Prepper's Paradise (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers

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across the country ordinary Americans from all walks of life are taking whatever measures necessary to prepare I'm preparing for a global earthquake an electromagnetic pulse total economic collapse terrorist attack catastrophic tsunami and protect themselves pounce on the prey from what they perceive is the fast approaching end of the world as we know it you are the most stubborn son of a I've ever met in my life I swear to God next we go inside the lives of three committed Preppers who have devised extensive plans it's beautiful since I've never had one of these in my hand how do I aim this gone to Great Lengths this is kind of a high traffic area I think we should go all the way vertical make it happen and made huge personal sacrifices to ensure their very survival either one of you currently have any addictions the experts will assess their preps to see if they have what it takes that's big to survive let's get everything loaded it's just all the FED over the top for me [Music] good morning from the North End organic Nursery you're tuned into an all-organic gardening show that focuses on things that you can do to be more self-sufficient and being more dependent on yourself and less dependent on the world around you Lindsay is the co-host of a radio show in Boise Idaho about organic gardening and the back to the land movement today we're talking about food preservation she and her husband Ray Pride themselves on their urban homesteading lifestyle but Ray and Lindsey are in homesteading just for nutritional or environmental benefits getting back to the land is their key to survival if the World As We Know It Ends we're preparing for the collapse of the world's agricultural system [Music] what people don't realize is that a lot of preppers are people like us where everyday business owners we'd run very normal lives my daughter goes to gymnastics I take her to school every day back in the day everybody was prepared because they weren't so reliant on other people to make sure their lives work so Preppers today are really like how our ancestors used to be smart in 2012 the United States saw one of the worst droughts since the 1930s dust bowl and the hottest year ever recorded in U.S history nearly 80 percent of the country's agricultural land was affected and soybean and corn prices were at record-breaking highs Ray and Lindsay weren't surprised the collapse of the world agricultural system is happening now in the midwest we're having Mass amounts of drought climate change is changing the way that farmers are able to reliably produce their food people are severely detached from the food system nobody knows how to farm for the most part we've got a whole bunch of City dwellers that are dependent on a very small population of farmers to keep them alive and if those Farmers aren't able to deliver that food to the table people are going to panic and not be able to eat and feed their families if the world's agricultural system collapses Lindsay's convinced only those capable of producing their own food will be able to survive so she actively encourages her entire Community to ready themselves through her weekly call-in radio show on sustainable living it's three days worth of food is all we have if all of a sudden we just stopped supplying our supermarkets after that you're on your own even if it's a small disruption it could really turn into a lot of chaos if you've got your own garden and if you've got your own ability to store and prepare food then it's not going to affect you that much while Lindsay concentrates on spreading her message her husband Ray a former Marine sees a darker potential consequence of rampant food shortages I don't think I'm paranoid I just think I'm well informed and prepared my greatest fear will be the rioting the lutein as we've seen in other disasters across the country and across the world the police will all go home the firefighters will all go home there'll be places of Blaze and before it ever gets to that point my family and I will bug out to our location to escape the mobs of hungry people they fear Rey and Lindsay plan to flee the city and head off the grid to a secret location deep in the Idaho mountains my Bug out location is surrounded by National Forest that has two streams on property with a deep well and has cabins that are made up in the wood that we cut on our own land we have security systems whether it be multiple guns ammunition communication systems whether it be VHF ham radio portable walkie-talkies we have everything that we need to survive Ray and Lindsay have four years of food waiting for them at their Bug out location they keep more hidden in plain sight at home to many their backyard might look like every other in the neighborhood but every tree and shrub serves a proper purpose we've basically turned our entire landscape into something edible veggies you know from zucchini and tomatoes we have fruit trees of all kinds and then we have grapes and blackberries Lindsay and Ray's home only has about four acres of land for growing food so far they've crammed