The Game Awards 2023 - Easy Allies Reactions

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hello and welcome to easy allies game awards 2023 pre-show we easy allies we got Isa Hank we got Brad Ellis we got Brandon freaking Jones and myself Michael hu that's my middle name Des I didn't know you forget somebody I wasn't sure if I was going to make Micha do going to make the podcast your your robot body wasn't there Domani I'm sorry I booted it off I saw it in this chair and I shoved it over when I came I saw made me angry made me angry and Confused D just to be clear dumani and I are great but robani and I are not not terms there is a rivalry for sure it's CU you criticize Terminator 2 every chance you get like a robot Hy half of it Jones's face of it's like my face that would be too insane I like I like hack the feed yeah so there were rumors that there may not be a pre-show so we may have to Vamp for an hour I don't know I saw it they said City Goodman's gonna post the beginning I don't know if that's like when the show so I think ke's just saying it's not a pre-show but it's a pre-show it's hard yeah it's not a pre- but it is yeah else you put all the Doritos ads and pay for the whole thing absolutely oh yeah I need to wear these to hear dumani do they have a countdown going yet yes they do they do Gabby I'm going to use the mouse thank you ABS now down so that says 11 minutes yeah 11 minutes that's crazy till that starts yeah okay that's a countdown to another count SP logo right that is a countdown to a 15minute count for sure all right so Shen Mo 4 let's start there okay be back be back oh settle in oh yeah all right he what do you got to say about Shamu War there's always a chance yeah never give up never stop believing there's always a little bit of a chance that something could happen like I got Spider-Man 2 this year in a GTA trailer I'm Co ex I'm good I'm good exactly life finds a way who's making Shen mu for how are they doing it Sega partnership Sega involved okay producing okay yeah that's all get out just want to throw it out there get out of the way Wolverine trailer up which yeah oh you want to talk about Wolverine I think they could do a total CG thing and that you know or or even Spider-Man DLC Jones that would be sick I'm seeing like silly teases about that they haven't said anything officially seeing like mockups of like here's how that'll roll out but um yeah I think with zero gameplay so there's so much stuff they could tease like where are we going to be what locations are there any other characters besides him that you even want to kind of remote even like if Beast was like hi be like yeah um the actor would be a huge deal if they dropped like if it was somebody you know someone we knew absolutely or not you know and it's like today it was kind of Mario situation where today's like whoa okay we have a new Wolverine to be excited about I would love that Wolverine uh Mike I have a question for you so we saw the last of us trailered cuz yeah thing got leaked yes are they going to show something else I don't know we maybe not even for that game just something else yeah we just heard That season 2 will be in 2025 2025 shaping up to be a hell of a year already MH uh so maybe you get like some kind of announcement there but I don't think so I think I think the trailer for for the remaster dropping Neil already saying like yo still no details on on factions or whatever that is and cuz the show is so far out I think maybe they're a no show for this I'm not expecting anything time off yeah yeah I I would be surprised if they showed up actually yeah okay yeah um let's talk about the rest of Sony what they got going on Sucker Punch been quiet for a very long time dude it's time goes to sushima It's Time whoa yeah I can coming almost four years they're working on the movie they're it'll be four years that's a long time maybe a little tease for that yeah we could see for that um Blue Point has also been quiet for a very long time bloodborne too baby MH I don't think we're seeing Wolverine but I do think we'll see Spider-Man DLC I pray was pretty quick last time it was it was very quick city that never sleeps three parts came out super quick to release yeah uh they haven't even teased anything about DLC yet so this would be such a great spot to do it it's up for game of the year it makes sense you know you have your game of the year and you're you're showing more yeah to get my expectations too high but if they literally just did exactly what they did before three chapters you know uh it was like okay I seem you know lots of teases in the story about like stuff that initially there was some stuff in Spider-Man 2 I was like whoa Spider-Man 3 here we go it's like oh I guess you could do that in DLC and that would be quick sure 100% um so yeah those three chapters I really like I saw a lot of fans were like that stuff got so off the rails but like I loved it I love that Stu I got out of it Hammerhead very video G yeah yeah yeah uh I heard Rumblings a while ago nothing lately but I heard Rumblings for a little bit of like a a half sequel to Ragnarok God of War like a like a Lost Legacy Siz Miles Morales sized God of War Game M that' be kind cool yeah I could see that totally happened that would be wild that would be wild if that showed up I didn't play two but is there is there like a pocket of the story think oh definit that could fit in okay definitely yeah yeah absolutely 100% yeah I could really go for that that would be sick that would be huge uh Domani what's Nintendo up to man what are they cooking don't get excited you're not getting anything like from Nintendo nothing nothing I've had some moments I remember Ultimate Alliance 3 like there's there's been some super surprises when I see that Nintendo logo I mean I would say that's like probably one of the bigger announcements but smash was always the biggest thing then we already gone over this on the on the podcast or frame trap somewhere we talked about this that uh yep they don't do that anymore because there's no new Smash characters and I think you'll get maybe like an update on like the the peach game or maybe another game we've heard about or maybe they'll be during the ad breaks they'll be I just saw a ton of gift Subs just came through holy crap thank you thanks thank you uh ad breaks you'll get like those Nintendo montages but I just don't see anything big being here from Nintendo I just don't I think with what about Metroid Prime no Metroid Prime 2 is being or sorry four is being held until switch to the announcement I think it's next year so I think the big stuff is happening next year too soon for anything big do you think there's any chance that they say anything regarding switch 2 not show it or anything obviously do you think they they name drop the next Nintendo console tonight any chance of that happening zero logo nothing zero okay zero go less zero can I go less L than zero less than zero starring robertt Jr Godzilla minus [Laughter] okay all right yeah because there's no DL Zelda DLC coming either so that's out the question yeah Mario Kart's done too early for Metroid Mario Kart's done what yeah is that ever you can trust it's crazy now we'll see is smash getting like something new is this smash game just like a tiny little update like next year but that that uh that ohm thank you the Zelda movie too soon too soon for the Zelda movie like they just announce it's happening it's like way too soon so they'll announce the voice cast in a Nintendo Direct in February and it'll be Chris pratts all the way down yeah we know the director though like even if he just came out and like said a thing yeah you know I could see fans kind of getting yo those Maze Runner movies are cool getting yeah I back them MH wild up we'll get you that Twilight Princess port for switch Maybe dude I gave up up with that I gave up H us up with that Nintendo I I mean I I would be so happy but I have given up all hope on that it's fine to give up hope on that yeah uh definitely death training to I would be 100% shocked if we don't see a death sanding 2 trailer tonight I would be absolutely shocked shocked I'm most shocked of everything do you think the game awards is like a major like spot in the calendar of just the entire production schedule you know we like there's there's a lot of right there immediately when they just look out and just see Kima Japanese just kind of pointing out and like and remember you know December early December game like right right they like Miss a year they're like oh we got till next year just goes like dark in November like they just talked to anybody and shows up y two weeks out and shows the video they're like whoa yeah I didn't I didn't even know that was the game we were making this is crazy elering DLC also we'll teasing that right they just tweet some today pretty sure thing on uh Monster World 2 I think oh cuz there's one big big other Capcom game zipping around right like haven't yeah I don't know me and have been talking about that we were wondering if it was like a mistranslation on know MH it might be Dragon do 2 already it might be Dragon Dogma 2 it might have happened already which also I wouldn't I would never hate seeing more dragon's dog yeah love drag I'd say go ahead dumang IO we said uh that Dragon Dogma 2 is going to be the baldder Gate of next year that's how you mean a perfect Masterpiece shockingly incredible Masterpiece yes accurate Masterworks all I sound like a broken record but it it's Capcom has trained me to believe that we get a Resident Evil every year so C Veronica baby honestly code Veronica or nine is is not that unrealistic they're out of control n seriously seriously they're out of control how fast they crank first I feel they do main line then remix have all the bad multiplayer offshoots been released it's been a while since I've checked in they're all out outbreak remake Jones we still need it we still need it we are do for another shitty Veronica remake okay okay we still need it I need Jones so Fable man your beloved Fable we saw a little bit of it in the summer ooh we going get a little closer look at it this time um yeah I mean when you brought up the switch when you're talking about switch 2 it's like yeah that might seem out a character for Nintendo does necessarily make you know seem like it would be the right time for that but like when they still showed the Xbox even when the console was rotating I was like what are we looking at right now I was so surprised that they would make any kind of console specific showing at the game awards it just didn't seem like the time and place for that so yeah Xbox is a wild card with this crazy show yeah um and so yeah I wouldn't be surprised and I think I don't know from what we saw it seemed pretty ready to show Gameplay at some point TimeWise this would I would not be surprised yeah they're bringing scale bound back tonight no speaking of showing gameplay hellblade to are they going to show like more gameplay actually the most overdue game that's overdue it it is time tonight some race between that and silk song probably some epic ingame cinematic trailer would would not play well like it just wouldn't it' be the kind of thing even if it blew our minds we'd be like yeah at this point though just not yeah downloaded and on my console this I would be shook right now but if it's still you know months away if they're doing another hellblade trailer it cannot be another like yeah Moody cinematic [ __ ] yeah it's been a very long time coming for that so definitely definitely that that like needs to show uph for sure uh maybe gears a new gears gears it's been a minute could be new gear years time do you think they would do a sequel or remake one you know remakes are so hot so kind of did like a different version of one already but um they could I feel like they're going to continue the story especially after the last one yeah definitely got to keep it going yeah it feels like it chat was talking about Silent Hill and I do wonder if if it is time to see something from either to the blueberry make or S Hill f because we don't know much at all about F I think it's still probably a long ways away but who knows uh there's also Town fall uh we need we need something good from the Silent Hill camp after Ascension and tonight would be a nice time I doubt it but maybe yeah oh yeah so they drop a ptes thing that would be is sension the show show is that so so where where are we with that I know it started but is it still many things did you see the berries clip Jones I I've Just Seen images and hot takes but less it is less started than than unleashed the world but really For What I Hear matched my expectations perfectly oh yeah and and you know good on them for trying it's you know there's there's truly nothing like it but that's what I've always said is like I I want something like that to be good and exist I I'll never fault someone for trying but if we are trying to predict the game awards as a whole you do have to fill in those gaps with the 30 ads that you see during the breaks like 10 times and I could see silent Ascension being showing up you know a little you know with like stats this many people have voted this many you know oh you're so right this many characters have died just kind of oh here's another one we've been Dum on 8,000 billion times will the Fallout TV trailer be its own segment or will or will that be an ad that's my question that'll be an is that just an ad in the middle ad it'll just be the same thing they showed stranding are my are 100% easy guarantees showing up you know who's fully attainable at Key level of of celebrity Walton goggin wal gogin on stage confirmed there he's confirmed goggin Timothy sham and Walton gogins oh [ __ ] we got a show what's Sham in who [ __ ] knows Dune he's a woner right now bro yeah woner mean he's and he's in Chate of course he's Pinocchio from lies of PE so training 2 is going to have like 50 celebrities in it yeah sh is going to walk out with coima and they're not going to explain anything just going to leave it at that like new game yeah he's going to announce the death sanding TR trailer and not be in the game we're be like just what just happened I want it to get to that level of shenanigans where it's just like why was why was Forest Whitaker here I don't are there any licensed game properties we know are being TV or moviei that haven't landed yet is there like anything waiting in the wings there's Dune MMO they not last of season 2 is I guess going to be 20255 for that it's brutal Sonic trailer Sonic 3 y good pull Sonic 3 so yeah and you mentioned Sega for shenmu but sega's like like they're I love it when somebody Hypes up the game awards like it's one thing to tease but SE is like the new era begins or something they had some it's like a dragon and like that new uh that card they're handing out okay we hope it's Virtual Fighter I guess but could just be something lame cuz yeah didn't max million was like who he's like are only fighting game people getting this or yeah I don't know that'd be sick if it's virtual Fighters but I love that M I love because it it's it's yeah I I think one of my favorite things about the game awards is everybody trying to cover their bases like beforehand it's the same thing as E3 which is being like this won't be there this is thank you everybody but you know we're not showing up and so yeah getting the GTA trailer ahead of time like kind of getting a lot of these things you know out of the way it'll be interesting to see you know these companies that are like oh no we're going to be there we're going to blow your mind it's like whoa It's a roll of the dice let's do it speaking of another game of the year nominee that could easily have some DLC that's already been announced is Allan Wake 2 yeah maybe a little bit too soon but a really brief tease for episode one would be really awesome yeah and a metaphor that RPG that's going to be there it's going to be there yeah I'm extremely excited to see more of that game do we think we'll see the next hazelight project oh oh yeah what it me I remember that train car trailer and don't remember anything else I'm trying to remember if that game came out no we haven't played that right was that a game they're getting like dramatic again or they're getting I mean it takes something yeah something insane couple when's that card coming out a couple unsolved Misty 3es would be obviously silk song of course uh and also Metal Slug tactics dude where where happened where happened where to the drawing board or something a couple of those that would go a long way showing those that would be huge Prime four I think it's too early for anything but like a another like a re-reveal cuz like they went back to the drawing board like nine months ago whatever on that I think it'd be a little early yeah I wouldn't be like shocked if we saw something but well just you have to wonder what we would take away from anything that they would show we know now we still know it's a thing you're not really shock any like potential story details I guess maybe slitter head hell yeah yeah we're is that game dude that was like two or three years ago that we saw that slit head is do slitter head slitter head and crazy name such a weird name Dragon Age kind of dodged like no no no we'll be later yeah because uh yeah they had a weird game awards trailer previously that didn't satisfied but didn't satisfy mhm mhm I just Bon I just realized I had a dream that uh the boy who rushed the stage last year was announced as a presenter oh my God he uh yeah what's his name tweeted like see you tomorrow like dud the chaos I mean that that needs to be so we're two for two you know it's like are we going to is this going to be the trilogy of weirdos rushing the stage security is going to be tight has ke been learning martial arts in the meantime oh yeah taser drop flip people Batman's going to be in the rafters Jones yeah just ropes you know yo speaking of Suicide Squad is almost imminent yeah out there was an alpha going on and there was some pretty good takes I saw some people were really enjoying reveral was really fun and so do we see do we see another fresh look they've been doing their own thing though the great of salt that I'm taking Jones being excited about that're nervous ready to grind after aveng like CU like I care where I I care way more about Captain America than anybody in the suicide squad almost all of those characters combined even Harley cuz Harley Suicide Squad Harley is kind of like a different you know it's like a different vibe but um uh yeah I'm I'm I'm very cautious about good things hearing about that it's just like and it's one of those things like I I know I'm going to play I know I'm going to be there day one the moment I gain access to that yeah I know I'm going to check it out um I saw somebody say Bond I interacted Bond like even even like the Indiana Jones hat trailer we got where was like cool you I could totally see some oh yeah some beautiful environment like oh what is this what could this be and at the end like walking out that would be super cool that would be yeah some way to play James Bonds with dollar signs D are we getting a rebirth trailer