John Cena New Released Hollywood Action Movie | Vin Diesel,John Cena Hollywood Action English Movie

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Danny you're not feeding the dog are you no I'm looking for my badge they give you two things when you're a cop a gun and a badge I have one can't find my badge it's on the thingy thing the thing I was just over by the thing it's not there sure you remember our plan you're going to stay strong I'm going to give you food all right just don't tell Mom I gave you that all right Daniel Fisher trying to build the world's most dominant pug he's going through a bulking face look at him that is bad come here I'll show you the thingy buy the thing I just buy the thing it's not the thingy this is the thing yeah I didn't know you meant that thing of course not see here you know I still got like 10 minutes yeah only takes you two honey come on I think it's a strong too go to work be safe okay go love you shorty hey Hank hey oh [ __ ] I am definitely not smarter than a fifth grader hey man what's going on so you uh you got to get permission from the old lady and the dog now to come to work just the dog hey homework FBI is tracking Sky through the quarter they need some hand hold coming out of the hotel Target matches four out of five points Gator on Royal 200 block all available agent scramble we need a clear lock get audio in place moving tor I'm 50 y back come on people I can't afford to lose this guy again I'm in position Target heading towards me clear shot hold position sir the locals need shut up show me that Irish bastard confirmed all teams we have a positive ID on Miles Jackson you want to see the face of the devil there it is brought down trans Atlantic flight 212 bombed the American Embassy in Frankfurt the man decapitated his own brother for blowing a deal in Tangers it's game day people let's go got him he's got his cell phone out now sir he's making the call hey open up Samuel's feet it's an incoming call Sir still encrypted 15 minutes the abandon war from permission way miles is bringing the weapons and we're making the exchange I got three T cameras including the haror cran I need team one to get me set up inside Samuel remember I deal you ever want to see your brother again you do as I say when I say it we get mild we get the weapons you and Joshua get your freedom C CL now we dance hey hey hang on let's see he takes your Bishop Knight to C4 Pawn to A7 Rook to block he takes your queen it's all over but the C try uh Pawn to A6 it's better he's heading east healing a cab six has video on them 100 y back send NPD the new pick on Miles have them established a 10 block perimeter around the warf sir should you call the director no this is the first time the miles has been out in the open in two years the director has no idea you're about to cut a deal there is no deal we use Samuel and Joshua to get to miles we bring them all down nobody's going anywhere right this time he's not getting away from [Music] me just give me the scoop man so you going to pop the question or what he I'm just saying you know you move in with the lady of the ring usually comes next bro it's been 2 weeks and yeah you've lived with like 14 different girls well yes I did but I'm sexier than you I mean a freakishly large man such as yourself it's going to keep a fine woman like Molly you're going to have to put her in cuffs [Music] ETA 2 minutes cameras are up inside the w [Music] punctual sound I like that that audio down reading 5x five okay we're in first position all teams on my Mark we get miles to lead us to the location of the guns we proceed with extract okay so let how this Rodeo is going to work you give me the briefcase I give you the PDA with the coordinates to the weapons so very simple no I can't do this don't you do this you son of a [ __ ] I can't do what I set you up the FBI knows you're here they're watching us right now they they know you're here and now I'm never going to see my brother again half an hour Lake Pon train Causeway you bring me my brother I'll bring you miles that is of course if he makes it that [Applause] long holy [ __ ] hey let's move get me an out feet give me the outside feet got it [Music] sir we need to stop them before they get to the bridge hey give me a 20 on Josh Samuel's going to try to get his brother make a deal right pick up the phone the FBI told us exactly where they were positioned go around okay you all right it's going to bruise like a [ __ ] sh lucky I didn't aim any lower man it's just like those pansy ass feds I mean they call us we jump right away we call them cities under 7 ft of water hey five days take it easy those guys skin my ass Danny they really do look at this guy arms trafficking Espionage murder hell he even sold two dirty bombs in Paris last year interpole says he's got two more on the market like the city needs more to deal with I me really why can't they take that crap someplace else Kansas Iowa Helsinki all units were black FBI requests assistance sending Target information eight male suspects three vehicles heading to lake ponan cway sounds like the feds dropped the ball again [Music] surprised someone broke into the safe house they took Joshua and killed our agents he did it again how do