The Gene War | Full Sermon | Pastor Andrew Billings 09/19/21

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so today i want to talk to you and this is a long message so please just get your notes out and get ready this is going to be a big message it's going to have a lot of content but i need you to stick with me okay so i want to talk to you today about the genetic war or the gene war which is an unusual statement and it might not be what you'd expect coming to a christian church and listening to that as a genetic war it sounds kind of crazy but i want to take you through the scriptures today and i want to show you some things that maybe you never thought or even imagined were in biblical history i want to show you stuff that because of the days that we're living in and you know in certain times of the world especially with some of the technology being absent and only available till very recently some of these details we're going to be talking about today didn't even come into people's mentality 10 15 20 years ago but some of the stuff that's happening now is so crazy and way off the grid that you've got to stop and pay attention are you if you remember if you look at the book of daniel or the book of revelation the writer the spirit of god is speaking to the writer and he says seal up these things for the appointed time or wait you know him who has ears let him hear right so there's certain things like for instance revelation is written very cryptically so that people 200 years ago probably had no idea they probably speculated with their current knowledge on what they thought it was but until you get to a point where you start seeing signposts actually lining up and it's not some crazy way out there hypothesis it actually starts to become relevant does this make sense that's why it says seal up these words till the appointed time cool so some of the things we need to talk about right now maybe something that you've never heard about in church before but don't just trip out on what i'm saying look at what's happening in the world and look at the scriptures i'm going to start running through with you and i'm going to start to show you a track record from the very beginning of time that you'll start to understand exactly what we're looking at now the bible says in ecclesiastes there is nothing new under the sun see we want to believe that we're cutting edge and we you know no one understands what we're doing and we're so amazing no there is nothing new under the sun the agenda is the same so come with me please uh to the book of genesis chapter two i'm gonna start moving very very quickly i have some amazing stuff that i'm super excited to show you you are awesomely made by god you're awesomely made by god and i don't even what i'm going to say today i'm really barely scratching the surface you can go deep in this stuff genesis chapter 2 and i'm going to read from verse 7 out of the amplified bible then the lord god formed and then opened brackets that is created the body of man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life do you understand that god is so amazing that all he has to do is exhale and dead things come to life who we're working with all right god like see we understand especially with a lot of people wearing masks recently that we understand when we exhale that's body waste so what comes out of god creates life okay and then man this is the response of that piece of dirt that god picked up and formed into what looked like a body and then man adam became a living being other translations refer to a living spirit because he didn't just become a dog god put spirit not just breath into the body this is a vessel this is a vessel that carries a spirit a soul and a mind okay this is my rental car but it's not a cheap thing that i should treat with disdain this is this has the breath of god borrowed into it when i pass the breath that he gave me will return back to him okay are we cool okay now come down to genesis chapter three we know that adam and eve were in the garden god entrusted them he said you can do anything you want don't eat that one fruit over there that's the fruit of the knot of the tree of knowledge of good and evil the day you do that you'll surely die the serpent comes into the garden he says you know well actually let me paraphrase that for a second lucifer entered the serpent like a possession and then the serpent came in and then spoke to eve you tracking me now the serpent wasn't a snake because afterwards the bible tells us that god cursed the serpent and it was no longer able to do anything but slither on its belly so it probably was more like a dragon probably the most majestic creature in all of creation it probably had legs and wings that's why jesus called the devil the dragon of old are you tracking me i want to say some stuff that we've read so many times but we haven't maybe tracked it it probably was a majestic creature and that is why humanity has had an obsession with dragons all of history hello that's probably why our kids love dinosaurs okay we'll get to that in a minute okay so you're tracking me so now we're now we're talking about the judgment god's come in now they've eaten the fruit they're in trouble they got nakey and then they put fig leaves on themselves and hit which was a a class game plan genesis chapter 3 verse 1 and i'm going to read through 15 so track with me real quick now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said to the woman has god indeed said to you you shall not eat of any tree of the garden the woman said to the serpent yeah we may not eat the fruit of the tree of the of the garden sorry we may eat of the fruit of the trees of this garden but of the fruit of the tree of the which is in the midst of the garden which is the true tree of knowledge of good and evil we may not eat it for you will surely die for god knows sorry i skipped the line there then the serpent said the woman you will not surely die right for god knows that in the day that you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like god knowing good and evil so when the woman saw that the tree was good for food this is humanism 1.0 this is humanism straight up this is humanism 101 right now it's it's intellectual scientific ascension okay i'm greater than god i have progressive thinking i can think outside the boundaries i don't need to follow guidelines this is exactly what he pitched to her in at the very beginning of time this is why we're in the mess is humanism it's actually luciferianism but when a human takes on board luciferianism it becomes humanism you look like your father the devil is what jesus said okay so okay you're catching me here so when she saw that it was good for food that it was pleasant to the eyes and the tree was desirable to make one wise she took of the fruit and ate and she also gave it to her husband with her and he ate then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew they were naked and sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings we all know this and they heard the sound of the lord walking through the garden in the cool of the day which was his custom he came to them in the cool of the day he'd always come um and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord among the trees of the garden in the lord god i'm reading fast because i'm trying to get to a punch point here then the lord god called adam and said where are you like god ever needed help knowing where you were but god does need your honesty facing up that's why jesus he walked up on everyone he's like what do you need it's like dude jesus already knew you just need to admit your need okay you catching me okay let's keep moving here um and adam basically said i was i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself and he said who told you that you were naked that's the that's the clutch point right there right because your sin brought an awareness that you were now deficient okay have you eaten of the tree which i commanded you that you should not eat and then the man said the woman you gave me see that's the first instance you know that this man is completely broken aside from the fig leaves is now now instead of being the leader he was made to be he's now hiding behind his woman and that's the picture of most men in modern society a bunch of cowards we need men to have the spirit of god in them that will stand up and actually be something because the rest of society would come into a healthy cohesion if