Bullets, Lots of Bullets (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers

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across the country there is a growing darkness a belief that the end of days is near i'm preparing my family for the total destruction of the power grid the yellowstone super volcano a financial collapse load ordinary americans from all walks of life are taking whatever measures necessary to prepare when survival is the goal it's into the spider hole and protect themselves go fast fast fast fast from what they perceive is the fast approaching end of the world as we know it i'm gonna use like this next we go inside the lives of three committed preppers who have devised extensive plans what we've got here is 50 000 pounds and it'll last two people for 20 years gone to great lengths i eat what most people would call weeds and made huge personal sacrifices to ensure their very survival but you know what when it hits the fan she's gonna starve to death and i'm gonna go experts will assess their extreme preps and decide if they have what it takes to face armageddon we built our house out of 40-foot steel shipping containers and to survive this is doomsday preppers paul range is retired from his corporate job and lives with his wife gloria outside of floresville texas they enjoy eating barbecue with friends relaxing on their back porch and preparing for the end of the world as we know it let's go let's go we're bugging out i'm a prepper because i'm preparing for when it's the fan what we've got here is about 50 000 pounds and it'll last two people for 20 years paul and gloria consider prepping for the apocalypse a full-time job they dedicate 50 hours a week to storing food building up defenses and designing gadgets all to improve their chance of survival after the end of days it's not a hobby it's a lifestyle it's just in me i don't know how to live any different let's get going this sunday is no different a normal retiree activity like playing golf is not on the agenda instead they are testing the strength of their home against incoming gunfire i don't need mine as big because i hit better that's bad by shooting live rounds at the walls this test is necessary to find out how effective the house is against small arms fire with the town of san antonio only 35 miles away they fear that the end of the world will bring desperate and armed civilians to their doorstep people will show up and want food and you cannot feed the entire world so we want a full hundred yards and that's gonna be right out here to simulate civilian fire they are testing the 22 22-caliber rifle one of the most common guns in america okay weapon's hot commits firing dead-on it went through it i heard it and that 3-8 steal the result of this test whether a bullet will go through the wall or not could mean the difference between life and death for those inside a house under siege hopefully we won't have new holes in the house yeah we got uh one round here one around here one round here one round here just a slight bend the test is a success okay some people would think that this was um not normal behavior but it gives a whole lot of peace of mind that rounds are not going to be going completely through i haven't been crawling crazy to my face except for a couple of my kids you know that doesn't worry me i mean this is the lifestyle that we live and if people don't like it they don't have to come on the property all of paul and gloria's preps are in readiness for one extreme worldwide event a complete magnetic polar shift we are seeing an increase of earthquakes um that i think are probably associated with some earth changes scientists agree that the earth's north and south magnetic poles are constantly moving location by up to 25 miles a year and every 300 000 years or so prehistory has shown that they will actually switch completely the last polar shift occurred 780 000 years ago leading some people to believe we're overdue for a global flip-flop that could have devastating consequences the worst case would be a massive earthquake type thing where the continents did a fast shift most all the buildings would fall down and collapse paul believes that a polar shift will also cause the continent's land masses to shift north and south along the earth's mantle potentially moving antarctica towards the equator and texas towards canada the earthquakes have been stepping up lately and by next year i'm thinking the rattling will continue and intensify everybody should be prepared a typical house would be no match against the devastation paul and gloria fear so they built their very own doomsday fortress the range compound we built our house out of nine 40-foot steel shipping containers they are designed to carry about 58 000 pounds each and be stacked eight high so that's an incredible half million pounds of weight that these things can sustain shipping containers are normally used to transport tons of commercial goods across the ocean but recently their ability to withstand heavy abuse and their low cost around four thousand dollars each has made them a desired building material for dedicated preppers essentially i'm in a welded steel box so i'm not worried about my container shifting in an earthquake when i walked up to it the first time it was just wow this is really something we've done we have a structure that totally houses that will totally feed us and totally protect us the compound is based on the layout of a medieval castle a square fort that encloses a safe