you want to proceed with the Convoy well take him take him I threw in an extra 5% for treating my brother and I so well was it any trouble getting him out for me n for the two guards I had to kill maybe and he's waiting at the Airfield yeah he's there right now I to give him a call you know what the funny thing is um if I had have found out the FBI was holding your brother as a bargaining chip to catch me you'd have gone along with this whole double cross without so much as a consideration and I'd be out of my hard earned cash the FBI would probably have me in custody and you and your douchebag brother would be holding hands somewhere in the south of France yeah hello I'm sorry Joshua can't come to the phone right now but thanks for the ride [Music] old this trick in the book Sam turn their heads with one hand quietly slip out the back with the other later [Music] right on time baby aren't I [Music] always show me I can finally afford that pony you've always want it I'll drive FBI update suspect's in custody but mil Jackson is still at large looking for gra van Louisiana plates alphaf November 803 standby Unit 14 on route for lower 9 uh my bad I didn't even see that guy turn around turn what are you talking about Danny we're black we got to get over there we got to stop that car that's the girl the girl in the car Jesus all right [Applause] head 51 p over Le come on Danny you heard dispatch we're looking for an Irish dude in a gray van you think this is a good idea just ask her the questions such a waste of time license and registration ma'am evening officer but uh what seems to be the problem evening license and registration please yeah of course hope I'm not in any sort of trouble how does everything look oh outstanding but tell me what's it pretty lat to like you do and driving all by herself through a neighborhood like this sometimes I like to be alone sometimes they don't uh give me a second yeah no problem here thank you man thank you listen here's my card you know for those times when you don't how going to open the trunk I'm working my [ __ ] over here what you doing ask her I'm going to need you to pop your trunk sh this just got interesting I got this 103 Officer Down you all right man oh oh he shot me in my ass in your ass keep pressure on it 3 minutes the EMS oh Danny I know that look you wait for backup don't be a Cowboy Danny there's one on foot left or right I don't know baby you watch that side I'll watch this side got it on foot par du suspects in a gold BMW there he is [Applause] where do we go miles what do we do left on St CLA right on M Mar we cross the bridge we get on the jet we never see the New Orleans Police Department again I [Music] promise police buisiness [Music] okay keep going this guy is really starting to annoy me come on you got him go you see him [Music] move [Music] [Applause] Dam officer fiser still on foot pursuit subjects headed towards the marina it's like two blocks to the bridge Home Free [Music] [Music] freeze hands in the air now my no run whoa whoa whoa stay in the vehicle stay in the vehicle Hands Up Now who are you on the ground what's your name officer Fisher I'll remember you on the ground [Music] I'm trying to figure out what's worse man you're shooting at this table or you shooting at the range oh he's got chokes huh I'll take those Jess hey m m this might be a little strange but Danny here who wants to know if we get D sexy really oh yeah inquire I got know don't worry about him darling you're safe we had him Ned he sa he work get animal change hey a toast right to my partner one year ago tomorrow we made detective yeah and all C of my outstanding police work man okay all right maybe it had something to do with the fact that you captured an international arms dealer hey but seriously bro I mean from Patrols in the lower n to this that never bother you what what the mandated pay raise the flashy new badge benefits of being a minor celebrity hell no you just never think about what would happen if we stay putting call for back up that night like you were supposed to uh aside from the fact that I wouldn't have a bullet hole in my ass cheek yeah besides that yeah no Danny not at all you know what neither should you just saying girl dies that night and we get promoted I get a cup that's it I got to oh come on let fell this night out one more one more we' had like six one I got to go home why because that beautiful woman that annoying dog no they're waiting for me all right I can't argue with that all right good luck oh come on son I don't need luck this ain't about luck you got to be kidding me this is not a big deal okay two Ines of water on the floor look at Shorty I know Phil's going to be here in a few minutes that's all I need to put another one of that guy kids through college this is not a big deal this is our home yeah and apparently our home is made of durable paper mâché stop look I have to go to the hospital I'm doing another night shift I'm putting you and shorty in charge fantastic we're [ __ ] start sleeping in the guest room there's leftover pork chops make sure you feed feel when he's done saving our house love you guys dude didn't I tell you two months ago that you had to replace the stop valve what stop valve look I told