date or demo date demo date for sure oh demo date episode Tris Tris well episode Tris yeah I don't remember the history of the original one but I know it was 16 they wanted to wait it was a month or something it was very close it was like a few weeks away so no no no no I meant seven for remake yeah so but yeah you're right 16 was close yeah I wonder if they saw like the benefit of doing it closer like maintaining that you know positive momentum also this is rebirth and I think you know it's just already exciting that like you maybe not have to worry so much about that so I would say it's a possibility for sure that they could do something like that like a trailer trailer that shows off either like Vincent in action or we finally see how Sid looks in rebirth and then by the way look for the demo like February 1st or something you know you know what they might put it the same day that reload or uh comes out just to be like what's up what's up that would be funny dude wow uh they're going to Shadow drop tactics nine a seven demo all of it's happening everything everything is happen selfishly Huber a name that every time I say I thankfully forget about it and then just some nin on social media reminds me of Contraband that the just cause developers announced this Co-op Focus Crazy Action game years ago vaporware just like oh when is that what's the one with cu I mean they're not doing anything else and they we got like two just causes in this time that they announced this game we got three and four within like a year and a half of each other so it's like they're you know them taking their time it's like a good sign for me you know them like really you know embracing a new IP really digging into the Gen and making those systems work for him cuz the vi game um where it was in like New Orleans and the girl was on the dock oh that was that um that Xbox game I forgot what it was the developer I'd love to see more of that will know the people who made yeah the guitar some people mention Mass Effect yes thank you some people lot people mention Mass Effect and they just they just have midnight no no way you're getting Mass Effect no way maybe you'll get a character model that's about it but it's funny seeing the ramp up you know it's like even just two weeks before the game awards like all you know that tide raises all boats so you can really kind of sneak in um and and it's like you know different from E3 where like you know a lot of people announc stuff like the day before like all the conferences start like even I mean GTA is kind of you know can create its own title waves but yeah you know seeing a lot of stuff kind of come out and even if it's not doing something big this month even just like talking about their you know their game before you know right before the game award starts is he good business Star Wars Eclipse stars that game feels so far so far eclipse is gone dud that feels really or what's the what's the weird switch yeah wait yeah there's Outlaws but there's the weird switch multiplayer game I don't remember there's some crazy multiplayer Star Wars game that was like I don't know if it's exclusive to switch but I think yeah oh I think I know you I thought we didn't see anything about hunters yeah yeah yeah Hunters minute yeah all right uh I am going to shift I'm GNA go in there what a time to be alive for Star Wars fans where just stuff gets announced and thrown restructured and like it's it's like a machine some someone was alive in like the late early 90s when nothing was happening you would think it was gone forever like cool Star Wars thing happened and maybe we'll get some cool you know Shadows the empire was neat but like maybe you know we'll get something later scraps dude we BPS just like they're just like all over the place new Star Wars every day yep yeah uh yeah division is long overdue Heartland the multiplayer game very very overdue they said that was supposed to come out so long ago and then they put it on the back burner the the division was the people that are doing Star Wars right though and outlaws andar yeah so they're probably booked up yeah but like they announced Heartland so long ago oh dude we could see hopefully Splinter Cell dude it's been a long time since they announced that they just had the little Sam Fisher shot yeah yeah could show it maybe iconic sound night vision sound joh to get my monster before this 90 seconds not can chug it if something shows up a pleasure I'm ready what does your Countdown say 122 121 120 19 18 17 16 15 what's that from 14 if you if you walk any closer he dies if you don't get him back in the plane in 10 seconds he dies or in 20 seconds dies 19 18 Escape From New York [ __ ] it's when they land and the guy comes out and like salutes you got me the psycho looking guy with the like dark eyes snake pliskin 18 it's been a minute since I watched that she watching again all right we're synced talking about things that should be games or things that should be Games should be movies well we still got Kurt Russell make that game yeah holy moly you play that RoboCop no it looks fantastic it's dude it's pretty sick looks the the shooting is they understood the assignment they and it's funny yeah great we were laughing a lot great I mean that's it that's that's RoboCop you know it's it's everything it's gory it's funny and it's a little too long just like RoboCop boy that RoboCop holds up RoboCop really great fun all right eight seconds to something ocp owns the cops pure discretion is advised might show some people people getting shot probably people getting shot at the game awards in videos and gameplay guns going off put the kids to bed it's game awards here to greet you all at yay at what I not pre-show has begun SE the 2023 game awards and just like our game awards opening act is as full of excitement and celebration as the big event game awards will celebrate the best in gaming from the past we've got more than a dozen new game announcements plus the old gods of as are here Alan Wake to they take the stage nice first time ever it is truly magical here live at the peacock theater for Gaming's biggest night we are streaming around the world connecting millions of Gamers and fans and getting you all stoked for our big show that Microsoft anymore before that it's time to get with our very first world premier watch WrestleMania 17 lesson on P first world premere oh we're not we're not getting World premier tags just going right in Saving precious seconds we to do them the title that started it all for him a decade ago here is the first ever look at a beautiful remake of Brothers A Tale of Two director breaking my there we go oh no oh for real I saw people talking about this on Twitter this morning I'm not sure if they announc it already or if it was just leak oh my God this game is so good bonds dude remake most emotional gameplay mechanic in video gam insane holy crap heartwrenching this game Bond's the game really is looks good does look yeah oh yeah fun I remember some of these moments [Music] yeah why you starting like why you start like 28 not a super long game the perfect length for a game just it does what it does and then you're out and ruin forever Award for best family games these are the games that bring Super Mario Wonder Mario Wonder come on we're just starting out Brad let's a little more enthusiasm it could be Sonic animal come on now be Sonic how dare you treat illusion Island that way I like that y shout out to party animals yeah party animals is fun and the game get it Super Mario Brothers Wonder yeah you can't beat enough Doug Bowser ready to go wow it's heavy they asked Doug to meet him there before the show started they were come over this is shared with all the teams at Nintendo that worked on Super Mario Brothers Wonder keep your eyes out for blood experience the team really tried to develop a game that allowed people could be long speech seems like whether it was friends or family and for me my personal experience is nothing brings a family together more than trying to rescue an Empire a kingdom in distress from the evil likes of Bowser whether you're playing Peach Yoshi or abbit this game goes to everyone that created such a wonderful experience the evil lights of Bowser that's weird this is a family I've got one he keeps it congratulations Super Mario Brothers wonder and now I have a little treat for all of you three World premieres in a row three in a row first is the Daniel mulls the creator of the TJ Nom independent game inscription inscription is so good oh my tub and throat singing here The Chosen USB was so good waa wa dude awesome W Bioshock Vibe description [ __ ] inscription yeah yeah just be another one incription but with the s's missed missed cross inscription you shut up whoa whoa dude what I am in infinite in on the day organ Trail Vib yeah mhm those pandas why was I what what there's some stuff going on in this one yeah this going be insane what is that what whoa Ware Vibes what yeah D War we oh my God like weird ass very Sinister wow should get like 20 genres in here USB bow I'm hooked this is cursed in a good way yeah Pony Island too oh okay that makes sense that makes way circus five or six okay sometime wow Pony Island dude but you can see the inscription kind of EOS in there you know is is insane just that like find tools you're not expecting fight back against your adversaries yeah yo I like tovbe [Music] yeah disco elesium cross SL Cooper's a oh the gameward on the Shelf [Music] yeah what are you an idol the rise of the golden idol Netflix color 64 6464 blood is CL for taking notes thanks for taking notes blood is clapping right now no small feet taking notes for the show Good job here yeah got this oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah is this the Egypt game where we saw her going into like a tomb or something or no no that game was canceled a long time ago thought that hair looked familiar uhoh Little Ghost oh okay Fini sweet baby [Music] raise the marbles like just movement I love when voices sound like that in games I love that youan I love it did damn it her outfit is Gabby cated yeah oh [Music] yeah oh o spooky usual usual June it's a cool name yeah God 2025 already get it I love this reminds me of my high school days but the monsters I fought weren't nearly as big as that you kids these days with your giant monsters in your social media and speaking of social media Tik Tok Live Now 50 plus countries on Tik Tok check out the participating gaming creators and don't forget to share all of your favorite gaming moments on Tik Tok with hashgaming on Tik Tok okay we're going to take a quick break but there is plenty more those bills after a very important message don't skip this cut scene people the journey ended here a place of Wonder and awe the commercial breaks are fun cuz you like don't know if you're supposed to be excited should I get into new planet like yet Generations this could be like a graphics card commercial like you just don't know uned so right thought you said was for we anime paths to cross I sniffed a wife immediately I was like administrator sound effects always appreciate the sound effects well done get them in there and AR Knights that was quick don't read that Jones Aran knits it was something yo I'm in in this ginting yeah what's going I knew youed out Samurai farming do you think maybe all these games are going to 2025 because they think 2024 is going to be too crowded but then it'll make 2025 super crowd exactly yep thought for a second they were like texting each other only four games will come out in 2024 you just got to come out before GTA yeah it's a race to that yeah that's true uh apparently GTA is being released at the beginning of 2025 so that might be difficult that's what people are thinking yeah that's so I'm hoping they have a history of delays January Billy it wait what was that one you were not alone these are ads they're all ads they're all they're all ads rest the Dy is this that Warhammer Warhammer thing yeah that crpg Warhammer whatever to venture forth Into Darkness and bring hug to the Uncharted void chaos love chaos yeah me too dangerous Heretics vile mutants and xenos threats Beyond number all must be cleansed indeed so intense this trailer mhm choices I make will shape the course of my destiny J and with each haunted step I wonder where will my journey end the dark portal yeah for the god Emperor Rogue trador if we got one Starcraft game for every 10 Warhammer games good shape dude he had one for 30 Warhammer games here V three VR yeah they have multiple they have three Odyssey and two is death death you see that trailer for ISS Jones in search of a treasure people on International Space Station when a nuclear war breaks out o oh that looks my good friend what be always this is cool I'm going to play theend the Templars will succeed Ben MacKenzie's wife right there Monica I don't know how to pronounce your last name in real life Huber which do you think looks better switch Assassin's Creed 3 or this I'd have to see him in person VR is hard to tell cuz trailers they always look crappy and then you're playing it you get in there it's a whole different thing out now I want to play out now welcome back to the 2023 game awards opening act I'm still Sydney Goodman here with another award this time for Innovation and accessibility classy Community is massive but honestly it should be even bigger and these are pushing gaming Beyond its current limits their teams have created software and Hardware that make it possible for people of all abilities to experience the medium of gaming with accessible features and technology that get us all one step closer to a seamless play for everyone these nominees are doing the work and they are Diablo 4 Forza Motorsport HiFi Rush Spiderman 2 pretty good there Spider-Man 2 Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 6 oh Street Fighter 6 and the game award goes toza motorport blood clapping yes blood clapping CL on Bloodworth well this pleased thank you so much um for this um since this category was introduced several years ago I think we've seen a dramatic shift in the whole industry towards making games more and more accessible and with this list of amazing nominees it just really drives that home um at this point I I think we've made the most successible racing game ever playable by people across the mobility and vision Spectrum including totally blind players but really the real winners here are the players who have so many games to play the awards look very heavy everyone's like oh possible without the amazing teams behind the scenes so give them a light one to hold and then hand them the real one when they walk up that's actually a good idea thank you team leadership team and last but last least BR for being our uh accessibility consultant and partner for the last two years is it heavy we're really proud of the work that we've been able to do so thank you very much yay that's awesome this weren't like obscure titles there really some of the biggest games of the year up there congratulations a motorsport she's like here at the game awards We Believe strong inaccessibility and want to celebrate any game that makes it a priority and our next developer the odd gentlemen believe that by making their and their company accessible and inclusive they can develop new types of gameplay with stories that everyone can enjoy they created the following game in a deep collaboration with artists and developers from the de community and we are very excited to reveal it now cool this is harmonium the musical yes I've been waiting for this actually oh yeah this sounds extremely [Music] cool I'm already emotional dude I am already losing [Music] it cool was that isai or [Music] whatever Pixar is probably like [ __ ] we should have made this we should have done I love that she's still [Music] signing love you robot love robot Bull and Jones's lip sync complaints uh not a problem cuz she's signing stop it there only one way to be sure we need to do some research before we can really make that claim yo that great yeah Game Pass yeah our gentleman's they've been sitting on that for a while that's uh really yeah cuz they did King Quest I don't know how much better gaming can get what happens past a gold is this the Platinum age of gaming also can I please be paid in Platinum I'd like a direct to positive please and now I have the honor of announcing the winners for our five Esports categories the nominees for best out not going Faker Z Faker is the only person I know every every time nominated every year Imperial how and the game award goes to Baker yeah every time just [ __ ] get he's the mer stre ofter G you said when he started it out that was told his parents just you wait damn it how did she pronounce that homie [Applause] Potter call that 2023 League of Legends saw on Twitter somewhere one of those coaches was like I wasn't even a coach this year I was nominated if you're in the mind space that's all you really need to do you're eligible forever you're doing something right it'll probably be League I hope it's Evo though 2023 League of Legends world is just Unstoppable yeah they have all the money the nominees are Counterstrike 2 JTA 2 probably League or valer League Legends pubg mobile pubg mobile and the game award goes to you playing that Warcraft Rumble J valer Wow we were and fin the nomin is for best Esports team are Evil Geniuses fanatic gaming Gladiators JD gaming and team vitality and the game award goes to JD gaming JD I love Esports I'm a huge Esports fan just like my father and his father before him we good are a huge Esports family dating all the way back to the mid 1800 Star Wars leading into a star that it's time for another two world yeah like huh First latest game from a team that won at the game awards back he wrote the last part the first part anything good this is wind blown windown blown so he's just like I'm going to read this my own way Bossman look at that little fish whale thing dud bloody W jeez tattoo I think it's PG dude PG getting Rog light oh my God Rog light Vibes for sure M for Mature okay okay holy cow already shot up it's like the Nar the three team members yeah yeah is it is it co-optive that's crazy are Bast soul wonder if you can move the camera oh maybe dumy on these [Music] piss going to rescue your friends it looks like oh no That'd Be Me by the way y get out of the [Applause] way W this is cool oh the easiest in for this game yeah sign me up Michael hu the game so ready whoa Sky mouth Badger really like that balance of introducing the characters a little bit of gameplay and then you get to you just we get a little taste of what we're talking about here and then we go back to the cut scenes then I'm like way more invested heck yeah Jones Jones I've missed that trailer analysis buper okay oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] one of the members of the band lightning bolt made was one of the BT of light second time seeing VR tonight let's [Music] go Thumper to dude thump you Thumper cross something yeah res what's going on here res hok bumper is definitely in there oh I see what we're doing who I wonder how much of like a HUD we're not seeing with this yeah bumper was basically no HUD