✨Aesthetic Apartment Makeover in 24 Hours (easy and renter friendly ideas)

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these I feel like an adult with this I don't know if I like that these are giving a I'm about to go to war somebody said recently that I talked too much in my videos now I'm getting in my head about it what up Hooligans it's Jennifer I decided that I want to embark on a 24-hour I mean I actually don't know how long this is going to take I'm hoping 24-hour aesthetic apartment glow up I have been feeling like my apartment has been looking a little boring I really do do love this wall over here but it's kind of the only space in my condo that I'm like I'm obsessed with this like this is what I want to take pictures with all the time my bedroom is bare the last thing that I did was my living room makeover did all the things over here yes I do like this wall but it is also a little boring and I said I was going to do a part two but I decided against that because the projects that I wanted to do initially I actually don't want to do anymore I changed my mind a lot which is why today instead of doing like fullblown renovation where I like get out the saws and go get lumber from Home Depot make multiple trips and like drill giant holes in the walls I just want to kind of keep it simple and do something a little more attainable for everyone I just want to do a little glow up for every room in this space see how I can make it better without breaking the bank without causing floods let's do it all right this wall is so blank originally I was like oh I want to keep it blank so I can do photo shoots on this wall I can like film against a blank background it's actually in the opposite I'm like because it's so blank and empty I don't want to film on it also my outfit is so like party on top Easter egg and then it's just couch potato on the bottom anyway a while ago I was perusing Facebook Marketplace and I bought a canas honestly it wouldn't be my first choice and originally I bought this because I was like I'm going to cover it up I wanted to make like texture art with wall filling stuff and then like paint it over but actually I do think this matches because my rug has the this same shade of green I think that this actually would work so I'm just going to hang it up I've already put some Command hooks up there what do we think does it look good I mean it definitely fills the wall up you know what I'm not going to overthink it I feel like an adult with this I don't know if I like that but it is something new for me I'm trying new things do we like it let me know moving on Welcome to my bedroom this is also giving blank Hospital Vibes I can't believe that I've been living in this boring bedroom for like a year okay so I have a couple of ideas here I know I want to decorate this wall somehow but do I want to do like a vintage wall like I did out there or something more postery or do I go full coet put bows on my wall concerns for each of them the Vintage Gallery wall love that idea but I always have this fear that there's going to be an earthquake and the frames are going to fall on my head while sleeping and I will be out cold I do live in Vancouver so earthquakes are kind of common number two is the posters I'm afraid of it being too like angsty teenage girl so maybe I lean towards more like curated posters and the third one is full bows like it might be a little too girly my style is not super girly so I'm kind of leaning towards the artwork I went overboard and I ordered stuff for all the possibilities so I'm going to try out the posters first and just see if that works and hopefully it works cuz if it doesn't then I'm going to have to take it all down and start over yeah this background is giving us nothing go girl give us nothing so okay I do have this one calendar that I got from Italy I just feel like my bedroom should be a fun space I should be inspired by the first thing that I see in the morning I also got these they're little art prints of cocktails I was like do I want to have alcoholic beverages as artwork in my bedroom but I'm trying not to overthink it like I just think it's cute I don't think I'm going to be like waking up and like reading it like scripture being like ah today I'm embodying gin and tonic I do love a good appil Spritz had my first one in Italy and I was like this is Bomb but I am a girl who loves a bit of color I love wearing color I love seeing color I love seeing in color so to break it up a bit I wanted to add a little more like soft girl artwork so I got these like I'm not sure if they're like postcards or just like art prints but it's a bunch of like floral nature themed artwork I really like am indecisive so I got a ton of artwork these are some more but I don't know if this fits in my bedroom like these are giving a little bit more like I'm about to go to war I have just survived the black plague you know these are also giving that same Bubonic plague Vibe so I'm going Reserve those this one ooh this is giv color wait these are pretty these are kind of like lucky girl Vibes this one is so cute love this one I a girl who loves to dance wait is this an ad or is this did this come with the pack oh I think this is one of the posters it looks like an ad for my next song one last piece of artwork I got was this one good days ahead this one I got because it matches my fridge to hang everything up I'm so excited to use this cuz I use this in art class in high school and I have thought about it since but it's always so fun to play with poster putty bro this is just so fun it's like playing with slime anyway I think this project is going to make me feel like a kid again it just reminds me of my 12-year-old self wait I should have gotten some Jonas Brothers posters that really would have been full 12-year-old me I'm thinking Alpha Romeo calendar above the nightst cute