you it had a crack said you take care of it yourself save a little cash it's been all afternoon underneath that sink I was going to get to it when two months ago that's one I just bought the new car I was trying to save some cash I can't handle this I I'm going to be late Molly Danny what look I need a little help here okay first it was the gas bill and then the air conditioning and now the sink I mean I love you I just I need to know that I can trust you with these things that's all okay I'm sorry there to go Molly wait I'll see you in the morning okay dude sorry I didn't mean to make a Ruckus but the plumers got a plum you want a little advice the ones that go underneath the sink those are the ones that you don't want to have walk away you calling me say hello chat about the weather see if you fancy a quick bite yeah prison food tastes like [ __ ] yes it does one of the many reasons that I left I put you there miles I'm pretty sure I'd know if you were up by now really Donny well I'm sorry to tell you but I think you might have been left out of the loop on this one okay so where are you close enough to smell Molly in the shower while you were taking your little nap it's a real shame about the plumbing cuz I was really starting to enjoy the show Danny where you going I don't know where you are or what you're doing you come anywhere near me and Molly I swear to God Danny please shut up you killed the love of my life that was an accident miles oh and poor Phil he was really looking forward to those pork chops Bill Bill get out of the house I see that was an accident okay you listen very carefully to me Danny it's our anniversary one year ago today whether by dumb look or uncompromising skill you bested me and as such today we are going to have our rematch I just took round one the last time we met you took from me what can never ever be replaced and for that I am going to take from you now I just wonder do you think Molly is going to be able to trust me miles miles keep them safe [Music] excuse me can I just use your phone I need to call my doctor yeah of course [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] f [Music] Molly police out of the car what out of the car come on okay [Applause] hey watch it [Applause] [Music] that's great holl at your boy he call do haveall the Thomas Jefferson Ferry oh wa W what's going on Danny slow down miles Jackson he broke out of prison I don't know how but if we don't stop that fair in the next 30 seconds I'll Never See Molly again all right all right dot I'm on it [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you so much sorry to [Music] Molly Molly pick up whoa whoa detective Danny Fisher secure this area [Applause] Now ladies and gentlemen hold it stop for a minute hey where is she she's gone she just gets on the ferry and she's gone hey hey calm down calm down maybe she's just on the street car on the way to the hospital no no no no you don't understand he said I took from him we could never be replaced he's going to kill her Danny Danny that's not going to happen Okay we're going to find her we're going to get her back oh come on back up pick up Molly Porter's phone let me talk to her how do you know she's not dead already I'm just teasing Denny come on come on where's your sense of humor yeah say hello to your boyfriend daddy please we're in a silver Molly Molly where are you that one was for free the rest you'll have to earn I'm going to find you I'm going to hunt you down and I'm going to kill you well you know what I look forward to that than it's a game what you like games don't you mouse trap Monopoly naked twister this one's called 12 rounds round one to keep her alive you do exactly what I say when I say it if you're still standing after all 12 rounds well then you'll have won her back You' to be kidding me you can't expect me to believe that you're going to keep you you'll believe what I tell you to believe Danny I don't think you've got much Choice okay round three in 15 minutes I will be calling a particular cell phone in the city why don't you return to where we first met see if you can pick up my scent once again okay uh Molly said she was in a silver van okay they can't be more than six blocks from here put out an APB see if we get a trace on Molly so okay [Applause] I don't see anything don't know maybe we're in the wrong place no this is where we stopped the car this is where it started and this is where he shot me in the ass but I don't see anything how much time uh we got 10 minutes I definitely think we're in the wrong place Danny oh wait I could be wrong that's that's not from Katrina that's today's date you're right that's a code uh got we got degrees and we got clocks yeah those aren't real clocks though there's there's no hours uh countdown no no no this just uh 2° two clocks degrees minutes seconds longitude and latitude that's a location that's where we're going to find the phone come on longitude and latitude how the hell you know about this stuff Danny eighth grade geography brother let's go okay read them back to me no no no no 29° 57 minutes 3 seconds got it 317 deor 317 deor yeah that's my brother's Firehouse oh hey bro doing all day ping pong turning want don't you come on down you at the station why