The Girl Without a Phone - Cinderella 3

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I wait to watch the wind go I thank the morning sky Living in the shadow Waiting for my time Wishing on a dark night Take it as it comes Searching for the daylight A never ending love hear my voice take that chance baby can we dance I'd run away with you. I'd fight the darkness in your life if you just see it to. if we could make our worlds collide the sky'd be brighter than the fourth of July Oh we could have it all-- your request is denied Get back to work how is this even possible it knows who I am where I'm from all from mailing them our spit this is the coolest gift to ever give each other look it says my ancestry is 94 percent from Denmark that's where Hans Christian Anderson's from maybe you're related that would make so much sense it'll tell you in the app oh what does yours say I don't know what if I'm from Egypt or what if I'm related to King Tut just read it okay okay okay I am 96 broadly European what it doesn't specify just anywhere in Europe what a rip-off maybe you didn't spit enough but I slobbered so good on that thing oh well look it says something about your DNA on the app you're top one percent of something oh I knew I was special okay okay here we go okay your DNA is at the top one percent of Neanderthal what that's so cool neanderthal really I don't think it means I know my dad has a hairy back but that doesn't mean that we're a family of cavemen and I don't think I'm related to Hans Christian Anderson Well you should be oh but look it lists all these DNA relatives hmm anyone famous I don't know they're all just barely related one percent two percent DNA well there's Kornelius Luka cool names at least oh look Hazel Bennett same last name as you yeah but the match is only 2.5 percent that's not 2.5 that's 25 that's a lot oh who is that maybe from your dad's side my dad left before I was born we never heard anything about him except after he died 25 percent DNA match do you know what that means what Hazel Bennett is your half-sister can't I keep it this time the foster care system still doesn't pay enough to afford you Hazel dear we all must contribute this household has expenses look your sister needs a prom dress zip it's beautiful Deidre oww careful my skin sorry you look amazing I like the green one better yes Dreadful we'll send that one back will I get to go to prom Miss Vivian you saw your schedule you're working that night you can change it you're the principal what would be the point you've no one to go with people go on their own yes and they're ridiculed to no end aren't you fortunate I'm here to protect you don't worry Hazel dear it's your birthday soon you know what that means yes I do [Music] and what'd your mom say well she said that my dad didn't move far when he left but she'd never heard of a Hazel well neither have a lot of people she's not on social media I can't find her anywhere maybe she doesn't want to be found why else would all her information be on the ancestry site maybe someone put it there when she was younger all that matters is she's out there we can't just ignore it there's got to be some reason she's not on social media I'd run away with you I'd fight the darkness in your life if you just see it too if we could make our worlds collide the sky'd be brighter than the 4th of July I am trying to make a post do you want me to help you no just be quiet okay can't wait for your birthday [Music] did you find anything I Googled her but nothing came up I started looking but I kind of got sidetracked by what I started watching this show about finding lost relatives and and it wasn't good they all hated each other but that's for TV it wouldn't be like that I just don't want to ruin the family she already has you're not gonna ruin her family you'll make it better trust me phones away who would like to kick things off with our poetry reading William uh mine's not done they're due today folks now who's got theirs ready Teresa come on up my poem is called desire desire how I desire you... [Music] [Music] I'd run away with you I'd fight the darkness in your life if you'd just see it too if we could make our worlds collide the sky'd be brighter than the fourth of July oh we could have it all the words we mean but never said I'd catch you if you fall the kind of love in books you've read instead okay here's one H Bennett lives on Windermere Street that's not far She graduated in 1981 she's gotta be like 60. okay um h j Bennett okay works at Sandy's dog grooming no that's H for Harold oh there's a Hazel B at the mall this looks good yeah that's because it's a candy store maybe we should go there just in case oh we could have it all the words we mean but never said I'd catch you if you fall the kind of love in books you've read instead we're staring down the end of a line will we make it in time the aqua girl I don't know the ocean in her eyes hi I didn't know you were still here it's okay I came back I forgot my guitar oh um those aren't the words by the way