this is January we are now in February I've been so into F1 lately I can't wait for the new season to start I've been a huge fan of drive to survive that's what got me into it if you haven't watched drive to survive what are you doing I know what you're thinking if you've never watch watched it you're like why should I care about a bunch of millionaire Billionaire Boys who are so privileged who are driving around in loud fast cars being annoying that is exactly what I was thinking but it's like actually really inspiring to watch all their Journeys and the drama is so juicy I've just like grown so attached to everyone my favorite team is Ferrari although now that Carlos is getting booted I'm just so sad cuz Carlin is my favorite driver on the grid I also love Danny Rick of course I love Lando Norris I also love Charles but you know he's a little he's a little unlucky so it's hard to root for him at times I just know he's going to get into a crash you know what Max has been growing on me like he's not as annoying as I originally had thought anyway one time I said his full name and some of you Dutch viewers were like oh my God you like pronounced his last name so perfectly and now I'm scared to say his name again because I'm like what did I say like I don't remember how I said it so now I'm scared to butcher his name so I'm just never going to say his last name again okay I think we got it cute okay for this wall I think I'm just going to try a bunch of different configurations and y'all know I'm so indecisive so this is like the best thing ever let's just start somewhere Tada ah it's finally deck rated I love how just like casual and like teenage bedroom it looks and I feel like it just looks so fun and I'm now going to move on to these walls over here I think it would be fun to do the motivational posters on this wall just so like the first thing that I see when I wake up is this wall I do yeah I do wish they were all the same size but we will deal this has truly been through the ringer it got trampled on trains on planes boats in Venice like this poster I do not know how it's still in tacked this has been vintage ified oh it actually doesn't look [Music] bad welcome to my kitchen I actually don't really use the big light but for your visual viewing pleasure I will turn it on the thing is I do feel like it looks little sterile I mean like I know the a kitchen is supposed to look clean and whatnot but I just feel like it's too white like y'all know I Love My White marble surfaces like white walls and everything but I think it's finally catching up to me like the consequences of my own actions I'm like I just I think I've overdone it yeah and I needed to find out on my own valtion because you guys telling me in every single video I was like no girl you're wrong I'm obsessed with this I'm going to do whatever I want I'm eating my own words now so I I want to decorate this wall behind me I thought it would be cool to hang these okay this really making me want to recreate that scene from Tangled but I want to hang these on the wall like this it's like a storage it's like practical but it's also decorative so I got Command hooks 2 lb 3 lb this door has to open so I can't hit we're just going to have to go for it don't fall I think we're cooking don't I swear to God if I hear a bang in the middle of the night it's over for me I'm just terrified I'm just terrified actually no I have faith in myself don't freaking move okay let's see small guut is that going to affect okay is it like bad to say that oh if I need to open the laundry I'll just take off my pots and pans no girl that's impractical like me sacrificing the practicalness for Aesthetics it's not like I haven't done that before I feel like this is less than 2 lb D I don't even know what the I'm saying I am just going to I don't know dude I don't know dude low key I don't care I think it looks cute no but I kind of care more about the Aesthetics I'm not going to lie to you I'm so sorry I'm so sorry somebody said recently that I talk too much in my videos and now I'm getting in my head about it cuz I'm like I do talk a lot no I do talk a lot yeah like that's kind of the end of the sentence let me just I'm sorry but if I want to Yap I'm going to Yap like I'm going to girl girl who loves to Yap in fact I hope you're yapping along with me and I think that's the only way to live like if I'm being so for real and honest if you don't have a constant yapping monologue in your head also what's going on okay definitely crooked but well you can't even see it so it doesn't exist now is this going to create problems for me doing my laundry don't ask questions that I don't have the answers to okay you know what I'll just deal with the consequences when they arrive they definitely haven't arrived yet okay the last one is going to go down here this one is fine because it's so small it doesn't block anything I really understand why people would say I talk too much now because like I think I've just been talking to myself for the past like 20 minutes and like what did I even say I'm sure you just like really want me to shut off now but side tangent I just think that whoever was the makeup artist on season 2 of Samurai turn pretty needs to be fired so immediately because why would they make Lola look like that like she is so pretty they needed to throw some mascara on that girl that's so cute I feel like that's not enough I also want to hang some what's it called these things I felt like would match the color palette of these more but now I'm thinking it might be too much I feel like this is too much of a contrast I think I'm going to stick with my existing utensils cuz I think it would break up the colors a little bit more wait I'm actually obsessed it's so sick simple but so effective so happy about this I love that it makes me look like I cook a lot it's like ooh she has so many