I tried 20 Gamer drinks, here are the best… and the worst

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what's up Gamers today's video is going to be a little different because I have not seen any of the items that I'm going to be unboxing and putting into my body that's right we are going to be taste testing the top gamer drinks and I'll be selecting as someone who has probably never consumed any of them I do not drink gamer drinks how much caffeine do you consume on a daily basis I do not consume caffeine okay it's gonna be fun so you run around all day yeah there's a crash right I will actually feel a caffeine Rush sometimes just from you like a chocolate bar yeah this is me not caffeinated by the way what are we looking at first Mr bellivols our first category is traditional gamer drinks traditional gamer drinks you haven't done a very good job of covering them I can see them so are they supposed to be covered up from me or from them theatrics Rockstar never tried it Monster never tried it Red Bull never tried it and Mountain Dew this I've tried it's awful were you planning to give me a cup or uh am I just I mean I don't go I don't mean to go full Diva oh this is classy with an eye drink water who is it Ronaldo one of the big soccer players was like sitting at a press conference next to like some Coke can or some and it was like drink water what a Chad let's go with familiarity first this ought to be enough Mountain Dew for anyone okay that's a low bar Mountain Dew's a four people drink this on purpose I mean it's better than Mountain Dew like it's a wow I've got like a weird aftertaste I'll give it like a five monster fun colors though that smells bad yeah that's a four like I want to know from you guys though like which one do you think is probably the best on this table I only drink exclusively whatever the rock makes you drink whatever the rock makes oh that tastes like oh well it's got ginseng in it that's probably why okay that's a three maybe my standards are just too high just to make sure we're not giving Red Bull an unfair Advantage we're also going to try their traditional non-pomegranate flavored one oh I'd go pomegranate for sure it's like a three or four what would you consider a 10 drink oh God like a Thai iced tea that's a delicious drink get that milk in there oh so good pomegranate Red Bull's my winner from this round this comes out ahead just because it's so Bland okay here's my loser in the Wall of Fame already by default is of course good old-fashioned pure water in an LTD store water bottle I get a lot of compliments every time I go to like a new dentist or like Dental professional they're like wow for your age your teeth are like in amazing shape I don't drink coffee don't smoke go yourself for your age up next we have traditional gone gamer traditional gone gamer oh my God I can tell you already this is gonna be any zero sugar thing sucks the only thing worse than sweetening with corn syrup is sweetening with not corn syrup or cane sugar that aspartame taste I know some people apparently can't taste it it's like a genetic thing I can can taste it this is just Coke but with that awful aspartame aftertaste you're done bud I don't know how to describe it other than it tastes like aspartame oh wow that's a cool pop top what is that you drink it from here they've reinvented the wheel am I am I doing this wrong or is the hole so you can like shotgun it and the and it opens up on the other side okay I have to be doing this wrong there is no way that that's right you gotta rip off the whole thing or something pull tab up slide back classic definition of over engineered how much does this cost that is not very good yeah it's got red 40 in it that explains it sorry I shouldn't declare a loser until I've tried all the other losers anything with aspartame in it can't get over like a two or a three for me because it's just awful I don't think this one has aspartame in it this one does but this one has red 40 in it which is just it's hitting me now never mind it's got a fair bit in it three two this just looks like poison foreign stinks I don't want to cheat but this might have aspartame in it too no that must just be like a weird dye dye taste yellow five and yellow six when yellow five is not enough you need more yellow you turn to Yellow six I'd say this one started out as a four or a five actually quite nice and then just had a wicked aftertaste that puts it down to a two charged original do so what this is just Mountain Dew probably with extra caffeine oh because that's what Mountain Dew needs more caffeine how'd they make Mountain Dew worse can I have the regular Mountain Dew back sorry I know this is not the format of the video but like God that's disgusting oh yeah they put a whole bunch of other in this yellow five makes another appearance you know I was I know I I know I hate red dye number 40. but I wonder if Yellow 5 is another problematic one for me oh yeah this is way better I mean this can still go to but I'll tastes downright good by comparison let's try charged berry blast I do like Berry flavored drinks so this one has a chance at least as long as it doesn't