It's Gonna Get Worse (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers

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across the country ordinary americans from all walks of life are taking whatever measures necessary to prepare i'm preparing my family for the total destruction of the power grid the yellowstone super volcano a financial collapse and protect themselves when survival is the goal it's into the spider hole fast fast fast fast from what they perceive is the fast approaching end of the world as we know it what i'm gonna use like this next we go inside the lives of three committed preppers you gotta hurry we've devised extensive plans let's grab these water tanks and food gone to great lengths which one of you would like to be in the radiation seat i'm gonna pass out bradford and made huge personal sacrifices to ensure their very survival in my mind i think the world's kind of falling apart and it's only gonna get worse come on let's go the experts will assess their extreme preps and decide if they have what it takes to face armageddon all right let's do this and to survive i get out of my way i'm bigger than you good night everyone this is doomsday preppers [Music] for over half a century retired scientist bruce beech has been certain that the world will end this is going to be a universal catastrophe he's gone he said i don't think there's going to be a two-minute warning there's this great possibility mankind can destroy itself i think the nuclear war is inevitable in a catastrophe of this size 80 percent of the population will die during the first two years the things that will kill them are social disruption plagues lack of food lack of heat exposure it's a random sort of thing it's who's going to be saved and who isn't to save mankind from apocalyptic destruction bruce has taken it upon himself to build a haven for humanity a unique place to sit out the end of the world this is a 10 000 square foot shelter for a nuclear war he built this nuclear shelter in 1985 as an underground orphanage a place where a new generation could be saved from nuclear apocalypse save the children that's a basic human characteristic there are hope for the continuation of life and for building the new and better world bruce's protected safe house is constructed from building blocks that many kids would consider familiar surroundings 42 recycled school buses linked together and buried under 18 inches of concrete and 14 feet of earth school buses were built to a particular government standard of very strong rigid steel over the roofs school buses can support one and a half times their weight without incurring damage and cost as little as 300 second hand making them a prepper favorite for bug out vehicles and even safe mobile homes we can have 500 people in here but we have to have a number of people also to watch after the children that's our number one mission it has been estimated that if a global nuclear war occurred up to a billion lives would be at risk in the months and years following bruce sees this shelter as a safe house where at least some could survive he named it the successor to noah's ark arc two last time water next time the fire there are twenty thousand these weapons in the world there's never a time in man's history and he's developed the weapon that he hasn't used it and it's just things are becoming more and more critical because dangerous radiation can travel hundreds of miles from the source of a nuclear detonation bruce is worried that an attack on american missile bases in the central us could send radioactive fallout rocketing towards canada if there were a big nuclear war and a lot of bombing out there north and south dakota that fallout goes up in the air and the jet stream grabs it if you study the maps for this the predominant place that falls out is right here in southern ontario we're in the hottest spot the whole of north america for the amount of fallout that anybody gets bruce and his wife gene have been prepping this apocalyptic shelter for over 30 years but as they get older the wider beach clan regularly pitch in to keep it afloat my granddaughter and my grandson have done lots of work on this shelter we built the shed we definitely do help clean and remove things from boxes into tupperware containers and make sure everything's sanitary i hope some plumbing some electricity work so people can live down there when it's the right time go in there okay there we are there we go bruce is in the process of teaching his grandkids evan and shayna the way of the ark and today he is going over the admissions process we have these gates that we close if we aren't taking anyone in then we have the heavy door okay kiddos this is the way people come in to the shelter i'm going to explain what we do for admission process for them here so that you'll be able to explain this to other people and help with it when the time comes if a nuclear blast is reported the beech family will head to the ark and start taking in young refugees we're going to say to people well we have room for your children but we don't have room for you that's the nature of life this is the lifeboat first thing that we do with people when we bring them in is we have to decontaminate them if they have any measurable radiation that means they have to be stripped get in the shower washed off even a simple shower can remove many harmful radioactive materials from the skin so experts recommend that you wash yourself