The Girl Without a Phone - a Frog Princess Story

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What I'm Arial? I can't even swim. It's usually  never wrong. Lily what did you get? Cinderella   again. duh. What about you? uh I was Pocahontas  last week but then I said i was thinking of being   vegetarian so maybe Rapunzel. What about you  Cassidy? It says I'm not a princess. Maybe   you missed a question. I answered them all. That's  weird. Yeah it always tells you something you have   to be a princess. I'm not it's fine whatever  I don't deserve it. Why would you say that.   Seth dumped me today. What? Yes like a piece of  garbage. Thanks. I'm sorry I yes garbage. You're   not garbage. We were supposed to go to the dance  together. Well you can still go with us, we'll go   as friends. Yes you must this is what friends  are for. Well I might still have a date. With   who? Nathan's taking me for ice cream tomorrow if  that works out and I'll go with him. Don't seem   like grieving time? He could be the one. Well it  is free ice cream. These phones are so cool, how   did we survive. I know right like I can't  remember what life was like without them. I   actually have a friend in Lebanon now. Where's  that? I don't know but she has a picture of   herself with a monkey. So cool. and now I  have this case so nothing bad could happen. I think I ate too much licorice do you want the  last one? No you can just put it in the dumpster. I can't throw away licorice. There's  only one left. It feels wrong. Nothing   bad will happen. I'm not worried about the  licorice gods getting me okay I just don't   like wasting. I'm trying to save the planet  here. Okay you've had enough. what what. My phone, you just. I did? Oh my gosh yes Lily.  What do we do? Get it out. How? Go in. I am NOT   going in there. Lily. Sierra. Why did you do that.  I didn't mean to. Well do something. What do you   want me to do. Someone has to get my phone. I  can lift you in. I am not going it there it's   garbage you did it you go. but I'm dressed nice.  My phone is more more than your clothes someone   has to get my phone. Watch out sorry my wheel is  loose I shouldn't be riding this thing I tried   to fix it but I needed a wrench and I only had  a screwdriver so it's a little screwy like me. Yeah that's not funny um I should probably  just walk this home. You guys are like the   second people I almost crashed into, third if  you count the dog um again I'm really sorry if   there's anything I can do just let me know, or  just pretend you never saw me. Hang on, actually   there is one thing you could do. What does it look  like. It's pink with a purple and turquoise case. No it's not gonna be inside a bag you're just  making things grosser. Why don't you call it. Oh   yeah good plan. I know you guys from school yeah  I think I might have seen you around. I'm Charlie,   you're Lily and Sierra right. Yeah  how'd you know? He's a stalker. I think   I'm getting warmer. Keep looking.  Yeah oh no that's a dirty diaper. I found it. Oh my gosh thank you so much oh thank  you so much you're the best. No problem. This is   like the nicest thing anyone's ever done for  me like I owe you if there's anything I can   do just name it. Want to go to the dance with  me? huh? The school dance do you have a date?   no? so do you want to go with me? oh okay? Cool  that that's awesome oh I'll see you at school   then. What just happened? You said that you  were gonna go to the dance with him. I didn't   mean it it slipped out I'm not good at saying  no why didn't you stop me. I didn't think you   were gonna say yes. oh my gosh I can't go  to the dance with him he's weird. He's not   that weird. He goes into garbage cans. He  was getting your phone. Who does that it's   weird. You can talk to him tomorrow and  just straighten it out. I am not talking   to him at school that'll be embarrassing.  Well what else are you gonna do. I'll just I'll just pretend it never  happened. He'll probably forget. Good morning Sierra. oh hi. I picked you these  on the way to school. You shouldn't steal from   people's gardens. They were my neighbors, I helped  plant them. Okay well thank you. My parents are   really excited that I have a girlfriend.  Girlfriend? Yeah they said that you should   come over for dinner. I'm kind of a picky eater.  No way me too we have so much in common we could   have nuggets and fries. Okay well I'm gonna have  to check my schedule I'm pretty busy. Speaking of   schedules I'm switching out of one of my classes  so we can have science together. Great. I'll see   you after class. Oh my gosh Lily help me. What  happened did he forget? No he thinks I'm his   girlfriend. Why what did you tell him? Nothing.  You have to talk to him. What do I say? Tell him   you don't want to be his girlfriend anymore. I am  not his girlfriend I never was and never will be.   