have yellow five or red 40 in it oh blue unoffensive I'm picking game Fuel charged berry blast for the wall of fame and for the Wall of Shame it's truly difficult for me to decide between these I'm gonna go with charged original Dew for my Wall of Shame not because it tastes that much worse than the other ones on the table but because I feel it's so misleading calling this original do when it tastes so much worse than original Dew is just offensive to me before we go to our next round of drinks though we have a surprise from our sponsor apparently we're in foreign height increased insoles what is the point of this dbrand literally all you're doing is insulting me this doesn't even help them sell their product I mean an extra inch couldn't hurt right Yvonne could wear something other than Flats next to me uh 67 and a half inches why do I do these things oh you're definitely taller you are now five foot nine whoa oh put the other ones in uh this can't work that is basically come on I don't know if I'm gonna get my foot in there imagine showing up for a first date in these oh that's very off kilter right now don't forget tall people before you look down on me I'll probably live longer than you and I can sit comfortably in economy not that he does I've flown first class twice in my life you know that you are now 70 inches or five foot ten wow really I only got one inch from all of that maybe my mother-in-law will accept me now you know that's one of the first things she said to Yvonne hey seems nice good looking it's too bad he's not a little taller I'm comfortable in my skin speaking of skins check out shortlineus.com where you can get your own dbrand skins when the checks stop clearing dbrand we're done you knew what this was up next we got balls we got balls hey here they are well I'm obviously gonna have to start with the original actually as far as energy drinks go not that much garbage in it corn syrup so it can't be that good but ew maybe that's why they put all that garbage in the other ones it's a solid too let's make our way down the line here we got ginger ale not a big ginger ale fan balls is the first one to manage to physically hurt me it's not bad if all it took to turn balls from that to this is a little bit of natural and artificial flavors I guess they're doing all right either my standards are lowered or this is a pretty decent beverage I'll give it a five Cherry Cola you got an uphill battle ahead of you I'm sure of all of them but Plus in my kind of bitter cherry I'm really not looking forward to drinking these anymore maybe I was wrong about the lack of sweetness being a plus the best thing I can say about it is it's bland four this is a contender I do like orange drinks oh we're about to find out if yellow six is the gross one or yellow five because it's got six in it not bad actually it's like a not overly sweet orange soda because I want a five too so it's between the ginger ale and the orange this is garbage that can go on the Wall of Shame that's pretty good balls ginger ale go into the wall um oh the aftertaste though until I get you to keep drinking it it's like I swear snack companies do not care about a bad aftertaste that's a feature for them Ginger ale's got the better initial flavor but I gotta take away the win based on that aftertaste I'm giving it to the orange have we had anything over a five yet the pomegranate I think even oh yeah the pomegranate let's just see it I can't taste it again yet oh what's coming next this is our video game and influencer Warheads drink so this is a collaboration with ghost G fuel PewDiePie Edition can your drink do this that's an old one inspired by Tetris what the actual ever loving would a drink inspired by Tetris taste like guess we're about to see and then we've got G fuel sour chug rug who's this guy oh oh oh Rod sorry I don't I don't know uh phase I don't know FaZe Clan we want Tetris rug I'm Gonna Leave the WarHeads one for the end I I'm a sour freak all right subtle pink color actually not bad until the awful aftertaste that's gonna have aspartame in it nope you managed to achieve that level of awful aftertaste without it that one is great out of the gate that's like our first seven out of the gate but then it quickly shifts to just an atrocious aftertaste ew well man this one's hard to grade it goes from a six to a two so I guess we'll average it we'll call it a four all right Tetris what does Tetris taste like I expected it to be multi-colored Bland almost like a hint of kind of like a bubble gum at the end what a weird flavor I feel like this is one of those products that's more of a collectible maybe that was what they thought too I give it a three what does the world's former number one YouTuber taste like flavor and then it just disappears that's not too bad I think this is the best one yet I'll give it a four I have high hopes for the Warhead ghost collaboration high hopes that are tempered by the concern that there might be a nasty aftertaste sour but it's a boring kind of sour I want like a sour apple kind of sour like a sour blue raspberry kind of sour it's just sour I could see this being a great addition to