what um it's awkward girl not uh not aqua girl oh they are are you sure yeah uh I think so I I mean uh I wrote it oh uh yeah I just thought so it's not about um I thought it was a metaphor for a mermaid uh no it's about this guy who likes this girl and uh she's she's kind of awkward so he's not a prince then no uh uh he could be actually no this is awkward I'm I'm sorry I'm awkward it's okay um you sing it well you you have a nice voice thanks what inspired it they asked me to write some songs for the prom oh cool why awkward girl uh I don't know I I guess I just like awkward girls I mean in my fantasy not that I fantasize about them I I just mean um in a writer's way you you have to use your your uh your fantasy imagination um uh jeez are you okay uh yeah I just I do this it helps me Focus so you're singing that at the prom yeah and some other music students are singing some other songs are you going uh no because because you you you go to school here right yeah we're in English class together right yeah um I'm quiet I just do this it's a work experience thing this isn't my um career yeah I'm sorry when I said I was awkward I didn't mean it in the way that you mean in your song I wasn't trying to hit on you I'm sorry that was weird um I'm I'm actually normally not this awkward oh man uh are you okay uh should I pull or no push me in further okay wait I got you okay thank you that was very Prince like of you I'm William by the way I'm Hazel I should probably go clean up yeah um same I mean I should go um it was nice meeting you welcome hey do you... um you first uh it's nothing you can go no no please please um actually I forgot you uh never mind um it it doesn't matter okay it was stupid okay okay bye bye [Music] look yearbooks from the boys on my brother's soccer team there's every High School in the district there's gotta be a Hazel Bennet in here somewhere [Music] Balthazar Bentley Best still no Bennett there's a Larissa Boober I'm so sorry oh don't worry she can clean it up it's her job oh hi um are you okay I'm just embarrassed thank you no problem at least someone appreciates my awkward moments I'm sure you're not awkward all the time oh don't worry I am sorry I didn't mean that in a creepy way actually never mind I don't know why I apologized for that or why I'm still talking at all you know sometimes there's one part of my brain that says be quiet while the other one says why should I so they're both just arguing in my head can you tell a joke or something so I'm not the only thing to laugh at here uh sorry you don't have to what did one carrot say to the other carrot I don't know the farmer is really rooting for us did you just make that up yeah so you weren't saving that For a Moment Like This no i so needed that you know you're very creative and other stuff well I have to read my poem for English after lunch so there's more well if it's half as good as your daddy jokes dad jokes I did not say that I I have like no chill or whatever that's called [Music] um I'm gonna bounce and let you practice your poem before I eat more food off the ground I don't normally do this okay okay bye bye love you I mean good luck sorry that did not I wasn't oh my gosh wow did you find a Bennett no but look how many phone numbers this James guy got he must have had a Crazy Summer the title of my poem is any time now [Music] did you complete it yeah um it it's it's called um [Music] it's called Hazel will you go to prom with me Hazel will you go to prom with me he actually asked me a boy asked me to prom how wonderful so can I you schedule's been set can't it be unset you can do that you said if I had someone to go with no that's not what I said what if I were twice as hard tomorrow or longer I'll work all night if I have to it's not that simple oh miss Vivian please this is my only prom I have a chance to make it something special the answer is no why do you get to decide because you're still a child that's why I'm doing what's best for you preparing you for the life that awaits let me deal with that when it comes disappointment will be your constant companion Hazel dear it's best you learn to deal with it now I can assure you after your birthday it won't be so trivial Emerson high school has mixed boys and girls wrestling wait Sierra look at this how do they know where to grab Hazel Bennett's not pictured here well let's grab a new one then no I mean Hazel Bennett not pictured here what are you talking about I already looked at that one she's not in it she's not in the B's they put her at the end what not pictured Hazel Bennett maybe she was sick on picture day Riverside secondary [Music] [Music] she stays after school to work you mean she's still here right now that's what they said West wing The West Wing where the Beast keeps the rose maybe we should turn back there's no turning back now Lily I think we're in another fairy tale let's just be careful okay we don't know what her situation is or what her family's like or if she even wants to know this right so just let me do the talking okay I'll be