So tell him that. I can't. Why not? Well look how  happy he is. Okay so if you can't break up with   him you have to get him to break up with you.  Well how do I do that? I think I know who can   help. How did you get them to break up with you?  Which one? Let's start with your first. Connor   thought I was boring. Were you? I was nervous,  he was my first, I didn't know what to do it   was hard to be myself. What did you guys do?  Boring stuff. Like? Well we go fish do you have   any jacks? You're really good at this. Cards are  like all I do. That's cool you should come with   me to Kingston Manor. What's that? It's the old  folks home where my grandpa lives I go there for   lunch every weekend we play cards all day. Go  Fish, Crazy Eights, Old Maid, lunch is so good   you've got to try their fruit cups. Boring  didn't work, we need something more serious.   What are some other reasons your boyfriends  dumped you? Sorry I mean parted ways. There was   Christopher. What happened with him. He thought  I was disgusting. Were you? It was just a phase. I love root beer. I actually I can't really have  that much or else I get acne. Acne is awesome,   I pop my zits. Just be careful, you don't want  to get a skin infection. I love skin infections,   so colorful. I'm sorry I'm so disgusting I'm sure  you were hoping for a classier girl. I don't mind   it. What? It kind of reminds me of my mom and  dad. We're like a married couple, it's nice to   have someone that you can be so comfortable with.  Okay that totally backfired new plan. What other   guys have dumped you? Bringing up these memories  isn't fun for me. I really appreciate it. Oh what   about Thomas. Thanks. What happened? He felt that  our values didn't align. Your values didn't align   what does that even mean? Like everything I liked  he didn't, and everything he liked was totally   stupid. Okay so how do I do that with Charlie  first you have to figure out what he likes. Math is like the most important thing in the  world. Really? Yeah it's the basis of all   creation just look at a shell in the ocean or a  spiderweb math is all around us. I didn't know   spiders were that smart. Or if you're a cook  or a carpenter or playing the ukulele you need   math. In fact the expansion of the universe can  be calculated using mathematical computations. I   can spell boobies on my calculator. Okay. But you  just have to hold it upside down see. Yes I see. What's your favorite number? Archimedes  constant naturally or PI as it's commonly   known. It's the key constant to any equation  involving circular motion 3.14. My favorite   number is Rumpelstiltskin. That that's not a  number. Yeah it is. No it's not. Yeah. That   doesn't make any sense. Yeah it does. What  that how Rumpelstiltskin is a-- is a magical   elf. It's also a number. This conversation  is hurting my brain. I'm just stating the   facts. This this is not a fact okay that you  can't just you're just saying it without any   proof I don't know what I'm gonna do. Well  you go do what you need to do but infinity   goes on forever so there has to be a number called  everything eventually including Rumpelstiltskin. What? You're right that's actually totally  true. It is? Yeah like next-level mathematical   philosophy. He thinks I love math now. Don't give  up, there's lots of reasons why guys can dump you.   Well what else. You remember Dylan? He broke  up with me because I was moving too fast. Too   fast? Like he wanted to thing slow. and you?  I had a little trouble controlling myself.   So should I like overdo it. Exactly. hmm.  Oh wow nice wedding dress. So where do you   want to live honey bunny? Live like like you  mean? when we're married silly. We might be a   little young. And I was thinking four kids or  maybe five or would you want more? Kids for us   to have? I think I like the name Amberly for a  girl do you like it? um. and Charlie junior of   course. I might have to check with my parents  first. Who has time for parents Charlie Warlie   we need to keep the train chugging down  the track choo-choo choo-choo. choo-choo. Just think how wonderful it will be when I can  have you all to myself and we can hug and kiss   it snuggle. And have tickle fights. No don't  tickle me ever I don't like it I once gave   my cousin a bloody nose when she tickled me.  He's weirder than I thought. He's gross and   slimy and yucky. He's like a frog. Oh my gosh.  what? Sierra. What? You must have caught it from   me. Caught what is there something on me. Don't  you see it, the same thing that happened to me   is happening to you. Okay I'm a late bloomer  you don't have to rub it in. No no no a fairy   tale has taken over your life. What? You just said  it he's the frog. I didn't mean it like that. In   the Frog Prince the princess loses her golden  ball in the pond and the frog gets it for her   just like what happened with you and your phone.  