The GOJO CLAN Full History EXPLAINED! | Jujutsu Kaisen

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in Jiu Jitsu Kai is in the Gojo Clan has a long history that goes back over a thousand years but despite that satirogoji was the only one who gets any screen time because of this it's easy to forget that the rest of his family even exists which is why today I'll be explaining literally everything there is to know about them starting off a thousand years ago the origin of the Gojo Clan can be traced back to a guy called mitchizane suguara according to Panda michizani was a big shot Jiu Jitsu sorcerer during the hayen era which is the Golden Age where Sorcerers and curses were stronger than at any other point in history to be a big shot in those days means that michizani must have been unbelievably powerful and in jjk volume 0 we got the reveal that both Gojo's family and yusu's family are his descendants this helps to explain why they each have nearly unlimited amounts of cursed energy since their ancestor is generally one of the best Sorcerers of all time what makes this even crazier is that michizani suguara was a real person who actually existed and the story of his death ties in nicely to born in the year 845 michizani was acknowledged as a child genius who could read and write classical poetry by his mid-20s he easily passed the exams to become a government official where he rose through the ranks faster than a normal person would thanks to his many talents he earned the respect of Japan's Emperor UDA who rapidly promoted michizana into important jobs including ambassador to China however many of the other Nobles felt threatened by his success and so in the 10th Century they falsely accused him of treason by this point Emperor UDA had retired and was replaced by his son who was more than willing to banish mishizani from the capital over the next two years he then went through hell before dying in the year 903 and after his death this is when strange things began to happen for example one of the Nobles who'd falsely accused him was struck by lightning and killed while another one suddenly died of illness on top of that the politician who replaced michizani passed away after falling in a swamp and the Emperor who banished him lost his son and Grandson within a short period of time in fact on historical records the cause of death for the emperor's son was implied to be the curse of michizani as they believed that his vengeful Spirit was behind all the chaos this is what brings us back to jjk where we know that humans can turn into curses after death depending on the circumstance in michizani's case he had unfinished business with the Nobles who framed him and since he wasn't killed with cursed energy his soul was able to return as a special grade vengeful spirit in this form he became feared for causing natural disasters like floods and earthquakes but his most well-known attack was lightning on more than one occasion lightning struck different people who'd betrayed him and for that reason it's my personal theory that when michizani was alive he had fully mastered the Limitless curse technique season 1 of Jutsu Kaizen hinted that lightning can be a natural byproduct of hollow purple and so if a sorcerer is skilled enough they might be able to harness that lightning as an extension technique an extension technique is when someone creatively uses their power in a way that deviates from its normal purpose with one example being how Megami created flying toads and another example being how nobra created those cursed energy grenades out of the nails given that michizani is a legendary sorcerer with 30 years more experience than Gojo currently has I say there's a decent chance that lightning could be one of many extension techniques that he derived from the Limitless if this theory is correct then it would also mean that michizani had the sick size which is a quirk that enables you to see cursed energy on a microscopic level throughout history only people from Gojo's bloodline have had this mutation and according to the author the six size is mandatory if you're using Limitless therefore as Gojo's most famous and possibly most powerful ancestor we can't ignore the possibility that they had the same curse technique and if they did the michizani would have had the six eyes as well now moving on to roughly a century after his death this is when a new six side from the Gojo family appeared before we get into it though I should warn you that from this moment we will be talking about spoilers from the manga so if you don't want to know anything after season two then now is the time to hit that sub button and check out a different video on the channel for everyone else the first place we need to look is chapter 145 where we got some important information about tengen in case you don't know tangin is the immortal sorcerer who's been alive since before the hay and era even began and she claimed that her Destiny is directly connected to Sorcerers who have the sex eyes to explain why we need to understand her immortality curse technique which is an ability that prevents her from dying but still allows her to get old after 500 years of Aging her body began to evolve into something inhuman and so to stop that Evolution from happening she reset her body by absorbing another person the person she absorbed was referred to as the star plasma vessel and throughout the timeline there have been at least three different star plasma vessels who were chosen to merge with tengen if we do the math the most recent merger was supposed to happen in 2006 meaning the merge before that must have happened in the early 1500s and the one before that was around the year 1000. this is where the six eyes comes in because during that very first merger around the year 1000 it was the six size who saved the star plasma vessels live the reason he had to do this is because at the time there was a mad scientist sorcerer called kenjaku who desperately wanted to see what would happen if tengan evolved as a result he tried to get rid of the star plasma vessel but chapter 145 confirmed that kendraku was beaten by the sex size which allowed the first merger to take place what's amazing though is that even though he was beaten he somehow managed to avoid being killed by the Limitless this gave kunjaku the time he needed to rethink his plan and for the next 500 years he waited until tengan had to merge for the second time as a quick side note konjoku is not Immortal but he has the ability to artificially extend his life thanks to his curse technique which lets him take over people's bodies anyway like I was saying around the early 1500s Tangen had gotten so old that she needed to do another merger but kunjaku had been plotting to make sure it wouldn't happen on the this occasion he didn't want to take any chances and so he somehow infiltrated the Gojo family and killed the six eyes less than one month after they were born he did this to guarantee that they would never grow up to defeat him in the future and then he took things a step further when he eliminated the baby star plasma vessel by doing all of this it meant that when the day of tengen's evolution arrived there should have been nothing and no one who would have stopped it however almost like a miracle on the day a new six size in New Star plasma vessel showed up defeating kinjaku once again and enabling the merger to happen based on the way tangin described these events my guess is