Alternate Universe RobTop Levels!

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[Music] what's up guys girls and construction workers I'm here in Geometry Dash but we're actually going to take this to somewhere else really quick there's this new groans thread that robtop made in April 2013 before GD came out mentioning how he was working on an iOS Android game uh similar to The Impossible game that he needed music for I wonder what that could be and he posted a video to show kind of what he was looking for and if you're not familiar with this video it's the ultimate destruction thing that it's that level and there's a lot of familiar faces in this thread like example the first reply here is by step who is the author of polargeist you scroll down some more we got forever bound stereo Madness ejvi we got base after base and also another song by him that wasn't actually used and on that note in this thread there are tons of songs that were suggested that never made it into the game because as robtop said in like some of these posts the song didn't match the feel the song wasn't what he was looking for you know it didn't work work well for what he wanted I wanted to see what would happen if these levels did make it into the game what what would these levels be like if they were official levels now I'm going to be making 1.0 levels basically because that's when this was for so these wouldn't have been these wouldn't have been like a 1.5 levels like these would have been pretty early on something that's interesting to note is that when robtop posts the full roster of all the songs jumper is obviously already there because it was out in 1.0 but water flame is nowhere to be seen in this comment thread so I guess Rob top also was out looking on his own and reached out to water flame good choice too because water flame has like some of the best songs in the game so yeah like some of these songs are pretty good let's go through something we got what we got this one I mean it's not a bad song but yeah I mean it doesn't really fit what robtop probably wanted I mean I could see this in a GD level I mean this is just like this is so indicative of just like early 2010s like techno trance music I mean come on this this I could see this in a GD level but but at the same time while I can see these songs as GE levels I I do understand what robtop was saying I do understand what he means by like this song doesn't fit what I'm looking for because these songs are decent nonetheless but I can kind of see how some of them don't really they don't really feel like they'd fit in well with the the main seven songs this one is kind of similar to ultimate destruction in my mind I just don't think it has enough of a of a beat and what about that DJ VI song this is a song that djvi suggested and obviously a bunch of his songs got in the game you know can't let go back on track all that stuff but this one wasn't taken I mean I can definitely see this like I could totally see this in a in a GD level so we're gonna be doing today is we're going to be taking two or three of these songs and we're gonna try and build a bit of what the level could have been you know 30 40 seconds or so nothing crazy just to just to see what it could have been like I don't know what I'm gonna do for difficulty I don't know what I'm like where I'm gonna play I think I'm just gonna use all the 1.0 stuff because you know stereo Madness didn't have orbs or pads you know back on track didn't have orbs they you know the stuff was gradually introduced um I'm just gonna make all of it fair game so I think that the first one we're gonna do is going to be that djvi song Just because I mean come on it's it's djvi of course it works as a GD level we've got balancer here of course this really gives off like deep purple Vibes to me to start off at least see normally I'd put like a ball portal or something down here or even a ship portal right but these are our only two game modes so I don't think I want to put a ship portal down just yet that's kind of weird it's like a 1.0 creating challenge as well this thing too I get so many comments from you guys whenever I build a 1.0 style level where it's like oh you used green orbs oh you use blue orbs those aren't in 1.0 even though they're 1.0 styled not 1.0 well this level actually is going to be 1.0 so I actually am restricted to a pretty small set of items so we'll put our ship portal down here 28 seconds in and then we'll have our ending be here I mean yeah it ends at the at like another drop but I mean come on man like it's I'm not Rob top I'm not making song cuts of the levels okay give me a break all right let's do like a gradual Fade to a more blue over the course of like oh that's a screenshot over the course of like 15 seconds and then yeah let's just get some gameplay down I guess uh I'm gonna build a really rough outline of the gameplay and then I'll go back probably off camera and I'll make it actually look like a robtop level let's do some fake orbs like can't let go you know plastic robtop gotta use a pad as well looks like totally forgot pads even existed I'm also trying to make it sink at least like a little bit I sync is pretty hard to do when you have this limited of a tool set but I'm I'm trying you know can't fault a man for trying man the gameplay is really something crazy here but uh I'm I'm doing my best man it's really hard to have like any any amount of creativity when you have like eight objects to choose from all right then what I'm thinking is we hit him with the upside down portal we go upside down hit him with the dry out special and then here I I you know I actually don't know if this is taught in the main game but we'll teach the player an important lesson here uh that you can die by hitting the ground if you're upside down so you gotta you gotta jump in order to get past it you know I'm I'm a I'm a