how to rescue a half-wasted day | THIS WILL MOTIVATE YOU (getting my life together)

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i feel like we've all been there you wake up in the morning you go on your phone for a bit and suddenly it's early afternoon and you've accomplished virtually nothing maybe it's your fault maybe it's not but what we do know is half the day is already gone at this point we have two choices either we say to ourselves we've wasted all this time already why not just waste the rest of the day and hopefully tomorrow will be better on the other hand we can tell ourselves that even though this day isn't going as planned i'm going to figure out what happened and we've still got another half of the day to turn this around and that's what we're going to be doing today [Music] first of all let's forget what happened this morning and focus your intention on the present moment maybe you spent all morning watching tic tacs with charlie demilio dancing or youtube videos or reading posts on reddit it doesn't really matter ask yourself this important question how can i best use the time that remains also don't roll your eyes at me when i say go drink some water right now forget it i used to be one of those people too literally just asked my mom mommy what should now that that's established go drink some water yes okay before we get into the second step let's finish my morning routine which involves putting on makeup so let's normalize textured and imperfect skin and also don't forget to put on mineral slash physical sunscreen so we don't get wrinkles and our skin is still nice when we grow old when i first got my vlogging camera i was very surprised that there was a feature that can make your skin blurred and look like a snapchat filter so just a daily reminder that social media is fake okay so here's my little bullet journal yesterday i did make myself this little to-do list did i finish it let's see i didn't even finish crossing off the things that i did do i basically literally only finished half of the task that i was supposed to and that's a problem that i have like when you put too many things on your to-do list i feel like i just feel really overwhelmed and then when i don't finish anything because it's kind of a lot to do when i don't finish everything i just feel disappointed so i was kind of like setting myself up for failure by putting so many things on my to-do list at once so now you know let's write a reasonable to-do list right now to write the date i just use highlighter and capital letters and then use a pen to write cursive over it i make my list really simple i kind of have two sections a section where i have things that i absolutely must do today and then a section for things that are optional i like writing both simple tasks like going on a walk or folding my laundry as well as more difficult tasks because it provides motivation just crossing off all of the things on the toby list this is today's to-do list i added some stuff from yesterday and also i added some stuff that i've already done today little things like i actually went on a walk this morning and i cleaned my room a little bit just to make myself feel better so also crossing things off is also very satisfying so that's what we're going to do right now [Music] this is how i begin so the one thing i think a lot of us are extremely distracted by is our phone and our technology so you can feel within [Music] okay so we're going to eliminate this distraction by putting our phones on do not disturb and also putting it in some place that we can't access it and we can't see it so i'm gonna hide it in my closet actually even better i'm going to tell my mom to hide it somewhere mommy i want to show you chunks you like okay [Music] another app that i use often is called self-control and it basically blacklists a lot of websites so you can't go on it for a specific period of time that you set even if you restart the computer or delete the app you still can't do anything about it honey do you remember when we used to laugh and love we said we last forever [Music] turning black from perfect blue and to my surprise i took a look in your eyes [Music] and [Music] down the streets we walked on [Music] all my heart was racing as we made our way up through the city lights around us without you and maybe now i'll just try you know what pause the video pause the video right now go get a piece of paper go get your journal and a pen and do this part with me at the end of the line together all our lives [Music] okay so the last thing that i have to do today is edit this video so i guess that's we're gonna i guess that's what we're gonna do right now yay i'm basically finished editing the video it's night time it's crazy how i woke up today thinking that i'm really not gonna do anything but i actually did a lot of things today so just because your morning is ruined or your afternoon or whatever is ruined doesn't mean that the day cannot be salvaged half wasted day doesn't have to mean a full wasted day so if you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe watch my other ones if you want i really really wanted to try posting three times a week monday wednesday and friday but sometimes it just doesn't work out but there will always be a guaranteed video on wednesdays at least um bye so
Channel: Rebecca Jay
Views: 861,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monthly reset routine, get your life together, how to get your life together, motivation, how to quickly get out of a rut, get motivated, wasted day, burnout, stop wasting time, productivity, summer reset routine
Id: _WXyO7FdA3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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