several hundred edible plants into their backyard to preserve it and prepare it for bugging out Lindsay cans as much of what they grow as possible I do a lot of my own canning so I can my own garden vegetables I buy things in season and can them dehydrate them do things that'll make them last longer and these are all things that'll sustain us through you know several years like his wife Ray believes most people won't be prepared for Global agricultural collapse but he's concerned many in their area will look to them for salvation I'm constantly told by my friends whoever hits the fan we're going to come looking for you because we know that you're prepared well the hard truth is when it hits the fan I'm not going to be able to support you and your family you need to have your own preparations if any unwanted visitors refuse to take no for an answer raise prepared to do whatever it takes to defend what's his there's nothing that I wouldn't do protect my family in any kind of Doomsday scenario I could totally sleep tomorrow night if I had to use Force deadly force to prevent people from taking food out of my family's mouth I have multiple weapons with various calibers and as a United States Marine I have absolutely no doubt in my ability to hit what I am firing upon as a marine Rey was taught that teamwork is the key to successful operations so he's been fortifying his survival plan by recruiting other able-bodied men and women to join his team of Preppers I have a team of people for my Bug out location because I can't do everything myself tonight raise gathered his team to interview two new candidates the two new prospective members to our team are currently active duty United States military personnel so it is imperative for operational security of our Retreat that we do not reveal their identity at this time we realize you guys have weapons and guard Duty experience but do you have any other relevant experience that you can uh tell us about I think the the both of us have extremely high proficient uh outdoor type skills so anything from actually working with the crops to going out and hunting together food we can definitely bring to the table and also as long as I can remember I've I've had a hand in gardens and and fields around the Farms so I feel really confident that I could be a lot of help in food production for the group growing up learning to hunt and learning to care for crops I'm very certain I'll be an asset to This Crew or either one of you are currently on medications have prescription eyeglasses or have any addictions we have no addictions no problems like that but I do have prescription glasses okay I'd like to be a part of Ray's crew because uh I'd like to take care of my family if in the event something were to happen Rey's next step is to test his new recruits to see what they're made of but when he puts them in action and under stress there's no telling what they may do [Music] Lindsay and Ray fear that following a global agricultural collapse Supermarket shelves will be bare in just three days but it's what happens on day four that they fear most once people start to realize that the food is not going to be restocked on the shelves Panic will start happening people will do what they have to do to feed themselves which will be including looting breaking into people's houses becoming violent to protect themselves in the four years worth of food they've secured at their Bug out location in the mountains of Idaho Lindsay and Ray are looking to recruit new members for their prepper security Force I got two new prospective members that I want to test to see if they're meet the standards that what it takes to be a part of this group raise admissions test includes three parts the interview teamwork drill and response to a threatening situation he'll be judging each potential member's speed tactical skills and ability to take orders and work with the group if they disappoint him in any of these respects they're out all right you guys we need to bug out let's get everything loaded come on we might be running out of time I don't want anybody to see this foreign loaded before anybody catches on that we're loading up we got our clothes we've got the medicines first aid kits tools we've got excess plants and seeds and radios bug out bags vitamins Nursery items sewing supplies towels books guns ammo if anybody hears anything that we haven't got packed let me know someone help me lift this let's get this thing closed up you two get in the flatbed Lindsay and Allison let's load up in the wagon get in with their full supply of preps loaded within 10 minutes the Team Heads one hour away to Ray and Lindsay's Bug out location deep in the Idaho mountains for the third part of their admissions test the new recruits will be on their own and Ray's last challenge for them is one they won't see coming he's instructing them to secure the area but he's not telling them that somewhere between the truck and the compound he's hidden in occupying Force I need you two to go up to the top of the camp and make sure it's secure for us to occupy two-person patrols often move back to back so that they can scan a full 360 Degrees around themselves when