(Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett) Father's Little Dividend 1951 | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 4k Full Movie

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Ellie. Ellie, Hurry up, we've only got five minutes. I'll be right down. I'd like to say a few words about what's happened to me over the past year. You women may not sympathize. You think men have it easy, but that's where you are wrong. "Man" is a very delicate and sensitive mechanism. If you treat him right, flatter and butter him up a little bit, he's good for years, but if somebody rocks the boat, well… you know how it is, men. You work hard for years trying to build a home, raise a family, and then comes one wonderful day when, for the first time in life, you feel ahead of the game. Things have eased up at the office. The kids are all set, married, or well along in school or both, and you're raring to go. You think of all the wonderful things you'd have done in your life if just you had time. You'd go fishing. You'd go big game hunting. You might even climb Mount Everest. Anyway, you're on top of the world. You begin to feel you're a combination of Don Juan and Columbus, and that's just the moment they choose to let you have it. I remember it was just a year ago today. I caught my usual commuter's train. It was late as usual. It was such a beautiful day that I let the bus go by and walked home from the station. It was one of those first warm days in May when everything seems to come to life. -Hello. -I felt particularly well. I was thinking what a lucky man I was with a nice house all paid for, three children all paid for, and a beautiful wife. Ellie. -Hi, Pop. -Hi, boys, hello, Delilah. -Hello, Mr. Banks. -Ellie, I'm home. Coming. Ellie was radiant that night, she seemed to be floating on air. -Stanley, what kept you this late? -Such a nice day, I walked. -Stanley. -What's the matter? Can't a fellow kiss his wife? You won't have time to change, we have to start now. Where are we going? Kay and Buckley asked us to their apartment for dinner tonight. She called this morning to say she had good news. Oh, old Buckley put over the deal with the chain stores, huh? That plastic bag of his? I don't think that's the big news, it's much more important than that. More important than that, that means thousands of dollars. I don't know, what could be more important? Something. -Nothing, get my coat, will you, dear? -Yes. -Night, Tommy, night, Ben. -Good night, Mom. Kay was sorry she couldn't have you two, but she had to have Buckley's father and mother. -Is Kay going to cook? -Mm-hmm. -You better take your bicarb with you. -Oh, no. -Boys, don't be so loud. -Your jokes get funnier every year. -I promised she could go to the movies. -You'd think that… -Ben, drop her on your way to the game. -Okay. Delilah, stack up the dishes and glasses or you'll miss the first of the picture. Okay, Mrs Banks. Tommy, don't study too late, if the rug man calls, tell him to call again… Stanley? What's got into you? It's spring. It must be. Yes, sir, we're in a rut, Ellie. Not that it isn't a pleasant rut, but we must get out of it. -You're a very beautiful woman, Ellie. -Stan. A very, very beautiful woman. The trouble is I never see you. When I get home, you ask if I've seen the hole in the carpet or I'll fix the leaky faucet. -I'm sorry. -I don't mean that it's your fault, no. I think we ought to forget about it, the house, the whole thing. Go away and take a trip. No reason why we can't, we're as free as the air. Like when we were first married, before Kay came along. Only this time, we're not broke. We can even go to Europe. I think we've got to wait and hear what Kay has to say. Honolulu, what about Honolulu? -That's the place, how about it? -We'll see. Oh, sure. Waikiki Beach. Moonlight on Waikiki. Flowers, ukuleles, romance. A bling, bling, bling. Blingety, bling, bling, bling. I'll call the travel agency in the morning and find out about those trailers. -Hi there. -Hello, darling. There she was, my Kay, the darling of my heart. I couldn't yet believe she was a married woman. She still seemed like a kid to me playing at keeping house. -How are you, feeling all right? -Feeling all right? Look at her, how does she look? -Never looked better in her life. -Oh, thank you, Pops. -How is he treating you? -Oh, fine. -Do you miss him? -Don't talk. -Hello, hello. -Buckley, dear. I was full of human kindness' milk that night. I even looked at my son-in-law with a friendly eye. I don't say that he was my ideal, but I was getting used to him. Father Banks, how are you, nice to see you. -How have you been? -Give me your hat. -Don't just stand. -Thanks. Say, do you think you can do away with that Father Banks stuff. -Just call me Stanley. -Okay, Stan. -Not Stan, Stanley. -Stanley. -Yes. Okay, Stanley. -How about golf on Sunday? -Oh, you're on. -Doris, it's wonderful to see you again. -Well, Herbert, old boy, how are you? -Oh, so so. So, so? Well, you look wonderful. -Doris, how are you? -How are you? -What's wrong with the old man? -Spring always takes it out of him. Takes it out and puts it into me, doesn't it? You got the same message we did? -Yes. -Some important news. -That's right. -What is it, Kay, I can't wait. -Have your cocktails. -Darling, you can't do this to us. -Buckley, tell us, we're all here now. -Thank you, Buckley. -I hope it is. -I know what it is. -Great news, is it Buckley? -Well, I think it is. Oh… Buckley, did you tell them and not us? -Oh, no, no, I guessed it. -You put it over, boy? -Buckley, he's not right. -It's not that horrid contract. -A contract, is that what it is? Thousands of dollars. Oh, we hoped it was a baby. Oh, I'd prayed for a baby, and now to hear this. Mom, that's what it is, it is a baby. -A baby? - What, a baby? Oh, Buckley, that's wonderful. Congratulations. I'd never seen such excitement. Kay was passed around like a loving cup. I can't tell you how delighted I am. That's the way, more! Buckley stood by trying to look modest. He only succeeded in looking slightly half-witted. I grinned and tried to join in, but somehow there was a fly in the ointment. