just tears my nerves all to pieces it's all those loud noises and firecrackers and all and those folks driving around in those fast pickup trucks drunk like it's just too hot everybody's crazy they're expecting us Roxy No Ex I can't hear you no well you do what you [Music] pleaseing [Music] long Lifeline long crooked double love love [Music] line I got you a present just wait a minute I got a baby I'm sure Di was about ready to fall just a second [Music] okay now mom mama that's good hey baby that's good and then you want to take a picture of me baby oh now we going to try a little trck right [Music] [Laughter] there who ready it's going to be some picture huh [Music] Jack help I'll get the [Music] truck I was cooking some peas and baby tomor where is she doctor you can take her home now okay keep her quiet and keep her in bed oh and if she should happen to wake up toight tonight you might rub her with some more of this I'll come out and uh check on her in the morning see how she's getting on are there going to be scars probably yes how's baby where's the cat at I hit it Aaron can't you take care of your own family let me take B Roxy something daddy wants me to talk to you about daddy mentioned something about Jack staying here it might be better he said we ought to get the first back at the market then give him some money and send him off I've already told him I told Jack that after the opening sale we'll be able to manage without him why don't you tell him too somebody at the church mentioned to the folks that it didn't look right with you and Jack staying in the same house talk to Jack about it Jack like a to like that to Jack I got to talk to you talk to you I got to talk to I love you Roxy you're prettier than any AA don't worry he's not coming down [Music] here I came down here to tell you jack you have to go I'm married I have a baby you could run off of me I'm married Jack did you talk to check [Music] yes how they been been a little low they'll pick up starting out of trouble Jack [Music] [Music] goddess hot dogs from the Greeks first day of Market 1937 I never thought I'd get a 10 ah I never thought I would I mean I mean she's worth it and all I just I never thought I'd get it they're having a dance down at rain rights this year I don't see why we can't go you get baby up early we can go on in take in the whole festival Jack can take care of things around here I'll see you tomorrow all [Music] right jack still had a pool for me and I thought then that maybe always would but I had to make a choice all I hoped was that Aaron and I could forget everything that had happened and start [Music] over did y all enjoy yourself last night oh the pageant was beautiful the whole family was there and it was just it was wonderful a nice Festival oh it sure was listen I need you to ride with me over to Daddy's I only to get that new truck I bought from him before we go down to Carolina beach you can drive it back here you're going to get stunned [Music] God damn it Roxy come on down back of the barn Aaron I want to show you something I killed down the other day I don't know what it is something strange something strange kind of animal Aaron baby's Aaron's not here put some clothes on baby we got to go go where don't ask me that just get your clothes put some things in your suitcase we got to go now get a [Music] blankets where's Aaron get in the [Music] car jack where is Aaron you don't really want to know Roxy just get in the car I'll tell you about it later [Music] got any room I just I need to go home do you see what's on my overalls you won't want to go home I can't keep it in any longer I hit him not too far from the hole I hit him with the hole Roxy the what hole the hole I dug I dug is okay Roxy hit him twice at the hole I dug the hole Roxy I dug the hole behind the bar had today while y'all were in town and I sat out there and I looked into it all day and all night and I called him out there and I hit him and I covered him [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] we better be leaving here Roxy I'll treat you right I'll say you'll be ready to go come on say kiss me now and say we've got to go got the bus tickets to Birmingham I know somebody we can stay with I don't know why don't know why I ever thought you'd go with me I'll come back for you as soon as I can [Music] [Music] we picked up Jack Ruffin when he was getting on the bus he told us where he buried your husband we called up to Tarboro some of your people went out there and they dug him up he made a full confession says you two planned it together you never saw those bloody overalls till yesterday no sir you sure about that yes sir you real sure yes I believe we going home now she'll be rained on Monday morning she's going to be a rain Roger I don't know how to say this to you Roxy but I want you to know a little about what it was like you know used that phone ring at all times of the night but this time it I just didn't know what to think I mean had be somebody crazy but it did finally get through to me and they were saying the sheriff in Georgia had called and then Aon was probably dead you and Jack were off somewhere I call Ruth to come to the phone try to make some sense out of it was she just as bad as me at first I told him I'd be right on out there they said it's no use of course I went I couldn't get the farm fast enough somehow I thought you might be there even though they said you were in Georgia when I got out there they had already gone right to the Grave sorry hole not anyway from the barn anybody could have found it anybody could have found that hole what was the matter with that boy Jack what could he been thinking of what was I thinking of you got to see him Roxy you got to make yourself