are you shouting get everybody out there may be a bomb in the house I'll be there in 2 minutes [Applause] I need a computer's patch I need a full phone bank everybody out yeah D you really think this guy put a bomb in the firehouse this guy blew up my house he took Molly I have no idea what he's going to do next 15 seconds all right he said he was going to call a cell phone a particular cell phone here everybody cell phone's out 5 4 3 2 1 you hear that it's right there it's right there can I help you hey J give me a second hello look at that Danny right on time you just turned yourself extra minutes on the next task I speak of the devil there's the bell for round four there's a fire in the OR lean Savings and Loan in the memory chip of the phone you're holding are the numbers of two security deposit boxes located on the 10th floor to win simply grab those boxes by 555 exactly or there's going to be an early knockout you got to be [ __ ] me uh uh n of time I'm just going to come in yeah I'll be right there hey hey up tell is up on your phone they just think they found the van that Miles used to take Molly I'm going to go back and set up a war room all right you okay hey hey hey Focus Molly needs you to focus all right we got to do this you got to help me find her when have I ever let you down before huh all right all right go get this [Applause] detective Fisher yeah Ray Santiago FBI this is inspector George aen we understand that Miles Jackson's resurface in the area what' you just say miles Jackson we heard he tried to contact yeah yeah yeah guy breaks out of prison FBI knows about it nobody tells me you understand that you're upset with none of your business now you keep on crying about what you did and didn't know or you could tell us everything that happened this morning since you woke up L is if you want your girl back Danny catch a ride your best chance Danny tell us what we want to know I'll tell you what you want to know better talk as fast as they drive [Applause] was a prison break in Florida 2 weeks ago miles and the inmates took the guards killed the warden and demanded 30 cars to drive out of the prison and you gave them to him wasn't exactly our choice Danny the bureau gave them cars with kill switches and remote door locks the inmates get three blocks away from the yard National Guard comes in puts everyone back in their cells everyone accept mods would you please just shut up you're killing me with the whining you have no idea what you're up against do you I mean I know you arrested him but you still don't know the fact miles Jackson has your girlfriend that interests me very little the fact that he's done something that he never does the fact that he's shown himself in the city that interests me quite a bit more you want to catch miles that's fine I want to keep Molly alive and I know what I got to do stay the hell out of my way guess he didn't hear me about the whining sir this is exactly what miles wants we should stop Danny before somebody gets hurt Danny what are you best friends now if Danny keeps playing the game miles is distracted mil is distracted he might make a mistake and I'll bury him I'm going stop look on 10 guys come on let's go let's go line go keep Ming keep moving come on it's enough it's enough I need everybody all right 32 minutes ago Molly Porter was taken from the Canal Street Ferry all right we need every security camera every possible witness every vehicle plate number this [ __ ] calls again I want to know where he is I want to know what he's doing I want to find him before he so much as thinks about touching one hair on her head all right this could be your girlfriend be your wife be any one of us right this [ __ ] cannot win back he yeah watch yourself how much time 2 minutes it's 590 591 [Music] D surprise sometimes Victory is not all it's cracked up to be hey Danny round five two lbs of explosives packed inside one of these boxes you now have less than 7 minutes to cross the 23 city blocks between here and the Nickel Street War arrive at the war any later the bomb goes off the other box contains the clue to the next round see in your time constraints you might want to use the fire truck for this one oh yeah don't forget to wear the hat and use the siren 7 minutes we won't even be out of the building in 7 minutes that's if we take the stairs D clear repeat no just a bunch of smoke bombs what are you doing got gloves get them here you get out of here you get to Atlanta you find Mama and you stay with her make sure she's safe I don't want this guy having another chance anchor this down Danny Anchor It Down Danny you can't do this [Music] back TCH D hey what are you [Music] doing out TR now hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did you get the trace no he's using an encrypted signal we can't even pull a number to start a Trace what's that sound Danny driving a fire truck are you sure that's such a good idea right [Music] [Applause] now call the bomb squad get him to Nickel Street for I got to go stay with him a [Music] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no what are you [Applause] doing hey hey sorry a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shut down the timers miles I'm here well done Danny what