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was definitely a fly. Yes, sir, that's the greatest news I've heard in years. How about that, grandpa? Grandpa. That was the fly. Grandpa. First he steals my daughter, now he makes a grandpa out of me. I wish you'd go to Dr. Bonn's. After all, he's taken care of her all her life. I suppose this man is all right, though. Good gracious, November. That doesn't give me much time, and I have a million things to do. Ben, Tommy. -What do you want them for? -Tell them. Ben, Tommy, wake up. Tommy, Ben, boys, do you hear me? Something wrong, what is it? -What's the matter? -The most exciting news. Kay is having a baby. -Right now? -No, silly, in November. -Poor Buckley. -What do you mean? You wouldn't say that if you were there, he was bursting with pride. We were telling him how delighted we were, and he stood there looking cute and shy. Wasn't he cute, Stanley? -The cutest thing you ever saw. -Oh, all right. You men are all alike, good night, sorry I woke you up. -Night, Ben, go back to your book. -Good night, Ben. Good night, Tommy. No need to broadcast this. Mrs. Dickson, please. Why are you calling people at this time of the night? Please ask her to call Mrs. Banks when she comes in? I have some very important news to tell her. Mrs. Dickson would never forgive me if I didn't tell right away. I think I'll give Kay a baby shower. We could have it on a Saturday, men can come in later. Do we really have to blazon this thing from the house tops? After all, it really isn't our affair. What's the matter, you act like you don't like the idea? I don't. -Why, Stanley, for heaven's sake? -I'll tell you exactly why. First, they don't have enough room for a baby. The apartment isn't big enough for the two of them, much less a baby. -They can always… -Secondly, they can't afford a baby. Babies cost money. The older they get, the more they cost. What do you think they'll use for money? You heard him when I asked him if he had the contract, he said no, but did that phase him? Oh, no, no. He just stood there looking cute, and he's the one who's going to be the father. I'll tell you something. If he has the idea that I'll pay for it, he's got another thing coming. -I just finished paying for the wedding. -Stanley… -Another thing, they ought to wait. -Wait? -For what? -For seven or eight years. What do they know about children, Kay is a child herself. She gets out of college and marries the first guy she comes in contact with. -Now she's saddled with a baby. -Stanley Banks, you listen to me. I left school to marry you, do you remember? Do you remember when we were married? Of course, not. -We were married on 4th September. -What's that got to do with it? -Do you remember when Kay was born? -21st June. Exactly. While my class was graduating, I was home having a baby. Well, I don't… Oh, Stanley, I know they have no money, and the apartment is small, but those things don't really matter, do they? The important thing is that we're going to have a grandchild. Darling, it's like getting a dividend. It's like getting a dividend? Yes, something comes to you, and you don't even have to lift a finger. You have none of the responsibilities of a baby, none of the hardships. All you have to do is love him. Hello, Ruth, I have the most marvelous new for you. I'm going to be a grandmother. -It's like getting a dividend. -Isn't that divine? Oh, we're so excited. Yes, Kay told us about it tonight. Ellie didn't seem to mind the idea. Maybe women were different, but when I thought of a grandfather, well, I was the guy who was going places. The whole world of adventure was waiting for me to give it the nod, and now a grandfather. I thought of other grandfathers I knew, but they were old, old men. Toothless old codger down the street. That client of ours whose only fun was cutting people out of his will. Those ancient dodos at the club. You'd have to use a stethoscope to be sure they were still living. I didn't belong with them, I wasn't ready for the mothballs yet. Well, I hadn't even begun to live. The only trouble with me was I was a little out of condition. I spent the next afternoon in the gym. Thanks! Oh, that's fine, thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. That evening, I felt like a million, but the next morning, I felt closer to 100. Oh! Stanley, Buckley is here for your golf match. -What's the matter, what have you done? -I don't know. -Nothing. -Here, let me help you. -No, no. -Where's the pain? -It's all over. -Whatever did you do, what happened? -I'll call Dr. Bonn and get him over now. -No, I don't want any doctor. Stanley, it might be your appendix. If… -I haven't got an appendix, and you know it. -Well, I'll get Buckley. -Buckley? If I don't want a doctor, I certainly don't want Buckley. -I thought he might be able to help. -Help? Don't you think he's done enough? All I want is a hot bath with some Epsom salt. I'll talk to Buckley and be right back. Buckley, Buckley… The next week, Ellie gave what she called a stork shower. This is one form of highway robbery not punishable by law. Kay, here's one you haven't opened. -Delilah, be sure to keep a la carte. -Yes, Mrs Banks. Stanley. How wonderful that you got home in time, you should see the things they gave Kay. Everyone was so sweet, they all brought her something. -What else could they do, honey? -Stanley, you make it sound so sordid. -Come on in, Kay is in there. -No, that's no place for a man. Hi, Pops, where are you going? Don't you want to come and see my plunders? -I'll see it later. -Oh, come on. Stanley, when done, I have something important to talk about. -I'll be in the kitchen. -All right. Come on now, you should see everything I have. Darling, I have to leave now. No, go over and talk to Buckley, he's all by himself. Buckley looked like a man going down to the third and last time, but I decided to let him stew in his own juice. Well, what do you want, Ma? I wanted to talk to you before the Dunstans got here. You know how worried I've been about how we'll rattle around in this house after Ben leaves for school in the fall. -Mm-hmm. -Well, I had a wonderful idea today. Oh. I say we ask Kay and Buckley to move in with us. Ellie, are you crazy? Stanley, it would be so simple. We could make a sitting room for them out of Kay's old bedroom and knock through a door to Ben's room, and that could be their bedroom. Then, if we put Tommy in the spare room, we could put connecting doors from the bathroom, and that would be the nursery, right next to our room. We could knock through a door to our room so if the baby cries,… Yes, that would be great… No, Ellie, no. Stanley, it won't cost much, I had the contractor over here today. It's a perfect place for the baby. The wonderful thing would be if they wanted to go out some evening or even go away for a week or two, they wouldn't have to worry. -We'd be right here to take care of it. -Yes. Now look, Ellie. I know how anxious you've been to get your hooks into that baby, but the answer is no, I've been all through that. The two o'clock feedings, colic, measles and the rest of it, and I'm not going through it again especially with somebody else's baby. I wish you wouldn't be like that, it would be fun to have a baby here. You can go over to see the baby when their apartment is washed and ironed, but it's not coming here, that's final. -You know it isn't big enough. -Tell them to buy a house. -They can't afford a house. -They should have thought of that before. I don't understand how you can be so hard on a poor, innocent little baby. Moms, Pops, the Dunstans are here. Would you please come and talk to them, I got to say goodbye to the girls. Of course. Come on, Stanley. Doris, Herbert, we were afraid you weren't