The Golden Plate Story in English | Bedtime Stories | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] once upon a time in a place called Siri there came two salesmen of pots and pans and handmade trinkets since they both had the same items to sell they wondered how they can both sell it in the same village and earn well Oh sundar how can we sell the same item to the same person if they buy from you why will they buy it from me again man if I may interrupt I have an idea why don't both of you divide this town in half you take your things to sell in one half and you'll take the other once each one of you is done with an area the other can go in price selling his items there too that's a brilliant idea thank you so much for helping us thus Mahesh and sundar began on their separate routes and started calling out to the villagers pots and pans pots and pans take your trinkets and shine with them not far away a little girl listened to the salesman screaming she hurried inside to call her grandmother out someone is selling shiny trinkets I want a bracelet please buy me one Oh tired I wish I could but we don't have any money how will we buy it [Music] we play to buy the bracelet oh oh this thing this is covered in black foot who will trade this for a bracelet oh let's try grand Maps okay we can try soon mahesh approached the little girl's house mahesh saw the little girls torn clothes and at once decided to ignore her don't waste my time little girl you can't buy this but you have to tell me the price first don't you okay it's for coins give me it and buy your bracelet for queens we are so sorry we don't have money to give you but if you come inside I can offer you something to trade for her fine but make it quick I have to go and sell these things to those who have money to buy them the house was in a terrible condition the walls were falling apart the roof was patched to cover holes and there were mice all over the place what they are so poor what on earth can they offer me the mice saya I only have this sooty plate to offer you my granddaughter really wants a bracelet please accept this there's black ugly thing how deep is it covered in black ash let me rub it I hope it's at least copper as Mahesh rubs the plate the ass came off and a little part of the plate started to shine it was a golden plate what happened is something wrong can you buy this mahesh was a greedy man he thought to himself this is pure gold this must be worth hundreds and thousands I should go quietly and come back later they will be convinced that this plate was worthless and will give it to me even for free oh I was just wondering how could you offer this useless plate to me this is not worth anything there's no value in this I don't want it oh please don't say this it will break my granddaughter's heart can't you find a way to give us one bracelet one bracelet I can't give you even half a bracelet for this useless thing you've wasted enough of my time I will leave now I don't as much disappeared in the market sundar came to the same place to try his luck in trinkets hello little girl what you want to buy something I don't have money to buy anything from you whoa you must have something don't be sad let's do one thing you tell me what you have and I will try to trade do you [Music] okay I want a bracelet but I don't want it for free my I can all plate that I can give you what you want to have a look at it haha of course how else will we deal I don't know if it would it be of any use but here it is sundar knew that the plate was not worth much but he was a generous and honest man he didn't want to break the little girl's heart he had already made up his mind to trade the old plate for a bracelet to make the trade look real he decided to examine the plate first okay let me try and rub the black ass [Music] this is the golden plate this this is worth more than everything I have it's worth thousands I don't have enough to buy this oh really I am an old lady I don't understand money you seem to be honest and kind why don't you take this and give my granddaughter a bracelet a bracelet you can have more than a thousand bracelets wait a minute I can give you every pot pen trinket and every last coin I have in return for this plate but please let me keep eight coins to be able to cross the river and my balancing scale with its cover to put the golden plate in the old lady was very happy she now had many earthen pots and pans and her granddaughter had many shiny trinkets they happily waved goodbye to sundar sundar was also very happy to have found the golden plate he knew his life was about to change for good not far behind was Mahesh who also thought the same but little did he know that his dreams were long gone go gold I'm going to be rich I am sure the old lady has by now given up all hope she will readily give me the golden plate for free this is real salesmanship I know you would be waiting for me outside okay I've changed my mind I can't see a little girl like you said I will buy your golden I mean that black ugly plating but I can't give you your bracelet let me think thinking what mister we don't need anything from you we already sold our golden plate to a wise and honest salesman what where oh whoa you are rude and now you are late too he gave us everything he had except eight coins and his balancing skills he must have already crossed the river by now what but the little girl was right Mahesh indeed was late sundar had already crossed the river Mahesh exploded with rage and started jumping up and down waving his hands in the air he was filled with hatred for sundar he was screaming but sundar was far ahead he could not hear a word come back at once that's my money ah that's Mahesh he is jumping with excitement he is waving at me maybe he knows about what happened look how happy he is for me hey thank you I am happy too goodbye now [Music] sundar was gone and Mahesh was there on the ground regretting his actions if only he had not been greedy the golden plate would have been with him remember honesty is the best policy [Music] you [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 1,050,239
Rating: 4.6604977 out of 5
Keywords: English Fairy Tales, story, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, bedtime story, story english, stories, english, english fairy tales stories, kids story in english, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english, bedtime stories for kids, english tales, story for kids in english, The Golden Plate Story in English
Id: OXYoA2iHcLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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