and remove contaminated clothing as soon as you are exposed to radiation which one of you'd like to be in radiation see i will you will okay you want to be a radiation suit too sure once clean each of the ark's inhabitants will wear sterilized protective suits there suit too tall for this on addition on your back we have stencils to stencil your name because looking at anybody from the back you can't tell who they are they all look the same unless we have these names on it and bruce even has a plan for those he cannot take into the ark okay you're doing good work troops keep it up this weekend shayna and her mom bahia are cleaning and putting together go away kits packs that will help people live outside of the ark so we're sending them away with these radiation detectors because we don't have any more capacity in the shelter the different ones have different strengths i think because you cannot see smell or feel nuclear radiation detectors like these dissimitars are often an essential part of prepper's survival kits they will allow people outside the ark to avoid areas of intense fallout and treat or isolate people already affected by radiation we're getting cleaned up i'm going to trap myself in here one day and i'll never be able to get all out lots of people don't understand grandpa at all so they think he's pretty eccentric people are always asking me questions what's the bomb shelter like and i'm sure you get asked questions like that too when you talk to your friends you know in high school it's hard doing you know your family's a little different than everybody else's so you have to know that you're here to help them and that you love them no matter what this weekend we probably cleaned out 30 huge boxes of these disseminates ready to go this is a major part of our life just as much as his grandpa's it's his dream and his goal so it one day it will be our dream and our goal to uh finish what he has started all still stand up here for a minute beyond his family bruce wants his local community to know that they have somewhere safe to go during a nuclear war so today he is showing local school kids around the arc okay come on down guys this is like an underground submarine we're trying to get younger people involved the more people that you have in your community the more resources that you have all right this way once inside the shelter the 500 young refugees will sleep in one of the five school buses dedicated to bunk beds this bunk room is for 96 children and we put two small children under the age of five foot the foot in each of the bunks we sleep the children 12 hours a day and two shifts 48. bruce's rotating sleep system is similar to that used on real submarines and allows him to house not just 250 but 500 people in the ark all the bunk rooms are very much like this bruce expects that his refugees will have to stay inside the ark for weeks maybe months to avoid the worst of the radiation outside and while they are underground bruce will have to feed hundreds of hungry mouths so he has spent 30 years stockpiling literally tons of food and you should take a peek down our pot our cook says with this pot and his oven in the next one that he can give a roll and a biscuit 3 000 people and a soup to 3 000 people a day i didn't think it would be this big it's like extensive it's huge it's pretty mind-blowing to think that it can fit so many people underground and that's just unreal all righty coming this way you all want to be in here one of the hazards of living underground for an extended period is making sure you have enough air to breathe at full capacity and without proper air circulation bruce's 10 000 foot shelter would run out of oxygen in approximately half a day okay one of the important things about problems in the shelter one things we have to concerned about is being able to move air anywhere we want to so bruce has devised a rather unusual and cost-effective air circulation system this is one of the systems we've designed i thought it was going to go down the hallway i could have redirected it this strong line of garbage bags can distribute 300 cubic feet of air from the outside vents to different locations in the shelter my wife spent hours and hours taping do you ever get tired of waiting for the world to end many people say look at that crazy old man how he's wasted his life out there always worrying about the world's going to end when instead he had been out playing golf you know getting that little white ball out there in the hole and this wouldn't been meaningful to me so we're going to open the steel door here [Music] this is the back door to the shelter many people think that i am obsessive i guess it depends on what one is obsessed with they're obsessed with dedicating their life to humanity and well that maybe that's a good obsession bruce's shelter was built as a second noah's ark a unique haven from a nuclear apocalypse but it has never officially been named until now i think it's awesome in rural ontario canada a ten thousand square foot underground shelter named arc ii sits ready to save hundreds of children from nuclear armageddon arc 2 is purpose is to help those who survive to rebuild society we are not about survival we are about reconstruction bruce beech and his wife gene have dedicated over 30 years to the maintenance of this unique space constructed from 42 recycled and buried school buses gene really did help me a lot about the shelter she's made a lot of sacrifices