coming. Well, well, Ellie. How's Grandpa Banks? -What's the matter? -I am a little stiff from exercising. Exercising, you're crazy. Look at me, fit as a fiddle. I always say the only exercise I get is in burying the men that take it. This baby is the best thing that ever happened to Herbert. It's given him a new lease on life. -Sit down, I'll have Delilah get… -No, no, not now. You sit down, Ellie. You sit down. Oh, I beg your pardon, dear, because I've got something I want to show you. Kay, Buckley, come here, I want you to see your present. Here, take this out of the way. We'll need a lot of room. Here old boy. -What is it? -It's a blueprint. Here, hand me that chair. A blueprint for the future. A blueprint for happiness. Stan, just hold that side down, and you hold the other side, Ellie. Now, you two kids, take a look at that. -What is it? -It's your new home. Home? -What do you mean? -Well, I'll tell you. I was looking at our house the other day, and it came to me like an inspiration. That whole west wing, was the perfect place for you kids, so I called my architect, and I had him come right out. Here, let me show you. Your own study, your own living room, dining alcove, kitchen and laundry, and over here, baby's room, nurses room and master bedroom. It's all plenty commodious. Ellie was fit to be tied. She saw that baby slipping out of her hands. The living room is 26 by 22. Is that big enough? Best of all, you'll have two babysitters ready-made. That's right. Well, kids, how about it? It's wonderful, isn't it, Buckley? -Yes, Gee, Dad, it's swell of you. -I'll get that tea now. Now, you understand, of course, there's nothing final about these plans. I want to give you a general idea of what it might look like. Now, if you'd like to have your entrance here, that can be managed. -I'll call the architect… -What's wrong? This is all your fault, it never would've happened if you'd let me ask them here. I don't get it. You're more excited about this baby than you were about any of ours. You don't understand. This is the time Kay needs me the most. I was to take so much off her shoulders, help her with the shopping, and help fix the baby's clothes and fix the house. All right. Ellie, if it means so much, have it here, I don't care. Too late, they're going to the Dunstans, We'll never see them. Ellie, don't be silly now. You heard what Doris Dunstan said. This baby was the best thing in the world that ever happened to Herbert. To Herbert. They'll take over that baby, body and soul. -Ellie, this is ridiculous. -Don't talk to me. You are acting like… It was so sweet of you, so wonderful. We'll never be able to thank you enough, but it's really better this way. We'd only have gotten in your way. I'm sorry you went through all this trouble and expense, Dad. We should have told you sooner. Have you already bought it? Well, practically, we made a deposit on Sunday. -I see. - What's this? Kay, have you got a house? I didn't realize that you were in the position to buy. Well, yes… We got a mortgage from the bank. -A mortgage? -What's wrong with a mortgage? -I had a mortgage a few years ago. -Tell me all about the house, Kay. -Where is it? -It's in a new development. -It's just darling, isn't it? -Yes. It's big enough for me to take care of easily. There's a nice backyard for the baby, and Bob and Phyllis will buy out there. Is it furnished? It isn't, we thought we could buy some unpainted furniture. -Sure. -Oh, you can't lift a finger. You don't have to do a thing, I'll do it all. What's a mother for, I'd like to know? Ellie was off again. For the next few weeks, I'd stop at the new house to pick up Ellie. She was working time and overtime. -Hi, Pop. -Hi, Kitten. -Well, how are you? -Wonderful. Come on in, see what we're doing. -You look fine. -Yes. Oh no, you don't, you stay out in the air. -I'm all right now. -What's the matter? -It's just the smell of the paint. -It still smells. Stanley, make her stay out until Buckley comes. He ought to be here any minute. Let's sit in the shade. I feel so guilty. -Mom's doing so much. -Oh, nonsense. That's the breath of life for her. Where do we sit? -How about over here? -There? -How do you like the house? -It's just right. The Harshes loved it. They wouldn't have moved if it hadn't got too small for them. That must be little Bobby Harsh's, I'll send it to him. Pops, how did you feel when you had your first baby? Did it make any difference between you and Mom? I mean, how did you feel? Well, I felt fine. I mean, really. Well, I felt all right. My nose was a little out of joint at first. I'd been a high man with your mother for a year then you came along and took the spotlight. -You must have hated me. -No, I didn't think it was that bad. I think the worst time was the first night we took you home. We got you home, gave you your six o'clock feeding, and got you bedded down. We went to your room a dozen times in the next hour to see how you were. If you were quiet, we went to see if you were dead. If you cried, we went to see what was wrong with you. I remember lying awake that night thinking to myself: What have we got into? Here we were, two perfectly happy people, free as the air, now we're trapped. Trapped by 20 inches of screaming humanity. Do all fathers feel that way? I only know about myself. I remember that morning, you woke with the dawn screaming your head off. Your mother went in to heat your formula, and I went in to see what I could do about quieting you. I stuck a finger at you, and you grabbed it. Grabbed it with such a grip. From that moment on, you had me hooked. -I hope Buckley gets over it that quickly. -You have to butter him up a little bit. Make him think he's still part of the family. Thank you. Oh, there he is. Hi, honey. -Hi honey! -How are you, darling? Ah. -Hello there, how are you? -Fine, thank you. Well, what new wonders did they accomplish today? You'll see it tomorrow, take her, or you'll be late for the party. -We can help. -There's nothing left to do. -Your father and I will lock up, have fun. - Well, okay, bye. -Goodbye, Stanley. -Where to? -To a party. -Stan, come here, I want to show you. How do you like this shade, isn't it perfectly wonderful? We'll use it in here and in the hall and every place. It'll make the house look larger the same thing with the curtains. I got the most wonderful bargain today at Millan's. Look at that. We got that for all windows, and this is for the bedroom. Wait till you see the price, you'll be very proud. I'm staying right within their budget, I'm having a marvelous time! There's only one thing wrong. I haven't done a thing about the nursery. I could cry about it. -What's the matter? -Herbert's doing it. Dunstan? He was upset about their not moving in with him. He said to at least let him furnish the nursery. He'll give them a crib, a bassinet, a screen and a chest of drawers. It'll probably all be done in 14-karat gold. -What are we going to give the baby? -Stan. Why are you so