THE GLOW UP PROJECT | *watch if ur life is a mess* (episode 1)

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you know you do bring up a good point scott i don't know about you but at the beginning of 2021 i definitely had so many goals and aspirations for the new year and and so my question to you listeners is how has this new year been going for you so excited for me i drive alone past your streams red lights stop signs i still see [Music] my life is a mess it's only been one month into the year and already all my plans for a spectacular new year have completely dissipated my room is such a disaster i don't even know the color of my floor anymore my brain is thinking about a million different things at once and i've contacted the authorities because my social life has been missing for quite a while now and society is just slipping into this weird messed up dystopian fiction that i can't even believe is real life the pandemic definitely took its toll on all of us last year but it's a new year we ventured into 2021 or as i like to call it isos which by the way has not magically erased the fact that we're still in a worldwide pandemic but we all had this newfound sense of motivation and freshness and at the beginning of a new year this motivation is like rocket fuel but on crack you never really know how long the crack lasts although this is coming from someone who's never done crack before so maybe just take this with a little grain of salt like everyone else i want to change my life around in 2021 but i don't want it to just be some short lasting spurt of energy because that usually ends up with me back in the same exact dumpster fire like two weeks later this year i want to build some good habits that actually stick this year i want to get my together and document the process this is the glow-up project [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning hooligans for the past couple of months i've been waking up very late and it's something i'm trying to change i feel like over 2020 i've picked up a bunch of bad habits that i'm just trying to reverse this year and my sleeping schedule is definitely one of them i also have this really bad habit of waking up and just going on my phone for hours in bed without getting up or going to like brush my teeth and eat breakfast but it is time to make some changes love so today i'm gonna first of all stop doing the accent that much it's like five different accents in one i'm so sorry to anyone that i offended today i'm just gonna be going through my day and making simple little changes but of course some of them are long-term projects that can't be overturned in one day so i have quite the creative solution for that so you'll just have to stick around to the end of the video to find out in the meantime let's get out of bed [Music] so my skin has been a big concern of mine i keep going through phases of like good skin and then bad skin and then good skin and then bad skin i'm currently going through a phase of bad skin it really just has to do with my sleeping and life habits i'm trying to clear up my skin this year hopefully by drinking water sleeping more exercising because i definitely don't think i'm like prone to bad skin chronically sorry let's go eat some breakfast [Music] [Music] okay i just finished my breakfast and here's the thing about food is i don't necessarily have bad eating habits i eat pretty healthy but the thing is like i don't know how to cook if someone like threatened me like i would cook but i'm a very big perfectionist and it also applies to cooking so like even when i'm making my avocado toast i have to spread it to like all of the edges perfectly because every bite needs some avocado so i really want to start cooking this year because i'm currently living at home in my parents house um because i've been stuck here and they cook every day so i'm super lucky but like at some point girly needs to like adult up and like cook for herself because girly's gonna starve at some point so let's do some glowing up okay so i'm back in the bathroom and i'm ready to whiten my teeth they don't they don't look too yellow in this light but i have my whitening gel and i don't actually remember how long i'm supposed to leave it in for so let's just hope that by the end of it i still have tafe i have my invisalign trays here i feel like whitening your teeth is just like one of those little things that like for me it really boosts my confidence because in pictures it's like wow [Music] it's not coming out it just exploded there's definitely an innuendo in there okay you definitely can't see it but i just like inserted a little bit of the gel into the fronts of the trays also i don't know if you guys know this but i talked about this a bit on my instagram stories but i've been having jaw issues and now i know what you're thinking it's not from performing sexual acts so basically the issue is my jaw opens diagonally like the lower jaw opens that way and it's not supposed to do that and i also have like limited jaw motion and it kind of hurts sometimes you guys helped me figure out that it was actually tmj so i booked an appointment with my orthodontist and then they referred me to a tmj specialist however turns out that tmj specialists are like in super high demand or something because i booked an appointment in december and i could only get one for late february so girly has just had a clicking jaw for a couple months now and if i talk for more than 10 minutes like my jaw starts to lock up and i like can't speak properly it's not quite fun i'm not gonna lie to you like i would like to use my jaw properly time to pop them in okay shoot i don't remember how long you're supposed to keep it in for should i search it up five to ten minutes okay that's not it due to high concentration start with 15 minutes wear time twice twice a day if no sensitivity occurs follow regular wear time instructions like 30 minutes 30 minutes okay twice a day for bro twice a day that's a little intense like do they want me to have teeth after this i feel like they're just gonna like disintegrate so how are you gonna tell me five to ten minutes and then you could also do 30 minutes like which is it so it's like five to thirty minutes like what am i supposed to do okay i'm gonna say like 15 minutes hey siri set timer for 15 minutes i will check back in hopefully i will still have teeth left okay my alarm just went off i took a little poopy break okay guys do you see any difference i definitely feel the difference like my teeth feel a little sensitive but i think the other issue is because it's trays the solution like sinks to the bottom so like for my top teeth only the bottom half get whitened in the top half are like still yellow okay i'm now in a different bathroom of my house and i just passed by and my curling iron is set here i honestly wasn't planning on doing this but i figured let's just curl my hair just for funsies yeah i see they're so yellow like what is up with that wait it's literally ombre like it's literally on prey no i don't know if you can see it it's like it's like yellow to white and then light to yellow can you see it actually i do think it's wider in general uh i also have to keep massaging my jaw because or else it's gonna get locked up [Music] okay