that following the death of the original baby sex size a second six eyes was born shortly after which the goja family kept a secret normally this level of secretiveness isn't something they do but considering how the first baby was assassinated it makes sense why they'd use every trick imaginable to keep this next one under the radar if this is the case it had perfectly explain why kinjaku never knew that a new six size was around because no one would have expected that another one would be born so soon remember in the present day Saturday was the first six eyes to appear in over a hundred years so clearly they don't show up very often the fact that two would appear back to back is a miracle like I said and it's why tengen believes that she's connected by Fate to the sixth size and the star plasma vessel now moving on to the early 1600s this was the beginning of the Edo period in Japan which is an era that lasted for over 250 years during this time the gojos had at least one more sorcerer who inherited the Limitless curse technique and the story of his death is pretty interesting in a recent interview it was revealed that if someone has the Limitless and sex eyes then they automatically become the head of the Gojo Clan and it was implied in the manga that the Zenith are the same and that they choose their leader purely based on who has the 10 Shadows back in the Edo period this was the case in that both heads of the family had those curse techniques and for some reason or the other they got into a fight in front of the other Nobles the argument then ended up descending into a death match and based on the hint that we got in chapter 117 to me it sounds like the leader of the Zenon realized he was going to lose and so he decided to at least make sure that the head of the Gojo clown would die with him that's why he used the 10 Shadows to summon maharaga which is of course the one chikagami that knows Xenon has been able to control because it has the ability to adapt to literally anything the only way maharaga can be beaten is if he quickly destroy it with an attack that it's never seen in that sense the head of the Gojo Clan had a chance of survival if he'd immediately use something like Hollow purple but sadly for him he just wasn't able to get the win as a result both Clan heads were killed in front of everyone and ever since then the Gojo and Zenon families have hated each other this Mutual hatred is something that's persevered all the way up until the modern day and we see this with an albito Zenon who was the head of the zening clan as in chapter 106 he didn't even care that Gojo was sealed and he was kind of interested to see how the Gojo clown would decline in the wake of their you know their leader disappearing speaking of the modern day is now finally time to talk about the currency size and the remaining members of his family in 1989 the birth of satorogo changed the entire Jiu Jitsu world with his existence forcing many curse users to go into hiding at the same time his curse energy was so overwhelming that her spirits began to get stronger in response which is partly why special gray Spirits now appear way more frequently than they used to according to the author as a child Saturday was treated like a king by the rest of the Gojo Clan but even at that young age there were outside forces who wanted to kill him chapter 96 showed us that there was a bounty of over a hundred k for any assassin who could terminate kid Gojo but obviously that didn't end up happening then when Saturday was 16 tengan was on the verge of evolution and so she desperately needed to merge with a new star plasma vessel the name of that new vessel was riko Amani and Gojo's job was to defend her from any threats just like his ancestors had done in the past ultimately though he did fail in that mission with Rico being murdered by toji fushiguro who was a an assassin without any cursed energy toji was hired to kill the gull by a wealthy religious organization and it was explicitly confirmed in the manga that kanjaku was secretly behind it rather than trying to kill the star plasma vessel himself kendraku instead pulled the strings of this religious organization which is why in this scene it's revealed that the guy who told you thought was the boss isn't actually the one in charge following on from that with the star plasma vessel being dead tengum was forced to evolve and she gradually morphed into this creature that was more of a curse Spirit than a human this was good news for kanjaku because about a decade later he stole the body of sugru gato and in the process gained the ability to manipulate curse Spirits with this power the villain had everything he needed to manipulate and experiment with tengan even more but before he could get to that he wanted to get rid of satiro as we know kanjaku has a terrible track record when it comes to facing off against the sex eyes and in chapter 222 he just straight up admits that he'd die if he fought against Gojo that's why instead of a fight he decided to trap Row in the prison realm which was a genius idea for one reason in this series only one living person is allowed to have the six eyes at any given time so by trapping him in the prison realm forever a new six size would never be born again in that way kinjaku had learned from his mistakes 500 years earlier and he was trying to guarantee that he'd never have to deal with this similar situation where a music size appears after he's already killed one regardless after sasero was sealed this is when we learn a little bit more about his relatives in the present day in chapter 148 it was mentioned that there are people inside the Zenon Clan who want to improve their relationship with the Gojo Clan proving that even with satro being gone there are still living members who were active in the Gojo family later on the Zenon Clan is then basically wiped out with the exception of Maki and Megami and when this happened the gojos made a formal request that the zenings be removed from the Big Three Families what makes this funny is that at the time the Gojo clown was incredibly weak themselves with their leader being trapped inside the prison Realm during the Shibuya Arc the family were described as literally being a one-man team so you think that when that man is out of the picture they'd be a tiny bit more humble one last thing to mention is that when Saturday was a kid his relatives taught him how to use falling Blossom emotion which is a special anti-domain technique that's only known by Sorcerers in the big three Clans anyhow if you made it this far then thank you for watching and don't forget to check out my other video where I explained all the different curse techniques in the Zenon Clan also I'd appreciate if you liked and share this video if you liked it and until the next one peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 596,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, zenin clan, JJK, jujutsu kaisen season 2, megumi fushiguro, ten shadows technique, cursed energy, cursed technique, projection sorcery, naoya, naobito zenin, naoya zenin, maki, mahoraga, megumi mahoraga, ranta zenin, jjk season 2, maki zenin clan, jinichi zenin, turtle quirk, zenin, mai zenin, construction cursed technique, inumaki, cursed speech, max elephant, noritoshi kamo, demon dogs, great serpent, rabbit escape, sukuna
Id: YoSTo0hpKXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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