death training too just training too yeah BB Thrasher freaking Thrasher that's hell yeah Thrashers Thrashers Thrashers dude Thrashers Thrasher skate and Destroy Thrasher in case you didn't know is from the same artist SL composer that blew our minds back in 2016 with the cult hit Thumper I'm so excited we've got another mindbending game coming from him in 2024 took who not to brag are also throwing a massive game awards viewing party over at Samsung's New York City Flagship location with typical gamer and Chica I wish I could be a two places at once but the last time I tried to clone myself I sparked a pretty sizable fire in the MIT experimental physics lab oops but we can talk about that later let's check out what Samsung is coming out with now the Samsung ad yeah the Game Pass ad block with Samsung resarch bre right here this is the yeah this is a good time get that one paycheck Blasphemous though okay Dem was a ke Sam s bringing back connect you in Witcher dude Lego D super villains wow very excited is this Persona 3 it is it sure is oh yeah well done well done that didn't take long does he want me to write that yes you write that very excited for this remake baby let's begin sewing is my life one go for it now that's what I'm talking about Moon Best In The Biz like background jazz music yeah yeah yeah you know if they redid the voice acting was there voice acting uh there was yeah in the original I think there's a lot more than no no God stressful here we go uhoh please let Tarter be better yeah tus now interesting that's the Dark Hour a time period hidden between one day and the next they only appear and attack anyone who it's a cool idea that there's like that weird like no time pretty ex she seems nice oh I come back to Persona yeah you come back to a fantastic game I kind of don't want to see this I just want to like play it next year two months away man wait in fact yeah soon I don't even really have a good reason look so oh good man yeah manly cow I get you love doging on remakes anything anything bad here anything you're soon disappointed by nope it looks all good it looks all good so far approval this is what it means did they show the guns to the head no I don't think so cuz they did a remaster but this is a remake yeah they did like a h kind of yeah a long time ago and then they just ported it do we have the date yeah we had the yeah we knew about that yeah hey all those games are really good yes I was hoping for a Persona a new person game that is I still want to be Sydney but enough about me make to I liked it Kyle godamn you are bringing you a spectacular Mobile gaming she's elevating horrible she yeah especially with that one it's the product of a team up between two nominated games tonight let's check it out hey Sonic what now people are fuming saying that this is a what over cross no way oh scary Jones you would love David the diver uh I am playing David the diver but I haven't played dredge and I want to you're one sitting d my jam oh that's good dude who are you this is awesome oh it's the merchant yeah wow yo that's called who got to know who called who DEC so cool that is sick it's almost time for our big the is filling up behind me I forgot we haven't even [ __ ] started like oh my God have ready to go contat yeah the focus is off quack cyer feed I thought it was the feed but it's the focus yeah the you children so iron Mouse going to be here tonight because iron Mouse is animated and sadly we're not in the Matrix yet but she did send us a message take it away is that sad ready for vtuber I am so incredibly to have been the recipient of of the content creator of the Year award first and foremost I want to express23 H to the she played revengeance and loved it so loves her forever so much to my team that helps me every single day I could see them pitching all sorts of ideas to key and he's like they're like we could do we can have her on stage if all you need is this Tech all we need to do is spend $50,000 just no been on make a video CL but I'm not ready to let go just yet and no I'm not a narcissist I'm just a hoarder a hoarder of world premieres and up next is a very special World premiere 15 years in The Making Good Vibes Goldman good job tonight Chad says that vtuber has had a really hard life damn oh is this World of Goo oh [ __ ] it who the remote what the [ __ ] never made another what too bad Shadow drop dude black and white now world of of Goo worlds of Goo wow who it looks the same I love it though awesome no I know [Music] yeahor wait do you play as the D this wow this looks awesome if this is how they show the switch to yeah this is the first piece the switch goo I hope this is coming to Wei as well me too that would be awesome [Music] wow they're dropping it right [Music] now25 [Music] 336 oh my God I like World of good yeah it's awesome just didn't expect it yeah delighted to see it though I love a comeback okay good two awesome two dude fun very fun long way sequels great Vibe at the game awards man that is satisfying to watch almost as satisfying as the game award show that's minutes away we have one more huge World premiere a brand new fantasy RPG from the creators of persona 34 tonight they're giving us a glimpse into the story characters extremely hyped for this it's a story about a world very different from ours it is a world people are and no conflict exists much like the world His Highness once dreamt of to put it another way this is a [Music] fantasy good games yeah all good games solid Studio zero of king is dead without an to wear the CR what will become of the royal Magic The Fortress at the border wased by human it real time combat blame your King's weakness who deserves who and turnbas comment both the people of my land desire this music choice is very overwhelming and I shall provide welcome one and all to the inauguration of the tournament for the throne tournament for the throne notable work Neon Genesis evelon wow jet boots tournament for the throne is so hype was going on here three characters have notable Works what a crazy thing to put in the title like crafting cooking followed by the differences that make us who we are those a plot on his life that voice sound soon you're a r dude you gave up on your hopes but I will not now let's see what manner of story you'll weave yep you a hero trust me some ES flown yeah oh it's a cool title yes fall okay you got a date get out of the wayy my friends that is it for our opening act but we are very far from done is about worry this isn't the last you'll see of me I'm staying all night baby and I cannot wait because this show Absolutely stacked we have of big Awards even more World premieres of brand new games and an incredibly special guest a legendary per both the stage screen the Muppet himself the great gono oh yes gono getting pre-show lip service B I live for everyone angry at that announcement you just see it on on Twitter and everyone's like why are you still doing this is opening in a huge way tonight okay thank you all for going on this journey with me you're the best companions a host could asked for let's do the boss level the 2023 game awards Starts Now right now here we go here we go let's go ke with a banger the KE I'm GL key does like a short intro you know like what if he did like a super long speech yeah what sneakers yeah let's see the Sho four score and seven years ago kick sparkly red bottoms who the hell was that the KE F ajan director in a suit of armor he's wearing armor dude good evening everyone and welcome to the game awards no one is more excited about the game ofs nobody not it's his birthday years have a show this year great set set is classy together we are going to recognize outstanding creative work in games in 2023 pants are always an astonishing light yeah that's little too loose they break a little a little Loosey Goosey good texture those that's an nextg coat you can that's a Kevlar it reminds me of this like Spider-Man suit if you get in real close you can really see the threading you know imersive than an extraordinary video game true yeah he's talking about GTA 6 right now look at all those security games Comfort us it will different perspectives on maybe even change us that's what makes this medium different Games the actual things we play are insanely special and we're going to celebrate that for the next few hours hell yeah and people Rush the stage no they got a lot of security guys in front of the stage challenge accept mruma Mr fashi great to see you back after winning 2017 like what wasn't a joke okay okay okay one of our industry's greatest creative and Technical forces mark C PlayStation's was not surpris was waiting with the camera of course the team behind Pizza Towers here too oh sick that game was fun they like we got we need pizza Tower what the [ __ ] everyone best performance winner in 2017 for hell blade oh hell yeah little bit later tonight oh it's time we are also joined by Theo who are celebrating 40 Years of Capcom this year yes Evil coming it's coming dude is that your Dark Horse Huber you got fingers crossed for game to present tonight's first award is last year's winner of best performance please join me in welcoming back to the game we're going to behind in God of War time it let's go right up front dude time it right up front dude time it with Pacino on his shoulders yeah oh that's lean in to the meme yeah my coat's better than yours KY sorry good evening everybody yeah yeah is goodes such a pleasure to be back here mod you my pants yeah that's what I Wasing toino forgetting to think my wife wa that's so good you mother all right all right I get it I get it yeah baby yeah baby making long speeches I'm going to stick to the script no 8 minute speech like last year but fun fact my speech was actually longer than this year's Call of Duty campaign [Applause] oh Phil is pissed here we go I'm in GE let's go Phil is Jose I'm here to the award best performance dude Rohan was mad about Cod you know they messed up when rohan's almost out was blown away these actors deliver six Unforgettable performances wow and here are the nominees yeah best performance wow we're starting with this Neil yes baby yes please come on Ben please Ben good yeah these are all really C Ross fi he was so good in cyber did you write P Mr definitely yeah this is a stack dude this is wild love I thought he was going to have a heart attack at some points in that game I was like NE benar you've been screaming for 10 minutes straight man this is not fair in Jeff has given me the okay to say take as long as you want to thank everyone who's ever meant anything in your life I dare you I double dare you to try to break my record seven minutes United second Qui I need it this is the only one I'm invested in tonight ne new he's so good though he's so good he's so good he's so good so much he did for that I mean so so much they all did amount of voice great too because he wear armor I love it his armor dude yeah the director is wearing armor he's Sam L exciting it's they Year dude for Boulders game bould SE enemy dude sweep begin it begins yeah begins wow and he reps the whole cast you know I mean like that was just he's been that was just one stacked performance on top of the other yeah met him one time he's so nice this is unreal um I just wanted to say I know I don't have much time um larryan Studios I'll give it a shot uh so thank you so very very much for everybody that voted thank my incredible fellow actors the nominees unbelievable to be even considered amongst you is is extraordinary so thank you very much indeed Sten Rooney the writer of aarian uh I'm going to for everybody uh to Pit Stop who worked so hard the directors my fellow actors 248 incredible actors that gave it heart and soul uh to how do you how do you compete it's the most insane video game how do you compete truly incredible video G and to my agent I will thank you later I'm sorry I'm going to wrap it up apparently one thing I will say please if that's okay the community has reached out to so many of us at Lan and said they were seen and they were represented by this game they lost hope they felt isolated they felt alone and this game brought them together and gave them something to push through to help them all and to you I want to say thank you so much for seeing us I appreciate it dude you're not alone this none of us are thank [Applause] you I'm like emotional dude good [ __ ] you go to the fantasy genre for those good performances man yeah great speech and short so thank you there are beautiful moment let's get to those World premieres and for the honor of presenting this world premier will be longer than that speech introduce a renaissance man please welcome Academy award-winning actor and New York Times best-selling author Matthew mccon will he be sweating dude in a T-shirt and pants dude he looks [ __ ] chilling right now yeah he just came from Vegas talk about a long speech got with a chain was so casual good to be here what's up everybody glistening he is [ __ ] chill I love this all right all right he knows no no no don't do that come out and say he is high yes we'll see how that how that how that a i because I have a world premiere For You Austin is ENT eyes glassy I'm also here tonight because the video game that I'm pring is the first ever video game that I'm a part of oh oh y GTA 6 detective detec but what really turned just drink was when they shared the game's vision and my role in it I will be voicing a character in this game and all I can say is that I will have a unique relationship with every player in this game time Interstellar I want a unique relationship Matthew that's a for you are decades for your loved ones back home wait a second is it not only affect the people that you love they'll also affect your entire civilization for generations to come like RTS experence or is it like a Chooser and adventure like Paradox game now you can too I'm proud to share the first ever look at Exodus exit okay dude this is up my alley yeah yeah dyani Max we need to head back hold on I'm getting a reading uh-oh I was like I was like he will scream the name Max in the next 10 seconds what she found that day was a miracle it would be our Salvation [ __ ] cool to fight against the celestial yo prometheus's greatest enemy this is it they found us that Transformer sound effect wow yeah the celestials hunted us down kind of losing me through this trailer keep up keep upman who we got here who else is in this this world a noble sacrifice we both knew the cost of using the gates yeah gav at lighted right about now it was only days for me but an entire lifetime passed for her and in the chaos of those final moments we never said goodbye come me wait please Tom I love you she never SE it very Interstellar yeah our sacrifice you know who we should get SE hope his quote quick We Are The Travelers no not this song come on yeah that was no that's a mess yeah we seeing gameplay but this no the music is not good very weird choice for the music don't leave it up to the song to define the vibe but you m i like Muse but not it's by m super massive black black it's a tonal Whiplash wait did it say Wizards yes it did what yeah that was weird is a very exciting project giving me some M I appreciate the team sharing the first glimpse of Gameplay at the all right well now we're going to go right on he's like the villain World premiere all right another chance let's go all right PlayStation oh whoa first part we go DLC DLC is it God of War oh yeah this is totally God of War this is God of War no this is or it's Eternal um wait D what are you saying maybe music is there you [Laughter] are cool so it was real I remember nothing of this place oh nothing that would help us nothing that would help us Master thyself good call bringing it tell me brother why exactly are we doing this I must face this y like Druid guys oh who damn no shame in what just happened it's all part of the process what dude Sony's all about the Rog light's a Rog light studio now Rog light Studio Rog yo that throwback music that all I want all I want oh [ __ ] yes yes Greek guys dude it's all wanted Valhalla Ragnarok Valhalla e eighth game called Valla in the last like four years wait what what what dude what next week that's wo wo it's like Thursday or whatever wo free free and in like a week what the [ __ ] oh my God cool modes in the first game were those right away or was that DLC you like go into the world they they had kind of just in the game was in the gik got that VI dude that's so sick give me give me some Greek enemies dude theam are offering this dlca a gift to the community and you will be able to download it in just five days on De what are we awesome amazing all right switching GE I anything else small independent team we won Australia I love that this show can give a platform to Independent creators their last game in 2019 was a sensation and their next project is equally exciting and unexpected oh [ __ ] nice Panic dude yeah I like Panic they made the play dat for you and your friends H be dis my watchtowers I'm sort of into this what is this oh the jungle's getting crazy though they are oh what the [ __ ] oh I them I thought it was patapon for a second wait is it patapon no no cuz that's Sony oh yeah okay I like this music probably pad whoa whoa dude this look awesome crazy what a blend yeah we're playing this 100% whoa just like binoculars in around get in there let's go they're so [Music] sweet [Applause] hey what is going on I'm so ready for this oh I am 100% person Fe that you got like Puzzles yeah s puzzles what there's like some wam stuff it's like wam it's snipper Clips it's big walk big walk big walk cool name dude wow 25 all right let it cook is that all related to a short all these games just blend together you know special and unique game and I'm honored we got to share it with you here at the show all right while you're watching TGA head to TGA steam right now we're doing new hdplay all right trust me we are just getting started guys there are many I believe you psych song is going to be so good cool we get into that middle section Jolly so far barely the s is already down oh no the the game WS website was broken an hour and a half ago when I was trying to use it so I got to play this in the summer and it was so fun it was so much fun I cannot wait for this game Prince of Persia yeah I can't wait to very playful looks like you just don't yeah lot of fun tools yeah the controls were good they were tight they were nice me on har are you all right I S out king engulfed in flames died on the boss a couple times too the boss was like pretty tough St blood rub did any beat on like the first try showed me up is blood the the true gamer now like what's happening blood's the true gamer dud whoa look at this stuff who are you courageous enough and clever enough to save your friend save your friend I'll do whatever it takes I'll do whatever it takes sword's so anime oh my God that that shot cool January dude not too long wait free demo January 11th there you January 11th fortnite Lego dabed dab to yes today I want to try this I want to try this da I heard it's exactly what I wanted it to be what did you want it to be oh [ __ ] when I saw the trail I was like is that what