Our DIY CPU Chiller From AliExpress is RIDICULOUS

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AMD just released ryzen 7000 and that means one thing I need Sub-Zero and for once we are doing it on the cheap turns out you can get 120 watt thermoelectric cooler on AliExpress for just over three dollars so uh I went ahead and got 20 of them for a grand total of 2400 watts of cooling that's enough to cool the 7950x 14 times over throw in 40 heat sinks for a buck 50 each and we have a horrifyingly inefficient Chiller for just over a hundred and fifty dollars according to the data sheet these things right here should be able to chill our water down to something like negative 44 degrees Celsius this might be my worst cooling idea yet and I know that you cannot look away just like you can't look away from the segue to our sponsor Zoho marketing plus manage execute and collaborate on your next campaign with a unified marketing platform designed to keep customer and marketing data all on one screen try out Zoho marketing plus today using the link down below [Music] thermoelectric coolers also known as Tex and Peltier modules work in a surprisingly simple way as you know heat is just how much energy the particles have and the more you heat them up the more they start moving around and this has some very interesting applications for when you heat up a wire heat up one end here this is my beautiful Flame the electrons on this side are going to start partying all around they're going to be bouncing and stuff and this causes them to become more spread out and just kind of move over to the colder side like so and this creates a voltage voltage plus voltage minus we can also see this by just heating up a thermocouple so here we go doing the thing Brandon cool now if you connect two wires that are made out of different Metals with a different number of free electrons and then heat up one end each wire will have a different voltage potential and boom now you have an electric current this is exactly what happened in our thermocouple here so we have a nickel chromium Alloy on the positive leg and a nickel aluminum alloy on the negative leg techs work in the same way but in Reverse so by adding voltage we can generate a hot side and a cold side and then we can use that cold side to chill our CPU of course all of this was a gross simplification and if you want to know more about text I would strongly recommend this video by Electro noobs also electrons are actually ways let's make a children first step we need to figure out which side of this Peltier gets cold I really do not want to be putting 2400 Watts worth of heat into a processor just right here this side cold this site is hot so the text that we have right here is the cold side next thing I need to do is figure out how I'm going to get these heat sinks attached to our Tech module I'm kind of thinking zip ties I really hope we can get a good squish with a zip tie because otherwise I see no way that I'm doing this without at least 80 bolts probably more this doesn't seem like it's working very well there's so much space in between the zip tie and the Block in terms of like the shape right yeah this isn't really working all right we have figured it out we have this aluminum rail that was just sitting in the shop turns out it fits perfectly right between our thingies even with the tubes on we have more than 20 holes in total so we just you know clamp it together like that should work great we do need to give it a Fastenal and get a bunch of bolts out of the right length but uh I think it's gonna work pretty well you're gonna start the day with lttstore.com Brandon I guess we do there we go today is going to be incredibly tedious basically we have these texts I need to put them in here like so and do that 20 more times in order to make it so that it's not just splayed out on the table I'm thinking that we're going to go five wide so that's this wide and then create an 80 20 extruded aluminum frame so they can go up vertically kind of like two and a half hours later this is so much better than I imagined it would look now what you might be wondering how the heck are you going to power this thing well uh here's the answer two 1500 eyes from Corsair uh yeah we're also going to have to use two circuits or we're gonna blow one of them now to connect it we have these cable mod cables they sent these over so that we could do you know very nice PC builds and stuff uh instead we're just going to be chopping off the leads and soldering them to these guys right here we'll probably have to do two of these per EPS cable so that we don't you know have the wires catch on fire we'll verify that with the flare later it should be fine the loop for this is going to be absolutely ridiculous let's show you what we have I went with MasterCard and bought these nice little manifolds so Inlet Inlet 20 outlets now these were kind of expensive they're like 50 bucks a pop there are a lot of ways that you could do this for cheaper but I couldn't think of doing this for a way that is cheaper that didn't involve me tapping 80 holes so uh we did it this way these plastic fittings I got suck I've been at this for I don't know 30 minutes and I have less than a quarter of all the stuff done oh you look at this so I'm turning it in oh wow yeah it's super cross threaded great now we did clean at Home Depot evolve there brass MPT fittings so those should be arriving here shortly and hopefully those will go in a little bit better these guys were only 50 cents the brass ones are like three dollars a pop so we did at least save a lot of money by buying these ones but we're certainly not saving time at the moment [Music] manifolds are installed using top tier mechanical fastening techniques and now just need to run all of the tubing so this one to the top bottom of these to this guy and someone you you know [Music] 80 tubing runs later and just look at it this thing's a beast I absolutely love it it looks like a prop from Alien or something now we just have to solder 40 more times [Music] first three texts are soldered up just to a pcie cable right here and if I hit this we should see yep those are definitely working 100 all right now we have to do the rest the plan for this Loop is dead simple just simply two pumps in series so that we have lots of head pressure to get it through all of these