That was a garbage bin. and the Frog wants to be   loved by the princess, just like how Charlie  asked you to the dance. I am not a princess.   Sierra this is happening. No its not happening,  nothing is happening. You know what you have to   do. No I am not kissing him my life is not  a fairy tale. There has to be another way. Well there is one more way. What is it? I wasn't  going to suggest this. I'll try anything. It goes   against my morals. I have no morals left please  just tell me. You have to lie to him. Lie,   like what kind of lie? The bigger the better.  I'm bad at lying. If you lie you break the trust,   and with no trust there's nothing. I don't know  if I could do this one I'm really bad at lying I   always get the hiccups. Sierra you can do this  just believe in yourself you can be a liar. This is all I have so far I want to add some  words but it never turns out good. ooh except   I did the sending part it goes like this doo doo  doo bee doo doo doo bee doo bee doo doo doo doo   bee doo doo doo bee doo bee doo doo. That's  really pretty. Thanks a lot of math went into   that. If you listen to the patterns. I used to  have a ukulele when I was younger. Can you play?   No it was too hard. I think it might still be my  attic or something. Well the song is super easy   it's just four chords. Wow. So are you ready for  the dance? Oh umm actually I forgot to tell you   something. What? Well you see I my old boy friend.  uh-huh. He asked me to the dance before you. Oh so   are you gonna go with him. Well I said I would so  you know. Okay yeah you should honor that. Yeah. Who is he? oh he's Baxton. Baxton? yeah  Pearson Tonner. I don't think I have any   classes with him. No he's he's a year  older. What's he like? He's different,   yeah. Like how like gets excited very  easily, and he's super enthusiastic I'd   say. That's fun yeah he's fun for sure and  he surprises me a lot too because I thought   he was kind of weird at first. Weird? Like  kind of nerdy and gross but then I thought   that he was nice and fun like I never met  anyone like him before. Do you like him? Maybe a bit. Or maybe a lot. What? It sounds  like you still like him. It does? Yeah I can   tell from the way you're talking sounds like  you still really like him. No it's it's not   like that I just I meant like. It's okay I  can go to the dance with some of my friends. It worked? Yeah totally. So he's  gone? Yeah he fell for it he thinks   I have a boyfriend. Aww see you're  a good liar after all. I guess so. I don't understand if you got what you  wanted why are you sad? I'm not sad I don't know what I am. Okay. I thought I didn't  like him. But? but that was before I knew him.   Lily we got the fairy tale wrong. What do you  mean? He's not the frog I am. You're not a frog.   Then why do I feel like one? No one's a frog.  Then it's the wrong fairy tale. Maybe it is.   huh? Maybe it is the wrong fairy tale. Maybe it's  two fairytales or a whole bunch of fairytales.   What are you talking about. Well the moral  of The Frog Prince is not judge someone by   their outer beauty but from what's on the inside  and you learned that. So maybe a new fairy tale   has taken over. You are so overthinking this.  What did you get on your quiz? From my phone,   that was BuzzFeed it said I was Rapunzel.  Rapunzel. I'm not Rapunzel I can't even sing.   Safe in her tower. I don't have a tower.  Afraid to let anyone in. No don't be dumb.   Worried you'll get hurt. No. and the only  way to let him in is to let your hair down. You said it yourself it's never wrong.  but Rapunzel just waits around. Not   this time I'm gonna get you ready for  the dance. You're such a Cinderella. Hi. Hey Charlie two tickets? Oh I just  need one. No problem have fun. Thanks. I wrote this song for you I did  know what else to do to tell you   that really like you didn't think  it could be true but I do I do I do thought you were weird but I was wrong so I wrote  it in this song that I'm singing to you cuz I like   you I was afraid told a big lie don't really have  a boyfriend oh I only like you ooh yeah it's true it's only you don't know what else to do but  I'll keep singing do do do be do   do dooby dooby doo doo - Doo be  Doo doot Doo bee Doo bee Doo do
Channel: YAPTV
Views: 21,865,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High school, movie, Princess, Fairy Tale, hot, bully, Belle, Young Actors Project, YAP, Prince, Charming, Kissing, Kiss, Pretty, Love, Frog, Disney, Robert Randall, Short Film, Hot, cute, beautiful, fashion, cinderella, teens, comedy, funny, drama, Aurora, Esmerelda, Brothers Grimm, Cheerleaders in the Chess Club, Thirteen, Wonderland High, Locker Combo, Romance, romantic, Aladdin, Beauty, Beast, queen, snow white, Ariel, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Elsa, the princess and the frog, sleeping beauty, bullying
Id: eR1Ltn--iFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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