Flawless Prince in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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the flawless prints once upon a time in a land far away there lived a beautiful princess she lived in a big castle and had many servants to serve her but the princess was not happy for an enchanter had fallen in love with her the cruel enchanter wanted to possess the princess he disguised himself into a giant cat and followed the princess everywhere only a priest could break the curse it was learned that a prince would have to tread on the giant cat's tail and thus the princess will be freed not too far away lived a handsome prince he heard about the beautiful princess this is terrible the princess has to be freed ministers do not inform about my arrival to anyone it will only warn the cat I will tread on its tail while that enchanter is fast asleep and that's what happened as night fell the giant cat was fast asleep the Prince treaded on its tail and suddenly Oh dare you leave the princess this instant I command you I will free her but who will free you I curse your firstborn son he will be born with an enormous nose and he will not become the king unless he truly accepts it for your kingdom shall only have a truly for all his king this curse doesn't make any sense thought the prince my son would instantly realize that he has an enormous nose and a big nose isn't a flaw I shouldn't be worried about this that morning the princess was the happiest woman in the world the entire kingdom rejoiced for the cruel enchanter was gone the princess readily married the prince the prince was so happy for having married the beautiful princess that he completely forgot about the curse and he never told anybody about it years passed and the princess who is now the Queen gave birth to their first child Prince hyacinth was born while the king was away on business but the happiness didn't last long for the Queen couldn't survive the kingdom hadn't recovered from their loss when another bad news hit the gate ship had drowned in the sea Prince highest him was now their only heir to the throne but there was something amiss about the prince oh my is is that a normal nose half of his face is covered her oh don't say that he's our future king we will have to make sure that we never mentioned his big nose there must not be any reason for our princes embarrassment it's our duty to conceal it and never let him feel it and so the ministers and courtiers decided to conceal the biggest flaw on the princes face every photo of men with regular noses was removed from the castle every servant Butler caretaker were warned no one was supposed to even mention the big nose everyone was to praise the prince and his enormous nose at school the teachers went as far as altering history they showed only those warriors who have large noses everyone laughed at those who had regularly thing they could they even asked some of the handsome men of the kingdom too where artificial big noses every time they entered the palace the prince grew up admiring and feeling proud of his big nose the flaw was concealed my mighty prince time has come for your coronation but you are well aware of the rules you will have to get married to truly inherit the throne I understand Minister I've been meaning to ask the king of best fart for the hand of his daughter she indeed is the most beautiful princess she does have a spore nose but I have a big heart I shall accept her flaw that's very well her handsome one I shall quickly make the arrangements the courtiers and ministers were so used to lying about the princes nose they had forgotten to inform the king of best fort about the flaw the King agreed for the marriage but then whom a prince I mighty Prince the princess of beds fort has been captivated there is news that a curse has been out on her she is held hostage in a Crystal Palace des forces on the lookout for her right now watch who dared do this to her prepare the army I myself will set out to find my profession man so the prince set off with his men as they were in the middle of a desert a sandstorm separated the prince from his men when he woke up he found himself on a strange land he walked and walked but couldn't find anybody ah I'm hungry very very thirsty what do I do now oh wait is that a house madam I lost my way can I get some water to drink and food to eat oh of course you look tired come on in' wait it's not your nose that is so enormous mind you I have never seen such a big nose on any living or dead man what she suddenly started talking so much and my nose isn't enormous her nose is so tiny but I am hungry and I must not argue with her can I have something to eat no of course you must be very thirsty too didn't you say you are thirsty I should ask my men to serve you some water anyway water is extremely vital for our bodies you know I am sorry but your nose is too distracting has it always been this big why are you still waiting outside you look tired don't you want to come in I really do when I presume you want to talk about my nose rather than invite a thirsty hungry guest inside your house oh you talk too much ramen hey talk too much Oh God only because I am hungry as the prince entered the hut he was surprised the hut was decorated with the best of antiques it looked so rich the prince was taken aback is this your house it is nothing less than a palace who are you oh I was hope so I built one for myself you see I was the queen of a faraway land a few years back I lost my way as we set out for hunting luckily I had my jewels and a handful of my men along with me it's a funny story really I didn't realize when I took the wrong turn and went deeper into the woods when I came out I saw this place I was telling my men a story then story of a king and a giant enormous cat but mind you the cat was nothing compared to your nose how is she ever going to stop up out my nose she lost her way while she was chattering with her servants hasn't she realized that her flaw of talking too much has brought her here do you want to hear about the prints of the giant cat all right now that you insist so this cat really an enchanter who cursed the prince when he dreaded on his tail oh I understand now the servants are taught to ignore the Queen's flaw she talks too much but they are told to never mention it how silly how could someone not see their own flaws are you listening to me how is it that your nose never bothers you now that the prince wasn't hungry anymore he couldn't take it Adam I request you to stop mentioning my nose it is such a rude did I mention that you chatter like a parrot or that you have an awfully small Oh my nose makes me handsome I am proud of it thank you for the food I shall leave to find my princess I presume you have no mirror you're mighty Palace and even if you do find your princess in the Crystal Palace how will you break the curse by kissing her hand well jaw handsome nose come in the way I bet you cannot see your own feet with that enormous thing on your face Oh respectable Prince I will not indulge in petty arguments with you I will leave this instant it's a strange she is right I can't see my feet this must be normal for many mighty kings and queens what was she no he didn't even realize that she gave me a way to break the curse on his blade the prince came across a market many people passing by pointed at the princes nose and giggled everybody strange but doubt had started to make its way in the princes mind everyone had tiny noses but nobody looked ugly with it as he reached the Crystal Palace he called out to the princess prancer's it's me Prince hyacinth I have come to rescue you we can talk about your tiny nose later let me break the curse the Prince climbed the castle and took the princess's hand as he was about to kiss her he realized his lips can't touch the princess his hand [Music] I am sorry princess I can't break the curse I never realize this before my nose is indeed enormous my whole kingdom made me feel perfect with this nose but it is a flaw and I have to live with it wait.you you are the same old woman who wouldn't stop about my nose how did you reach here where are your servants I am NOT a queen my prince I had to disguise myself to make you see the flaw in yourself your kingdom was cursed by an enchanter you were to truly accept your flow to become the king and now you have broken the curse haven't you seen your nose my prince my my nose oh it's a regular-size now so I don't have any flaws now no my child we all have flaws you didn't break the curse by shrinking your nose self-love is indeed important but too much of it keeps us from knowing our own defects we achieve what we truly want only when we identify our flaws just like how you found your princess and broke the curse by realizing your flaw only when we see our own flaws we become flawless in true sense the prince and princess went back to their Kingdom and got married the kingdom now had a truly flawless King [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 1,014,438
Rating: 4.42208 out of 5
Keywords: Flawless Prince in English, English Fairy Tales, bedtime stories, english story, bedtime story, fairy tales in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, flawless prince, bed time stories, bed time story, english fairy tales stories, the flawless princess, fairy tale english, english tales, english fairytales, fairy tale in english, flawless princess, fairy tales stories in english, bedtime stories in english, princess story in english, Story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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