men would actually be real men you wouldn't need a feminist movement if men actually were real men because real men would treat women well and empower them and protect them give them a voice okay we'll leave that right there [Music] okay i need to keep moving here because i have a gang of content we haven't even started yet okay so the woman you gave me she gave me the tree of the fruit of the tree and i ate and the lord said to the woman what is this that you've done and the woman said well the serpent actually deceived me see she had a side story too her problem is that she went outside the bounds of her husband's leadership and got too independent and his problem was is that he became too distracted because if he had been with her walking with her then the serpent wouldn't have had an open door okay adamson was that he trusted the woman's his woman's voice more than gods right that's that was his sin but eve's sin was that she questioned god you got to catch that she questioned that god was good adam gave his wife's voice power over god's voice in his mind and that's the we're dealing with an antichrist spirit right now on the earth like we've never seen before and you need to understand some of these comments that i'm stopping to make i'm not just making them casually because it's a great point it's because the spirit of the age is back and it has the same characters okay let's keep moving i'm not even at my main points yet okay the serpent deceived me and i ate so the lord said to the serpent because you have done this you were cursed more than all of the cattle more than any beast of the field on your belly you shall go see michelangelo da vinci all those great artists they always paint the serpent coming to eve like a snake in the tree and talking to her wasn't a snake became a snake afterwards read the book you'll figure it out catching me here and you shall eat the dust all the days of your life now watch this this is this is our opening point here and i will put enmity which means war between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed genetic war now hang on a minute i didn't know that satan had seed oh that's interesting hello you've gone real quiet in this charismatic church i didn't know that the devil had sons but god is specifically saying here that i will put enmity between her seed and your seed now you could say shallow christianity well that was talking about the coming of jesus yeah that's true that's the seed that's the bloodline that followed eve all the way down to david onto mary right we understand that but then what about the bloodline of the devil so we're going to catch that in a second okay have i got your attention now okay this stuff matters because of where we're going okay come with me now to genesis chapter six we're gonna we're gonna track this through the scriptures genesis 6 and this is how i was even just talking to the lord i said i just want to really 100 make sure this is what you want me to preach he said give me a sign jesus and then pastor jeff steps up he starts preaching my scriptures it's like that's you jesus in the main line okay genesis 6 verse 1 now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them people had kids some of them were girls right that's what it's saying that the sons of god now this is getting weird that the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose and the lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever stop right there it's literally telling us that angels were coming to earth physical form and taking human wives now this might be out there for some of you you might been in church your whole entire life and ain't never read this before okay but i'm gonna show you that this is literally i'm just getting started here we're going to we're going to go on a trail through the scriptures and your mind's about to get blown right now because unless you understand what i'm going to talk to you about today you're not going to understand what governments are trying to roll out worldwide right now you need to understand this otherwise you're going to get deceived and i know this could seem like some real weird comp like science fiction star trek blowout but it's not we're just reading scriptures remember this is not speculation i'm reading scriptures okay so what that means is there's some weird stuff on tv guys you seen that dude with where here i think it's history channel that ancient aliens dude some of you seen him on them late night shows that dude is a freak show he is demon possessed okay listen listen there's people that try and claim that aliens came and visited the planet throughout history to early civilizations has any of you ever heard of that stuff before seeing the paintings on the walls the the hand paint spray stuff on those cave walls that stuff is real it's just that they ain't aliens they're angelic beings demonic entities okay and you know when people talk about that they've been abused and all kinds of stuff with abductions that stuff is real it's just not little green men it's fallen angels the scriptures are very clear i hope i'm not disturbing anyone but you know i'd rather disturb you with honesty than speculation okay so god literally he's looking at this and he's going i'm not gonna put up with this because you have to understand something genesis chapter 1 god doesn't present himself as the judge he doesn't present himself as provider healer rapha he doesn't he doesn't come with all these different great names he just comes with creator god shows up with the artist as his forefront he is he is the creator i've got a super dry mouth today he's the creator now i'm i'm creative i'm an entrepreneur okay i have inventions that i've made okay and on my inventions i have a patent number i've patented my products okay on every single one of my products there is a unique to me patent number i have it in 27 nations plus the us okay that means that that is my product so that basically says that my personal ownership is embedded and branded on my product i am a creator if someone takes that and tries to deface it or create something else as a hybrid i'm going to sue them because they are infringing on my invention are you catching me here because it's mine i made it god gave me the idea you catching me here so the reason i'm saying that is this i mean you know have you ever seen someone that's an artist is anyone here like really good at painting okay would you know potato prince she kept tattling half and finger painting right but if you've got someone that's a phenomenal artist whether that be music or art or painting whatever you want to call it and you have someone that tries to put their name on the bottom of your piece it's on because you have just insulted the intimate expression of that artist god presented himself as creator so you are the artwork but more than artwork you are the living carrier of his breath which is spirit and i'm going to prove that to you in a little bit here i've got some stuff to show you that's going to blow you away it's blowing me away so so when god literally is looking at fallen angelic beings coming and starting to interbreed with the daughters of men right you understand that's what that means right it's called hybridization it's kind of crazy but some of you have dogs that didn't maybe get made by god and people crossbred them and that came out that's called hybridization right hello but this ain't that kind of that they're saying that kind of hybridization this isn't cross-breeding this is like an illegal act against god you're catching me here watch this this is important you understand this because once you start to see what i'm gonna say here you're gonna you're gonna start to wake up some stuff that's going on and i know there's a lot of conspiracy theorists this isn't conspiracy this is just straight right here for you to look at okay he said i'm not going to strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his days shall be 120 years now prior to that you had people living eight nine hundred years thousand years old right so god sees this and he shortens their days which is crazy but yes wow okay he says i'm going to shorten their days to 120 years then watch this the very next verse next verse that says there were giants on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of god came into the daughters of men and bore children to them why am i reading this passage to you i'll tell you why because in the garden god literally said to