I think it is it's just totally that remix remix it is a remix literally though I mean it is literally a remix but hopefully there's some hardcore white listing going on for these songs don't do us like this man I mean these are the ads though you can't really always control that wild unless this is uploaded I feel like so far it's so different not going to get in trouble if you're seeing this and you're like kind of getting Vibes it's that it's just totally 100% that cute fortnite out of control this is awesome yeah so is this an entirely different mode yeah yeah wow when you when you boot up fortnite now it's like we are now these four things like the music thing that come and when you go into the menu there's something that comes out tomorrow and something that comes out the next day I think it's the harmonics thing and I don't know what the other who update is but yeah skeletal Warriors yeah love skeletal Warriors Gabby heck yeah and it's cool you you start out and she's your companion and like I was like oh I don't I don't have like an axe yet and anything that ran into my uh like little Camp she just wasted so is it just a crafting game uh rocket racing is tomorrow rocket racing that's right rocket League that's right unreal is it but it but it's multiplayer this still right yeah I played single player but yeah you can oh so cool yeah ninja and pal playing this all day okay got it's kind of got like a Minecraft that's what I was asking if it's a there seeds when you boot up you can pick uh um sandbox mode or survival mode oh my god really fortnite is literally just like what if we did what if we did Minecraft Lego well I could see them coming to fortnite being like we don't these characters wielding machine guns how do we make this we want collab but this look cute dude you know you're in Dome oh yeah I'm in former great we'll play play best performance nin theories Molina Jurgen he said she'd be back you sure she's wearing a hellblade necklace yeah performing an original piece from our upcoming game senoa Saga hellblade 2 oh I'm proud to introduce to you to one of my favorite bands hilon yo I'm seeing them live in like a week and a half no nice oh my God the game looks so good look at that dude High the visuals it's incredible I don't know how they do it this isn't something that's this is okay right this music it they're doing the soundtrack for the game so it's probably and it's from the game for the game yeah just cuz I know full music perform he going to be the new like flute guy or what's the guy last year flute guys here your Jones confirmed yeah oh yeah it is yeah looks like a roasting marshmallow yeah that's what I thought they have to like turn her around like the audience is that it's over there why can I not think of it the WWE The Viking Viking Raiders the Viking Raiders Vibes right here this concert is going to be so [Music] good those guys better start dancing hard [Music] I'm curious cuz usually their songs are like minimum 5 minutes long so okay yeah we're building [Music] already shit's [Music] sick they on their Instagram they like do profiles on each member of the group cool cuz it's like a big collaboration there's a lot of people on stage yeah it's like they're getting ready to do the blood eagle yeah that marshmallow is done there they go John are doing stuff got a fire near her hair the spears there's like some Danger on stage some frog for Dawn yeah this is sick I did not expect them to play awesome Vibe I really hope this is not all we get for hell blade to though no [Music] yeah roll right into a new trailer is that be cool yeah I mean I would not be surprised if they just don't if we don't see hellblade here I will I will just like Stop Believing in the game at this point it's been so long [Music] honestly [Music] like it's just it's a concert now yeah but you know it's it's better than [Music] nothing who that was dope yeah why [Applause] not here we go here we go Baby Jones you called it but will it just be CG with a date and we've seen this be but if they had the song had rolled right into the oh that would have been so sick hasn't even started yet critiquing it but you hear it we've been on this beach I think yeah we have the heartbeat of the lost ones I can feel them of my skin I miss you Ninja Theory hey that's that song we just heard each death in and blood at least we seeing like gameplay shots seems kind of I won't stop fighting for them walking oh that's beautiful until the very last beat Fades away got where are your friends where are your friends here we go hell yeah combat looks improved already that was nuts yo yeah it's very much oneon-one still yo axe to the head you want the truth you can't handle all the lives inside me tell me to let go the shadow will always hang over me wa what was that was like invisible that didn't have a [Music] face such good bases she's got some struggles huh oh yeah she's sacrificing a lot for sure that's why it's taking so long she's just sacrificing so much this is a very good look at the game yeah what will I be best look we've had so far Y what have I become a date give me the date the date at least a year at least a year don't there we go there we go who what an that's cool 2024 we'll take it Game Pass we will take it incredible value day one G Cas you missed it case you missed it # Game Pass what they needed to do there she is all right what an amazing look the game World To Hell blade coming in 2024 to Xbox PC and Game Pass now to present our next award please welcome a former game Award winner nominated tonight for best fighting game the creative director of nether realm Studios it's Ed Bo Mr Boon boed boed John does this segment cost a microtransaction yes [Music] oh stories are the ones we get lost in tonight's nominees for best narrative got us all in their drama in their characters and yes sometimes weird stuff we can't explain over Alan best narrative this is a hot category yeah this is a tense C monsters I like when they spread them around you know those Awards these two like like how how how do you comp these two how do you compete invited guests no matter how bit the truth that AIT oh my God I love that game so much here some kind of hun probably Allen W is great just can't can't compete yeah it's Allen wer bg3 yeah for sure so hot come on Allen two so weird [Applause] narrative yes B this game three not sweeping yeah I oh dark hor for good I wouldn't be surprised I think balers G will take it but awesome but if it does it's a nice mix yeah yeah so I like it when yeah people can sneak in get he's got to feel good that's awesome dude looking from the beginning was a very story focused project for us I Shar this with the whole narrative team the writers uh clay Tyler Sia narrative designers who made the story into gameplay Simone Molly the whole narrative team uh directors working with actors Onie uh Hannah Rosie Holly uh Wonder here tonight some of the Melanie Ila uh mat and David but the whole whole cast wonderful actors and and the song makers who made yeah custom music custom songs to extend story here tonight later po of fless old gods of asard Po uh this road every song maker coming can we cut to people looking around wondering where the music is coming from uh we wanted to push things further to do something new and it's always a risk for you to embrace it understand just like not so much I'll Tre this the legacy of Christopher Jud yes dud yeah he running a tight ship I'm so happy and LNA what's up I'm happy about it although that winning that does indicate that it might what's happening no I what's going on I don't know I think I think it's still between gate Allen wake and probably Zelda at this point then [Music] yeah can we knock him on Y what was that you may have recognized that incredible Creator who buil her own independent studio in Tokyo and she wanted to show you what she's been working on before she's even signed or a platform I said come to this show just show it to the audience in the fans first so that's what we're to do we're honored to have warm you're out of control yeah this is sick yeah no publisher no platform wow she just like the free agent rep now yeah yeah like these hell yeah must be protected at all costs oh I'm super excited to be on this stage again thank you a first first I want to say thank you to the anen arst and you thank you you you you all [Music] you I love her so much your support changing my life me too today evil I Amon our first project K it's time see the Unseen me byebye awesome wonderful like cyber punkish how metal is it to just be like here's our game we don't even have a platform or a public this looks sick as hell it's like re Runner oh combat man bom oh wow ghostwire lives yeah for sure Yo cool that looks sick cool don't know what it is but it looks sick like the follow our journey love that that's awesome so many incredible projects tonight thank youum now tonight Nom are from Big established franchises and well we all love a big sequel it's important to use a place like TGA to introduce you to brand new worlds like what you just sawur and like this project like this one like this one private division Co okay Jessica game bread J we'll [Music] see Pirates yeah so yo darkest dungeon energy here Skull and Bones remake remake remas [Music] first Tokyo slim said bones and skull bones of the [Music] skull Beast look out crazy fantasy tonight I'm way into it she seem nice a lot of monsters and really weird stuff wait what moon Studio what are we doing here whoa whoa wo got me kind of in already wa kind of wow we're right into it like the camera angle yeah he do yeah some some camera angles isometric this looks awesome dude that little K looked rad yeah it's got kind of that like League of Legends um anime kind of VI to it lot of dead Kings Tonight kill them all dude lot of lot of Empires crumbling dead kings are in are in rest that looks that looks really cool arcan yeah I super into that trailer I really really like that debut that was nice learn more March 1 for the wicked in action RPG from Moon Studios and more information is coming March 1st as you saw with the wicked inside show coming up too great during the game awards viewers in the can enter to win one of 100 Lenovo Legion go gaming handhelds a Windows 11 gaming s already down win here purch NE Legion go go so weird to be giving away this and a steam de go to the bathroom now time these oh like Joy switch oh is it all Game Pass games they showed ghostwire another game pass ad Phil Shing up the checks tonight oh yeah the thrill of like Starfield starting a lot of montages tonight he just goes directly Starfield Starfield was built to begin montages it's just such an exciting concept I hope it really works out when it yeah we'll see time will tell is a p MC both giveaway sites are dead apparently yeah of course too many gamers too many gamers oh yeah that game look cool yeah yeah yeah yeah steam build yo steam build got to start yeah it's out on the first yeah good uh I'm looks good looks fun something new good luck have fun good luck have fun dude go as they say Gul gar just had a big preview event over there for the Avatar Avatar that was good I lik it thanks thanks I like that you can touch the plants like they did in the movie there ah did you see that oh uh I started playing this yesterday are you allowed to say that yeah it's out now fully out this game is out this game is fully out why did I not know that the avatar game had just come this crowded year launched yeah this game is out are you serious is out Jones this game is out wait I think something it's just Far Cry Jones that's it it's Avatar Far Cry you're in just Far Cry has never turned me off just Far Cry yeah that turn Jones my brain just removes the just from that sence you're ready you're ready it's just one of those things where if you you know peanut butter and jelly sandwich what the hell that game you know it if you love it you eat it uh the little bit I played you know we were we were swimming well we were swimming oh well good day you're just a get some multiplayer comedy in there this score d we about to get a new got they just released a new mobile version today I think and everyone hates it so chat y'all don't rap enough I got I got to say it you know what I mean Discord your app has always been bad we have been saying it the chat we saw earlier I didn't see I didn't see Rhymes I'm just calling out rose gold now I don't even know what that ad was for toome The Muppets we go gono he brought out the rose gold for Gonzo yeah classy Jeff it's great to be Jeff is vibrating out of for coming just chilling on the stage with him I love it wear what I'm wearing yeah it's like looking in a mirror isn't it kiss kiss kiss so gono what have you been playing seriously what have you been playing hey everybody hey everybody's buying everyone popcorn tonight hey wait a minute [ __ ] dude this is his favorite part his best life have you been playing well lots and lots of Tears of the Kingdom what an incredible game you know that one mission where you follow the cucko up a hill I lost track of how many days I spent doing that the objective is really you know follow the chicken you don't have to ask me twice that's right you do love your chicken so I get that was your favorite part what did you think of the ending oh I never get past that cucko mission I keep restarting to see if I can get a slower time well any other great gaming highlights this year forano you kidding actually if you have the time hey you guys got a minute I'd like to show you how many of this year's greatest games all revolve around one central theme check this out check chicken got the case for conspiracy you've uncovered I know think I'm obsessed with chickens and iate video games Beyond this one very specific interest I mean yeah I think we're all thinking that yeah maybe what do you think Zelda what's like the do Matrix Game in the corner do you think yes let's do this IRL come on unbelievable all right here are the nominees for Best debut indie game was so happy yeah that was pure joy that was joyful I love it that was great blood's rooting for this cocoon yeah blood loves it I'm Roo for dredge dredge dude obsessed Pizza Tower Pizza Tower is also very nice for that is this Dave the diver too coming up here yes no that's making everyone this is a debut cool good games wow yeah that's what you should play you want to like make a list I love dge so much all right the great Gonzo thank you Gonzo and now to the task at hand the game award goes to cocoon oh probably W Co is that is that Todd oh Todd's there I saw Todd be on uh be on blood watch I'm trying to find blood that's how I saw Todd blood watch probably in the rafter somewhere looks familiar thank you so much poor the team from geometric couldn't make it out tonight uh but they wanted us to pass along their thanks for everyone who played and voted for cocoon and to mads and yakob and everyone at the team at geometric thank you so much for being such a wonderful partner on this game thank you oh okay team also wanted to thank um and they were honored to be nominated with all the awesome studios in this category um we can't wait to see what you guys do next thank you let the women go first and then that won't happen just let everyone talk they're really they're really short Change in everybody really A Nightmare on it blood seems to be like house right uh center right kind of I mean if you're cutting off Sam Lake a tip off though if you're the first person you want to say thank you that's kind of a with their award on Twitch so head on over to Twitch to lock your vote and now it's time for our next World premiere see feed me feed me yo was that arcade game what up Gamers wondering that as well you threw me a controller dude Sonic Sonic yeah Sega Sega arcade stuff it's the mega game the game that'll change everything and make 80 everything's changing right now we're watching it change it's about to change oh God I'm scared for them crazy crazy dare te like that are you kidding me was golden it's the mega game dude did you save the game yeah it's the mega game really Crazy Taxi survival horror ta so bad I I talk about it all the time like it's you just do it now like a smaller game some Rog light chob oh it's the yes it's the wait okay yo is it just everything it's every game yo a mega game wait what wait what wait what wait they're doing they're doing a game that's like every game I feel like wait what service probably yeah it's probably like a a Netflix Sega type deal show me that Crazy Taxi what is that whoa what is that yes whoa looks new right and more of Rage though all these games are development wait what weird separate ass game wait what R looked weird we're going to have to watch our this is over frame by frame Streets of Rage I don't know about that whoa what a crazy thing I'm so confused now typically so which was Streets of Rage the like weird beat him up looking one five new games it's be separ newes separ release over the next several years thanks to Sega for that records that Sega CRA taxi is so long overdue how much can ball three or whatever oh this thing yeah is this the is it it sand no whatever yeah how many I we do this dude this this way better yeah this looks way better they animations yeah oh they're going blue oh [Music] yeah tremble before my I'll show you the horrors of one of my favorite villains of all time in any medium Frieza oh doing this super stuff yeah they're doing super stuff [Music] yeah sparking zero dude sparking hell yeah that's a good name awesome awesome hell yeah sparking zero bro let's go behavior that looks really good that looks really good they got me for a second I wasn't sure super M hey let's go um yeah oh I know what this is it's too dangerous yep oh okay so we're in the it's like a single player thing I think cool in the universe that's kind of [Music] interesting didn't Behavior do meet your maker is that them I like meet your maker love this song I Love It I hat it at the same [Music] time dnca nightmares grief hurting us song is on the radio three times a day channel is deleted today tonight the he almost baby cun right there again you don't hear a Barone pull a baby cun at all dead by daylight I get it mhm MH W the casting of Frank Stone okay casting and Frank made experience two huge names in the horror genre dead by daylight and super massive games are coming together a brand new single player experience the casting of Frank Stone now tonight we're showing you lots of new worlds but now it's time to return to a world I just have Sega question mark question mark old franchise time like what wait this is Quest 64 no yeah right that's so Random what a [Laughter] grab oh Mana it's Mana oh I saw that they yeah they they registered a new name I saw oh dude this looks really high budget for a Mana game dude it's cozy as hell they're giving it the most budget ever dude fantasy genre killing it tonight killing it Jones yeah there's the Mana tree dud yo look great first look awesome yo if they're just not going to release uh Dragon [Music] Quest they're working on Dragon Quest seriously dude tentacular right there time magic be multiplayer probably not okay o my dad just texted me is Frank Stone an