look right at him [Music] oh Roxy you hold tied to that baby Roxy your miss or don't you [Music] worry your daddy wanted to buy you one but I told him I wanted to pick it out nearly everybody in the world's got some kind of secret but everybody doesn't get found out and have the pictures put in the paper we're going to do the best we can when you walk in there tomorrow you stand up straight and hold your shoulders [Music] back are you in love with Jack Ruffin why didn't you go to your husband's funeral you really know this guy Jack my wife Mrs W did you murder your answer the question understand BFF please read the confession I Stay home all day Saturday and Sunday while the won were gone I dug the grave on Saturday about 3:00 in the afternoon I used the shovel which I got from the walston's house I left the shovel at the hole I hit him in the back of the head with the shovel knocked him out the first leg he was lying down on his face when I hit him the second time I had been sleeping with her no use to say I love her and will die loving her I had intercourse with her from June in a way she knew I killed him in a way she didn't she wanted to run off with me but she couldn't because of her husband so I killed her husband now Mrs Walston would you tell the gentleman of the jury how you met and got to know Jack Ruffin he came out to help my husband with the well and then he started helping with a tobacco crop Aaron told him to come on and and move in Aaron would go down to the barn one night and Jack would go down the next I got up while Aaron was still sleeping and I went down to the barn and I got back before he woke up now miss Ruffin I'm going to ask you a little bit about those nights down in the barn I Mrs Walston but those nights down in the barn were your idea weren't they he asked me to come down there but they were your idea weren't they I wanted to go so you were in no way forced to go down into that Barn were you Mrs Ruffin I am Mrs Walston now please describe to the gentleman of the jury just what happened on the first occasion you had intercourse with him you heard the question ma'am please describe to the gentleman of the jury the first occasion on which you had intercourse with him my husband had gone off and it happened in the garden in the garden and the next time I don't know it might have been the next day and these relations did occur every day thereafter did they not sometimes I was sick but when your husband was gone and you weren't sick it happened every day didn't it please let the record reflect that the witness has nodded the answer yes for him for the state and for everybody else for God's sake don't turn him loose but a life sentence in prison would constitute a far more severe punishment than the death penalty whatever damn Nation comes out of this case she is the foundation for it now gentlemen you have heard the evidence after a comparatively short time this man was living in the house with more freedom than the woman's husband she has been unfaithful to her child unfaithful to her husband and unfaithful to her God not in the annals of the history of North Carolina have we had a murder of such brutality as to compare with this one gentlemen I want you to return a verdict of guilty I want you to send Jack Ruffin and Roxanna Walston to the gas chamber no wait she never did say she'd run off with me I pushed her into the car that night she didn't know what happened and when I finally told her she ran away from me and hid they said yesterday that I do not have a heart I do have a heart and there's grief in my heart at the bottom well hold her up here I'll get watch your head Ruth we have a verdict in the Walston murder case the jury went out at 11:25 and they were back at 12:05 they found Mrs roxan Walston not guilty of conspiracy to murder and and they found Mr Jack Ruffin guilty of murder in the first degree with no recommendation for Mercy ankers is fluttered as the judge in ton the death sentence I know Kate would be happy to have her that sounds just like something a man would say that's half her trouble now listening to Ghost Stories all her life and always doing something some man thought she ought to do how can she go to Virginia or anywhere else she needs to learn to do something first could you are your voice you know this was your mother's bed that's why I brought you in here there's no better medicine in this whole world than lying in your mama's bed it was our Mama's bed too I lay right here myself when I wasn't much older than you are talking to Mama when I was in that tourist camp in Georgia with him I didn't know how to say no can't go with you never said no to anybody in my life except for Aaron on the 4th of July different things happen to different people Roxy don't think you're the only one something bad ever happened to what really matters is how you behave after it's over and it is over daddy I'd like to go to the farm today you got to get your driving license sometime I'm going too then and I think you and me and Ruth ought to we ought to talk about you getting on a train heading up to Fredericksburg staying with a Kate for a while Daddy I know I won't stay in Tarboro for my whole life but right now my child needs her family she needs a stable [Music] home I'm going to stay right here and I'm going to write it out just the same as you and Ruth and our whole [Music] family [Music] I
Channel: GEM: Film Library
Views: 618,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Summer Heat, Drama, Michie Gleason, Lori Singer, Anthony Edwards, Bruce Abbott
Id: CQc_xn-KUC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 17sec (4577 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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