eve your seed will be at enmity with her seed right but then as you go on you see that literally he says that her seed will bear the sun this promised coming sun the lamb slain before the foundation of the earth and he will bruise your head and he's going to take your keys and he's going to redeem everything adam and eve have given up right we get that we understand that there jesus literally was prophesied right there and then in the garden he is the he is the fix all he is the redemption to this mess so why would angels show up and start trying to breed with women because if i'm the devil and i'm looking at this god has put an absolute judgment down we can breed out the promise you tracking this here you've got to catch this because you can remove the very pure pure bloodline from adam and eve so that now god's promise is null and void this is a strategic gene war because if that happens enough then jesus never comes you're tracking it i know some of you like this is like whoa dude i've never heard this before this is way off the no it's actually right here in the book of genesis chapter 6 and genesis 2 and genesis 3 wow okay keep rolling because we've got more genesis stuff happening okay now watch this this is there's some interesting stuff that i've been paying attention to here so there were giants in the earth in those days and afterwards when the sons of god came into the daughters of men and they bought children to them those were mighty men who were of old men of renown now i i stopped and i paid attention to that word renown that word renown is actually very interesting because it has base root meanings that track to celebrity which i find very interesting don't you i find that very very interesting that they were basically the celebrities of their age they were the leadership of governments and politics and war track this with me that's this is this is not your average sunday service but you need to be aware of some of the stuff because here's the deal satan only has why don't you listen to me right now satan only has one playbook we serve the creator who never needs to use the same strategy twice satan only has one strategy he's used it over and over again and tried to re put makeup on it so it looks different it's the same strategy of the book's already written he's buying time but we have to pay attention to the strategy because the bible says if it were very possible even the very elect would be deceived so we're dealing with very high level deception get this adam and eve walked personally with god every day and had no sin and yet satan deceived eve get that do not underestimate the power of this deception it's powerful that's why i encourage you to read the word of god okay i need to keep moving here watch this so those were mighty men of old men of renown so they were almost like the kings and the lords of the earth at that time and they were really almost running things the nephilim the neph i don't i think remember that thing that happened in hawaii when we were out there that one time i woke up in the middle of the night and i just i mean i was we were in a hotel we were flying down to new zealand pastor jeff and i and we were sharing a room in hawaii on a stop over there visiting a church out there and i woke up in the middle of the night i don't even remember saying this but he said i set bolt up right in bed and i said the knife are coming and then lay back down and straight back to sleep listen man you can't make that stuff up that really happened that really happened okay i need to keep moving here because i have crazy amount of content to cover okay i lost my place that's just awesome just knife myself right out of the scriptures oh yeah yeah then the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually watch this and the lord was sorry that he made man on the earth that's a potent statement to hear from god okay and he said i will destroy man from whom i have created from the face of the earth both man and beast creeping thing and birds from the air for i am sorry that i made them now i want to say something here that might really stretch you but i'm probably going to stretch you a lot today and i apologize somewhat but also i don't if it's just man that's been corrupted why is he destroying the animals too just food for thought in times when joshua came into the promised land and even with saul you'll see king saul in his time when they would take cities god would say destroy all men and animals do not take anything do not why and i'm going to get to that a little bit okay because the corruption was on a cellular level on a genetic level across all living things okay okay watch this creeping these birds for i'm sorry that i made them watch this and this is where pastor jeff started reading but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord this is the genealogy of noah hello noah was just man perfect in his generations now this is the interesting point i want to stop you right here for a second when this scripture when this book was actually translated it was translated a few hundred years ago king james right the problem is is that they didn't have microscope studying cells and things like that they didn't have modern science and some of the language just didn't make any sense but this scripture it says that noah was perfect in his generations is not the correct word from the original do you know what the correct word from the original is no was perfect genetically why and when you start to think about it it's just told us before that angels are coming and they're breeding with human women and creating giants and so the bloodline is corrupt and so the next thing it's telling us is noah is perfect genetically you tracking me here kind of makes sense doesn't it when you stop and think about it okay keep with me here noah was perfect in his generations genetics genetics or generations even if you want to go back to the word generations if you want to you know if you're choking a little bit on me saying the word genetics go and study it for yourself in the ancient hebrew and greek you'll start to realize that what i'm saying is not wrong but even if you want to dispute the word genetics then why is it saying that he is perfect in his generations that means that there has been no pollution in the bloodline that's what perfect in your generations means there's been no pollution in his bloodline so he's human he's not human 2.0 you catching me here if you're triggered we'll pray for you perfect in his generations watch this noah walked with god and noah begot three sons shem ham and japheth the earth was also corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence now does this sound like 2021 the earth was corrupt before god and it was filled with violence it just yeah kind of makes a whole bunch of sense doesn't it okay for listen to this for all flesh had corrupted their way on earth so what you're saying was is their genes were corrupted hello their genes were corrupted all fleshed when it's using flesh remember that's old english language all flesh was corrupted okay let's keep track in here now come with me to genesis chapter seven the flood is happening noah's been obedient he built an ark took him 120 years to build an ark dude that's serious lifeboat material that's a whole lot of obedience when you've never seen and by the way the reason that people live for eight nine hundred thousand years you guys know why is because prior to the flood there was no oceans if you read i don't have time to get into it right now but real quickly there's the fastest you can go back and read it it's right there it says that there was a firmament now i've been around some of these people that try and tell you that the flat earth is a thing dude there's literal scriptures in the bible it tells you that the the earth is a ball a sphere hanging in space suspended in space by god but some of these people want to tell you it's a frisbee they've gone all genesis 6 on us but this is what this is what really the bible tells us okay the bible tells us that there was a firmament of water which means almost like a membrane of water around the earth a literal like a like a skin membrane thick water all around the earth which caused all the fruit the trees and the animals to flourish and grow huge probably was allowing people to live at a taller stature right it blocked all of the uv rays from the sun right and it never rained bible tells us in genesis you can read it for yourself it