game developer game designer I should be one oh we're almost to the ship part yes we're almost to the ship part oh this is exciting yeah see and the fact that this level is gonna be like 40 seconds long is like the main reason that I'm gonna I'm gonna make it actually look like a robtop level off camera because that would just be like so incredibly boring to watch so we're gonna deal with it after gameplay this is gameplay and then we'll hit you with the cold reality and you have to not hit the last one and then boom ship part easy as that easy money easy money oh we should probably change the background again let's do red took another screenshot all right ship gameplay uh this is like the most boring thing to do in an early robtop level I don't I don't I don't really know what I'm going to do because I don't really know how I'm supposed to make like a any difficult gameplay all right let's just maybe around maybe at the halfway point we'll go upside down so yeah what if we do like a thing where there's like what if there's there's like just not really many spikes here and it's just like a pathway that you have to follow I feel like that's fine right that seems like something early robtop would do where there's no spikes you just gotta just gotta fly and not not hit the hit the walls you know and then afterwards at this point we can we can deal more with spikes so I'm just gonna put some spikes down really quick just to sort of get the general outline I'll deal with the actual level later when I make it look like a Rob top level okay and then you'll drop down here and it's right back to the Cube stuff and then what I think I'm gonna have you do next is hit the Subscribe button baby because we are on the road to 100K and statistically a lot of you watching right now aren't subscribed so if you're enjoying the video or even if you're not hit the Subscribe button baby whoa thrown in triple spikes now this is one that's set up for you which is why they're full spaced it's like I don't I don't think you can die there if you're just holding and then your final jump of course will also be a triple Spike I think I'll make that one I'll make these last couple more squished together as robtop would probably do just just throw like four of them back to back at you be really evil okay so we're our first level is done that took longer than I thought it would to build and it's also longer than I thought it would be I didn't want the levels to be almost a minute long I was hoping they'd be more like 30 seconds but that's fine it's a djvi song it deserves a longer level so like I said I'm gonna go back later and I'll I'll make it look like a 1.0 level and then I'll do the showcases all at the ending the second song so the next song I'm Gonna use is this song Herald by frutza I I think it's it's very upbeat so it'll probably be a little bit silly to try and build a GD level too at regular speed this would definitely be like a triple speed level but we'll make do um it's very upbeat and Hyper so I think that this is like a very good color for it actually I'm using an offset so I'm using an offset to start the song here [Music] so actually maybe let's do like a more faded color and then and then here we'll really kick it into full Overdrive I think that works also because of the offset I chose there's only like 30 seconds of the song left so I can't go over this time this is a very interesting one I like uh this is a song that I I think would totally have it's weird I feel like the song really would have fit in along the first couple but at the same time because it's so upbeat I feel like it wouldn't but it just totally sounds like like it has the sound of like an early GD level but we'll do right into an upside down ship upside down ship yeah so the level's only gonna be 31 seconds long because the song itself just there's just not much left of it um because I started it pretty close to the ending but I also liked that I started it close to the ending because this is gonna like this level's gonna have like an even uh ending that actually works right because balancer I kind of just stopped it in the middle because the song is like three minutes long wow wow wow wow [Music] I feel like this kind of gameplay would go good with the with these things I think these were in were they in try out something like that right but there was just a bunch of these all over the place and the the top and bottom obviously had like regular ground spikes on them but I think this I think this works and then yeah and then dry out went to like these things like bigger boxes I don't know even if that's not what dryad did that's what we're doing so we're gonna be original today remember I I think we'll we'll do like the the base after base thing right where there's just like a big uh like upside down I don't know if I'll make it out of slabs I know that like Base After Base had like the little slabs but that's what we're gonna do oh that's kind of annoying oh well I guess you'll just have to hit the orb late dude how did I miss this I keep forgetting about pads like I I just keep forgetting they even exist so I just feel like they're not the most exciting level element like they're all right I guess but it's just I don't know I I'm never really sure when a good place to use them is all right I think we are done with our second level um I didn't talk much during the last Cube I just realized that but I don't know I got a lot of uh stairs in this one because the song kind of does this pattern a lot you hear it's like so I felt like the stairs kind of fit that it's not my best gameplay but I think that it I mean I think that it it kind of feels like like a like an old drop top level I think maybe not the best but that is an unpleasant color let's make that a little bit brighter gotta do a pulse the old-fashioned way you know with the the two color triggers