she's never bought any new clothes and i i don't know how many years we don't take vacations this is our lifestyle it's been very different for most people right it has over the years bruce has created a network of arc ii preppers based all around the united states i may not live through to see it but i've certainly spread this idea to thousands and thousands of people already his latest collaborative project is an off-grid communication system that can be used as the ark's lifeline to the outside world during a nuclear war tonight he is meeting with greg franklin and lisa maggiore to go over the details local communication are going to be a very very important factor in the recovery process for security to know what's happening around you to know where it's safe to go the secondary effect of a nuclear detonation is an emp a wave of electromagnetic energy powerful enough to bring down the grid every method of communication that we have whether it be cell phones or telephones or internet all rely on extensive infrastructure which will almost certainly be destroyed in our scenario so they are building a ham radio system widely used by preppers because it relies only on naturally existing radio waves to transmit messages and can work independently from the electrical grid well this will be run battery powered and those will be charged by solar power lisa's communicating with toronto right now about 50 miles distance we're bouncing the signal off the ionosphere about 400 kilometers above us and that signal is returning directly down even local police services don't have that capability bruce and greg plan to distribute these radios to key members of the local community so in the event of a nuclear war they can keep in touch with the outside world about supplies radiation levels and security communication is is going to be key to survival hopefully we'll be able to start distributing these units in the in the very near future and uh certainly hopefully before before the missiles fly the name arc 2 was coined decades ago but the exterior of the shelter gives away no clues as to what is inside now that is about to change bruce and his wife jean have gathered the beach family together to mark the occasion a few weeks ago he called me up and just said uh i know you're a carver and would you be able to give me something rustic i remembered that there was a man who had buried 42 buses and then also no phil came together it was worth just doing the sign just so i could talk to him the ark is about our service to humanity and whether or not i pass the arkham to the grandchildren is relevant what is important that i pass on to my grandchildren is a dedication of service to humanity so that's what my life is about what my legacy will be i have no idea i may be entirely wrong written off forgotten the world may never know about me uh 10 20 years from now you know so the first arc was for what yeah for water this one's for fire fire there you go we always see ourselves coming back here finishing up what grandpa started and improving it this project is very inspirational just tell us how far a man can go to follow his dream i think it's awesome really special fits perfectly right in there [Music] a global arsenal of nearly 20 000 weapons makes the possibility of a nuclear incident a real tangible threat however the united states and russia are moving towards a policy of nuclear disarmament aimed at reducing the likelihood of global nuclear war new father jeremy fears his year old son will face a future filled with hardship due to the depletion of oil reserves can they outrun the desperate hordes in their retired army truck jeremy lives outside salt lake city utah with his wife kelly and their son xander he's the owner of a digital media company okay let's roll it i'm kind of a new dad i've got a one-year-old and he is so much fun i love being a father okay okay but jeremy and kelly aren't thinking of college when they plan for xander's future i'm preparing for the collapse of society due to peak oil we gotta hurry three the term peak oil refers to the eventual decline in the supply of oil reserves if oil becomes harder to get the price will increase past the point when people can afford to buy it the u.s alone consumes 20 million barrels of oil every day and global demand is projected to grow by a quarter by 2030. i think drastic changes could happen literally in a matter of a couple years from now all it takes is for the demand for oil to outstrip the supply and we've been on the razor's edge of that for a really long time my worst case scenario is that oil exporting countries stop exporting and gas pumps start running dry around america then that just has a cascading effect across our entire society people won't be able to go to work and if you can't go to work then infrastructure starts to fail with 86 percent of americans commuting to work by car jeremy fears society will grind to a halt once infrastructure starts to fail we could eventually even see the grid go down and if the grid goes down society as we know it will be very very changed my first reaction to my husband's desire to start prepping was a little scared i actually walked away and was like trying to ignore him because i didn't want to admit it it took me about a year to finally come to terms with the idea of prepping in my mind i think the world's kind of falling apart and it's only going to get worse i'd like to think of myself actually as a fairly