breaching a building surprise and speed are essential soldiers are taught to dominate The Room by quickly moving to positions of control that allow for Clear shots it's behind your back clear we got him raised impressed that the candidates didn't let their guard down or hesitate when they encountered a threat as they breached the door the two new members have passed the test welcome to the camp and the group we're 100 committed to protecting what is ours and survive any disaster that may come our way so once again welcome all right guys good to have you people are under the illusion that we have so much food all around us and we're in this wonderful Modern Age and all I can say is that you're wrong there is so much fragility in our system and it could collapse at any time these things are just time bombs waiting to happen and it will happen at the end of the day the question might be when the big trucks stop rolling is how much food are you holding Ray and Lindsay the experts at Practical Preppers have reviewed your preps your four-year supply of food will give you a huge advantage in trying to survive a crisis however 50 gallons of stored water would only last your survival group less than a week you should be storing more water we don't need to store much water because we have surface water at our Bug out location and a well out of Bug out location your security plan is strong but you should also consider constructing a safe room so that you can keep your supplies secured at both our Bug out location and our home location we have areas that we would consider to be our safe rooms to determine how long you could initially survive a catastrophe Practical Preppers has scored your preps in five categories of 20 points each for a total possible score of 100 your renewable food sources are excellent 19 out of 20 points water 12 out of 20 points shelter 16 out of 20 points security 16 out of 20 points working towards survival as a group gives you 15 X Factor points your total score is 78 out of 100 you have 15 months initial survival time that's a pretty good score but whoever has graded us hasn't really seen the extent of our preparedness and if they did they would say that it is in fact quite a bit more extensive than what can be shown on TV due to severe drought across the Midwest the USDA warned that food costs could continue to rise between three and four percent in 2013. experts however do not anticipate a catastrophic food shortage to occur s a bug out vehicle is a crucial part of their plan for facing doomsday but for Jim D his bug out vehicle is the whole plan he doesn't intend to run away from doomsday he intends to run it over in his custom-built bug out truck that he calls the behemoth Jim D is a security consultant and proud father living in the Orange County area of Southern California a motorcycle Enthusiast Jim used to spend his free time working on his Harley-Davidson but lately he's been under the hood of something bigger something matter something he's felt to survive doomsday that he calls all right the behemoth I'm preparing for the destruction of the power grid from a terrorist attack and the social unrest that will follow every year cyber attacks on their computer systems that run the country's infrastructure get stronger more aggressive and hit more often a government official has even warned of a cyber Pearl Harbor that could take down the country's Financial networks government services and even the power grid Jim fears that this type of attack could plunge the U.S into a new Dark Age we've become completely dependent on the power grid as soon as the power goes out the stop lights don't work and the gas pumps don't pump and the cash registers aren't on and the electric doors don't open the ATMs don't give any money there's no power there's no Refrigeration there's no there's no pumps to pump the water in there's no pumps to pump the septic out when people get hungry or thirsty they start to act erratic and start to do things that are not normal and when people become desperate they do it becomes even worse my strategy is to be very mobile we built a all-wheel drive 13-ton truck that has a camper with 300 gallons of fuel 150 gallons of water solar power gas generators battery Banks armored Command Center you name it it's designed for extended deployment of multiple people where you could sustain a lot of lives for a long period of time gyms spent close to three hundred thousand dollars striving to turn a 1980 Chevy truck into his ultimate bug out vehicle the engine was designed to be able to to withstand a solar flare EMP any electrical event because there's nothing on it to fail half inch thick armor plating flame retardant military grade spray paint 28 feet long 11 feet high and eight feet wide Jim's mobile prepper Powerhouse lives up to its name the behemoth with more than 4 million miles of Road in the U.S and no plan to stay put for long Jim views life after doomsday as a marathon not a Sprint and he's taken steps to ensure the Behemoth will never run out of gas we can run it on gasoline or propane we've got 150 gallons of propane 150 gallons of gas it's got enough fuel to leave from Southern California and