says that every morning there was a jew on the ground it's called condensation so god's telling noah that there's going to be a flood in a place that had never seen rain and didn't have oceans he's building a boat for something that had never ever been seen before not just a boat this thing was like the size of the titanic it was massive so you're catching me here so so god literally he when it says that it flooded and all the mountains were covered the firmament collapsed on the earth that water membrane collapsed you guys catch that so everything died is this new for some of you guys some of you guys like i thought i came to a christian church this is like some kind of transcendental meditations [Applause] this is right here someone getting something i hope so either i hope we see you next week but i just gotta i gotta do this because i really feel strongly that we need to get the truth out and i'm not ashamed okay okay so genesis chapter seven now verse 21 and i'm going to read through 24. and all flesh died that's the flood that's the firmament collapsing so when it flooded when the flood happened guys it was diabolical it was diabolical it wasn't just like a little bit scary it was catastrophic so we're not talking like one of these floods where there's like you know a hurricane and there's three four five 12 feet of water comes through houston we're talking entire mountains it talks about ararat getting covered so that's several thousand feet of water that's why you're finding megalon teeth in north america you want to know why it ain't evolution there's more water and that's why there's oceans under the earth because it all see you can see it it's subsided into the earth it's right there in the scriptures all that water subsided inside caverns in the earth do your research it's right there okay so watch this and all flesh died verse 21 that moved on the earth birds cattle beast and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and every man all in those sorry watch this all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life and that was on the dry and all that was on the dry land died he also destroyed all living things which were on the face of the ground both man and cattle creeping thing bird of the air they were destroyed from the earth only noah and those who were with him in the ark remained alive and the waters prevailed on the earth in 150 days okay stop right there you have to understand that when those angels came and when i say angels were talking about demonic entities okay when they came and they started procreating that's a fallen angel okay it is literally a cursed being that's now trying to obtain the breath of the spirit of life in a human because they've lost if you understand this so they're cursed they've fallen and they're trying to get the life force of god's spirit out of a human and create a hybrid because here's the thing when the fall happened the fall was there to judge humanity right so a hybrid doesn't apply to the judgment of man are you catching this i want you to like really think here okay so everything everything gets destroyed so did you notice here that the bible tells us that everything's destroyed so every single giant all the animals all your little dinos okay the sabretooth tiger little woolly mammoth it's all blown out it's gone okay right megalodon he's gone benjamin's very upset about that he loves dinosaurs my oldest boy he loves megalodon sharks i personally don't it wouldn't be a good thing to you know go and counter so now i'm going to show you something that's actually that that's something i'm going to show you something that's actually really disturbing and you start to see what happened was so noah had three sons right ham shem and japeth right now they were in the culture of depravity on the likes that we're walking into but for them it wasn't laboratory it was actual hybridization right in front of them like that's hard for me to kind of conceive because it's like some sort of science fiction movie there's humans it's like lord of the rings you know like there was five there was five races on the earth and little flipping smeagles running around you know what i mean but literally think about it it's literally telling us there's humans there's angels and there's giants so you've got three races on the earth think about that which is okay so they're in that culture and they're surrounded by this crazy oppressive like evil so they get on the ark everyone dies and drowns and they end up like docking on the side of a mountain and they sit there for like several weeks while the water goes away and a couple of months later it dries up and they here look we're going to find ourselves right here genesis 9 now verse 18. now the sons of noah who went out of the ark were shem ham and japheth ham was the father of canaan pay attention to that ham was the father of canaan i want to show you something right now these were the three sons of noah from these the whole earth was populated pay attention to that the there's people that will tell you that the moon passed on a certain angle and it was a solar not a sol it was like a lunar eclipse where it pulled all the water from one side of the earth to the other and it just flooded the region it's literally telling us the whole earth died okay i'm gonna believe the word of god okay the firmament collapsed it didn't just partially collapse it wasn't just like you know on you know one leaning on one side the whole earth died okay how do you think the grand canyon was formed have you ever been at the beach and like there's just like water keeps flowing and you just it just starts digging out a channel huh i wonder think about that for a second the amount of water i've just described to you was flowing the way i just told you maybe it carved out an entire canyon or several of them think about that just just throwing out some ideas oh it's millions of years old not according to the bible it's probably about six to ten thousand years old okay i don't listen to science i don't follow the science i follow the king it's just pretty much that's where i'm at okay so i need to keep moving here i got a lot to cover now what i'm about to tell you is a little graphic so just put your belts on and don't get offended okay i thought the part about the angels and the ladies making babies was bad yeah well it's about to get weird it's about to get really weird these so these are the whole these uh populated the whole earth and noah began to be a farmer and he planted a vineyard so that probably took a little while because you don't just plant and then the next day you've got a vineyard it's going to take a minute for it to grow then he drank the wine and he was drunk and he became uncovered in his tent and ham the father of canaan saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside but shem and japheth took a garment and laid it on both of their shoulders and went in backwards and covered the nakedness of their father and their faces were turned away now just come with me for a second just just pause from reading further i want to tell you something here because a lot of this was written in a time period where certain things weren't even considered or talked about okay but if you go back to the original you're going to start seeing that there's something here those sons were raised in the most perverted idea of culture three races walking around sexual perversion on levels that we can't even imagine okay so when it says that ham saw that his father was naked it's not just suggesting that he just saw him and i'm going to show that to you in just a second because the perversion in in ham was crazy watch this and so the other brothers went back into the tent and they covered the nakedness of their fathers their faces were turned away and they did not see their father's nakedness so noah awoke from his wine now watch this and knew what his youngest son had done to him you reading this pay attention here and then he said cursed be canaan a servant of servants he shall be to his brethren or his brothers now stop there for a second see growing up i just read through this and i thought oh he went in and laughed at his dad dude you don't get cursed for laughing at your dad let's just can we just be real for a second you don't get cursed for having a moment where your dad drank too much and he got blown out right you just saved everyone just you know just built an art for 120 years and like had a whole lot of animals in the