balanced person and i don't think this is an obsession it's just a precaution after peak oil jeremy believes rolling blackouts will be common without the grid basic utilities and services will cease to function including one of life's vital conveniences tap water so jeremy and kelly have identified their nearest source of water their hot tub when i first told my wife that we might be drinking water out of the hot tub she seemed a little bit reluctant but i think we both decided that we'd be safe once we'd filtered it this is our emergency supply we've got what 400 450 gallons of water balance ready to go jeremy and kelly are able to ration their hot tub water by using the drainage tube this allows them to preserve a precious resource i never would have thought that getting water from the hot tub having clean water is essential to survival so in a grid down situation it is imperative to have a water purification system the 450 gallons of water in the hot tub could hydrate jeremy kelly and xander for about eight months two are you kidding me okay i can't believe we're actually making hot chocolate out of hot tub water okay hot tub hot chocolate nice yum that's actually not bad it's fine nice okay that works even when the grid goes down and the world is is going crazy my home and my family are the most important thing to me and keeping that part of our life as normal as possible is very important to me even though he's purifying water for his family jeremy is still concerned about infections and disease one of the concerns in the post-collapse world is the lack of access to medical facilities antibiotics things like that eighty percent of the active ingredients used in american drugs are made overseas and without the fuel to ship them emergency treatment would be in short supply so jeremy is leaving nothing to chance turns out that the antibiotics used for fish tanks is exactly the same antibiotics as are prescribed for humans so you can actually get human antibiotics at a pet store common antibiotics like amoxicillin are marketed under different names for aquatic use fish antibiotics are a favorite among preppers to stockpile because they are widely available without a prescription or pharmacist part of being a prepper is being prepared for anything and that includes getting sick and if there's no doctor available to give you a prescription or simply run out of antibiotics you've got to have them stockpiled antibiotics and hot tub hot chocolate won't save jeremy and his family if their community falls prey to violence so jeremy has a serious backup plan i just call it the beast most of the time experts disagree about when we will reach the peak of oil production some estimate it will peak as soon as 2035. jeremy believes it already has i personally believe that actually peak oil has happened i think we saw that from the 2008 financial collapse it was actually a result of an energy shock from 2007 or so and i think in the future we'll see more of those and they're going to be even faster and more striking jeremy and his wife kelly believe nowhere not even their home will be safe after the peak oil crash if society really does collapse to the point where your neighbors become desperate or people are raiding your neighborhood for your supplies it might become necessary to bug out jeremy believes a peak oil crisis will lead to social collapse a situation that has led to torture cannibalism and mass executions around the world jeremy and kelly are prepared to leave everything behind to protect their son and jeremy has found ironic means to that end he calls it the beast [Music] jeremy found the beast online and purchased it used from a prop company for 3 500 when my husband jeremy came to me for the first time and told me he wanted to buy an army truck i honestly thought he was nuts why in the world do we need an army truck where are we going to park an army truck we live in the suburbs i thought he was he was insane and before it was a civilian vehicle the beast served in desert storm so this truck is an actual military vehicle it's called the m35 or affectionately known as the deuce and a half the m35 is a favored transport vehicle of the us army it can carry five thousand pounds of cargo off-road and up to ten thousand pounds on road if kelly and jeremy decide to bug out the beasts will offer them transportation a means to carry supplies and even shelter and so when we started talking about that i started realizing you know what this is a fabulous idea it's shelter it's also transportation it's got a huge compartment we can put all of our water we can put all of our food we can put the bunk bed in there have a place to sleep and really shelter our family in so if we do need to get out of town we do need to leave our home and flee we have a vehicle to do so in but if jeremy and kelly take to the road they're going to need fuel to power a mobile lifestyle and while it might look like a gas guzzler the beast is actually quite flexible when it comes to fuel this truck is a multi-fuel vehicle and so if we do have peak oil and certain kinds of fuel become really really hard to come by this will literally run on just about any liquid fuel it'll run on diesel which it prefers you can put gas in it kerosene jet fuel doesn't like the octane but it'll work but most importantly to me yeah it actually can run and use motor oil motor oil is used to lubricate an internal combustion engine's moving parts most people recognize