surprised, didn't you think I'd give the baby a gift? There was something I was looking at today that'd make a wonderful present. Put it in this window, and it keeps the air clean and at the right temperature. It's very pretty and modern-looking, but quite expensive. -What's the name of it? -I don't know. -It will extend this far. -Where did you see it? Downtown. See, you regulate it from here. It controls the air and the temperature at all times, see? No dust, no soot, no pollen. Wonderful, Ellie's idea, I wish we'd had one for Tommy. -He probably won't have those adenoids. -It is wonderful and look over here. I want to show you this. Now you see, you turn it on and leave it here beside his crib. Then you can go out and close the door. If he cries or if there's any change in his breathing, you can hear it from anywhere in the house. They will love that. Here's a combination bath and dressing table. Right, just the right size. What is that over there? That's mine, I thought he might get used to it. -He'll be going there someday. -He will? Yes, I've already registered him in the class of 1973. -I'm a Dartmouth man myself. -That's a good college, too. Stan, notice the height of this bath. A good college. A good college. We beat you in football in 1947, 1948, and 1949, and we shall probably. We have defeated you five years running in hockey. Our bobsled team is probably the finest that has ever been developed in the world's history. -Ellie has made some fresh coffee. -A good college. That's one of your funniest remarks. -No, wait a minute. -You've made some more! -Now, listen here. -You know it scholastically! Yes, but Harvard? Well, what do you think of our little nursery? -Isn't it lovely? -Fine. The wonderful thing is most of it can grow up with him. The shelf, for instance, will hold his toys now, but later, he can use it for his tennis rackets, then… Ellie was right, they had taken over the baby's lock, stock, and barrel. Oh, thank you, dear. -Isn't that a beautiful record, Pops? -Mm-hmm. Mother Dunstan gave it to me, the whole album. I remember I used to listen to classical music while I was waiting for Buckley. I think that's why he whistles so well. Have you ever heard him whistle? No, I haven't. -You should ask him sometime. -Yes, I will. I certainly will. By the way, Son, what will you call your baby? We had some terrible arguments about it, haven't we, Buckley? We've gone through the telephone books, dictionaries and baby books. Finally, we found a couple of names we both liked. Come on, sit down here, sit down! If it's a boy, we thought we might call him Andrew. Andrew, who's Andrew? Well, there's Andrew Jackson and Andrew Nordell, my doctor. Besides, we like the name Andrew. -We both like the name Jonathan. -Oh, no, not Jonathan. I'd call him plain John. Well, we also thought we might call him Michael. -That's a good name. -You can't call him Michael. I went to school with a Michael, and he smelled. Ellie, just because your Michael smelled, doesn't mean that all Michaels have to smell. A name that I've loved ever since I first read Little Women is Laurence. Laurie, remember how dear he was? How about Timothy, that has everything. Do you like the name of Timothy, Kay? -Well, I… -Ellie. They've already told you they've been all through this. Why do we suggest any more names? Besides, the names they have are wonderful. Jonathan, Michael, Andrew, they're all wonderful names. You have to think of two names that go together. Andrew Dunstan, that doesn't sound very good. Stanley, they haven't made up their minds, they need our help. If I may interrupt, you're going about this all wrong. My idea would be to use a family name. That's right, the first grandson is always supposed to have the name of the paternal grandfather, isn't he? No, Doris, that's not what I meant. I was thinking of my great-grandfather, Malcolm or Uncle Wilbert. Well, if we're talking about family names, what about Stanley? Stanley Dunstan, that ought to satisfy everybody. -Well, we did think about that. -No, no, no! -One Stanley in the family is enough. -You're right. How about Cornelius, that's a family name. Then let's see, there's Gregory, Dexter, and David. I had some wonderful names in my family, too. Milo and Hennington. Hennington, that's nice, that would be a nice name. We're all talking about boy's names, what if it's a girl? -We've got to decide on a girl's name. -It won't be a girl, don't worry. -The Dunstans always run to boys. -I'm not worried, I want it to be a girl. -I like girls. -Come on now. -Where are you going, darling? -I thought I'd wash the dishes. -Nothing of the sort, I'll do them. - Mom, please let me go. You do too much, Kay. -You must rest more. - I disagree with you. -Some work is good for her. -She should have a maid. Of course, I don't mean she should work if tired. It's this young doctor of hers. I've always said she should've gone to our family doctor. -We wanted her to go to our doctor, too. -There's nothing wrong with my doctor. He's fine and wonderful. He told me not to pay any attention to… Nobody seems to realize this is my baby, mine and Buckley's. You seem to think with the way you talk… I'll have you know this time I'll have my baby the way I want to. Now that we've succeeded in reducing her to hysterics, what do you say we get out of here and go home? -She's just high-strung. - Where are your things? -In the bedroom. -I'll get them. Come here. -Oh, thanks. -Pops? -We're going to run along, Kitten. -Please come in, Pops. Go ahead, I'll take those things. Pops, that was horrible. I was terrible. -They'll never forgive me. -No, no. We deserved much worse than that. It wasn't you. You never interfere, but the others… Mother and Father Dunstan and Moms. I'm doing too much. I'm doing too little. She wants a girl. They want a boy. No matter what the baby is, somebody will be disappointed. Yes, I think what you'll have to do is have twins, one of each sex. Thank heavens for you, Pops. -You're the only one with any sense. -No. I'm as bad as the rest of them, but I'll tell you this, there'll be no more of it. It'll never happen again. We'll never gang up on you again, believe me. -Thanks, Pops. -You relax, Kitten. From now on, it'll be your way. -You won't let them make a fuss with Dr. Nordell, will you? What do you mean? The Dunstans said they were going to have a talk with him. -You won't let them do that, will you? -Of course, I won't. What nonsense, he's your doctor. You have confidence and faith in him. No one has a right to destroy that confidence. Thanks, Pops. It isn't their fault, really, it's just… Well, I guess they just don't understand the new way of looking at things. Well, after all, as Dr. Nordell says, birth is a perfectly natural thing, a glorious thing. He wants you to be conscious every minute, so they don't miss a second of it. He believes a woman should be aware of the wonderful thing happening to her. Another thing. He doesn't believe that a