quiet excuse me yeah is there a homework club or something that meets somewhere we're looking for someone who works after school oh yeah there's a group in room 211 upstairs they're still here thank you wow this School has the prettiest janitors I've ever seen remember be calm okay we don't want to scare her I'm calm I'm calm I'll be fine oh sorry wrong room I said I was sorry okay I couldn't help it you know I lose control of my impulses when I have to pee oh hi sorry is this bathroom closed because I really have to go it's fine go ahead thank you we don't go to this school so we appreciate the hospitality no problem hey how long have you worked here you look really young to be a janitor just this year it's more like a work experience program I'm actually a student oh so you just work here after school yeah cool you definitely beat the rush hour traffic I'd hate to be one of those guys yeah I don't have to worry about it hey do you ever have to clean the boys bathroom I heard it's way grosser than the girls sometimes I don't think I can ever go in there what if I got caught I feel like a total creeper one time when I was little actually went into the boys change room in gym it was empty but I got so scared I had nightmares about it for a really long time anyhow we gotta get going we're looking for somebody who works after school so enjoy the rest of your afternoon thanks are you Hazel yeah how did you know it says on your tag [Music] oh yeah are you okay you seem sad I'm okay I just don't like my job right now oh well how come it's prom tomorrow I have to work you can't just take the night off my stepmother won't let me you have a stepmother well she's technically my foster Guardian not my mother she's never been my mother oh sorry although my foster sister is going well that doesn't seem fair and I even had a boy I like ask me to go with him sounds like a fairy tale [Music] yeah evil stepmother step sister handsome prince Royal working as a maid Lily why didn't you say something I just got scared you don't need to be Sierra what if she doesn't like me you're the most likeable person I know what if she got mad that we didn't find her earlier we didn't know earlier what if she doesn't want a sister Lily what if this isn't the right time Lily what you're right I am she doesn't need a sister right now what what the royal ball is tomorrow we have a job to do [Music] Hazel I'm sorry the old Hazel can't come to the phone right now [Music] wow [Music] you look good or not good um well yes you look good um but you look better than good um like um beautacious [Music] what no I didn't say that I don't think I ever said that in my life what I mean is you don't look good but you look really good you look amazing [Music] and she kept trying to slow dance with him even to the fast song that is so embarrassing at least her mom came and got her well at least I wasn't the most awkward person at prom thank you guys so much this was the best night of my life you deserve it oh hey it's midnight we should get going oh is everything okay yeah it's just if it's midnight it means it's my birthday well happy birthday don't you like birthdays I do this one's different though why I'm 18. I've officially aged out of the foster care system what does that mean it means the government doesn't pay my foster mother to look after me anymore so what happens I don't know actually maybe if I work extra shifts they might let me stay longer I don't know where else I'll go but it's okay I'll be okay I just wish I had a real family you know some place to call home just like Cinderella at midnight the spell is broken yeah if only I had a fairy god mother [Music] Hazel What If instead of a fairy godmother you had a sister what okay this is this is gonna sound really awkward but once upon a time I mean not once upon a time I don't know why I just said once upon a time but um in in January uh us we me and Sierra we did these DNA kits it was just for fun yeah and then so you see what happened was Sierra was part Neanderthal I'm not a caveman but she does have extra caveman DNA Lily but that's not important the point is the point is the point is what I'm trying to say what I'm trying to say is welcome home are you sure it's okay yeah my mom said you could stay for as long as you need we are gonna have the best sleepovers [Music]
Channel: YAPTV
Views: 826,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinderella, Fairy Tale, Young Actors Project, YAP, Short Film, Teens, Comedy, Funny, Acting, Actor, Actress, Wonderland High, Cheerleaders in the Chess Club, Thirteen, Frog, Brothers Grimm, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, Modern, High school, Hot, Princess, Prince, Prince charming, love, love story, Kissing, free movies on youtube, fairy tale movies, disney princess movies, disney princess, kiss, stims, stimming, autistic, anxiety, Puppy love, Degrassi, musical, high school musical, autism
Id: o32OuWohwOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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