stupid tubes gonna split like that go around there and our CPU block will be over here very simple I need to build it [Music] the most I have ever seen so beautiful do we get to fill it now yeah we fill it wait what are we using for cooling is it water this side's water okay outside's anti-freeze is this the hot side yes the hot side outside okay so what do you got going on here you got a power supply just for the fans and the pumps yes so then we can independently you know sort of on yeah turn the pumps and stuff on so then we can also like if this either gets too hot or too cold we can turn the peltias off or half the peltier's off ah did you show them how the fans are being run right now oh the fans are so good all the fans are connected together using 10 fan Splitters wait into one one Molex no into two molexes that's not as bad okay all right yeah oh my God she's getting a little excited there I'm running out of water Alex this is gonna be a problem pretty soon oh turn it back on what are you doing okay yeah yeah go go go Brandon or Alex I'm gonna run out of water okay okay wow we made a little bit of a mess we should add in our die think about how cool this is going to look when it's all purple because the other side is anti-freeze so it'll be green right yeah do you need an adult to open that for you but just send it just put the whole thing in there screw it oh look at that oh wow oh damn Brandon you getting this go go go go go oh don't shut it off just send it brother we might need more dye oh well we can worry about the dye later Alex is this leaky yep it's totally just leaking the top of this Reservoir is leaking Alex Ah that's fine God there's so many air bubbles well and also it's going through down here but it's not making its way up if we just pinch off like the bottom ones oh oh it's working oh it's working we're like surgeons now you know when they clip it cramp an artery come on no you want to yes come on yes there we go come on yes oh let's add some dye yeah that's a brilliant idea Alex wow that was really easy to take off is anything leaking we didn't even check it seems okay yeah I think there's only one left that doesn't have it is the sun like broken or something is it like pinched somewhere what if I just crack it for like a Split Second now when you turn it on yeah there we go oh it did it it's no it's no it's not yeah I can almost guarantee when we undo these clamps all of these are just like yeah yep it seems like we do not have enough head pressure so what we need to do is add another pump in series well it's filled I mean the lines are like sort of pinched off I also unplugged the power supply in case we make a big watery mess yeah that's pretty smart while we're in here we should also this fitting started leaking and the cap of this is leaking because there's no gasket in here for some reason I do want to replace this one yeah we should do that let's get this pump on first why did you put such a long extension I don't know okay that seems like it's working all right send it yep oh that's uh leaking quite a bit there's an internal gasket on these D5 pumps that maybe it's just missing on this one does this gasket go on the other side I think it goes on this Ridge every oh inside yeah inside right there that would make more sense why was this taken apart an assembled improperly well it might still leak so hold your tongue okay this one's ripping now oh baby oh we did it maybe I might have spoken maybe this is just a bad design how do they do this in the in the real world like big big pumps one reservoir yeah this is not doing anything cool let's get rid of it we should clamp this one too oh I'm sure this other pump is loving that it's just being submerged yeah I'm sure it's fine I like how we haven't even thought about overclocking anything yet I now have all the Standalone d5s in the office cool we're just gonna stick this one like right on top of this thing yeah just like that yeah beautiful so I guess are we good to send it Alex sort of is it the pressure drop from all these RADS I think it's just all of the air I think once we get the air out it'll be fine but we can't like burp it up here like we'd want as we found out Flip It Up flip it upside that's not a bad idea how about we just like tilt it yeah oh there we go that's working I'm amazed this hasn't leaked I'm very glad we did this with just the die and not the anti-freeze why are those bottom ones dead now yeah what why is there such a blockage after it there's just so much airlocked in it now oh it's really this is one of the crappy tubes too get on get on get on I did it all right is she good I think so that made a weird noise all right I give up on that Tech yeah let's cut the wires and call it a day so I guess do we just have a whole other power supply for this side's pumps oh my God yeah I guess see this one is loose too who the hell is like going around loosening the D5 rounds we have the opportunity now just add another one should we it oh that's pretty that's a nice one good thing we're gonna ruin it I'm gonna put a sponge in there first too yeah that's smart wow there's like no bubbles anymore what the is this abomination this is a work of art it's 2 400 watts of cooling what are you cooling it's also 2500 watts of heating what are you heating with this send four okay it's like kind of ripping yeah it's getting there the sponge it's just vertical now oh God that is thick that's like molasses brother do you want to hit the pump and I'm just gonna send it with our Prestone this is gonna work let me pre-mixed this is it even pumping it oh yeah yeah this is dangerous oh it's so thick Alex poor I'm pouring don't over pour whatever you do it's just the safest thing we could use for this probably not help me tilt this no I'm genuinely surprised none of these manifolds leave they're from McMaster Car they're mint well but like user error leaking oh that's not moving at all no you don't think cracking it while it's off is gonna I feel like it's going to cause a problem this was the first one before right yeah I say we just kill those two we lose two yeah whatever 200 watts of cooling oh no tragic yeah I guess before we attach the uh the computer should we run the text see what happens definitely heck yeah the Block's getting cold you can really see it on the flear so the one I think on my floor has like 