courtyard and allows them 360 degrees of protection from the ground we can see about 800 yards in every direction from the roof we can see about two miles so we have clear fields of fire for out to a thousand meters so that gives us an area that we can see people that we can see predators but they cannot protect the compound against everything some believe a continental shift could potentially move texas to a different point on the globe completely changing the climate if we shift north winters are going to be harsher we have to assume that we're going to have crop failures the prospect of a future without readily available food drives paul and gloria to cook not three but eight meals a day allowing them to put aside enough food each week to survive an extra 11 post-apocalyptic days what kind of chicken you're making the chimichanga base oh chingachanga base and we're gonna can that yep the 25 pounds of chicken they preserve today has enough protein to sustain four people for six days we're preparing for family and friends we're not just preparing for the two of us gloria's favorite doomsday candy is made from fresh corn dehydrated so it can last for over a decade dried corn is a very good morale booster and treat food it's extremely sweet kids eat it just like candy eight gallons of fresh corn dehydrates into a one gallon jar so two weeks supply for four people and at night the day's hunt is butchered so it can be smoked and stored this dough could potentially feed 22 people for a week all of their food is added to the pantry a container with a 58 000 pound capacity and right now they're running out of space i would say we have in excess of fifty thousand pounds of food corn worth seven hundred in this room it's our main pantry and we have everything starting with pastas wet canned goods spices fema guidelines suggest that three days worth of food should be stored in your home in case of a disaster for paul and gloria that is just a drop in the bucket we could make it for 15 years for 22 people but back here in the cans they have the 20-year shelf life or more right food storage was like an insurance policy we figured that our food has actually gained 400 in value since we started so instead of investing in a 401k that just now lost 27 000 in the last three weeks we have actually gained in value of 400 percent so for me that's a good investment paul believes that a rapid continental shift would cause earthquakes that will knock out the electrical grid and rupture gas lines so after the day's food preps are complete he spends up to seven hours a day working on alternative sources of energy when the grid goes down i just flip a switch and we're in power this machine on the roof called an upwind machine you're putting out about 650 of the 750 watts that the machine is capable of of handling paul has built and installed a system of small windmills and solar panels making the compound capable of being completely independent of the national grid instead of having one huge solar panel array and one huge wind generator we've opted to spread that out so if i have a wind generator failure it's not going to affect my entire system wind and solar are just two ways that paul worked to doomsday proof his energy the third way is just as effective but not quite as clean the methane is run by the pig poop and actually our poop too methane is a highly flammable gas produced from human and animal waste sewer line comes in from the house and then from the pig pen and in to the methane bio digester despite its origins methane is actually an odorless gas this gives us a cooking fuel that is not a wood product in the case that the flag went up and society went to hell you could smell wood smoke from several miles away and i don't want to be that person that's burning that wood smoke the structure is actually taking care of me we're prepared here we have water we have food we have means to grow things we have our animals here we have all the power requirements that we want i can get a good night's sleep knowing that i'm protected within these walls paul and gloria have built a prepper's paradise that they believe will see them through 15 years of hell on earth but if staying put becomes too dangerous they also have a plan b that will take their prepping to a whole new extreme paul range and his wife gloria haswell are convinced that the world's continental land masses will soon shift north or south along the earth's mantle causing catastrophic earthquakes that will flatten our cities and crush our infrastructure even if we shifted two or three degrees it would still throw everything in the chaos there will be a series of devastating earthquakes and i just want to be ready determined to face the apocalypse with reinforcements paul and gloria have picked a team of 22 friends and family who will live and fight alongside them we're just going to do a little target shooting and a little range safety today some of the team assembles at the range compound to hone their prepping skills and solidify their plans all right make yourself ready load range is going hot fire one ready the time that i realized that i needed to prep was in vietnam i was there in 1975 when it fell the chaos was just unbelievable i just don't want to be stuck in that type of situation you may fire it well so because of our military experience we leaned a little heavier toward military type we have probably three quarters that a marksman i was a marine in his army yeah for both grunts i was on iraq there's no infrastructure