woman should be separated from her baby for one second after it's born. You should carry it with you right back to your room and keep it there with you. Sleeping right there with you in your hospital room. That is a little new, isn't it? Oh, Pops, that's not new. Primitive woman has always done it. Dr. Nordell was in the Pacific, and he said the women there were never separated from their babies. They kept them slung on their backs for the first two years of their lives. He said it was wonderful for the babies. He said if he had his way, all of his mothers would do that. You'd carry them on your back while you were doing housework. When it got hungry, you'd swing it around and feed it, and then swing it back again. He says it gives the baby a wonderful feeling of security. -Darling, you're sure that this doctor… -Oh, Pops, you'll not start that, too. No, no. Dr. Nordell is wonderful. -He's marvelous. -Yes. Well, he's terribly wonderful. Darling, I am sure he is. I am sure he is. -Thank you. - I'm sure of it. -Now, you just go to sleep and relax. -Okay. -Good night, Pops. -Good night, darling. Dr. Nordell will be with you in a minute, please be seated. Thank you. I just don't like the idea. I thought we and the Dunstans said last night that we weren't going to interfere anymore in their affairs. I won't have my daughter walking around for two years with a papoose on her back. Darling, that's figurative. -He didn't mean that literally. -Well, I just want to be sure. -Good morning. -Good morning. -Good morning. -I am so glad you came. Now I've met the whole family. Mr. and Mrs. Dunstan Sr. were in this morning. They were anxious and thought Kay was doing too much. but I convinced them that she was all right. -That's a wonderful daughter you have. -Thank you. Oh, excuse me. -Won't you, Mrs. Banks? -Thank you. What can I do for you? Well, my wife has been a little worried, too, and you know how mothers are at this time, only daughter, and all that. I thought the best thing to do would be to bring her here and let her talk with you. I think that's very sensible. What particularly worries you, Mrs. Banks? -Well, actually, I… -Actually, it's the whole thing, isn't it? I mean, about it all being so natural and everything. I'm trying to take away any fears she might have. The fear of pain can really produce pain, but if she understands the whole process, if she has confidence in me, if she knows I'll be there to help her when she wants help, if she trusts me, that's half the battle, isn't it? Yes, it is. Then afterward, having the baby in the room with her, I'm trying to persuade mothers to go back to caring for their babies themselves, feeding them themselves, bathing them and being close to them, instead of handing them over to a nurse. I know this a lot to ask of your daughter. It's a full-time job, but believe me, the rewards will be great not only for the baby, but for Kay. There you are, Ellie, I told you, all of your worry for nothing. Thank you, Doctor. You were nice to give her so much of your time. It's to my advantage. If I have you with me, then everything will be much easier. -You certainly have us with you. -Thank you very much, Doctor. You can calm down now. -Come on now, Ellie, the doctor is busy. -Goodbye. For the next month or two, everything was peaceful, too peaceful. I should have known it was the calm before a storm. Ellie, answer the telephone, Ellie. Hello. Hello. Buckley, what… Buckley, you know what time it is? It's a quarter to 3:00. I'm sorry I didn't realize. -Is Kay there? -Kay? Why, of course, she isn't here. What would she… Hello, hello? Buckley, I'll take this downstairs, hang on. Hello. Now, what do you mean, is she here? I thought if she was there, I could come and pick her up. When did she leave, what time did she leave? I don't know, I've been out for a few hours. I just got back a little while ago. What was it, a fight? Did you have a fight? Well, we had an argument, yes. Look, if anything happens to her, I'll kill myself. Don't worry, I'll do it for you. Did she take anything with her, a bag or anything? She took her hat box, umbrella, toilet case, her toothbrush, and her… Oh, well, don't worry about it then. If she took her toothbrush, she's not headed for the river. Did you call anybody or try anybody else on the phone? Well, you might do that. All right, I'll be right over. -Any word? -No. -Did you call her friends? -Everyone I could think of and the hotels. I can't wait any longer, I'll call the police. No, wait a minute, don't do that yet, maybe we can figure this out. -Did she take the car? -No. Is there a bus that runs by at this hour? -Anybody that might have picked her up? -I've covered the field. -It must be a cab, what's the number? -Fairview 61098. There's no use asking them. They said they don't give out information except to the police. -Fairview 61098, please. -They had to make it a blanket rule. There were too many wives wanting to leave their husbands. -Did she have much cash? -I don't believe so. I give her money, but she keeps losing it. -Is this the first time she's left you? -What do you mean by that? Oh, come, my boy, I'm married, too. Now, has she ever done anything like this before? No. She locked me out a few times, but that's all. Hello. Hello, the Green Cab Company? I know this is against your rules, but I would appreciate it if you would help me out. Did you get a call last night from 324 Adams Street? Look, I told you once, it's against rules. Well, I'm not her husband. I'm her father, and she's… Well, she's… She's expecting. You know how they are in that condition, sometimes they do things… If you could find it in your heart to help me, I would appreciate it. Well… -There was a call. -Where did you take her? Thanks very, very much, sir. We won't forget this. -Where did she go? -Home. Home? Home, what do you mean home, this is her home. I'm sorry, I mean my home. -Come on. -I'll wait here. Do you want her to come back, or don't you? Yes. Then you'll have to go and get her. That's the first law of marriage. You can't expect any self-respecting wife to come home under her own power. I don't suppose you want to tell me what the quarrel was about. If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it. Okay. I'm unsure if you know, but your daughter has a terrible temper. I'm sorry. This business tonight, it's like a child, and a spoiled child at that. She's got to grow up. She's got to be made to realize that she can't be running to you every time there's something she doesn't like. Well, what do you want me to do, pack up and move? -Hi, Pops. -Hi. Forgot your key, I suppose, why didn't you ring? I didn't want to wake you and Moms. I'm all right. The doctor told me to sleep with plenty of fresh air. You had your share of it tonight, come on. First, I want you to know this, Pops. I've left Buckley. I've left him for good. I wish you'd tell Moms for me. Ask her not to fuss. It's no use. It's over for good and