motor oil as the stuff their mechanic changes out every three thousand miles but one man's trash is another man's treasure in a doomsday scenario this truck you know it'll get us anywhere and they get us there using a fuel that pretty much nobody else needs with roughly 250 million passenger cars in america jeremy will be able to siphon fuel from a virtually unlimited supply after a peak oil doomsday but for safety he wants to make sure he can at least get his family out of harm's way we're hoping to stockpile around a thousand to 1500 gallons of used motor oil for us to use in the case of an emergency that is one battle truck today jeremy and his friend grayden visit a local service station it's just the place to find large quantities of used motor oil awaiting disposal gary yes jeremy jeremy i told earlier about getting some of your used motor oil oh yeah that's awesome yeah yeah what do you use it for see that big army truck house when you pull in yeah um it runs i use more oil if it works good i might looking to do something like that too because i got lots of used motor oils that's very difficult welcome to it the first time i saw that big truck i thought it was being invaded i didn't know what it was it's pretty big i feel like a fireman siphoning used motor oil is a messy job requiring special tools and elbow grease get this thing on here jeremy has three liquid storage tanks one on board and two more in a secure location for stockpiling used motor oil okay go get her fired up sweet each can hold up to 400 gallons looks good and looks like we got about i think we got about 300 gallons out of these guys jeremy and graydon filter the oil through a sock to catch any debris like dirt metal scrapings and other fine particles that may be left behind from prior use with their new motor oil stores jeremy and kelly believe they now have enough oil to drive halfway across the country so they are putting themselves to the test hey jerry we gotta hurry we gotta hurry let's grab these water tanks and food oh these are heavy what else swim bag grab the tent grab the rope hurry i got the solar oven gun gun you got the gun i got the gun i'll get the baby okay [Music] but if they go mobile jeremy can't do all the driving himself he needs a competent co-pilot you want to learn to drive this thing i sure do i think it'd be fun it's an army truck from the 70s it doesn't have power steering it doesn't have all the smooth transmission shifting gears that our average vehicles do mommy's gonna drive how scary is that huh all right let's do this that's great it starts with it's not your traditional gear shifting now we're gonna you're gonna go to a second pretty quick so get moving check your mirror that's first go to second that's reversed this is hard yeah let's go do some donuts out here in this dirt field here we go we're going off-road yeah baby sanders sleeping through it all back punch it punch it punch it get it plenty of momentum and punch it oh yeah sorry buddy does everybody just go manhattan or a woman handle it like aggressive with her that was awesome sorry buddy as long as i've got my son on my lap and my husband in the driver's seat that's all i need jeremy the experts practical preppers commend you for taking the first steps in being prepared the beast is impressive and alternate fuel sources will be a great asset the truck will also be able to push stalled vehicles out of the way we suggest investing in a centrifuge this would clean used oil faster i looked a little bit into centrifugal systems but um didn't know a lot about it so something i'll definitely look into you should have bug out bags packed and ready to grab the truck should be stocked and awaiting departure at all times i agree we're actually putting some items in the truck but um individual bug out bags is always been on our plans and just something we haven't gotten around to and i do think it should be a priority since national geographic was here we've done our best to take the experts advice specifically we've actually finally got our bug out bags and our get home bags ready to go and we have also loaded up our truck with more provisions and supplies so in the event we needed to just jump in our truck and go we'd be able to do so while some experts believe peak oil has already occurred others believe it is decades away there are so many variables that creating an accurate projection is difficult but the u.s strategic petroleum reserve which houses the largest stockpile of government-owned crude oil in the world would last only 38 days bradford frank is a psychiatrist who believes a killer flu pandemic will hit america but his wife and daughter have their doubts you almost run out of money and you almost run out of me will dr frank's doomsday prescription be enough to satisfy his family and the experts [Music] bradford frank is a psychiatrist who lives in sunny san diego california that's very risky like a consummate professional he cares deeply about the well-being of his patients but he's also concerned about the end of the world i'm preparing for a worldwide pandemic that will end life as we know it awesome [Music] sometimes people refer to me as dr doom i think that most people would look at me and say he's a nutcase he's a psychiatrist he's obviously crazy and that's the reason that i don't talk to a lot of people about prepping i went to yale and studied infectious diseases and that's where i started to get interested in influenza