there we go we got our sink all lined up yeah I mean overall I'm pretty happy with how the outline for how this level's gameplay came out um I think that the ending parts will definitely probably look a bit I think they'll be the better looking Parts in the end I think the beginning parts are gonna look maybe like a little strange when I actually make it look more like a 1.0 level but I'm still pretty happy with the gameplay I think that a lot of it does still give off like classic Rob top energy so I'm pretty happy with it overall uh let me go pick uh one more song to use real quick so it was good and bad news so the bad news is that the song that I wanted to use actually isn't allowed for use in GED like it's on new rounds but I can't use it it's one of like I I think it's because the guy's not scouted but the good news is is that the song is actually pretty long and it's very repetitive so what I was able to do is I just downloaded the song and I made my own custom song cut of it um the only downside of this is that I'm gonna have to upload the MP3 in the description which I was hoping I wouldn't have to do I was hoping you guys could just download the songs Through the game but for this one level that's what it's gonna have to be so I made a custom song cut of it that's about 35 seconds long that we can use so this goes off gray Vibes to me let's just start off with gray background has reptile ever used a gray background in like the early official levels I honestly don't remember if he has or not all right so I roughed out the portal outline it's actually a very simple song so there's not a whole lot to it we just have a ship section that lasts a little bit and then back to the cube and then the final cue is this the first cube is this I I want to be honest when it comes to building gameplay I much prefer the cube to the ship which is the reason that the ship sections tend to not be super long because I just I just am not a huge fan of ship gameplay I think it's really hard to make good ship gameplay especially when I have such a limited set of items so I need all the help I can get really I don't know there's just something really fun about building really easy and simple gameplay I mean I wish that I had I really wish that I had gotten into this game right at the start because I think that making levels like this would have been really fun back when the game first came out and honestly I only I got onto the game in the first year I started playing in 2014 early or mid 2014 but I mean by that time it was already like 1.7 you know because I feel like making levels like this is just so charming and cool even though I know that it was a lot more annoying to play test I usually I build a lot of easy demon layouts but there's always something really nice about building just a level like this it's like hard Four Star our difficulty you know it's just it's very nice and peaceful I I enjoy it a lot I enjoy I enjoy classic 1.0 levels a lot really and then and then we get back to the ship gameplay which I don't really know how to do I might honestly just make the ship gameplay really really free and open and easy like even more so than the other ones I think this is going to be like my easiest level honestly it's also the kind of case with these really easy early levels that sync is like something that's just really hard to consistently keep as a factor because it's so easy to just like you'll either have a point in the song where it's really quiet or like relaxed so there's nothing you can really do to sync the level or you're just at a point in the levels gameplay where you're not really able to sync at the exact moment wow and uh just like that I'm already done with this level I don't know man like I didn't do any background changes or anything this is just like a really chill calm level like I don't I honestly don't think background color changes would really fit it I feel like it honestly works pretty well it's just a a gray chill calm level I'm pretty happy with it I definitely think it's pretty easy it's definitely probably the easiest one but I think that it's easily the best one like atmospherically like I think it fits the the song the most yeah I mean it's just it's short sweet to the point I really like it um and it's for this reason that I'm even more upset about the fact that I have to use like a custom mp3 for it but I'll I'll be leaving the uh song file for it in the description so you guys can download the song and play the level properly so I'm going to quote unquote decorate these off camera make them look like 1.0 levels and uh yeah uh let's get into the showcases I guess because I'm going to Showcase these when I'm done so let's get into it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] So yeah thank you guys very much for watching I hope you guys did enjoy that I had a lot of fun building the levels I mean I got really into which is why I wasn't talking as much as I uh would have liked to have but I really did enjoy that and I think the levels came out pretty well um I think blue dragon is definitely my favorite one it's very atmospheric but the other two are pretty good as well so yeah I hope you guys did enjoy that special thanks to all the members including the Carl and uh yeah with that I will see you guys in the next video [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Sdslayer
Views: 131,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, geometry, dash, geometry dash update, geometry dash 2.11, geometry dash 2.1, geometry dash 2.2, geometry dash update 2.11, geometry dash update 2.1, geometry dash update 2.2, sdslayer100, geometry dash demon, geometry dash world, geometry dash subzero, geometry dash meltdown, geometrydash, geometry dash all levels, sdslayer
Id: BUboUUUHen4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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