at all it's gone down all right show me the weapon i don't like being helpless and now i feel good because i have a plan good job stevie boy and i feel prepared 38 not really there are some couples there are some with kids move to wherever you're comfortable at go to town the children are the future excellent form all right shotgun boy and the nice thing is that uh children growing up in that type of environment are not going to really know anything else but building stocking and manning a bulletproof compound is not enough for paul and gloria like many preppers they want the complete insurance of a plan b our goal uh no matter what happens um except for in the in the case of something really extreme happening is to actually stay in place but if we had to we could uproot and operate really quickly let's get going let's get moving in case the range compound is compromised they have formulated an extensive evacuation plan a bug out that will take the entire team to a second location 12 hours north and today they will test it out we're running a drill to make sure that we can load up in under an hour and bug out they will drive specially customized bug out vehicles second hand school buses we've got a house sitting on wheels we took all the seats but a few out we have a way for at least four to six people to sleep within the confines of the vehicle paul knows from vietnam that being able to bug out quickly could mean the difference between life and death timing is everything all right guys we have uh 55 minutes to get the bus loaded up let's get going those cans those cans their aim today is to leave the compound with their animals approximately 10 000 pounds of food and 310 gallons of water in under an hour let's put these boxes over here the tail gunner's gonna be there all right let me have the carbine please and we're gonna lean the carbine in the corner we believe that we can survive for about 10 years with what we're going to take with us come on goats we're bugging out our animals are actually trained to bug out come on come on goats hurry hurry hurry you're gonna get left behind we've got water we've got food and kitchen equipment we've got the medical supply we're ready to go all right guys let's get going go go go go let's go let's go pulling out the convoy of buses will travel to a pre-designated safe point two and a half hours from the compound from there they will go on to their final and secret destination we have a specific time of the day that we are going to leave because we want to move through some areas in the dark and we want to move through some areas in the daylight we can get to anywhere within the state without having to actually pass through a big city a school bus was actually designed to roll over and everybody inside come out intact when we feel that we need to pull over for the night then we are going to actually circle the wagons the pioneers going across this country circled their wagon for extremely valid reason by replicating the pioneers and creating a square with four bug out vehicles paul's team can spend the night in the safe central haven defend it on all sides with a minimum of four guards you have a defensive position paul and gloria's team have successfully bugged out to their save points within the appointed time we can be really proud of the fact that that plan worked i knew you could do a good job i think that you need to be responsible for yourself and for your family and to do anything less is a criminal act the experts in disaster preparedness practical preppers have concluded that you have multiple sources of water and extensive food stores and that your home defense and emergency evacuation plans are excellent also your energy and fuel alternatives are exceptional you have an overall fantastic level of preparedness however keeping your 15-year food supply in one area is a grave risk leaving you vulnerable to losing it all with one direct hit or one strong attack that's a fair assessment that would be a good idea to diversify the food into multiple locations our thought on that was that probably if our food supply was compromised by us being overrun this position we wouldn't really care at that point because we'd be dead since the original filming we have added several things in reference to splitting up our food storage we have actually stored a little bit more food within our bug out vehicles and we do have caches along the way of our bug-out route so that's some of the things that we've actually changed christopher niergash is prepping for a killer earthquake that could completely flatten the city of los angeles faced with overwhelming destruction he plans on taking to the hollywood streets foraging to survive but will the experts be impressed by his lone wolf approach [Music] christopher niergesch runs several farmers markets and teaches grows his own food and loves to hike in the hills around la he's a regular down to earth californian except i'm preparing for the possibility of a devastating earthquake in the city of los angeles it would be the height of stupidity to be aware of earthquakes and watch the news and see what happens and not make some preparations i live here in southern california this is earthquake country the san andreas fault runs like an 800 mile long scarred down the western coast of the united states and mexico it's up to a mile across and at least 10 miles deep a gigantic earthquake along this fault line would rip the state of california apart some people do say we're past due