in the boat for like several months and then he made a vineyard and he got drunk and got blown out now he defiled his father because that was the look it's just like the children of israel when they came out of egypt egypt was still in them that's why they built a golden cow and worshiped a demon god rather than giving praise to yahweh are you tracking this so even though ham came through the ark that perverse culture was still in him and when he saw an opportunity he re he that thing in him came out i know this is probably mind-blowing and very confrontational for some of us but like just go and read go and read it again and you'll start to see what i'm saying it starts to track because there's some stuff here that's actually very very intense now watch this i don't have time to really go into the full detail of it because it would take me a whole session and i need to keep trucking do you notice that it kept calling him the father of canaan does anyone know where kanan is it's the promised land right so ham gets cursed and actually if you read on i don't have time to he gets banished he gets banished because of what he's done you don't get banished and cursed because you laughed at dad in the tent that got blown out right think about it let's just think so then he leaves and he wasn't called kanan right then he was called canaan later but they start referring to him because remember moses wrote the torah by inspiration of god so god dictated this state everything you're reading here god dictated to moses and moses wrote it down it was all from god okay so ham then gets banished from the family and he moves and settles in the plains of canaan are you guys tracking me here so what happens is actually hold that thought and i'm going to come all the way around back to this thought so just remember ham canaan we're good let's keep moving so then we remember that abram or who later got called abraham right he gets told to get up and leave his father's house and go to the land that god would promise him which we know eventually is canaan true so on that journey abraham has his nephew lot and they start working together for a little while and then after a while lot and abraham's men start squabbling and they go separate ways abraham who has the covenant with god says to lot where would you like to go and lot chooses the most lush area which was the plains of sodom you tracking with me okay so the plains of sodom were essentially like the area before the city of sodom and gomorrah and which we all know sodom and gomorrah to be really bad right sodom and gomorrah is normally connected with homosexuality okay so genesis chapter 19 after a while lot see this is this is the compromising church lot moved to the plains of sodom but eventually he adopted the city of sodom and moved into it because compromise is always progressive so i'm going to read from genesis 19 then we remember that abraham is begged for for the city and then eventually he's begging for the lives of lot in the family remember genesis 19 verse 1 god sends two angels so that now the two angels come to sodom by evening and lot was sitting in the gate of sodom he was now a leader when it says that someone's sitting in the gate it means that they were like a council member or they were a tribal leader type thing that that's usually like an elder of the city okay so lot's now an important person in the infrastructure of leadership of sodom which is kind of a tragedy okay it's like being you know i'm an executive of planned parenthood that's not a great thing if you're a believer okay now two angels came into sodom in the evening can you imagine like god's like hey we need to send a couple of angels down to sodom and all the angels just go run and get busy doing other stuff like no angel is wanting to go to sodom it's the epitome of filth it is okay so now two angels came into sodom in the evening and lot was sitting in the gate of sodom when lot saw them he arose to meet them and bowed himself down with his face to the ground because he understood the angelic and he said here now my lords please turn in your to your servant's house and spend the night wash your feet that you may rise early and go on your way you need to get out of here there's nowhere to go right now but come in quickly rest wash up and get out of here tomorrow this is not good for you to be here i'm i've settled here but you guys need to leave i i've got thick skin in the game here i can do this but you guys need to leave hello it's amazing how the psychology of compromise okay and they said no but we will spend the night in the open square but he insisted strongly so they turned into him and entered his house then he made a feast and baked unleavened bread and they ate and now before they lay down the men of the city the men of sodom both young and old all the people from every quarter surrounded the house dude this is psycho you guys catch this right now this is psychotic okay and they called to lot and said to him where are the two men who came into in tonight bring them out to us that we may know them carnally guys everyone that i ever grew up listening to talked about sodom and gomorrah being a place of great homosexuality who told now other translations actually refer to the people in the city knowing that they were angels who told those people that angels were on the menu what was so vile about the culture of this city that see look here's the deal even lot bowed down to the ground and he was a city leader when he saw them so he recognized them as angels okay but the rest of the city saw them as sexual play it's about as nice as i can say it you guys catching me here i know this isn't maybe your average sunday service but we've got to we're going to talk about some stuff here right every other time in the scriptures when an angel shows up men fall down like dead men except right here who trained these people in this city that angels were sexual so much so that the entire city surrounded the house and was screaming like a mob to rape these men other translations actually talk about they wanted to rape them you guys tracking this right now and we know the story that fire and brimstone came down out of the heavens because god said he would never judge this type of sin with water again so he used fire hello are you tracking this here so this isn't just homosexuality this was cross-breeding again after the flood after everyone had died it was back why because ham had the culture and he moved now i don't have time to go into every single scripture but watch this when joshua eventually they come out of egypt when joshua comes through the desert and they cross jordan and they go into the promised land with caleb and the other 10 spies who failed the test they said there are giants in the land they're too many for us this is now the third time that giants are talked about or angels sorry the second time but the third time that there's an angelic intersection there are you catching this and then they fail the test and then they come around and they go back in when everyone's died except caleb and joshua and they go back in and they start slaying giants david and that's in canaan so now they're fighting the sin that ham kept through the ark and brought into you guys catching this this is mind-blowing why has there been such a strong aggression to dilute the human dna through this strategic part of history because the promise is in the bloodline guys then 360 to 400 years later 360 to 400 years later you see king david killing giants it's still happening are you catching this goliath had four brothers they were breeding this wasn't just an anomaly you see so there has been an assignment when we joke about this stuff it's like oh the giants like that's kind of been something that's been pushed under the rug this is a major deal and it's literally through most of the old testament where you see this as being a real thing it's kind of like oh i don't know how to deal with this well i'm not i'm going to talk about it and we're going to actually get it out because it matters so so we've got we now have an understanding that there is and there is an assignment because there is a seed of hell at war with the seed of god okay and this matters now watch this i'm going to start moving through some stuff real quick i am moving quick luke chapter 17 come with me now to luke chapter 17 and verse 26. remember how david addressed goliath you come at me with a sword and a shield you uncircumcised philistine