illusion to Frankenstein oh oh also hi Gabby's dad I guess my dad's watching visions of Mana visions of Mana cool sign me up kind of like that gradient sign me up 2024 2024 the adventure begins I love that yeah set the tone yeah more first party okay okay okay oh oh oh it's um yeah it's that Samurai game I forgot what it's called the not Oni Musha one ating moment can feel like a oh the Ronin the Ronin one rise the r that's it and a lifetime can pass in the blink of an eye uhoh this game looks sick anyone embracing its Bitter End the only thing we know for sure is that Time Marches forward even if we are upart still we are one without hesitation yep who dude yeah love like the European vibe there if the drum drives the Rhythm oh yeah it definitely looks like momy into this yeah mhm let's do this together oh swap character swap yes how many mountains must you move yo appears to be a big boy let us not forget the pain of Master showing and the countless others who have suffered dude snow let's go yes dude sick Toyo slimon chat is stoked right let's get Montage he says Where's Robert DeNiro Ron in yeah y hell yeah give us a date sick give us a date rumor is a will sacrifice their for Duty so which of you will do the deed y d March oh no the same dance dragon oh what are they doing don't do that to me what are they don't do that to me please change that date please change the date what are they doing to us let's go armored cor baby please explain the difference between action game go armor game that's awesome [ __ ] yeah it's nice shot in the arm for Ser this is a tough one I really want Allen W I can see Liza sneaking in could see Mario I really want for this badly Allen wake to racking him up in the lead dud great synap is amazing I wonder why it's really good for the for the Le for the categories that not everyone's going to write in it's always going to be KY I want he say it I want to hear him say it probably to damn big apparently it's really good check it out more that character name perance the same remember it's March now we'd like you to meet one of tonight's nominees for Best debut indie game who's also part of the newly inducted future they coming out with a [ __ ] new Streets of Rage game what is happening [Music] what I don't when IW I had a very interest in games when I got to Canada the age of 12 it was a whole new world for me for many South Asian families food is not just a thing to cook but also a way of and all the I know we have story of an Indian mother and the late we are now we are now dude the more local you are the more International in the one hour when we're playing whatever Shadow drops able to put something from their lives into it in ways that I wouldn't have [Music] expected Old Spice did it's always cyber Punk dude they always advertise cyber punk in these things they built that for trailers oh the umbrella dude I remember that probably got to play Les Les cool yeah I do like the steam deck weird to have an ad for the steam deck but it's really for AMD meroff that's Outlast oh the tri outl trial yeah please come out fully it's been Early Access I need a full release I need it I want it po confused do it for us God Lord I love how last I won't let you hurt I love you saying you love it while we're watching that the children what up man welcome in okay now we sit down very oh I like that guy the give you purpose what's his sometimes the Finger of God reaches down and touches you men and women of any race religion class or political persuasion so insan ofone last [Music] trials oh the best jump scares in the business Outlast Best In The Biz not even close it's not even close with the jump scares well maybe Allan White 2 now those were pretty extreme but there we go nice I like it I completely missed this you were going I was out of the room oh they finally have a date for LS trials trials in March oh yeah yeah fap bad kill it oh this is like a truth ad or something yeah add VAP Beast there's a vape beast in Ellen ring right I mean I didn't finish it but I he people talk okay welcome back to the game awards and are you ready it is time to get a world premiere from one of our Industries fight some chewing huge supporter of the game award since the very beginning time and T I am that's the face we got minutes his Crush kissed gently backstage he's coming this is eight award speeches of course yep over under 10 CBS over the hry dinosur oh this might be his other game CRA and the Mad whale and started vending and quacking is that Hunter shaer Fox that's a n and the Mad whale and started vending and cracking yeah get it yes baby yes so many every s ever just chew it up Udo UD and whale and started wending and quacking that's not an engine though right that's just like some recording that' be boners magic it might be his cloud game or whatever with Microsoft whoa zoom in enhance enhance is it horror is it [Music] PT overdose yo oh meta human yeah yeah this is his like experience thing what the [ __ ] that's a good get Microsoft we finally saw it o d o what in the world coima the stairs please light the stair oh no what are you doing what are you doing is it nor Reus or it's coima please welcome that was I mean's he's evoking the PT door very intally Jack he's got his logo on it I would recognize that stance anywhere oh yeah very Rec the only where he has legal rights to PT is on set decorations like okay that's the one thing the PT door patent shoes oh that coat oh my God look at that bad so maybe he's not talking once and it goes in the closet forever maybe at the [Music] end observable demo dude really title OD and this title will feature something I think we all want to know more of course what kind of game are you making Mr Kima P I feel it it's two letters kind of poud I wonder if the pins are like everyone who may approach the stage so security people because everyone who's been up there has had one so I really like to always challenge new things groundbreaking things and that's my kind of rule uh but this one um with of x Xbox game studios and using their uh cloud gaming technology um I'm kind of doing this together but it's it's really to make immersive and also something that never no one has seen before is what I'm trying to do and it is a game don't get me wrong but it's at the same time a movie but at the same time a new form of media he's going to show s Hill sension how to do it correctly about what you're working wait wait what is there somebody else at the door this is a theme for us you do it you do it is wait it's Jordan Peele Jordan Peele yeah for sure he's in [Music] itele what the [ __ ] the coima ver vyak in the house coima Miller cut it's demo time with the red sweatshirt we're playing this tonight might Cloud only we got get it going oh my God welcome to the game awards a fun surprise I know you're a big fan of hideo's games right a huge fan of hideo this man is an icon and I I can just I can say from the first moment I played Metal Gear Solid 2 I knew I was experiencing the work of an artist whose craft Just Hits different and he's been an inspiration to me and the opportunity to collaborate with him is truly incredible in my films I'm always trying to maximize the immersion put the audience into the main character's shoes is he directing is the master of this and he does it on a whole nuba level and what he's cooking up here is completely immersive utterly terrifying and I am absolutely honored to be collaborating with the goat let's go Two Goats working together uh had I want to ask you how are you collaborating with Jordan tell us about it it's intense it's amazing almost stealing the show it's it's competing with him a little too much I actually I agree upstage those shirts too Jordan is one of those genius and I've been a big fan of him and when I met him I felt like we were friends from the past we get on very well we like things that we both very jealous right now and wanted to collaborate something and and this time um well Jordan I I grew up watching movies and I'm a game creator now Jordan grew up playing games and he's a movie director now so this two collaboration will be really awesome so that's why I wanted to do something together with Jordan yes yes so jolly armor dude I love it yeah W that's commitment it's not a short show no he said he would do it if the writer dressed up as a bear so maybe there someone dressed as a [Music] bear he blocked like four rows they were like if you could just so uh what I could say right now is that I'm kind of um um it's not just Jordan I have other uh creative collaborative Partners uh with me on board on this project I can't really uh say they are right now but I tell you they are the legends and they're going to be amazing and uh I actually called them The Avengers I thought he said Avengers the door is closed for now so no more special guests but it's going to be amazing I just want to stress that what this man is building here is unlike any other game it is going to be crazy that's that's it we cannot wait to learn more Kima Jordan thank you so much guys dude I love when coima comes out now I'm just like what are you making I don't know what your game is actually announcing a new dinosaurs yo Vin Diesel whoa Dawn V diesel time no it's Jurassic par actually Jurassic Park really spectaculous SP no expense Dawn for this place I wanted to show them something that POS to the lotion can happening guys what is happening this Dr Maya Joshi I've been left behind on East Maya Joshi JP 1.5 dude yeah oh [ __ ] not the same kitchen iconic not the same K the same but it's a dilophosaur it doesn't have the same Bite coming you know just the dilophosaur fictional just grab a dish use it to block not the same undone by thead don't throw the flash thing it's almost like she hasn't seen Jurassic part yeah it's like there's aapor in that storage unit that's right there's still one in there probably dead right depends how long it's been launches a whole new breed of ice Raptors oh my God o Greatest Hits probably not safer in there oh she went out okay do the thing here com the thing oh there's the thing dude you remember D do you remember you remember when the T-Rex walking up so big that and the footprint she's not a lawyer so she's safe knows she's wearing Ian Malcolm's like or no somebody's shirt color wait what the oh what we are definitely getting a strike for this is this VR or no I don't know survival yo Dawn is somewhere screaming as right through there uhoh dude it's not just VR yo okay okay just like first person produc oh where is Da oh Zed shine Z very shiny Z Z's dead everybody Spar tonight's dead honored to be here tonight to present the award for best audio design sound is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of game development it's what brings life creating the immersive worlds we love to explore it's the Eerie noises deep in the forest The Echoes In inside an abandoned spacecraft or the satisfying sound of shooting a weapon this year we've seen some incredible examples of audio design in games as talented sound designers have pushed the boundaries of what's possible here are the nominees res evil I was going to say res EV 4 here would be sick throw it a bone oh forgot about dead space Dead Space was sick I'm for dead oh crap yeah High this category a hot category [Music] duh just the Sounds in those little great to see high five Rush take it that be fun it would be St category that'd be nice to add to the bunch the most deserving probably yeah it's a feel good win Hell Yeah Dude absolutely Shadow Dr game taking a g good johanes [Music] cool yes that's great yes this game is good pH is pleased good video game but Sam's got to feel good got Ward hands off to the next oh it adjusted height The Mastermind behind the evil within two right there just a quick translation thank you for this amazing award it's so glad that the work that the team has done together had to chieve has been recognized here thank you to everyone who supported this project and for myself thank you to our family friends Partners pets um thank you everyone Bethesda zenimax Microsoft and the all the players out there um for going with this ridiculous project most of all to the team at Tango for taking such a wild idea and making it a reality thank you so much nice awesome awesome dud feels good feels really good Splash those Awards around you love to see it I actually do like mix fornite if you haven't every Winward fortnite it's been updated with new trophies tonight colle fortnite is expanding into a full on tons of new experiences Beyond Battle Royale earlier today Lego fortnite launched and on Saturday the music game fortnite Festival tomorrow though the team at psionics behind rocket League delivers rocket racing here's your first why are they launching like eight things right now here's first look at this thing you can play tomorrow morning yeah shout out to gtlm uh Jeremy Hoffman who was very involved in the Lego thing he was super proud that hofman love this Hoffman industry Legend Hoffman love him race for those v-bucks baby dude put vbucks on the line that so wow that would be awesome um kids are just like gambling racist yeah oh my God going through withdrawal that would be insane Racing for V yeah how hyp does blood with right now scale 1 to 10 what do you think like a six or a seven for blood on I think six he's like all right he all in on uh uh whatever 99 fzero F Zer thank you funny to see a purely cinematic trailer for a mode that like launches within hours yeah strange Jones strange also the event when you played this part was really weird cuz it was basically just like quick time events H Oh weird you just like pressed a couple button that's why they're not showing it cuz it sucks find it in fortnite I don't know if it's going to be like actual racing or fifth yearn to ascend that font yet Fame still hold s their Glory Fades through time in tombs of somber grave oh you twoo want to be an immortal oh s Master are there more good folks in or bad more good of course then why is there always suffering and why do the bad folks always win yeah because two great questions without teeth punishes not that's right yeah we saw this it's black myth yeah black myth oh my God it's looking amazing dude when is this game coming out2 1592 dude fantasy for the wind theed one a novel older than these United States yeah and now it's a video game they they would have been like what know how to name it's a what now my the concept of a video game would turn them to a fine Miss also they probably wouldn't speak English they definitely wouldn't it will fit me just as well blooding waiting for Huber to mention enslaved it's taking way too long oh sorry I was w i Wasing also I love slave Odyssey to the West Jones this game thanks for reminding me yeah it does damn finally saw a Ninja Theory game tonight what the heck wow did you see that Big Bear her yeah you think they'll go to the West I can try to get there no that's in the really about the journey though it's in the yeah DLC we only get to the Midwest in this game oh hi welcome monkey man the Fargo yeah welcome to the Midwest there uh monkey boy 2025 no holy all right there it is finally August get ready here dude that looks very good yeah very good very good oh riplash never heard of them go joh people they swore to protect so nervous man here's all these your friends aren't right in the head here's the better version of this game Batman Beyond here how do I stop this you have to kill I'm not worried about the cut scenes and the story you know yeah absolutely not worried about that they're going to be great my lowest concern is the cin Arkham this game's Metropolis they showed some Arkham right there got some trailer oh wait it's gorillas yeah gorillas shout out to Conroy yeah they trailer cord PL what dude he's the fastest man alive according to all these girlfriends so what's the plan time for us bad guys to save the world they really saving that big Superman trailer you know that big Superman Batman moment they're really saving it yeah that did not land for me no that was not a good song Choice it did not you know a lot to live up to with boss fights and those looked they looked swinging and shooting of that like the first 10 minutes of Spider-Man to I was like I played that this year for to do you know it's 10 years for Warframe so you know 10 years for you we assumed we'd get a senior discount of some I like that there's always like cool Warframe people that come on game like hey this is so awesome and we are going to be showing you the release date for our next major update for Warframe so we do have a trailer forar I mean it's been an incredible ride 10 years of just our developers our community just supporting us watching we love you and thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the next update Whispers in the walls oh yeah thanks for having us back to at home we love you guys all right thanks guys let's take a look nice gloves for Generations You' slept no purpose my desire to play Warframe just Skyrocket it awesome game I've heard it's really the movement changed everything the lless eye has seen there are some games where like the the freeto playay nature like makes me nervous it's like overwhelming yeah and I'm just like especially a game that's been going for so long 10 years jumping in I'm like can I jump cuz it's like I've played 100 hours of Destiny 2 and jumping in feels insane yeah how you know Dark Sector nod same team dude this does look sick uh when I used to work at um undisclosed gaming or gaming division of undisclosed packing package delivering company um I had to write tweets about Warframe constantly and it was just truly the most unapproachable like word salad thing that I ever ever had to do just forming sentences out of keywords that you do not understand oh okay L trange Zipp cool oh that's his character I think oh is that Ben star yeah yo dud very cool yo Watch Dog Vibes what oh December 13th Pierce in the afterlife horror Warf game awards ahead you thought the surprises were done nope there's lots coming while you're here head to supergame through December 31st for a chance to win a trip for four to the brand new Super Nintendo World away game awards here's a look here's a look here's your Nintendo Montage yeah still haven't been still got to go it's uh small but cool fake fan iconic noise ready for a new I Wasing they show the Donkey Kong world super if you don't buy the wrist thing you can't really do it was pretty sick though this ride is most chaotic ride you've ever experienced times just to know what the hell telling Transformers you're like what just happened you will die on that ride I love it you will you will fre you will freak out need the Jones take on Mario Kart the [Music] ride why do I know that song is this Starfield remastered yeah it's Starfield add remaster walk over there oh walk over there viice dude some Masterpiece fly to that planet and walk kind of tell that none of these are video game Outlets I I also figured out what song it sounds like it's the song that the mom sings to Baby Moses in the prince of holy [ __ ] you are so wrecked you are so correct right yes come now my baby oh you're so right that has been bothering me ever since they