all. I'd rather not have to talk about it. All right, Kitten, it will be however you want it. Come on, I'll have your room ready in a jiffy. Pops, why did it have to end like this? Everything was so wonderful at first. I felt fine. Everybody was so sweet to me. It takes too long, that's all. Drags out too long. I'm ugly now. -I'm clumsy. -Oh, darling. Darling, don't say that. Don't you know you have a beauty now that you never had before? I know what I look like. I'm dumb and stupid. I can't do any of the things I used to do. Now, when I need him most, I've lost him. He doesn't love me anymore. You mustn't think things like that. He loves you more than ever, he's frantic with worry. He said to me if anything happened to you, he'd kill himself. What do you mean? Did he call you? He's right out there now. I suppose he told you everything. He didn't tell me anything, he said you had an argument. An argument? That's wonderful. Do you know what it really is? There's someone else, Pops. He's found someone else. He goes off and leaves me every night and tells me he goes to the office, but it isn't true. I've called the office, and he isn't there. He's in love with someone else. Darling, don't. Please don't. We'll talk about it tomorrow, you've to get your rest now. I'll send him away, I'll send him away. She's here, she's been asleep. I wouldn't talk to her if I were you in the mood she's in now. -Did she say why we had a fight? -Yes. Look, I'd like to say something, just for the record. It's not true, not a word of it. I've been working every night. After all, I'm going to have a baby. You know, I want to give him… She said that she phoned me twice there, and nobody answered. Believe me, it must've been a few minutes I stepped out for a cup of coffee. I told her this again and again. She won't believe me. You ought to have more sense than argue with her at a time like this. You know she isn't herself. Well, I'm not myself either. Look, I even thought of having a man call Kay and tell her, then I said to myself, she doesn't believe me, she doesn't believe me that I'm working like crazy night after night for her and the baby. If she doesn't take my word, then it doesn't matter. It's finished anyway. -It's off, it's finished. -Wait a minute. We'll all talk about this in the morning when we've had some sleep. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing more to say. May I use your phone to call a cab? I'll drive you home as soon as I get Kay settled. Thanks, I'd rather take a cab. Suit yourself. He's calling a cab. I suppose he denied everything. He told me his side of it. You don't believe him, do you? Darling, I only know that he really loves you. Oh, that isn't true. He doesn't love me. He doesn't care whether I live or die. -I never should have married him. -It's a little late to think about that. Come on, you must get your sleep, darling. -Come on now, I'm going to… - Forgive me for interrupting. Your phone is out of order. That's ridiculous. Out of order? Hello, operator. You take him home, Pops. I can take care of myself. Operator? You're not supposed to carry things, you know that. -I'll take them up. -We don't need your help, do we, Father? No, here, I'll take them up. You don't have a room down here, some place you can fix up as a bedroom. There's a couch in the living room. I find it hard. You're not supposed to walk up and down stairs. Another thing, she's supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day. -She forgets, so if you could remind her. -I'll try. Her exercise also. Dr. Nordell wants her to walk two to three hours each day. An hour in the morning and in the afternoon, Usually, we take a walk in the evening, and should be in bed at 9:30. -I'll try to remember. -The calcium pills, did you bring them? -No, I forgot. -I'll go home and get them. Why not in the morning? I'll give your father when he takes me home. -Darling, your shoe is off. -Buckley. You know you can't do them yourself. Oh, Buckley. Buckley, what's happening to us? Haven't you heard? We're having a baby. Stanley. Stanley. Stanley, time to get up. Wake up, sleepy head. As the days went on and nothing happened, the tension mounted. Buckley watched Kay as if she were a time bomb. That's our book. Oh. What is it, Kay, what's the matter? I reneged. I had a heart in my hand all the time. I don't know what I must be thinking about. As November came and the great event drew nearer, we all waited with bated breath. -Is that the phone? -No, dear. Well, I guess I'll get a little air. -Stanley. -Hmm? Since you're going, would you give this to Kay? Who said anything about Kay? I never could fool Ellie, but I hoped I could fool Kay. -Stanley, how are you? - Hello. -Hi, Pop. -Hi. This a beautiful night, did you see those stars? -Mom sent me over with this. -Oh, thanks. Go on, open it up. Don't mind us men. -Let me take your coat. -I can do it all right. -Well, at least let me help you. -All right. I'm glad you came by tonight, she's awfully low. -Is something wrong? -No, she's just nervous. I wish you'd talk to her. -Oh, it's lovely. -What is it? A beautiful bed jacket. Isn't that pretty? You certainly are going to knock their eyes out at the hospital. I'll pack it right now. Kay, now that your father's here, I'd like to get some cigarettes. -You don't have to run right along. -No, I could squeeze out a few minutes. I won't be long. Hold everything till I get back. -You look wonderful, Kitten. -I feel fine. It's just Buckley. I wish you'd talk to him, he's so jittery. What's he jittery about? He's afraid that something will go wrong. Aw. He shouldn't feel like that. Of course, I can't tell him that it's going to be easy for you. It may not be, but I do know that when the time comes, you mothers seem to have a courage and a strength you never knew you had. I hope so. I hope so. As far as anything going wrong, doctors and scientists have been working for hundreds of years so that you and your baby can be safe. Nothing is going to go wrong, you know that? I know. Pops. I wish it was all over. It will be soon, darling. I'm sure when you hold your baby in your arms, you'll think it was worth anything you went through. Aren't I silly? It's like the first day you took me to the dentist. Every night, we'd put our clothes where we could grab them in a hurry. We were like members of a fire brigade ready to jump at the first alarm. Well, it could happen almost any time now, huh? I suppose so, or some time within the next to or three weeks. Two or three weeks? I couldn't live like this for another two or three weeks. -Hello. -Sorry to wake you. I just brought Kay to the hospital. I don't know anything yet, the doctor is with her now. We'll be right there. You can't do that, you really have to dress. We can't tell how long we'll be down there. -Remember to put the razor in your pocket? -The razor? Yes, your electric razor. It doesn't matter where you have to go to shave and a clean shirt. Darling, wake