make it to Nova Scotia or Costa Rica or anywhere you know in between so we can keep it moving for a long long period of time even with only 500 cubic feet of living space Jim believes he's built the Behemoth large enough for it to serve as a rolling safe house for all his family and friends the Survivor truck can take 15 people without being over capacity there's nothing more valuable than my family to me and whatever it takes to keep them safe is what I have to do as a husband and as a father it is my responsibility I have a small group of people that we've decided to rely on one another and we're going to meet up and we're all going to go together for Jim the behemoth's most important cargo will be his daughter Michelle but for Michelle the idea of one day having to live in a truck has just been one of her dad's wacky ideas holy water that's big until today come on let's go I want to show you the inside look at the Betty that mommy did isn't that amazing yeah drums my bed this one's your bed right here honey it's actually bigger than your bed in the house that bed if there's for mommy and I it's a refrigerator and a stove and all sorts of stuff we can stay in this for a long time [Music] to be more than just a battle wagon he wants it to be a second home but he believes cyber terrorist attacks could turn the U.S into a nation of panicked violent mobs desperate to take from him his fortress on Wheels so he spent more than sixty thousand dollars installing seven high-definition surveillance cameras Chad helped us he put all the cameras in there and we're gonna go into the command center and he's going to show you how they work all right okay what does all this stuff do well what we've done Michelle is we've put cameras all the way around the truck we've got a camera in the front camera's on the sides and cameras in the back that look close to a couple hundred feet out being able to see anybody that's in close proximity to the truck we can see a full 180 degrees so you know if somebody was outside that door let's show off what this can do let's send your dad as far away as we possibly can and see if we can figure out what he's doing hey Jim are you out there I'm here all right we're gonna see if we can find you that looks like him how many fingers am I holding up two oh Jim's confident his cameras can spot a Potential Threat two miles away he believes that whether or not his family survives that threat could depend on how he responds so tomorrow he's going to put the Behemoth security systems and his own weapons training do the test Jim D fears cyber terrorists could disable the power grid curling the U.S into chaos and turning Americans into violent desperate mobs so to ensure he can escape hostile areas with his family and friends he's built the Ultimate Survivor truck the behemoth [Music] Orange County California has more than a dozen major highways but Jim fears he could face massive gridlock in the Panic following catastrophic cyber terrorist attacks so since he can't predict which Escape Route he might need to take he has multiple Bug Out locations spread all across the Southwest we've been looking around trying to figure out where to go based on Escape Routes through you know throughout Southern California for the last two years he's been burying Supply caches at Secret locations between 2 and 100 miles from his home we have multiple cash systems distributed all over the country they're easy to get to depending on whether we have to go north south or east you have to have something that's pre-staged if you just have to pick up and go today Jim's showing his prepping partner Ashley who helped him design and build the Behemoth what goes into assembling his caches PVC pipes lined with a special material that Jim says eliminates magnetic signatures to Shield them from metal detectors we're going to start with the heavy stuff first flashlight take the bare necessities the weapons ammunition flashlight kind of stuff you know just enough to get by some food bars just see rations and some water a radio medical stuff you know just basic stuff actually let's put that Glock in there too clear clear we are good Jim's taking the Behemoth out to bury a new cache of supplies with a clearance of almost two feet the Behemoth can go where standard pickups can't so Jim's heading for a remote location deep in the mountains but before he buries his cash his first goal is to make the Behemoth disappear the truck has a fully Deployable thermoregulated camo net system that you literally put it out and it just turns you into a mound and you don't create a heat signature Jim's camo netting is designed to dissipate heat so that anything underneath it remains hidden from thermal imaging cameras and even heat-seeking missiles were essentially invisible to the naked eye to night vision and thermal imaging by the time Jim deploys the camo it's almost too dark to see but that's part of his plan the reason that we do this at night obviously because it's much more difficult to see people at long range in the dark during the day you can with a spotting scope you can see well over a thousand yards there could be people anywhere watching what you do Jim berries