30. the other one's like 10. oh that feels great oh it's so nice just do that again and look over here there's a square on your forehead those tubes are getting very cold oh remember that one water block that the water wouldn't flow through there was a reason for it we still don't know why the water wasn't flowing through it maybe it's clogged maybe it was hydrolocked it doesn't matter it exploded so look it up and coupled it and we're just not going to use that Tech anymore re-blood the system it seems like it's good now should we hook up a ryzen to this yeah how cold is the cool plate oh yeah it's frosty how cold is that yeah it's reflective yeah we can't really get a read on this with the thermal camera I'll touch it with my hand it's cold these look so cool look at that not very quick I just need to prep this motherboard for Sub-Zero and buy prep it for Sub-Zero I mean just lather it in Vaseline so I'm going to take off the socket cover here so that on the back side I can lather it in Vaseline did you see all these capacitors and crap that are all over here that's Prime condensation area so I don't know we just pack it with Vaseline as long as like air doesn't get around it and you know the moisture in that air comes out of the air and onto your CPU we should be fine this is awful yeah we're gonna give this CPU back to them and be like what the hell did you do to this this is an engineering sample we can't keep it oh my God Alex what are you doing I am making sure that this CPU doesn't die is that the right orientation I can't even tell yep is it in yeah I guess we probably should give her a little bit more around the sides I want to help but I also like don't how much power should we be drawing this is about 750 watts from the wall oh that's disappointing if we have two times 700 Watts that's still a lot of cooling yeah it's 1400 Watts but it's not as much as we were expecting ah AliExpress damn I think this one's getting a little cold because there's no coolant running through it we learned an unfortunate thing so am5 comes with its own back plate and it turns out also ek's am4 solution has its own back plate which is not compatible with am5 so we're hard mounting it the am5 bracket is screwed into the socket so you can't very easily take it off is it coolant getting any colder Oh wait we're getting there that's almost five degrees now the other side is still like 27 so that is certainly cold enough to cause US problems occult is that block eight degrees ish it looks like it's booted is this monitor on hello get that HW info open core temperatures 12 degrees yay still gets pretty hot well but 63 degrees isn't too bad given that it's targeting 95. and it's at 231 Watts 37 000. what does it do is this the graphics card just like why are we at like 2 FPS for a little bit here something's not okay with this computer it was working totally fine earlier what did you like cool it or something it's almost like someone put a bunch of Vaseline in the socket damn it oh that's very unfortunate should we just let let the BIOS do it's like yeah automatic overclock oh why did the BIOS reset we weren't even running with XMP on let's try five six voltage 1.13537 Jesus this is not gonna boot okay okay 5.6 at 1.37 volts uh currently the CPU is at 15 degrees Celsius beautiful uh let's that's probably gonna crash HW info hello ah I saw 54 degrees oh yeah I know it got up to 80. I think this thing needs to be delighted whatever package power you're up to 282 I say we drop the ram speed and up the voltage these RADS are working great it's a lot more than we needed especially considering that they're only drawing like 1500 watts total even with them not drawing the power that we wanted though and those two crapping out it's 1170 watts of cooling all right we're gonna do 1.42 voltage 5700 50 5700 and I'm gonna turn the ram back yeah I think jadex fine this is the most immersive overclocking I've ever experienced as our CPU slowly gets wet to the point it dies ah hello still doing that yeah it's not happening maybe this GPU is just crap maybe this CPU is just crap I have no idea what you're talking about I say we just send it yeah see what happens which comes towards it immediately 16 degrees oh yeah man but it doesn't crash it's weird try one more time come on blender just to see if it like runs it's not stable it's not stable what about 1.4 at 55 yeah okay okay hello oh she's hot we're doing 293 Watts right now 5.5 gigahertz we're stable 40 000 like almost on the dot damn I don't know if this processor is going to get us much higher this also is like a third faster than the 12900 KS that we had in liquid nitrogen so really yeah holy crap that was like 29 000. 298 Watts on that one with this processor and our experience level it seems like we're not going to be able to do much more than 40 000 cinebench but at the same time that's pretty freaking good this is one of the worst things I have ever done and that's really saying something unlike the segue to our sponsor backblaze starting at just seven dollars a month backblaze offers an affordable and easy to use cloud backup solution they make it simple by allowing you to back up almost anything from your Mac or PC and access it anywhere in the world with their web and mobile apps backlays even lets you restore your data by mail a hard drive with your data will be shipped right to your door and once you're done you can return the hard drive within 30 days for a full refund and if you're weird about accidentally deleting files you can increase your retention history to a year for an extra two dollars a month with over 55 billion files restored and two exabytes of data under their management backblaze has got you covered so don't be that person who forgets to back up their most important files sign up and get a 15 day free trial with no credit card required today at backblaze.com LTT thanks for watching if you like this video then I don't know watch the one where me and Brian electrician did a mini split and attached that to a computer that was cool that was cool
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,247,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peltier, TEC, Chiller, AliExpress, Cheap, Zen 4, 7950X, Ryzen 7000, Overclocking
Id: MozKrDoS1Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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