The Geometry Dash Level That Nearly Died

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thousands of attempts hundreds of people witnessing the event live a single player had the most anticipated Geometry Dash level at his grasp with hundreds of hours of work thrown by its countless controversies could this player finish the level off it was 2015. a player named Brian had just verified one of the hardest levels ever created the fact that this was completed was beyond belief compared to a normal level bloodbath was unimaginably more difficult however a Riot's next move would certainly surprise some this is the yada garasu a three-legged Crow whose story had been passed through many generations eventually the story passed on to a geometry dash player known as Riot Riot was considered to be the best of the time and was looking to further submit his legacy by creating the ultimate Challenge however he couldn't do it alone so he called the number one Creator viprin to help him gather players to make a love without overshadow all the competition at the time over the coming months many joined the project and they would set off on a journey to change the game forever but you may be wondering why people decided to push a game like Geometry Dash this far in the first place despite most being unable to even get two percent on these levels players have always pushed the difficulty with the in-game editor with this editor you can make any difficulty you desire except it wasn't always like this when the game was initially released many players prefer the easier Creations levels are deemed too difficult to get disliked to Oblivion however this would all change on the developer and Rob top released a new hardest difficult he called demon players would quickly realize that demons were incredibly diverse leading to the community making five tears of the demon difficulty with the hardest being the extreme demon this difficulty was so scarce to have bloodbath was one of the only three extreme demons uploaded onto the servers Ryan wanted to be known as the best player by completing the fourth extreme demon could he do it [Music] top players who are terrified of the inbound yadagurasu from what the community had seen so far it was everything that made bloodbath difficult but way longer while players were waiting for the level to be finished some dramas started to brew a controversial player by the name of Cyrillic snatched a copy of the level leaked it to the public to play while the copy was unfinished several YouTubers would upload replays of it onto their accounts before the level had even been finished it had already undergone massive Misfortune at the time Ryan Viper must have felt pretty irritated by this but they could have never guessed that cyrillically kicking the level would end up being a blessing in disguise but before that could happen it would be completed after many months of hunting for creators and finishing this masterpiece Viper no showcased the entire creation on YouTube for the world to see [Music] instantly the fears of many players competing against Rye became true if Rai was somehow able to verify he had a grasu then no other level would come close to difficulty with the level finished once and for all Raya would begin his conquest of trying to slay this Beast but as Riot began playing he fell overwhelmed it was near impossible for him to get a good run and the love was insanely made it extremely stressful he had massively underestimated the difficulty of it sure he had verified bloodbath but was this really in his skill range to make matters worse Raya would develop finger pains which would make playing the game very unhealthy tainted by the previous controversy the sheer difficulty and his pain Ryu would end up dropping the level for good fortunately however the level wasn't done just yet the yada Grosso would once again Ascend into the spotlight when it was announced that Riot passed a verification on to serve serve was a special player to say the least [Music] bloodbath you lose his biggest chance thus far against his rival Quasar while both players had been racing on blood that for months Quasar would end up completing the level first Edward Ross served while added it's over it's over Get Wrecked serve get friction serve was ruined he has been dissed in front of millions of people to serve yadagrasso was seen as a way to one-up Quasar and so the quest began [Music] earlier that year one of yadagrass's creators cyclic was exposed as a hacker after the Scandal he would promptly be kicked out and his part deleted with an empty part rival decided to invite a Creator named Mannix to a team to create a part for the level but just like cyclic manic should undergo a big controversy Ryan would accuse Max of stealing assets from another level with Mannix refusing to delete them after many back and forths Raya felt betrayed yadagrasso was supposed to be his Masterpiece but this part was Untouchable in the midst of the drama he would decide to finally kick Maddox out of the clap with manix going on to reuse his part in bloodlust after this viperner decided to host an event thousands of creators in the community would line up to compete against each other all they had to do is finish off this part weeks passed as more and more Creations would be submitted famous creators like laser Blitz would participate but in the end there could only be one Victor and that was was abstract dark an up-and-coming crater would finally finish off the yadagurasu with the level being finished the completion process could commence serve began frequently streaming