debuted this thing in the game awards last year or whatever I was like why does this song sounds so familiar and it is that life to the living don't nod death to the dees of SW to protect the whatever whatever of inti the incar movie bishers of iner mov one Colin frell's in here what is the name of this God bisher is something bisher something bisher looking for a hit looking for an IP yeah very funny life what's happening for the franch for franch why are they doing that hyped as hell on this game they need to show gain though yeah cuz they have a little concept is to bring you back I'm not sure I so in on these two both seem awesome but don't leave me like this get that greed fall energy Jones [Music] sure dude please be good yeah please be good please be good ghost of new Eden close 1 record what is your emergency I I need the [Music] police you ready TR to trick me it had very like biock statue well also like the res evil like evil yeah I thought it was like RPD for a second I was like yeah get I don't know this could still be Resident Evil some weird way like operation Raccoon City 2 Raccoon City 2 Resident Evil 12 uhoh you're in trouble so are you ready oh ready or not huh wait yeah it's not a no I don't know if I'm ready or not no I'm not ready you got to show me more all right don't have to wait too long but oh it must have been an early accessing for a while what are you talking wildly popular that none of us have ever heard of okay D up gaming says Ready or Not is so sick mobile little nightmares and Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 are just some of the big titles coming to Mobile in 2024 it's a SWAT ont to vote for which title you want to win Google Play's own Playmore award that's a good sell now please welcome last year's winner of games for impact for the game as dusk Falls which is coming to Playstation on March 7th and is available for pre-order tonight creative director carolene Marshall that was a fun stream are everyone winning last year was definitely a highlight of my 22 years in the industry games for impact is one of the most important categories at the game awards the gamees n this year offer unique and nuanced perspectives on topics that concern us all from the climate crisis to cultural diversity they broaden our Horizons Foster empathy and connect us as humans shout out to empathy in the world torn apart by divisions and intolerance this is one of the most essential powers of our medium top five parties here are the outstanding top one games for impact yeah blood's all in on these the this year to make an impact was fun yeah I play that yeah I like Vena dude be cool to see Vena take it yeah it feels like venbo is probably the front runner here game of World goes to boy Chia doesn't feel like just within this year long time ago wow [Applause] oh I love shoe liked our one of our tweets going live so oh Sho is a real one dude love you sho man I accept this award on behalf of devop our who cannot be here but I got a message from pH krio co-founder of our I'd like to thank our s family for your trust and unbelievable Talent KLA and Sony for believing in this crazy project and the entire population of New Caledonia who championed and embraced cheer all along thank you Mery or yes classy professional the happiest guy yeah so great oh there's some humans whose like face just like lights up your your face you know I'm Abu Baka Salim I'm mainly known for my acting work in Raised by Wolves and Assassin's Creed Origins oh yeah my wolves but but but that is not why I'm here yeah sick B okay sorry now this is this is crazy man I mean I I remember watching the game awards when I was younger so being up here now it's like [Applause] sick play them all my life man from Kingdom Hearts Gary's yep yep Golden Sun yo too wow it started with my dad right he got me into them he understood you know that games are an art form you know it's a great space to enjoy and escape from the reality of the world and he passed away a while back and I'll tell you what I'm still figuring it out but four years ago I decided that I needed to try and process my grief in a way that felt true to me and him so I took the biggest risks of my life and through everything that I had in making a game a piece of art that honored him an OE to the people we have loved and lost wow so so the reason I'm here tonight is because with the love and support of a lot of people here I'm going to take another big risk and I'm going to show you what we've been building know I'm going to offer you this game a game from my old man I hope you like it wow what an intro yeah what an intro I like can't right now every Story begins oh original dude each story carries with it the Echoes of those that came before trick my Baba my father your story was snatched away too soon my name is z a shaman of Kera here I seek my father H you okay metrov Vania oh fre ground music dude it's awesome not at all very cool so much like try uh sure definitely pulled back more I cannot stop I will not stop kunga god of death hear my plea kunga god of death come to me show me you are ready dang cool oh that's that's pretty s preorder after the show not right now don't go do it wait jeez that was Heavy I know I'm like emotions dude emotions don't nod what are we doing here you're getting strange s game what are we doing here here's Mike's game of the show [Music] yeah oh [Music] no okay they they they seem all alive is this their stranger things seriously it's been 27 years y'all yo it Vibes whoa yeah exactly Huber because we made a promise [ __ ] dude that sick that was record a brand new world from the development team behind life is strange now we have a world premier new at game bed on an ongoing franchise of 18 years with over 8 un users worldwide this entirely inine trailer shows off the blend between cartoon 3D graphics with hardcore action this is the first Berserker first Berserker say that three times fast oh oh it's dnf duel style that this supposed be like a single player I found you trampled by the one who trusted a band from your king you thought you were a hero oh dude you are just one of us okay yeah yo I'm I'm into it yeah Neo Vibes Berserker dude Mad World colors here this is no ordinary ghost you'll have to risk your life Mal yeah it shows just swords and spells and swords and spells it's awesome totally Jones dude cool talks awesome Yep now it's time for our first performance by the game awards Orchestra this one little bit of a Twist they're about to play music from an upcoming game that no one has heard yet you might call World premieres and this is a special one it's written by one of the greatest video game composers of all time the legendary noou utu fins Orchestra led by Lauren time Final Fantasy 7ir theme song is it Vincent's theme or SIDS here we go or is this theme songs for the game theme song for the game he oh yeah wait oh [ __ ] this is gold saucer right that's that's Jesse is this I don't want to see this this is dude whoa yo wait hang on they're going to spoil the whole game dude the whole theater scene is like an actual fight now oh there he is dude goag another weird stage no sound effects trailer yes yeah they were oh it's [Music] erith Sid Sid Bronco yeah Marlene oh dude D whoa what the Zach with a don't don't do it don't do it don't do it stop oh [ __ ] no this no that's no no no no no I'm like do it can we get a closeup on who singing okay here we go there we go it's aith Jones obviously [Music] yeah for all you fin six fans they're like you like your oper scene [Music] dude take you out let [Music] me [Music] take malfunction it seems like she's trying to have a hard time hear together damn what a note there press that was so clean so like is this like theme as in like Hollow was the theme of the last one probably yeah all right so we'll here like orchestral versions of this but this will probably pther into credits in that mhm on first this game is two months away I know yeah that's insane I need to forget that trailer pass what trailer they show a lot of good [ __ ] in that wow trailer that was a lot of gold saucer [Applause] stuff what an ABS Song Fantasy 7 rebirth which is nominated for most anticipated game tonight thank you to Lauren and Lauren Bal and the game awards Orchestra they will be back later to pay tribute to our game of the year nominees feels like we have an hour and a half left like no joke for Final Fantasy what it's nine dude it's tactics ner tactics stone or so they'll tell you de oh because the future has the power to change anything even the past this is something else to get what the [ __ ] Apex Legends this is Apex oh Apex Legends with fasy learn Jeff you son of a [ __ ] I me yo Apex got they got the buer sword yeah wait the last time he trolled us like that they actually announced the good thing later scattered what are you doing that's very fun when limits are made to be broken when Final Fantasy 7 rebirth comes to a on January 9th and that Inc announ both of them you know andury not not stage fantasy if it's on Final Fantasy you won't see me the rest of the night I'm out on stage what is this best Dave fell over the and the game award goes to support that's got to make that team feel good cyber I'm going to say it's 14 like balers gate balers gate was getting a lot of I mean that [ __ ] EP it has to be Street Fighter it has to be Street Nickelodeon allar is actually good poety and Street Fighter and the game award this year goes to three fighter six there the award get this over [ __ ] he's trying to do this in one breath you know rebirth I want his face to get red doing these rebirth [Music] Outlaw for that list music is there the release of Hong Kai star rail a winner tonight for best mobile game this space fantasy RPG filled with myths and legends is set for more Intergalactic Expeditions in 2024 and tonight we have an exclusive Look At pentac Con the next destination okay I do have to pee covers hm you still remember it fables about the stars is this honai or a different game in the universe this is honai it stories tell of what is and what was its pages will always reveal something new there you [Music] are I recognize some of these people yes those are Unforgettable memories but they are only a beginning oh it won't all be merry making suffering and joy will both be added to the final draft of the story [Music] being an assassin there perh from one of these Pages I'll appear in your story too Polar Express there yeah it's the star rail yeah welcome to I like TR young lady may I ask your name Aaron the Galaxy Ranger huh a nominee tonight for best mobile game Monster Hunter now is the new mobile game from n and Capcom like all n Antics games what's going on down there world and tonight they have a right now he [ __ ] me up so many times free game items for new players to join the huntable now iPhone and Android so check it out Monster Hunter now have you been playing be great if he pulled the gun I play a little bit fall series it was like Pokemon G kind of fortnite fortnite and fortnite Legos there Jones there's a train on the map now in fortnite yeah sick it's really sick like ride around you can you can hop on yeah oh that's [Music] cool Jones likes train I like Twains Call of Duty the shortest campaign how short was it I don't know I didn't play it I just that's what Chris judge said or whatever yeah he trust him yeah he replayed it cool map I played that map in OverWatch it's like 4 hours wow 4 five hours meat yeah it was da is Dawn here it got in he's coming in later okay whoa yep yeah I got Le con the oceans together no thank you no thank you Huber will play with Dawn I mean I'll hop in I like Pirates and [ __ ] Don isn't going to play what are you talking about he's not downloading Don will not play dud what a tragedy dude bones bones baby me dude New Look an SMB it's a trailer or like an act I mean this game is a Legendary Pirate myth oh yeah hey gotcha remind me is it free to play or does it cost oh it's going to cost money 70 bucks probably if this game cost $ that's insane dude pre days early that's probably 100 clams yeah all right we're back here and that was a new look at Skull and Bones from Ubisoft which is coming out on February 16th I'm Happ a lot of people who had never heard of Skull and Bones please let us have a skull and bones trailer in the please KY please like I and now it's time for the announcement of the next game from the studio that won best game Direction in 2021 2021 I don't know in a memory key oh oh [ __ ] wait what oh [ __ ] oh it's Leon dude we could get dis or it's or it's death Loop yo death Loop two things are changing yeah oh zombies zombies vampires vampire zombies [Applause] they should probably stay away from vampires vampires bro yeah is this like redf DLC oh my God I don't B it's got to be death BR maybe they're making fun of vampires no that guy's a vampire that gu's a vamp is that blade blade is that blade what dude blade what whoa okay got Marvel game dude they got their [Music] piece to us how did this Mader they're mad about Spider-Man so they got their thing games is our constant focus on bringing together world class Talent thean fa team atast hug fans of Arcane Leon not only because crazy superhero properties like just coming they make good Wonder Woman Wolverine blade w why on blad's 50th Anniversary we are so honored to announce this true Marvel team 50th anniversary of Blade that art style was sick very cool I wonder if it be first person but EAS to say in a French accent and uh when we had you know when Sebastian and I had an opportunity to chat with Marvel said okay let's really challenge them let's present our wild state that we both right are usually I mean Arcane touch Fitz blade like his trademark trench C I mean think about it it's it's a mature action adventure game single player where you get to play blade your way for True Believers it's a dream come true different approaches learn more why this so cool cool well he's the day walker uh half vampire Torn Between the warm Society of the living and the rushing power of the undead and Rel man I don't as a kid of mixed Origins his dual Heritage resonated with me so yes it is a dream to be making a game about blade in Paris my hometown nice yo Quinton somewhere right now stoked yeah Quinton is like yo can I can I work there if my hometown was Wen and we shared it with bloodthirsty Invaders that come out as soon as the sun goes down anything else you could tell us about the game I know it's pretty early right uh I can tell you one thing okay uh the entire team at is you know pouring so much love into this immersive third person actually let us cook and VOA let it let it cook Montage for next year there you go [Music] awesome for best ad Anthony Mackey oh cool Anthony Mackey that game's four years away Captain America play for sure just waiting for cap to come back waiting very cool just watching all this Marvel stuff go by being like how do I fit into any of this hey I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who watched Twisted meow on peacock and yeah dude that's you sure was sick one thing to do before I get on to the award I'm supposed to represent had no business being that good dude it was so good okay all right I know I say a lot of different things you can't scream them all now no one knows this yet so you three guys and everybody else going to be the first they're probably going to get it because of our incredible fans o Season Two Season Two Season Two do it twisted metal is coming back to season two on peock yes yeah everybody get your made the time watch the first couple it's fun short episodes it is good great it's got heart it's like I have no expectations also really high ones too like simultaneously but for don't you yell at me I love you more I love you Steve what is wrong with y'all stop [Music] it love you too I see you I see oh my God Anthony come on you can do it okay today the best games are like living universes constantly expanding with new content and challenges right and that's what this award for best ongoing game recognizes the games that continue to deliver frh funny which ones are on stage and which ones aren't Community yeah like best music not best audio design was but best music wasn't and yeah I wonder if like some some games like make sense when you see the announcer you see the presenter I wonder if the other ones are just like just pick one and then the other one's key you'll just kind of rapid fire this a weird one cuz I guess so many patches over the years it's ongoing in a way but that is a weird distinction I mean that's basically the Phantom Liberty magic but it's it's a weird distinction cuz these are like all the blur says every game is eligible to this if content comes out this points with my son for this moment a lot of Nomine eligible a ton of people vote for it it just kind of happened gameward goes to shut up shut up cyber Punk 2077 wow yeah cyber Punk's really good forty really good that caps off the Redemption tour there it is this is heavy dude Redemption tour complete Redemption tour complete y Quest completed look out the stanions and security guards and [ __ ] oh my goodness what a journey what a journey it's been I'll say it's been a journey a journey from launch to 1.5 to 2.0 in Phantom Liberty and uh now the ultimate edition like the tenacity and the resilience of the team the only game wanting to bring forward know are IM you know the world being immersive and of course the game being fun fun as hell this is exciting team we accept this on of people who put their hearts and souls in the two of us here please SAS including this guy and I mean I I have to include here our amazing players they've been with us throughout the whole journey gave us feedback made funny memes videos you know wrote post on Twitter on Reddit it was amazing you know to see the reception of the players when they were actually getting all of those updates just recently we shipped update 2.1 for cyberpunk 2077 and it's for all of you thank you so much thank you thank you congratulations guys our next guest has worked on some truly memorable games over the past last 20 years like GTA 5 bully Need for Speed underground and the red it's going to be that now he new studio thees May no I thought it was I thought it was Ben show this to me earlier this year tell us a bit about it it's an honor to be here so thanks for having us screw it over the past few years my buddy's compan light speed LA and like the logo is very simar shout out to Buddy putting the IND V fresh new Talent have been in deep development on a fully original AAA futuristic open world game tonight Jonesy we're really excited to off you all a sneak peek at what we've been working on I'm seriously I'm so excited to share so much more with you in the future but for now I hope you all enjoy this first taste amazing let's take a look Steve here we go take a look Jonesy okay okay te it open Cool vibe momy oh are we going to play as that kid scared as an adult please push now it's going going to be yo the demon is here it's the demon it's the demon demon for a second I was hoping it was a dread yeah don't oh my gosh like Machines Fighting Machines and the only human is the follow me hot yeah bad [ __ ] alert if you want to live she seems nice Cool vibe would watch anything tonight you seven kids hop on my motorcycle open world motorcycle open world okay crazy last go cool looks cool put on the list five years away we yeah six years five years very [Music] cool there is moments of Game Awards where I'm like same game yeah different game I same way now open your eyes slowly those heels this is Sonic shoes be amazing what what Eternal vs Warframe [Music] Eternal get it together grapple hook fate always tests us what have you seen this this isn't the like Proxima proxim game or whatever right I remember that g like yeah I was thinking about it it's not that had a guy and a kid yeah I think we've seen that before the first descendant following the last res senel if it's the same game I'm thinking the previous trailer had a bunch of butts now we have a new look at literally what made me think of it I was like but I was like is this that on this one for a while we had game and we're excited to unveil this one looks pretty cool they make so much money is this Zen zone or whatever yeah this is like their City one yeah Zess what it's like Z or something like that I think there was a beta recently for this maybe cool bear guy yeah Bear is sick feeling like I want want to get into one of these Wu games one of these days I want to get into Hoover so bad honka might be the one I want it was Stell blade that had the butt Stell blade was the other butt game okay oh yeah butt core but butt core this look pretty trick she was like bullet bending like like jool Lee show that bear guy gun yo whirly gigsaw yeah maybe this will be this is the song that gets us DMC yes 100% it's 's always like a bunch of like women and like interesting things and then just a guy gray hair just a guy with gray hair Xeno gear or zone of the Enders zone of the Enders I mean G [ __ ] fully okay yeah yeah okay yeah yeah okay I wonder cuz we saw a different perspective there if this is multiplayer battle game yeah looks like it's multiplayer [Music] on Zimmer cor yeah fully did not read all of that yeah I could do too many words we'll find the answer and the door will open with his barrier w we will Traverse the missiles of Many Colors that's some good bullet hell action there that's some bullet hell action oh yeah blade be mea I don't know the [ __ ] that is but I'll check it out yeah that was sick we haven't told them what they're playing on yo you can go on the trains now and I'm all about that thatch that's a sick patch now add food for real on the next actually on a Chromebook plus wow streaming on GeForce now disrespect to food in cyber Punk streaming on gForce in a very controlled environment their internet intense users interact got to be nope divers this is going to be fun dude hell divers battle against bugs the automat threat grows more menacing by the day tomaton threat we need vant soldiers to take on these robots and we going to accidentally shoot each other so so much so much Friendly Fire two Freedom use the Galaxy's most advanced Weaponry fight alongside a squad Worth Dying For I'm doing my part yeah 100% yeah it always is yeah join the fight every time you die it's as fre dude Starship Troopers Vibes yeah it is the first game was to yeah February 8 yeah February needs to calm down yeah it triggers my fear response when I think it February oh is it Space Marine 2 Space Marine 2 I bought the first one so sick it was like $15 and that game is usually full price still they know yeah they know dud space r sick look at those swarms my pledge is at September 9th okay very nice cool dude that St statue I want that statue put in my bathroom spray it down to me to keep it like you know glistening special surprise for you live and exclusively here at the game awards Jeff key out of his mind I am your host Waring door and I present of asard featuring that bestelling riter Alan Wick this good yeah [Applause] dude oh Alan's there actually that's awesome he's going to dance with them is Sam Lake dance is Sam Lake gonna be on [Music] there this is marvelous this is the best yeah this is awesome you have watched this this part and this music video like so many times please Sam come [Music] out this is [Music] [Laughter] marvelous I hope it's the 8 Minute version did that guy have a fanny pack yeah look pack they're probably going to pull something out of it [Music] later pyic going on going Brock lesen [Music] r [Music] I'll that's my favorite part I love the dance [Laughter] yies of crime and chilling Thrillers of hardil killers became best [Applause] [Laughter] not one thing is out of context in the entire [Music] game ruin [Music] [Music] real [Music] gripping there [Applause] is I love when they covered him coming out too this was the goal all along Sam this is the best day of his life Broadway dreams he had to fight to keep this in the game apparently it'd be great if he had the game award yeah already was dancing with it God this Montage or uh medle is going to be so good [Music] yeah that is so this is so sick yeah I love this feeling it give me Lake cam yeah wait yeah that was good be if that's how the game was announced oh my God way back in the day oh my God the absolute best also I love the font just want to say heck yeah oh wow that was the fabulous Poets of the Fall performing in the role of old gods of Asgard thank you to the band Sam Lake remedy epic the cast and every involved to bring that performance to life something you will only see right here on the game awards now it's time for an update on a game we announced back at TGA in 2017 oh oh 2017 six small years oh okay final Rapture that's intense gtf wee weapons free the foam gun strangers a strange family we have lived a thousand lives we have died a thousand times voice whoever we were before dist torture we are now as one until the end one final battle my friends one last job remember no fine that had a own Vibe yeah free weekend give it a spin joining me now is Ol from 10 Chambers crazy that was six years ago we announced GTFO and that's the Final Chapter you've got a free weekend on Steam looks fantastic but I think there's a little something more you're also working on right yeah first of all I have to say thank you thank you for having me again of course and uh you delicious Manu suit is [ __ ] amazing anyway uh yeah we're working on something new and it's like a passion project man awesome for payday things like that so back back some Heist stuff I guess it's not too late to working into a lower third je key you delicious man you since I was a kid basically and yeah it's you know it is to the world yes we should you've been working on this for a number of years I'm so excited it's finally time tou so much manly shoulder touching here at the game love shoulder touching bonds shoulder touching wait Mr who cancel the reservation reset procedure Contin Dage the reset the procedure yes standing by back to formula back to formula your subconscious was just spilling the beans about your recent Aima District break let's continue this is a c [Music] yeah's fighting I will been a lot less swearing this year in trailers are otherwise so that's how you found out abouta swearing out dead kings are in a key to what you really know yes what's the key for it's not this is a VI yeah dark I'm wor this reveal is not going to hit no you see just like me you're caught here you're caught in the den of wolves and of [Music] wolves see you in six years [Laughter] D ISS the game very [Music] true it's funny we've like made the shift to sci-fi now we really we really separated them you're so right I wonder if that helps just kind of with fatigue cuz you do hit this point in the show where you're just kind of like okay my body these poor games like any game it starts to come in at like the 60 yard line it's like that's tough tomorrow really interesting looking like cck [ __ ] alium top 10 disappointments of my [Laughter] life yeah do you beat me be it be great dude this is is pragma uh extraction inbound good to go easy in Easy out that's our ride wait wasn't extraction the ex oborn is it like an extraction thing they said the word extraction so if it's not yeah Master apocalypse ex that was exob I met with the team at Gamescom to take a look at that upcoming tactical open world extraction shooter that was a lot of words Des vision and besides facing other players and Waring factions vertical gameplay as you saw in the forces of nature verticality verticality verticality is out dude it's vertical gameplay now playing it ver now please welcome the voice of Loki in asgard's rap 2 one of the most ambitious and anticipative VR games too yeah I played a little the first one it was cool the voice of Vincent it's just not a short game and you know only so long you can have those suckers on your head the newest ones I play it like trailer for asgard's wrath too I've been working with the sanzaru team and bringing things it's like we know him we don't know that game as a lifelong gamer I'm honestly blown away so uh I'm honored to be a part of this franchise and want to thank everyone at senaro games at Oculus Studios and medaquest so without further Ado let's enjoy the trailer asard WRA 2 the gods take everything from [Music] Mortals lead these lands dry better call Kratos snake familiar deny Spirits their rightful passage turn worlds to Ash you allowed Loki to deceive you Now TV TV TV that's how he says it the universe Demands a guardian and with each possession you will grow stronger very cool com that looks clean oh beautiful Guardian here to write your wrongs taking that bow Jones of course B action yo [Music] finishing anyana Jones ride vibe there that statue there is no time or place you can hide it's pretty good looking VR game actually you know like cool when I play some people who are questioning the visuals for the VR genre that ain't bad feel like I get very oh for sure the horse that horse shot was like even though I really don't want to I'm going train myself oblivious to the chaos that awaits you just outside I'll see you sooner than you think I mean around December 15th I think it's been an amazing year not just for games adaptations of the games we love right now we have an exclusive highly anticipated new series Fallout oh yeah so they did give it a Goggins oh hello there boy Crow now how about we turn on some lights I love Walton God Sunny Birch I hope this Show's good dude yeah I'm into it definitely hope it's good D the bear D's gone [Music] bear ghoul okay that is the one shot I think L is from is hype okay that wasn't in the trailer but never change it I mean I got Goose pumps is it Todd from Fallout please welcome Ella there's the game trailer uh statue oh yeah they got it yeah that's big what's up y uh I hope you don't mind we brought a little extra security that's sick dude we are incredibly excited for you all to see full out on be so great if he had to just smack some they now pick the moment is Pedro here oh this is an easy win bosses are here what dude no Mr Howard good buddy is that Jonathan never SE probably hurry this up I don't think he can breathe in there yeah how you doing big man okay all right right okay so this year video games and film and television were bigger better than that's a big human being you're the nominees for best adaptation best adaptation the vampire Messiah will come shout out shout the hell out to that fight yo Grant tereso shout out Crow pleaser so fun and the winner easy win winner easy win easy win very deserving Mario out yeah shout out there yo Twisted Metal shout out season two is a win feel good hit of the Year dude not a bad list yeah those are all good I liked all of those actually I liked every sing Last of [Applause] Us oh it's Neil Rock that banjo Mackie smiling feels good there camera hand oh yeah the song always gets us on yeah twitch every time I stream this game the song gets us all right so shout out to my partner in crime Craig Mas as watching up in Canada getting ready for season uh huge thank out to our n dog family this wouldn't exist without all your incredible hard work than big thanks to HBO and the support they've given us and a lot big thanks to Our Last of Us Community none of this exists without you thank you so much that's you we also want to thank our partners the Sony Pictures a special shout out to Carter Swan and the whole PlayStation Productions team and everyone at PlayStation thanks so much thank you nice yeah no return can't wait so soon and God a war dude so close it's so soon Nintendo switch we did not get a lot of new Fallout stuff in that that was an interesting trailer oh this game is cute yeah yeah tempting but I know Soph I really liked it looks delightful click click click [Music] is the newest Sim still four yeah holy moly they're still putting out bonus that is so wild but a very robust and thriving uh like Creator Community nice a new Sims that'd be electric Sims 5 who's to say who's to say Heavens to mergatroid to Mid free [Music] free Yo awesome p I haven't jumped into this a yeah I'm good I don't know how to walk so many of didn't work it's interesting that like a couple are really investing in it very Japanese trailer probably just for that audience exclusively a when I was younger struggling with who I was what my place was hang in there and put it into Capcom I me it's evolved over time especially as I've gotten into AAA well guess what everybody hindsight is a narrative exploration game which spans the life of a woman named Mary is taking a core of something that happened in my life keeping that and fictionalizing the rest of it whenever someone tells me that they've cried from something that I've made it's always when people cry is where I feel yes I want to keep doing that I want to keep making people feel things yeah take oh my Gody the vgx too dude [Music] wow what a ride yeah what a [ __ ] ride top 10 Redemption story I remember I remember being at PSX for the 1 hour concert for this game before it was hour oh was wild [ __ ] [Music] crazy dang 2020 had a lot of stuff they've been pumping stuff [Music] out it I mean it's truly a pretty marvelous game MH all of these have been free also that is insan by the way pretty sure jeez wait whoa cool that right there was no man Sky a game we announced 10 years ago with this guy right here Shawn Murray Sean uh looks like the content keeps rolling in 2024 but what does the next decade look like for Hello Games start with uh next year is going to be a really big year for No Man's sky like you said I've been working on it for 10 years now and I still really love it still really enjoy it but what people don't know is that for the last 5 years we've been working on something new another game yeah something very different something maybe more ambitious oh um very very here we go here we go danger three uh well for No Man's Sky we generated a whole universe of sparse alien looking planets and that wasn't easy you know it was hard but there is something that's much harder that we wanted to do uh for our new game we wanted to create an earth um you know something as buied a planet that is as buied as a universe something bigger than Earth something with you know mountains real mountains not video game mountains but mountains that are Miles High taller than Everest that when you climb to the top of them and look out you can see he's in his element he's like a back yeah I'm building get ready jug of hype again Planet anouncing a new planet spinning hype like a sorcerer like yes uh and we're going to let everyone playing it together it's you know a place where people can live out their sort of adventures together well we can't wait to uh take a look at it are you have anything tonight or Jeff's kind of like are you sure Traer um and you know it's quite a small team that's working on us there's about a dozen of us actually everyone's here the the everyone from the team is is here uh we're that's awesome uh we're very excited to share this you and been talking about this one for years yeah we're we're super nervous Jeff loves to let you know that he things and people we were doing shots last last night Germany two years ago I like two and he's like yeah you know work on new things like new thing huh back this is such an incredible project and I'm honored that we get to show it off we should we do it Sean yeah let's do it here we go here we go should we do it no wow okay a multiplayer Earth what a multiplayer what do they mean Earth Earth is a planet already I think it's different versions of Earth maybe actual HUD elements there I'm a female reel ah whoa whoa whoa whoa cozy building Jones whoa whoa whoa yo whoa whoa whoa is Right fantasy [ __ ] uhoh Jones uhoh your loins Jones don't have a t of time for G now you can fly on that bird too bird suck it Everest the beacons are lit the beacons are lit Gondor calls for Aid how that so the Mountains separate different regions maybe sha [Music] Manelli yo what am I looking at dud yeah this is nuts this is the first time we're ever seeing this video game is bunny people rabbit people they're awesome big giants this game looks cool and I'd say the studio has some crb I'd say by this point a lot of people in chat are like I trust this guy with my life which is an amazing change yeah that is variation on the No Man's Sky logo yeah it is it is light no fire no Sky light no fire apologies I will be lighting several yeah don't tell me popped out your head like Tex independent team absolutely incredible W for years show that to you and again created by the team of hello games so uh very very excited excited toam like fantasy coming back to reclaim the show little military you know dip now we're back and welcoming to the stage actor simu Li simu what did you do man injury oh I broke a SP or something oh no big everybody how y'all doing tonight my God there's so many of you you guys all look so so beautiful um all right first off I want to address the elephant in the room um my foot's fine you guys I I did tear my achilles uh I wasn't riding a dragon I was playing pickup basketball in Miami I wish I wish there were a better story to this you guys but the story is this um you know as you age as you get older you know particularly as you cross the 30 threshold your body starts to break down all right things start happening um unless you're Anthony Mackey for whom I think the laws of Aging don't apply um guys just if you're not Anthony Mackey learn to appreciate the importance of stretching all right it's very important um just keeping it real at the game awards all right now I'm I'm here to share something that I'm I'm really really excited about I recently got a chance to team up with frost Giant on their new Real Time game now RTS is a genre that I was absolutely obsessed with as a kid I love building arting my man conquer and of course my absolute alltime favorite Starcraft hell yeah yes so happy you guys cheered for that um you've been destroyed by carriers and void raise on bnet at any point over the past 10 years that screw your Void ra uh and that's why I so excited for storm gate get your Void out of my face understand all right but I love it he just said it's team we're just as obsessed with RTS as I am and in addition to competitive and Co-op