is three foot long caches vertically to reduce their surface area at ground level making them harder to find you buried in the ground and you mark it with a GPS and you walk it off and you map it basically you have enough supplies to sustain yourself for probably 60 days with a family of four to six people just in one cache my spot philosophy has always been better to have it and not need it than need it not have it you know I want to be ready in the event of a power grid shutdown and the chaos that follows Jim worries that the Behemoth might become an enticing Target for desperate Marauders so he and Ashley have been training to defend the Behemoth from attackers but shooting while on the move from the custom sniper platform he built on the roof requires a completely different set of skills that gyms never practiced until today you have to compensate for the up and down movement the left and right movement of the sway factor in the movement of the vehicle the distance of the Target and the speed of the bullet it's a lot to think about in a very very short amount of time the challenges of shooting while on the Move significantly affect Jim's accuracy instead of kill shots this time he hits mostly desert sand it's not the motion and the you know the movement it's the up and down from the from the uneven ground it's brutal Jim believes that with practice he and the Behemoth will be able to take on any rioters and looters should cyber terrorists succeed in destroying American society in order to be healthy and happy that you have to be able to provide for yourself it feels good to have a plan it feels good to know that your family is going to be safe I have the the mental capacity I have the desire to survive and I have a spiritual center I know that I'm going to be okay no matter what gym Experts of Practical Preppers have assessed your preps you have an impressive bug out vehicle with High-Tech Communications but you need a food resupply plan and reliable access to water we have over or almost two years worth of freeze-dried food we can supplement that with hunting fishing and growing food everywhere we go there's a water source within 10 miles we'll be fine to determine how long you could initially survive a catastrophe Practical Preppers has scored your preps in five categories of 20 points each for a total possible score of 100 food 12 out of 20 points water 13 out of 20 points shelter 12 out of 20 points security 15 out of 20 points your special bug out vehicle will allow you easier access to a safe location 13x factor points overall you get a 65 out of 100 you have 10 months initial survival time well I disagree we're gonna make it no matter what I'm gonna last forever Department of Homeland Security currently considers cyber terrorism to be a top security challenge however power companies are devoting tremendous resources to stopping cyber threats and the electric grid has backup systems that will allow power to be restored quickly if the grid comes under Cyber attack Amanda and Scott bobbin recently bought their dream home with 51 rooms and breathtaking views it seemed too good to be true but their new house came with something unexpected something otherworldly oh she's back again they say a voice from the grave is telling them to become Preppers or die laughs on a Mountaintop in Waynesville North Carolina the top 30 acres of land Amanda and Scott bobbin live in a 51 room 8 500 square foot house we named The Heist Paragon Jewel which means perfect Jewel and we believe actually that it is Paradise thank you but it is a very unique and unusual Heist the things in this house are strange to us not things that we're used to everything that we could possibly want in the in the future if something would happen is here already it's a prepper's paradise safe haven for people to come and join us after a comet will hit the planet now she's back again one year ago the bobbins didn't give much thought to Doomsday theories in fact they'd never even heard of prepping they were living in Florida when they say they were warned about the end of the world by a voice from Beyond which would come to be known as Greta Amanda and I lived in Florida and she received a message of vibration whatever you'd like to call it we often get them when we sleep it comes through my mind the message that I received was it's time to leave Florida and that it was very important for us to live at three thousand feet or above they say Greta urged them to move 3 000 feet above sea level so they could survive a comet colliding with the Earth destroying life across the globe we sold the heists and went to the mountains the bobbins hunt for a new home LED them to the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and the Paragon Jewel Amanda walked into the door about 15 feet she turned around and said to me this is where we're going to live we are located 3 000 feet above sea level here it should be one of the safest places on the entire planet and that's why we've been brought here they bought the Paragon Jewel and discovered their new home came with two 5 000 gallon water tanks solar panels and even a ham radio tower but the deeper they delved into Paragon Jewels