what it means you uncovenanted devil i have a covenant with god you don't you're a half breed you're an enemy of the king i'm going to come at you with a with a flipping stone and a piece of leather and show you how awesome god is luke chapter 17 verse 26 as it was now really pay attention this is why i know i'm right i've researched this i've paid attention for a long time if you think everything i've said is speculation then pay attention to what i'm about to tell you luke chapter 17 verse 26 as it was in the days of noah so it shall also be in the days of the son of man that they ate they drank and they married wives now that's interesting it's talking about marrying wives talks about giving and taking in marriage and other translations which also means breeding catch that it's not just don't be so see this was written in a time where this stuff was just myth and legend no no this stuff really happen pay attention to it this is about genes as it was in the days of noah so it shall also be in the days of the son of man capital s capital m they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage now that word given in marriage specifically starts talking about cross-breeding until the day that noah entered the ark interesting isn't it and the flood came and destroyed them all watch this likewise as it was also in the days of lot huh so it's not just speculation they were doing the same stuff are you tracking this now it's not just speculation see if i just got one scripture you shouldn't believe me but if i can build a case and substantiate it through the book we need to pay attention okay cults are built off one scripture if you if you're gonna actually create an understanding of something you need to look at it holistically through the book and see that it makes sense is this making sense to someone i know it's not comfortable i know it's not praise the lord this is how you make a million dollars but actually what we need to do is we actually need to get a grip and an understanding of how the message that we need to understand for today applies to how we're walking things out i'm going to probably go 10 minutes over which gives me another 18 minutes okay they ate they drank they brought they sold they planted they built but the day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone and heaven destroyed them all watch this even so will it be in the day when the son of man is revealed that means that when jesus returns we're looking at the same culture being established on the earth pay attention it's not there on accident it's told us so when they're talking about human 2.0 and genetic modification we are literally looking at the same concept are you tracking this mind-blowing so i want to show you guys some stuff actually let me just see if i'm going to read a scripture real quick yet another one actually can i go to the first slide i want to show you guys some stuff can we go to the next one so this here is called a double helix that is your dna you know 23 and me you guys know that stuff were you were you spat on the little thing and sent it out and you gave them your dna code so they understood how to work with you but you just wanted to figure out where you came from hello hello no that's really what happened you didn't think it happened you're if you did that you're in a data bank right now and they know exactly how to interact with your coding so there's 23 of these these are called these ladder rungs they're usually made up of two parts there's a split in the middle and they have compounds on either side okay there's 23 of these you're tracking this another word for one of these ladders is called a marker a marker okay those are basically computer they're biological computer coding which gives your body instructions to give you the color eyes you have the type of hair you have your temperament your physique your skin color everything is in that biological coding you're tracking me okay so for you to understand what we're talking about today you have to understand that everything in that was made by god for you just like my products that have a patent number on them that is god's coding that he created you with okay it wasn't some kid playing in the backyard getting dirt and squeezing it together and going woohoo i made something dad like no you were beautifully crafted and you were made the bible talks about how god formed you and needed you together in your mother's womb he knitted you together so i just want to check something real quick on my different charts oh yeah i'm going to i'm going to read one more thing actually you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna read this and i'll get you to do the next slide in a second but not yet because i gotta bring this together so we catch this uh so i wanna read you something that is this here is probably one of the most pivotal statements i want to make today i know this is going along but i want you to catch this because the the reason i'm talking about everything i'm talking about today has everything to do with the needles they're trying to put in your arms it's everything to do with it okay and you need to understand that you were made in the image of god that his breath is in your lungs and that that is your heavenly kingdom right okay okay so i'm going to read something to you that i really like the dna is composed of four elements just this thing here hydrogen nitrogen oxygen and carbon when put together they form y h w g y h w g can you put that um next slide up now please i'm gonna have it sitting up there there we go carbon is what makes us physical and earthly beings when carbon is replaced with nitrogen we have all the colorless odorless and invisible gases and they form the letters y h w y which is short for yahweh yahweh you can see it there and that's the hebrew yard hey wave gimmel i i don't know if that's perfect pronunciation but i did my best okay literally god has his dna signature in your dna strand you have been made in the image of god you are not it's not just some accidental coding that god left in the background his literal genetic signature when it says you've been made in his image he literally put his signature in the bottom of the art piece it's in every single cell of your body that you are a son or daughter of god come on this is amazing does this blow your mind it blows my mind so god literally has his name not just a you know a symbol he has his name in every one of your millions billions trillions of cells that are making your body up right now as you're sitting in that chair god's name is in you blow blows your way the mapping of the genetic code known as our dna is probably the most important scientific breakthrough of the new millennium i got this from an article mapping the chemical sequences in our dna is a breakthrough that is expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine this discovery has la has lasting physical and spiritual implications the direct link can easily be discovered uh sorry found between the building blocks of life and the creator of the universe god literally is letting you know do you want to follow the science follow this science fauchi follow this science you can't deny that god you're trying to mess with god's product not just god's product but god's children you don't mess with god you can't put on a science badge and a mask and play god okay listen to this scientists discovered a map of our four dna bases known as chromosomes that carry the ability to sustain life and appear differently for each person human dna contains 23 pairs of chromosomes made up of hydrogen nitrogen oxygen carbon and their acidic counterparts encoded within these elements is an amazing blueprint of life that proves that the creator has put his own unique stamp upon every person the secret in our dna it was from the burning bush listen to this this blows me away it was from the burning bush that the almighty god revealed his character as the great i am this name is the tetragram gramaton of the hebrew letters given to moses yad hey i am who i am this is my name forever the name by which i am to be remembered from generation to generation now compare this four-lettered name to the four elements that make up the human dna in an ancient secret of creationism and the ancient secret of creation is discovered the key to translating the code of the dna is into the meaningful language is to apply the discovery of converting the elements to letters which i've put up here based