and in particular bird flu bradford is prepping for an avian flu that would wipe out millions of americans super influenza the superbug is not a completely new event he believes a new extremely contagious form of bird flu will transmit to humans then spread through the population like wildfire in the united states grave sites couldn't be dug fast enough bodies stacked in the streets like cordwood the world health organization considers 100 million infections a conservative estimate for a global pandemic people would become hysterical there would be chaos throughout the world it's not a question if it's going to occur again it's only a question of when you really want to go bradford wants to get his whole family involved in prepping i wanted to just kind of go over a couple things in case i'm not at home when when there's a problem and so he has asked his wife naren to help him inventory his medical supplies i am able to obtain antibiotics and other medications because i am a physician i actually buy these in large quantities so we have all these medicines it's a little bit hard to know what to do with the antibiotics if you're not a doctor after a pandemic bradford believes that hospitals will become hot zones for infection so he is stockpiling antibiotics to ensure his family never needs to leave the house for medical care okay so yeah this one this one is still good uh let's see these are the medicines that i got for the bird flu this expired in 2006 that's not good i don't want you to spend so much money on that i did these were very expensive medicines that's money money bradford has spent about fifteen thousand dollars on prepping to date and his wife thinks he's making a bad investment i told him do you like to think all negative things and scary things and nothing's going to happen in the global pandemic bradford fears the lethal virus would be passed from person to person through the air if it was a particularly virulent strain standing even six feet from a contagious person could be deadly gotta get these masks on these n95 masks on today he has asked naren and his daughter alexandra to practice wearing n95 surgical masks these masks help filter out 95 percent of air particles including ones that would carry the virus and bradford has stored 400 of them are you good you're on take some breaths we run drills like this because it's very important that the family understands what to do in an emergency the way you get the virus is by human interaction it's transmitted through the air i'm gonna pass out bradford no you it just feels that way he's my husband he he have his opinion and i have my opinion it's okay if we compromise it's okay that's what the marriage all about but my husband brad is not compromised despite naren's objections bradford has stockpiled hundreds of food cans and one thousand pounds of rice it looks like any house but behind these closed doors there are all these preparations alexandra can you come here and help me honey alexandra is charged with helping them preserve their supplies bradford considers rice the perfect prepper food because it's inexpensive contains protein and has a long shelf life can you give me a bucket so the way that i store the rice is to put it into a food grade bucket within that bucket i put a mylar bag that's also designed for food he then adds one extra step that will ensure his rice lasts for up to 10 years okay here we go i have a special technique where i i've purchased a small nitrogen tank the nitrogen goes into the bucket nitrogen is heavier than oxygen you hear it yeah i hear it can feel it too with the nitrogen pushing the oxygen out this should flame should go out because there's no oxygen oxygen burns nitrogen doesn't burn see using this method bradford makes sure his rice is sealed off without exposure to oxygen which is the key to keeping it fresh long term why do we need the rice to last so long uh i don't need it because i probably won't be here but you might need it just in case there's a terrible catastrophe and chaos in society and there's no food we don't have any food i don't really know how i feel about my dad being so concerned about bird flu he lets it go to his head too much sometimes and i feel like he could be a little neurotic but it's good that we have a little back-up plan my daughter thinks that i am quote paranoid i say yes i think i am paranoid but what i would refer to as practical paranoia bradford has stored enough food to last his family for a year after a pandemic he believes public places like supermarkets will become hotbeds of deadly infection so they'll need to live off their stockpiles i don't believe in have all this food i don't want to have all this food when you want to survive you'll find anything to survive like the rabbit outside the back and the snake and the crickets i eat anything i can find naren does not see the wisdom in prepping for a future pandemic even though she knows more about survival than just about anybody my beautiful wife is cambodian and was involved in the khmer rouge war in cambodia where her primary relatives were all killed naren was 19 when she escaped from a prison camp in cambodia during the khmer rouge genocide that killed two million people it's 1977 when they start killing i start to run you run steal food or whatever you have to do to survive i'm the only one to survive in my family i don't need a lot of food and i don't need a lot of medicine i know how to survive in a different