for an eight on the richter scale which would be devastating in the next 30 years geologists believe that the probability of a major 6.7 or higher earthquake in southern california is nearly 100 a truly massive quake could kill thousands and leave millions homeless what do you think the scenario would be in los angeles for example today when the lakers win a game the local thugs are burning cars and breaking into windows and looting stores to celebrate major quake will bring panicked chaotic behavior by people christopher's plan after a quake includes being able to survive under the radar on the chaotic city streets everybody has a different take on what they think preparedness is if somebody likes to hole up in a place and hide i believe that that is the antithesis of survival you've got to split you can't stay there you have to be on the road christopher regularly tests his street survival skills right in the middle of the concrete jungle his only supplies those he can carry in his bag most people call this a bug out pack but i just refer to it as a survival pack tools are what's important this is from a chainsaw the wire saws in the backpacking stores are junk oh a sling there are birds and ducks and things and if i had to potentially i could catch some meat for dinner with my sling a knife can never have enough knives i have never seen a survival kit manufactured that i liked some twine because it's made with somebody else's needs in mind you are the best person for making your own survival kit you know what your needs are your family's needs your terrain what your situation is going to be if there was a major quake there's quite a few things that will happen simultaneously electricity is going to go down every transaction is electronic you won't go to a store and be able to buy stuff certainly not with a card it behooves you to have cash and coin on hand along the la river the homeless guys who come here at night are very territorial so you may have to engage in some serious trading so one of the things that i suggest carrying in a survival pack like this is articles of trade these are a roll of eisenhower dollars so people will treat this as if it's worth more than a dollar when they want cash but christopher is also prepping for a time when his cash runs out and he will have to be able to trade and barter to survive homemade arrow points it could be used for making arrows they could be articles of trade under certain circumstances they are intrinsically useful a massive earthquake in l.a could decimate highways and limit supply lines christopher believes that food will be in short supply he prepares regularly foraging for his food in the parking lots and concrete underpasses around the city a lot of the greens that i eat for salad or additions to soup and vegetable dishes they are what what most people would call weeds we're along the la river and we've got a freeway next to us and you'd think that there's no food here at all but the fact is there really is food everywhere food is not in short supply it's uh brains that are in short supply here's one example of an edible plant it's called lambsquarter or wild spinach frequently i'll go out and we'll find greens and we'll make a salad in the wild i'm going to take just a few of the tips for a lunch later [Music] in just a two acre area christopher has foraged 10 different plants that can be used to make his salad just chopping it all into bite-size pieces my survival kit usually has salad dressing [Music] one of my motivating reasons for getting into botany in the first place was that if there was a widespread disaster i could eat i know that i'm never going to be hungry for the rest of my life because there's plenty of food everywhere even if there are no stores [Music] if the big one hits the city's hospitals could be severely damaged understaffed and overflowing with patients christopher's botanical skills allow him to treat wounds with just what he can find growing in the city the willow tree is found everywhere where there's water see this is a medicinal plant when you take off the fresh bark their cambium layer contains a high amount of salicin or salicylic acid that's aspirin what if i get into a knife fight what if i had a wound on my arm you don't want infections you want to stop the bleeding make it a little bit moist press it onto a wound and i would bind this on tightly onto the wound and leave it there for a while to get the effect of the aspirin or the salicylic acid settling down for the night in the dangerous and quake devastated city means being able to light a fire fire is as critical and i could even argue more critical than food i can remember going into the woods with book matches and stick matches and in the rain and in the wet and the cold that's just not good enough christopher carries fire starters at all times and can even create a fire using just scraps the hand drill method uses a stick to create friction and sparks in a notch of soft wood in the old days when native americans left home like we might leave home and you can't leave home without your credit card and your cell phone they had to have some kind of a knife in the fire starter those were like absolutely critical tools for survival and for day to day functioning so we finally got our fire we can cook our food we can purify our water we can make tools we could signal we could stay warm we could stay alive i've survived in the urban environment my whole life to be able to go into nature and create something that you