pots and pans like she must cook all the time or it's a dead giveaway that I don't cook because it's like anyone who's like actually cooking all the time wouldn't be like oh let me like hang these like wet pans on the wall okay the next area that I want to tackle is this wall behind me it's so bare I'm slowly realizing that this whole video is actually just me decorating blank walls so I obviously really love this Gallery wall that I have going on here and I think I want to just continue the same Vibe I want to add a bunch of frames but I also potentially want to add this which is my glowup project board for my glowup project series if you haven't seen it you should go watch it after this video it's where I am taking control of my life giving my life a glow up changing my habits all that kind of stuff I don't know if it's going to look out of place or not just because it might feel a little like messy but let me just try it out it would be like here that look bad okay as much as I like that idea I think for the purposes of Aesthetics I'm going to have to scrap it instead I got a bunch of frames from the thft store a while ago and I'll do a quick little haul for you so I have this one cute gold frames a brass one wood one wood framed shipwreck Vibes you know very rustic love it this ceramic pie vintage badminton racket this one and then this one has a colorful landscape inside a little old school concert going on I'm think old school like it's like old school rock and roll or something and no it's literally like baroke I got a bunch of artwork in Italy Fountain of Trevy I got this in Venice this is like Venice in what year back in the day back in the day the year of back in the day [Applause] okay I've done some planning and now it's time to hang everything up the tricky thing about this is I have to make sure everything is kind of spaced out evenly and I also have to make sure different objects don't repeat too often like similar size things and similar colored things look how cute now I have a full spread why did I not do this sooner for some reason I thought it would be too overwhelming but it actually looks so good I recently visited Europe and went to so many Galleries and museums like I already was obsessed with old architecture like that but after that trip I was like girl I need all this in my life so I've expanded it to this wall yay okay moving on as much as I love this wall wall it's giving boring it's giving why is there a random clock in the middle of this wall at first when I put it up I was like oh it's perfect I think I was just diluting myself but I do think that this is too small of a centerpiece to make a statement like especially when you can't see the stars it's like I literally just have this tiny little clock in the middle so I want to fill this out and I was like what can I do I could do these Stars again but it just didn't really feel right it felt like too flat I needed some three-dimensional pieces so I was like What if I keep it with the the top Time theme so I got a couple of time pieces to fill out the wall I got these two gold vintage watches and then I got this pendant time piece I think I'll probably hang it from one of the middle chains I also got a couple of clock pendant charms now I know what you're thinking what are you going to do with these these are not Decor pieces here's where you kind of have to trust the process okay and that is including me I have no idea how this is going to turn out I've never seen like a wall like this before I'm kind of just throwing onto the wall and hoping it sticks like literally I want to pin these onto the wall I honestly wish that I got more of these watches because I feel like it would be really cute if it was all watches but these are not cheap so I only got two I'm first going to see if I can even pin these onto the wall I'm actually going to use pins they're literally needles so I've have just shoved pin through one of the holes in the watch and I'm just going to see if even shove this into a wall can you see that please let me in I need to hammer this in wait it works is it cute though is it cute you know what I'm going to say that that's cute so I'm going to put these up with the putty that I used for the posters earlier wish it was bigger is that doing anything is that I kind of don't yeah I don't know about that one it's not really giving what I thought it was is going to give kind of giv what the is that kind of giving clock chickenpox it like could be really cute or like really ugly you know what I've decided I like it just because like I don't know what else I would do I do wish that I had more of these like bigger time pieces cuz I think if it was all of those then it would be cute but I don't and they're expensive I'm going to Gaslight myself into thinking I like it for now for now anyway here are the final before and afters of all the mini glow-ups I feel like the spaces just feel a little more fun and homey now but let me know your thoughts and what your favorite room is and how you would recommend that I fix some of the things that I'm unsure about but overall I just feel like my space is a little bit more elevated now and more fun which is exactly what I wanted but yeah thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time [Music] why
Channel: JENerationDIY
Views: 31,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: room makeover, room decor, diy room makeover, room transformation, extreme room makeover, diy renovation, small bathroom makeover, room makeover on a budget, bedroom makeover, room diys, jenerationdiy room, jenerationdiy room makeover, apartment makeover, renter friendly room makeover, renter friendly apartment makeover, renter friendly decor, small room makeover, renter friendly
Id: 0id73la2CiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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