I'm sorry to say seem to be a bit late to the party where's the Bell the Bell signals the start of the next round oh you're f finally starting to get the hang of this I want to speak to Molly how about I do you one better how about I show her to you as I said the clue to the next round is in the Box you so deafly hung on to you put two and two together you might have quite the reunion tell me you didn't kill anybody with that thing I need a saw [Music] [Applause] all right let's dra thought you guys were going to catch him we switched out your sim card we're ta into your phone we can track you wherever you go miles will call again Danny when he does keep them on the line for 30 seconds that's all we need to trace the call phone's encrypted he can't trace it funny with the FBI not Mayberry PD all we need is 30 seconds all teams listen up listen up we have a location it's the hotel Mont Leon I repeat it's the hotel Mont Leon I need SWAT and I need K9 and I need all of you there now [Applause] everybody blue team seal all the exits I need snipers on the roof shut down all Communication in and out of the building and start with the dog Ray pullet tapes I need to know what room this key is for where's your control room right this way thank you it's clean clear clear fish [Music] [Music] [Music] fishop come on come on come on where are you who's here I got enough ready get the teams ready act all right that's it that's miles stop it right there what time was this it was like 30 30 minutes ago he's writing something down it's a sign what's it say we're still here all the exits are locked down hey we just found miles on camera stand by for location yeah hold on he's uh he's talking to somebody they're leading him somewhere who is that it's Willie I'm going to go find Willie show me everything I need a location so Miles run of the SUV last week and Lafayette left the dummy address now we're tracking the ID on the security deposit boxes and known working accomplices but so far nothing what are we missing this guy doesn't plan everything and not leave the trail let's go over the prison break again all right miles and the boys take the yard miles is the only one who escapes all right how many of these other guys got in the cars but then wound up backing their C 43 but the FBI already talked to them give me the ward on the phone you got it he gave miles the access code to the security element goes all the way to the basement I'll meet you there hey sorry if I did something wrong before this guy he had all the right papers said he was here to service the air condition it's okay you didn't know this thing still works I'm the oldest in City I let him this far said he'd go the rest way on his own wait what's air condition to Ducks they go straight to the top yeah the vent out to the roof take me there sir we're clear there's no sign of Mile so where's [Music] fishing tell me that's normal um no service what's this for there supposed to be a phone there right uh yeah but told you i' show her to you Danny Danny if you're viewing this round six is already started I'm sure you've met your new friend Willie sorry Willie nothing personal just the wrong place at the wrong time at the conclusion of this message you'll have 60 seconds before the elevator free falls to the ground with 60 seconds limited resources in Wily's unfortunate girth there's only time for one of you to survive who lives and who dies that is your decision for the lucky the clue to around seven is in the lobby for the other at least she'll be aive dinner Danny he made me read this to you we that for real man I can't D I got to wife for kids man where's the security hatch I got a radio there's no time how do I open this thing you going leave me here no watch the clock the latch man I'll talk for the latch up there stay right there I'll get you out [ __ ] I can't fit through there all right big man let's go got to pull it's your only hope give me your hand come on come on let's go come on up come on you can reach it come on it's too far man come on you can make it come on come on got to get up buddy come on how much time that's have 40 seconds that means we need to work together come on come on buddy come on go oh I got you I got you come on come on come on maybe can't believe I made it oh my back can't move really the elevator's going to fall I need your hand you got to get on the left I need your ledge come on I did my back make it I got it [Music] C that's affirmative keep them [Music] back can't I've got to kids man you did everything you could d miles didn't give you enough time hey hold it hold it hey get me Terry somebody bring me Terry come on set it up all [Music] right 30 seconds yeah Danny you sound upset was did everything you asked miles you had no reason to kill him I didn't Danny you had the choice to save him it was your round to win [ __ ] screw your choices screw your rounds are you giving up on me cuz if you want to stop playing I'm sure other arrangements can be made no all right so as Molly said the clue to the next round Molly said nothing I just watched the man die in there and I don't even know if Molly's still alive excuse me keep him on I need I need a minute to figure this out well there's nothing to figure Danny is