need that's invaluable i mean you can't buy that if the world came to an end and civilization collapsed i do feel confident that there is a sufficient number of people out there today that are doing and practicing these things that civilization will arise again [Music] christopher our experts in disaster preparedness practical preppers feel your extremely well-rounded and survival skills and gathering wild resources would prove invaluable if the big one were to hit la however although you are able to live off the land you must accept the possibility that during an earthquake the wild areas in l.a may quickly become depleted i completely agree we recommend that you store more food to prepare for this possibility i would tend to agree that you can never have enough you should always have more water than you think is sufficient and you should always have more food than you think is sufficient also in a true crisis situation you will be well served to carry guns for your protection and choose a safe bug out location in advance that could be used as a fortified base he actually does not know what possible plan i do have like that but it's a valid point and i am in complete agreement thank you [Music] so now that okay so now that national geographic has been here what have i done differently well i have looked at what i store and what i do and i have tried to make a few minor adjustments but i look at the skills that i try to develop and the friendships that i try to cultivate and i feel that those are key areas that are always in need of development for long term survival i get out there and work to create the kind of society that you really want to be a part of and i feel that's what i have done as a result of this national geographic visit next houston party girl megan hurwitz prepares for a worldwide oil crisis that she believes will devastate the entire nation megan hurwit is a young uninhibited independent woman living in houston texas she is a web developer who loves her cats her convertible and her cocktails with friends and [Music] i'm preparing for a catastrophic oil crisis and when it hits the fan i'm gonna be fitter than you are i love houston i've always been a big fan of our city skyline good eats and good drinks i like to drink i like to have fun with my friends i like to go out to the world may it not end but if it does we're prepared i also believe that we're going to have an oil crisis in my lifetime the united states is the largest consumer of oil in the world and megan believes that when an oil crisis occurs the united states oil reserves will be quickly used up oils used to make a lot of the products that we use today it's used to power our cars and to power the 18 wheelers that take us food if the middle eastern countries suddenly cut us off for gas we would be very very quickly in trouble houston scott's just about three-day supply of everything including oil and food all of that would go off the shelves almost immediately megan fears a global oil crisis will hurl the country and her city into chaos in a matter of days we're gonna starve that's going to send everybody into a panic they're going to run out to all the supermarkets and buy up everything that you need to survive people are going to start stealing other people's food you're gonna hear gunshots a lot of them people are gonna start to kill each other when people's kids go hungry they're gonna come after you your lives would be in danger my life would be in danger and it would happen within a matter of days megan lives in a 700 square foot apartment which makes prepping for long-term survival a challenge there are so many problems prepping in a tiny little urban apartment we have no space for preps we've had to fill up every nook and cranny with canned goods and water we've had to dedicate a lot of space in our second bedroom we've got mres most likely this will feed me for three months i have a veggie bank and an herb bank it's important to have seats because if the stuff really hits the fan you're not gonna have any way of buying food these are the safes this one's for smaller handguns and pistols this one's for full rifles i've got guns bullets lots of bullets lots of bullets i used to be a lot more shallow i still love high heels and i love fashion but i'm also thinking about is there anything that i can conceal a weapon in is there anything that i can hook a harness to is there anything that i can store a gun case in i plan to bug in anywhere from two to four weeks in this apartment have my preps that i have here to feed myself and to keep myself hydrated wait for everybody to panic and leave and then bug out as soon as everybody's left i'll be walking out of houston to a bug-out vehicle an undisclosed location i'm going to mexico survival kitty wants to be cute that's his plan of survival unfortunately cats are not as useful as dogs when it comes to survival situation my boyfriend's plan for the kitty cats if the fan is to put a bullet in their head they had a good life we've spoiled them rotten and he insists that once we get to the bug out location we'll we'll take more in sorry timber right there right in the brain stem i've only been called crazy for prepping once but she was really malicious about it but you know what when it hits the fan she's gonna starve to death and i'm gonna go expecting a middle east oil shutdown megan has devised a way to evacuate houston but how will she hold up in a real-time bug-out simulation i think that was one of the mistakes that i made