Tommy, please, and I guess we'd better wire Ben. You can phone him at the gym. I must remember to tell Delila to make breakfast in case the baby is born by then. -What kept you? -Well, I was getting dressed. I had to get my clothes on. -I'll drive. -No, no, come on. If we don't hurry, the baby will be born before we get there. -You can't drive. -Come on. The baby will be born, and you'll never get there if you… Don't go so fast, Ellie, we're in a business district. Ellie, slow down a little bit. -Ellie, for heaven's sake. -I had the right of way. Keep your eye on the road. Your tie is on crooked, fix it. Ellie, gasoline! Come on, pull over and let me drive. -Come on. -Stanley, be careful. -No, you can't make it, there's a train. -Will you relax? You're making me nervous. Do you realize what you've done? You've broken every regulation in the book. You passed everything on the wrong side, gone through red lights and exceeded the speed limit. I know, but this is an emergency. For the first time in my life, I longed for a motorcycle cop. Park it, will you, Stanley? What's the matter, what happened? Nothing happened. It was a false alarm. I'm sorry we brought you all this way. No, it's all right, nothing at all. -Good night, darling. -Good night. -Good night, dear. -Good night, I'm sorry. -Is that grey car over there yours? -Yes, it is. -Is something wrong, officer? Yes, lady, there is. It's parked in front of a fire hydrant. After a week, the strain became too much for me. I decided to take a sleeping pill. Hello, we'll be right there. -What? -Its already here. It's a boy. He arrived just a half an hour ago. Oh, Kay's fine, the doctor says everything is just fine. -Yes. -That's wonderful. Wonderful. Give her our love. Give her our love. Ellie. -Ellie. -Hmm? Remind me to tell you something in the morning. Tell me what, Stanley? Tell me what? Stanley, wake up. Tell me, is it something about Kay? -Stanley. -It's a boy. Oh, Stan. Oh, isn't it wonderful? A boy. I wondered if they were crazy, or was I? He looked as old as Methuselah to me. All he needed was a derby. Hello, boy, we'll be seeing you soon. Isn't he a darling? -Who do you think he's like? -He's exactly like Kay. -Like Kay? -I think you're wrong there. He's a Dunstan through and through. -What will they call it? -It? Call him, son, him. I believe they're talking about calling him Herbert. I believe they are. Oh, Herbert, isn't that wonderful? I hope you don't mind, since you are the maternal grandfather, I… Oh no, it's their son. In fact, I think Herbert is the name for him. Oh well, I… I admit he looked a little better by the time Kay got him home. -Perfect. -Good. Look at him, did you ever see anything so good? Did they have pictures taken? -When will he be christened? -In five or six months. We want to wait for Reverend Glosworthy. Come on, Pops, have your picture taken with the baby. -No, no, no. -We've all had ours taken with him. -Come on, old man. -Please, Pop. Come on, do it for me, I want pictures of the two of you. We'll seat him right here. -How about that, is that all right? -He's smiling at you. Hurry Stan, catch him just like that. -There we go. -No, don't give him to me. -Take him. -No, you sit down. Now, go on and smile at your grandfather. -See, it's no use, I told you. -Turn him around so we can see his face. Come on, turn him around, that's it. Oh, see… Look, look! Look, I… Take him, please. Please take him. What's the matter? My goodness. -Stanley, what did you do to him? -What do you mean? I didn't do anything to him. I think he's tired. We really must go. By the way, Stan, I had this made up for you. It's a photographic record of the baby from the day he was born. Here, look at his hair, and then wait… Take a look at that. Here. Isn't it amazing? Well, he changes every day. Not to me, he doesn't. -Coming, dear? -Here, put it in your pocket. Show the boys you know. -Goodbye, dear. -Goodbye. Good bye, Stanley. Take good care of our drake big boy. -Come here. -Coming, darling. How about a big drake drink? Pops? Yes, dear. -Come in, he's quiet now. -Oh, no, no. -Now look, it's no use. -It doesn't have anything to do with you. It's just that there were so many other people around. It scared him. Come on. The baby is going to smile. Oh, come on in. See, everything is all right now. He's not scared any more, is he, darling? Now, you've got a nice man here, and you're going to give him a big smile because you're a good boy. Now, look who's come to see you. Who is that, huh? -Wow. -Who is that? Is that your grandfather? Yes. Oh, honey, you terrible child. -What happened? -Nothing. He just took a look at me. That's so funny, he's such a good-tempered baby. The doctor said he'd never seen a baby with such a great disposition. -I'm sure. -It isn't because you're a man. He was smiling all over the place at Herbert. Pops! Well, now come on, let's blow. Pops. We've come to apologize. We want to say that we're very sorry for being so rude. Now, you tell him that you forgive him. Come on, give him a great big smile, and tell him how much… -You little brat. -It's all right, darling. He's gone now. -It's all right, the man's gone. -Yes Do you know what I think it is, it's your tie. -If you'd take off your tie. -I am not going to take off my tie. It's a nice tie, and I like it. It was a present from Tommy, and I won't take it off because he dislikes it. Stanley, the way you talk, he's a baby, an innocent little baby. -He doesn't know what disturbs him. -He is not an innocent little baby. He's an individual with definite likes and dislikes. As an individual, I respect his right to have likes and dislikes, but I also reserve the right to have a few of my own. From that time on, I gave him a wide berth. It was live and let live between us until one weekend, six months later. Mr. Bank's house? Well, yes, but what… Hello. Thank you. Good evening, Mr. Banks. See you tomorrow. The thing I had feared had come to pass. He had invaded the sanctity of my home. -Hi, Pops. -Hi, Kay. You have a visitor. -Is it all right with you, you don't mind? -Oh. -No, I'm delighted. -He's nice, Pops, really. It's just that you two got started on the wrong foot, that's all. I thought if I left him here for a few days alone with you… -Alone? -I won't be here myself. I'm going to Boston. Buckley has to see Mr. Wellsburg there, the chain store man. He asked me to come, I couldn't leave the baby, but Mom said to go ahead, and she'd take care. Pops, I know you'll love him just as soon as you get to know him. He has been a little strange. -There's my taxi, I've got to run. -Yes. Remember this, Pops, if he peeps at you, you have my permission to spank him good. -Bye, Mom. -Goodbye, yes. Bye! Stanley, is that you? Yes, it's me. The most wonderful thing has happened, I thought you'd never get here. Yes, Kay told me. Come up and see him, quick. Of course, we're not quite organized yet. -Where is he, I don't want to step on him. -In the bureau