on their matching values the atomic masses hydrogen becomes the letter yod which is why nitrogen becomes the letter hay which is h sorry not the hay yep um oxygen becomes the letter wove or wave which is v or w and carbon becomes gemal the letter g these substitutions now reveal that the ancient form of yahweh's name exists as the literal chemistry that makes up our genetic code this is amazing okay this is absolutely amazing so are you guys tracking this right now so why does why why did the sons of god come and procreate with the daughters of men because they were trying to change the code satan has never been a creator he's trying to deface or replicate god's intellectual property okay so i want to read something to you and i have to read it very very carefully can we please put that next one up i believe it's the red one dna editing everything that's happening right now with this latest set of what did i say the word was needles is actually the beginning sequence of changing our dna there is right now so does everyone understand did anyone ever have like a vaccine when you're a kid in school like 20 years ago where what that worked on was essentially it gave you a small dose of like polio so that your body would build up an immunity it was a sustainable fightable dose that it wouldn't overwhelm you but your body would get a small shock treatment but enough to actually build an antibody reserve so that you would be immunized against that thing well this latest needle technology this stuff right here is what they're trying to do they're not doing that at all even though they're using the word vaccine right it's not it is a coding edit they're going into your dna and they're going to try and change it it's not they're not trying that's what it is so they're not giving you a dose of the of the issue they're actually giving your your cells an instruction now to fight things so what it is is it's not just giving you an instruction it's changing your cells into a different form it's changing your coding what that means is they're removing yahweh out of your code you tracking this here this is deep heavy stuff so so we really need to understand just how sadistic this is because where this is eventually going is they're going to start saying we can give you another 20 years of life we can start changing it where you can start to dictate what color hair you've got you can start to you know have certain physical genetic abilities super human abilities you're never going to get sick if you have these certain things you can edit how you are you guys understand where this is going the perfect human is how it will be pitched that's why if any of you guys heard about human 2.0 that's been one of the the call cards that they've been talking about if you haven't heard it pay attention they are literally talking about human 2.0 are you guys aware that in the current needles there is a compound in the current doses that is being pushed on everyone isn't it weird that if you've got such a successful medicine that you'd have to push it on people and force them and manipulate if it was such a good product wow that's an interesting concept isn't it if it was that good you'd have to force everyone and tell them that they weren't allowed to buy and sell and go to stores unless they had your product that's interesting isn't it there is a product there is a compound in this needle called luciferase i will put enmity between your seed and her seed lucifer race lucifer race i didn't think he had any kids okay hello you guys tracking this this is pretty mind-blowing stuff i'm just doing my part for the community shoot me up what happens when you get the mrna shot so firstly that is that is a writable coding now i'm not going to talk right now at this point about everyone that's dying and having autoimmune and heart failures and strokes that are completely healthy and normal but you should definitely check those concepts out okay this is this is a a little passage i want to read you the foreign synthetic mrna enters your cells and deceives the ribosomes into replacing the virus spike proteins and they spread spread throughout the body attaching themselves to other normal cells i lost my spot this provokes an immune response in which the immune natural killer cells attack and kill the cells that display the virus spike proteins this is how an autoimmune disease behaves in the body hello [Music] see i personally feel that we're dealing with population control but i'll just leave that right there and i do have a scripture for that it talks about a third of the earth dying in a day so anyways i'll leave that right there but that's speculation i'm not going to preach that as doctrine but if you're smart you're going to really pay attention to what they put in your body some of you put more attention into what's in your food and your diet than what you're willing to put in your arms so that you can carry on living and be left alone if you have one of those things that apparently makes you completely safe then why are you still having to live under oppression and a mask and everything else okay okay let's keep reading this for a little bit then i'm going to close with a couple of things this is how an autoimmune disease behaves in the body destroying your own cells watch this they used to call it aids so hiv there's an hiv protein literally in the needle do you guys understand that if you don't you should research it so there's something called luciferase there's there's quantities of of hiv research it it's there i've been researching this is this shocking to some of you guys like oh my god yeah it's right there it's right there okay the effects are irreversible they're irreversible by the way the inventor of the mrna needle literally said and i quote this product should never ever under any circumstance be used on a human the inventor hello are we awake some people survive this attack others don't in other words the va x injects an envelope of hiv a synthetin of another word that i can't even say gammaturovirus envelope into and a sars s2 which is the coronavirus receptor binding domain that is not a vaccine they're calling it something that it isn't which is just like the devil he'll tell you you're getting it have any of you guys ever just listen to that wrong voice and he you thought you were getting into one thing and then you ended up with the train wreck because the devil never as honest with you look what happened with eve okay keep going here rather it is the disease-causing agent these are long-lived vaccine-induced specific antibody specific and antibody these specific antibodies are more robust they are out com they out compete your non-susp your non-specific natural immune antibodies so they're going to bypass your antibody system and turn into a third party contractor like a mercenary inside of you so your immune system gets weak and you start relying on a whole other defense system which is a mutated cell that actually can be programmed and given different instructions at any time with boosters now here's a thought if you keep having to get boosters periodically they can slowly change you till you're not even human anymore catch this please this is a big deal there's a whole lot more i could there's a whole lot more i could go into this but i just i think i'm going to leave that there i'm going to read this one scripture and we're going to land because i have gone my 10 minutes over someone getting something right now now watch this come with me to revelation chapter 13. revelation chapter 13 i'm going to read from verse 11. then i saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb so he looks righteous but he spoke like a dragon oh like that dragon the one we were talking about you mean really cunning and really really articulate but evil and sinister okay the one that could deceive eve even before she was touched with sin okay so he looks righteous but he is sadistically sinister and a deceiver on levels that maybe we should never underestimate okay watch this and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence and watch this and causes those who dwell in the earth sorry causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed he now watch this this is why we can't be so obsessed with just signs and wonders now look we're seeing we're seeing cancers stage four cancers we're seeing all kinds of miracles happening on a regular basis but that cannot be the proof of who we are that is merely a byproduct of