the FBI trying to trace this call let me guess first it was your friends in the police department who realized the cell was encrypted then it was the FBI George aen and all his wonderful little toys for position everybody hold for position I must say I really am touched that you've all come together for this little Affair not enough time yeah so why don't we start over again see if it's that much fun the second time around or maybe yeah third time luy so as Molly said before the clue to the next round is framed in the lobby a picture of a lonely man which is how you end up if you don't play nice you try and trace my call again I am going to start cutting Molly's toes off so how about I call you again in 2 minutes but that give you ample time to grieve we lost the signal [Music] miles Sayes this isn't working before the day the feds have been up on M cell phone and grand total of one time it's working just fine if Danny keeps doing this a lot more people are going to get hurt don't answer the phone what the hell you think you're doing listen to me for a second all right Danny Willie can be the last person who answer the go shut up answer the goddamn phone it's Clay born into to loose well done Danny I must say I am impressed with your detective skill though with all the help you've been getting from the FBI yeah it seems just a little bit unfair playing the game miles it's all the counts right how very true but you know it's time to see you play for yourself for a change be at the location in the photo in 10 minutes you come alone and you'll have a 50/50 chance of having the time of your life we're more than halfway through Danny and I've got a little bit of a surprise for you don't be a hero r it's not in your pay [Music] grade Danny we got two teams three blocks out what do you see I don't see anything he said 10 minutes did it's been 10 still got [Applause] nothing just stay in your position we got you cover stay right there tell me you got something Danny get ready to be happy I got a pissed off member the black Liberation Army is what I got miles had him kill a couple guards during the prison break and then left the brother behind to take the fall when can you get him to talk yeah as soon as I get the judge to sign the warant give me 10 minutes I'm going to need it in two you got 5050 chance it's the bus I'm getting on Molly stop [Music] [Music] I love [Music] you you two love birds care for a sit we got to get you out of this is he just talking to someone just stay calm ol oh well look at this surprise surprise one is that miles does he have miles on the phone or is he there miles is on the bus all teams we have a confirmation miles Jackson is on the bus proceed with opun Delta and get me a sniper team out here now this is it this is his mistake we got SWAT ready why don't we just take him out now no we St that bus now he turns us into a blood bath we know where he is we're taking our shot Alpha One set up and prepare to stop the target can't have you running off now can I round seven Danny to win you simply let me walk away but if my thumb leaves the surface of this screen for any reason and I don't put it back within 10 seconds or less well then you lose the round and two things happen first of all a small charge explodes and fires a 3-in nail into Molly's heart I'm aiming for the right atrium but we'll see what happens 30 seconds later after she's dead a second larger charge will explode and they'll be cleaning everyone up off this bus in pieces what can I say Danny I just like to play the game I didn't mean for Erica to die I don't think that matters that's the one I want set up on the 10 overpass Swan team this is Agent Santiago take position to the north on the interstate overpass of pero await [Music] instructions here catch oh you should see the look in your faces my let her go it's between you and me well I'm afraid if I let Molly go Danny you won't play the game look at those eyes you're thinking can I get to the phone on time why did Miles ask to meet me here [ __ ] you very clever I asked you here Danny cuz I wanted to see the face of a man who knows he can't win the face of a man who's life is sitting 5 ft in front of him yet he can't just reach out and grab her huh is there something funny yeah there is he's going to win and then he's going to kill you she's a feisty one isn't [Music] she West got it SC set up section one yes team one T in place what if I don't believe you sorry what if I think that best is for show pick everybody up in pieces miles that bom blows you die too what's keeping me from reaching over there and kicking the [ __ ] out of you nothing but I know you won't cuz you're predictable Danny you think I'm lying here take it all teams holding on my [Music] mark so that's a 75 yard shot through a moving bus window one sniper's got to break the glass and another one's got to get the hit are you sure this is how you want to do this team Delta prepare for visual team's Bravo and Charlie H for extract one shot of this is Delta one we have confirmed subject but no clear shot no clear shot female hostage is in and out of the target line don't want to take it fine well here's something that you will want clue to round eight sniper team one you have the green