drawer there. What is that? Well, that's my dress scarf. What are you doing with my dress… What's going on? Look here. -What are you doing with my… -What did you do? -He's eating my scarf. -That's all right, dear, it's clean. It can't hurt him, can it, my darling? Does he have to be in that drawer with all my shirts? I put your shirts out right there, you can put them back now. Oh, little lovekin. Who's the lovekin? Stanley, it's so wonderful having a baby in my arms again. Who's a sweet boy? -Who's an angel? -Look at these shirts. Who's going to sleep in a nice, big room? -Will he sleep in this room? - No, at Tommy's. -Where's Tommy going? -Into Ben's room. I want him here, so I can hear him if he cries. He's good, but it's a strange house, with no mommy or poppy. He will be a good boy, won't he? Of course, he is. Sorry, I can't go to the Dicksons, but you're going anyway. I phoned Ruth, and she's happy to have an extra man. -It's all set. -Well, I'm not going. -No, Stanley. -No, no. I'll not go without you, they're your friends. That's ridiculous, you can't eat here. There's no food in the house, there's last night's cold lamb. -If you don't mind waiting on yourself. -Where's Delilah? -She's making up Kay's room. -Who will sleep there? -You are. -Now, look… It's the only room where you can't possibly hear the baby, and I promised Kay you won't be disturbed. -Everything is ready, Mrs Banks. -Good. Delilah, take these and sterilize them. -You can use the canning pot. -You don't have to tell me, I remember. Mr. Banks, isn't it wonderful having a baby in the house again? It's wonderful, just wonderful. -Great. -Let's get you put here. All week, I looked forward to Sunday morning. No alarm clock, no train to catch, no office, just uninterrupted slumber. I just had to let you see him, he's so cute. -What time is it? -Six o'clock. Six o'clock? Go back to sleep, dear, bye. Say bye-bye. Bye-bye. Oh, no. Oh, no. Sunday afternoon, I counted on a good 18 holes of golf, but Ellie thought the baby and I should get together. Forty-five minutes later, he finally corked off. Hey, hey! Here's your ball. -Hey, will you give me? -I just gave you! Here, here, boys, boys! Stop, stop! Come on, let's get organized, do it right, come on. They were nice kids. I was having a good time. Look, come on, choose sides now. -Thanks a lot. -I'm so glad, thank you. You want to watch that dribble. It was a good game. I was wondering whether to tell Ellie about it. She'd probably think I was crazy playing ball with a lot of kids. Where do you think you're going with… I'm sorry. I suddenly thought maybe Ellie came and got him. I didn't take the train, I flew. I got so homesick for the baby. Where is the baby, shouldn't he be home by now? Don't worry, he's with your father, so he's all right. You should see your father. Hey. Police station. Hurry up. Hello, is anybody here? Is anybody here, hello? Officer, has anybody turned in a baby here? I've lost a baby. -Is it your baby? -No, it's my daughter's baby, my grandson. -Where did you lose him? -I lost him in the park. He was in the park in his carriage. I left him for a second, when I came back, he was gone and the carriage too. -You say you left him for a second. -Maybe a minute or five minutes. Some kids were playing soccer, I went to watch them and got interested. You forgot your grandchild. Well, I guess I did for a minute. That's fine, that's wonderful. They give you a child to mind and you run off and forget him! What's the matter, Jack, losing your marbles? Wait a minute, this kind of talk is… Do you… Did you understand what I said? A baby has been lost, a little baby… Why don't you do what you're supposed to do. Get on the television, teletype or whatever you do. Describe the baby. He's five months, six months old, wearing a little white, you know what babies wear. He's got on a little cap, I think. -Would you know what color his eyes are? -Brown, brown, blue. -I don't know. -Are you sure it's a boy? Yes, I don't blame you. You haven't told me anything that I haven't told myself. My daughter is home waiting for the baby, I don't know what to do, I'm going crazy. I'll do anything, big reward, whatever I have to do, if you'll help me. -It so happens we picked up your baby. -Oh, thank God. It wasn't five minutes you were gone, it was nearly half an hour. Yes, sir. -Where is he, in here? -Yes. Just a minute. What's your daughter's phone number? I'll call her and check. Don't do that, please don't do it. You don't know, I couldn't stand it, I couldn't face her. Please, I promise I'll do anything if you give me the kid. I'll take him home, I won't stop anywhere, I promise you. I'll talk it over with the boys. They've taken quite a fancy to this kid. If they suspect you mistreated him, you'd never get out her alive. All right, they've come for him. I dreaded the moment when he'd see me. I knew if he started to cry, I was cooked. I said a little prayer, "Don't let him cry." "Just this once, don't let him cry." Come on, son, we're going home. Come on. Well, that's my boy. That's my boy. From that time on, I was his pigeon. Yes! The baby's christening day finally came. He was the center of a little world, his grandparents, parents, and godparents, all of us gathered together for the solemn occasion. I felt like we were ganging up on him, pinning the name of Herbert on a poor, defenseless child. Suffer the little children to come onto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Funny how I resented the very idea of him when Kay first told us. I was furious at both of them, making me a grandfather. It seemed to spell the end of my life. Now, I couldn't imagine life without him. Our Heavenly Father now and forever more. Amen. We were coming to his big moment, we all watched him with bated breath. How would he behave? When Reverend Galsworthy took him in his arms, would he be terrified or cry? Not that baby. To him, the Reverend Galsworthy was just another face to be explored. Name this child. Stanley Banks. Stanley Banks, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen. We receive this child in the congregation of Christ's flock, and do sign him with the sign of… Stanley Banks, my grandchild… -He shall not be ashamed. -My first grandchild.
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 359,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old movies, public domain, films, B movies, classic film, cult film, yt:cc=on, पूरी फिल्म, filme completo, película completa, فيلم كامل, subtitles, subtitled, subtítulos en español, legendas em português, Deutsche Untertitel, legendas, sous-titres, Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor, Father's Little Dividend, 4k remasterized, 4k, colorized, classic movie, fathers little dividend 1951, full movie
Id: wWjznQN41s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 21sec (4881 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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