way but is it possible that bradford is taking his prepping too far [Applause] wow and what will his family think when he shows them their bug out location for the first time you know it's a place that we can come to come on it's an emergency san diego psychiatrist bradford frank has spent 10 years and thousands of dollars prepping to survive an avian flu pandemic that will kill millions his wife and daughter think it's all a waste well you almost run out of money and you almost run out of me bradford is determined to keep his family safe even if they don't appreciate his efforts if a deadly pandemic sweeps through san diego he fears infected people will target doctors houses in search of medicine so he's stepping up his security preparations we're gonna set it up on the end he's replacing his sliding doors with a quarter inch thick sheet of ballistic glass designed to withstand a point-blank shot from a nine-millimeter and whatever else a potential invader might throw at it okay we're all finished here okay let's uh look at this it's supposed to withstand anything okay try that one go oh wow [Music] oh awesome nothing is getting through that window if a flu pandemic hits bradford fears that the deadly virus could spread quickly between neighbors so the final part of his plan is to secure an isolated bug-out location as far away from other people as possible today he's taking his family there for the first time there could be so many people trying to believe that the roads will get packed up so we have to we have to be one of the first people to leave how can be the first people to leave you have about a million food is in there no we're not going to take everything we're just going to take what we here we go again come on girls come on let's go the number one protection in a global pandemic is being away from other people who may be infectious okay it's getting dark so let's get going everybody get a helmet this is ridiculous it's ridiculous yes we're having fun though aren't we no if bradford needs to quarantine his family from a deadly airborne virus he believes this spot a gem mine located 2.5 hours from san diego may be ideal it's far enough away from a population center to keep his family away from contagious people and close enough to reach quickly if a pandemic breaks out okay now this is just like a ladder and we're just going to go in kind of crawling down the ladder pick up us alexander you follow me honey yes if you have to live with your father he's serious just do it to get into the cave the frank family must climb down 80 feet believes the isolated location of this cave further safeguards his family from possible infection i have just a very powerful survival instinct that would propel me to continue to scratch and claw my way forward and see honey you know you say i never take you places and look at this this is fabulous so this is our home away from home at the end of the world what do you think when he said looking for a cave it feel like i go through war again so why we have to go to the cave so bring back old memory and bring food and fear can be starving again scary again i'm gonna die while escaping the khmer rouge naren survived by hiding in a cave for two months and you can't burn firewood people find out you can't have any light any fire any anything so you can't cook and you have to sleep next to each other because very cold sometimes no no aids no fire no noise maybe that's why i don't want to be down here in a cave before i came here today i wasn't really too aware that my wife had spent some time in a cave i think she probably told me that years ago but it's not something that we talk about very often because it's it's so painful for her to discuss i'm not sure if this cave is going to really work out for my new doomsday home given the fact that my wife is so opposed to it bradford the experts practical preppers think your medical background will make you extremely valuable in times of chaos and civil unrest yeah i think i think so however if you ultimately choose to bug out to an isolated location we do not suggest a cave a cave is susceptible to moisture which will destroy your food stores it's certainly not the perfect solution and you know we'll consider possibly a stronger shelter there are advantages and disadvantages with everything that's for sure since national geographic was here several months ago i was carjacked at gunpoint while on vacation things turned out well and the perpetrators are behind bars but i actually hope that this experience is a positive one for my my for my family in helping them to understand that bad things can happen even when you least expect them while avian bird flu spreads relatively freely in wild and domestic bird species it does not normally affect human beings cases of interspecies transmission from bird to human are sporadic at best and while an influenza pandemic is likely to occur in the future it is unclear when and how severe such an event would be [Music] you
Channel: National Geographic
Views: 1,042,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet nat geo, photography, full episode, It's Gonna Get Worse, Doomsday Preppers, unique lives, Americans, end of the world, prepper videos, national geographic full episodes 2022, doomsday preppers reaction, Its Gonna Get Worse, Nat geo 101, prepper videos 2022
Id: Qvw9w3N1TO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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