light I repeat you have the green light take them out you know you're going to kill that girl going to kill Ms on my mark go get [Music] down T is not [Applause] down officer Fisher I didn't know you car come on [Music] Molly what the hell happened hey give me a 20 on Miles somebody get me a 20 on Miles negative lost him in the crowd I need you to stop everything get 10 in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dany unless we cut the power that thing's not going to stop I got an [Music] idea what are you doing [Music] he [Music] [Applause] keep it straight keep your foot on the break are you out of your damn mind maybe [Applause] D look out get [Music] back it's out of control I'm trying to break Help Me Harder it's Dam open the door I'll try to cut the power from the roof [Music] [Music] I know that' be was a to all suspect is entering the Dixie welding Factory Patrick wait for my go didn't work look out we out we out we out a what now take out the power you are out of your damn mind you ever jump out of a moving car before not my choice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] still going too fast get down move move get out of the way out of the way move move move get out of the way move move move move everybody get down [Applause] everybody all right guys all right everybody okay you okay man [Music] yeah we're here I'm getting the truck now is she okay okay do yeah yeah do we got to start taking the bus no that'd be great that's a great idea I know you guys go ahead and do that thank you they're going to shut off the power it's getting a little too easy miles what are you getting soft on me how about you give me some that's going to be a challenge huh you sound pretty pleased with yourself Danny why because you stopped the trolley or because you went ahead with your own round very admirable okay welding Factory second floor hallway if round 10 is your best friend taking Anthony deluso then round 11 is me taking your best friend hey pick up come on let's going to voicemail going to you are persistent boy you honestly didn't think a man like miles wouldn't have a plan for something like this well whatever the plan is apparently you're not part of it [ __ ] I don't have anything man I got somebody on the phone I'm trying to get you a straight answer but nobody's got anything for how can you not get a straight answer I told you miles knew about it he knew about everything he knew about Hank he knew about deluso he was at the wouse I hear what you're saying it's been a half hour man something anything there was an explosion at the factory firefighter is on the scene now but Hank was inside there's no way he could have made it I'm sorry Danny wait Danny wait wait wait get off of me okay look 3 years ago M stole three Stingers from a US military shipment in Iraq we tracked him to Pakistan but the day the deal went down I lost miles and I lost the guns two days later one of those thinger shot down to 747 out of his llama bath this was the only thing I could find intact in the rubble what I'm saying is I made a mistake here I forgot why I carried this this isn't about miles this is about the people he's hurt and the ones he's going to hurt [Music] guys I'm never going to see Hera don't say that yes you are we got one round left n and I know miles better than any person alive let me help you oh d boy the pipes the pipes are calling sorry about the delay Danny but I think they we're just about ready for our grand finale it is round 12 and this time we won't be going to the judge's scorecards in 17 minutes it will be exactly one year since Erica's death and I have to ask Will Molly suffer a similar fate miles you don't have to do this too late you know youve done well to survive this long now all you have to do is find her she has a touch phone strapped to her chest along with some other more explosive items except this time only your thump print only your touch can stop the timer tell me where she is are you sorry for what you've done yes miles I'm sorry then perhaps maybe you should pay her a visit tell her so yourself it's been fun Danny but game over pay Erica a visit this the cemetery where is she buried where is she buried I need you to pull a cemetery records of all Orleans Parish last name Kess k s s e n first name Erica that's what the see this is Ray Santiago of the FBI I need a police escort we are canal and Royal heading out of the CBD met Cemetery yeah you tell whoever gets there don't touch anything I'm the only one that can diffuse that bomb we know Danny [Music] [Applause] [Music] anybody other scene yet you're arriving now but remember this is Miles the cemetery might just be the first step [ __ ] why have I been doing this [ __ ] all day Danny you wanted to kill us you should have just done it a chance Danny you're full yeah Danny Chuck Janson listen two things Han cademy working on they're not making any sense I ran a trace on all five numbers from earlier they were all connected to the device under the street car all five numbers not only that Miles had remote cameras in the Elevator Shaft we pulled the tapes he blew the device early Danny you still had 5 Seconds to save Willie like I said it was the last thing Hank had be working on but Danny Danny