i've just finished curling and i look like i look like katherine pierce if you will but of course i'm not gonna leave it like this i'm gonna fluff it out it always looks better when it's like slightly calmed down this is like really intense right now okay this look i'm also seeing stars um i'm gonna let it calm down for a little bit and i will show you the result tis the next day clearly it took a day for it to calm down but this is my ideal waviness i actually want to do my nails i love painting my nails it's like one of my favorite calming hobbies because it takes me a very okay you know what let's just go first i'm really excited i haven't been this excited to do anything in a very long time hey i literally i don't remember what my previous sentence was so i'm just gonna start a new thought here's the thing about quarantine i think i've been really unmotivated as well as probably you guys because like every day is kind of the same even though i am a super introverted and like homebody type of person i feel like even i'm reaching my limit and i'm like okay guys it's been a year like can we wrap it up now usually you would have something to look forward to i have no events to look forward to no friend hangouts and i feel like it's really made me put into perspective how much humans need social interaction i'm someone who loves being by myself but every now and then i feel myself slipping into this depressing spiral where a week goes by and i won't talk to anyone and then i won't even realize how in this black hole i've gotten until i actually speak to a friend or something that i realize i have been like slipping into oblivion it's really made me appreciate my friends a lot more and family and just overall health which is why i really want to take care of myself because i feel like we all kind of beat up our bodies and like push it to the extreme like by not sleeping or not exercising our bodies do so much for us but then like we don't take care of our bodies like why is it so hard for us to take care of ourselves and like be motivated to be healthy when that's what our body wants hi guys my hair is straight again it actually has been a couple of days i didn't film because i kind of had a pretty a couple of days i'm not gonna lie so i just like wasn't in the mood to film today i am feeling a little better i want to do some more glowing up superficially because the internal glow up is it's a lot harder i want to do my eyebrows today they're growing in a little bit they're not too bad but i also want to pluck my mustache i don't know if you can see but like can we normalize girls having natural facial hair as a kid i used to have a lot of facial hair and i was like so embarrassed about it and i like didn't have tweezers growing up so i would like literally pull it out with my fingernails and my eyebrows also used to be like giant so i would pull out my eyebrows because kids made fun of my eyebrows because back then it was like the trend to have like super skinny sperm brows it hurts pain liam payne minus the liam liam p minus the l spain minus the s okay you get it [Music] oh i made it look kind of spur me no does it look kind of you know when you're like contemplating whether or not that one eyebrow hair is going to make a difference if you pluck it yeah i think i've done that i kind of don't like it i don't like it not my best work yeah what's wrong like why why do you look like this can you just work with me please literally like why do you look like this like why do you look like this hello i'm asking you a question so rude of them not to answer am i over thinking it looks no i don't like it this freaking hurts this hurts a lot more than the eyebrows do i look any different i feel like my face feels more pained i'm not gonna lie to you it does feel very nice to have a smooth mustache area i've tried waxing before but then i just like straight up broke out so it's been a couple days which means i have to re-curl my hair you might be wondering or you might not i don't care why didn't you film for the past couple of days as a youtuber my life is inherently very glamorous i'm always hustling and grinding and being productive i would never just sit on my ass and binge watch bridger channel one single day could not be me could not be farther from the truth i don't know what this lander is but there have been a couple of positive developments over the past couple days so i recently got a film camera how basic of me and decided you know what i probably should go outside more because fresh air is kind of nice so that day i decided to drive out and watch the sunset with my mom and it was really nice i was like wow i guess the real world does exist it may be a simulation but it exists kind of i mean i don't know needless to say girly has not been getting that fresh o2 and i think it's causing some health problems with me i've been losing hair my skin has been sagging like girly over here is 22 i should be at the prime of my life so we really gotta turn things around speaking of turning things around [Music] oh okay time for makeup lip scrub i have chapped lips all the time because i don't drink water well i probably should drink water but i'm gonna do lazy so i'm just gonna like yummy sugar and dead skin i just washed my beauty blender and it's so clean i haven't washed it in probably like a year and i wonder why i break out so much [Music] [Applause] and for the final touches [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh she's outside oh my god it's really [Music] windy [Music] all right it's been a couple hours later and um as much as i think this external glow up was a success and does make me feel a little more glamorous and put together as a person like i said these internal glow ups take a lot more time and a lot more effort so i have an idea [Music] so [Music] ourselves again amongst them [Music] now [Applause] i've made things complicated and that's not an overstatement there are so many aspects of my life that i want to improve from my sleeping schedule to room cleanliness to fashion sense to love life and so on i feel like they're all interconnected in the way that once i work on one aspect other aspects of my life will also improve and hopefully by the end of the series and journey i'll live a much more fulfilling and healthy life so welcome to the glow up project i do have this slight issue with indecisiveness though and so i figure why not make this easy for myself and let the board decide what i should blow up next so where will my dart throwing skills lead us what comes next i guess we'll just have to wait and see
Channel: JENerationDIY
Views: 2,138,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glow up, glow up transformation, glow up makeover, makeover, diy, jenerationdiy, diy crafts, diy projects, glow up challenge, transformation, transformation challenge, glowing up, 0 to 10 glow up, 0 to 10 transformation, extreme transformation, 24 hour transformation, extreme makeover, 24 hour makeover, baddie transformation, $1000 transformation, ugly transformation, how to glow up, room makeover, jenerationdiy makeover, room transformation, cleaning my room
Id: 7F2Y0E_kZig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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