this time and what will the experts ultimately say about her urban survival strategy megan hurwitz is a vibrant 20-something who spends her spare time taking full advantage of houston's nightlife she is also preparing for a global energy catastrophe that she fears will cause complete chaos which will make bugging out her only chance at survival bugging out basically means taking the goods that you need to survive putting them in a backpack and walking out on foot this is my go bag my go bag has 24 hours worth of preps that i keep on me at all times it's really easy to carry around it's very inconspicuous it's meant for an emergency situation where i will be coming back home feminine products are really important to keep spares of i keep pictures of my social security card my driver's license my passport and birth control right now we have 160 condoms so it'll it'll last us you know four or five days this is my inch bag an inch bag stands for i'm not coming home and it carries everything that i would need in order to survive long enough to get to my bug out vehicle the great thing about this bag is that it carries a lot of stuff but one of the deterrents is that it's extremely obvious this bag would be saying please mug me take my stuff and leave me for dead megan believes that the crippling economic effects of an oil crisis will increase crime exponentially today she goes shopping for a bug out bag that might reduce her risk of becoming a statistic i'm looking for a better bug out bag i need something a little bit more discreet than a camping bag i'm preparing for the worst as we all should and so i'm looking for something with an external frame that i can hook bags to so i can carry untraditional shape gear this particular unit as you can see it hides everything that identifies it as a backpack it goes within the ceiling compartment then it looks like a regular out of share or regular as i mean instead of you carrying it like that when you do get to the point that you have to have so much overweight and expansion within the bag and you can barely easily convert it into a bag i want one of those okay like you have no other stuff on you what's the one thing that you would need pepper spray is probably the easiest thing that a lot of women will carry think of this the adrenaline is flowing but guess what it's not flowing in you until you're touched it's already flowing once you've been contained or held then the scenario changes you're going to have to have the mindset if it ever happens i'm going to survive i have some skills that i can trade i have some useful preps that i can trade and i think that i would survive on my feet for uh three or four months before i'd have to resort to less than savory means of supporting myself you don't want to end up having to yourself out in order to live and really that's what a lot of women would face megan plans to escape houston by hiking out of the city with her 40-pound inch bag in preparation she works out four hours a day six days a week to make sure she will be able to complete the journey when the oil runs out the cars won't work the planes won't fly the trucks won't drive and i'm a machine i have to make every part of me work at peak efficiency i'm preparing for a time when i might have to fight my way out of the city i'm gonna have to do a lot of climbing up and down buildings trying to get away evasive maneuvers so uh it's good for the ankles to kind of practice up you don't want to snap one when you're doing your actual bug out because there's not going to be anyone to help you and you're going to run into people who may have nefarious purposes megan will need more than just brute strength to survive today she works with survival specialist larry phelan to learn important skills megan came to me today to learn more about survival if she has any problems with you know the upcoming issues with the collapse of our society or whatever what can i do exactly if i lose my knife a knife is very easily made with a rock the edge wow break those off like that and clean your fish so right now i'm following along the vertebrae don't head that way too much you got to get down until you get the right spot there you can feel that bone touching your rock cooking the fish will actually decrease the amount of nutrients and the calories that you're going to get so eating it raw is actually preferable and i'm about to do that fishy but very very very fresh if chaos engulfs houston as megan believes she feels she needs additional security which one you're shooting at when the hits the fan don't be the one standing in front of the fan you better be prepared to defend yourself any specific tips for how to deal with the situation as a woman you just have to make sure that they hear authority in your voice you want to make sure they understand that i am not your average moment i will pop a cap in your ass and you're not taking my nice the ar is a good choice for her you're gonna have a hard time beating this gun for fighting people one of my biggest issues is that i have trouble loading the magazines quickly give it a spank in a combat situation that would actually really slow me down and be a detriment to me well and that's why you need to darn sure practice that the ar-15 is my favorite i sure as hell wouldn't want you shooting at me [Music] megan is prepping for a catastrophic global oil crisis that she believes will occur in her lifetime but when she is faced with a practice bug out will she be truly prepared and what will the experts