me walking with jesus okay this is why he uh verse 13 he performs great signs so that he makes fire come down from heaven and on the earth in the sight of men and he deceives those who dwell in the earth by those signs see if all you're looking for is signs if you just want to be an entertainment christian you're going to get deceived in this period of time because this person is going to look like a great prophet of god there's going to be signs like like people say dude that's what elijah did he called fire out of heaven it's going to look like that so we can't just be looking at signs okay so he makes fire come down from heaven and on the earth and the sight of men and he also deceives those who dwell in the earth by their signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived and now watch this this to me is very fascinating watch this this next scripture in light of everything we've talked about genetic code cloning all kinds of hideous stuff watch this and he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed now stop right there that is exactly lucifer imitating god making adam that is the exact imitation you catch that and we just read at the very beginning that god breathed breath and adam became a living being this is the knock-off counterfeit right here he's going to do it in front of the whole world and people are going to call him god now i don't know whether that's like an ai thing i don't know whether that's like an actual physical clone and it's going to look like he's coming to life i i'm not here to tell you exactly what it's going to be but you have to understand that we see 50 years ago this wouldn't have made any sense now it's making sense because the technology and the time that we're living in we're getting closer almost done i'm going to land here in two seconds watch this verse 16 he causes all both great and small rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand and on their forehead stop i grew up in church where they talked about a a chip a microchip and i think microchip still could very much be a real thing but i think right now it's far more than just a microchip if you can't tell by the whole point of this message watch this that no one may buy or sell except the one who has the marker can you put the number two one up again please or the number the first one number the the thing is the first slide other one before that yep the marker if you go back to the ancient greek hebrew and where it says the mark of the beast go study it because i personally think it's marker and i think there's a microchip too i'm not taken away from that but i think it's marker now i'm going to prove that to you watch this and and no one could buy or sell except he has them the mark of the beast or the name of the beast or the number of his name which by the way the patent number and i'm not trying to be a conspiracy theory the pattern number for this injection has literally 666 right in the middle of it i'm not trying to be a conspiracy theorist i'm not saying this is exactly the mark of the beast but it's definitely the john the baptist preparing the way for where this thing's really going let's just say it like that okay i'm not saying you're a devil if you've taken it but i'm just saying we need to really pay attention here okay no one could buy or sell hello are you watching what they're rolling out across the whole planet right now you can't buy or sell you can't go into stores you can't eat in restaurants there's people getting discriminated like it wasn't with racism 50 years ago now we're dealing with a different war it's going to be if you're not vaccinated you're now the scum of the earth i watched a video of this family poor family in new york getting kicked out of a restaurant like it was something from 50 years ago that's evil okay so we're watching that right now um who has wisdom let him understand to calculate the number of the beast for it it is the number of man his number is six six six now there is i don't have time i'm gonna land right now but what i'm gonna tell you in closing is it literally talks about in in revelation that anyone who talks takes the number of sorry it takes the mark of the beast and worships his image their names cannot be found in the lamb's book of life there can be no salvation now i i i that really got me for a minute because see where i grew up i understand that the blood of jesus can do anything true for the descendants of eve you're tracking this here jesus came for the sons of adam and the daughters of eve so if you now become a different species are you tracking this i know this is probably really tough to like and i know this is not your average sunday service but i just really feel like we have an obligation to start talking about some of this stuff just over the next couple of weeks and then we're going to carry on but we have a responsibility as leaders to talk about the stuff so that people don't just blindly go into oh well you know we're going to do our part for society because that's what jesus would do this ain't the church of nancy pelosi that lady needs to get saved no she really does we just pray she has an encounter with heaven and that an angel of the lord with a fiery flaming sword just shows up at the end of her bed in the middle of the night and she wakes up repenting and giving up her witchcraft so but but literally you need to understand that the bible literally says that see for me personally it says there's scriptures that say all who call on the name of the lord shall be saved true i know i've gone way over i apologize to the pack up team but this is important all who call on the name of the lord shall be saved except for someone that's taken the mark of the beast and worshiping his image because i truly believe that it's going to change humanity where we're no longer human just like in the days of noah and the days of lot and so we have to be vigilant so if that looks like we're going to trust jesus then we're going to trust jesus you should have been trusting him anyways right if you can't go into a grocery store then we're going to believe god to grow a tomato plant and some chili peppers and maybe manifest the sheep in the backyard it's like it's gonna be awesome okay so so did someone get something today we've taken some time we've taken some time to try and put some of this stuff together and you might want to go back and re-watch it and share it online and just get it in your head because i know i covered a lot there was a lot of scriptures but it makes sense when you start tracking the storyline and you stop looking at through conventional kind of naive eyes and you start looking at it with open eyes and realizing hang on there has been a demonic agenda that's come against the genetics of humanity from the beginning amen let's stand to our feet father we just thank you that you are equipping us with truth that you are speaking life to us that you are that there is no fear in what we're talking about at all matter of fact there's even more confidence that we're walking into the greatest time in history when you were going to come and put the devil into the lake of fire and you were going to you were going to come and bring peace and prosperity and deliverance to the entire earth that's believed in you so we just thank you father that even though we're sailing into some very dark and tumultuous times we thank you god that our neighbors are going to get saved that you're going to use us we're going to walk in divine heavenly miraculous power that's going to flow in jesus name so we ask god that you would just that you'd comfort us any fear that's just peaked in this service today that as we've been listening that you would just bring peace jesus into our hearts into our minds and you'd cause us to just walk in confidence that you have us you have us at every level of our existence that we don't need to be afraid we don't need to try and negotiate with hell that you are our peace you're our provider you're our protector you're our champion king so we love you god and i just thank you that every need and every provision is going to be met in this house in jesus name and everyone watching out there online in jesus name amen amen awesome guys we love you
Channel: Dwelling Place OC
Views: 4,794
Rating: 4.9263158 out of 5
Id: 0r_Os6RnNyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 49sec (5149 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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