modes in the game it's got an ongoing campaign that was written by Frost giant With a Little Help from the legendary Chris medson and so oh I didn't know Chris medson was I want a little bit of gameplay for y'all and the first reveal of a pretty badass new character who uh I may or may not have gotten to voice awesome let have a cool messing with the terrain in this gets me hyped as hell yeah I like the tree thing where you yeah storm un shut it off the hell was that Monster Rancher dude so many alist cele in video games and even commercials now it's crazy in God's name have we done yes yeah man yes he looks cute yes it's like a hero unit yeah it's like Whirlwind oh yeah it's just the blade Master yeah Summer Okay fight I'm in in early a this game I will play so confused that it's now on Kickstarter was that Chris medson I don't know I think it was probably seeming Weir I think cuz they were just like building it up building it up and then when they were like ready to go they kickart feels like it's been around a lot longer than yeah and now it's time to out to some lady just be like AC Adventure game couldn't get that camera on Mack in enough time a big one will give us a clue yeah several of these are up for go yep three of these three of hell of an action adventure game my goodness Z this right actually there's four yeah Zelda's in this yeah oh God sh win of this versus balers gate basically Prett much I think Ellen wake will get this and balers gate will get game game award goes to No Surprise here Legend of Zelda tears of the king wow some surprise there yeah surprise wow well it is [ __ ] really going on stage I've not played a lot of nominated games but I played the hell is actually Adventure game though weird remember best action game was uh keeping notes best action game was armor decori didn't want to go up Weir y got to hit the password on your phone I'm so glad to be able to be here to accept this reward this award on on behalf of everyone who worked together to create this game everyone on the development team truly uh uh gave their all in in making this game the best that it could be everyone's unique approach to playing this game uh can become their own personal story uh as an adventure through the lands of Hyrule and to all the players you have my sincere thanks thank you so much Jolly [Applause] Jolly see as like I'll see you over there congratulations I'm happy now to announce winners in a few more categories at the game awards here are the nominees for best RPG balers Gate 3 goas oh I wonder who's going to win this one is this not on the stage balers game yeah that's insane [ __ ] here are the nominees strategy game Advance warso camp this category got a lot of this is weird they need p and the game award goes to Pikman all right Pikman there you go Gabby a win for me personally has been3 overing right now music turbocharge and the crew motorfest this year the game award goes to for of Motorsport congratulations absolute 86 says I voted for Pikman and you're a winner for that for party animals Street Fighter 6 and Super Mario Brothers wonder and the game award goes to gate three multiplayer really good good night here are the nominees for our players voice award 100% voted by the fans Dr J and said they're playing off the results were public for a while and balers gate was by balers G three conratulations let's take a look now at this spectacular cration of mobile gam gate wins four Awards and doesn't get to go it's even the biggest one yeah oh the Vegas spere oh yeah we saw this this thing seems so overwhelming it is insane I like don't know if I could be in there all I want to do is see Avatar 3 in it oh my God yeah okay they do it Cameron's already like reserving it for like whole year yeah that will be sold out for like 2 years yeah still playing that Jones no long time game are you playing Warcraft Rumble uh I'm not very good at it but I've started yeah I played a little [Music] bit what a weird ad shout out to Ellis Island just off the strip they got5 and $10 craps and blackjack the absolute and it's a brewery they brew their own beer there's no reason to go to any other Casino familyowned just off the strip highly recommend truly a 10 out of 10 nice ad was a good ad dude he was trying to get like a line of credit extended tell him Huber sent you Island Casino is this a new character I [Music] assume boom box this is a hell of a lot of games yeah this is insane good [Applause] creep m what a pain Shikamaru Vibe wait new game mode W 3b3 awesome that's so cool that's awesome [Applause] oops oh that's stress nicotine addiction can make stress worse got to have another what yo is this diesel this diesel dude we need that Vin Diesel this looks like2 Vin Diesel evolve one shot looked really bad age of diesel it didn't even say oh okay I was like you didn't say what game it was my NE all right welcome back to the game awards we still got some awards to hand out Timothy sham will be here to help and we have some more World feels like there's an hour and a half left this one including this one oo here we go here we go this the real it's the DLC what it's the DLC oh [ __ ] it's Karen to AC of it some s dud let me play as Karen selling things it's it's Leviathan it's 100% Leviathan you're 100% cig this is a version of leviathan's music right now is a version of a for 14 it seems somebody's working this place up like it's sampling part of it the question is oh sick dude oh yes dude it's like dark or risen yeah have a feeling we're about to find out and that we will not like the answer Josh what the heck Omega holy [ __ ] it's all Fallen stuff toia whoa what in the hell dude oh it's the levithan power to the tomberries tomberries tomber holy [ __ ] oh yo two things today oh wait who buy it today said buy today today what does that mean buy it today that the first one said buy it today you buy it today is it available right now the final battle Final Fantasy 16 with echo of the Fallen which is out on now to present our next Award Best Game Direction [ __ ] I need to go home got Global GM Battlefield Titanfall and Apex Legends was the rising tide ring I'm blacking out I'm blacking out what was it D Rising tide the rising tide Vince dude Legend and echo of the all right good evening everyone Jesus game design can be Jesus actually let me rephrase that best game design is almost always part chaos right uh today it's really normal for teams of hundreds to work for years on huge open worlds that are condensed into one packet what the hell when that chaos has somehow been harnessed into a cohesive artistic expression that's great game design so tonight I'm proud to present the nominees for best game Direction cool this is a tight category yeah how do you want for a story that lives in your head together we must survive I mean two juggernauts of game direction right there I feel like after everything I've seen and heard that Allan Wake 2 is very deserving of this one for direction I feel like final you must find me it's like what what is Direction game direction for sure but balers Gate 3 is just like insane how much is in it Alan Wake to wake they won yeah congrats that's what I thought we would win [Applause] sick Sam Sam feeling good tonight I guess just because you can really feel like you feel the hand of Sam Lake yeah at the at the hall that AIP we want to thank epic Hector niiko for believing in our vision uh crazy Vision crazy Vision yes direction is nothing without a team to actually build it and and huge thanks to remedy team for joining us on this venture something to believe believe in it and and and build it uh you know we can pull into different directions and and nothing comes out of it but when more than 100 people uh believe in the same vision and and build something out of it we can make Miracles we can make art and we can be more than the some of our parts uh our work world today could use a bit more of that but one other thing uh next Monday December 11th uh new game plus the final draft is going to be coming out new story content uh so yeah go play it thanks that's crazy new story thank you thank you game awards did we know that or did you just announce that during an acception speech oh okay just three quiw five still for please welcome Gustav til the creates right now dude there's no way you're not down you should be downloading it in the other room good grief oh yeah this game oh yeah oh I want to play this so badly this game we set a bold vision for ourselves we said that if we're going to make a shooter it needs to be unique needs to be something that no one else is doing standing here today I'm so proud and grateful to the amazing team at membar Studios who help make this crazy dream a reality and of course to all of you our amazing players watching you play the finals has been the most gratifying experience of my entire career you're not just a part of this journey you guide us and you inspire us and I love you for that now let's watch our latest trailer and keep your eyes peeled for the launch date at the very end might be sooner than you think thank you and enjoy now if it's not a shadow drop that's what we're all I think the 16 stuff is up [Music] yet the disappointment oh so sad oh yeah sometimes the PSN lets you down on that Stu thiso dominated the rooftops of Monaco this is this is coming out right now yeah oh there we go is this PC only cuz it looks crazy I don't know mhm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shot to the chat says it's on PS5 too obessed with the vid Cas no bud MH like down play now there it is I will play [Music] now I absolutely will play now the finals is out tonight onbox series X and PlayStation tonight after the show make sure to check out the game awards in fortnite as well all month fans have been voting for their favorite user of the congratulations you can portal to the winning Island from our TGA map while you're there collect all the TGA trophies for an XP boost we want to help you unlock those Peter Griffin skins the island code is below still presentation of Game of the Year featuring our our orchestral salute to the nominees Asal salute dude how you doing Jonesy good how you doing Isla my neck hurts how you doing Brad uh really good Final Fantasy 16 continues to thrive how you doing Gabby I'm okay how you doing dyani I can't find a DLC it's not up yet how you doing chat meeting time in maybe not till 9: Damani or our time in an hour now it is time for you to join the others and complete our destiny I've been leaning forward so hard that that's why my neck hurts cuz I've just been [Music] like oh just wait till you see B this gate you'll never want to yeah it's party time time that's pretty sick world map three Xbox discs Skyrim might be uh ESO no it's crazy when Skyrim doesn't show up what happen whated or whatever Brad what special bonus item for purchasing echo of the Fallen or the expansion Pass include the Buster sword allowing C the world Cloud Stripes iconic weapon from Final Fantasy s what those bastards oh man that's so sick I can never not use that now though after the show check out the TGA post show on Twitch how are you doing H Buster sword 16 10 out of 10 was eating his microphone to tell us final world premiere that's right we're the end of the show and this one I will let speak there's definitely going to be one more thing right not usually I want to feel something Key Monster Hunter oh it's Monster Hunter World 2 it that is a great guess I have no idea I'm just guessing really good guess or nine this has no this this has this looks like Monster Hunter H this looks like monster 100% monster hter holy [ __ ] y dude dude those mounts are sick yeah dude [ __ ] Sandstorm holy [ __ ] Lion King Stampede oh dude he went on all fours is that okay it's who what the oh my God rehearsal who me make sure this monster first I mean yeah it looks like the weapons and everything H yes it is yes it is let's go wild wild that's a SI oh sick woo show me more show me more oh there it is yeah it's rth show me Ron Pearlman wow 202 it's stacking up it's stacking up switch not coming like end of next year baby 25 can't be stopped welome to Stage Monster Hunter series producer aimoto it's so great to have here at the game awards we got to hang out in Osaka earlier this fall where you showed me the g wow tell you guys it looks about traveling when do we get to play [Music] this crunch crunch that was crunchy thank you Jeff I'm very happy to finally be able to this announce this title to everyone this title back in September we were happy enough to show it to you is planned for release in 2025 wow uh I think everyone wants to know when do they get to see more on this any sense of when we're going to see more on this [Music] game usually announced more than year the color of that is so beautiful we plan on revealing more information about this game in uh the summer of 2024 so we hope you keep an eye out for it is currently celebrating its 40th anniversary I would like to thank all of the cgom fans for all of your love and support throughout all these years done it without you Kat will continue to create exciting fun games best games The Best Is Yet To Come thank you R great to see you all right we now to present Game of the Year from the upcoming films Wonka and dune part two YouTuber sped controller 360 what YouTuber modded controller 36 [Applause] hilarious I thought he was just going to get a standing o for no reason imagination passion technical Brilliance of the six nominees for the game of the year were truly inspiring here with a medley celebrating each once again yeah he looks exactly like him sh Souls dude here we go dude gear up your tear Ducks flute guy I way too oh there he is yeah there he is he's popping off center dude front row [Music] C mag nice dude Jolly mhm h number two sick dude Resident Evil feeling it the only flout is sitting in the front yeah yeah yeah yeah the rest are back [Music] there me every time good [Music] [Music] feel what's going on whoa holy [ __ ] dude what the heck dude who dude standing up what is that b he just make that himself what is that [ __ ] went to Home Depot and got a few ass he was just like what is the largest instrument you can possibly bring on stage I do like the game awards H yeah now you tell us nice very classy very classy very good like those like the chandelier Vibes up top I didn't really notice those until now looks good all right here it comes dude don't let me down Timothy apparently Pedro usach made that instrument for real yes wow dep instrument of the year and the game of the year is it's Boulders gate Boulders gate three yes Boulders gate it's the bear just comes running down the aisle that ready for him to pull a sword out of stone so great ready for him to like declare allegiance to house bend the knee spam [Music] dude very nice hell of a game unbelievable game cl cl anymore um thank you thank you so much um game like Ballers Gate 3 isn't possible if you don't have an incredible team working on it and and the team at Laren spent their hearts and souls for six years uh on this game in sometimes very difficult circumstances this was our covid game um along the way we we lost quite a few people also so we want to dedicate this uh to all the people we lost and especially uh to Jim our lead cinematic uh artist uh who passed away uh in the last month wow um oh God I want to thank over 2,000 people so sit back and Rel uh but uh I also uh want to thank everybody that supported us throughout this entire uh effort uh our families our friends our partners uh you were the best and without you we couldn't have done it thank you very much thank you awesome the Clank very awesome very awesome very awesome it's a pretty good spread I was just going to say everything's Zelda Alan W G Spider-Man to didn't get wins but I I think but I think up against his comp anniversary game awards I'm happy to announce we return right here to the peacock theater on Thursday December 12th 2024 happy holiday locked it in good night yeah nice what a show D holy [ __ ] what an awesome the security storm in the stage hey kept it clean yeah yeah real clean feel was like I just watched killers of the flower moon or something good G it's like watching Iron Man evolved though right where it's like we we had an8 minute speech now there's playoff music we had a kid Rush the stage now there security guards and stanes every time he learns from his his defeats you know we should save most of the thoughts for of course absolutely um uh Gabby can you push I'll just go do it um uh m Kyle Bossman will be joining us but he's working on the show this year so he has to travel yep so in Los Angeles traffic which is not a fun thing just getting out of the convention you know radius is tricky so so he will be here as soon as he can be yep then we will start and then we will do the thickest of podcast it's going to be a long one yeah settle in get a fresh brew going oh yeah settle in yes can we just just a humor me can we rewatch no okay I already I already took it off the thing it's a good bit humor I'm going to be throwing b-roll up during the podcast I'm just still so confused about what that Streets of Rage thing was I'm just we'll have to free for we'll get we're going to get into it in the podcast okay shut up Hubert all right shut up but you fully reminded me that that happened man it's it's a lot it's a lot to absorb but yeah chat to reiterate we will be back here in uh whenever Bosman gets here unless we download and start playing something and we'll stream from the other room minute but uh we're going to eat we're going to take a minute we need a break because we've been streaming for four straight hours um but yeah don't go too far because we will be back with a gigantic podcast tonight watch that GTA 6 trailer one more time yeah and come on back every day watch it all right I got to go in the other room camp for a second yeah every day yeah we'll probably stream something not Final Fantasy I don't want to see any that at work yeah me okay yeah I'm ready to go home and cuddle up and play through that that's for me well nothing else we're going need some fat burger too in that break trying to think what else like Shadow dropped if there's anything uh that game year the finals finals go for a VI spins sure all right King all right chat uh don't go too far we're going to apparently play the finals in the other room and then we'll be back for the podcast in a little bit thanks so much be right back yeah
Channel: Easy Allies
Views: 96,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easy Allies, Videogames, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC Game, games, gaming, twitch, Reactions, Reacts, showcase, PS5, The Game Awards, Sega, Blade, Monster Hunter Wilds, Final Fantasy, Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Crazy Taxi, Hideo Kojima, Alan Wake 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Geoff Keighley, TGA, 2023, TGAs, Awards, Reveals, Announcements, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Id: 3l2zFBdQw2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 243min 39sec (14619 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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