practical preppers think of her preparations and her evacuation plan this pack's getting pretty heavy megan hurwitz is preparing for a global oil crisis which she believes will lead to a total breakdown of civilization this party girl turned prepper practices shooting regularly just put the gun up and does intense workouts in the event of an oil shutdown megan fears that all motorized transportation will be useless making the 50 000 miles of houston roadways a giant parking lot she believes her only chance to escape to safety is on foot bye kitties behave yourself tonight all of megan's preps and training will be put to the ultimate test a practice run of her on foot evacuation plan it's gonna be 10 to 12 miles depending upon what i have to go around and what obstacles i'm gonna have to travel through the best time to do this would be right at dusk that way i'll have enough cover of darkness but i'll still be able to see there's a good chance there won't be any power so i'll be completely in the dark for the most part i'll be starting from the heights and making my way down montrose and straight through the city if i hurry i can be there in three hours if there's blockades he could take me all the way to four or five when i do this for real all this is gonna be dark there's a few areas that i walk through that uh are not the most savory there were a few points when i thought i might need to pull out my handgun some of the sketchy errors i was a little worried about getting mugged it's happened to me before it could happen again i could handle myself from here we're gonna head out of the city until i reach my bug-out vehicle and then i'll be able to drive to my bug out location i'm about six miles from my final destination and i've covered about six miles of ground you do you should always carry spare pair on you kind of getting tired ah this pack's getting a little heavy my feet feel like they're about to fall off my ankles so it's been a long long six hours hike uh took twice as long as i thought it was going to i'm just going to continue to follow the brook out of town in a real bug-out situation it's best to follow the sewer lines and the rivers because they're inconspicuous there's a somewhat fresh stream of water that can be purified it's usually below the water table it's away from the streets it's really the best way to go i think next time i'm going to carry less gear maybe i can invest in some lighter lighter gear when you're doing a real bug out you want to be carrying in ounces not pounds and i think that was one of the mistakes that i made this time all right i'm exhausted but i'm losing time and i'm almost there not much further i'm by no means an expert at any of this stuff even with all the preparation and all the skill sets i'm trying to learn and all the foresight that i'm putting into prepping to hit the fan next week i probably wouldn't make it if it hits the fan in five years i'll probably be okay megan if as you predicted there's a global oil crisis in your lifetime the experts practical preppers feel that your food and water storage will leave you woefully unprepared to remain in your apartment for any length of time that's about all we can afford and your plan to leave houston will be your only alternative improving your self-defense skills and physical conditioning and having a prepped out bag are all important steps however you should have at least two alternative routes i believe i have a smart route for evacuating the city but i haven't given much thought to a secondary or tertiary plan that's something that i'll be looking into very shortly also the experts review estimates that your bug out vehicle has only enough gas to take you 300 miles at a minimum mexico is 320 miles from houston the experts advise that you store additional fuel in your vehicle or have hidden caches along the way i may not have enough gas to complete the journey but i believe that there are opportunities to acquire trade for it along the way since national geographic has left i enlisted myself in the us military in the hopes that i would be able to help my fellow civilians if times were to grow darker than they are now and i've actually completely revisited our bug out location i don't think i want to head down to mexico because of the violence that's prevalent in that area my advice to people is get it together because anything could happen how likely are the events featured in this program the earth's magnetic poles swap about every four hundred thousand years but there is no evidence that a swap is due soon and it wouldn't impact the earth's tilt rotation or seismic activity there has never been a complete cutoff of foreign oil to the united states and it's not likely top importers are allies canada and mexico also the u.s produces about half the oil it consumes and it has more than a month's supply in the world's largest government stockpile and the possibility of a major earthquake a magnitude 8.0 or higher could hit los angeles in the next 30 years but the chances are less than 3 percent [Music] ugh [Music] you
Channel: National Geographic
Views: 594,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet nat geo, photography, full episode, doomsday preppers, prepper videos, full episodes, end of the world, documentary national geographic, documentary history, explore with us, discovery channel, survival skills, survival tactics, nature 4k, survival games, survival of the fittest
Id: jB-CIuUZloM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.