Kendall and Kalani spill all the tea on the Dance Moms Reunion

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I'm Kendall and I'm colani we're walking on the Upper East Side we're passing Central Park can you tell them what you guys are in town for we're here for press for the dance homps reunion it's been a crazy two days I can't believe it's already coming out I feel like we just filmed it and I'm scared I'm not going to lie I'm a little nervous to watch it I'm a little nervous because all of the producers and stuff have obviously seen it so they're all like it's great you're going to love it and you look great in it but I'm like okay I'll be the judge of that yeah I'm like I'm scared when did you guys decide to do the reunion like how long has it been in the works for and when did you film well originally we were supposed to film it in August so it's kind of been talked about for a while but we all live different lives now you know like she's in college I live in Arizona I teach Dance all have such different schedules that it was hard to get us all together so we finally filmed it in November not everybody was on board to do it at first but eventually we realized it'd be a good closure for us did the show end abruptly when you guys were filming originally I think we had a lot of loose ends that we needed to just like you know clear the air talk about situations that we didn't never talked about with each other and on the show we were too young to really understand and to stick up for ourselves so this was also a time for us to show our true personalities and be together again we're literally sisters there's a bond like no other how old were you guys like agewise like how old were you when you were filming dance bombs trally I was eight when I started and I was around 14 when it ended you're 12 right like 11 or 12 so young 17 what was it like being so young being on TV and filming a show with your mom I feel like we never really considered it as a TV show cuz it was our lives we were just dancers from Pittsburgh and clonnie was just a regular dancer from Arizona being with your mom every single day obviously any child is going to you know have their moments but it definitely created a relationship with your mom that not a lot of girls get and I got to travel the world with all of them what is it like having been in the spotlight for so long do you feel like it has an effect at all on like your mental health oh for sure I mean it's hard because when you're on a TV show we don't really get to make the decision of how we're going to look you know we film 60 hours a week but only 42 minutes airs what's cool now though is that since they're social media we can really kind of take back our own narrative which has been fun and I also think it's just cool to see what we're doing now yeah and see what we're up to yeah I think a lot of people think we're not friends in real life they cuz Abby the the premise of the show I mean not the premise it was a very competitive environment and Abby would P us up against each other and people thought that we actually had hatred towards each other and that's just so not true so with this reunion you can genuinely see how much we love each other and how it's so amazing of a bond and friendship we will have for the rest of our lives and did you two always stay particularly close oh yeah baby I will not be joining in on that it's okay it's okay since we're walking we need to get ice cream [Music] all right we're walking back how are you guys feeling favorite interview we've done yet honestly you take the cake with this one and also we're getting glammed at the end of this I know so I'm need like a little wing liner moment you're going to see your boyfriend see my boyfriend so I do a little sultry look I'll do is there anything that happened with you guys reuniting that maybe wasn't aired on the show but you think is fun to kind of talk about I mean I would say last night we ended up at a tattoo parlor at 2:00 in the morning and we all got mad in tattoos was the one that was really like we're getting the tattoo and we were like okay who's going to take six drunk girls at 11:00 at night but luckily we walked in and we had a whole party yeah it was a whole night last dayit I love that we could go 10 years without seeing each other but as soon as we see each other again it's like we never ski a be all right that was 30 blocks so let's go get glamed we're going to find Danny she's going to Glam us hey Danny I want mob wife aesthetic that's a pretty color I'm going to go on another hot girl walk just for the Selfies she's Glam maybe she's born with it or maybe it's Maybelline that was good guys
Channel: Kate Mackz
Views: 7,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 83i8lPgxqO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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