hidden recesses the more bizarre their new home seemed we find huge quantities of supplies so toilet paper gas masks there are things for dehydrating instructions to create Gardens that attract game animals they had enough clothing upstairs in the attic to clothe the hundred people Amanda believes her mysterious voice is Paragon Jewel's former owner a woman named Greta who had already been dead for two years the bobbins believe Greta assembled all this in the Hope survivors of the Comet could find Safe Haven with her high in the Smoky Mountains and now they believe she wants Amanda and Scott to continue her work Amanda and I are very confident that we were guided to this house for a specific purpose we believe the house chose us to deal with what Greta had started here we believe that as we go down the road here Greta will instruct this on what to do next and that has been in contact with her through channeling Amanda says Greta makes her wishes known by taking control of Amanda's body to write out her instructions but Amanda never knows when Greta is going to take over chicken I'm sorry that's not me either I don't have any control over this Grado has come through me and sent a message I bought what she expects us to do and what she expects along the program today so I have just written her words not my words her it's called automatic writing I put so much love and care into making it a safe haven for people to come to when it will be necessary you must carry on my work open your doors to people who need you she's back again she's saying that Scott and I have to continue that work working with her hands being able to help a lot of people because the situation is coming Amanda's Sons Johnny and Christopher often visit their mother from Ireland but this is their first visit since Amanda and Scott became Preppers and they haven't yet been told the whole story about Greta comets or prepping Chris want to have a whack here a guy came in uh something to do with the solar panels it is quite an unusual place and they've done a lot of work getting it getting it in shape because uh it requires a lot of upkeep the boys also don't know that if a comet blasts Humanity to the brink of Extinction their mother and Scott planned to open Paragon Jewels doors to every Survivor who comes to them seeking help and some of the first people they expect to take in are their neighbors Scott and mendov told us a little bit about this house and the background of it and they've talked a little bit about some of the preparations they want to do to have it better prepared their neighbors aren't Preppers but they know Scott and Amanda are starting to prep so they're bringing Scott a present to help them on their way oh my goodness we got you a nice brand new 12 gauge pump action shotgun it'll take anything from Big Game to small game and also help you defend your house you definitely need one wow it's unloaded right now good looks beautiful even camouflage don't point it at my mom with her son still unaware of their new prepping lifestyle Amanda realizes that the gift of a firearm is something that will require an explanation I watched the Christopher's reaction when the gun was handed over he seems a little distressed I'll go and talk to him she believes the time has come to tell them about the comet so that the boys can begin helping them prepare so guys we need to talk to you too about something and everybody else can just enjoy themselves but nothing can prepare them for how Christopher reacts for the last two months Scott and Amanda bobbin have been prepping for a comment to strike the Earth but Amanda hasn't told her son Christopher their plan yet we are going to reveal to Christopher that we have become Preppers and see what his reaction is we've moved into this house and after we got here we started finding all these things in the house that were very unusual supplies supplies we were guided here and to continue the work of Greta she expected a comment to come in and hit the earth so we have um become Preppers scientists would be able to predict something like that it's not just going to come up under the blue can't see anything happening I don't know I just it's just all the FED over the top right isn't it better to be prepared well I can't see any reason why people were just almost dedicate their lives to try to avoid something what do you think Johnny well I think that was a good idea for in case the storm or something don't really understand it to be honest I just don't know why why anything would happen I don't think anything will happen I hope you're right I really hope you're right but it doesn't hurt just to be prepared a little this has been a shock to him that hopefully he will get some experience and have um a different View today Scots received a gift his first security prep he's ready to begin practicing defensive prepping and hopes both boys will follow his lead so this is our basic pump action shotgun our 12 gauge since I've never had one of these in my hand how do I aim this sure you're aiming straight down and you always know what you're aiming at some Preppers prefer the 12 gauge pump action shotgun in part because they believe just the