level on Twitch and were quickly progressing to the level since he was the second person ever to complete bloodbath only behind Quasar many in the community deemed to serve a good enough player for this task but despite being one of the best players the level felt unrealistic it fueled him with rage and playing it felt like a chore and on one specific stream something interesting would happen while practicing jazar's prior early on in the level the sheer difficulty of the level made playing it impossible blinded with rage server would begin deleting jazor's part but not only did he exit the level but he saved it and it's completely distorted State serve had just deleted the entire part from yadagrasu with no way of getting it back no no no no no I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean X at all fortunately there would be a few backup soft on the servers but some speculation of jaysr having to rebuild his part would float around to many players it seemed like the level couldn't stop being surrounded by controversy and just like Riot shortly after server would become the second ever player to drop out of the verification foreign [Music] there have been many overly ambitious levels in the past often made by creators that don't understand the true difficulty of their Creations leading to even the best of players to give up on these levels some of these Christians simply die while others go down to more controversial path a Nerf you see when a level is hyped up as the hardest level for months many expected to be that difficulty when you promise something for ages it's seen as unhonorable to falsely deliver on your creation the future of the autographs of scene dim and many wondered if the next player selected could actually pull through after all hours upon hours went to creating the level and if it didn't get verified it would all go to waste so with the pressure of both the creators and the community a player by the name of truster would pick up the yadagrasso and obser finally sang The Crow trust there was a near perfect player for the job in a torso dethroned bloodbath by verifying sukub in hell I love that despite its short length was still hard enough to be top one the sudden change routine of fast pace Behemoth to an endurance space challenge you to be an issue but luckily he would be prepared so I said getting lots of experience from practicing sound like sleek's copy of Yara grossu the whole incident really was a blessing in disguise as Trista was able to get runs like 62 to 157 percent completely shattering everyone's expectations despite being only the eighth doctor of bloodbath he looked like he could finish the level off however the three-legged Crow would once again find itself in one of the most heated Geometry Dash dramas yet tresso once again began playing the level quickly getting 63 percent all he had to do is connect his two biggest runs into one but despite the progress saying that yadagrasso would still proved to be a challenge no part was more challenging than Michigan's just like in bloodbath Michigan's pardon yada Grosso is a massive choke point on stream he would make a move without Chuck everyone the sudden spike in difficulty caused many devastating fails to um a completion of the under set of the powerful unrealistic fed up with the unbounds nature of this part chaso began nerfing it the chat urged him not to but it was too late despite moving some spikes a few pixels higher it was enough for most people to turn against him many believe that the level was even top one anymore but Jessica pushing despite all the pressure to revert the changes it had been over half a year since it was first preview he couldn't let it fall into a trap of other unreleased levels either the yachtographs would remain unbeatable or trust don't have to finish it off unhonorably eventually trusted got what he wanted and finally passed Michigan after this an arrival at that was certainly possible as we entered the final section thousands of eyes laid upon him while some are devastated by the update everyone still wanted him to succeed all he had to do was not mess up but that didn't matter tresso is getting extremely consistent and it was only a matter of time before we'd have to challenge the levels obscene difficulty for the final time foreign [Music] place on the top one spot but upon the placement many arguments would ensue players who unsure of the levels true status a creation named sonic wave had just recently been verified he's sleeping place at the top while you have to go upstairs three minutes long sonic wave had much harder gameplay even if it was a minute shorter after weeks of discussion you have a grass this true placement would be determined number two with the level being placed at the second spot many were disappointed players throughout the community believe that trust that killed the level's Legacy but it didn't matter that the level was placed at number two after all the level had carried bloodbath's Legacy to new heights with both almost grossing millions of downloads this legendary love would Inspire millions of players to continue thanks all with the hardest levels ever created the highly anticipated release of yada grass would Mark the end of an era
Channel: Cob
Views: 106,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometrydash, geometry dash, gdcob, gd, yatagarasu, yatagarasu gd, bloodbath, sonic wave, geometry dash yatagarasu, hardest level, hardestlevel, top1, top 1, best player
Id: nAtt70JMZxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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