Danny why are we [Applause] stopping Willie was always going to die what are you talking talking about miles had security cameras in the elevator saw I was going to save and blew the charge early and all those numbers all five of them were connected to the same street car you already told me once George I arrested this guy I don't even know this is your guy what am I missing Joshua every time he plays what does miles want he wants to win miles wants to be the guy that nobody can beat you no the deal with Samuel and Joshua I mean he went through a lot of trouble to get some V but what else did we find in the car diamonds he steals from the US military he sells it for a profit he's had Molly for over 3 and 1/2 hours not once as he mention Ransom this isn't about revenge it is about the money hey give me all the information we got on the security guard from the hotel Willie Dain has a second job as a Homewood security guard hi Tom Baxter office called said uh Willie domain's in no show I'm picking up his shift than you this guy's at us running all day for one second we just got to stop and think today what did I actually do who does this even matter I mean you're still the only one who can deactivate that bomp took my house took mall that's what he did to get you to play what else happened at the hotel through the gas lines they back uated 3 city blocks Three City Blocks city blocks give me a list of those buildings any one of those numbers anyone would have gone back to that very street car I had to stop the street car no no no no you had to cut the power after Katrina when the power's out all over the city or when security comes in to move all the unprotected cash wait a second what was that last one holy [ __ ] one of the buildings that we evacuated is a temporary holding facility for the Bureau of Engraving and printing that's the goddamn mint glad y'all got here our backup generator going to run out at midnight fed's been pulling all the old hundreds and 50s out of circulation it's the entire southeast of laa total is just over $100 million hey Ray you go with SWAT to the mint and you shut everything down all cars all pedestrians you stop it and you lock it in the quarter hey we got 8 minutes to get you to the cemetery don't you want miles not till we get [Music] mly the thank me when it's over tell me something miles knows was shutting down the city how's he getting the money out only emergency vehicles are leaving the quarter miles isn't getting anywhere time you might want to use the fire truck for this one hey hey what are you doing Molly's at the cemetery nope an [ __ ] even told me to wear the hat and use a siren [Music] everything I did today had a purpose from the time Molly walked out the door there isn't a thing I did today that Miles didn't plan he makes sure I wreck the fire truck so he could steal it he threatens my brother so I'm not thinking straight he shows me Molly to keep me in the game it's obvious she's still alive Molly just took it out I need to speak with hospital [Music] security wake up baby we're here almost finished you do like I say we will both live happily ever after now where are those bodyy bags St no I'm not sure I'm C off University Hospital let nobody in or out think you can fly us to the Haiti in this thing yeah get [Music] in they're here Tak it off one is that you up there you have not been authorized for take off Eagle One requesting a t [Music] [Applause] [Music] why you're not stalling on me darling are you if you want to fly this thing you go ahead what how about you teach me [Music] [Music] take us up take us up all right go make a good [Music] decision D you're going to be fun to kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] Danny he's got a gun I need to find a place to put her down make it back to the hospital negative I need a stabilize fight controls or out we are going down gun Danny he's going for the gun this is e [Music] one tell me you can still land this thing he busted the hydraulics we going down Danny damn it [Music] Danny Danny Danny talk to [Music] me knock out Danny this time you're not going to get Saved by the Bell hold on Danny hold on daddy we're out of time I can't control it anymore you lose Daddy stop it we're going Downer Fisher one last move that of the vest from the bus knock out no oh my God oh my God get in the seat I can still put her down Dy strap is not in time yes I can what are you doing come on get get out of here no what are you do no no do you trust me yes come on you landed [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] I never doubted you that means one of us what hurts everything
Channel: Horizon Films
Views: 3,580,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john cena, best action movies, hollywood movie english, John Cena New Released Hollywood Action Movie, Hollywood Blockbuster John Cena English Movie, John Cena Hollywood Action English Movie, action movies, vin diesel, the rock, terminator 7, action movie, hollywood movies in english full action hd, jason statham, action hollywood movie, hollywood movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 1sec (5761 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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