sound of a shell being chambered can be intimidating enough to stop an intruder the safety is on safety is off right now oh the safety is off right now after I shook it is that how you're saying that do you want to practice just pulling it back and forward a couple of times and I push this down you tell us when you're ready I mean this is for real this is for Real okay so make sure you know where you're aiming nice shot that was brilliant that was absolutely fabulous how did you do that I thought you haven't done this before fourteen-year-old Johnny is as eager as his parents to prep for chaos following a comet strike I think prepping's a good idea if something bad happens you'll have to be worried about glow nights but 16 year old Christopher is not as enthusiastic he does not believe that self-reliance is that important Chris you're going to shoot why don't you give it a shot come on I it was easy I'm not really interested really oxidants could be caused these Firearms are lethal I don't really get too involved because I just can't see anything happening Christopher is extremely intelligent and likes to use his brain more than his Brawn he's talented but a little reluctant to do certain things Christopher won't shoot but Amanda and Scott still want him to take an active role in their prepping put your gloves on we don't know I don't think anybody's been in here in 25 years so they're drafting him and Johnny to help them inventory the supplies Greta left behind in Paragon Jewel's shed let Mom keep the official count and we'll just kind of go around the room and see what we've got in here what's in this one over here oh we've got at least 10 oats Amanda we've got weight over here there's three there's three more weeks what do you got down below there wait see what's back in here uh let's wait Gretel Left Behind what could be hundreds of gallons of wheat grains a staple that humans have depended on for thousands of years each five gallon bucket was nitrogen sealed to remove any Oxygen so it's protected from insects and bacteria and is a longer shelf life but Christopher doesn't believe any of it will be necessary I really don't see the point does I mean if a comet or a meteor hits the Earth and we cannot stay in the house don't you think the land and everything is just going to be destroyed so I think what makes this place safe I think it depends on where it hits at if it hits on the other side of the world I don't think anything's gonna happen so I think I'm gonna leave I'm out of here Christopher I'm not crap I understand he doesn't think that we are rational at all so maybe the next time you'll come in Christopher's 16. it doesn't matter what advice he gets he's 16 years old somewhere along the way he'll realize how important this is Christopher and Johnny will soon be returning home to Ireland Amanda and Scott hope that with time both boys will come to accept the prepper lifestyle but for now getting ready for a potential combat impact poses its own set of challenges Amanda and I have been only prepping about two months that's it we are brand new Preppers we know we have a lot of learning and to learn how to use a lot of the things that have already been prepared here for us there are family members who are very skeptical of what's going on but we are very comfortable and confident that we'll be prepared when the time comes Scott and Amanda the experts Practical Preppers have reviewed your Preps you live in a geographically safe location and of a good amount of supplies you've taken the right step in creating a network by opening your doors to your neighbors however you need to do more to secure your property consider a security system cameras and defense training I would agree with everything that you have said and reported to determine how long you could initially survive a catastrophe Practical Preppers has scored your preps in five categories of 20 points each for a total possible score of 100 food 16 out of 20 points water 17 out of 20 points shelter 19 out of 20 points security 5 out of 20 points your large house and ability to take in others will give you strength in numbers this gives you eight X Factor points your total survival score is 65 out of 100 you have 10 months initial survival time I believe we need to seriously increase the defense and security aspect um that seems to be our weakest point has improved our gun awareness so security system and they're collecting rain water in our pool it is no coincidence that we have fined each other and I find ourselves here at paragoncho I really believe our adventure is only just beginning both NASA and the United Nations have departments that identify and catalog potentially threatening comets and asteroids of the more than 9 500 near-earth objects NASA has discovered so far none is currently considered likely to collide with Earth in the next 100 years [Music] thank you
Channel: National Geographic
Views: 567,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet nat geo, photography, full episode, Doomsday Preppers, Amanda Bobbin, prepper, cyberattack
Id: c3hPSJczrU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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