something else if I could combine these they say don't do that they say not to do that wait that's illegal I did not improve either of them I'm giving it to the Lincoln Berry all right way to go Pewds you won as for the worst but probably my mixture I'm gonna give it to Tetris for being across the board meh at least this one starts good oh man how is it even possible that I've been burping this much I've consumed so little actually oh it's coming out the other end too last set of drinks these are professional wrestlers we have the Rocks zoa and Prime by Logan Paul I'm Gonna Save The Rock for last I trust Dwayne Johnson he's not gonna let me down this is going to be the best one name a bad movie Dwayne Johnson's been in I do not like coconut oh that's a bad sign that's actually not I might already know who the winner is that's a seven yes yes yes the coconut water is actually nice I'm settling on a six though no Mr Johnson this is my trust like to be clear I you know respect the guy he's done an amazing job built an amazing career but I'm experiencing some regret that's gonna be a three but that's that's unfortunate there's no red 40 there's no aspartame doesn't even really have a bad aftertaste it's just not good see you later buddy oh God do I have to pick the worst of the worst I have to drink all of those again [Music] excuse me here we go whoa that is disgusting a bit flaccid looks like there's stuff growing in it I'm not falling up why the did they add breadsticks to no Henry now we're gonna go back to our winners and our Losers of each round to determine who is the best of the best and who is the worst of the worst rather than try to score them out of 10 this time though we're just going to be focused on which one tastes the best charged berry blast game Fuel right pomegranate Red Bull let's go [Music] it's gonna be down to Orange and Prime you know I think part of it is that they're not as cold anymore yeah I'm giving it a prime yeah it's not quite something I would actually consider buying but it's the closest by a long shot given how hard it was to get through the winners I'm really not looking forward to drinking all the losers again start with balls best thing I can say about it is it really doesn't taste like much oh zoa again not very good Tetris Tetris might be worse than zoa actually Rockstar oh all right yellow number five and number six cheers well you're not the worst Mountain Dew but worse [Music] oh that was really truly very bad I can't decide but I really don't want to drink them again okay we're going playoff style these two these two they're losers Zola starts out better but gets worse yeah Zoe you're truly awful I keep expecting Mountain Dew and then it tastes so much worse than I'm expecting I think if I'm being objective or at least trying to the tetris one is ever so slightly worse Tetris G fuel versus zoa for the Worst Gamer drink at least with Zola I can kind of see what they're going for like it has kind of like a flavor to it this is just crap G fuel you win best worst so if you had to guess how much everything costs this is gonna be really tough and this is not like you know Bill Gates guessing how much a banana costs I literally just do not drink these beverages it's not because I don't set foot in a grocery store I stopped buying drinks out of vending machines when they went over a dollar I was like more than a dollar for a can of pop forget it so I was like 2001. to give you guys some idea it's been 20 years since I've bought a canned drink I would say this is probably not cheap this is probably like an eight dollar drink just with the YouTuber Tax Plus it being as far as I can tell legitimately kind of a a small company like it's not just you know another Coke brand or whatever so I'm guessing eight US dollars that one was about six dollars Canadian six Canadian on that Canadian store really wow Tetris co-branding I'm gonna say this is another six dollar drink then sure that one is four dollars Canadian uh three dollars U.S all right I mean I wouldn't even let me begin to consider buying it but sure so in total we spent about 250 US Dollars 250 what was the most expensive drink was it zoa uh no that was the same really same as the prime six bucks I guess six bucks is a lot for a drink four pack cost 57 US Dollars wait what was that only because we had to import it though yeah okay well what was it in like US Dollars it's a limited edition don't have pricing outside of that what was even limited edition about that code on the volume in a fancy box oh fancy box you say so the cans also have like an AR game on it there's an augmented reality game so this was the most expensive drink that was a lot of gross garbage to drink on an empty stomach I need to go pee subscribe to Short Circuit
Channel: ShortCircuit
Views: 3,940,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shortcircuit, SC, unboxing, first impression, tech, gadget, home, fun, buy, gamer drinks, food, redbull, monster, rockstar, mountain dew, pewdiepie, faze rug, the rock, zoa, tetris
Id: wzkl-KfKxwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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